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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1963, p. 1

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<1 I Durhamn County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 30 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1Oth, 1963 10e Per Copy NUMBER 2-8 New Compressor Installed AreAmuac Wins Safety Award Donald Harvey, Parkway Crescent, the proprietor of the Bowrnanville Area Am- bulance Service, was pleas- ed titis week to be honored by the Transportation Saf- ety Association of Ontario, (Incorporated>. He received the organization's Satety Award. The Inscription on the Young hockey players at the school opening here on July 2th are now *ssured of good ice, no matter bow hot it gets outside. A new 40 b.p. ammonia compressor was installed recently ta provide the additional tonnage of refrig- eration required ta handie the beavy bot weather load. It will work in parallel with the original installation, bath in winter and summer, ta provide adequate freezing capacity for ahl occasions. Photo shows the new compressor 'bigchecked out by Russ Murphy, left, of the Canadian Ice Machine Company and Arena Manager Roy Neads. Ted Arends, wbo did the complicated wiring job, had lef t before the Statesman photographer arrived. Incidentally, spec- tators will be thrilled with the many improvements which have been made inside the building, where carpenters and painters have put in a busy few weeks, restoring the place to high standards.' Darlington Council Wide S pread in Tenders WIlI Be Investigated Be fore- De.cisiQn Reached At the meeting af Darling- for road construction between onci Coundil held on Thursdav Lots 30 and 31, Concession! tM tenmooniln- the Township- Four, was referred ta the mE njoy Your ;4ful;' Hatnptoxi, Garnet B.! Road Superintendent, R, .Th e Rickard, a -former Reeve aif Short, and the consulting en-Tr the Township, was appointed gineer, - George Totten, for aTrp t h s chairman of the Cemetery Ad- report as soan as possible. visryComite. hi ws ovd y heDepu- E ~ - Pa e Deputy Reeve H. C. Muir, ty Reeve, seconded by Coun- Ex ti la e seconded by Councillor Mary cillor Carl Down. ehv utratrog Budai, moved that a By-Law Councillar Richard Gibbs the havel Tmust dtrughl an d agreement regarding for- moved that the Township mth ravl Tes nhsupple- est management received îrom ta pur-ment iucuded lu itispud- the Department of Lands anaCl aekbathried Tiswstien. It ias been quite an Forests be studied by the Pub- seconded by Deputy Reeve experlence, takiiig us from lic Property Committee for Muir, and carried. Southt Africa te the Carib- report ta the next meeting. Councillor Budai, seconded ba eErpRsi n Thiswascaried byCounillr Dwnnioecia hast of other places we CunellorDow, moed aven't seen. A request froni A. Schmidt that the attitude af the coun- cil in regard ta objections That Trinidad trip, a 17- filed ta Sections 19 andi 20 of day excursion, fer only $262 .,r-ood l ena r By-Law 2239, is that the almout had us pitoning Jury .-'3o dyeacouncil is in agreement with wLelekcdthae taf el- ~?pp j nrne t tose objecting, and does no&tot arrange the fligitt, until A p it e taroMuiialbhheO-day uchedule and feund that tios 9 nd 0.TBo ard ar e- Our lack et seniority at the tios 1 an 20 Ths ws cr-office had shoved oui holl- ried.days back ta oue afteinaen Prior ta the above motion, and eveuing lu the middle r Councillor Richard Gibbs, sec- oef .anuary or Fcbruary. onded by Councillor Down, Se, for titis year we shall moved that the Dcputy Reeve take oui holidays at those f ~ ~be excused from voting o teexotdc places by reading titis '4< atter beas ips i nterestlng, Informative and ~. conflict af interest, and thisl meut attractive tabloid lu- ~ wa caried.sert that wili be lncluded S Sections 19 and 20 ai By-' eaci mentit witit your SLaw 2239 were for the pur- Saemn '- pose af re-zoning two defined Hewever, we would ask areas, anc in South Courticel1 any et you who decide tn and one in Taunton, from re- take a trip te eue 'of those si tiat beaut>' spots titis summer or ~. moved by euy next wintcî, te ivritc a Let- award ls as tollows. "Pie- sented to the Management and empleyees et the Bow- manville Area Ambulance Service ln recognition et their outotanding saflety achievement during 1962."' Thtis was slgned by the pre- sident and general manager ot the Transportation Saf- et' Association et Ontario. Richmond Hili Youth Wîns Scholarshîp For Ballet School Twelve-year-old Brian Too- the National Ballet to the good, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. sumnier course which is con- F. Toogood, 71 Rockport Cre- duicted from July 1 ta August scent, Richmond Hill, and 10, for intensive study in grandson of Mrs. D. W. Armi- dancing, and to the winter stead, 18 Wellington Street, sehool where he will complete Bowmanville is a very ha*ppy his trai.ning. boy these days.Th itrsolofble Possessed of a great inward The a nter choolw of b allet wosrke d aexcetiony had care of al educational needs with hi eacer Mrs. ylva ofthe pupils, besides provid- with is techer rs. Slvia ng one and a haif hoursai Garson during the past five a intuio indcngi seasons, studying Russian, day instrcton Bin aning.e Spanish, jazz, ballet, tap and Fomnow rtigon banllet bare acrobatie dancing. For ttheaconerdating, ondbalchr- first four seasons he partici- aer dacinge adDacrz pated in the haîf hour class Uthis lessons, adding private les-1 The ballet school sets a very sons in the past season. high standard for its pupils Last fail he was chosen to who must show evidence of dance with the Bolshoi Ballet high intelligence. French is for a week of rehearsals and studied from grade 6 on and two performances at Maple Russian is introduced at the Leaf Gardens. Numerous TV high school level. The history appearances included dancing of dancing is studied as an in a commercial two years extra curricular study. Brian ago. At this year's Peel Fes- will be starting i*n grade sev- tival he was awarded a bronze en. Purpose of the school is medal for a pas de trois with to prepare its pupils for ani two girls. eventual career with the Na-1 Last week announcement tional Ballet campany. Next1 was made that Brian had year 70 children will be en-1 been awarded a scholarship by rolled, including 15 boys. 1 New Presidentl Citiropractor G. Edwin Mann1, took over on July lst as Pre-1 sident of Bowmanville Rotary, Club. He succeeded Dr. Keithi Billett. Dr. Mann came tai Bowmanville in 1953 from Leaside and commuted be-1 tween his two offices untili, 1954 when he, his wife an twa children moved here. Hel graduated from Canadian Me -r morial Chiropractic College in !May 1951 and has been activ'eý in many local community pro-' jects. Young Artists Present Fine Piano Recital Ke ve muiL, secflUEQ Oyr ter to the Statesman Editor The annual Piano Recital byý CouncllorDown1tha tenders t hini h lmal about it. the pupils ai Mrs. W. E. C. for the supply and installa- MaYbe next year we'll be Workman wvas enjoyed by a tion af multi-plate pipes be there tee! In the meautime, large audience on Thursdav (TURN TO PAGE TWO) enJe>' your Travel Times.- evening, June 27th, at the Lions Community Centre. The choice af music was excellent, Ccidàtç ake Traiing and the high standard ai the H oronMaNellexpressiveness, and know- L. E. Spencer, President andITW O W eeks at Picton iedge of the young pianists Gencral Manager, The Good. ______________________and yerTire and Rubber Com-~ Over 500 boys from acrass mnany admîring comments. pany of Canada rs. Pewtress Ontario are gathered in Campi The names of teppl H. Grdo MaNeil asGenralmer training, exchanging thir ions were announced l5y Mrs. Manager af the Company's In-A normal summer wear af bath- Ronald Scott. The spaciaus dlustrial Rubber Products Di- po0 j o ing suits for khaki shirts and room was attractîvely decor- vision, headquartered at Bolw- shorts. ated for the occasion with nianville, Ont. Mr. MacNeill's T111IAi are members of thel beautiful bouquets of pink, responsibilities will noýw in-7 .. xec urive variaus school and Militia unit white, and red peonies. ,,clude bath manufacturing and! ' Cadet Corps which are part af Rachelle Hunt presented a imarketing af industrial rubbe r Ms. Margery E. Pewtress thte Army's Central Command. gift ta Mrs. Workman from 'products. bas been advised af ber ap- Whlle at camp they will bel her students as an expression Mr. MacNeill's appaintînent isi pointment ta the Executive lnstructcd by members of the of their affection and grati- part af a Goodyear manage-,Couneil oethte Canadian Tu- Regular Army, Milîtia soldiers rtd as lae loa e ment pragram aimed at pro.~ berculosis Association in Ot. on summer cail-out and Cadeti hall af ail the pupils, present- .viding the mast efficient serv- tawa. The appaintment was Services oi Canada officers., ed Mrs. Warkman with a love- Ice ta customers by establish- made at the recent Annual Physical well-being is ensur- 1 y bauquto oe n 'ing dloser and mare direct con-1 Meeting af the Association in cd by thc presence af high 1 peonies qe iroe n tacts betwcen customners and, Mantreal. school physical training i-1Toewoto ati h the Company's production per-, A volunteer with the West sâtructars who will be respans- Toewoto ati h sorineL. Nortbumberland TB Associa- ible for physical and recrea- recital were: Pat RudelI, Mau- Mr.MaNlljid Gol odten sine1946, Mns. Pewtress Itional training during the sum- re od arlnBbe year at New Taranto, Ont. in bas held the appolntnient orf mer. The boys have beeni David Shackleton, S u sa n RDD.le was selccted for the Executive SecrtarY et both broken down Into twa groupsi Mann, Michael Wood, Anu liay's sprial training Nrt- nerand aud Durham for daily swbnming parades at' Hills, 'Su san Vice, Ronald Mar- aud i.alnd practical Counties for the past eleven the beaches near the camp. chant. Suzanne Bryson, Lare- experleuce ln ail phases of years. During their sevcn-weeks lei Osmond, Darrell Hunt, Goodyear production. In 1949, The Executive Council in stay, the cadets arc taught~ Jane Cattran, Ronnie Mc- ho wasmoved te the Quebec Ottawa is a governing body et dilil, basic rifle training.1 Knight, Linda Kelly, David (i plant and neveu years te Assocution wbich nicets sports and other subjects af Watson, Janice Hunt, Dianne laÏer was made Develapment once a year te conduct the general mrilltary knowledge. Puk, Randy Blake, Bill Mills, imaager and subsequenl main business of the Associa- Two large barrack blacks1 Barbie Scott, Gay Quinton, 9utA Manager. In 1960, be tion and te approve the ac. wbicb normally bouse mcm-, April Cowey, Heidi Higgon, imved te BowmanviUce as tiens et the Management Cern. bers et the Regular Army'sRenda Hetherington Janicel fiant Manager and held this mittee. The meeting this year lut Battalion, the Canadian Elliott, Karen Coverly, Darral! post until bis present appoint- is ta be beld at Saint John, Guards, are used ta full ca- Osmond, Jimmie Scott, Wayne mnntlNIewBrunswick iri June 196t. <TURN Tg PAGE TWO> (TLJRN TO PAGE TWO> Ç,J3a and Hans Steinhauser of Toronto took off in midair ride~r on a stretcher and carried him back up to the on the first turn at Mosport~ on Saturday, missing a track, assisted by specta tors. He was rushed-to Me. guard rail by inches as he and his motorcycle plunged morial Hospital -and an Tuesday was taken ta Toronto down a 40 foot embankment. At the bottom, the General. His injuries included a fractured collar bone machine bit a culvert, throwing him off. Ambulance and severe chest injuries. lattendants rushed ta the s cene, loaded the injured New Detergent Disi nteg rates Com pletely The N. E. Sweet Company Limited states that its Com-ý pany will be coming an the market within three weeks time with the first known Bio- Degrade detergent which will disintegrate 100 per cent in any water, soil, or land. It will flot leave any resîdue in lakes, ponds or streams. It wiIl be known as "Heath- er" Bio-Degrade with a copy- right on the name Bio-Degrade and a patent formula on this new detergent which will be an ahl purpose detergent and it will be very gentie to the skîn, and will not irritate the skin. It will be produced by the makers of the famous SAM- BOW detergent and will carry the quality assigned of the N. E. Sweet Company with a money back guarantee. £Pteces NOT ACCEPTED - Information bas been receiv- ed from the Durham County Federation of Agri- culture that the name of the late Ed. Sumniers that they had proposed for the Agricultural Hall flot been appiroved. Appgeety, the wbîl l~'. charge of such selectionà f elt that whileSummers bad made a trexuendous con- tribution to agriculture in Durham County, the awards should ha made only ta, those whose -efforts have had considerable national impact. This was disappointing news ta those who had worked bard on the project, including the directors of the Durbami Federation, and Ed. Youngman who wrote an excellent brief on Mr. Summers' career here. i. i. . i. t JARGON - Car dealers bave a way of speaking that is all their own. Robson Motors this week put some of this jargon into their advertising. One car is described as baving white feet (white- wall tires), a juke box (radio) and a furnace (heater). It is nice ta see a bit of originality creep- ing into advertising, so much of it is the sanie aid stuff. We also got quite a kick out of one really expensive used model listed under the bead- ing "Take What's Left for $9.00". That must be a real beaut. t i. i. i. i. BUSY M.P. - Durbam's Member of Parliament Russell C. Honey bas a busy tume ahead of him. In addition ta attending the regular sittings of the House of Commons, be is also a member of three standing committees, Agriculture, Estimates and Miscellaneous Bills. Mr. Honey is also a regular columnist in The Canadian Statesman, and this week takes exception ta the Editor's recent editorial on the Budget, wbich Finance Minister Gardon revised considerably on Monday night. This week's Statesman also contains an excellent Repart froni Queen's Park written by Alex Carruthers, Durham's Member of the Leg- islature of Ontario. i. it i.t t t UN DELEGATES - On Page 15 of this edition, two young lady delegates describe their recent visit ta Kingston's Queen's University where they attended a United Nations Seminar. They were reporting on their activities ta their Rotary Club sponsors. Readers will find their comments most interesting. t t t t t GAS EQUIPMENT - Tom Cowan of the Cowan Equipment Ca. announces this week that be lu entering the gas equipment field and is also exclusive agent for Consolidated Heating and Air- Conditioning Limited, tying in witb Consumera' Gas for inspections. This is quite a development for this local firm which bas shown great pro- gress during the past few yea ns. *t ti t i. t OLD CARS -The many vintage cars taking part in the London ta Brighton tour this year are at present hovering around tbis area. They visited Miss Aleen Aked's home near Long Sault on Tuesday evening, and were parading up Taunton Road for a visit ta Oshawa. Just when or if they will be passing through Bowmanville bas not been disclosed. + t $t t * FIRST CARNIVAL - Tbe Kinsmen Club has received confirmation that the NHL All Stars softball teani will be here ta take on a local club on July 2th. The event will be followed by a carnival featuring many booths and other attrac- tions. This will be the first carnival of the season. Proceeds will be for conununity work. It will be recalled that the Kinsmen have now completed payments for the arena's artificial ice installation, a project that extended for 10 years and was a great belp in providing recreation for area youngsters and oldstema Accident Roundup Pet erborough Youth Dies In Head-on Crash at Kirby'. A young man, Budd Elwood Bowmanville Area Ambulance lJamieson, Brampton, and Arne Nelson, age 19, 869 Armour Service. She is being treated aid Spriggs, Port Credit. 1 Road, Peterborough, was in- for a skull fracture and facial Mr. Spriggs, the driver à~ stantly killed in a two car col- lacerations. There was ap- the Second car involved, ant4 lision on Highway No. 35, proximately $900 damage ta his passenger, Robert Edgar north of Kirby, on Sunday the Nelson car. also of Port Credit, were tak. evening at 10:40 o'clock. A The driver of the other car en ta Memorial Hospital. Mr:. passenger in his car, Miss involved in the collision was Spriggs was treated for minot Diana Ferren, also age 19, 490 Mrs. Carol Moore, age 21, 50 injuries as an out-patient. Mr. Cross Street, Peterborough, Ecciestone Drive, Toronto. Edgar who suffered faciai was seriously injured in the She and hier husband, Gary lacerations was a patient iit crash.. Moore, age 24, who was a the hospital until Tuesday af.4 Miss Ferren is a patient in passenger, were taken ta Me- ternoon when hie ws m ea Oshawa General Hospital morial Hospital by the Bow- ta recuperate at home. where she was taken by the manville Area Ambulance. Each car involved in th« They were treated for minor accident sustaineci appraxima ijuries in the Out-Patient ately $800 damage. Constable Loa od e epartmnent and. released. J. G. Donaîdson, PwstL Local odges amage ta Mr. Moore's car investigating officer., W I Paa e amounted toabout $3,000. At 10:50 a.m. on Tusa W ill Para e Te acidet wa inestiat-there was a collision on th< ed by Corporal E. J. Crough Service Road west af Waverly and Constable A. V. Alexander Road Interchange between a I n Port Hope of the Bowmanville Detach- taxi driven by Melvin 'Roberp ment oi the Ontario Provin- Ricard, 27 Queen Street, and a, The annual Orange Walk Eiai Police, and by Sergeant car driven by Ernest Lloycl in celebration ef "The Glor-E G. Hope of the Peter- Alldread, Manvers Streetï Jou Twlft" wll e bldborough OPP Detachment. Newcastle. lus PotHeth ill be hd On Saturday at 11:40 a.m. Damiage to the taxi wai. inl Port Hopendit i Satura- there was a twa-car collision about $250, and there wat JulylSt, ad i wil crn-on Highway 401, a third of a approximately $500 damnage to mence at 1:30 p.m. Lodges mile east af the Liberty Street Mr. Allçlread'sc. Constablî- front Bowmanvllle and al Interchange. The drivers af K. H. Suddard, OPP, Invest-Xi *4ier., parts - ulaa< the two,ý cars - were Harold-gated. , Countir.-as.,weI1 as those fioni Ouhawg%, Whitby, Lin&- say, Peterbocfftugh, Cobourg and the surrounding dis- a g r w t e .Bfoe eaving Biwian- St. Joseph's Picnic Saturda>' mornlng the Pur- u Fie urldge No. 294, t.he a t W altona Park pIe GRdse No.29, Lthe el Bowmanville Fife and Drum St. Joseph's Roman Catho. presidefit. Band, the Tartan Lassies lic Church Picnic held under Rev. F. K. Malane, the MaJorettes and soieeof the the auspices of the Holy Name parish priest, welcomed the yoixnger Bow Twirlers will Society at Waltona Park, New- hundreds ai people who. at- parade ln town. castle, on Sunday afternoon tended. Gienholme Hughes, The parade will start at was a mast enjoyable event. president ai the Holy Namne 10 a.m. ln tront et Bow- Great credit is due Tom Mas- Society, thanked the crowd manville High Scitool, and terson and Joseph Cuddahee, for the wanderful turnaut. proceed along Queen Street the Special Events Committee He also expressed apprecia- te Temperance Street, up Co-Chairmen, who were in tion ta Mr. Masterson and Temperance to King Street, charge ai arrangements which Mr. Cuddahee for their eut- aiong King te Ontario resulted in the decided suc- standing wark, and ta their Street, down Ontario te cess. Their assistants were Ted assistants, alsa, toalal the oth- Queen Street, and back te Tice, Alvin Mastersan and ers who had helped them. the High School. ýJames Fair, Holy Name past- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Collapsed Roof Threatenp.s Home__ Neighbors thougbt there had been an explosion or earthquake on fflday evening wben a roof caved in at the home of Harvey W. Abrahamn, 39 Ontario St. Police blocked off ail traffic, fearing that the wals might be puuhed, 00* with the entire structure collapsing. Fortunately, the sagging roof onlyr droI. a couple of feet at one end and pushed bricks and the large beam out Mt ho rear of tbe building. Repaira were underway this week with wozkliieii ruilI> ing ta restore the roof ta its original position bef are rainfall damaged ti interior of the. house. Motorcyclisi Hurt in Grand Prix Race at Mospor+ Fý ý

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