0*00 ) '4 mmaand orchards -weére brhd Among those attending thef MISS APHA-I-. HODGINS iA number fi-oni here ai- 111VCows, pigs and chiekens wcre oronto Ex. werc the Roy Barrister, Solicitor 'hcnded Orona Fair on Satur- y\,~I .t. IMb kcpt by the pioncera. and men Robinsons, calling at thNti-eubi fdy (1>/ ~alsn augLrmented supplies alhMaclm ndpckn 14 Frank St. Bowmanville Mn. and Mrs. Russelil Mc- N unting. un Judy holidaying there. Amng hebuldngs of Pin- Mi-s. Robinson had bbc mis- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Laughlin, Caesarca: Mi-. and: xv-? _ __te_ _ _ _ .AL.B rs oyMLagliNete neer Village s ow n irn the m - fortune te lose er w aîî î oBA , LL B M s R yMta gbii, N ste lio p-trc eie grinmiî asligt-of-band artisi. Baristei-. Solicitor ton; Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Ash- built abut 1825, a erie mill'asTihe r c ansad the~iKing St. E. Newcastle ton and faniily, Haydon. we- MIOM, he sure votif Phone 2246t 8ecent eiuestMiofTMeiArt E. Mc- arnd drixing shed, setlers' Harvey Malcolms were over-Phn246rct us oMr.Fm- voungSters are, getting bhouses, bai-n. a black.smith and night guesis at the Aldo Na-' Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 La ughlin. P l e n y o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __a_ _ _ _ _ __t o o f P o r C r d i t C h o i r p r a c t i s e w i l l b e T h i s - let'c ecju. 'hool, and a tvpicai village Quarantine on boga M biasg eS dchurch hait8ll.Inte nouisin Gin ae store of bygone'years. been lifttd by the Depi. off M or S agle cund a cll.ilhea The hei-b garden in the vil- Health enabling the 4 -H Swine'SADIE HAMILTON - 0ROO 1:15am.anchurcw os hpip "%lilk they need 10 age rootains 40 species off Club te bold their Acbieve -«Phone 1i- 16 a1:15 a.m. an Sunday mosin-I stay ith!haebenamong those growo Friday of this wcck. Rs- te -Frm ndeA dialivtain. x rnemers n acien cotume tuned roma moor rip ithMr. Al Reid, Ohio, U.S.A.ý _______the________ofthe________________ ____________ turncdcalled on neighbours In the, finatbrougb Quebec and ropt, courteous service village this week. .544 in ioner Vllag. A infrm-spent a few days in Scarbor- HAROLD C. PEDWELL Mi-. and Mrs. Dave Gatch- atin nd oueni bildngisough Ibis weck whcrc he will Real Estate and ieU, Mr. and Mrs. John Steph- FRHOME DELJVERY belpfui te bbc visilors, and a 1be employed ibis ensuing Mortgage Broker enson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. refrshmnt sandis oe eb cool ______on____________NwcastePhon _3858James SehnoHmtn IrigNesng e vti stveaf. etnin w M.and Mrs. Kenncth Vick- Rotary Cash Wash - Sat.. Sept. l5th of than ks te Mr-. Bai-ber for present on Saturday at Kin- 0.EITfA.0BmLeTT. i-. and Mew rs. dA C ortepresentation of theiat tbc Port Pei-iy Fair. 0ptometrist Mrs. A. Carter and Mi* Fe fim n hePioncer,ý Manvers Twsp. look dcliv- 141 KIngSt. E. - Bowznanville Carter attended the Rally Day m~ ~ ~ ~~~Vllg. Presîdent BillctI also ci-y this past week of ils new Office Ru-:B apltetSriea t onsC i-h c'cepi-esscd bis personal apprcc- Champion 160 h.p. Maintainci-. Telephone ke 3-3252 Blackstock, and were Sundayv aticn te M. Barber, and pi-- Congratulations ho Cartwrght Mon. - Tues. - Thur. - Fr1. dinner guess of M. and Mi-a. 98 King St. W. Bowmanville .senlcd hlm with a bock as a Twsp. on the Grand Opening Thursday evening Harry McLaughlin and Mc ,mementeofo! is visiýtet the 4A .! their new Municipal Shed. Wed and at . 9 - 12 1L.wrence McLaughlin, Nestie- »JBowmanville Rotar-y Club. Sorry we could. .ot~ make !L. 9 a.m to 5 pi..to]. 1%e tanadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Sept. 12. 1962 BLACKSTOCK M etro s Pioneer V illage (Intended for last week) a locker room made down-'Gi-ove; Mun Beth Strong will The Town and Country Club stairs; three claiss rooms were take 'a secial commercial met Thursday evening in the paned and floors sanded; the course ait owanville High Christian Education Room, i-ratory was rnoved ta the Sehool; Mr-. Jack Swaln i-e- with 34 present. Miss Beryl north room downstairs; the turna te Glen Ross te teach: D e s rib d a R o a ryHibbs who has just returned library moved te the nid la),.; M-. Lawrence Mc1aughIin will frr oia.wt e a.th oeeooye n hp e ar;gteGep frh- By v C,.onservation I.<'rrcer England, who wiIl also be ing Home Ec. a.nd Shop Work year; Mr. and r.Nma fteaching in the local high will be taken by bus once a Dysart <Jeusie McAi-thur) will school, were welcomed to the week te Clar-ke High Sehoal bath b. teaching in Alliston: T. E. Barber-, Field Officerthe Metropolitan Toronto Con- .Wynn, Brantford, Roy Shook,i meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Rich- on Highway No. 35. Follow- Miss Betty McArthur returns Conh erooia Trnoservation Authority' ne- sn, Mich; AI Evans, Billjard Bowles, who were former ing are the teachers and sub- to teach tI George Harvard Cosevaio Athri\,gave 'vors. and h, presented a mr- Alger, and Mike Clayton. al I residents of this communjty, ject: Miss Hibbs, Engllsh and Secondai-y School, Toronto: en interesting address on Pio- tion'picture which deait viv- of Oshawa. and who have spent the past Senior History; Miss Clarke, Mrs. JimMott (Joan Venning) neer Village at the lunicheon:idl.v with Pioneer Village. The president, Dr. Keith year in England, were honor- Science and Girls' Physical will teach in Sudbury. mieeting of the Bowmanvill Tlhe birthday of Pete New- Billett, announced that the ed guests. During the business Education; Mr. Godfrey, Geo- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright Rotarv Club held at the Flv- el] was celebrated by his tel- 'club's annual Golf Day wil period plans were made for raphy, Junior H-Tstory, and returne* oeb ln us ing ~ ~ Or DulmnMt!RtRo ow Rotarians. Guests present 'be held on Wednesday, Sep- catering for the Teachers' Boys' Physîcal Education; Mr-. day fi-rn a most delightfu! Friday, August 31s1. ai the lunch- on meeting were:tember fith, at the Southview Banquet Septemnber 28th. Mrs. A s h t on, Mathematics; Mr-. two months' holiday spent Th4ý guest speaker also out- Ken Des Marteau, Cobourg; Golf and Country Club. AI Richard VanCamp thanked Paisley, Fi-eneh and Latin. touring England, Scotlanci. Iined the four major fields off Fred -Gordon, -Toronto;-- Rex Witherspoon, chairman of the the club for their gitt to Miss Miss Joyce Hooey has gone Bclglum, France, Germany -- Club Activities and Confer- Doreen VanCamp before she to Ottawa to teach Homne Eco. and Switzerland. and visiting! ence Committee, is in charge left for India. Mi-. Richard nomies in the Vincent Massey Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bilbey' Child's M.ýNen'sis Vacuum Thermos of arrangements for the event. Bowles showed slides of places School. (Pearl Wright) in England.' Lunc Ki nehK Botie BotleJames Speers presented a Of interest in England and Miss Margaret Hooey goes Congratulations b Jim Bv-' Lunh it LuchKit BUls otîe Rotai-y Club of Orillia Banner, gave a pleasing commentai-y. to York University for her ers who entered the Juniorý 3.69 1.39 79e 1.98 - 2.39 which hie had received for the Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Graham second year. Farmers' and 4-H JLidgitil, _________________________________ Bowmanville Rotai-y Clb adcrg ofheeratn Miss Catherine Bailey re- Competition at the C.N.E. last while away on bis vacation. period. Rev. P. Romeril con- lui-ns bo teach kindergai-ten week, and came top inthie HAIR CARE SHAMPOOS 'The winner of the football ducted the Devotional.' A de, in Ontario St., Bowmanville; junior section (15-18 y.ears).ý drawv was Bob Abbott. , licious lunch of home made Miss Sylvia Kozub to Ux- There were 210 contestants. Bryîcreemn 49C. 79c, 98e Siivikrjn 98c, 75c, 43e Glenhoîme Hughes, chair- rolîs and green coi-n was en- bridge to teach: Mr. Lloyd1 r.Mlom Mri.S- Vitalis 43c, 69c, 1.00 1.25 size Woodbury 79e man of the Program Commit- jyd havie hmsle iso o Saboog 0coe. spenh the weckend îxith Vaseline 1.95 sîze Halo 1.29 ýtee, introduced T. E. Bai-ber, ot the opportunity to acquaint teach; Miss Joyce Graham i-e- Mi-. nd Mrs. Tomi Hot-ton and Hair onie 9e. 5e 1.9 sie Hal 89 'the guesi speaker. He said themseIves with Dick's nex lui-ns to Brooklin; Mrs. Phyllis fa, l n h RxGaas Hair onir 9C. -5C 109 sie Hal 89e that Mr-. Bai-ber, an O.A.C. 1Kil man Caravan Trailer, and Sinclair returns to Maple' Porat tePerrv.hms Wildroot Cream White Rain 45c, 75c. I1.25 graduate and Field Officer cf found many unusual conven-'Port nd rl. DnPra O11 43e, 73c. 98c, 1.25 Royal Drene 89c, 590 the Meti-opolitan Toronto Con- iences Msns.Lorn Business Directory M an d r mij . Po n Per.aent _________________servation Authority for sev- I At the United Church Sun- and__________Pot____________t ci-ai yeai-s, is also an expertday mrinin, .d. orSunday with Mr-.an Mrs.' Mecca ('hasex Carters Zambuk hi1oin.IThompson, Ha rold Kyte, Phyl- ACCOunIaiCy Mervyn Graham. Olntment Ointment P1lls Ointment Before discubsing the main1 lis Sinclair and Harvey Gi-- Mi.. and Mrs. John Vennlin- subject o his address, Pioneer ham, sang "I've Found a Fri- RAY J. DILLING enjoved a tr-ip in Sudbuir\, 69e-1.25-1.89 89c - 2.25 49e-9.5c-1.25 59e Village, Mr-. Bai-bei- bld the end-" Rev. P. Romeril pi-eacb- Charlered Accounlant Ottawa, Cornwall and Upper 9Rotarians that the Metropoli- ed fromin he subject "You 93 Church Street Canada Village îecenîlv. tan Toronto Conservation Au- Can't Make Peoffle Good."Aiet386 Mr. and Mrs. Claude H-ill- FORHA F VERSP CILSthority has tour major fields Hoiy Communion was ad- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS man, Toronto, spent ten davs. FOR AY F VER PECI LS of activity. 1. Flood and water ministei-ed in the Anglican Accountants - Audibors and Mr. and Mca. Jim mott. Pyrobenzamine 65e 2.30 89e Listerine Paste 2/99o control. 2. Acquisition of land Church on Sunday morningi Trustee in Bankruptcy Sudbury, spent the \veekend CoprnlCp ., for Conservation Ai-cas and Canon Ashmore S chedUite 205W 725-9953 with Mr. and Mrs. JTohn Ven- Dristan 69c Suave 2 for 98c recreation. 3. Reforestation fi-cm the theme cf Labor Day. Oshawa Shopping Centre__i i ng. Tablets 1.25, 2.25. 3.75 3.00 size Ponds Cream 1.98 and land use. 4. Information Approximately 200 pei-sons W.J l.CGISMr. and MrF. Fred Trewin Drsa Sry 125 14 ronSlze .9 and e-ducation. iavailed themselves of the op- Chartcred Accounlant and Farn attended Smithville Drita Sray1.5 .49BrmoSelze 129 Speaking of the success of. poitu.nity of seeing the newv Second Floor Fair. Saturdav. Fi-Pd w a s Pioneer Village Mr. Barber 'municipal garage at the Open~ New Library Building juin hep stated that it is the result of' House, Friday night. This fine Cor. King & TmpraceSt New illete azorandFoam Shae Bmb. .95 a unique program developed 'complete concrete structure, Phone MAi-ket 3-3612MradMr.Rh.Fd e _te______litn______- _x8l' ha____ bult-- sand Miss Roberta. roronjo. by heMeroolba Troto.44' x81', ohesmbe e ut fThis, YALE, FRIEDLANDER visited his mother TVrs. R. Conservation Authority, which sumr n il ato ai OPN od îrn h ve asto date acquii-ed 85 acres lor's Garage, at a cost ot 2, OPN od iiigtewe- in the Jane St-cet - Steelc 000. Among those present Chartered Accountants Mesghsin ivn ir HaplaceMr- Avenue ai-ca for the pi-ojeci. were Mi-. and Mca. Alex Car-Luhiiwnfrtpaei PHON in 954,!selHony. Dncin to n ig competition ai Kinmouint ~~WE FIT vilgLa'eiae n154!slHny acn omsic 64 King St. E. 728-7371 Fair, Satuirdai'. A gond nîîm- MA3595 D U S O E TRUSSES hiesaid. ýpiovided by Mrs. Toombs' Or- Oshawa,Onai efrmheatnd ht il"nthe cîght yeai-s since chestra, Port Perry, was en-___ then Pioncer Village has be- jo ed. During the intermis- MONTEITH - MONTEITH fair. -corne an ouistanding success. sion for lunch, the local Reeve, RIEHL & CO. Mi. and Mis Royal Whif- It attracts thousands of visit- Mr-. Bei-t Gibson spoke briefly,ý 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa field, St. Catharines, spent lasi, ors yeam-iy. Today a total of extending a welcome to aIil Chartered Accountants week wvith Mc. and Mcas. Fred' 10 buildings have been recon- present., 728-7527 Cowling and Ro\-, ~~~f A Istructed on the site. These i-e- The Boy Scouts washed 36Pater:Misses Bettyv Skelding atiri ROWMANVILLE present many facets of pio- cars Salut-day. They ai-e 10 bZ Hon. J.*W. Monteith, F.C.A. Doreen Sedorko. Newtonville. MA 3-5589 nerifinOtioro th at Frank Hoskin's lot, norbh A. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A aiehidyn th heor ________________________________________ earliest lime of seîtlemenî un- of his store, each Satui-day G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. mer's grandparenta. Mc. and tiI the yeai- of Confederation, until Sept. 22 foi- car wash- (Licensed Trustee) Mca CGen. Skelding. ROYAL CLOSE THUR DAYS1867. ing. They aIso had a papei- G. E. Trelhewey, C.A.Oha, ROYAL CLOSED THURSDAYS ____________ M. abe is poeofth rielaISauda.R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. _ kMiss Crissv KingOha\i Mr.__Barber____________ofthe__drive__________________ holidaying wiih Mc. andý large collection of authentic AIl set for another bei-m off WILSON BURROWS Mca. Lorne Thompson. FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 7 & 9:05ý pioncer articles that bas been school, teachers ai-e practicaliy Chartcred Accountants Miss Sheila Murphv. T- assembled there. Many of Iail back or arriving today 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. rOne, spent a Couple of davs Pt these historical objects were. (Monday). At Central Public ih is DnnaMcaîghin "A I u d r o r s' donaîed by the residenîs of f Sehool a new well was drilled iîDon eatgln "A T u d r f D u sthe region, lie addcd. durîng the holidays with the Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Mr. Lawrence Butt, who bas, Colot- - Outdoor DramaPioncer Village has already hope that tbe waber supply G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. LnaadFcssDp u R CHAD oONE - Go . HDAMa LON become an important educa - will be adequate Ihis year. At Phne 28754 com andcho-ouhstqDp nt RCADBO E - GO HA ITN tional feature, the speaker de- piesent almost 300 pupils are wekendl hoe ____________________________________clarcd. More than 15,000 stu- iegistered. Following ar the ~raC1CM.adom.rcMoît dents through Guidcd School teachers and grades they Wfl 1 h r oprac -lbC . M. aon iRa.Gr a SUN., MON., TUES., WED., 7:30 p.m. Tour-ý during May and June be leaching: Miss L. Clements, - .EWI AND.. Paî. .lanie, vRas mmGi- d o of this yeac viewed ibis i-e- fGrade 1; Mrs. Roy Turner,, ChED I-oprANNtor TcePul.xvi ejoe anfwdaloys phîca of a community of ana- Grades 1 and 2; Mrs. 1. Mount-1 Office: a rewn n Grimahv Niaa ,s ther centuy. loy, Gades 2 and3; Mrs. ~15 Elgin St., cor, cf Horsey St.'eogtw aicsad a "In this important Linder- Vcnning, 3 and 4; Miss J. Hîg- PhoeGMe355rgIeStow samEin d hibtio "ET M taking the Conservation Aulh- ginson, 4 and 5; Mrs. B. Ham- Office Hors: By Apointment I Milton vUE ormhhas bad Pioncer Village ilIon, 5 and 6; Mi-. G. Camp- a_____________ _it i TUE drels ged 10 recreate the pi-o- bell, 6 and 7; Mi-. Neil Bailey ni IM.adMc.BueMut gression of society from the 7 and 8; Music Supervisor: .D e nia if jov \were awacded a fine pla-ý rUNET early agricultural setler ho Mrs. Carol Wonnacobt, Bow- qu«e foi- paciicipating in the' I rII'1~NGe F :Ethe village squire and 10 give manville. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 10th Annual Antique Auin' tf~W ions a pictuie of the conîi- been donc at the High School. Office Hours: Mrs. Murrav Bers accompan-. eu£ha@Z ior butions made by the pioneer Land was purchased ta the 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m. daîly ied them on that day*s outinc. ~~C ~ AE G4Z >J men and womcn to oui-CCen- wesb cf school and the play- Closed Saturday and Sunday ainheritage. ground enlarged extensivcly; Office Phone - MA 3-5790 RoeISmnEikiî, adma,ý. w inee ilg ilcoe notieetac o boys House Phone - Newcastle 3551 l5 viSiting the Martynbo. MRADA NRU -A NSE TRNTOA EES for- the season on October 3lat 1 was put' in at the south aide; DRj. E.W. sissoiVMc". Saraah Weldon. t'x-' _____________________;Mr. Bai-bei- pointed oui. He D.D.S. bide.viitd is Ea n ~ -~5~i.*t~iti,. . t ld the Rotarians that a Pio- Office in his homeMi.CcnePaSud. ALO eer Festival will be held I LLVERTOUN 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvillef SYMPathy , s cxîendec Mr.: ALOtbem- on Saturday, Ocbober Phone MA 3-5604 and Mca. Chas. Wilson on thr' 131h. (Intended for last week) Office Hours: deatb off ber brother, Mr. El-1 The motion piclure present- On Thursday evening hhe 9 a.m. ho 6 p.mn. daily mer Clementa orf Scagrave. 13 W est S treetcd by Mi-. Barber giaphioally Janebville, Yelverbon Softball IClosed Wednesday - Suxîday Mr .and Mcas. Ross Curtisý. depicîed the seblemenî of hhe Jrs. met the Starkvillc eam D. C F.CATMr.D.DandfOrMiia ALAN LADD - ROD STEIGER region by United Empire Loy- (winners of bbc southern lea- Office !Goron Stiong aid amilY on Adittentert!aînmenî lalists, Pcnnsylvanîa Germians, eue) in an exhibition gapme 75 King St. E. Bowmanville'Su rida v. BEST BUY' - .SA VE Ile!: - SNVII-T'S PREM Luncheon Meat tlno lRn th,-Ir livem. b<sth tip and diown, hut mainly off their happv borne. their daughtter F.velerire.Mrs. Crace Br-own. sister-în-law of the bride and groom). thon pcescnîed thcm î1hr a beatitiful oil painting. UhIadx s and Everett bnth spoke. aud afier cxpressing lhi-r ir ire iliauks and ap- prec:ah on. aR lv l-lunch a i-nbox cd b\ ah Du-mlg the i-ailier par t oe thhe da. the happy couple had Iccxi-la nuimbor off Zift5, ai-d. anrd !ox clx houiu ets ont floweirs. l'-.T'i'is BEs'I B'V - SAVE 1:1W! - SVIFT'S I-lb. Pkgs. JEWEL Shortening Ifort59c BEST - SAVE :5c! - QtUICK OR iNsr.%NT Large Package QUAKER OATS 44C BEsr Bus - AVE 9c' Poniic h P a rks TWINKLE CAKE MIXES 4 pkgs. 69c BEST gtY - AVE 6c'! - ('hickenl Noondie - Toman Vegetahi LIPTON Soup 3pkgs.3 5c BEST'I ' SAN'E 10c' - BRAVO - Space Ship w'ith 16-0'z.Pkgs. SPAGHETTI 3 pkgs49C BEST Bt)Y - SVE 17c! - NIONARCH- MARGARINE 'ivi ft Pi eim-yiînîi Vul C ooked j Smoked PICNICS 147c 1 Swft PTei mîum -Rindies 1WelI Streaked -I lb IFlat I'i kage BACON b85C .Swit Pi emium - Nlîld Seasoned FRANKS b49c S% îft Premium -(Hi' the Piece) BOLOGNA lb. 33c Sivîft rmtn -Party' Pak '-).1Varieties -'Sac k CHUBS 1b67cj FFATU(E R-'Save 4v ' tBeef or1 MEAT STEWS Irish -2 -oz. Ti n FEATUR -F' Save l,(- -Dog Food 1 . i ni s Swift's PA&RD 6fo(r69c FTA'J'IRI:' sav e 16c! - loc Off Pack 1, 1.'l'in NESTLE'S QUIK 43c FFATVI E -F Save 9v! (- lverhoîîse 20-07- iI îî Cream CORN 5 for 89c VEATURE - .! Save9' I -lVith Por 21-o.. 'Iilnx YorIk BEANS 6for99c F'FATI RE! - Save 8c, - I'repare F ried ('ieken witi CARNATION MILK 7 ýi, $1 VEATI'RF! - Save ge! - 3t- Off Pack DUTCH Cleanser Itins35c TEA Our Own Blend 68c POPPING CORN 19C FEATURE' - Save 5c' Plain SAUCE 2tins 49c F'resh Baked' - Stihbeanm - Reg. :;:,c Honey Nut Ring 29c FRO/ýN IFOOD IFATURF' BIRI)S F'I ORANGE JUICE save Ise - h oz. unki aveIle -R> 7 ul'né 4 orl9c 2for75c 1-1h. Pkgs. 4for8,5C BANANAS 2 lbs. 33c Ontario No.I 1.Grade' - 6 qt.basket BLUE GRAPES 79c Horne (row~n - (reami' White \No.1(Grade Cauliflower ea. 19c Bra.dfo>rd - No.i 1.Grade - 1-1h. bag Mars h CARROTS 19c BRAND) NEWi'-T1he S-Volume Illustrated Golden Book Diction Volume 1 49C 'Vol. 2 to 9 oiy 199C each Flesignrd to Make Lparninz Fun s -AFST TOflAY!- Ru.v a onok-a-Week SIVIFYS CHOPPEI> BEEF 49c Sav'e 6(.! - 12-0z. SWIFI'TIS CHOPPED HAM 55C Save 8e. - 1- SýIFIT*S LUNCH TONGUE 5 9c Save 10e - 1-z BEST BUY! New 4 Roll Pack Ballet Tissue .Save 6c! 4 for 43c I'riccs effective at the Iisted Red & White Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET.. Maple Grove4 CORNISH'S MARKET 0 . Orono PORTER'S MARKET...... Newtonville ai-id Mr-F, ov - cLatighlin. Dennis andi Debbie. Miss Brenda Diirîsnnt-and triend Bex' Deal\. Toronto, Mr. ani NMca Bar-v Driins;moor-. Oshawa. Mc. and 'c.Bruce Clark and Mr. Walicr Clark. Duchan,. isiIed Mr. arnd Mca. Kcnneth Dîînsmoori-durng tlb weekecn d. Mr. Arthurnî'l"hompso anud his miother anrd siste- Mrz. Cathcart. Kendal. ereSiri- dav gui-ass f Mc. anrd M Ruissl MoLintjov. 1.nrna and LR.,; Xisluh if t- cd thc Flo vd avid Harold Shîn- sons. Yelvectoii. hast week. and Pamrela Stinson spent the mieekend with the Walher Wcrigh tsa Mia. T.1J. S. Fergusm Ne! son, B.C . and Mia. R. P. Po;a- son. Victoria, B.C., aie % ioh - ig Forguson celatives in thu, ai-ca. .Hono rCo uple On Silver Anniversary eli and Ghadiva Rroxv s,; - piuodrhen) xvbcîu t box \gai:II - ri-mic ai îheir bunip ho ci,"P- biaâ tîu;c275hh xx odiIiIzani- A xcvix i i r î sperut. diiîg xvhich Exer-cit showed maiv SI i-a of r ilber- esihe hi-as haken on bus ar 'lmehi rie anîdgrooluruxi' r h(in sea bcd IIu ch anrsorf boîtor uiud Mr. LeRov Brown,. brui- thcr (if lhb gromî, anid ho-! nian. spoke of mnu' appeir- IRE D & WHITE 80#92f AWYI