Memorial Park. Ontaio Street- Hike il-Lions vs Tigers - Vin- Franklin Park- Backwards cent Massey. Day 13-Pirates vs Braves - Vin- Lions Centre - Pet Show cent Massey, 9:00 a.rn. Kiwanis Park - Indian Day 13-Yankees vs Tigers - Vin- Day Camping cent Massey, 10:30 a.m. On Manday, July 8th, the 16-Braves vs Lions - Recreation Department's An- 0 Memorial Park. nual Boys' Day Camp got 18-Pirates vs Tigers - uudei-way. There are still a 0 Memorial Park. number o! openings for boys Playground Speelal Events who are intenested in attend- Weduesday. Juîy bth- ing next week's camp. The Vincent Massey - Safety Day girls' camp will get underway t Flett Street - Hike and on July 22 for two weeks. If Swimmring J ou are iuterested in attend- Central - Interplayground Tin ing please get iu touch with Can Cricket Tournarnent1 the Recreation Office as soon 9-Yankees vs Pirates- ThsdyJuylt apoil. Patsy Smith are spending a week xith the C.G.I.T. girls Pee eesBootOne at Camp Pretoria. Wednesday, July 3rd, at claimed 8 strike outs, Rogers Fred Taylor enjoyed the 4-H Vincent Massey the Bowman- for the locals, with relief help tour of Guelph on Thursday. ville Legion Pee Wees drop- in the sixth from Robson Mr. and Mrs. AI Reid and eped their first league loss to yielded 9 hits and claimed 5 friend Ohio, U.S.A., are spend- Por t Hope 11-6. strikeouts, but was the vie- îng a few days with Mr. and Bowrnanville started out in tim of some ver3ý puur sup- Mrs. K. G. Roblin. typical fashion with 2 runs in port from his mates. Congratulations to Mr-. and the first inning. Port Hope O'brien, Haley and Wong Mrs. Roy Ashton on their mai-- came back with 1 in the sec- led Port Hope at the plate riage on Saturday in Bownian- ond and 2 in the fourth and while Robson with a single and ville. exploded for 8 in the 6th, a borner and Rogers with a thanks to 3 Bowmanville er- single and a triple led the lo.- r and Mrs. Orville Greer rors and somne very poor de- cals. Calver, Cawker and De_ and girls, Oshawa, were Sat- fensive judgement. Bowman- vitt chipped in with singles. urday guests of Mrs. Greta ville added 1 run in the 6th The line scores show Port Bailey. and rallied in the .bottorn of Hope il1i-uns on 9 bits 3 walks Artificial fruit may be ob- the 7th as Cawker and Devitt and 1 error. Bowmanvile 6 tained, contact Mr. A. Hub- hit back to back singles and runs on 7 bits, 1 walk and 5 bard for particulars. Robson powered a long home errons. Oui- church service was well run over the ight fielder's Tuesday, July 9th, Bow- attended on Sunday. Many' lhead to drive in the final 3 manville journeys to Port thanks for our, guests being Legionaire runs. Hope and on Wednesday, July present. Behma on the mound for 1th the locals entertain Co- Choir practise will be held Port Hope gave up 7 hits and bourg at Vincent Massey Field. in the church at 8 p.m. on Thursday evening. In 4 -3 Thriller You are niost cordlally In- vited to oui- special service *EMR next Sunday morning at 11:15 Il i a.m., July l4th, when the re- ivias M ve Up Io ception of new members will participate in the service. The Daily Vacation Bible School will be held in Burke- P laya ff Con tenflan ton School, cornrencing Mon- day, July 15th, through to Friday l9th of July. The hours By E gin Fueersare fnom 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Jey dgin FueersAil children are most wel- corne to attend. Mel Burgess had the baseslloaded the bages in the fifth, Mr. and Mus. Kenneth Lar- Ioaded twice with none out,;but Burgess rose to the occa- mer, Peterbonough; Mr. Allan gave up two runs the first timeî sion. Abbott bounced into a Larmer and friend, Toronto, aud escaped without a i-un!force-out at the plate, Dad- were Sunday guests of Mr-. the second: George Stephen son wvent down swinging for and Mrs. Harold Lai-mer. allowed only one run in theithe third tirne and although Mr. and Mrs. Ross 4ubbard Eame situation. But that wvas;Cowliug's drive threatened to and Janice, Trenton, were the big one as Bill's Billiards clear the bases, right-fielder Sunda3T guests of Mr-. and Mrs. edged Stephen Fuels 4-3 in George Joues hauled it in. B. Hubbard. a real thriller, Wednesday After Jim Coyle's lead-off Mrs. E. Carnochan and fam- night. The important victorylhome run evened the score in iyi at te e be archa Lifted the Billiards into sole the sixth, Bill's staged theirPcnctthCra o!Ble possession o! fourth place1 wiuning rally in the bottom Camp in Bowmanville. headirig into the final we half of the frame. Tree pruning* is in full of regular schedule action. Joeoendwtadub, swing. A number o! young: A walk aud singles by Grant Mason drew a free pass and eoploeard. hr aebe Wright and Bob Abbott load- Ray Crombie singled to f11 er nyd . VnetPo ed the bases in the first, two the sacks. Fred Cowle boun- MranMs.VcetPot runs scoring on "Jiggs" Cow- ced back to the mound, but and unaiy, BowmanvilMr. liug's fielder's choice, but Dan Girardi, recently import- we rSundayru shtso . Burgess fanned two and got ed from Italy, drove a hot'u r.Cyu stn the third on a fly to centre,. smash to short to plate the sMr and fMrs. ere SAli- Bill's tallied three times in winner. Abbott made a great guets f Mandil were uak the third to move in front 3-2. stop to get a force at third, gueisto! and Mrl shFawa. A walk, doubles by "Slip" and even had time to nail Ma. AMiso and M iyRoss huawa. ]Rowe and "Archie" Crossey son before he scored. Stephen MradMs.RsHubd and John Mason's two-out sin- go1o atr nacle and Janice, Trenton; Mrs. B. gle did the dam age. third strike ta end the inn- were Sard, M. 'A.R. ubbsad Con secutive singles by Ste- ing. iti udydne ussa phen, Terry Black and Wright,th Flying Dutchman Restaur- the last two on perfectbunts, Burgess allowed seven hits, ant, Bowmanville. ___________________struck out five and walked Mrs. 0. Tompkins, Hamp- a pair, while Stephen gave ton; Mrs. Gertrude Worsmnan, N O E Yup five safeties, fanned six1 England, were recent guests lq ON Y lýand issued three hases on lof Mrs. A. Carter, also called ýballs. on friends in the village. AVAILABLE FOR Orillia, were receut guests of 1 Mi-. and Mrs. H. Galley, N OR TIG AGE S BURKETON Mrs. Florence Caughillan Mr. nd Ms. Hgh Wod- Plans have been miade to JONES & GREER ward and family have left tohod ur church plcnic on become acquaiuted with the Friday, July 19th. RALPH S. JONES people at Spragge, Ont., where THOMAS ~ GIIEE -Mr. Woodward bas accepted N SL THOASH.GRER the position of Principal of the N S L TON Public School. They wish to 130 Ring St. E. Oshaw thank their friends of Burke- Mr. aud Mrs. George Bow- 728-6246 ton for their kindness. ers and Mr-. and Mrs. H. Trick ___Misses Marion Argue aud nf T .n.A., PinM à va - TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F DAYLIGHT SAVING! The easy to bulld 12 x 20 ft. Cadet Garage is delivered wlth studs and ratters pre-cut along with a simple erection plan. Complete materials Include a gliding action ail steel "up and over" door. FRONT ACCESS DOOR TO EXTRA STORAGE SPACE! Storage space for blkes, power mowers, outdoor turniture, etc., or worksbop ini the 16 x 29 ft. Cadet Car and Half . Simple plans, ratters and studs ail pre-cut. Nothlng down, budget terms $22 a month. L $239 DELIVERED $423 oi " J-" - joItyea a weIexL camping in their house trailer in the Cobourg ares. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Long and Mr. and Mrs. Mai-vin Long of Walsingham and Mrs. Pearl Towns o! Langton spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer. Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Osh- awa, spent the past week witn Mrs. Wilfard Jackson, and Clifford Jackson is spending two weeks of holidays frorn his Toronto job with his mo- ther. Callers with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were: Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and, family, Belleville, Mr. aud Mrs. Han-y Camnpbell, Bailie-i boro, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar-1 wood McKee, Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fortune came for Patricia, Lynda and; Virginia who spent the pasti week with their grandmotherj1 Mrs. T. Laugfeld. On Sunday J Mr .and Mrs. Phillp Langfeldý and girls of Scarborough vis-, ited Mrs. Lang!eld. Mrs. Allen Beaeock and' Bruce have opeued the Wil- liams Point booth and sum- mer Post Office. Mrs. Shirley Rooke isoersting the Scugog Point both. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison, Mi-. Carl Elliot, David and Kimberley visited Mi-. and, Mrs. Douglas Davison In Glen- coe on Sunday. Doug anud Jan moved from Timmins las t week ta their new teachingj positions. Happy travelling ta Missi Joyce Hooey who is preseutly touring ini England and Ire-1 land. Mr. and Mi-s. Roy Ego, Tor- on ta, speut the weekend with Mr. aud NMn. Grant Thomp- son. Mrs. A. Ellis, daughters Margaret Ellis aud Fay Sup- ple, and Christine Supple en- joyed a ten-day motor trip to Washington, where they visit- ed the Whlte House, return- ing via Cape Cod and Boston.' Mr. and Mu. Ross Akister and daughters Anne and Edua of White Bear, Saskstchewan, visited their cousins, Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Mrs. John Doyle returned fi-rn holidaying wlth her sis- ter in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Devesu and baby Shirley o! Toronto called on Kitchener Burton. Miss Florence McLaughlin and =.%à Florence Fair ovi Recreation Reviews I - FEATURING NeHe.L.eALL-STAR SOFTBALL vs TEAm JUNIOR ALL- STARS GAME TIME SILVER COLLECTION t............ EDDIE SHACK IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING.0» RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES GAMES 0F CHANCE NOVELTY BOOTHS SPECIAL Woods 17 Cu. Fi. DEEPFREEZE including the Kinsmen REGISTERED YORKSHIRE PIG TICKETS - . 25e each - 5 for $1.0 PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS ON THE 6:00 P.M. SHARP aEVERYONE WELCOME Hem0orza NLIBERTY ST. Se paprk IOWMAN VILLE BRING THE KIDDIES TO SEE THEIR N.H.L. HOCKEY STARS IN ACTION 1 1TH mFISH POND lm BINGO m REFRESHMENTS DRAWS KINETTE CLUB DRAW * Umbrella, Table and Chaise Lounge TICKETS- - - - 25e each - 5 for $1.00 0 a 10 1963 PONTIAC Stratochief 2-mDr. TO BE DRAWN AT KINSME: '1ICKE'.r. . . . . . . . . ýN FUN NIGHT, SEPT. 7th - e *25c each-5Sfor $1.00 ELLB"RS I I 1 s Bkntam Girls SofIbal ~~Robson vs Gibbs '1r-Coronation vs Rotai-y 15-Rotary vs Robscrn 17-Kiwanis vs Gibbs flantam Boys Softbail July 13-Rebels vs Bears - 9.00 a.rn. - High School. 13-Soxs vs Cardinals - 10:30 a.m. - High School. 15-Cardinals vs Rebels (canceiled due ta circus) 17-Bears vs Sox - Vincent Massey. Pee Wee Basebal July EXPAND YOUR LIVING. . OUTDOORS Free for the asking at Beaver, a complete outdoor living kit, prlvacy fenclng, decks, carport, garages Ideas and plans. DEPENDABL£ QUALITY SERVICE BEAVER LUMBER 96 KING ST. 19. 623-33U8 _____________________________________'i TrOWN Toron~to wee Sunday siupper Di UySwo;by 1 t guests o! Mrs. Joseph Fonder f I1 f Dif P p" eBueGoblef; girls 12-114- TeIndinSaean, DowmanvMle, 3wle 1,1003 an rs .Wasn I ~ E D li 1IL a Janet McLaggan; boys- 12-14 Mi-s. Vena Sheffield and'A -Gei-y Cornîsh; boys 15-16f Miss Florence McLaughlinU, -Carl Barnett. IE f lI ffe ** * f icalled on Miss Ruth Proutt.IIel!e N x o d yThnee-legged race: Senior IVU um s. ni se. U w I Mr. Arthur Hulbert returu- boys-Jerry Cornish aud Jini- edfo or mr Hsiay Youngman; senior girls-e and is spending some time Li Boys and girls, men and hair-raising aets ever present- Hmelahe McLaggan aud Linda 0ee Peterborugh wit Mi-. sd circu - everyone loves a cd before a Bowmauville audi-Clis junior girls-DebraL L cieu.ence, so make sure you don' Colins and MargoMuhy Mrs. Bruce Freelove. On Monday, Re.Fred Swaun preached O ody July 15th, the miss It! junior boys-Allan Barnett and McQueen's Matons remain- mond ini Bowmanvflll. Mondlg t< aect congregation in Bowmanville Recreation De- Russell Sawdon; adults-Val- ed one game out of fitst night, Bnock racked up hé Nestleton Presbyterian Chui-ch partment will hold its aunual fTI eTTV da Kocins and David Drain, place as they downed Cour- 13th vlctory, while agaipaeq on Sunfiay eveuing. Mr. Mel playground circus on the Vin- LONG U aAULT. Candy and peanut sci-ambles tice twice in Durham Ladies iug the attack with four hitis. McCoy, accompanied by Miss cent Massey school grounds. for the three age groups were Softball action ta i-un their The visitors couuted three i-ung Bragg o! Bowrnanville, favor- The childreu's parade will (Iutended for last week) alrnost a niot. latest winuing streak ta uine in the first and again Ini the ed with a splendid solo, icommence at 6:30 sharp, start- On Wednesday, June 26, Wornen's shoe kick -Ethel games. Friday iu Courtice, second, but each Urne Me- Thi wa th Ditrit LO.L ing frorn the Lions Commun- the Long Sault Home & Gable; men's shoe kick-Wal- McQueen's counted thnee i-uns Queen's bounced back with Thswsnd isrc L.O.BA paae nL. ty Centrie proceeding up Tern- School picuic was held on the ter Vaneyk; wamen's shoe iu the fifth aud added a pair foui- to gain an 8-6 mai-gin4 chuch ervce eldanual«perance Street ta King Street, shady sud spaciaus lawns at sci-amble -Margaret Sawdon- in the sixth, ta break up a Single markers in the foui-ti chnc Carvigeht l0W annhu a sto Ku Srett Liberty the home of Mn. and Mrs. meu's shoe sci-amble -Fi-ed close Sare neud go on ta an and sixth made the final 10-6, Bnlatckrifett awnsDhu1 Street and north on Liberty Fred Partuen. The school-age Partuei-. 8-4 w in. Shirley Brock col- as Courtice was held score- Blacstoc Fif andDrumStreet ta Vincent Massey group aî-nîved about two. They About 80 young sud old from lee&ed four bits, while check- less the i-est o! the way. Band was Iu attendance sud Schoo<l. played bail until races were the cammnity sat dowu ta ing the homesters on five Peggy Haynes and Haz#l guests were present from called at five. Everyone join- supper. After suppen a suit- safeties. Janet Taylor gave Up Donaghue bagged two base- Lindsay, Keudal, Oshawa, Many weird sud wondei-ful cd1in enthusiasticaîîy. able address was nead by Gwen twelve base-knocks ovex- the kuocks apiece and Marion Bowrnanville, Tyrane, Can- animaIs will be exhibited foir Races sud games were cou- Murphy. Miss Kocins, Long seven inning route. Muir picked up two o! Cour- uingtou, and fi-rn local lad- your pleasure. There will be ducted by Doreen Cari-. Rev. Sault's school teachen, who s we Holmes sud Manie tice's seven safeties. Karen ges. such breath-takiug animais as Dugan declaned the wîuuers. leaving after five yeans, 's GDwoneahcuctdtce seywsheosnhrl. The Gordon Cooledge child- the giant Haotus, the Gook, Races were won as follows: presented with a modern com- fothe_______a____Char i-en ai-e staying with Mr. and Elephant the Wornpus Cat aud Pne-schoolers aIl received priz- bination china cabinet o book- fortte wrines asd Chai-. Mrs. Lewis Stinson, Cadmus,, mrany, many othei-s. es. Running, girls 6-8, winner case. Miss Kocins, in her own lottey nC ourice s usVeg. You exist but as a part 14-. while their mother is in hos-1 Oui- performances wiîl pi-ove was Aune Baker; boys, 6-8- siucere way thanked every-Faeynalsngcu. herent in a greater whole- pital.. 1 ta be the rnost unique and Wade Peuwarden; girls 9-11-,one. At the Centi-al School dia-( Mai-cus Aunelius. si e t