• • SOLI1NA BETHANY JTh®é Co """'"'"- ""'"S't" ·" 1 Q SS Q Sl Sunday. May 12, was ob- Conistable George S c o t t, cncluision she ouotdape evod:GrouoLaes served as Christian Family ~Toronto. and Donald Scott, "A Worthy Home.Mr.KMavrdMs.NA- Notices Notices Sundayet the service of wor- Newburgh, were home for the. Mrs. Thomas Jennspe1rMr.T odok r SC Maso Law Ofc Dr. McKenzie will not be in! ship. Owing to the illness of weekend with their parents, sided for the busmespro.E wsMs .Bres closed until June 11th, 1963 his Office, May 18th to Mav ýour minister, Reverend Page, Hed n owmanV iMr ndMs.AdionSot.Mrs. Addison Secotra thMs.L AhnMs.Gay 19_.. 26th inclusive. 20-1**the service was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall,! minutes of previou etn hcltn arvey Yellowlees, Sunday .Ms vd alM n r.adcorrespondence.Ms os Lnhwssre n As of May 1, 1963, I will no; Schoolsueitnnass- May 14th, 1963 longing to Dan Jackman, Rose- about the break-- William lio of Whitby aisngv h iacilsca ieejvd ....longer be responsible for debts' ed by StndMlsneh epae ernces sst1iweillAve., Toronto. Rods,i Elmer John Brows, R.R. 4, wr udyget IMr.i report, noting the uceso mecurred in my name by my theme o h eriewscourt, hours of police imvesti- 1reels, fliesrbe ot niomnil.a eea o n r.Cr mt.the recent Dessert at n FrQAIYCr wifte. "God's presence in the home.? gation and thousands ofla leather jacket had been 'tors emloyelae uly M.adMs retCvn aar r.LoadDie W. W. Bothwvell. Thchisecto wa"M words of testimony culminated stolen from Mr. Jackman s to illegal possession of Miur rived hme rom lridat oannoneh ucaeo n evc 19-3 Mte' l il sTu in the conviction of threeifarmhouse near Vernonville. April 19th. Investigating of- Wensdvsome new furnishigfoth - ¯¯¯ Harvey Yellowlees read a youths this week. Other items still missing in- ficer was Constable L. Phil- Mr. ancd Mrs. Donald Ed- Manse. Mrs. WalteNasr--SE - NOTiCE O BY-LAWScon- Com g Event er, appopriate oem forLarrv WaRton, 19, King St. cluded three guns, a .22 gauge lips. Accused was fmned $15 mni n aiy eebr otdeog opn e cerning he closig of par of moers. Jpopra estlaempr-E., Bowmanville, and Edward revolver, a shotgun and wad- >and $3 costs or 5 daysvuh r.R uds.. Millrbo- ceivedetourhaeacfe Simpsn Aenue and foprthef Chartered bus to Ottawva sented the story from th Browning, 19, Division St.,'ers. Nrman Rudmnan, 46, New- (brook, were Sunday guestslIurn for the churhkten wsav ising fa ulieu teref -phone Port Hope 885-2527. trust that Reverend Page will tenced to 18 months definitelcar. Larry Walton and Ed. costs or 7 days for passing a Mr.FakPuskndi turned in which wl esn wa nTieuISHEREBYGI- 19-2 soion be well again. and 3 months mndeterminate wvard Browning were convict-Ischool bus whiile it was stop- fant daghterae ndeehaveto the Sampson Ida e NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- in Ontario Reformatory foried on this enarge of illegal ped. .ai . he KrnLe aeserve in Alberta tws EN pursuant to Section 462 Reserve Saturday, Oct. 26th The Eldad Hi-C group met illegal possession of fishing possession. Constable D. Stujart OPP, arivd" om"fomCiicHo- greed to send adoainf-LMIE - (1) of The Municipal Act for St. John's Guildettes Tea on Wednesday night in the equipment. A hunting knife found in stated hie and Constable p.C. pital. Her mother, Mrs. AlIla$50toTeJhMionS- R..S.O. Chapter 249, that the and Bazaar. Carruval Theme. church basement with Edgar EvnCeetAdn a h lv oprmn a at-awl ee es-Passaw%,of Golden Lake iiety500ForThe Blind alMQen rs Council of the Corporation of2-* Werry, vice-president, in the sentenced to 12 months defin- identified as the one missing bound on No. 2 Ighwa whenisiting with themn for two Plans were maeiorth the Town of Bowmanville at Dac-pnoedb!....chair. It was decided tog.t nd3mnhlidtri-from Higgon Electric since a they saw the bus stopped at weeks.'-•: annual Garden Paryizue)1 IGS.E aspecial council meeting to wil e«el iàOane al bowling on May 17Î. The group ate for illegal possession ofibreak-in there. On a charge of Beninett sideroad, with the Dntfre oist, with Mrs. Haro]dSnesn(O M NIL be held on Tuesday the 28tn Pontypool, Saturday, May 25 . decorate the shed for theitwo license plates belonging illegal possession of the knifelsignals flashing and childrenBehn ovrteloia and Mrs. HaroldWhtap day of Mav, 1963, at the Coun- Music by Kawartha Ramblers. a nni!versa ry services on MaYito Frank Britton, King St., Larry Walton and Edward!getting off. They- sawv accused weekend. 'The Athiletic As. pointed as convenosAtoiedDae n cil Chambers at 7:30 p.m. 20-2ii26. Arlene Westlake led the:,E. Browning were each senten- ipass the bus and keep on soito aepandsm-Fol11 hed D.S.T. will consider the passi- - -worship service, and w'as as- Garv Walton, Colborne, had ced to 6 months in reforma- going. thiing of interest to everyone. ooigtebn cin E m lrC r Ing of the following by-laws: -nightert8 o' ock sponsor ssedbdRnBae. ten- these ~charges dism is s e dtory to run concurrently. Frederick C. Hogarth. Cour- day night: Moaaerces. Mr Ta lr, ra sl Poe62-'W (1) A By-law to stop up b h uirCabro dance eight. against hlimn and was taken toi On a Charge of illegal pos- tice, was fmned $Io and $" ae n 1a eiMr. ervin MuliaMs aisnAclos e ltat prt f CommreRed Ban Northý Mr. and Mrs. Carl Potter,!Toronto where hie will facei session of the becense plates costs or 5 days for failing to A noon, . CsDa sr-Arthur Wright.MsHr Simso Avnu atprsetOy mmrceearn Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Haroldiother charges. mentioned above Larry Wal-'come to a complete stop when ý.A specia MotherndDay se and westerly from the original Remember the Salad Supper and Mrs. Alex Potter this Browning were 3 months forlwere each sentenced to 6,Hancock Road.Chrho Sudymnig alloancwfon SipsofAvnueat ewtnvileyhurhaed-pashSuday.carthet sihOsawainn 961 monhs n Rforatoy t runCostabe H R.CorellwttuMr Alx TyloCgimstableCOVerIl. to the Base Line Road, in all neday May 22, starting ati Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dav; i and 12 months definite and 3 concurrently. tlestified hie and Constable L. theý ser'mon and members o ScALuomtipoe a distance of 650 feet more orl-5 p.m. Adults $1.25, children and Pat, Mrs. J. Yellowlees'months indeterminate for None of these sentences!R. James were wvestbouind the Sunday School taking rksadserncso less. 50t. 20-1 and Miss Gladys Yellowleesibreaking, entering, forgery!were to date back to the timie ApriIl13th whvlen the\, saw the part. Hlymns were announicedi. Our chutrch wasfle;nrdo mn te xrs (2) A Bv-law to establishi Museum will open for the vstdMssIaR I and wilful damage in Bow-1of arrest. accused slow% down 'at the in. pray ers offered and, script ure lSunlday for- ourFalyDy newerarinwcr a newpubli roadin liu of easo Satuday Jne 1.O Lad f eyn s'tmanville in 1961. He was re-, Evidence wls lheard against ,tersection and then advance lessons read by David Pierce evcsls udy h a-cniin that prtie of S isn Aeu ieaor s 5erdy day but Our Lay ofMercy Hospital , lae nprleArl3,Lry atn ayWatnot h ighw.ay !withou)It Wendy Preston, Eleanor Por- rament of Baptism a hl beingpaclofSripo ng mte:Mondas, op5e Monda ys i a oronto, on Sunda. 16.ad dadBowigo opn.teouIs, Allan Smith and Ernest when Dale MildredadDb 10 Cd ntersection of that part ofholidlay. 90-1 Sympathy is extended to Previouis Convictions against charge of breaking and lenter- F. M. Sisson. proprietor of Beer. The offering was r-e-iorah Elizabeth, dagtesc Simpson Avenue being closedMs a.Hgrh n aiyLry Walton included 12 ing Bowmanville Dog P,)unid, Motor City Auto Parts, Highi- Cle yRnl ako n M.adMs omnAey . wihthe original allowance, Dance, Port Hope Hligh! on the passing of Mr. Hogarth.: monthis definite and 3 months 1March 19th. wav No. 401, was faced with RoY Scott. The choir directedand Marion Jean,JonDa. for Simpson Avenue southerly ;School, May 17. Old Tyme and, Mr. and Mrs. HarvevI Yel- indeterminate -for theft in Magistrate R. -ý Baxter dis-twýo charges--- failing to keep by Mrs. S. L. Speller sangi[and Sandra Marieduhesýclyondra end westerly to the extensio.ni modern dancing. Music by lowlees visited on Šunday1 1962. He was releasedi Feb- missed these v1irges. correct records and failing to "We Will Follow the Steps of of Mr. and Mrs. Ronl elcn in ef Lycett Street southerly to iSam McVanel, Woodbridge. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lre ur 15, 1963. Constable R. Parker testi- send permits and license pla- Js,"with Mrs. Mervyn were baptized by e.Cu 16 hv 4D the Base Line and also for the Baktc.All four had pleaded not ýfied hie investigated the break- e meitl oteD-Preu sogns.gn extension of Lycett Street! Plan to attend the May, Quite a number froml here guilty to charges of possession in at 9 a.m. A windowv had! partmnent of Transporýt ,when Presentation for Mir. and Mrs. There w-ill be n hrh6clsadr rnmsin from the south limit of Reg. Festival of Music, Thursday, attended Open Hlouse at of stolen goods and been re- been broken, the .atchi uni- vehicles were wvrecked or des- Robert Ryley service here nextSudya Inboevrgecdio. istered Plan 652 to the Base May 30, 8 p.m. at Bowman-lCourtice Hligh School on Frl- manded in custody in Cob. hooked and the window troyed. On Friday might mn the it i yoeAnvray Line road. ville High School. There will|day night, May 10. ourg. A fifth youth, Leonard swinging open.. A Cooey .22 He pleadied not gilty to Town lHall, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- There will be anvray18 O lG The proposed by-laws and be a silver collection. 20-1ýMs er lsel is Miller, elected trial by judgei rifle had been stolen and is both charges. bert Ryley were guiests of the practice at 1i lock plan showing the lands af- _Cou-rtice-Y.P.U.- final-dance, DonMr. Cer y l aspel lr. and jutry. Istill missing, hie stated. Constable Hi. R. Cornieil colmmunity> a nd presented Salem U.C.W.wilhd a rDÏU 4 . fectd my besee inmy My 1, 163,nolia Cmmun dn8ee,1Tanto,, olic frm teoloaluffie, Crpoalcreety tstiihdePPwasinvetigtin ioff- wth telvison et fom heisMaymeeingat te H rdt offie atthe ownHalldur-ity enteasmi-frma. Arcilr. an Glaspell, Oshi- fromn Colborne, from Metro he had checked the building cer.lHe testified, "Mr. Sisson their many friends in hionor ofichurch this Thur]tsrly a 6 ongiegar busiTonessHol us. tCu re se-Orsrma. Admhis-awa, visited Sunday eveningTrnoadOPhd ivnnLbetS. S., whdfe on has a remarkable memnory. their recent marriage. Alla Th e Explorers etrand8clatmtc oe The Concil ill her in ion 1.5 coule, 1.0 sinle. atMr. ,nd Mrs Harvy Yel-evidece in hese atters patrl at :30 a..HHe ad Whe I reurned ith aBigelowreadtheadress f thei mothrseat Mothr and teerm and bakescusto Ternor byihis or her con- 19-2 cule .0 inl. olees' and Mrs. J. Yellow- Evdee o reiuscutiondawidwopnan nsearch warrant to seize these congratulations and g oo dlDaughter banquetlatTe-rdoec.A1onio, pese, aeor hs olicio ny Blackstock d appernces owped the c-ttemp' a id been mae on alrecor ds 1I\was confronted %with wishes, also welcom-ing Mr-ý dav at the church. seersnt h olistrat hiorlnceo. MayC .0essert Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- ense plates were first spotted door. JHe stated no money was astack of permits that wer-e Ryle , Itheformer Leah Me-j Mr. and Mrs. Robr isn 199F r -r her lndswh li be prejud il Chitin.Edation C30 rm, n! ln, visited Mr. and M rs.o icriiClorearhtaeecu!ieewa ee not there the first time Iwvas Culloug of Toronto, Io tiheattended the chstngofTicawslclyone affeted y te sad b-law Gustiaspedake, rs on RteBruce 'link and family. 18th. Two days later, they there. there. I behieve a few \well- village. The committeeim thieir imeces, DaleadDb inenwadisi e a anfcd whoapple sato b heard- liffeakerof Tr oo T-I Mrs. Percy eel ap wr on nTorcnto thrown Erven Chenette admiitted placed telephonie calls had charge of arrangements wvere orah Avery, and wt hi odto.Ms ese DATEDthis23rddav fe retsf 'r5co Ti0-1 oetrandfinsadbhn fnebs asoegvn oieasaemient that broughit them minfrom otherM r. 'and Mrs. Levi McGillU sOn Brian Nwere inegusstbeapcied April, 1963. Irelatives of Mrs. H. E. Tink which issued niew licenses. hie had been in the car with dealers." M r. and Mrs. Char-les McGill,! of Mr. andMs.NraAv Jack L. Reid, Clerk The Afternoon Branch oflon the occasion of hier birth- Th'le same night Constable the other youths that nighit In adjourning the case to M r. and Mrs. Neal Nelson, ery. 15 uc Tow ofBowanille. Stons nlcn hrh day on May 9. L. R. James, OPP, stopped theland had] heard them akngMy2th aisrt '. PB. Mr. and Mrs. MurraY Shiea M.ad r.E.Tit 18-4ý Bowmanville, will hold their radM samie car, on1 Highway 115 abouit the dog Pound. Baxter advised accused to M r. and Mrs. Reg. Palmer, Messrs. John and RyTit etr -r iN THE COUNTY COURT OF Parish Halla a ida ain 4hemaid wer'e SuLnay 9uest qf bearing lnew plates. In the 1When quesioned they ahbin ayr ihhm tJc easadAla'ieMisses Kathy Twist n ua n we ic enl THIE COUNTY OF YORK 2:30 to 5. Everyon e welcome Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Preto car was fishmng equipment be-1 denied know i il g any.\ting that timie. 1o0v Schwartz were guet tt' 300orgnlmls ul HIS HONOUR 90-l* and family, Bowmanville. ..Ih vnn a laat rdra ugs edgpwreupe.Batfl JUDGE ROGERS i Ebenezer was in a comibmed spent mn dancing to music at Couirtice Unite hrh B uet e hsoe A euhre ardGartySMe Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills, Tv- Sundcay choladihuc supplied by RobetSso'as audv THURýSDAYCHmErs9th DAY morial Park Clubhouse, Lib- rone, Mr and fMrs. Ganodon service. Thle church('I was filledt Carlos Tamiblyn, Wally Reidý Salem Homean ScolDetabvaergsle OF MVAY, 1963. erty St. S., May 21, 8 p..Hll ad ail, ano At the- regular meeting ofOsborne, Wes Down, Lloyd Supt. Mr. Murray Osborne anci and ic Clarence Page, wvith CILub held thieir regua et fnwRmlr ehv à E T W E E N: Admission 50c, door prize, wee Sunday guests Of Mr. h s ortc ilGidsCvry Jack Bicle, who 'Rev. J. Romieril were in the Creighiton Carr "*calling" the ing last Wednlesda evnganxcpialy;ndse- CANADAN iMERIAL lunch will be served. Proceeds and Mrs. Wes Hills and famThur sday May 9. CaptaGin sang "rolligThoghtepulpit. The service of worship) square dances. The Junior room n tha. infusdlclrden. BA.NK OF COMMERCE CrbalPlyShool and;Bso assedbit.O-Pak""Sle-TrasAmong for Christian Family Suniday U I.C.W. Meeting tendance banner. Metn1a uwllhv osete PanifClmnic. 20-1 The Explorers met on Sat- staupp conducted anenrll-!the Gold" and did a quick wNas uised. Assisting were Mrs. Mr. Alex Taylor addressed in charge of Mrs.L.Hretapeitehe.Cm - nd BrndaceiafJkeVa urday afternoon in the chuirch mn eeoyfrteflo-cag c n perdi Harry Gay who told a very the members of the Unitediwho mntroduced tegetmtdy JACOB McAREN and Dam's farm every Saturday, basement. The roll Cali wasi ing: Sandra Ralston, Josephine shorts, caps and with scesf itting story. Misses ShirleY Church Women's organization speaker, Mr. Brady h HILDA McLAREN, omncnaatrada 8 answered with the picture Or]!Preece, Nadine Patapchuk!sang "The Jones Boy". Pickell and Janet Downi sang at their meeting held nMn employed as afiea inE.yo-t-strlbe Defendants. four miles west of Millbrook name of a bird. Birds wvere np ua ur fe h n h is ureteapae a duet. The choir sang "My dav night mn the SuLnavyOshawa and doesvlnerTar' wcotFacng O R E t o fou mies astof Pnty laer sudid. rs.TinkledrolmentDisric Comission- again ailldressed a-wme ask" as anl anthem. FlowersiSchool room. Hie spokie onwork for the St.JonsA- "hodeta-Cain Upon the application of thle pool; Music by the Golden' the worship period with Jen- er, Mrs. Ross Hlawke present-'and doing their dailv hlouse- iplaced mn the chur-ch were The Churchl and Its Obliga- bulance Corps. Heso dafinccmpy" plaintiff for anl order for sub-!Valley Boys. 202 fer Best and Karen Yellow- ed both Capt. Bishop and Lt.1 hold duties sang to the amuse- fromi the Mulir family and from 'tions; and whflat it means to bel film on two methosfar- stittioal ervceupo red Co C t R 1 C lees assisting. Attendance 16. Omstrup with their warrantment of all "A Womnan" thie familyv of the late Mrs- a Christiani. ficial resuscitation -teHl ng the writ of sumimons here-adn LecrMav a Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser and pins. The Girls' double trio dres-A.Wki.Mebrwredvedn-grNisnmto ofac24 OU inanthafiatofBrChi and argechilden'sions vsitedMr. ad Mrs Sympathiv is extended to sed as men retaliated with r n Ms .E.Cutc to groups afterward to die; pressure and arm itad TO IGSEVC ardChrno, ile, nd po coir and lgue aritdMr- Stan Long, Port Credit, and tefm[ f h aeMs.A AMn.At this point in the spent the weekend with her cuss ve questions: Who Mav Moulth to MouIth.Afehs harm chrousefleforathe pan-1dchirL.nd BetnMusica. D ejoedanouin aon te ilkais. oV rs. G. Osbre Ad progami rsdnlo"h hi bohr n mesbr, n eoe members of the film and talk, quetosad SEVC T10 rector. Town Hall, Bowman-CrT ie. • l e nLinda have returned to Ham- Mrs. Raymond Osborne spoke tario. Churldc. Whaqualifictiosadsuso eidfloe.oe rm7am 1 I ODERD hatsev-villeWednesday, May 22nd, h UCW.wl me Mo lon, briefly on behalf of the choir i.Mr. andNMrs. W. Brownv shouldkbetemaed of those It as dmoeciddfo gv a ni 2mdih M,'a true copy of the writ 8 9Mav 29, Wednesday evenmng. adtakdtoewosp ekn ebrhp htBagmnyfrhrro' mons in this action, and 8p.mi. prompt. 19-. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne Many, fromi here at.tendedd thed th osect ad so Mr. and Mrs. Bob Faire.vaW- sort of discipline should the'trip.Phn62-0 tru cpyofths rdrWoodview Commumity Centre had as guests on Su.Lndav, Mr.,Open ouse at Couirtice H lgh allored on eirpro ric Courtice, tended the Osmond- Wiseman Chuirch exercise over those' The execuitive arP ofr ferHus6354 by publishing this order, to- -Monster B in go. Twenty and Mrs. C. Johns, Mr. andSchrl on.Friday eveming. eMsGen ikl1Ms lv wedding in St. Pal s Church, alread'y members? W hia t a comrmittee to 1okafe( gether with the notice thereon games-twenty dollars; five Mrs. Larry Dewvell and famnily: 'girls choir and orchestra en- Do ln h ihakaely aMssisteyd Bwanile n auday- hudammbrb icpln'algmeadwee rato ebe3fNAL endorsed, once during the !ames-thirty dollars; $150 Mr .and Mrs. W. Muniday adtrae tthe beginning of at t1 hpao hro algout ssite CupesClbmebes el d for embem bering wh-al] une and2,i week preceding the 16th day jackpot, and two..jackpots at, children, Bowmanville: M r. the program. The boys put on 1ni h anoMrsWes ownforIlle Bowpe- lngNihtinrOesha eh av fo,. e sad cnering the twsalodcde osn 'of May, 1963, in the Canadian $5. Do rzs etadMs o coadada gmatcdsly-i her direction of the performn-,aturýday, evening. Five pin nature of the Church, who a letter of apprecito n OTCl Statesan newpaperpublis- Monay, 8 .m., ed Bar, famly, Belevill: Revrend mnyayong aaddfromheretace anlpresetedealaof te endptnnpinwwere njoyey bv shuld b admited to he a onatio tohte St. ohn'sEarl MQucce ed at Bowmanville, Ontario, Oshawva. 46-tf and Mrs. Stanley Snowden !shiowing their abilityhat g-girswt u n acrut br innerswer ods al th arm nAbulance Corps-.edn rw shall be good and sufficien TlpTa Ill eheldiand children, Millbrook: Mr.nsi.AFaho ow naprcton M .Gen nad Mick Brown, Barbiof Holv, Communion) The nominatingcomteBu F seric ofth sad ritofsum- at the home of Mrs. Wm. E. John Broome and family and'pe. tdwihteyug ikl'he nbhl of the Howe, Marg Brooks, G rant iM rs. Carl Porteou.s had brouight in this sat.o9ff,1g monsupon the efenantArmstrong, Orono, on Wed- Loran Pascoe, Tyrone. lies wearmngthreutoter congregation read a well pre-. ierron, John Br-inninig. Cake- charge of the worship serviceeers: Pres., Mrs. E.Ti: sJmCr be Jacob McLaren herein. inesday afternoon, May 221 Ken Spires was home from icapability as seamstresses.iared address to Mrs. Eric and ice creami and coffee were with scripture recading, pray- Vice, Mrs. G. Ritter:ScMs akMle 2. AND IT IS FURTHER'commencing at 'lok nde apelil for the week- Manyv attractive outfits were porie xrssn hea-njoyed at, Courtice Church ers and hymns all relating to Bob Craig: PressSe.Mr.JSas JaoDERDctatendefterntc ih oandbsow ndn wt issCu- preciation of all for her untir- fallowing bowling. Christian Family living. In Coombes; Treas., M.Du JacebraLeLae hdo n t 0nAn added attraction will be aý Mrs. Rae Pascoe and child-tieHg chorsnedp-m duty as organist every aPPeaac ote adwi sale of miscellaneous articles! ren vi.sited Mr. and Mrs. .1.ISunday Little Debbie Brownlin suimmons at the Office of theandi home made cooking. Kind- Dver, Oshawa. ents visited the classrooms at I dy.tote Dlatformrand e Clek o th ContyCout IoNl keep this date in mind and! Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten tesin andsa mnyented Mrs. Courtice with a the County of York at City plan to attend. 20-1 attended the funeral service students at their desks a beautiful leather bag and gift Hall, Toronto Ontario. on orlEnsile una cool of the late Mrs. Frank Web- wovcrk. fmny r.Cutc x 1963ee.yo y Anniversary, Suinday, May 19,ý ber, with intermeta a p beeerchi mmbspressed her thanks as well as EW n CO 16193.Services 2:00 in after-y-----_-1heoerfrte is.Bng ton3 111 Cemetery. pesented a Var:iety Night in heoterifrth gft.Irig plalul , N lt pi-uln-1, ,clo gruis , le t[;W o o rIarla Un d i --d hi-i,-aP s M s protest and notice of dishonour. Chiurch Choir is to present a' BTou oSivrand Caroli a M1",1ponUnf Chrch, Masonist Mase SC RE EN S The said note bears interest variety program mn Solmna Hall inpretharoyad theN.35adaPs rn f"R -cen otthebefoe adafter n ttr- will bethe CountryFoure aMISS IDORA EDNA BALL Ter ils lesa rmoe se aike n36,5 andFeell tGdNo"Re-Screened" T he idiefendant Jacob Me- si 1tetdutis 50c,roni idre 25c. We D r aM a al 163, n\e won ilesbilvcsu ea jewethis lst yearbo 0IfREe Laren hias made the following All welcomie. 2- the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital. and an array of instrument«;lod e. a gret ierest'i wtiit h pamnslicouto h er homne was in Taunton, thieir songs were a hit with O March 15ý 19'2, he was 'Fib• ias" tricialdandthasupad the Ienders Wanted Ont., where she spent most of al]. Sadie Courtice and Char- uie nmrigt laATIGO EUYFRHATF ORPOET the 22nld day of November. Tenders are called for, the her life. She wvas associated lotte favoured with a peppy Patterson, daughter of the 1961: following- Devitt's School and wi"thl the general store (Ball's) ,piano,. duet· late Mr. and MrE. Thos. Pat- CIMBING ROSE OR VINES SCREENING CHANA.PCE EC principal lot. Separate tenders for. there for 40 .years. She wVas, Goldi-locks the Door, a pan- terson of Orono. whom he Payment Balancie 1 cord wood, 1 stove. new also 1.5 Years mn the postal ser- tomimie. brought down th" leaves to mourn hisý loss, along BANG-UP SPECIAL YOU PAY FOR "x3 -3'6 Lo Septemiber 2,2, flooring, 1 bookcase, .3 black- vice and was postmistress. hous,,e. Narrated by FaY IHenry with one son Roy, his wife . SCREENING... 1961 S0n boards. 1 clock, desk and chair. MiSs Bal] was in failing9 the following pantomimed the and two grandchil dren Dawni October 20. 12 desks. Hlighest oran health for three vears. She skit to perfection, Rae Os- Marie and John David. INSTALLED 191 03 tndr otneesarlyacep wsthe daughter of the laebre Pat Mackie, Louise Thte funeral was held onC FREE, OF CHARGE November 22,' ed. Closing date June 8th,ý Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ball Of Canfield, Raymond Osborne Tuesday, May 7, at 4 p.m. at 1961 50.00 S1,450.00 1963. Tender in writing to Tau1nton. and wvas born June and Al Canfield. Jack Bickle'the Mo'rris Funeral Chapel, 99gy Despite repeated demands Mrs. P. Romeril, Sec.-Treas.,18. 1907. as "Barnacle Bill the Sailor" Bowmanville, with the Rev. for payment no further money Board of Education, Cart- Missý Ball wvas a mem-nber Of and also "the maiden" dress- ;Basil Long, pastor of Orono) has been received on accoun,.t wright Public School Area. Zion United ChurIICh. She wVas ed half and hialf was especiall y United Church officiating at "D A ih t e B S. .an of the said note. predeceased by one sister, good in this solo. A mnale:the service. Interment was in The plaintiff, therefore, RESULTS COUNT! Maud in 19.54, and one bro- quiartette of Murray Osborne, tlhe family plot in Bethesda** claims:• ther. Hienry, im 1953. 'Ron Bickle. Rion Osborne and Cemetery. (a) On accounit of prinicipal She is survived by two siýý-,Brooks Pearce sang in fine, There were manY beautiful the sumi of $1,450.00; ters, Mrs. Anson Balson harmony Hiorshoe Medley and floral tributes including those (b) On account of interest (Vera) of Orangeville, andi My Gal Sal. A short operetta fromn Orono Lodge A.F. & A.M. OHW OD PO at te rte o 69perMrs. Mary Nelson (Bewdley).,entitled "The Grasshopper", No. 325, Orono Lodge I.O.O.F. annumi, fromi the 23 rd and one brother, Leonard, of a tragical tale of the short-'No. 4316, Clarke Union friendiF 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU dlay of Novemiber, l196 1, Taunton. ness of insect life told by aland nieis!hbours and Crvs.,tal in the date hereof the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Memorial service was hield narrator and assisted by solo-' Dairy. Bowmanville. ' Oshawa Office and Showroom anOfciadSoro ,sum of S105.07; Consult a Member of the nt the Armstrong Funier-al!ists and a chorus of mixedj PalIlbearers were three Mï- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRECO TCE-7811 Interest at the rate o f. Home, Oshawa, Fridav, May.-,voices was amusing and also sons, O. W. Rolph, Gordoný 61' per annum _fromj Oshawa & Distnect 10th. Rev. P. W. Page of showed the talents of our!Power and Andy McGill. and Phone: 728-1617 . the date of issue of wý%rit Tiuntoni officiated. Intermeni choir mermbers,. three Odd Fellows, Erwin HROWMIANVILLE - 728-1611AJX -Znh2- 9 hrein to the date of1 Real Estate Board followýed in the Zion Ceme. A quairtette of dappr straw Raincy. Ulmont Bullock and3 judgmecnt. 20-1 - tery, hiatted strollers were Raymond iFred Yeo. 0'