PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMTAN. BOWMIANVILLE. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd. 1968 Corne to 6éenerlal -Mo tors* Open flouse. b' . .At Oshawa' s T/Voiuderjûul Woid of Àutos to the opening, thrill to the and most modernc sights of Canada's biggestý, automobile assembly plant. 's s r v - Prevïew Day For GM people and their Families TUESDAY MAY 29 rEVERYBODY S U HPA TF1mlo..T WEDNESDAY MAY 30 [1 WE1COME SUHPANFO100agT PM. or 63IlP. M. TO 1000 P. me 1 -r -k r ý r r 1', - brand new Chevrolets, Corvairs, Chevy I's, Pontiacs, Acadians, Oldsmobiles, and Bulcks take beautiful shape before youreyes. Stie GM's the production nerve system for more than 13,000 parts used in' the manufacture of a single automobile. Watch for[X// moments... ike the asseiubly meet- in gof the body and the chassis. See how the completed bodywork sweeps down frorn a g'ïeat heighit to withini inches of where it fits on its chassis. 1wAROMEL AVNE HGHA 0 HGWY0 -Cd-R s .-F TOUR STARIS HERE Ylarvel ut General Mo tors ýe CAR ASSEMBLY LUNE q' one of the great wonders of the engineering world. Fol-. Iow it through and see the: parts of your car corne toge-. ther in minutes like a simple jigsaw puzzle. viilsit thie -.V WONDRful PREVIEWS ofPROGRESS science Showv WONDER aitIeIMECHANICAL IIAND' m~. j cars driven as fast ïýs 50 miles an hour' while standing still-a siniulatcd road test that checks each cars nechan ical perfor-mance before it leaves the plant. the "gloved" hoist that swing-s each matching seat, care- fully, cleanly froin the line and into its place in each car body. Corne see where dad works See the important part he plays lu General Motors production story. 0 Free admission 0 Plenty of free parking9 facilities a Refreshments 0 Children must be accom panied by aduits GEI4IERAL MOTORS F CANADA it i Corne MONDAY MAY 28 tioI', lýeýiv m TÈ/Ê*pÊsjem