IB The Canadian Stateaman, Eownmville, JuIy 10, 1063 IClarke High School Promotions STe foiiowing students have menîc Galello, Hon.; Barry Russell Gibson; Robert Gilkes; Zeen promoted to Grade X: ILane; Douglas Moffat; Eobertî Timothy Gray; Joan Hutton;, jFrade 9ASimpson; Ronald Sutch; Hansý Marie Little; Peter MeCul- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a BoneBiHo. ileorp; Douglas W a d e,, lough; Lynda Pears; Frýnces BIlrk o e B Elli ott; Sandrae Hon.; Andy Wagenaar; Fraser:Riekard; Herold RienstaEl lar, JyceEllott SadraWallace, Hon.; Susan Gilbart.' va Robinson; Robert Parks:ý Ferren, Hon.; Nancy Hallo-~ 1vell; Annette Jorgenson, Hon.;; C ategory B: Betty Bellamy;ý Catherine Scott. daren Lee, Hon.; Sharon Me-j Donna Porter; Ross Morris; Aeogratat: Ingrid De Smit. vrnne; Janet McMackin; Anne Marten Stel. With condition: M ich aeli 1 LeleSehnsn aeoy :JyB; Rosseau; Donna Ferguson; rensen; Lsi tpesnlCegoyC yBal Faye! Sharma Ferguson; Mary Lee Ion.; Jane W it berspio on; Hatherly; Judy Pitt; Jens Sor-Simpson; Nancy Simpson. &ames Baskervilie: Thomas lensen. G1 e O jhard, Hon.; Dickson Ray-1 raeI0 -,para, Craig Rogerson; Robin' Grade 9C Olga Bezubiak; Gloria Flin- fyaggart. Sharon Barchard; B e t t y, toff; Joy Gaines; Barbara is Aeogratat: Ba rb a ra An-1 Couch, Hon.; Patricia Dar-, Keast, Judy Vagg; Janie frews. ýrach; Coleen Flynn; MarilynZwier. Category B: Linda Bolder-' MacDonald, Hon.; Margare.t Grade il aone; Shirley Patton. 'Thompson; Kathryn Turan-1 The followîng students haveý Category C: Linda Bolder- skDon .;IoulasHari been promtdoGre12 Donald olmes; Jim Jefferies aoed te Gik rde 12: 4tone; Beverley, Gibson; John !Bruce Mercer, Hon.; B r la n aod al ik rnmn ,St. Amand. 1 Pickering; Robert Reid, Hon Lynn Brown, Hon.; Catherine 1prade 9B Dennms Rudman; Barry Watt' Ferren; Richard Foster; Anne Gilbank;; Terry Graham, Hon.; *Sheila Allin: Sandra Crow-1 Hon.; Grant Williams; Wil- Robert Heatle; John Huis; j#iýs; Carol Gilbank; Diannel liam Wright. Robert Kent, Hon.; Ian Mc- iÏmbaîl; Elizabeth K o z u b;l Category B: Lînda Bowen;, Kenzie; Kelvin Newman; Bar- Beth Powell, Hon.; Idskal Joan Martin; Patricia Partner;j ry Pedweil; Bruce Roberts; Sienstra; Anna Marie Scott,j Margaret Wilson; Sam Mc-' Howard Stapleton; Troy Tag- 1on., Ruth Sharron; Candace Reelis. gart; Sharon Tamblyn, Hon.; ~torks, Hon.; Annette Van den aeoyC ainJ TmbnL d yrl; ~rink; Robert Best, Hon.; Gor- CtgryC areeBow- Jarnol T aeyn; L n yrrIl ton Dent; Brian Foster; Do-'en; Laurna Burley; Lorraine Airod aJmlsa, Hon.; s Therell AdianVanderstarre, Stephen Witherspoon. FINE QUALITY Ron Armstrong. The foliowing students have MONUMENTS AND Grade 10A been promoted to Grade 121 MARKERS Bruce Allia, Hon.; J a ck with condition: Chard; Terry Cox; Linda Ronald Best; Donna Car- o" 4 L**f« Ne ».d' Yu Greenwood; Glen F a rr ow;j veth; Vicki Chard; Mike De- aummLK\ of " .~ Douglas Hamm, Hon.; Wayne mark; Glenn Grant; Peggy SAFFORD Hancock; Christina Maartense; Hanoock; Elaine Hughes; Dar- Ar BRS. LTD. Rosemary Malkîewicz; Mar- lene Ransberry; Charles Reid; ý21ujE5lene Pelletier, Hon.; D a n e William Reid. 1'_ À Rogerson; Gordon Simpson; The foliowing students bave, FAMILY duthorizel Sheila Siater; Bryan Tamb- been recommended by the i MONMENT$ Dealr lyn; Gunter Tschinkei; RoSss Principal for the Secondary j Wannan, Hon.; Linda Wright, Schooi Graduation Dipioma: Stafford Brothers Hon. (In aiphabetical order) LIMTEDAeogratat: Larry Pruner. Gail Allin; Mary Lyna Bail- LIMITEDey; Carman BaIl; Sandra Bow- With condition: Gamey Ly- ms; Mary Jane Brough; Ro- Monuments cett; Joyce Cam.pbell; Mary bert Brown; Donald Buckley; Box 133 iDean; Dorella Lancaster; Lin- Brent Coates; Paul Coates; d1 udsS.E hty a Whitney. Bonnie Couvier; Donna Cou- 318Duda S. . hlbyGrade l0B vier; Frances Curran; Teresa Phone Whftby eJnHn; eleHpe MOhawk 8-3552 Lynda Caîl; Jean Clark; eJg Hon.; Leliaore Marian Demark; June Geachn; Caole Ana Kent, Hon.; Wayne Miller, Richard Pearce; _________________________________________William Scott; Shirley Shr ron; Donna Souch; Keit Swarbrick; Carole Vagg; Lin- ______________ ________ da Westbeuser; Catherine Wil- WESTERN TOUR Ison; Grant Yeo. 21 DAYS m $285-00 July 22nd to AugustI i 1h inclusive Travel Air-conditioned Deluxe Motor Coach No Night Driving Tour takes in . . Mt. Rushmore Vancouver - Lake Louise Cost includes: Yellowstone Park Victoria - Banf f . Winnipeg Transportation, Hotels and Sightseeing FOR RESERVATIONS: Phone Port Hope 88 5-2 52 7 Rowe Travel Agency ç_ ________ Kiwanis Members Dam Creek for Swimming Pool BETH... Examination results S.*S. No. 4 Manvers- Galioway',s School. Grade 8-9- Ernest Beer, lst class bonors; Barbara An- giers, lst class honors; Linda Kiwanis Park at the forth end of Bowmanville water to make a huge simn area. The work fRussell, 2nd class honors. simn Grade 5-6- Ian Page, ist on what has always been known as Jackman's Creek, should be completed this week and ready for a try- ciass honors; Judy Lynne Sis- isakn son, Ist class honors; Dianne tkn on a new appearance this year. It will be Dut by the many who patronize the park. Upper photo Kerr, ist class bonors; Peter recalled that Bowmanville Kiwanians last year did a shows the dam site with Kiwanians working bard Beer, 2nd class bonors; Gloria tremendous amount of bush clearing and building to pouring cernent. Lower photo shows a few of those Russell. Grade 4-5 - Mary Coch- make this park into an ideal place for picnics, swim- involved in the project, from lef t to right, Don Brooks, rane. 2nd class honours; Peggy igo udo okn ocain.A th rsn RakJneGog be T H tn o B os Russell, 2nd class honors. mn rotorcoigocsos ttepeet[akJneGog eeTdHtoRnBok Grade 3-4- Wendy Pres- time they have a major project underway. They are and Dr. Alan Steel. ton, lst class bonors. , uligadmars h re ohl aksfiin Grade 2-3- Dorothy Coch-bidnia.costecre ohl aksfiin rane, Betty Ana Kerr, Philip' et m -asi eesr eea emeso omn oot pn h ekn Beer, Adele Page.1 were Mrs. Hugh DeGeer, Mrs.1tetan -asi eesr!svrlm br oBwa-1Trnosptth wekd' Grade 1-2- Jane Russell.I Harvey Davidson, Mrs. Harold will be held on Tuesday night. ville Pipe Band. with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr.j Teacher, Miss Gloria Sadier. White, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Members of the Mea's and Mrs. Fraak Prussak and her Mrs. Haanah Cairns .]s aij The TB Testing Cliaic spon- Mrs. Leonard Driver, Mrs. Ladies Orange Lodges attend- daughters Valerie and Karen patient in Civic Hospital,] et-! sored by the Durham and Addison Scott, Mrs. Douglas ed Divine service at St. paul's bave ieft to spend a month's erborough.i ýNorthumberlaad Health Unit Smelt, Miss Liada Davidson, Church on Suaday night. The boiidays at Golden Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- was well attended here Thurs.j Miss Judy DeGeer, Mrs. Wal- parade from the Lodge rooms Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gil- GuI and family of Barrie have day night. Local assistants ter Neals. Readings of the skin , to the Church was headed b v moir andl their son Terrv of! moved t the vllaee OBITUÂRIES Mr.Ellaton (AI) Varce 1 Mas. ROSE VIPONI> In poor health for two years, Mrs. Rose Vipond, 1208 Mrs. Eliston (AI) Varcoe, Simcoe Street North, OqIiawa, Kingston Road East, Oshawa, died suddenly of a Turs died Sunday, July 7, 1963, aka e eiec us Memorial Hospital, Bowma n day. July 4, 1963.- ville. She was in ber 67th The former Rose Beavi year.1 she was born Aug. 1, 1890, The ormr jCornwall, England, daugh The formerFreda (Ivy) of th e late Mr. and Mrs. S Helps, the deceased was a uel Beavis. daughter of the late Mr. and She married Thomas Arthur Mrs. Arthur Heips. She was Vipond in Oshawa, at King born June 3, 1897, in Bristol, Street United Church, and England, and was married lived here for 52 years. June 4, 1917, in Toronto. A Mrs. Vipond was prede. resident of Canada for 50 ceased by her husband in 1949. years, she had lived in Dar- She is survived by one daugh- lington Township for 40 years. ter, Sadie Vipond, of New- Besides ber husband, Mrs. castie, and one grandchild, Varcoe is survived by twj Miss Alberta Vipond. sons, Jack and William of Dar- The memorial service was lington Township; a sister, held in the Armstrong Fun- Mrs. Arnold Maries (Mabel), erai Chapel, Oshawa, Satur- of Toronto; two brothers, Fred da.y, July 6. Rev. W. Herbert, Heips of Toronto, and How- minister of King Street ard Helps of Temple City Cali- Church, conducted the ser- fornia and two grandchiidren, vice. Interment was in Osh- Vicki and Dan Varcoe. awa Union Cemetery. The memoriai service was held at the Armstrong Fun- The new is but the old corne eral Home today, Wednesday, true, each sunrise sees ~a new July 10, followed by interment year born.-Helen Hunt Jack- in Bowmanviiie Cemetery. son. Budget-priced FRIGIDAIRE Dryer even "thinks" for itself! " Automatic Dry contrai measures moisture-shuts off when clothes are just-right dry! Or set drying timne yaurself. " Only Frigidaire has Flowing Heat- safer than sunshinhe! " Na.stadop tint screen on the doar! " 5-positian Fabrics selector matches heat ta the fabric. Insist on Frigidaire Dependability! $21O easy terms FR1 GI DA I L.WINQ >HEAT ORVteR (OLLISS ELECTRIC Phone 623-5901 144 King St. W. Bowmanville0 WE 196 1963 CHEV. BISCAYNE - Model 12-69 - BEIGE 7 WINDSHIELD WASHERS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - WHEEL BACK UP LAMPS rRIM h DISCS HAVE SHIPMENT ROY 1963 CHEV. 2 aDR.1 BISCAYNE SAFETY BELTS RADIO -Model 11-11 - WASHERS WHEEL DISCS BEIGE TRIM w. COLOUR: SADDLE TAN PADDED DASH- AUTOMATIC TRANSS RADIO *BEIGE TRIM WASHERS SMISSIONI BACK UP LAMPS OUR 0F NiCHOLS 111963 CHEV. SEDANI BISCAYNE m Model 11 -6 9 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WASHERS COLOUR: MONACO BLUE BEIGE TRIM 1963 Corvaiür 4 mDr. DELUXE m Model 769 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIOI FOLDING SEAT WHEEL DISCS COLOUR - AZURE AQUA N h WASHERS 1963 CHEV. 11 CONVERTIBLE -m Model 467 COLOUR: MONACO BLUE BLUE TRIM AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WASHERS WHITE WALL TIRES 1963 CHEV. Il 2-DR. DELUXE - Model 41 SAFETY BELTS BACK UP LAMPS 1963 CHEV. 1/2 TON FLEMTSME TRUCK BODY Model C15-.34 H.D. REAR SPRINGS COLOUR: WOODLAND GREEN Visit Our Showrooms -in Bowman ville and Courtice and Inquire About Our Stock of New and Used Cars CHEVROLET e CHEV. Il e CORVAIR e OLDSMOBILE e CHEV. TRUK The following salesmen will bd on duty 'tii 9 o'cîock each evening; BILL LING e SUD NICHOLS 0 ACE RICHARDS 0 HAROLD MICHELSON RECEIVED LAST CARS PALOMAR RED RADIO BACK UP LAMPS PALOMAR RED 1963 CHEV. 11 STATION WAGON I G