PAGE POUR EDITORIAL COMMENT - F or mer Resident Injects A Needie Iinder the Letters to The Editor tcolumn alongside, Dr. W. W. Bres]in. a former resident of this area who stili owns considerable Christmas tree prop- erty near here, puts into vords some rather damaging criticisrn concerning 13owmanville. * Dr. Breslin bas been a good frîend of ours for many years, but friend or flot, he just can't write that way about arhometown without reoeiving a el admibtsorne of the ihings he has written are quite true. We have indeed been by-passed by industrv in the post-war vears, regrettablv so and even disastrouslv so. And it is difficuit to lay down concrete reasons whv this h as happened. The easiest wav' is t blame the town councils who. undoubt- edly. over a far too prolonged length of time, did virtually n othinq or ver.% littie to encourage new industry bo corne here. We can well recail large in- clustrial prospects which were steered away by short-sighted action or the in- difference of council members. At one time, there was considerable opposition here to additîonal industry in Bowman- ville. But in recent years the reverse has been true. Bowmanville's present industries and officiais of the town would more than welcomne nexv plants to help share the tax burden. But, Bowmanville is far froni dying as Dr. Breslin suggests. Con-pared to many in Ontario, this town is a thriv- ing communîty, making considerable progress at the present tume in the com- mnercial f ield especially. We undoubt- ùdly could also have great growth in population if council feit inclined Io open the f lood gates on new building insteadci f atternpting to keep our res- idential ta\ ratio in line as much as possible, with commercial and industrial assessment. Dr. Breslin doesn't seeni to realize that Bowmanville's business commun- itv is growing rapidly, with at least two chain stores in the process of construct- ing neur outiets and otbers on the verge of followî.,ng. This week we are opening a new, large xing bo our hospita] and soon an addition to the sewage disposai plant wil] be completed bo take care of ihat probleni connected with growth. Do these tlhings indicate a dvin g town? We think flot. No, Dr. Breslin, we may be a bit slow and over cautious when compared with other communities. In fact, we rnay e'oen be about 10 vears too late in thinking about serviced ]and fo attract new industry. but there is still hope as y ou suggest, if we awaken now. This is stuli a good business town and a fine place to live. even if the taxes are a little high. We did needlessly ]ose an industr ', lat elY and our population wvas down something like 61 people last year, but w are starting to smarten up a little now and there is always great hope for the future. Please dont worry about us toc MUch. We do the best we can, but we are hu(.man and unfortunately, at times, it isn't good enough. However, we do expcct and sincerely betieve that Bow- rnanvillc is on the verge of probably is greatest growth in bistorY in all direc- tions. We only hope that your letter will bave served an excellent purpose in bringing a timely messace te us froni one who possibly can sec our town more clearlY than xve can. Last week xve commentcdorit polities generally at bbc federal and provincial level and most of our prognostications bave corne truc. We did ccc in taking for granted Conservative wins in most of the five provirncial by-electiorîs \viclî were held Thursda v, witb thc Liberals takinsZ tbree of thcm. This development places some of our other suggestions on bbc sheif and brings into focus an entirclv ne\v picture. We believe now that bbc Pro- vincial Conservative party wiIl certainly not collaborate with their federal counterparts in holding a vote in On- tario just before tbc national clection. The Ontario goverrnent stili bias two and a haîf \-ears before its terni expires ard, in view of tbc election results wvhich must bave been quite a sbock, cons derable rebuilding and renovabing will bave to be donc b y Premier Robarts before going bo the provincial poîls. -- Wbile there have been great pro- testations frorn Ottawa Conservatives that by-elections dont mean a thing, there must be considerable soul-scarch- ing undcrway there too. Notbing suc- ceeds like sîîccess and, no matter what is said, Mc. Diefenbaker and bis follow- ers can take very littlc comfort frorni the by-election resuits, espcciall-v wbcn he must count rather hcavilv on Ontario constituencies bo produce seats for him in the ncxt gencral election, if hc Ixopes bo win again . . . and there appears to be littie question on that score. Undoubtcdly one of bbe grcatcst surprisesto corne out of bbc by-elcctions was bbc unexpectcdlv poor shoxving of the new National Demnocratic Pactv. We understand that even one of their local representatives had assured bis friends that tbey would definitcl 'v take bbc Beaches ridîng, wbere they i-an third. We doubt if tbev now are as 1One of tbe f inest and nîost ap- propriate citations wc have read, accompanied bbc confcrring of an lion- orary Doctor of Divinity degrec uipon Rev. William Fcanklin Banister ai. Queen's University some weeks ago. Unfortunately, it did flot reach our attention until this week. Dr. Banister's citation bci-med bu a "gifted minister. who joins bo bis talentîs a warm bumanity that draws bobb young and old, and a courage tbat makes him a rallying force in tbc com- muiy, whosc coLinsci in Ihlincs of tlie spirit is vaiued far- beyoîndi he paiisb". His matîv frieîîds of long-standnxg In this community whieri-cle xas Mt ister of St. Pau's IJnited ChturchIil'or several years, xill rejoice xxithsiisfexv- er friends in Kingston wlicîe he is now Jocated, in this recognition of Dr. Ban- JOHN M. JAMES EDIToEt-PttiLISE bopeful of winning manY seats in tbc gencral election as the.), vcre. For -,orne reason, manv thought that with golden- tcngued Tommy Douglas as their lead- er, the7v vere on their waY bo victor.v, but lita provincial magie docsn't, yet show evidence of swaving multitudes to bis cause. So wbhat have wc at, bis point? Liberals ar-e mueb more bopeful, bobli provineiallv and fcderally, Iban they bave been in yeacs. This sbould pro- duce ar excellent crop of federal cand- idates xithout too much difficulty, bo add to Mr. Diefcnbakcr's troubles as be pondeî-s thc best date to appeal to tbc eleetorate. The ,vins vvill also put tbe Libeî-al opposition in a real figbtiing£ rnood at the start of this session of Pailiament at Ottawa and one may rest assuccd the 'y xii spare rio effort to cmujari-ass tite governiment by repeatcly calling for an election in tbeir speeches. Aî'y government cari stand .î so much of ibis tauintingc befor'e itl auinebes an cie c'tic îî If tihe Prime Minister bad bis wa v, \t'e believe be would dclay calling a Vote Lirtil at Ieast faîl of this year, but i t -nua ' well bc that tbe oppositioni cao pester and fi-ustrate bu tonto submis- sîon 't or an April or dune clection. Onflv tume will aitswer that question. As we suggcsted, in lte Speech fi-onthbie Tbrone be bas already met tbe Liberal offer on old age pensions aîtd other xelfare measures and dlef- iîtitel.v wi!l be working bis staff dayv and night ho come up witb other pieces cf legisîctieri Ibat will have a popular appeal. As one oId age pensioner remackcd te us Ibis week "We should have elcc- lionts moi-c often. Lately, everv lime xx'e hcIad one we pet another $10." iSterIS nUtstandîng service te 'his Chu ch and te bis countr.v. A WINTER THIAW Naked trees of a few hours agyo Now w'car- gowns of a silver glcw; Little branches are ail a-glittcr, A tlîousaîîd diamonds beekon bither' Blades cf the dcadest grass bold Ti 'v rainbovs <wacmth flot coldl. Nctx'. lime siimmering sun loosemis Tl'n'ei'it-s as ca-citoe lutste ns 'I'< 'ail tîpoî a cai-pet wh'ite Lîke bieken ri istaîs loto ilite it igl ît. Alit' A wiîiiei- tiîaxvpruntes lime uees As prttvcr puits man's sotîl at case: - 'Mlariomnt Fortd GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS MGR. THr CANADIAY S TATESMAN.I OMNVL1.OTAT xi be kilied in the firrt pl- tack. That porý,lY. jov i a 1 church warden across froro 'cou will be saying that we ought to drop it before the% do. Nanîcd "-I\iss Boating*" for 1962, this pet-t. bIne- eyed blonde. Dine Barnes cf Toronto, will -eign oxer the 41h aniîal Canadian Boat Showv in the Autornotive Buildingý. Torointo, frcm Febî'uarv 2nd to lOtb nexi. This will bc the greatesi collection of boats, motors and marine preduets ever assembled under one roof ini Catnada. Equippcd \xith a trini figure, statistics about "Miss B(mat ing' are "-337-20-:39". SUIGAR SPiICE Tteî'e's sxîîmuuîlîîug gruesome bonitis. iii tl'ci itiresi xxr elias * iliese dayus inii ntg titnihilat- Tîten'a ne la-e Pd. Soniue peuple are s0 ah-,ciii slieltersail sot'bed in thlie vlîxîie îiess and frilttnbgi tîtat 1 Sxvec it ltý"ti hbe disap- <'q îipilîctt ilex Ipetîtteni i i u lîcums (cil. tiiîî Ditelad, a 1 x'e-i, i i ftfi isii e dna g tux'n a.s OttPI ipH pieoufranîr t t sav- More x'nte. î inIl tlîtuuaîiclitîtti xf Ilieti led: itat Sieltet' sup xx thi sernte auti pt tîfia n iriluide a Munu. j xx'airf,îre If t mse k iris Ruexv peseettiOxx'ttigc hlcf is tttl iitflic sct - b- itr x'i< i' lucis onîuî iîr c'ourse cas iblex' intîits. <i ib lîx raid'ialtionîîî allen', \'eit i t it lai hîmît "xl le unc stnipîig tteit. ste s ttiteni 1x tue t1witi lilx it'r- ft i txrlutte c inu illue uiiitii.'tcutebe lcx',iig ~liriige(. mrab"d Ax liiutafitis a uuouîgpeen r xx'lîhafex flue iuuixi-tiientic gveainois. yoii rtierîxs. Tho'ltx'bI casticl' about the gentle x-Îte ati i drosage's <o ,uiii iim ini90i sud ccxi.table xiii îlîuuî' to e lerli.dhi' thi e t tînuber cf ig lists of tbc slculd con- ,~iteil fi Cii- c i it' x coi 'ei'i-.s Il sericuisiless. Ipti c sliouuld forth'tex'Pur- dîxxn au outt- dte tue iiithe- tr mu'( u' \îx'nt- i'()x11'ne nul orii' dîiltkittg 've' veurie t rnt >ucî'l!tît ui bu' elîrîg 01< mtillionsx xxi U'm not frightened by ail this. 1'mn bored. 1'm sick 10 death of uninforrned prattie about m'orld politics from people w'ho think Marx is a TV coniedian. Fve had quite enough Iialf-baked lectures on nuclear fallout from people who couldn't even combine hydrogen and suiphur and corne up with a stink bornb. XVbat 1 catit uîiderstand is .1yeveybodx's so concern- cd. Wliv do we sit around like 50o many' vgbouis at a garder party. lickîng our- lips over 'the borrors Io conie? Are xve - scared or sorntbitîg' o' tbink nobody had ex-et been killed before, x'îoleîîily and painfuily. Yotîd tlîitk no other, civilization bad ever perisbcd before. Siul*iv'ou , ri n ic xx rrîcd about ieax'ing ibis xx'cnld sud- *denîx', Jack'? Wh' ail I'vr ever beard 'xcii dc ixx'orm- plai. Business is terrible. Yotir wîfe iiags. Yoiirînior- rhotds are ac'ting up. Yen cant d ro a ttig xvitlî uir kids. The go\,einement*s tax- iîîg yen tc dcnath. The sait i ruiniitgthe bod v cf vn ur ci-. YOuI'rc workin. ton liard. You bcvceii't thiîoxx-t a dccciiiroc'k in lte ltîst two bonspiels. I'd tliink ycu'd be glad Io be out cf it ail. WtNît's thai? Yoii don't xaîîi le (J e'.? Life is sweel and xxarm aîîd beautiful and yoi loxex cur irx'fc and kids and business us, pickitgig îp aînîc \-oun hottoîrus hetter anîd the ;goecrtimciit culd h' uvense aiid lte ld car's hlil ancmx- \x'tiv and nimu like xx .\-Oueî jUist <'un foi- the fuiii of il?. Weli xv vd i (J î't \-oi sax'1 seo . Anîd xx'at abouti xcu, EFIlel" Ynii ivet.steppcd îîîocnnîg' sînx-e 'voit x'w e îîarried.: Youi"e ncdling te xvccr. No- body appreciates n oui. Thbc fu nuit uris slicbbv. 'hose kids are drnîg vii craz' .Jack's, nexen hoime af i tglts. Yon'nc a ti,'uiuts xvi'ck. llie bouse sntt ncanlY as nie- as Mabel anîd Ciconge's. \'u're irisinîg n dm criss Aîd the xiuircb ix aI- xx'a y'; a f ter rin iI lucRe pies. I'd thitik ý îuu'dI he hatppy te ahdicale. 1il w's that again? 'So i w~oudn't trtîde the xx'iole sor- did mess for a mink <oct, a modeI's looks and figure, a mailsion wxith serv-ants, as long as you can stick around for a few years? Stop -whining, then. En.lo3, w hile youi're still xxith lis. 1 ix.Idxii'i sec xx' l xx"re qliI ,c alarnierlabout. Vorr i ttc Daî'wiîuiat.s aîîîcîg lis, îmulcar %var will e an inter- estiig appipictutionixof thr thlecnn' (if sun ciacf tue fitcst. e Li tii 'cttdrac i oi 1et liileg miuiil.t Andcfxor tie î'c: cf lis gruud Clinisticits. ilxciii iii I Icax ii iat nîîîclî scuiien. Especta liiv lis Al)gliCaiis. W~P'F~jAY .AN. 24t I102 8d /ouli mail-S ( We. *,le ratepa 'vers, expect doitir se, i:'s ard te ' cr 'x our varions parliamnentarv lie an icaLsotiabi (x expi et'l personnel to become upset be ie-insiatcd in fils foi vu. when things go awrN such as job. Foritunsteix' . the M itlitY r m'hen charges of mialfeasance of Reforni Institutionsî lia are levelled at themn- fr in- consenled Io rei vexx the cilsý stanice, the recent tainted We cai't lelp lbut x îîc'lxx meat hassle or the one about John Foote. V.C.. formui Mi- patronage in Renfrew Countv, ister cf Reforni Iîetiiti-xe'( but its bhard to figure out why xxould havec liand(ileui i h f here shoul d be such a dust- guess ii, that, lie %xx ci lii\x up about a civil servant acted quiiekîx- and fairlix f iîg fis grev bair to a glossy this scribhler' u' sIthtîr. if blac'k. the ]atc Walipr Rfl ieli. V.C_ According t0 the news ser- and- former- Goxertier cf 11)n vice, a guard at the Don Jail in Toronto, had been a police- 1mati ini London, Englanld. I wbere, during a rescue opera- L.ele s 7 ) lion, a gas explosion blew tbe bouse up, and the resýultant shock turned the "bobb's: T m e t dark hair wh-ite. Later, " T m emigrated to Canada and s. curcd a job as guard at tb'.îîiîi'x '] Don Jail. In atninterview. on TV, fi( said lie s thirt y year1ý Dean Edîten. of age atnd found it ratben cm- 1 xaiî arîlix iî' hu- lwi u barassing to hav'cis childrenti latI t tîedie x riie i l i expiaiti that lie wvas th1iir statc, <if a ffaîl i B xx*Il) fatlier. flot tbeir grandfather. \x île. if \x ce ilne(etli ' t.' coi as sie assumced because of te[),, il(,e editet cof ni : lus wxhiie bain. se, afller chatt- 'li'ixllnttthixi ig ever is dilcnma xx'th a gration cf îcnui-tn ;wtii -h-, frîed <a Iso a gCuard at the Do,, dimicut ii cioHfxvuin ii ll bastille), lie had the oId top. populaticon. theil Ih tilii cn knot dy cd a dark bue, wbîcil gel cff tflic c ccd . Sx n' î'aus;ed the Governor to bave tbing ili~PLAIN WORI)S- u Ilini cin tbe carpet. suspended 'cour nid. nid ic pî Il b rît, arid final ly, reinstate hlm. nîay be t bat hifore 1Jolix xiI n But thle -uard doesn't like the cirýculatiot, ilvii dpec 1 c idea cf losing those few (sus- iipo!l th.e .lwi xc nît i c pensuin) da 'v's pay and i; ap- Bxmci'il hii île, i te' pcaliing tbe punislîînetî. ci-t O Iî'cuî. rî'i'cnîlii-ux J', Aintliet gUard <laitiis he tiiot 1l(c: lt' Clotelil le t:lwxas suspetîded and later. fired wlîcii Canadtî xx s 'ni I becatise cf the style of clothes tlîneslulîld <if c i ti lic \v ca r s, 'vet in a TV ti- eiciict %iixcd i scen tg tcrx iew appanentîx' an unbias- phase of i tîrustrnul niîtt cd mens- haberdasher stated ,ve v'ere cciîtei t te x'e: that , lie tbougbt the man'z toxxîînscrIved Iv t lic i u:dp civilian attire \mils ini excel- and cjx'nga . pirit c iligît- letît tas> c---neither ton ex- hoîînlinc s îumt1icirn cxii x, treccly contitiental nr ton ex- But xx lii <clie populin ci ii tremely North Amnerican-just creased îînalixl' aîmd tltlîniîit rigbIt Vu'e are ptîzzled as to immigratin, cicoxne ( cv wbhat a matis civilian attire expected tlîat gnîîxtlu Io li lias to dc with bhis job, esper- visible ini Bcxxnîc cx iJl b îial -v a job xlieie he wears axvell as inii tiiithi' o.111heu ii specific utiforni. This (cx) niiities cliig Ilile î:'Ixe guard is a friend cf thle bloke Bttxvbahi liaîs htippciicd*.\ Ji1 unt dx'ed 'is 'a ir aîîd recom- grexx up i iirust rtc liv h iii it)- neiidcd a cnt ai n men's bain- tiibtig: XIi ithv(11 1,dS li dressinig sa loti for the trans- ula tici i ('slIîcxx cic'-îie i iii t fermat ion. Theti there is ann- nopnýi s; 'Tornîtc stil 'l ther guard ini tlis schcmozzlc. Io Pic-ken-in.,. But Bcxvitîtim- xx'ho says t liat lie xx'as "cannec]"'-ville t ist Ccnii imîed to ii ti' heccuse lbedvred to tell biq peopIinaand i iîdtis i ex i ext stcnv ote lepress. Wbata i atîxa\ ; hisi iîesscx <ii s blitikin' imixup! Nour scribe bandls ecrx ix'c x n Ior e nticed nne significant fact---years; hlie c)li f(cmi'ý,' îtîî ithe t hree guards. and the hait- oittheiic <rtc c i et il t,: dressert anc all (min "1uniioiV',peal(icfo fniiî -.1e' ricit c(1i1 EngInnd. t Ie îcvî'uiî'î:di otici , Tlie cricwitlîthie bair prcb- 10119. Whlîlîî"x's Ic) iii ciii ( iaiîiîs thaithLe govennor on i'c Ili lie lcc or<ifihe îîî ondletcd Iilm fo c'hange ithei ue xili txii i ' <'cIli.nback. or elý,e anîdIihat itres tii'un1W <t x x'-nlie consiilted iIle bain.- iti eiinlx.unl tl clî dresser, thle latter claimed t hl Nitx'cctiii i ii i t he process \cu id be ton cost-- t lc i Scl<iiîg <tliienlii'x lx' ccd stxxo bcisee ihi'îielx'es o<it. î x if he <liaj xxlio el be eau <lo icluit xxii xc Ifd iîîlencuhaii g<ilîunîthke sac'l foun taiking to 1the pre'-ýýdipoeLsI x' c ixtted fl-s ccth cf seccî'cv b ,v lng Bx'îtîxîîe Nuoîtî býoxx-MuL-1VU xi xmcdiii1l hie geeri r<i:dx 'fi'oifric TT~Y.~f~1T iiaiîxîhle.Ili, i t i<'i.- ImuliRO 'iti m is nad iflix x ii Pi'rsoîtcll", ifr thli,;i s il aux.\, utnîl ed1 r e fo rT~ ast wxP'el( cnîsîîîc inIo toui. 1 bax-eii.The leie for the Amnuîali tie stîglitestintîuenîtionîuof digg- Coiehioi ouai Meeting bas; iuig a idoe il) the g<rottixd nîitd bcn set for M\oiidaN',Jiituîaryi i x'u'Oicini ut lecie xv îtbnix fanu- LOIt. u xill begin ai 8 p.1 a)~(Illajixi\ iRe (cir' terrifierd moles,* un flic Loxx'r Hall. . Ilui Ihe fi rsI place ilis îîeî a Mn. Fi a ru1, .,ec bas-Ixst ne-1 y .dîgn i ied xx ti tet iet dcati. ft: ttje.l frnîîî a xxeek 's 'isit1 IJ,~tii~'i '-"~ t sirtuild ul conte. In itle secondriîidxtlt Mr. aîud Nrs. A. R. Scott A~~L>rL.4E~~ ~-1. Place, 1 baievte rtiixgs tc ef Godenichu ' rom The Statesman Files do. Nn.Latiretta Crossmnan on1 Anxd inu Ille tlîurd place, i SitLii-dav\ niglit eitrtained a fulIv i mtcnd to li x Io tlîecgcgrt i cfOrliel- Kedroît fiietîis. 49 YEARW .460 25YEARS .460 cf 90ctud expiîre pîîceefulix'in Miý:s ,ecutne Wennx' -,'as one m yonnbcd. i\'lasi coîxsc'usO f Ilîn nuembens Of the Dntarîio (Janîuary ",0. 11)13) i <.antary 28, i 9, i ai't beîtxg titiatIenpt îo pinî<-lu t'cuiitxJuioienFarmens' Chouý 'WNs Kaf, Dsta, Milan, Mr an Mr Mevilfixie heboti onu cf nx'Spr-cicl xx hicl ci ofit-st place lin tbp Tts v ate )ihatngi ad, xat Mx.Mcxi l See t nre. If tIi s uuxerfcres xxitlî ifen-xourtx- competition il is xisîtîmg t tote.vsited relatives al, Seaî"ax'c. Mn. G. Wiîlcoc1Kt. Toront c.!\Mn. and Mis. lFalnicv 'cu-v-ý'plans cf eublxr Kb nuxlxuiex ttie K inugEd\,ai-d iotel it iS il l oxîW ti-ttdî'-i. ui tutg teour- Tot'ontboxisittcibis faiLien. Mv'torhae i (Iien . i eI 'mc j p(tf sgo 11ix dh e txi Tire dxcii- s i îer g, ouea ta uig'xf The Torii Pci'cv, xx' lias beem bîn e<itnetî'î îtn' u'x 'ufouc i.Es E 1Rk. cii fiiedItri lits bcd foi, sex-- Iiuotto ' iegrâiPNxewts ii Mnr.nute t lld'u, .sli pi. cf ena i xeeîs. S-ex'ice vs M n. anidM Os. rvxal -ack- Rox îtlux iîe -'t înlîCe., i Mrs. A. Ycut rug atîrlMits- uthtut.CmunbiN . i viifîm ti )ttuît cdBate Mary Youuîxg. R N .,TorntoM '. . Bruce Tuuxk, Hlampten. I 'ieek. Miclu taxe heent crmoving a visittm andf .~ ciMn"z V A r it l Mn. Rcgital(Ilix -. Nev- xvth Miss Fmcnkre VM. Jexxcll W VN IUI *r o ilîx. xvene cuterfainedci caxtie. iia.-xgne 1telncphlinhand otiier old fried e Saturda c vn g al te home taRe acoî'urse ati lhe îmtarioi Thete is tu e Head cf 'veIn.aind Mns. Alex Blair, AguctitualCeleepopuîanitx' of tii hbvO ~Bruxiliiin mîtlcior cfrlte(,20th MNI r . C. W-r'alt lefi eonducied bv MissEý. R iel-vdd* inrg aniitvcrsar' cf Mn. Metnlax'on'ai mcc îîxnontlîs' ham. Publicin-He- liN iub c oo i r MssEiear.Hrcvc b u S;Iess :nI j) ilurexgi it-,h i'(, Mnx. W JHalan snHI oo d and -oi. Ewr 4r-!o Wcntennt Prox ncccxinte xePa- Bcnnx Mirnice, MrTînt De- T rMmf. aulfIs ia-e ilo if''t, Toronto, visiled lahDir. .. ('Xi les TaitîbIvru, Clarke cf Ternîto wcre guests at the Mn. ccd Mr's. Tiios. il-.-Xx ne C. Devitt's nvý,en lt exxcerd Towx'îsip. becarne <'bhairmnan home cf Mn. and Mrs. Rodger cf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Motibult.S.Rx'îî Nr.AlhaHcnrxxtstiig<f the Durtham Coutil\x'Dis- B: 5uý,'p O' Sa,îînd-îx hiaxe itu u x t tinîg lu fatîicn. M r. atxdM 's.A.L. Onchar,,. tiut I iglu Sciool Roit.jda 1 .a.IM ' iIRst-l Mn Jîlît ' i' cuinIi îul 11:1%- e tiri'-t hex' îxx'n'ttg eld iii Poricto ee avux i t irn'u i ithclcn'pa t't i i e ix'x îî its icîx:i. le.c .-is nuativi. fii-tds ý: inut Rcxx-_ xxi( cn1,dux, Jantu. liii h. 1, fer r S.xl n ik m s imother, Mn. 1n'tuu tited tiii U cr i nîe inut hue uîaîxx'll -ic x l[ h(_ lappx' iii A. Parker, Bcux'îcxi ic. ýis.Neil.v Ptalme.-r, att Sunda\. Wet îar tuai MmI. Il. Lx cIl C nîlii. tire lieux'îi.e-nlair-mctu. I us, fer te occ'asionî wce Mr. Re ýs Peuiiituid. i.r':ii for su-vend x cars maîxager <of Agvix sprs-xeitiM îu n.RvPesna linîlt' .\:.~ iuîîîîî tIti'Walkr nStreuis hure'i, htii'. 1l'iuid'ilx'the- 'î-tiil.' le ttroilxx'ieMn. Ptht fu t 'x. ii 'i .I ' 'xi utor i ti uu Fett '.'onliii ixiii t <te Port Ilîcpe î'lîîît-xfuicle(il bo' (';ru 'i îiii in< " i. i i. iu iîxr Mi.-t'. fît. ix et' liatîgeîîuec11 f <t'tu ic '- xî'is I o Iiltle nu' .Ii'lm iîaii Mu - iofx I:iiiî-' Ii t it. Wir iii .'ittxiiil tie Stor'e, aiix'ectitug fit. G oi. tt1 or utcx x lt tei li- siiîil îîîîtu i i \V't.s<Exîi ili>sit-. ,icxxxi'bMn t ufte uu ' tuib)\ixitliciuked 'iî'e uOf Itue LUnit(tlt xx't t'xc ux M s F a ls M iutimg liise i'iuutt il di Di' fuc'C'x nd ci pnýi(cit ti-W011-1'1 Wxxas hein ai. Kurirc i Jeu ci Seuidx . t xx Mhicatteuideni thue'Diii-- tii îîîg xîtîîîîtî x'irkanîd Ut el 'xuuhl] iru uitda' Mutr ft M . lud J ,ciAd- tani C.'uuuuuhiCiluthuî Tor '>tlreader'sbip. e iiglTe presidettof t lxx cri t in tg 'ingin cf Dai lx'nereptixmn ho Maxer W. D1u).xx Leader -fRngiti . Saîsk., penit Robbioit) îîcsdax eveti uîug xx'en Love maio.M.:.I iuudx v li"l;srallier, Mn cre on. aul rsda C W. Ic- g eappjîeîîd ia fe011o ws' Sfarn. as:ustenl Rex. Roiia1l WmiHui. u ciHe is; tn il mrc and son Box d. Mnirand Maagmeîl IvH tnke luc'nduîct utug tlice c- buýcsý ri ad WllVîiIMr F.F.Mtlr.ýBowmamvilc: Finuance. Fme 'e'Thr scmiptiire usas mcad butie- tîiaur uil 'sf Is M su. Miss Wl- oxîsîphi 'xDrkBai hu Spe- -otcc li tingexricmnie Morris, Mns. F. 0 uIcIl. TrýaiicDri.InT\,tsipl,,Mý re nr n:ieç rf: e"x'.:"itLtWcf icen lun allcp BraieTraisporlation. Camroll Ninhoi,' niai nP..m vxrrOeviricl bva clI 'ri t.Tuicken xxho N. . Rr. M~'Hepce Toxvýnship, auu1l) "lareladies* choir,îun. ni hi'Mn" Ardrso Toý,-, Nr, . ý,, owe. N Alltim, Neix ,castîe,. cnd Veca- Deui,ýig Lexe. xs'îo sang"-i tas~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ti't xt i'AdroiTx',fI 'WBîvî.Nx' iitlai Advi cri' 'W. E_ T ram- [W'alR xxii iGod ."Dutring i ýte Clothluiîg Ce fuir' soute fuime, <asile. M ix Het niWc ,m .Etn- irler, Port iIocr' i5inxiuc thleîex"-ltdc- 11.z ýeic lx fîiuie au -Sask.. nskirlti. _ - - w1er lDe-od piii rIiokf\t ý 'Mr' Trcnxmcr xx'uiforniierly tecttîve xx'ts fhrcnaiix-nduu'tedi. xx lcre te >c "5 cii<cd goo .Iîuî ur Ilclse Di Scti uîd'uxv eîniog t li' t'ituti 0i. aatr ge niepent- iciproxýeulsIltuoxx'i ng ortifteictea! thlin'Puiblic Sihl t eprýescuittepep uxcîtal store. Delphix s a popi sex cral chanxges tare br'îîfontPor FuPc. es, n cgll cx ebuscfeitt lan- airdx în 'm'u îgnan:. made ami Mondax' TortDe- hbiltil-. sappciiilutneliîtiii t((';; otîîtxî is iti i wiresofrIes" a uulha0piex rit e mf ave îPexx, al] star- selcitî or cfhbýwîil ln-gin't fuiBoxx)'i'lie hitgxgam t,'c.ftsae-cinhlatei'tuaid -as thflicPulic Scitoiillxrnu' IttariI-lîxuganai tiug ý1ptînt Tuelr nma:i Mi.l. ll"v.a. xi tpah s ustgae.in1 '35ax'ncel i'andii g peoep tetit aboîut i x'r litys"(l('<inuitendnce i h cu sîcsigi ig, a nd tibm Rcstcli, Mua ~.aund Mn0 ..VaitDusetItitthfli xx cuRcîid duin g6, aîhîci d ai theIxonie cf Mi, 'Wood, eheiN.NY .,ant, triiBownianx'ilc xx'îithli-M. aiid Thie ttca md uJu i xulî :aulx'sie p u'nxorxef'sre- visnitgMi~ ut' H Wcd Mx.N Tkatcb and daugbters,. poîcteu Mn. T-a nimn-mam c i casdhv Malee xuîd Ba~ Le.Tvroie: Mr. Douglas Cemîbov- duixînial maliagemnett member Yx'rîmuc lieRsk5 and Karenu Pas- Mn.McxvtuR Wot'h, Van- enbetaîmcd a utuimben af (ni- <if ils 12 memben Vocatiotuai crie. The gins dei'ided lI plan clver'. B3C, iiîed bis <ster, ends at a damceein bbecr- Advuxjomx Conmtnee.a igb fbxin o le NIrs. H Car rmuunifx' hall or Fnidax' even- Thî pciaie orxf 11w îmcxt sorial ex'cntng. Mazpie Grrîxe Mn r.T,.1. Colt- trxg. Doit,- cxper".s le ]Pa\(c'îîîdî'.'duîai Iligli ScbuîrdxIltu Dri Wc(dnsdicx' evcning ilieme \x'as a sîtcue ' f:i I exîx ibitor ai sbnrtIv for bis buynip Ini Eg- tbe ae arc I ýBcxxmctî'illui'vas a iangnr thaît uýuaI fum- Ltixdza, PottII1r' -S;iexx xxiii- landu. A. Il. SinikRn., L. A. Pankect' ut forer lcmociu f t!lie andîux seci fntarud seuxus MpeGrîe uiss Tli IaatAlexMiGr :o .Ceurfice, Scouts C roup Committee. 'Ple Hcamx p ta pizs. and Lx'ra Fret-nia i emtcrnî Fombes lInlii.(lare Allun! eXn-ctuvc ,efer the mew -vea HaptntMr.J. L. Johns cd abouti 25 vcung people coi andu Garnr- Tubb. Ciarke,xx'ill consitto<f Mn. Derek Ban- slbpped and tell on the ice Fridax' evening. Canins lIrwin Col- iîîeth. pmcsudnt, Mm. B P r t Mondav u-ornittg and fractur- Lonlg Sault. Sprirg muai be weil andW, H. ('arman: Port Smith, seçrctat-v. and lMr. Nie.l ced lier left arm ver'. close as Mmr Freld Part.- Hops Dmr.1J. T. McCreerv. E. Wrightf. treastirer. Plans ws'cr Enctskilifit Mr-Cbaýc Rot- ner says be bas paties un fuiuhNi. Cmcîgbîouî. W C' Keî'c'. nade oc ahnadSr erH -Vdr'< Allat; , us bloîom rn hn-, ardetu. R F Bielxardxio-uandu Caroill Banquet coi Febriîarx' 2 1 (ýi ý- isstumug uî-S brother Mn. H Oronco Mn A. J. Krox us on Nîrbois; Milbrook. Di-, J. W. The ccxi. paper drive wills . -_rs, e a hunting trip up north. i)Wright and Reg,. lma. i be held on Saturday, Feb . 24. Boxvmnatixvîi le. hi i do rut in inie'rcsi as tii niod f)iitiiiîlix' wlic lix cri iin ci01'1txîxx r ciii i uipoil 1attnme. MIv hnriI :' trfni' i D ai-Iii iîglî iî ' \%x i ii i t1)ii1T sec xx'leî'e \xxil(i. iipiii propres. iniiîx'î.î uiuii Meini, i i'c ir i îîîîîîîî la t <ii and gnod ee uiii( tii yoîi stun lie s'filer l'cxxPl mailie C('iciiii'i.rigît teei tti'e î < diux'il.' Droi'i eit D l IIt 1ï t.Il .1C bhen in charge when :ifaîr bappened, it would jxrreached the status ,Il ; ctiuse celebre because he x i dhave dealt with it cwc lv. rictly, fairly. AI- :!,le îh a lot off people know tl:it Mnr. Foote bas been clos- t,,(ieîîcted with Durham C. .few people are aware t nil Mn. Rayfield once f~~ ud -,îar Potîtypool, whero_ \x i, ' wil liked by ail who kiw h:mi, including your 71W4ee&Ittor &ake Up!1 2ixx 'ianx'île better tb see wstii . stablisbed else- 'i ' thtlte people coming 'iits killeti, Burketon, i *: te . B, 1laç'k-stock rusbing tb h 'lix'passing Bowmn~ -id u rie von expect te t ,, î1lBoxxnanville ,wfien t"i iii ilicir m'oncy in Osîx- i îc ad cf the attempts i iei ndustry, attempts t:(i n mcxc faiîed because of iý 'c of serviced land, but 1 ýi\ <xc been unimpressed. 5cr- ,Il land would raise the oif' thbbcestablished iii- Scrviced land would tri îi]1exx1' industry; set'- " wi r xith new industrx' x i':d :xt'people a choice of si irkes or sbutdoxvns nox i ri iii Boxxmanvi]le "ix <le now. Business i lle ei.curaged 10 stay. 1'l taXe exception Io il' itiiir ini wbicb affairs lin'cxiilitîdled tin the past. t in iggcthe present couit- i 'itnîaîew era. Service t>tlii d ta tuer than talk ii: x t t tîorfize it over tîxe t ir. Ymnx-cars; do some- Iin:inuctive even if it c * -.mîc br'idge partners lix e lechatnge tables. 'lic aild cclx' then will in- '<'il ~ t 'hu'iiu ave faitb icn iitietis of Bowman- A'cticons always speak "nta n xvords, so let'%q .:xc.'îîîeoff it for a change. 1 iri iw xarc that should you si xIh is xx'itliisome people, , xx iii credit me with cour- n 't' îiuisp I do not live ini 1'îx:.î:îu'iie and have no ofî: nf gaging the enmit.)r Ili 11w powers tl'at control i'tî.J edo lhave an interest t nut'ixît brotber's estate 'n' ut e wlihhbas been a t :îrlitiirk ini Bowmanville for (ui v -Years. 1 arn inter- iýl ckliowing that my sis. tiuiil i x <'tut ariîeînain in busi. l,;s iIl ; live Iowîi, and that 'r <'lu i ildrxiima ' vderive the of' i he work of the rU ji'i'ui Is. Tiiere at-e many"! wfi"x in sîtare nîy views, hii ave- so related bo me ix%(, i h liiYears aIl over the (-ixiiîl . Su. challenge your 'tilxchallenge your coun- c .'iaï'aitist tlhe governiment '1 rîit liax CIoget your idea B iiu lct', have pictures i<litci' vcorning lotn I ii'uitiî'iliand not leavlng Sincerely, Williamn W. Breslin, 206 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario. R a DO Il NOW W/TH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Honte I tpi ovi-itet tIû ealbethrough yium bnuuk Liu-dter ut u iHOLJsîîg Act for aibet ation s anîd iea tu fi i e tenior or t nterior of a honte aîîd fou a winie u'ariî'ty of other improve- rteuits. You nia, borrow ix tt $4.000 with up ho teti 1ears to repay. Tiiose p îî ane also available ho the owitcrs of îertth<îiproperies. *DO IT NOW WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Fartîx Inipovec)pt c1l-oan"ý.hir.ked by the Domin- toc Governnint are availtible froci your bank- up ho $7,500 ah fuve per <ent simple interest and up ho bec years to epetu. These loatîs nover ltep pixin luase cf ail types of farci eqiuipctethaludni tpinve-rîuent ho the farm bouse and farci buildings. *DO IT NOW W/ TH A .'IMA LL BUSINESS LO (AN Ettqîiro, about Govemcriutent-backed loans for imp-r'vemenhs ho srnaihiIuisinecîs establishments th.rcugb the charhered batiks-up ho $25,000 and up ho ten years ho nepay. l'un a(ihx ip id auIxiýauiren.ali yonur loal NýIa' il npV mnt Office txxitnih lu,' auirtt tf nu in. Michael Starr, of tti u Lahr, ut, Canada By-Elections Change The Picture WeII Deserved Recognition ~be4!u4abi4U ïttt#in;ai Durham Countyzg Great Fannly journial Established 108 years aqo ln 1854 Also Incorporating le b The Bowmanville New5q The Newcatle Independent The Orono News "Aittharized as Second Close Mail hy te Post Office Dept Otawa, and fr rayment elfpostage inis Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEG. W. GRAHAM ADVTG. MANAGM1 SUESCRIPTION RATES S4.00 ci Year, strictly i advance $5.50 a Yearf In the United States