The Canadian statesman, Bewmmnvmle, May le, 19002 Miss Audrey Cox vlslted M.and Mrs. Ross Gay and attended the baptism of hier nephew, John Philip Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- aux. and farniiy were in Tar- onto with Mr. and Mrs. Ray M re. f .and Mrs. Bob Carru- tisand Russel and Mr. and ?.r.Jack Fonk and Donald vere dinner guests on Moth- ,M's Day with Mr. and Mrs. ,Hatcher Foster. Mrs. . Irene Mercer was a dinner guest Sunday evening wth her daughter, Mrs. Ted Coatharn, Ted and family and Mr. and Mrs. Halstead Coat- Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Len Adegeest and famiiy who have rnoved inta the house- aide of Bill Turansky's apart- mnenti. Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster had dinner Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers. Ross Roughiey* and friend, Nias Ruth Talmage spent the 'weekend with Mrs. Alva Swar- brick. Recent guests with her were Mr. and Mrs. Young and Otto, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. McGallaghan, Oshawa, Mr. John Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton. Mrs. Earl Burley and Bar- bara have returned from Ox- lord, N.C., where they were visiting her father Mr. John Cordon Who was in the hos- pital but is naw better again. The Kendal W.I. held a 'well attended and successful Penny Sale and Bake Sale in the Orange Hall Saturday iight. A special 'Thank You' ta Roy Foster Who drew the tickets and toalal those who kielped. A special Mother's Day and lamiiy service wvas held in Kendal Church Sunday morn- ing. Rev. R. C. White held a Baptismal Service when the foilowing were baptized- Di- ane Marguerite, daughter of IVonaid and Ethel Irwin; Gar- don vry, son of George and * Jan-,t Langstaff; Donna Marie, daughter cf Gordon and Di- s ne Langstaff; Donald John, son af John and Judith Fank. î John Philip, son of Ross and 1 Edith Gay; Brian Douglas, son of Ariel and Aita Lang- staff and Alexander Charles, son of Argus and Jean Cur- tis. The choir sang 'My Moth- er's Prayers Have Foiiowed Me'. Mrs. G. Cathcart gave the story on 'The Great Mother «)f James Garfield' and aise the story of the lad, Jerry. N'ext Sunday Mr. Harry Free- mri, a layman from Maple Grave will be wlth us in the absence of Rev. Mr. White. M r. and Mrs. Ralph Geach p.nd family and Mr. and Mrs. joss. Gay were dinner guests Junday evening with Mr. and *Mrs . Carlie Gay. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley were Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Vannatto, Port ]Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bird and famîly, Bowman- ville. Recent guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen, Garry and Grace Anne, Peterbor- ough, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. ID. Vannatto and Cecil. Prize list tram Kendal W.I. Penny Sale- Satin cushion, 1t~ Mercer; Doily, Linda ~~huk; Child's dress, Judy Ie. Lrt Mrs. McMackin; Kim- Jn, udy Fonk; Apron, Dor- 1 othyStark; Apron Mrs. R. Mercer; Towei, Mrs. M. E. Foster; Crib Quîlt, Mrs. C. Knox; Doll's outfit, Dale Man- det's; Towel, Mrs. Dobson; ]liard Bail, Lorna Dennis; Mon- k- ,Tam Foster; Towel, Gail Stapieton; Saft Bail, Grace Cbatham; Piliow cases, Anne * Fpter; Tea towel, Dorathy Stark; Girl's Slip, Mrs. Falls; Baby's nightgown, Tom Fos- ter; Crib sheet, Iriez Mercer; Ni1ghtgown, Mrs. O. Falls; Slip, Mrs. Dobson; Bay's shirt, Mirs. Garbutt; Jam, Judy Fos- ter; Table cloth, Pearl Hud- Isop; Dahlia bulbs, Mrs. R. Fos- tei,; Jlg saw puzzle, Lamaa Clark; Tea towel, Bernice !Mllligan; Trinket box, Thelma Forrester; Sockees, Mrs. Gar- bùtt; Dishes, Mrs. M. E. Fos- ter; ,sb lia bulbs, Judy Fonk, «Viold t, 'Mrs. Pianke; Fi ower holders, Julia Jackson; Baby bib, Kathy Turansky; Wall Iaque, Elia Forester; Shirt, Eli Forester; Purse, Brenda Bjoy; Jig saw puzzle, Brenda ]Hoy; Shirt, Tam Foster; Hoc- ej Gloves, Mrs. Murphy; 11,l and crayons, Dale Mani- sr Bulbs, Mrs. Knox; Plant, Wl1zIýa Turansky; Plant, Mrs. t. Mercer; Foliage, Wilmna uransky; Glad. Bulbs, Mrs. 7,tEiiott; Giad. Bulbs, Mrs. drace Coatham; Plant, Wilma ~Tgransky; Glad. bulbs, Helen Couroux; Giad. bulbs, Mrs. Todd; Box ot plants, Mrs. C. Fank; Red Coleus, Dale Mani- dera; Bulbs, Caralyn Byers; Bath towei, Mrs. 1. Mercer; Làdtes slip, Mrs. Orme Falls: Blouse, Marie Joncas; Baby blankets, Pat Bates; Plant, E. Emberley; Sockees, Mrs. C. / konk;_ Glasses, Doris Todd;ý Tray, Lois Spiers; Quilt, Judy .~~ Blanket, Mrs. Herb1 ;icer; Door prizes, Ladies- Orley Mercer; Gent's- 1 Mn A&P INSTANT COFFEE JumBO 10-OZ JAR REG. PRICUE $129 - SAVIE lOc SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ballet Coloured TOILET TISSUE Krait & . Mirace FRENCH DRESSING St. Lawrence CORN OIL Monarch, Reguler & Quarters MARGARINE Red Rosa, TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE Quaker CORN FLAKES Rose Brand BEAN PICKLES Cloverleaf TUNA FISH SOLID NESTLE'S QUIK Beef, Irnsu or Lamb YORK STEWS Canned Lunch..,, Ment BURNS SPORK Aylmer Mure STRAWBERRY JAM BICK'S BABY DILLS APPLE SAUCE BRIGHT'S MODESS DEL MONTE, FANCY QUALITY Reg. Prico tin 45o-BAVE Il* 228-fl-79 Fruit Cocktail R2g.oztins79 CASE 0F 24 TIN$94- SAVE $1.32 DEL. MONTE, PINEAPPLE-e.Price tin 43o-SAVE la Grapefruit Drilnk 2 79<in CASE 0F 12 TINS $4.74 - SAVE 42c IONA Reg. Price 2 tins 33-4AVE 17 720-fl-9C (ut Green Beansoz tins99 CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.39 - SAVE 57c SONA Reg. Price 2 tins 33o--SAVE 17o 20-0.-99C Cu wfvaxBens 7oz tins CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.39 - SAVE 57c A&P Handies OnIy Meats Pu rchased Swoet Pickled, Vac Plac lb43c COTTAGE ROLLS Super-Right Brand lb 39c WUENERS AU mmEAT Allgood - Smoked, Sliced, Rindiese SIDE BACON Cooked and Breaded SCALLOPS A&P FOOD STORES WILL DE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. MAY 2Oth, "VICTORIA DAY" DONT FORGIT TO BUY EXTRA BREAD YOUR DOLLAR Dy OEA ' DETERGENTRg. Prie box*l06..8AVc AN EXTRA S FA&B (37c OFF DEAL) kinosézebox99 L!SBypti PANCY QUALITY Rg 9 9etn838vg7 TOMATO JUICE R. lOrlon 0-S59< 7 REYOL'S EAy DTVReg. Pric. roll 80-SAVE 4o ALUMINUM FOIL 18" w[de - roll 59<c LANCA SAGMElI R Reg. Prioe. Pics41,-SAViE 40 MACÀARONI 2-lb pkg 37 CHERRY HILL, WH-fITE ORt COLOURED 3 7 OLD CHEESE (sc oFFDeAL) 8-ozslck 35 FACIAL TISSUE 4Reg. lrlo i 3 2"A 7 From Federally Inspected READY TO SERVE COOKED SHANK PORTION lbd43c BUTT PORTION b49C WHOLE HAMS 14 to 16-lb amer. 1hd49c FULL (UT RAUF HAMS - NO CENTRE SUICES REMOVED SHANK HALF lb 47C * Fresh Graund, Ail Seat H.mburg MINCED BEEF Smoked, Cookcd, Picnic Style PORK SHOULDERS Thinly Sliced COOKED HAM A Treat For The Whole Family SMOKED WIENERS Snowbird Brand HADDOCK FILLETS pkg of 2rails23 c 8.6-01 bd 25 c 25-f-ai boul. 5 9c 4 1-lb pkgs 8 9 pkg of 6079c 12-oz pkg 27< 12-f -oz jar 29< WHITE MUAT 7-oz tn43< 1-lb carton 53< 3 î5-oz tins 8 5 12-ai tin 45<c 12-or jar 3 7c 16-fi-oz jar3 3 5c 4 15-oz tins .59c pkg of 8.69 1-b pkg 99<c 2-lb pkg 8 9c 1-lb pkg 43< Bull HALF lb 53( Packing Hou»s HAMS 1CENTRE CUIS o« STEAKS MCAN SPRAY - GRAND WINH Ru Cranberry Sauce 2 7-oz tins 27C lb 5 3g ib49e 3-lb tin 2.5 9 1-lb pkg 5 7 lb 5 99 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - ARRIVINE DAIL Y CALIFORNIA VALENCIA, NEW CROP, FANCY GRADE ORANGES 5-lb cello bag 79 C APPLES CANTALOUPE TOMATOES CORN LETTUCE .C. WINESAPS, FROM THE FAMOUS OKANAGAN VALLEY, FANCY GRADE MEXICAN, EXTRA LARGE SIZE 23't NO. 1 GRADE, SALMON FLESH ONTARIO MOT HOUSE, FIRM, RIP, NO. 1 GRADE FLORIDA, YELLOW SWEET NO. 1 GRADE 3-lb "go. bug 49e «ch49< . '29C 6f39C CALIFORNIA ICEBERG, LARGE, AlRM HEADS, NO. 1 GRADE Caad "sFhst QuaIIy Red Stand Steer SDee STEAKS or ROASTS PORTERHOUSE, WING or SIRLOIN STEAK BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROASI lb 89C ÀA&P QUALITY BAKER Y FEA TURES! JANE PARKER APPLE PIE Large 14-oz pieJ 7 Reg. Prie@ *ach 49o-4AVE 10o Jane Parker SPANISH BAR Jane Parker COFFEE CAKE Reg. Prie.eaoâh 39o>-SAVIE 10 CAKE .«Ch 19C Reg. Prie* each 39c-SAVE Se APPLE RAISIN *adi 33e Canned -- KAN LUNCHEON MIAT (Se Off Deal) COMET CLIANSER Jane Parker Hamburg or 12's Frankfurter Rolis 4 maeuter'a Golden Bar HONIY BUTTU 2 12-oz tins 89e 2 rogular lins 3 Sc ;35c 12-ci CMn374 ime OFlfl&AILAmm a I w£IC AotMMY 1. G POPIJLAR BEANOS CIGARETTES CARTON OF 200 Froze, Food Feuture A&P FANCY QUALITY, SLICHO STRAWBERRI ES 3pkp10 Reg. Pric. pkg 37e - SAVE lic FOOD STORES AýP MEANý) DEPENDABILITY SMO.KED, Il