R_.esidence 623-5553 MIISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public D E L V E Y14 Frank St. Bowmanville DELUVERYLOVKI Mon., May.ZOth ___ Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - FarmuS Reguar ilk eliery ri-Business Properties_ Mortgage Loans liii.AAA~Prompt, caurteous service IVISAY MY Ilst HAROLD C. PEDWELL p Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 386 Glez RaeOptomeiry KEITH A. BILLETTI O.0 Optometrist 141 King St. E.- Bowmanville DON'T MISS ROTARY FIREWORKS DISPLAY ýOffice Hours: By appaintment Telephane 623-3252 Mon.-T ues. - Thurs.- Fr1. 9 a.m. ta 5 p.rn. Thursday evenings Wcd. and Sat. - 9 - 12 OBITUARY 'wlth his brother Wm. HR. (BIU) in Toronto. 9 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, May!m,1 983 %-Ille, recently vislted Mr. and Cburch.1 GMrs. Kenneth Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McQueen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cav-iWeston, spent the weekend M A ~ erly were Sunday even inglwith Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred dlinner gbests of Mr. and Mrs. i Smale. H A M P T O NW U Bruce Caverly, Oshawa, in Mrs. Robert Preston, Maplê honour of Mother's Day. ;Grove, called on Mr. and Mra. There wilIl he, meeting for going to discuss the question Sunderland. son oif Mr. and On Mother's Day, Mr. and Bert Stevens on Saturday. parents of children interested -Is there life after death". Mrs. Fred Reed. Mr. Malcolmi Mrs. Jack Carter and Candace, Mrs. Ethel Burgess, TyTone, in Red Cross swimming class- Home and School are having Reed was one of 12 studentsi Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Garv spent Saturday wlth Mr. and es at Cedar Park this suri- a United Nations Night on at Ont. Universties who each'Chant and Erie. Tyrone, were.Mrs. Bert Stevens. mer. It is most important thatiThursday aI 8 p.m. won Queen Elizabeth schclar- 1Sunday visitors wîth Mr. andý Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode evroeattend as there were. Mother'8 Day service ai the ships of $2,500. Mrs. Ted Chant. and boys, Lakefield; Mis. 1. neveyone ttelstret uda col heeG s,;Harreli and daughters, Osh- flotenogh t te lsI eet SudaySchol.Thee-Gd's The young people of the Mr. and Mrs. Jeyes and ing to settie the urgent busi- Presence in the Home. Joy Hi-C Group w2re ousy on Sat- famnily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell, I awa, visited Mr. and Mns. ness. Meting at Hampton Hoskin ra ai1 worship. urday, cleaning uio the church Oshawa, were Mother's Day'Clarence Tink on Sunday. Mr. Schol My 2, 830 .m. Ginger Baison read Prayer grounds, digging -flower beds; visitors with Mr. and Mrs, chind rn Bill Dadson and At the Sunday marning of Invocation, Litany ai and planting' ilowers &nd Hugh Coutts. iplrntrbaroughlsoat church service. Mrs. Page and Thanksgivirig led by Harald showers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashton, uptened Gra d ls rt- Mr. Alex Carrick were in Balson with respanses by ail Hampton Home and Schaol Pickering Beach, visited Mr. nday party.ik' irh charge of the service, due ta present. Donna Wilbur read Club met last Wednesdayliand Mrs. Coutts recently. Mr anp rs. Mra the illness of Rev. Percy Page. the Scripture Lesson. Erlyne wiîh Pres. Lennis Shuttie- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coutts and duhessetMte' The scripture lesson, read by Barron led in prayer. Bob worth prcsiding. The minutes were in Toronto Friday eve DyduhtrnpntMte' Mr Crrc ws uk :3-5.Kossask and Gardon Smnale were read by Mrs. Ruth Far- ing at a tamily gaîhering in a with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 'The talk to the children was made the presentation of the r'ow in the abý-nce of our Scçç honour of a cousin of Mr.Rsva, yoe on "«Faded Flowers" and the'offering. Mrs. Harold Hiemn- 'r ad f 1acwr ots Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell semnette Mr he Ira told the stary Mr. Har- *p'rvd. B'-'ne. -ý isu-sd and family, Don Milîs; Mr. soeron eîi tle 'Mayie s YBaanpro e. î..ne... d the'Mrs. Perey Deweillwas hos- and Mrs. Don Lee and ICelth, Mothr",wer bah caabl ol Basoriprooun2ed thewas aur Fireworks Display tess on Thursday afternoon,i Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Almyr presented by Mrs. Page. A ý Benediction. There wvas a re- ia,,( the mote, col.e'ic-d &as at a birîhday party in honour Tomilinson and famnihy, Bally- heautiful sextet number wvas card attendance. Mrs. Harold! harded in. Other busincýýs n- af the birthday of her moîher, ufwr udyngtsp rendered by Mrs. Page, Mrs.: Balson and Mrs. Bert Hos- cl-ueed Field I)av Plans fr1 Mrs. H. Tink, Sauina, wh e usswt M.adM Burrows, Mrs. Gerald Bal- 'km were responsible for the tlîir year. Mrq B'eulaili Smi, the guests were close friends pelr gest with .an M. soMr.Short, Mrs. Ron planning of this splendid isH1,,wa, instailci thie new ex- of Mrs. Tink. Mi.faed Fwlrs. arCyd- son, ~ rs Mr. r.aneMs HrriCydr Clemens and Mrs ceei.Mther's Day Service. _-cutýe far thný coming ycar. i Mr. Rass Farrow, Stark- mar, Bowmanville, Mrs. Lytta This week's calendar- Same of aur clever music- piesý. Mrs. Audrvy lHolrinYc; ville, and Miss Carol Sapka, Stout,Tont;Ms d Hampton Sunbeam Messen- jans are deserving of con- Ist Vice, Mrs. Dat n Hciro.vd:i Bawmanville, were recent Tyorono; Mrs. Ada. gers, C.G.I.T., Tyros. Little, gratulatiotis. At a Rotary Mu- 2n(.1 Vice, X.irs. Jean Rc;get with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Tambl, Sroino;an Mrs.Wm Friends, Hi-C groups will al sic Fectival in Ajax, Miss Se- Mrs. ]Rutli Farirow; A.,tguepha.sChous e, el evilndMand ffiee as usual on their regu. Lilian Page came first in one., Mrs. Velmna Luke. Ami Mr. L an m. ChapagnetBelevill, an lartims. heHi-C group are graup, Master Alfred Pagelbers hip Convenor, Mrs. Denis an iyvtd Mrs. e ie Mrs. Bush, Trenton; Mr. Mer- came third in another g rau PTerpstra; Treasuirer, Mus. Mcl- Killens, Whitby. -y rdra n oOh !Miss Anita Truil came 4th in bou-.'ne Primne. Lun'ch Comm.,1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bal-ahve hbenrct a large graup. Mrs. Bett ,,î .-, rdaddagtes ttnà callers on Mr. and Mrs. Wi'fl On Tuesday of last week, ABel rdaddghcsatee~ Wilbur. A elTelephone film en- the parade in Oshawa on Sat- the Courtice High School1 titled "Sky w a y 55"' xas urday and enjoyed the train B Band came ta Hampton School infortiziive film oni oui' Radar, ride ta Cobourg behind th lB siness uirectary zby bus and presented a fine Defences and the Dew Line.1 steam engine. ,/ musical progra ~t the Hamp- Mrs. Audrey Hoiî'oyd Ii-ni Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Acc ou n ia n cy Ifton teachersan pupils. thanked the utgan Pres.1daughters visited her par- ________________ /Mrs. Bob Chiids had a ra- fr the work achieved during ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ap-, RAT J. DILLINO Io her harrowing experience nc h,? past year T!ic mepting pletan. Whitby, an Saturday,, Chartered Accountant Yeve.ning recently. While driv- was closed with the singing !and on Sunday visited Mr. 93 Church Street have ing across the 5th. a yearling1 of God Save the Queen, after! and Mrs. Frank Ballard at 623-3861 deer suddenly crossed. The which lunch was served. Columbus. an eil was somcwhat dam- Mrs. Raymond Clapp, Ty- Mr. Lloyd Kerscy. Robbîe iLEONARD JAMES BROOICS aged and the unfortunale deer1 rone, visited Mrs. A. W. Pres- and Philip, Westan; Mr. and i CatrdAcutn ws killed. colt on Thursday afternaon. lMrs. Harold Ashtonî, Claire coutns :dtr MrI. Webber, Bowmnanville,, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kessîci'. 1 and Douglas, Ennîskiilen, were Trustee in Bankruptcy ý*i. passed away last week. In- Toronto, spent the weekend 1saturday visitors with M r. S(ite 205W 725-9953 Iterment took place in Hamp- wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. W. and Mrs. Sid Kersey. Ohw hpigCnr ton last Saturday. Prescoti, were Saturday even- Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kei'sey WM. 3. IL. COGGINS Mr. Bill McReelis had the ing guesîs with Mr. and Mrs. and Iamily, Scarborough; Mr. Chartered Accounitant Therc arc few occasions% in lil'C misfortune to* break a bane John Carrigan. 'and Mrs. Ken Pooler and farn- Second Floor ,v'hen you nced a friend more in his ankie while playing soc- On Sunday for a Mothers ily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. New Library Building rer. -lie is wearing a cast and Day treat Mr. and Mrs. Kess- Len Player and Tommy, Baw- Cor. King & Temperance Sts. than when y'ou are involved in learniflg t10 anipulale a ]er took Mr. and Mrs. A. W. manville; Mr. and Mrs. John ____Phone 623-3612 anl automobile accident. We'd !pair of crutches. Prescatt and Mr. A. L. Pres- Lyon and famiiy, were ail YALE, FRIEDLANDER ike 1n bc that.friend in need. We are pleased ta know that catI for a-drive and they cal]- Sunday supper guests wiih & COMPANY Yott hopc--and so do W- Mrs. Geo. Wright is home cd on Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. ant1d Mrs. Sid Kersey on hrtrdAconah tfram the hospital and gain- Mallette. Little Britain. Mother's Day. hred conat that accident never happens iing strength daiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver 1-lub- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cieni-, Licensed Trustee in Barikruptcy Ia yoiî..Rut if it does, well bec We are sorî'y ta report the bardi, Oshawa, visited Mrs. ens visited an Moîhers Day*V'4 igS death of Mr. Jas. Hogarth, Luther Allun and familv. with Mi'. and Mrs. Albîn .E 2-31 ps loe a te dalon he w'ho for, many years was a Mi'. and Mrs. Frank Wilburi'Ciemens, Bowmanx.ille: Mi'. _ -__Oshawa, Ontario inearest telcphonc. Sec us -for 'faithful servant oi the town- anîd ianily. Oshawa, visited and MVrs. Ron Cleinens and MONTEITH - MONTEITH auto insurance thal nieyer s(alls ship and will be greatIy mniss- Mt,. and Mrs. Harry Palmer Brent were also present ai RIEHfL & CO. cd. on Moîher's Day. the famnily gathering, which 13.5 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa i rough going. I-is parishonters are grieved Mr. and Mrs. Bill Har'rison included Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chartered Accountants ta hear of the illness of ouI' and Kirn, Coiborne; Miss Mar- Clerrens, Toronto. 728-7527 beloved pastaî', Rev. Pereiy janie Harrison, Mrs. Ken Mr. and Mrs. Ber~t Ashton, Parîners: Page and aur- prayers will be Moore and Judy, Port Perry, Toronto, were Sunday visit- Hon. .1. W. Monteith, F.C.A. offered foi' a speedy recas'- weî'e Sunday visitons witiî ors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. B. Monteith, B. Corn., C.A. STU RT IR j«X y er. Latest report is that he Mi'. and Mrs. G. Adcoek. Luke. G. W. Rieh], C.A., R.I.A. ismuch impraved. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nash, Mi'. and Mrs. Mountenay (Licensed Trustee) 1 We wish ta extend èongrat- Oshawa, were Sunday visil- and c'hildren, visited on Sun- G. E. Trethewey, C.A. JAMES ulatians ta Mr. Malcolm Reed. ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.: day with Mrs. Thos. Mount-' R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. ________________Axford. enay, Trenton. WILSON & BÛiiERW. 1INSRACE RFAL ESTATE, Air, Rail or Steamship Miss Faye Srnith and Miss, iVîr. and Mrs. Ra 'v Selleis Chartered Accountants T 1 C K E T ýS Joan Peel spent the weekend 'and children, Bowinianvilte, 1 igS.EsOhwOt lKingr St. E. Bowmanville TO EVERYIVHERE ai Miss Peel's home at Bexley. wei'e Sunday supper ' . 1's 4 Kng St.EsOhw:Ot Consult ~Miss Clara Herma, Rich- with Mr. and Mrs. John Mac-' Parîners:iso, .A Office Residence F L 1, Ei niond i]], spent the week- nab. 623561 23-49 2King St. E. 623-3361 -end with Mr. and Mrs. lHan- Mr. Jackson 'Wray and Miss- .PhdondeB728-s75 C.A a2-6162-43id 1Ileimsîra. Mi'. and Mrs. Debra Wray, Oshawa, __ Poe 7854 Bowmanville lerma and Miss Audrey 1lieî- Saturdax' evening visitors - -,nia, tJxbridge, wene Suiday Nvith Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wray. C h i r o p r a c iic viioswith Mr'. and Mis. Mi'. aind Nus. Sai Keane_____ 1lieirrstra. a~nd boys, and Mrs. Keaiîe Su., Gi. EDWIN MANN, DC. MMr. anîd Mrs. Jack Niddery, were Stinday evening visitais? Chiropractor ' Elmer Trimble, Base Line: Mi'. and Mî's. Fî'ed Hiolroyd 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. R Y 23-5589 Mr. Bill Widdecanibe, Osh- Jr'., and lamily, visited on Phone 623-5509 awa: Mr. and Mrs. George Mohei's Dav with lier par- Office lours: By Appointment SUN to WEDI .ahmr, Greenwood, we'e l'e- e'lts, Mr'. anîd Mis. Anos- - FRI. and SAT. MAY 19 - 22 and Missc a ry4a NNiddev Brook ihî..Oriend a Oshaw D e niai at :3 Pm.Mr. and Mrs. Art Reynolds, Airpaî'I, wheîe Master Billy M.RUELL, D.D.8. 7 and 9:15 pa.i. a- JSFiii7FO ý1 Debbic, Steven aînd Jane, vis- i'Holroyd and Master Jaey Stry- 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Osted on Sunida 'v xith Mir. and c'halski, accompanied by Mrs. Office Houes: 1IM NOVAi< Mus. J. R. Reynolds anîd Rab- Stry\chaiski \vent on a plane 9 arn. tel 6 p.m. daily ert Belleville. irîp ao'er Oshawa. Missxes Su- Ciosed Saîurday and Sunday JAMES GARNER Mi. and Mis. Harvîx' Bai' ssii and ivnette Holroyd are Office Phone - 623-57901 soni and famil, Oshawa. Nvei'e iooI:iîg forward ta theiî' tripi House Phone - Newcastle 35511 TONY R NDRLL Sunday tea guests \viîh his which is pianned for two - R .W iN A ARTiN PA50 0f F 50vf Mrs. John Balson, lVrs. Mac- NIu. and Mus. Bill Holirox'd L.D.S., D.D.S. (Calai) nab aînd Mr. Geraîd Baîson and lini k' speniîî a wti Office in his homTe Sweî'e iin Oshawa recentiy at heir parents Mr. and Mis. Wii- 10Lberty St. N., Bowmanville JAC'(KIFEA SON the LUIundei'Iaking pai'loui' Io liant Lîwev', Bowm-anvil e. OfiePhone 623-5604 * pvtiiei respects ta the laite Mrs. Doî'is'Hoirovd is spend- 9ffceaorn.ts: .m al Excellent Family Show F - Miss Dora Bail. in- a few days ai Enniskillen, Closed Wedncsday - Surday Last weekend Mrs. John ]aoking aften lier grandchild'-- _____ CiNi MASLOPF & MrTROCOLOR Balsoîî with Dr. aîîd Mrs. ren w hile Iheir rnother MnZ. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. - Kelîli Billett of Bovvnîanx'iiie Stuiart Lamib is in iîospital li Office Sun, ay19% - àMidn-ight.elShow- OÉ'%-y1 _ OiiiiiVir\Vatsonqt-naîîd) Mi's.7 Kin So.E.anvma hlel BASE LINE Mrs. M. Fowler has réturn- ed home after spending the past two weeks visiting ber daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Seguire, Brighton. Mrs. Rex Fowler was guest ai honaur at a blrthday cele- bration on Thursday evening1 at the home of relatives in Oshawa. 1an We were sorry tear Mrs. 1. C. Zwaren is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibsoni spent Mother's Day wcekend 1with their dau.ghter, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arthur Busheli and Ruth, -Niagara Falls, Mr. Clifford Wilson spent the weekend on a fishing ex- pedilion and Mrs. Wilson was the supper guest cf ber dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kol- enko and Karen on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnes were Sunday evening callers with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaiîch, Ajax.1 WESLEY VILLE The UCW and ils predeces- sor the W.A. bas been meet- ing regularly every second Wednesday in the month ince the beginning ai the '30's but is not 100 set in it$ ways for, as last week, il cari change the date occasionally ta accama- date other events. The May meeting was held on Thurs- day evening aI the home ai Mrs Harold Best with 20 la- dies present. The programme was in charge ai Berniece Best and bier graup. The Iheme was for; farnxly week and the seripture1 was read by Mrs. R. Best. Mrs.1 Win. Ashby read a paper en- litled "The Family"; Mus. Allan Holdaway followed the theme by reading s a m e Ihoughts on Christian Homes and Marriage. The oid iash- ioned Sunday Schoolan tMother's Day was descrie .by Mrs. Harold Best, foiiowed by a prayer poem read by Berniece and Ibis part ai the -day's programme closed with prayer led by Sarah Holdaway The business was conducted by the president Mrs. Clarence Nichais who gave an accounî of the meeting held at Wci- i came for the presidents afi the west section ai Cobourg! Presbyterial. Planîs were made ta help1 with the Part Hope hospital auxiliary tea la be held in June. A commiîtee was ap- pointed ta make arrangements for the strawberry festival, and a decision taken ta pur- chase mare chairs for the Sun - day Schoal roonI. Repart was received con- emaing the shipmenî at a bale ai used clothing weighing 73 ]bs., ta the Save the Children Fund, and money was voted ta assist members ai the Sun- day Schaol ta attend Quin- Mo-Lac camp in the summer holidays. The meeting af the Mens Club was held here last weck. Sunday School and church service were combined on Sunday morning with the opening part of the service conducted by the superintend- ent, Murray Payne. Members ai the Sunday School assistedý 'wiîh the service and the spec- lai music was pravided by 12 girls and 7 boys of the junior choir. Using the family day leaflets the caîl te worship ewas given by Sandra Payne, prayer by James Nichais, res- pensive reading by Garfield Payne and the seripture by Suzanne Eyden . The chair sang "Tell Me the Old, Old eStory", failowed by prayer led by Ruth Nichais. Leslie Ford and Lewis Tharridyke received and presented the offcring. Marie Austin tald the story for the day with the echair coming down la the front seats ta hear il. Barbara Dn*- ner and Gloria Nichais sang "'Gad Bless Our Home To- day". Rev. M .remcan ar- doN US BUJY! Save 9c! Assorted LIBBY'S RELISHES BONUS BUY! You Save 7c! -- Heinz TOMATO KETCHUP BONUS BUY! You Save le! - Layer Style Pillsbury CAKE MIXES BONUS BUY! You Save 7c! ST. LAWRENCE CORN BONUS BUY! You Save 10c! JAVEX LIQUID BLEAI BONUS BUY! - Save 12e! - Buy 1, Get 1 Free! Twir MIR LIQUID DETERGE Red Ripe and Full o'Juiee - Good size WATERMELONS 2 for 49c 11-0z. Botties 2for 45c 2 for 69c 25-oz. Tin OIL '57c 128-oz. Size CH' 79C ENI 79C 99C Florida's Finest - Large poly bag Mild, Swvet, No. 1 - Pkg. of 2 CELERY Heurts 25c Spanish Onions 29c- Calilornia Crmsp, Juicv Luscious Red Ripe Pint basket C.A. - ancv (Grade - 3 lb. poly' bag Strawberries 39c Mclntosh APPLES 39c FRESH BAKED! Weston or Sunbeam - Reg. 35e Frost n' Serve Shortcake 31c FEATURE! - Save le! - Choice Smal Vhale, 20-oz. Tins Culverhouse Potatoes 6for $1 FEATURE! 20-oz. Tins (Iark's Beans with Pork 2for4lc FEATURE! - Save 9c! - SPAGHETTI 2-lb. cetia (atelli's MACARONI 2 for 69c SAVE 10e - SUNSPUN 3 Gallon ICE CREAM 79c FEATURE! SA~VE 4c! TV-lime' POPPING CORN 2 p35c: TRY HAM F~1~HE HOLIDAY Burnis - Fully Cookéd - Short Shank Skinless - No Waste l1b45C. Burns Sugar Cured - Weil Streaked Trend - Mild Sea.soned - Skinless Rindless Bacon lb 59c WIENERS' 2 Ibs 89c LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS SAVE 4c! 15-)z. Pkg, Sliced STRAWBERRIES 39c FRENCH FRIES SAVE 5c! - FRENCHI STYLE GREEN BEANS 3 for49c 2 for 49c ÇOLDEN HOUR CANDIES Fiile-ry Toffeex JumboCeIo39C FEATURE! - SAVE 6e e FOI WAP12 inh 5 FIl Roll Cannon STUART HOUSE 29c lmrwu FEATURE! - Save 6! - Hereford 12-oz Tin E CORNED BEEF 47c512 MODERN M FEATURE' -Save 1île! - Burn'x FASHIz ISlES Spork or Spam 2 for 89c BE AVER - LUMP (HARCOAL 5 lb. bag 45C Red & White Large Botties Cypress Gardens ORANGE JUICE 48-oz. Tin 53c Cash Your 15e Coupon Package GIANT Size HEER 85c Prices effective at the iisted Red &1 MAPLE GROVE MARKET, (ORNISH'S MARKET a ; .- White Food Stores only *Maple Grov~ Oron.] B roier. Size On ednsda. pri 17hkind persan and a devxnted On Wdncday Aprl ith.son. He was exceptionaliy good Mr. Arthur Jackman passed ta Mrs. Willianîson duting iaway in Toronto General' Hos- her several ycars ai i11 he1th. Ipitl, a citizen af Cartwright' He is survived by his nt, 1i!Township for neariy 40 years. thers Allen and Bill, b Tons1 Mr. Jackman wvas the yaung- 'Toronto. and eighî nicces and Stephta Witherspoon, IIA themselves "The Blue oe.lest son ai the laIe Mr. and nephiews. -N On Thursday, May th, the irom Earl Haig Collegiale 10 Mrs. Frank Jackman. He was Services wcre conducîed 17~-, Giee Club préented their an- Toronto. ýbarn in England, coming ta Reverend Boyter aif- Brooke nual Breath of Spning Con- This Tuesday. representa- Canada when he was 2 year-- Avenue, Baptist Church, at cert under the direction 0i tives from Clarke wili be dis- aof age. He lived with his par- the A. Roy Miller Chapel ini Miss Whltaker. Speclal guests playing their skiil aI the an-' cols at Graiton, Cobourg and Toronîto. Interment in Pros- we.re "«The. Country Four" and nual C.O.S.S.A. track meet., Toronlo, coming la Janetville pecî Cemctery. on Mondax', trumpet players Ross Tamb- this year being held aI Henry in the early 1920's, then Apri1 ,2 lst. Pallbearers were lyn, Paul Taznblyn and Lynn Street High School,. Whitby. around 1925 came ta Nestle- his f riends George Johns, Brown. On May l7th and l8th the ton ta work the farm ai theJohn Nesbîtt, Maurice Nes- Last Friday our school held science. students will be able late Mr. James Wiiiamson. 'bitI and Percy Williamson, their Spring Formai, the sec- ta gota the twa science lec- Mr. Jackman remained there ail cf Nesîleton, Alex Tii- ond cf the year, to the themel tures being held at Port HopeI until bis heart attack in Nov- brook, Long Branch and Har- of "'Under Paria Skies." The High Scbool. ember and has since resided old Wheeler of Oshawa, decorations were elabarate under the guidance cf Bertha Clarke. The auditorium was outllned with tables as in a sidewalk cale and iow lights. Keith Swarbnick and Gary MeMackin were the waitersBI' - and put on a very impressive show. The music for the night AVI NGS was presonted very wefl by a IN.... 15-piece orchestra c a 11in g