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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1963, p. 11

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Dog Owners Reware Esso S)ervice Centre on 401 Asks lor ire Protection To Be Discussed with Clarke Newcaste-Mr. N. 0. Sven- 'shîp shouhd be taken up with reason for the village's re- son of Imperial Oil Limitede Clarke Council to see fusai to be taken into the addressed membe rs of thei whether they would be inter- Authority. .village cot1icil al, their May ested in an agreement which Warn Dog Owners meeting on Morîlay evening, would take in an area of the There was considerable dis- seeking fire protection for the township. cussion with regard to dogs companies Esso S3ervice Cen- The general feeling of the running at. large la the vil- tre on Highway .401 just east'council was that they should lage which is contrary to the of the village, frnorn the local not make separate agreements village by-law. The counicil Fire Department. He said the with individual property own- hias been enient in this mat- company wouhd be willing to crs in the township, but, ter during the winter but, pay for protection. would be willing to co-operate feel that the time has corne The council cid' scusscd the with the township if they de- when the by-law must be request at some length but cided to form a fire area in obeyed. The cherk was instruc- .were not too siire il would the township. ted to publish a warning and 'be a good idea when other.ý Reeve Cunningham a n d steps will be taken to enforce ~i7roperty owners in Clarke Counillor Nesbitt were dehe- the by-law. T.ownship were being refused ýgated ta attend the meeting The remainder of the meet- the same protection. The of the Ganaraska Conserva- ing was spent la discussing members felt the whole mat- ýtion Authority in Port Hope routine business of the vil- ter of protection fn the Town- on Thursday to explain the lage. Need MorEý Members Greait Pîne Ridge Councîl Nearly Has Name Changedý Newcastle-.-The 'Great Pine lia its original name ai "T Ridge Tourist Couaicil met ia Rice Lake and Trent Val] the Baltimore Hcîtýe1inhaCa-IlTourist Association". bourg ai- Wedae%3day, May The Campbellford resal 8th, to coasider iý resolution tian was read and Chas. C] of the Campbellfbrd Chama- ai Bewdley made an amer ber of Commerce requestiai ment that "The Great Pi that the organiziton revert Ridge Turist Coucil" bei Lionettes Donate To Red ShîeId Drive Nexcaste-Fourim2cflmcm- Plans wcre also made for bers of the Lioncttnr2 Club ca- ;îiquc Mther ai-d Daughl jayed thcir May diiaaer meet- Nigh'ta be held on the3 ing at "The Miller-ý" restaur- Monday in ,luae. The meeti ant on Highway Il 5 ai- Mon- wilh bc an outdoor affair hi day eveniag. at thr farm home ai the pi Followiag the dcl Wious. diii- sidcat. ner, the presidciît I4rs. Helca. The speaker for the cvE Carvcth presided for the i,îg was Miss Donna CarVE mnonthly meeting wlxien a don- who gave a humai-eus ta ation of $1000 was ývotcd for on the life ai an old fam: the Salvation Aiî'rmy Rcd doctor. This was the ta Shield Drive. which won ber first prize Plans were disetîssed for the Lionîs Public Speaki the Club's aiînual dî,ý;iw and it Coatcst at the Clarke Hi was decided ta p urchase a: Schoal and took ber an ta I foldiîîg piciîic tabl1e with District A-3 finals in Lai m-atching chairs for the draw. field. - - DOG OWNERS- TAKE NOTICE RE - DO(GS RUNNING AT LARGE By-law 711 of the village states: "No animal shall run at large within the Cor- poration of the! Village of Newcastle, and the owner of any ýanimal running at large within the village sha~lJý he guilty of a hreach of this by-law". This By-1tï:w Will Be Enforced D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. 1'SP ECIAL LOW Ili* ON NATIONAL BR At Your Local Druggist's - TI iiii. LISTERINE - _ 14 oz. :DETTOL Antiseptic - I BAN D-AID Sheer Strips- I~OZONOL---- - 79c size : CORECIDIN Tablets SBactine First \d Spray2 oz. 79c 6oz 1'CREST Tcýetthpaste - - --- eg 1rFEEN-A-MIMYï CHEWING GUM LAXl "KODAK FILM VP 127, 12o, iié KLEENI.:X --200'à8-«-. WATCH FOR THIS AD EA Il' BOWMANVICL hCOWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSI il ALEX NcGREGOBL DIUGS 1: JURY & LG'IELL STUT L À4.& , , A- A À (L . A. .À.. À. À. -à Newcastle - Plans were Icompleted on Wednes d a y Local embersevening at the reguhar meet-1 ing of the Lions Club for the1 Attend Dist. dsay nheualuit Park on Monday evening, Vie-1 Horticuitu rai tora Day, at dusk. The Lions1 Newcaste- Tenarrangements and conduct thec Newcsthe Tenmembers dîsplay and as was done ls of the local Horticultural So-ea ae anasin te er ciety were in attendance on chantsre this ek nd texpect venturdayfatheitraiuct on- each famihy attending to don- venlualsoition teDirctHor- i ate what they wouhd ordin- ticlal socitonhld arily spend on fireworks, at BbAyfie o a the entrance to the park. Aete fin rgrmwas pre- Enough money was collected sete drigthe afternoon in this manner Iast year to« when the President of the cvrteepae ftepo Ontario Horticultural Assoc- cjet nthe club f hadecided iation, Mr. Smith of Chatham to spandorthe firewoks deis- was among the speakers. osoortefewk d- Following the afternoon ss-play again this year on the sion a delicious cold turkey same basis. supper was enjoyed by the International Couas e ilo r delegates. Herbert L. (Deac) Goddard Members of the Newcastle Of Bowmanville was present Horticultural Society in at- at the meeting and conducted tendance were the President, the initiation of a aew mem- Mrs. George Stephenson, sec- ber of the -club, Lion Ronald retary, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Munro, who was welcomed Mrs. Louis Clarke, Mrs. Geo. into membership by ail Lions Waltoa, Mrs. Robert Simpsorn, in attendance. Mrs. Herbert Gibson, Miss During the meeting a new Perrin and Mr. Morley, and standing committee to be Mr. and Mrs. Welington Far- known as the Hortîcultural row. Committee was set up with The 1964 District Conven. Lion Chas. Megit as Chaîrman tion will be held in Omemee. and Lions Murray Paterson, Tlewcasdle Social and 0-£Personal li gistered as the legal name of I Mrs. Alan Martin of Col- ors with Mrs. Fred Couch Sr., _ .ey the erganization. Each mem- 'lingwood and Mrs. Ed. French Mrs. Norman Samis and Mr. I iberwasgivn anopprtuityof Cooksville, daughters of Leslie Allia.b lu- Ibrwsgvna potat Mr. George Lumsden calied Unit No. 1 of the Unitedf ay ta express his feelings on the on friends in the village on Church Women met at the1 nd- namne and a heated discussion Sunday. Parsonage on Tuesday, May ne took place before the vote was Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clem- 7th, with twehve members ina re- calhed. ents and Mrs. O. Watts of attendance. The meeting open- With twenty-one members Norwood visited with Mrs. ed with the singing of a byma voting the Great Pine Ridge Cecil Ferguson and Mr. Mil- followed by the seripture les- Council retained its name ton Payne on Thursday. son read by Mrs . Herman with a vote Of 1l ta 10 for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hey- Schmid. A short reading wasi the amendment. The President wood and Mrs. Heywood Sr. given by Mrs. Wellington Far- locf the Campbellford Chamber of Scarborough visîted with row and Mrs. E. C. Woodland of Commerce expressed bis Mr. Gordon Agnew on Sua- led in prayer, bringiag thea disppinmetin the defeat day. devotional period ta a close. a of the resolution, but pledged Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barcherd, A chapter from the Study ter the support of the Campbell- Lois, Jim and Lyn cf No. 9- Book, "Hasten the Day" was rd ford Chamber ta The Great Mr. and Mrs. Chanton Farrow given by Mrs. Alex Martin. iag Pine Ridge Tourist Couacil. and Glen of Newtonville were The members declded ta hold eld, Sunday eveniag supper guests a Pot Luck Supper for thc re - Big Fish Record with Mrs. Henry Bowen and June meeting of the Unit and A resolution by Chas. Clay, Darlene. plans were discussed for the Chairman of the Projects1 Mr. and Mrs. Robin .A&u. June General meeting. At thfe e-Committee, that a Big Fisli ýdred and Bruce, Lakeshore; close of the meeting refresh- eth Record for the 21 varieties cf Mr. an-d Mrs. Boyd Wood and mtats were served and a soc- alk fish in the area ta be set up, Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ial time was enjoyed by those ihy was passed by the council and Alldread and Joan and Mr. present. alk details of the record wili be and Mrs. Aif. Jakeman al of The Sacrement of Infant ha releesed ta the public in the Orono were Sunday visitors Baptism was observed et the ng near future. iwîth Mr. and Mrs. Doug. local United Cburch when the gh1 President Ed Haynes af Rowe. Rev. E. C. Woodlaad offic- he Cobourg before adjournîng Mr. and Mrs Ross Allia iated at the baptism cf the ke, the meeting urged ail present and family visited on Sunday folewing cbildren: Jedfrey members ta try ta get. new evening with Mr. and Mrs. James, son of James and Val- -memberships ta, put the cor- Howard ffley wii4- Mr. and ena Barnes; Anne Fsther, cil on a sound footing as well Mrs. Harry Freeman ia Bow- daughter of Robert and Esther as giving the organization i-e- manvihle. Allia; Scott Thomas, soa ai presentation from ahi corners Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt Eerl and May Foster; Glen 'of the area. accompaaied by Mr. ad Mrs. Hermen, son cf the late Her. D. M. Bernard visited w ith man Schmid Jr. and Clara Mrs. Evans and daughter May Schmid; Annette Yvonne, lin Concord on Sunday. daughter of Doug. and Lois fYor T R D Rg. Allia and Mr. and Roe onAbrt co f Jon If Yo 'eTI E Osraw, Miss Jan Aofldred aid(Jerry) a FdsMerl DsaD A LT E T M onto, Mr. Murton Walter of anne, daughter cf eiu - 0w and then everybody getsa Orono and Mr. Bruce Alldred Caterine Lynn, daugbter of tired-out" feeling, and may be Lakeshore, were Sunday visit- Bruce and Helen Norris. hothered by badiaches. Perbapa noth- ing seriously wrong, jusi a temporaY N T NI L condition cau3ed by urinary irritation, Eor V I L bladder discomfort. That's the time tg take Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dodd'à belp Recent visitors with Mrs. 1 pita! on Thursday. kdnys o elev tisIva Farrow were Mr. and Mrs,' A surprise party for MESS condition which may often cause backn ailBw oni imr a eda ache and tired feeling. Then you fee iFarw ndfmlBw BnieGmrwahed t hetter, rest better, work better. Ge manville; Mr. and Mrs.Ca-hrhm rdyeeig h Dod's idey ill nw. oo fo th ece arow ad auh troccasion being her sixteenth blebox ith ey ired baoo oth nd ai arroghd. gher 1birthday. Miss Nancy Hallo- blebxwt h e andil drug Sabruh well, Crooked Creek, spent couner.Youcan dependon Dodd's.60 The League Champions, or1 the weekend with Bannie. r"Scorpions" as the wianing Mrs. Roy Hall, Mrs. F. Hea- - ~--~ - '~' -'~ team of the Ladies' Bowling derson, Miss B. Milligan andI "~IIClubis nmed coniste cfMrs. Wm. Milligan attended' Clu isnamd, onsste Ofthe Penny Sale et Kendall 11the folowing mnembers: Cap- Saturday evening, the latter Itain- Gwen Hallawell, Ina being fortunate enough ta winl P R I E S 1j Brown, JoyeStcy Ber- a pair of bath toweis. P R IC E S1 niceStark, Elizabeth Wi-' Mr. Raymond Bruce wasa li I and Joan Murphy. Saturday eveniag visitar with I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell. The Th Payf Champions _funeral o the hate Miss Lor- t ND. "as". Team members ecran Milligen was held at Captain - Dorothy Stark the Mackey Funeral Home, hurs. -Fri. - Sat. 'Marie Trim, Doris Clysdaie, wihitreti etnil Mr.MacDonald, Jean Hall, Cemetery. Miss Milligan was Betty Savery. At their ban- bornaend brought up here 98C -.- 7 7C .11 quet, winding up the season, but had lived ln Lindsay for - ~iiat The Acres Restaurent, re- somne years. cently, traphies were award- etathese two teams, as wehl Miss Dury of Taranto has 1.25 size9 as individu3l prizes ta the .returned ta her home in Tor-- 1. 9 41 folowmng: Hîgh Triple- EdnaI onto after several days' visit .1Ellîott witbout handicap, jean witli ber sister, Mrs. E. Eley.ý Reg. 53c Hall 111 th1 handicap. High Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown 4 7cEinge Brown without and daugbters visited in Lon- handicap; Gwen Hallowelli don, Sunday, with Mr. and :e ----- with handicap. High Average Mrs. Geraid Rose. ----73C -Paciclj tie, Dorothy talrk and Mihie Porter. Low Our church was filled even Scr-Betty Savery, a cry- ta the front seets on Suaday - $ 1.29 in owel. Second place team moraîng, wben the rites ai members were preseated with HolY Boptîsm were adminis- i ifl IIand fourtb place receîved ash- i-en: Kathleen Elizabeth, dau- ý$1.29d4c m 1.197 il,I trays. Next sea son tbey wiîî ghter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bren- 'bow h hn Bawmanvilie on nan, Christine, daughter of 89C j Thursday nights et 9. Inter- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wensvoort, ~$1.09 --- 'lI ested ladies contact members. Donald Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Blaine M.and Mrs. Harvey Tay- John, son of Mr. and Mrs. orVanaand Mrs. Jim Mc- Phiiip Gilmer, Kevin Wayne, XTIE Rg. 9c ~ ~IFerla ne and family, Brampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ATIV Reg 49c4 3c iiiwere recent visitai-s wîth Mr. Wade, Lori Michele, deughter Il and Mrs. Ross Brzwn. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hallo- or 620 .2 for 99c Visitors ast we3k Mr. wehl, Sherry Raye, daugbter' 411 Ed Samis ineluda.d Mr. and ai Mr-. and Mrs. Ray Staple- Mrs. Wocdhams ai Toronto, ton. The duet "My Mather" Mr.F. Coucb, Mrs. N. Semis was rendered by Mrs. M. 2 for 3 3 c -111and Mi-s. George Smith, New. Jones and Mrs. D. Vnl n jcastle. Rev. White led the Worship 4111 Amog thse tteningtheService for Christian Family LCH '~IEK'baise races et Oshawa Satur- *day were Mi-. Clint Brown, Sunday visitors with Mr.' aMrs. Raymond Trim, Karen, and Mrs. C. H. Lane, were NEWCATLE 41j Lynn and Jeff Gilmer. Mr' Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les Gray, NEWASLEand Mrs. Bihl Wade, Greg and Bowvmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ON'S DRUG STORE I1 Michael. Mr. and Mrs Maur. Bill Lane and girls, Port 1,ice Halhowelh and Micnele. Hope: Mr. and Ms Ted Lane, ORONO 41I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rrownanad, Orono. 'IMartin. Iacidentally R a 5ss With Mrs. A. Boughen wr mige uàle o l jBon's horse ."Marge r e tMi.nd r.A. tcad IM.lvilen es retu r M. and Mrs. AimBoge n The Canadian 8tatesnman, Bowmanvl11e, May 13, 1083 Boy Scouts Collect Over 2,000 Botties' On Saturday Morni ng George Walton and Harold carnival and plans were made, Gibson. This committee was for the carnival committee to i Newcastle - Many house- formed when it was suggested meet before the next meeting holders in the village placed the club should do something and report then with the date, a generous number of pop to- beautify the entrances to place et c. botties outside their doors the village. The committee A feature of the meeting last Saturday morning and plans to seek permission from was the presentation of Lion many from outside the village the Department of Highways Tamer Maurice Pedwell of a telepaoned to have their bot- to have flower beds at the east fine cigar to each member as thes picked up in the Scouts and west entrances to the vil- an announcement of a new semi - annual drive. R a y lage on Highway No. 2. m ber of his family. The Goode's Hardware and Mr. There was some discussion cigars were p rinted with the Harold Gibson donated the of plans for the club's 1963 inscription, "It's a Girl". use of their trucks for this and Mrs. Ted Boughen and baby, Orono. With Mrs. Bourgerie, Mrs. N. MeEvers, Mr. H. Pidgen and famihy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Meadows, Mrs. L. Hunki ing and Ervin, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bracey and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lakin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Staple- ton and family of Bowman- ville with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bou- ghen with Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cer Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow and family, Downsview; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow and family, Bowmaavilhe, Mr.- Clinton Farrow at Mrs. Iva Farrow's. With Mrs. H. Trim were Mr. and Mrs. Coulson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trim and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. George Hea- clerson, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade and Grant. With Mr. and Mrs. Chanton Brown were Mrs. Trueman Henderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and famihy, Mrs. Raymond Trim, Karen, Lynn and Jeff Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple- ton, W~ronto; Miss Dorothy Stapleton and friend, Kings- ton, with Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit- taker and famihy, at Mr. Earl Wahkey's. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen and family, Peterborough, at Mrs. C. Burley's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilmer and Season End Banquets With Presentations For Bowling Leagues Newcastle- The Thursday Mixed Bowling League en- joyed their season end ban- quet and presentation of awards on Monday evening in the Memorial Park Club- house in Bowling. Following t h e delicious meal, the president, Mrs. Bes- sie Ferguson, presented the1 awards to the winning teams, The Brats, who were the top team on the season's play and The Cats, who were the play- off winners. Members of The Brats team were: D. Whitney, H. Whit- ney, D. Rowe, J. Pitt, G. Bar- chard and E. Langley. The family at Mrs. H. Gilmer's in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Floyd, Bolton, at Mr. Bert Tompkin's. Mrs. Gilmer - Smith, Bow- manville; MVr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Gilmer and family, Is- lington; Mr. and Mrs. P. Gil- mer and Blaine at F. Gilmer's. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kim- bahl at Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Graham and family. Mrs. W. H. Jones with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish and kam- ily at Orono. Visitors at the Manse indlu- ded Mrs. G. Forsey, Bowman- ville; Mr. and MVrs. P. Phîp- son, Scarborough; Mrs. Geo. Mouncey, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Sherwin, Roseneath.- Cats were: A. Dubeau, B. Ten- dam, R. Croweh, B. Carbray, B. Ferguson and G. Couch. Ashtrays were presented to members of the losing Imps and Bugs teams. Individual a.wards were made for the High Average lady, M. Couch, man, B. Rowe High Single- lady, A. Rowe, man, G. Bar- chard High single- lady, B. ý,Ferguson, man, G. Rowe. To complete a most enter- taining evening, most of the members cajoyed tea pin bowling. collection and nine Scouts were kept on the job for more than four hours making the collections. As la previous drives moe than 2000 botties were collect- ed in the drive making it pos- sible for the Scouts ta plan their camping expedition tl*ar Ompah in Pastern Ontaiio during the period from J1iiy l3th to 2lst. This district pîo- vides a variety of hiking cqn- ditions. For the younger boys there are trails to follomw, while the older boys catinx plore some rugged couniry. For those who have the quali- fications, it is planned ta have a water program.b It is the success of the pý,p i botthe drives that enables tlie Troop to plan these activities and obtain the proper equip- ment. The Scouts deeply ap- preciate the splendid support givea to their activities by tie people cf Newcastle and dis- trict. God creates ail forms :of reality. His thoughts are spiritual realities-Mary Bàk- er Eddy. OM E, NCN A CREST HARDWARE THIS WEEKEND The balance of our FIRST QUALITY BANKRUPT PAINT STOCK ATr CUT TO THE BONE PRICES! - TINTED COLORS ONLY - GROUP 2 e ENAMEL, SEMI-GLOSS, MARINE, OUTSIDE OIL AND OUTSIDE LATEX PAINTS AS WELL AS WOOD STAINS Reg. to $3.50 200 QUARTS Reg. to $11.50 .4w99 - 40 GALLONS TO CHOOSE FROM "iii. o n FAMOUS MANUFACTURER'S NAME WITHHELD BECAUSE 0F DEALERS IN AREA! NO PHONE ORDERS OR DELIVERY ON THIS PAINT 14-GAL. WITH FREE139 GARBAGE CANS $,9 PARCEL CARRIER CREST HA RDWARE ""PORT HOPE'S NEWEST" 10l2 WALTON ST. PORT HOPE 174e/IVewca4/e9;depec&J Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 Sponsored by Lions Victoria Day Fireworks Here on Monda y Evening w ww -- iLiiiING - HEAT il Teenage League The members of the Teen- age League completed their season with a presentation, lunch and dance in the Lions Room of the Community Hall on May 3rd. Awards were presented to the league winning "Peanuts" team and the winners of the playoffs, the "Walnuts". Individual awards were made to the following: High Single, girl, Beverley Ail- dread Boy, Dennis Rudman. High Triple, Girl, Candy Storks Boy, Wayne Pearce; High Average, Girls, Nancy Gaines; Boy, Ronald Good. The lunch was supplied by mothers of the league mem- bers and the following were chaperones for the evening- Mrs. Stanley Powell, Mrs. Stanley Brown, Mrs. B. Ten- dam and Mrs. Harold Couch.

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