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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1963, p. 4

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4 The caimad1mn 5%jemmn, Icwn=mjve, ?4sy 13, 19@ UDITORIAL COMMENT SUGAR AMW SPICE Greed and Speed Breed Neurotics Editor's Note: Columnnist Bill Srniley, formerly a newspaper editor and now a high sehool teacher in Midland, in our opinion attainèd new heights lasti week with bis article on Mother's Day. This week, he continues his philosoph- ical theme with an article on what's wrong with the world. We believe you wilI agree that At is one of the bést that héC bas written. The article follows: 1 visited a mental hospital recently. A couple of nîghts after that I watch- ed television "comedian" Lenny Bruce. Botb expériences produced the saine reactions: fascination, répulsion, and sadness. They also made me ponder the causés of the growing neuroticism of today. Surely we can't biame it ail on The Bomnb. That's too easy. 1 think thére are a couple of ingredients a littie clos- er to home, an which we can focus. If we eiiminated them, we might even eliminate The Bomb. The two elements in modern living which are increasing our population of ruuts ai a frigbtening paoe are speed and greed. Speed is the deity of the 2th century as surély as money was that o! the l9th, reasôn that o! the l8th. We worship it cynicaily, but unasham- edly. Greed is the fat, little beast inside us that makes us repulsive if we feed it, frustrated if we don't, and happy oniy if we strangle it at birth. Everything is speeding up. When 1 was a kid, people used to sit around on their porches on a May evening, shooting the breeze, then go off to bed soon after dark. They slept ail nigit. No pinls. If you sit around on your front porch nowadays, ail il means is that you're a burn, because if you were any gond you'd have enougli money so that you could either be chasing around the lawn behind a power mawèr, or sitting inside watching television, like a decent citizen. Speed has ceased ta be a means tn an end, and has becomne an end in itself, thougli we refuse ta admit it. We spe*ed up production so that we can "turn out the article more cbeaply". As soon as the new method is in operation, the price goes up. "Higlier overheitd." We speed on the highways ta save time, and spend six months in the hospital, when we f ail ta n'ake that curve. We r peed housework with new gadgets, s0 the good wife wilI have more léisure time - ta sit around with a bottie, or bo out and play bingo. High on the list of those latter-day Satans who cater ta, tempt, and urge .on the poor aridnai-y slob in bis wor- tlip of speed and gi-ted are the adver- tising men. If that seems a littie harsh, don't take my word for if. Just pay' a visit ta a supermarket. Shpigused to be a leisurely, plahn part af daily lufe for women. It was a hangover fi-rn the open mark- et of less frazzled times. At the grocery store, they met their neighbors, exchanged repartee witb the grocer, pinched the meat, tasted the cheese, squeezed the bread, thumped the mel- ans, prodded tht chickens, and sniffed the fish. And above ail, they cbewed the fat. Today, shopping is a frightening, soul-destroyîng oedeal. Tht only things thé ladies can get their hands on are the vegetables, and there isn't much joy in pinching, thurnping, or taking a bite ouf of a fumnip. Where their grand- mothers dipped a hand into a box or barrel ta taste or feel, they warriediy read labels or anxiously peer into those vast, gleaming mortuaries whidh have replaced the aid meat counter. From evcry sheif, in every color, they are shouted at to "hurry, b. quick, hasten, grab me, buy more," and harassed by "family size, special deal, Iimited time only, 10e off." No wonder they scuttie about furtively, snatching up packages like bot potatoes and throwing them wildly into their carts. Everything speils out speed and greed: minute rice, instant coffee, pre- cooked ham, oven-ready chicken, ready- mix cakes, quick-frozen f ish. As a i-e- suit, they buy twîce as much as they need in haif the time they should. Then, instéad of a mutualiy-su- spicious but friendiy tailying of the bill with the grocer, they dive for a spot in the iineup, the grub is whisked into bags, the cash register chatters its stac- cato sang, and they find themseives spewed into the street, a vasf bag in each airn, and anly the vaguest idea of how much they spent. I'd like to spend more time on this theme, but you'Il have ta excuse me now. I've gat ta hurry and f inish this column, so I can rush down ta the kîtchen. My wife wants ta know whether I want instant coffee or jiffy cocoa witb the piece o! pie (instant fi11, ready-mix crust) for my mîdnight snack. Got ta save time if I want ta îead my book digest before I go ta bed. Think ll have a big suice o! gorgonzola cheese with the pie. Instant dreains, you krîow. Life Lines Can Break A brake oillie is a lie Une - unles if f ails. An Ontario Safefy League officiai prepared this coiumn à' few hours after tht news came th.ougb af another traffic tragedy, in Toronto. A woman was driving clown a hiîl when hem brakes failed; a few seconds later fwa elderiy pedestrians lay dying on the sidewalk. World War Il pilots used tius slogan: There are oid piloas Thtre are bold pilota, but Thert are no aid bold pilats. A "bold" pilat is flot only one who fakes unnecessary chances when he flies his 'plane, but aiso one who takes chances by flying a 'plane he has flot checked before taking if Up. Like a good pilot, a realiy good automobile driver aiso las his or lier personal check list, according ta M. E. St. Aubin of Generai Matai-s In saine jurisdictions an annuai car check is inandatory, but a goo.d driver does nat need a iasv ta help hîm protect his lfe and his propemty. A persanal check hist includas: brakas, steering, tires, exhaust system, lights, turn and stop signaIs, horn', mii-- noms. Brakes need regular, expert inspec- tion. But the ordinany driver should always be aient for signs o! irpending brake trouble'. The pedal should nat caine coser than ont inch fi-rn the floor when f ully depi-esSed. Brakes that grab, or that cause the car fa swerve, or fIat begin ta lose thain holding strengh require skilled atten- tion without delay. Bi-akes thaI become 6"spongy" or require purnping ta bring up pressure, are advertising the possibilify o! sud- den, complate failune. A slow ieak of brake fluid onto your garage floor is another strident warning of danger. Your safety, and that of other road users, is dependent on a quart of fluid in a narrow tube. If the fluid escapes suddenly through a damaged -or eroded line or f itting, you have no brakes at ail. Sometunes a failing brake gives advance warnmng. But flot always, cautions the Ontario Safety League. You can't rely on it. Have your car in- spected frequently, by experts. CHECK 'YOUR CAR, CHECK ACCIDENTS! TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD HUMAN RELATIONS 1. Speak to people-There's noth- ing as nica' as a cheerful word of greet- ing. 2. Smile at people - Il takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile. 3. Cali people by name - The sweetest music to anyone's ears is the sound of his own name. 4. Be friendly and helpful - If you would have friends, be friendly. 5. Be cordial-Speak and act as if everything you do were a genuine pleasure. 6. Be genuinely interested in people-You can like everybody if you try. 7. Be generous with praise - Cautious with criticism. 8. Be considerate of the feelings of oChers - It will be appreciated. 9. Be thoughtful of the opinions of others - There are three sides to controversy: yours - the other fellow's - and the right one. 10. Be alert to give service - Whal. counts most in life is what we do for others.-Canadaink. Transport Command Band Visits B.T.S. £etteirs c7 c94-e S&itor Côbourg, May 11, 1963 We have neyer had anv no trne didi any of the CLAC Dear Sir: trouble froin floods, etc. spokaesmen engage ini "brow Please find encloued chqu We have had a new 62 unit beating" tactics as anyone for four dollars, on the BanLk motel opened on the water- prescrit at the meeting cari of Mantreal. Bowznanviiie. front in Dunedin and it is testify. As a matter of tact. Please s&end me your pae really plush. Rates start at Mr. Ashton and his companion for another year. i $4.0ver day up ta $40.00 were given the opportunity tci 1 an now in my SMt year, per day. It is completed bv a 'debate with the speaker dur- and dozn t do rnuch readmng, esarnt and cocktail lounge iig the entire disou@Win but stili like to get thehome, which can seat 240 on th, perlod. This was done because news. main floor and has room on the CLAC welcomes open and news. the second floor for lodgehonést public debates about Youru truly, meetings, etc. T h le y are issues which it considers vital Hedley Oke. crowded ailte time. it; for a free saciety.IC 186-ydehamStrelsitatedrigt nxt o te n%'v In a discussion about free- Cobourgena t ee:, itu adrinagh next taote nofdom of organization Mr. Ash- Coborg, nt. Ity Msrin--athchis ne ,?ton failed to corne ta grips themos upto-ateinAmeni- with the fundamental argu- May il, 1963, ca. 0f course the Marina is ment, but he simply referred 12 Durham iSt., losing monay avery month, Sata Ch'ief Justice Rand's decis3orx Bowmanville, Ont. woas ,etxpyr regarding the payment of DerSir, Read the obituaries everyuindc.Mr stnte 'erdey and noticed that Charles tuniondues. Mr. hn h at Refeng a te dlegtij Weekes, brother of miss Eva that the CLAC spokesnien en- fri h iiteilAeta1Weelces of Bowmanville. had gaged in:a"tirade of abuse" bruge ad Rv. wan Itlabut svenmils fom aganstthe Chief Justice, the her.ýabur eltinsBoard, and Council Meeting regarding Wi&h I had known h wasl"othex.s of our fundamental clarification of the Decai-ation down here. Would have goneý institutions" which, he wrote, Day Service. Ita see him, while he was remindcd him of the approach It seems too bad that the;alive. 1 mean. ;of Robert Welch and the John said ministers had not con-! AlBo very, very sorry ta Bîrch society. This argument ferred with the other mcem-!hear about Bill Oliver. He is also extrerneiy effective in bers of the Association who'was a fine guy. I understand discrediting the CLAC ini the could have informed thein he hadn't been well for some ,public eyc, but it certainly ix that several years ag0 they, fine but when the time cames unwarthv of ana who advisei, ihad decided to disassociateit is stili a shock. st hl îg h oc" themselves with the said ser- i o o i o. I us t hl hhve eaped M. vie (sareporad in the Can- \'ours, Ashton's attention that ha nn adia Saesn.anat te tnie. A, ~longer held on ta a torch but as apparentiy they were un-. I Kih . .atrbuh abieta mke te seviceni-Does Mr. Ashton wish In Boys at the Ontario Training School here had an unexpected but most i teresting enough ta get the Dear Sir: suggest that once a decision i%ý welcrneinterupionto teirschol casss rcenty wen he lrgeAirpeople of the Town to attend., "Let us throw away the tar handed down by the courts or- Trensoreiterruptio nd to their schoolclssesocertlfor he n the large ir F'ortunately the Town COun- brush and hold hîgh t.he torch." the Labour Board we may flot Traspot ommndBan prvied n ours cncrt orthe inth aui-cil and the Royal Canadiani Thus Mr. Harry Ashton ended question its rightnass? If toriurn. The internationally famnous group of 54 Musicians played a varied Legion did nat feel thec sane his letter publishied in the May 1Mr. Ashton wants ta impiy concrt hatwasgretedmos enhusastiall bythefasinaed udince way about drapping the Ser- 1I issue of this paper, in which that stating one's disagree- concrt hat as reetd mst nthuiasicaly b th fasinaed adiece vice and in mny humble opin-lhe commented on a report of rnc'nt with sonne of the de-. RCAF Warrant Offîcer Ford is showvn, lef t, bcing thanked by Training School linte ahdeev ra pbi etn posrdb îins of public institutions. Superintendent John Bain. ;deal of credit for carrying on1the Christian Labour Associa- and dcbating about thein o tis worthwhi.le service o!: tion of Canada. I agrea, and the basis of fundamantal con- iltRemembranca as proven bv regret ta discaver that Mr.,!siderations is equivalant ta "a the large numbers who attendl Ashton faius ta, follaw up his'tirade of abuse*', I suggest that (~f- ad prtcipt1 achyr. own advica. he consult the dictionary about cci gt an s E o/uirI Mr Swann's referance ta' Since I spoke aittins par- the meaning of the word f air tends ta show he was notl briefly tao restate what wasý Mr. Ashtonî made repeoiaeyLgo fIiuarmeig1wudlk trd" eferencs fullv aware o! the tact relat-!said. After describîng theta the tremendous debt thf. Larrv 'Moore of Carnpbell- dies, now living in England -- Stringent steps Nvïil bc tak- ing to tha absence of anyinature of materialism. partic- people of Halland owe ta craft recently purchased four -In yaur last bulletin, I notic- en ta sée that men do 'lot filmi tes ularly Communism. and the:Canadiafls who died for the piglets, aged nina week-c. ed the death of Harold Bris- their water botties, on th& Naw that same new mem.aoppositiofl ta Christianity in sake o! freedom. Although 1 Three of theni proved to bc bin. He and I MIf the l9th lina of march. frorn unauthor-, bers have apparently been - ,utre ndris oia- do not quiteuîdrtn th quia trîfy, ut hefouth-Bnandbeamepilts ii heize wels. No ldhorse'stalled in the Association per. 'tion, I stated that the forces of connection betwecn the mat- flot so good. A physical ex- Royal F]ying Corps. He drap- standings or stables will bc haps they will be able ta re, humanism and secularism are ters discussed by Mr. Ashton amination disclosed that Lar- ped. I believe, on the other used until units are satisfied vive th ptyihU- very influential in our own and the people of Holand, 1 iy had, unwittingly. acquired side. and gai back through there bas bcea no cattle orider members semtraescey Imd la hti agice that such a debt indeed a porcine marvcl. The littît Switzcrland. 1 enclose a ot os îes ntc iiiy noa oong and oh&v, this w 1 as lata lre scxs.inanidrcn fellow came equpped sans dollar bill, dated 1911. It \vas (Youngman*s inote: How could get together ta make i1dgredu aah Crstasaei hofu oea ebt tag aperture aI the end of the given ta mie ii December. you IlE). ';orthwhile Memarial Day so'not coming ta grips with the ail those \whobaayfgh alimentar-y canal. Qucstioný 1916, 'ta get a drink on me', Alpioescpurd htw a ilpyoi e motant issues of aur day in: and died in the defensa of What happens \when Lady Byng. AI cari-led itcapttthelightthf the Wordiaf GodOurfreedoni. hast leave the roorn? through to Vinmy, and then 1 a islii ilb etset aalarfre i! said that by and large thel Above ail, we need ta hie Same of the veterans of tht every hour I flew, Perîîaps a once to the guard- room ,zens, relatives and friend î ad nos r ls oithaiikful ta aur God for the Second World War gaI a kick the bank will exehange il for: and receipi. obtaincd from ser-1who have died in the Com-i vated by a humanistie, secular gift af freedam. But we alsa tout of last week's column, ancd a shilling or lwa Io buy geant of the guard for samne. munity. view of life and sociaty. I' must bc busy with its preser- &Sked for some more o! the stamps.' The bill is being Me uî ti imes. xveari nhml snaiy described socialism, ta whichaiolod.Frthteso saie. kept, by au-r Secretar.y, in au,.:thieir helts when walking oui. R. G. Harding.1mafly unions and union lead- iwe must seek a solution ta the A few morths aga. ane af Battalioti archiv7es. The Transport Officer wiîî rsar cmnitad a a pole oard oime ish tour ex Battalion types maved Here's anotiier anc o! t hast see that ]lis men wear their Corner Union and esscntially humanistic view o!,iht o! thea o of adThie frani Toronto ta a smaller On- 'Standing Orders' issued to bandoliers." DulsStet, politics and the state. In con- is al oso th rais tht th tario cammunity, and niet a oui- afficers the day thal. weogls tees clusion 1 stated that a Christian CA osatyiasssc Pada o te F-s WoldWarlet Hon Begirn.tamaieh The blake that îssuad those Dunedin, Fiorida ilabour union acknowledgingil mportant and fundamenti whro thbeen staiioîed ar t Germn, lan becomart nttyorders didnt need Ioa May 4th, 1963 Uta authority of the Bible and Issues as the meaning o! free- prisnero! ar anî. i o!theArm o!Occpaton. llu the Transport Officex aDa ony being guîded by a Biblical dam and responsibilîty, social- France. A German prisaner *'Navamber 18tb, 1918. MAKE LuS wear aur banda-! Thought it was about tmimecw of Jifa and hunian relIa- ismn, etc., and it welcomas open die, ad ws bingbuied Thefout.bCaîadan iîfn- . We always wor'e tbem r ityorFoid'eote --tions was iieedad for a sound discussions about thasa mat- wîthmhîar y hobena ur ArTey Brigadewiladarîce b\', because, whan thay had a fe a t opForted. Ator ter approach ta the problenis of Iter. Why can we nat have elderlv French woman and mai-ch ratite ta the rounds o! small ai-ms ammuni- near that trne. etln lbor Asn laor elatons. dîsgrcomnition anhe basî o i small grandsan saw the firing frontier as part o! the Army, tan inthe pouhse earnî tha asia-w ne M er.eshortwrofet the h ncet conictonpen d enae party. and thouglit sameane of Occupationi. During apttheatn"ah'duîg :rough? As you poal ewprrprt Ute rn îan and s topenidabat was going t be shot. Se was mai-c, ail militi-y preenu-ing contained "inherant Pinp-hi s o iuht ,,rsgon o cso. h asmrthalmlia p ei frcas.kîîow, we had the worst accuracias" which ha failed ta hope for. peeking Ihraugh Ihie hed.c- ions will be adopted againsi Ireeze in nearly onteIiundred mention. Instead, lie continu- Mr. Ashton's latter is mil the xvheri flie first volley was surprise. Any enemy ei-non- Is years. The loss to the Citrus cd by giving an inaccurate mare puzzling since we shok ifiad. ade orilrgaintdsa, Grdswil go ad rn, autoROWNindustry was tremendous, not description of the happenings hands afterwards, when Mr-. who ad ientiv leand s naticald ly, -hother toBa- (naddfr a we oniY ta last year's crop but tO at the meeting. Mr. Ashton Ashton and his cornpanian iwho hadevident1 learne his matcally, hether tr. Bal-exttyear for la. Hadekanman yin also.ta thatanthawrCLAChasptkes-ACassured amere thaeth theyhladadap- English fi-rn the soldiers. talion is an the mova or i-est- te store only yestarday Who0 men "in typicai brow baating praciated the meeting and the holler "same is.o.b. has shot. ing. The canvassers in the re- las a very smalil orange grave:style rushed across the rooniiexchange a! opinion, la spite my grandmnera." Guard unounting will be tant Cancer Society compaign'(1800 treas) and ha said he'wavîng their arns and shout-;of aur serious differeneu, Why An excarpt froni a lattai ta takan mare sariously. 0f late wish ta thank the people f or' wouldn't have ovar 100 boxes ing for an opinion on the coni- did Mi-. Ashton change bis jour Association Secretarv, the guards have beau a dis- the rnanner in which thevt ta harvest next winter. On pulsai-y aspects o! union par- mird?, from ane of our former bud- grace Io the Battalian. Jvare recaived. A total of top cf that he has ta prune, tîcipatian, . . 'l" This kind of'! aryAnoids S29.68 was c ail1 a r t e d in! fartilize and irrîgata as though reporting is very effective in ar ntnd Brawn's Section there was fruit on the tracs. arousing publie antipathy ta-' Business Agent, In othar wards his expense!wards te CLAC, but ît is not Christian Labour Aas'n. I T The Rayai-s enjoved aru 18- goas on and the income stops.lin harmony with the tacts. At of Canada. li h Dmile hike aver the weakend, Ha. like many others, do net ____________________________ camping out an Saturday:know how they will axîst un-1 night on the farm o! Mr. W; tii Deceniber o! 1964. U* * ' and oyd- Ornaccopand byi egtaohave a grave -4;Not Farewell, But HelloI f phenson, lover 50 ycars ald. One--us. LJSLCta L JYaSL Master Bobby Bovd enter'- deader'n blazes and the other, by Ann Bowmlan Anothai- Canad.îan Cancer tained a few o! bis voungc, has new fruit largartan golf, The trai sopa n heoutvonercmelng - Froni The Statesman Files friands lasI wieek oui the oc- ,balîS on il and is loaded.' waysade station, and Mai-ion lookîîîg raier like any nmni ___________________________________________casian o! his foui-th bî-thdav. iComa down around November watdhed te faw people strag- ber of womeîî ii Marion's own 15th and have one for breakc- gle eut o! the coaches, meet'home tawn, brisk, jovial. .5 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO miss June Robinsonî was de- fast. Our five palm trees friands and slowly disappear' down - ta - carth.Sh a I (Ma 19 198) 3La ~.191> ightfully surprisad on Tues- i ware damagcd, but are coming froni vicw. Lifa, for themi,1 charge immadiately, and be- (Alayl9ý 938)(Uay21, 914)day by a number of heai girl lback but if will be a couple she thought, was gaing on te fore long was asking Marion iOliver A. Bradt, son of On- Mi-. Clauda Ivas spent lite friands on the occasion o! heu' o! yaars before they will bei sanie as usual. But nol for, where she was stayîng. "Oh tario Training School Farm wcakend un Toronto. elevanth buuthdav et a mlýecback to normal. le.Frhr vrtigwswl, h ad w'lso BSpradt bas g E.aduad -ui îî Miss Margaret Trebilcock ittepat landbvbr Sa far as sh-ubberyis con- ,changed. She was filled with chang'e al Ihat. You must Onatria Agricultural ollage visiting fxiends in Toronto. moîher. cau-ned, wa cut everything' a narneless fear, a !ear that conie and stay at the Princes% i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a1- Gu-h .hbs1-.. e ansata a-oko teMs.Tm4îpo tab- sff- Margaret Lodge It was built R. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A Jt. teddIieana l-n. oor.hv oaron Ratai-y Convention in Niaga'ra an auto trip thriough Western tea ni, The Maple Gi-ove hurl-Ij a dtveloped. They are going eut a niorning paper, buried ion la! t la go home with a Fahîs Ibis weak. Caaaanrntd tts. aw~as a standout and Salcri pump up an extra 3100 hiùs head in its pages. very dufferant view o! her-1 Rav. C. C. Washington, B.A, wei'e downed 8-7?. acres o! ground which is now Once in the rooming bouse self, and wîth every hope of B.D., Toronto.C. ishi lStai.ndaBanke Ross, o! tha The Salem junior boys xere,under watei-. and when that in Toronto, sie unpackad hafulrcer.Stngith mohr1r.W.C ahn-StnadBn, omîvha defeated 9-5 by Shaw's Sehoal.' is complated tIare will ha faw btlongings, sat aI tt train on lai- way home, she ta usaI hity fr alim nus-Theia ane was rained out but1mai-t acreage on te isiands window, watched c h il1d r en founiu t difficult to enurner- Mr. and Mrs. W.. J. F0et1119a soi-e ankle, which leha g l te ae had ithanoMimBec.Agup lygintearwsreaethmn evcsred- Fanelon Falls, were iii town ýtwisted so scvei-ely as to crack moi-r hnbl h a nMan ec.Agoppaig h arsreaethe niay servcesraiden'- for a few days, the guasts of the bones. . gone by before il rainad, and;o! local business mnen (of wished maie dare spend nionas' cd ailned caerptet Mrs J.E. leI ad fnîiy. Evary passai--bs' adreth Shaw's ware given credit foriwhon 1 ar nont one) hava ta. pay for an hatl roorn, in Ontario by the Cancer Sa- Wfr d J.E.F. Sochsonnffie dspha' o uis nhr-tc win. bought 730 acres - amre at Iwiscdshe hadn'tbeen to e a-ciefy, and numbercd gmne of 'Mns. Frank Soucli. and the cssi, etc.. un Mi-. F. H. Mason's The Salcm Senior Girls gaIthan trae ntatei seway dtoctoret a i Afler an co-lther ff n laisings, trerpin late Mr-. Soucli. o! Bowunan- gai-dan ibis spring. a loughbrbueak by being down-' n aaoittilns o i lasde !cne eefa rsig.fe an ville, who has been for soma ha n.Ede n i ed by Mitcbell's Cornai-s in the tuna of $4,445,O0O.00. If!didn't they? And since thîs reliaving drugs, home visiting, tuemangerof he ariinifie f ihîErshear adc wahsae mic ie ot-yu o hink that high, figure'iwas sa, shc wisled shc hadn'týtransportation - tiiese ware a ivisionago! theandiMam ifgi-- ond s evening, .e barl scoe, 52.Ta scoret-heicn trs a orfr24 been tbld, wished she'd just' few, she knew. She als knew civniomnyo he as aeee i tbMa- thayevhdnts ,conriacîng bllsorn524 hsoue fgreIîOUi oe onwith ber simple job lthat she bad on]y to cmli her ýcniCopayha ecivd it tehyratsonKigSt. wasn't final tliihal! an ou nhus ach day; iuei sn notica o! his promotion Iota e tr h am hthe M TF Gît bas in the store, Iet things takei local Cancer Society Unît on jofic ofMaage o th Md- Ir. Tos Cultr as cachs ad ecdedonit Thes' are now startingttheir course. reaching home ta find eut offie o Maage o!thaMid x i ne cactus in bloon iun buga shopping centre on th& he next morning, stilI niaie. iWcst Division xith headquart- ber window thal bas been Tha Salam Junior boys plaI~iln Iîeatac a lnsastdtay, nesAd wban she did this, sha- i-sn in WalipexgasMitimuchmuch admurad, Thiere are aI1rh Corie toîgtithe Causeway. It is on i-c-i Margaret Hospital, sat on ai musad, as the train once agai-u 'wn aHlfxa aiiedozens o ikbosm ni.My7 n h il lya ,Manager- six s'eors ago. Hae!pnkbosni ni My7 ndUagrl îy at<CObd ground anid il las al-Ichair like the i-est o! the pa-ipulled mb tc h litt wayside ,wiil leave on Ma ,2îhta Mr. Ras'Ri Iad. Ih hasNouiCutc Weeda' ways been a source o! won-tianbs, wailta aldl h ttosewudth h take over contraI of the bus- compleîed bis third -year in The Salemi Senior boys Play dai-ment ta me bow il can bel end o! the road. She had nax'- volu.nteers that il was nol maiiss in Manitoba, Saskatcha- Arts ai Victoria University, at South Courtica fou' Iherdane. Il is a different type ai- felI 50 afraid au 'Oo alone alona the services thcy rend- wan and Alberta. Toronto, is spendîng a few third game andl hope toa ipof sand than on the great in her life. ax-cd that. had been so bene- Nestlaton: Miss Gene Fer- days aI his father's, Mn. Jas. up their second win. lakes and packs like cernn. Suddanls'. a Y'oung womnan f icial. lb was the new, hap- gu.son, R.N., Toronto Genai-al G. Rickard, previaus ta leaving Tuesday, May' 7, Salem Jun- And o! course the fi-ast situ- was speaking ta ber. She pier view o! life tInt each o! Hoa-pital, is holidaying wît.b for a trip through England -oi-, ware vicIai-s ovaer Northi ation is different toa, Thera smilad, handed Mai-ion a cuptham bad halped lier ta culti. ber sister. Mrs. Perecy Phîlp, witb tIc Victoria Glea Club. Courtice Jiuniors 10 tthe tuneare no basernents dewn heî' f te&, a plate o! cookies. Fvate. Thev had miade her i-e- Tyrone Congratulations taIo Hampton, Mu' Walter Kallar of 13 ta 7. Glen Burgess hed at al]. We are at oui- plaae"'Ai-e you alonc? Wouîd yau aliza that it was tnot, afier al, Rev. and Mrs. A W March on us bi& rcsidence the Ha\--ký "ih hi sfrikeouts aon'y 15S feel above the higi luke sormeone la sit wth, ;ou la b'- farewell t') ifp - but a J'te arrivai of a baby girl, w-ah a coat of paint, in the fîve inn.und game. îtîde of the Gui! of Mexico for a while?" Ele was a.-king. veny bright nev hello! ~be anabtan &hîte#lman Durham Cau.nty's Great Family Journal A Est ablishod 109 yaars ego in 1854 Ali..Incorporarting The Eowmanville News R The Newcastle Independant ID~The. Orono News o "Auwhorized cai becond C~alo t b? thePet Offce Dept., Ottawa. and lot parmsat et Postage la =Sfb* Produced *very by THE JAMES PUEISMIG COMPANT LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 XLag St. W.,bwmanville. Ontarto JOHN M. JAMES GCO. W. GRAUAM GEO. P. NMRS EDITOR-PULUSNI ADYTO. NMANAGER EUSoeMMIt. SUBSoeIPTIN RATES $4.00 a Yeaxr, .tnctly in dvauc. $5.50 a Year in thé Uùt.d Statue Aitbouqh .vey pmcob. Wb. tu%»e te oW 4errer,.The. Ccnadian s tteemeaa ccepts adveztis- Iin= ceuusce3,ta n lb. u 31.fin "ibt i WWmoi b. hable for auy mm ein amy adiertieseut pibobrude' nisea e utedmpnm nTeseld L"--, = the e v rfim gag iewed to i ,lnUuebIe n"Waui gd by ueend withbsuck etror or corzctlom POIi7nold aWti ~e. qd in tiet cage il=y ac: g o ûMoed te DMo effected by The Conu<lqu Sttesuen its a omt sxo ub fle t tbe satire ceet tgmu uii .,esent es th* spac. occuped b' b. the êewerrer beurs te thae .ou *ompa.d b> 64" odvertisement.

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