1MUST BE SUMMER! At long last the hockey seasan bas ended with the - Memorial Cup piayaffs, and aithough it was mighty coid oui oýn the golf course, Saturday, stili - it must be summer. -'Despite the rainy weather, Men's Softbail got under- ..way last week, with ail three games being played, Wed- Vuesday's postponed tilt an Sunday. - Saturday, soccer begins, the lady softballers take over the spotlight next Tuesday and sean Murray Bate will have -bis miner leagues in operation. :SOCCER EXPANDS TO 17 CLUBS 'k Sunday night, "Huck" Balson was busy preparing :schedules for a senior league expanded to eight clubs and a -junior loap, grown to nine. Salem is the new senior entry, .while Enniskillen will be added to the juniors. - The season opens Saturday with Solina at Salem and '-Maple Grave jaurncys to Tyrone. Members of the 1963 executive are: Bob Muir (Court- lIce), president; Doug Woodiock (Bowmanville), vice-president; Bill Nemis (Zion), senior referee-in-chief; Ron Clemens :(Hampton), junior referee-in-chief and Harold "Huck" Bal- son, secretary-treasurer. t it C.O.F. Bowling League Holds First Banquet C.O.F. Bowling League beld their first banquet on Satur- day, May llth in Memoriai Park Clubbouse. A deliciaus turkey dinner was served fol- lowed by the presentation of trophies. During the dinner draws were made. The King Taxi Trophy don- ated by Lamne Haynes was won by Harry Snowden's team whicb consisted of Harry Snowden, Shirley Brock, Bob Jones, Joan Gibson, Clarence Bell, Irene Carson. Runners-up-Ray Westlake's team- Ray Westlake, Jean Jones, Stu Carson, Louise Bell, Fred Griffin, Marie Smith. Ladies High Average wvent ta Marg Perris. Men's High Average went ta Ray West- lake. Ladies High Single- dana- ted by Court Venture L 1892 was won by Marie Smith. Men's High Singe- dona- ted by Preston Moving & Storage was won by Dick Dennis. Ladies' High Triple- dona- ted by Schwarz Bras. was won by Betty Westiake. Men's High Triple- don.- ted by Lloyd Ellis Sbaes was won by Bob Marshall. Door prizes were won byj Marie Smith, Velma Luke, Mrs. Binney from England and Bob Marshall. Table favors were won by Elsie Prout, Stella Hawkins, Maurice Preston, Camoi Rab- erts, Stan White and Daisy Haynes. Later dancing and cards were enjoyed. Spot prizes for dancing went ta Betty West- lake and Jack Macnab and Velma and Earl Luke. _ kUTHORIZED REMINGTON DEALER'S MAY SPECI NOW priced with THE LOWEST Authorized Rei MAY à L. SOAP R.mingte L. One Box SP Rem Shot Shelils I& One Gun Case ,mington Dealer's SPECIAL wn Wingmaster (pump) nington plastic Value $ 3.95 Value $ 5.00 MAL THE REMINGTON '8111' Osborne Fans 22 Iln Men's Sol Ibal Opener by Ted Fairey The Bowmanviile Softball League got underway at the High School grounds last Tuesday night. Nichols' Motors outiasted Stephens Fuels 3-2 in nine innings. Veteran George Stephen and ace hurl- er Bill Osborne engaged in a pitching duel, which saw al five runs unearned. Osborne in chaiking Up bis first victary of the season had 'ILakceshc jBasebal PEE IVEE Memorial Park, Liberty St. May 20-Biackstock vs Port Hope 2l-Port Hope vs Biackstoc: 22-Bowmanville vs Cobourg 24-Cobourg vs Bowmanville 27-Blackstýock vs Kendal 28-Cobourg vs Port Hope 29-Pt. Hope vs BowmanviiiE 29-Biackstock vs Cobourg June 3-Bowmanvilie vs Kendal 4-Kendal vs Blackstock 5-Blackstock vs Bowm'ville 10-Blackstock vs Kendai il-Kendal vs Biackstock 11-Bowmanvilie vs Pt. Hopeý 12-Kendai vs Bowmanville 12-Port Hope vs Cobourg 16-Sunday 2 p.m. Bowmanviile vs Cobourg 17--Cobourg vs Kendal 18-Bowm'viile vs Blackstock 18-Kendai vs Port Hope 19-Pt. Hope vs Bowmanville 24-Blackstock vs Kendal 25-Bowmanville vs Pt. Hope 26-Cobourg vs Bowmanville 30--Sunday 2 p.m. Kendai vs Cobourg July 1-Part Hope vs Kendal 2--Cobourg vs Port Hope 3-Pt. Hope vs Bowmanville 7-Port Hope vs Cobourg 9-Bowmanville vs Pt. Hope 9-Cobourg vs Blackstock l0-Cobourg vs Bowmaniville 15-Bowmanviiie vs Cobourg 16-Kendai vs Blackstock 1 16-Cobourg vs Port Hope 17-Port Hope vs Cobourg BANTAM SP (plastic) Shot Shelis Memorlal Park, Liberty St. MADE IN CANADA Previous value of these 3 items! $ 121.20 --- . - &u 24-F C l o 99 Available on Esy Laywy Trms 25-C E --9 104 B. reody fo« FàaIth.e asy way! 27-1 eDRU NO. C63-45 JuIy Avoi@bI@ only at the following Fronchised Remington Dealers~ - McGregor Hardware Limited BOWMANVILLE 95 King St. W. Phone 623-5211 Goode Hardware NEWCASTLE Telephone 3321 May 20-Monday 2 p.m. Kendai vs Bowmanviiie Port Hope vs Cobourg 27-Cobourg vs Bowmanville 28-Part Hope vs Kendal 29-Bowmanville vs Coboumg 30-Kenda] vs Port Hope June 3-1 4- 5-1 6-1 12-1 13-1 17-1 18-1 19-F Pt. Hope vs Bowmanville -Cobourg vs Kendal Bowmanviile vs Cobourg -Kendal vs Port Hope -Cobourg vs Bowmanviile Port Hope vs Kendal -Kendal vs Cobourg Bowmanviiie vs Pt. Hope -Kendal vs Bowmanvjiie -Bowmanviile vs Kendal -Port Hope vs Cobourg -Cobourg vs Port Hope -Pt. Hope vs Bowmanvllle -Cobourg vs Kendal -Kendai vs Cobourg -Bowmanville vs Pt. Hope -Bowmanville vs Kendal -Cobourg vs Port Hope Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances through STATESMA N C L A 8SIF 1ED 8 Phono 623-3303 mis il ftwc'nty-two strike outs and only allowed three hits. George Stephen was equally as good striking out eleven. and giv- ing just 3 hits. Stephens took a first inning lead on a walk and run scoring double by Ted Dadson. The motarmen equal- led the count when Paul Mut- tan waiked, wvas sacrificed ta second on a perfect bunt by Jim Castie, and reached home on an error by Jim Aluin. Ste- phens surged ahead agaîn on a base on balis and a twa- baggem by Jim Coyle. To start the fourth inning, Osborne lined a double ta left, and scored on an error ta Coyle. At the end of seven the count was 2-2 so it was extra innings. In the top of the ninth, receiver Irv Brooks tried a pick-off at second in an attempt ta nail Larry Pi- per, who had reached there on a double. The bal eluded short stop Bob Abbott, and Piper scored wbat pmoved ta be the winning run. __ A1 Short Stops:- With the tem- re Mvinor perature inte o fris and a coid wind blowing, the croivd was vr ml.Wd Scheu e ut 'nesday night's game between 'Bill's Biliards and Ken's was MIDGT -JUVEILE rained out. Hats off ta George inrenT -Masey Park AImond of Bili's Billiards who S. cntMseyPr with very little notice stepped Sun. - Sat. -Holiday Gamesin and dtialt mout. the cash i- e e 2 P.Dn. Evening Gamnes 6:30 p.rn. May 1l<-Suinda.y 2 p.rn, Ajax vs Oshawa 20-\Wýh!tbY vs Courtice 21-Kr'ndai vs Bowvmanville 21 Cobourg vs Port Hope 22-Courtice vs Whitby 22-Bowmanville vs Kendal 23-Port Hope vs Cobourg 25-Saturday 2 p.m. Oshawa vs Ajax 26--Sundîs* ý,2 p.m. Osha wa v7s Kendal 27-Ajax vs Whitbv 27-Cobour- vs Courtice 28-Pt. Hope vs Bowmanville 30-Courtice vs Cobourg 30-Boxvmanvillc vs Pt. Hope June 1-Wliitl)y vs Ajax 2-Kendal vs Oshawa 3 ta 15-Exams - no games 16-Sunday 2 p.m. Oshawa vs Whitby Ajax vs Kendal 17-Port Hope vs Courtice 18-Cobourg vs Bowmanviile 18-Courtice vs Port Hope 19-Whitby vs Oshawa 20-Kendai vs Ajax 20-Bawmanville vs Cobourg 23-Sunday 2 p.m. Kendal vs Cobourg Port Hope vs Oshawa 24-Bowmanville vs Whitby 24-Ajax vs Courtice 25-Whitby vs Bowmanville 25--Oshawa vs Port Hope 26-Cobourg vs Kendal 27-Courtice vs Ajax 30-Sunday 2 p.m. Whitby vs Kendal Oshawa vs Cobourg July 1-Bowmanville vs Courtice 1-Kendai vs Whitby 2-C ou rtice vs Bowmanville 2-Ajax vs Part Hope 3-4jobourg vs Oshawa 6-Saturday 2 p.m. Port Hope vs Ajax 7-Sunday 2 p.m. Cobourg vs Whitby Port Hope vs Kendal 8-Oshawa vs Courtice 9-Kendal vs. Port Hope 9-Ajax vs Bowmanville lO--Courtice vs Oshawa outfit the former Surplus teamn. Thanks George! NESTLETON Callers at the Nesbitt home were: Mr. and Mms. Hall, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Blight, Brooklin, Mrs. Russel Nesbitt and Mr. Bull Brown, Toronto. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson were Mrs. Herman Sameils, Mr. and Mms. Norman Lyons, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roc!- man and Karen, Little Bni- tain, and Mr. and Mms. Ken- neth Lamb of Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fra- ser of Port Hope and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ambrose Robinson were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visited their mothers, Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Peffer- law, and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Beaverton. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist i the loss of ber brother, Mr. Alex Robson, Winthrop, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist at- tended the funeral in New York state last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jack-ý son and family have moved into L. Malcoim's house, thel former Fred Crawford homne.1 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Long of Walsingham spent Sunday with his sister and family, the Oliver Robrers. Friends are happy to iearn Mabel is able ta resume a fewr home duties. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pethemicki spent the weekend in Have-1 iock and Peterborough. Carl's sister, Miss Della Petherick, returned with themn for a holi-1 day. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gis and Andrewv of Laing vlsiteds bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist. i-Wity s obur Mr. and Mrs. Carl E1liotý 11-Bowmanville vs Ajax weme hasts ta their parents; 13-Saturday 2 p.m. and grandparents an Mather'sI Cobourg vs Ajax Day. Those in attendance were1 14--Sunday 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliot,J Ajax vs Cobourg Chemyl, Ralph and Grant of1 Port Hope vs Whitby Leaskdale, Mr. and Mrs. Char- 15-Kendal vs Courtice les Gist and Mr. and Mrs. R 16-Whitby vs Part Hope Davison. 16-Oshawa vs Bowmanville Fiends will be pieased to~ 17-Curtce v Kedal know that Mrs. Allan Beacaeki 17-Bowmanvil.le vs Oshawa bopes ta be borne fram Mem- Lakeshore Miner Basebal anal Hospital, Bowmanville, Schedules this week. 1. Schedules ta, be finisbed Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Blight,~ by Juiy l8th. farmrnely Mrs. Alice Farder af, 2. Managers are responsibie Brooklin, called on several for postponed games. folks in the village on Sun-' 3. Managers ta send scores day. into C. R. Carveth, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ir-~ immediateiy after game. vine and Shirley and Mrs. Mc- 4. Check y o u r aftemnoon Fadygen of Bowmanviiie, Mr. games. Robert Hlbran of Pontypoal Afternoon games ta start at and Mm. and Mrs. Clifford 2 p.m. Evening games ta start Olver, Toronto, called on Mr. at 6:30 p.m. a.nd Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Ni ghthawks HoId Banquet The Ladies' Nighthawks Bowling League heid its closing banquet on Monday, May 13, at the Acres Restaur- ant, where a delicious turkey dinner was served and a very enjoyable social evening fol- lowed. Trophies were awarded ta the champion team, M. Wise- man, Captain, M. Sedman, L. Burgess, J. Parker and D. Hol- royd. Runner-up trophies went ta F. Paterson, Captain, V. Sarginson, G. Bain, E. Coom- bes and J. Hoiroyd. Other individual trophies were awarded ta V. Pickard, bigh average; M. Waizman, high triple, and M. Crago, bigh single, in the first scheduie. For the second schedule the winners were G. Bain, bigh average; D. Holroyd, bigh triple, and F. Allen, high sin- gle. Electian of officers for next year resulted as foilows: Im- mediate Past President, M. Wiseman; President, O. Mof- fatt; Vice - President, M. Swann; Secretary, F. Pater- son; Treasurer, J. Parker; Dir- ectors, S. Coombes and J. Holroyd.__________ "l'il -The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvMfe, May 15, 1963 SPORTOPICS. By Fank ohun6237234 Harry Snowden's Team Wins New King Taxi Trophy Nichols Down Kramp's 8 tol1 by Ted Faîrey Nichais' Motors made it . . . .. .two in a row Thursday night by trouncing Kramp's Furni- ture 8-1. Jim Castie made his ïCi initial start for Nichois, and went four innings. He was re- lieved by Bill Osborne after tiring, but received credit for the win. Nichols slammed out a total of 12 safeties against Harry "the hat" Snowden, while the combination of Castie and Osborne yielded a mere 5 hits. Top men for Nichols were "Bun" Welsh with two hits, ~Tom Pearson a line-shot triple and Paul Mutton with a four bagger. "Chuck" Kil- patrick was the powerman for Kramp's, lining a homer to deep left centre, svn Kramp's from a shut-out. Vince Vanstone had two dlean U hits i a losing cause. Short Stops: Recognition shouid be given to a loyal 111 scorekeeper in the person of Gerry Marjerrison. He bas voiunteered his services as aur officiai scorer for the sea- At the 00F bowling league's first banquet on Snowden, Shirley Brock and Joan Gibson. The son. Crowd is improving with Saturday in Memorial Park Clubhouse, many awards banquet was in charge of the following executive, 1 the arrivai of warmer weather. were distributed. Big winners included members of Pres. Ron Brock, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Car let's na send at heast onel Harry Snowden's team who won the new King Taxi Devitt, Executive members Betty Westlake and Carl evaein awhehoek tthw esbal trophy, donated by Lorne Haynes. The team included, Schwarz.1 lows are playing a good brand from left to right, Bob Jones, Irene Carson, Harry1 of bail. May 18-Solina at Salem Mapie Grave at Tymone 22-Sauina at Zion Courtice at Hampton 25-Saiem at Bowmanvilie Hampton at Maple Grave 27-Courtice at Sauina 29-Tyrone at Courtice Zion at Salem June 1-Mapie Grave at Zion Solina at Tyrone 5--Saiemn at Hampton Tyrone at Bowmanville July 3-Tyrone at Maple Grove Salem at Solina Hampton at Courtice 6-Bowmanviile at Salem Courtice at Tyrone 10-Saiem at Zion Solina at Hampton Mapie Grove at Bow'vlfle 13-Zion at Mapie Grove Tyrone at Solina 17-Soiina at Courtice Hampton at Salemn Bowmanviie at Tyrone 20-Bowmanville at Hampton Courtice at Zion '24--Courtice at Bowmanvil. Solina at Maple Grave 27-Bowmanvjlie at Sauina Salem at Courtice 31-Tyrone at Salem Zion at Sauina August 3-Hampton at ZMon Salem at Maple Grove 7-Zion at Bowmanville Tyrone at Hampton 10-Z ion at Tyrone Maple Grave at Courtice. 30-Bowmanvil at Solina Mapie Grave at Hampton Courtice at B.T.S. Enniskillen at Zion June 6-Tyrone at Maple Grave Courtice at Bowmanville Hampton at Soluna B.T.S. at Enniskillen 13-Zion at Hampton Bowmanvilie at Tyrone Solina at Courtice Maple Grove at B.T.S. 20-Maple Grave at Zion Enniskjlien at Bow'ville B.T.S. at Sauina Tyrone at Hampton 27-Sauina at Mapie Grave Hampton at Enniskillen B.T.S. at Tyrone Courtice at Zion July 4-Zion at B.T.S. Hampton at Courtice Bow'ville at Maple Grave Tyrone at Enniskiilen 11-Caurtice at Tyrone Enniskiilen at Maple Gr. Zion at Bowmanville Tyrone at Sauina 18-Bowmanville at Hampton Enniskillen at Courtice Solina at Zion 25-Hampton at B.T.S. Maple Grave at Tyrone Zion at Courtice Sauina at Bowmanville August 1-Enniskiilen at Sauina Courtice at Hamipton Bowmanville at B.T.S. Tyrone at Zion 8-1-ampton at Maple Grove Zion at Enniskillen Solina at Tyrone B.T.S. at Courtice 15-Tyrone at Bowmanville Maple Grove at Saiinà Enniskillen at Hampton B.T.S. at Zion 22-Sauina at B.TS. Courtice at Mapie Grove Zion at Enniskilien. Senior Schedule Salem home games to be played at Enniskillen until further notice. Ail postponed games on account of ram ta be played the fallawing Mon- day night. Ail games ta start at 7:.30 p.m. E.D.T. up ta Aug. lst, then commnence at 7:15 p.m. E.D.T. ÉSR tUtý.Nl-) kSSURANC~ COMPANJ CANADAI GOODWILL 1 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Loaded with extras, "327" motor, automnatic, power brakes and steering. Locally owned since new. 1962 IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP Automatic, custom radio, white wall tires. Absc room condition. Be sure to see this one! 1962 CORVAIR "700" COUPE Big motor, 4-speed transmission, custom radio. one owner car. 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. FuIly equipped, low mileage, locally owned car. Previous owner's name on request. 1961 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. HARDTOP Automatic, custom radio. White with red trim. elutely in show- ,Low mileage, Onie owner car. Darlington Footballi ILeague Schedu les Junior Sehedule 8Bwmanville at Maple Gr. 1I8Hampton at Solina . Any postponed games ofl 12-Bowmanviiie at Courtcet' account of rain vill be played Salem at Tyrone on the Friday night of the 15-Zion at Hampton week the game is scheduiled. Courtice at Salem l9-Tyrone at ZMon AiU games to st.art at 7:30 P.mf. Hampton at',Bowmanvile E.D.T. up to August lst, then Courtice at Maple Grilv commence at 7:15 p.m. E.D.T. 22-Mapie Grave at SolUna Zion at Courtice May 26-Mapie Grove at Salem 23-Soluna at Enniskilen Hamptoni at Wyrone Zion at Tyrone Bowmanviile at ZMon Maple Grove at Courtice 29-Solina at Bowmanville B.T.S. at -Bowmanville Maple Grove at Hampton 5-eome (9ouner? If you were te die while your children were stili yaung, would you nat want them te continue on in their own borne where they have establishcd se many roots? Let me tell you how Sun Life's Martgage Protection Policy wilI safeguard your homo for those you love. BANNER PASSANT Phone 623-3258 4 Rehder Ave., BOWManvIIIO .McQUEEN'S LADIES';OPENED WEDNESDAY - Durham league defending champion Bowmanville ý.McQueen's Motars open their home season next Wednesday jiigbt at 7 o'clock. Miiibrook ladies wilI be at the Central -School diamond and Friday, McQueen's head ta Courtice. t~ t. . ti i t 'RUGGED WAY TO END SEASON Winding up the season with broken legs, after playlng ,.eome 60 or 70 odd games is kind of rugged. And that must ,e the way the Memorial Cup piayoffs were played as a -pair of Niagara Falls players were inj ured in successive :games. w Prom reports out of the west, It's bard to determine :fa littie dirty work caused the broken limbs, and altbaugh > penalty was called the second time, we're flot suggesting -here that it was delîberate intent ta injure. But it's certain Zthat the boys weren't excbanging love-pats. Is It really Z iecessary ta play hockey this way? :THERE'S FUN FOR ALL IN ONTARIOS HOLIDAYLAND Whther you enjoy modern resait, hotel or motel living or the rustlc outdoar camping life-Ontaria has what yau want. Wherever you go.you'II find plentyaf fine beaches and refreshina lakes for goad swlmmlng. boatlng and fishing. The whole family wIli be thrilled with Ontario's histarical farts, villages and *monuments that so calourfully represent Ontari's exciting past. FREE! OLT OA AEC * ONTARIO TRAVEL DEPARIMENT 270I 'j PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO N1?AMP :i ADORES$ * CITY-PROV.I &I ONTARIO DEPARTMVENT 0F TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY I I ~Hon. Bran L Cathcart, Minister os qC2"2 ONA I BETE A 1960 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, custom radio. Excellent condition, attractively priced. 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automatic with radio. Locally owned since new. 1959 PONTIACS Several to choose from, ail above average condition. Locally owned cars. 1958 OLDS. 4-DR. SEDAN Fully power equipped. Locally owned car in excellent condition. 1958 CHEV's AND PONTIACS Three to choose from. Ail low mileage, local cars. 1955 and 1956 CHEVS. AND PONTIACS Several good cars te chose from, various prices. 166 KING à i ZV PHONE ST. E. Wb' ] 623-3396 1 e LI t *êowee",ý