v k I IDITORIAL COMMENT What's A Farmer ? -A farmrir is a paradox - he is an ovèr.all executive with his home his office; a scientist using ferbilizer atach- niaents; a purchasing -agent in an aid Straw tiat; a persoinnel director wth greaae under his fin$ernails; a dietitian with a passion for alfalia, aramon jas, athd azitibiotmvs; production expert wvth & surplus and. a manager battlirug a piîce-coat squeeze. 1lNe manaes moe capital than Iflst et tblb u"tu mon in town. lie ii not muçh for droughts, dîtch- es, thruways, experts, weedâ, 8-hour day, gras tppers or rholpirîg wibh housewonk. - farmerîs are tound in fields - plow- ing up, seeing clown, robating from, planting to, fertilizîng wibh, spraying f ôr, angdharvestîng. Wives help themn, litIle boys follew thern, city relatives ývîsit lheî-n, salesnin detain them and wait for thern, weather van delay themn, but il takes Heaven to stôp thèni. A farmer is both foith ançi Fataili -he must have f ailli ta continually meet the challenges of his capecities arnid an ever.prêment possibiiity that an Act of God (a late spring, mn early irost, tonnado, flood, drought) car bring his business to a stancibll. Yoîu cen rteiuçe his acreagè but yoti can'l uesrain his ambition. MWigltit xs well put up with humi.- he is your friend, your eoMpOtitor1 youu cuistomner, yosu- source of fod, fiher, andi self-rliant yonnig citisons te hbl replenish your cilles%. 1-e is youi' couitryM&ln -àdenin'î dressed busîièss.wise, fist 9Tqwîxig statesman of stature. And when he cames in aI noon, h9ving epent the. energy of his hopes and dreams, lie can be rechgngeci anow with mAgie words: 'Manket's up'.-Uxbridge Timçzjouirngl. Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M. P. Laut wék my gpod friend John Jatnes of the C&.f&dýan (Bowmanville) Statemnî toiôii the liberty, adnîittedly 'ibhout cQnsutin# me, of makig cdi- tonial reference about my thou.ghts on tie recenit budget. 1 was flot aware, ulitil reading the 'article, that John had graduated f rom politician . .. ta editor -..ta clairvoyant. On ,'eflection there u.e some degree of cornmon qualifica- tion requiî'ed for the successfui per- f ârmer of mil three callings. .Haviing regard to John's interference %ith my mental faculties (wibhout my kliowledge of course) 1 thouglit he mnighb nat complain if 1 let you nead hîs mrail (without his knowlecige of course). 'My letter ta John may seem a bit partisan (l do try ho keep these reports on a non-political bai), 4nd if so yau nlight excuse muei this one instance. J ehn's editoriai was sO critical that it seems aimost necesamry ta step off to the other side of the roaçi in ordeu ta ki;ep things in perspective. Dean John. - How you have changed! How weli I 2recail your editonials of the past year or bwo decryig the high cost of the services supplied by modern day gov- elnments and the huge budgetary clef icits resulting therefrom'. Now when a:bold attempt is nmade to pub aur house iil order you act as though you have no rial idea of the trouble the Cauîadian 'ition is in. 1 refer, of course, to the ppoblem of holding a fixed exehange r'ate for the Canadian dollar, chronie ct4ficits in our current accounit pay- --ents with other couitqe and huge bL.dgetary deficits over flic past f ive ypars. 1Generally speaking 1 agree with yl)ui' remarks in the ecitorial but un- fvrtunately they did nfot go bo the fuindamental prablerrs of our nation Which the budget is designed to correct. Sure, 1 agree with your commrents about Mr. Qordori's hastily devised 30%7 take- cyer tax and his untimely retraction tkiereof while the stock markets were c4en. Also, sonie adjustrnents have ta le made on the sales tax, particularly a7s it will affect the price of goods ex- pgrted from. Canada. I have, as have n-ost members af the govennment side, mnade representations ta Mr. Gardon respecting fthe concern of people and corporations ini my Riding. 1 arn satis- fied that where it is feasible and prop- er to do so adjustments will be macle. Maybe the breed has changed, John, but I can't realiy agree with your state- ment that "pivate rnembers are in fact il, the mercy of those in the Cabinet vyho under our system a'must make the 13g decisions". On the contrany, I have fbund Mr. Gordon to be courteous and receptive ta suggestions at al l imes. As ii natter of fact he has. in this budget Xnd at my request madle provisions to assîst industry in Durhama County, 'tIhere those provisions dUd not work at '%?aiance with the good o! the nation. 1As so aften happens, John, maters *ech as this beconie obscured by side issues having a political counnotation. Methiriks your ediborial feil into that teap Let us look at the broad objec- tives outliuied in the budget, -,Firstiy, there is a nation-wide iqssault on unemploynient. Such things as speciai paymenuts to employers of cIder workers, the reduction of N.H.A. interest rates and the lower down pay- zhent on N.H.A. homes, inci'eased muni- cipal aid, retraining assistance, the cre- ition o! a Department of Incdustry anîd a National Econrnic Côuneuil. These ahl provîde a comprehensive attack on the unemployment probleni which mnust be 5oived. Seconclly, thezre is the enicoura- ment of Canadian participation in own- ership and control o! corporations oper- ating in Canada. 1 have greod wlth your nernarks that the 30%7 take-over bax was iii devised and untimely. But John .. that provision forrma only a minai part o! the prograrn ta en- courage Canadian ownenship o!fou.4r industries and resources! This budget brolce new grounci. Ib is the finit lime a Canadian- governmenb has taced up ta the problem'no!fareiga control and ownership. Don't you thinl< it is a good thing that Canadians wiil have a vaice la the policies of the companies which are operating in Canada and us- ing Canadian resources anid manpower? Thîrdly, this budget proposes dras- tic steps ta plug loophales in our tax- ing statutes which pernuitteci taxpayers wha cauld afford to lire the açivice of campetent lawyers *nud accaunhants to escape paying their full shane of taxes. The purpose of these stepa is to help the ordinary taxpayer i Canada by assuring that ail taxpayers will pay theix- fair' share o! the cost of gavern- ment. Fourthly, during the lg5t election campaign Mr. Gordon macle no bonies about where lie thauglit Canada was going if our people wene not prepared ta face the realities of aur national financiai affairs. 1 believe the Canad- ian people are prepared ta mnake the sacrifices. I! they are not, muid if we follow your impiied editorlal suggestion that we cannot do anything to î'aise taxes because some segment o! the economy will natlilke it, then we wil go on drifting and inevitably, sooner or later, we shall end up on the rocks. With best regards. Sincerely, "&Russ" Etiitoîs Note:. Many thanks for your comments on our edîtonial, Russ. After lie revisions made inuthe budget by Mr. Gardon on Monday niglit, there may yet be hope. The only other cab- inet minister we ever krîew who admnit- ted he nmade mistakes was Chubby Power, and he became one o! the mast respected members o! the House. Poss- ibiy Mr. Gardon will follaw in his foot- steps. Let's hope so. .After such an inauspicious stant, there are oniy twci ways for him to go, up or out His sn- cerity of purpase may just win the membeî's ta uis support. Many of us may have been expecting tao much o! him and the new Libenal gavernment. SPORTS IN PINK Wimbledonî lawn tennis off icialis aie ouIta prove that people are attract- ed ta the famnous courts by the game- and flot the female players' panties. Thev have ruledti hat in future tourna- ments only white panties may be worn. America's Gussie Moran provideci the initial "shiocker" in 1949 wlîen she appeared in lace-buimmed short shorties. Then came the 18-kaî'at gold brie! s, leopard skin, mink trimmings and one pair slitched with the U.S. Confedenate f lag. "Shocking pink" panties under a "twist dress" clased the show iast season. No pua is intended in saying that Wimbledon officials decided that was the end.-The Sudbury Star. DiÀrhozm Couilty's Great Fcemly journal n Emabhashed 109 years ego in 1854 Aloo Incorporating The Dowmanville News The. Orono News l "Attaonxssd a, esod Clie 14xiJ y the ?caluCilice Depu.. Ottawa, end ter paymeat me, ie ls a ccush' Ï Producèd overy Wednesdcty by b TRW JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED > P.O. Box 190 62-68 Kng St. W.. Bowmanviue. Ontau'o IO>N tiM. IAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDn-Tm.PuILzSuI ADvI'a. MASAGUS uaumM"I. SUSCRIPTION RATES 84.00 0 YSomstnotlw invcnce $3.50 a YeqzW$ the lt.d stotea Althomh usl u wUti lbu laos te LYPU oroe, Tb* VanaditailStatomesa ccellte sivptbs- wetu 04 a oquae e dw#u"q Udîg ili cet ho Uebl. toi clay! enertla 1W &iVtU.=at pulls h.x.im e a mmclof è udvertseu.nt La u'qu.t.d a oitaW b v r ggd rt"Wpg to l u=cVanqdanSt«mon buiahzqm office duîy iuxnd by tbe advoelraU wthuck OUM W o motama leiuuiy aot.d in vritl qtaoeon. and in uhat cam. ilumv erer e aceta m ot ~ e~ ib. a.aaoem Tummn uxalêiy euuau nmc x macuasa eu« flsa of tuc atis. Çit et tubh aivgfUaueal osthe @Pmos0oeupld tyhe oted errer boeais te 11 be . avcaé ms eupxcd by' mueh edvrllat ~est een A . Ifhed 18leffc tables had loir-.- B s e n- Ifl Drivers , 'The bock wit t his,, Iny wý1çr aid. "We'U do itth & I1/41m a ecepnmicai way." o ngfa 'sc l m WOWe out t: hemill, wbere It nctegvcedtweeaiadtw otesI3 / m tooefeee,1 bin thy ail 't'; 'cete iv«crditW110r s4k, ndtwoothrshad bra- these weiI trained l hem.I w a itti ro~evd ue; thîs weçk, yeur #ribe ken a kind 01 fibre sign inl quired only one minute n thOe. 1r w9aIa<Utkil relle ciâne lit h. ldp' ~ . twould like ta salute nQ wain, and were knocking the t bp a tree and make mi' ewa nte' fraMg apengid vol- flames down. This sal but torty seconds from the #lm. lanka. Liumber was e a niy vQc-oprgtin on at le4st efficient, volunteer crew, witl the alarmi soundçd fer giteni 10p.!4. Uaved six or tçn de,. threco ccasion#, The tirât hap- very simple, improvised ftire. of them te quit what tloy. lars aireadi', They didp't bave poeoed when a grass tire ne- f ighting aids, kept the blaze ýwere doing, don their stty gay et the. ,egular pigna for çurred un the Central Lake confined ta about a quarter heimets, go te the buildig PiOnIO table@, but tliey bail *Ontiirjo property, June lflth. acre of burnt grass on thc for their water-fiiled 'pack- guI, Ifor ' ioddias' table, and Mplvin Sears noticed it, and bank of the Highway and out, PumpF, ahovels, ageu, amd b. th e tllow laud 1£ wau 1h. with the aid et some visitors, of a valuable two hundred ]inect Up aon the porgide çrq4id, same lirinciple. euppressed it with very ele- acre pine Plantation, and ready ta mount the tz'unpr- è~<WnaY tale i.e. we a!t hl hy eedigiitation truck. When thiy r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Using tried and true 1tmncyt ak hie te eedigi,-è r rida, 1 dîd net set ta wçirk. 1 adhovils. While this was ano ilwr patroliing of f cer of riveci at the tire, thçy worktd called a couple of husky y g1Itaking place, Mrs. Seuns phon- the OPP notif jed the Dept. )f like beavers, toartng out old confreeanmd told tfxem ta ed ur headquprters and rc- Lands and Forefits ai Orao. i. fences. checking burnUig drop ground for, an aie. I ceivin& ne neply, *phoned one 'Like Ui th l,fire, ail we h4d 'dou5ing flamina cedar* happned i hae a ouplofa oui' sons who guessed that ta do> was douse the burning and doing everytlilng p~, I oud e iatîg 'y wite, clebris such as aid fence rails, ta suppress the firo. *fr spire hanners when te1 wudb iitn arrived. I claimed I h in hospital. He phonedl there, etc. disciplined obedtence ref1*ols ed theni around foi, a nail. and it wltgi't lo betorc, we The third occasion was great credit on thealveaan~d Three heurs later, a dozen were on the scene wlth &Oane when a couple af aur wark- their supervlsory staff.' ne a les nd a hundred nails later, ire-fightipg toola, but tiiere 1 mçqi, an their way home after! lad was dipplng water olit Qntario's three be$t 'teen-age drivers are piçt4r. we&ad vrospce wasn'e much for us ta do. The eight hours af muscle-tiring lof a seven or elght foet w6fl ed here, being presented wîth trophies by D. G.lumber nailed oehr oetimrerliai on etinoutofe a outh o the a hne, n Ci-the il telI an thi Mpsw Twaits, ieft., of Toronto. The trio won the honours of wiiic.h seemed ta have imbradcnie ,suho h inlny nCl h altl nte'al i and the trophies in the Ontario 'Teen-Age Safe Dryv-1connection with the pieces left, urUt~iareb h~vnTwsip usigta mmdaey ul l . over. My helpers quit and1prompt action. Ail we did w#s it wasn't far tram the site of i umped into the ice cOId. ing Championiships Jointly sponsored by the Niagaralwent wmig douse the stili smaldering 'a bad tire during April, 1962, shoulder deep water, roucutd awmmng stunîpa.! thev investigated, taund the the pail, climbed eut oftheii Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce and Imperial Oil Undaunted, 1 piayed My The second incident was on1 exact locatian, then got ta a weli1,. and pnaccpded (whtle Limaited and held recently ai. Niagara Falls. Winners, nx ad aid aohr June 29th. We received wordl phone, ta natify us. In tthz'wringing wet)to fliithe pack left ta right, are Edwin Rohir, of Hlamilton, thetriend, an expert in waa<lwark- fram Ou.r towerman that hemeantime, aur towermn had pumps. chapin; onPepin Wodsock scon pîze ig, andi asked him ta boan me had spotted a "aniake" on reported it and the Ranger Thgre were other volun- chamion DonPopin, oodtoc, seondpriz %Ain-some tuoas. Cunninigly, when Hjghway No. 115, near a Gin- train Elizabeihville was on teers, such as the yowîg lsrm- iuer, and Sheila Serutton of Peterborough, third ptizelhe grrivect, 1 beggeci him ta rsapntioaofwehejbBrtH s u Sereswt rcorlwotis %viriner. Miss Serutton vas the lone femnale con- show me a bit af hias kill arska plantatsi e nd twe vsthe o chrert ofas ther Sper- cswt rco-lwadt tesan ad iid oi te -ono-sag____2__uhs lere and spoale o! his wite's ,standby" men. with a truckiatian andi dcspatchied yours'imake fire-breaks. as well as <'*amarnuuainu chrm Wihînanhou, h, oad of tire-fighting gadgets.! truly ta guide a truck Ioad of kindly peaple whe br04ht At the seene, Oftîcer Hante-!Traiining School Boys, equip- sgndwiches, phoned ini alarma, hiad the thing standing unp. HeýMaxwell of the Ontario Pro- ment and sta4ff members of etc. which all ped ta make tod e hwtafnihit vincial Police, was usipg a the Cold Spr ings Camp, ta the the job easieî fr thec pro- lefi. are t uti asre-shovel te gond effect, anatber burn". fessianals".Our thpnkï. hi i sartd t pu ini c'.hap was using en aid gunny- It is interesting ta note that, 'therr! nail. The table began te awayl___ __________ like a shiot stallion and the and. whole ruddy structure col- a heart-rcnding rumble. Hop- Ban ks Ask for Relaxation s]P C Pingd swiftiy, 1 got out the axe an was about ta administer À9 the couÎ de grace but my wite Bv Bill Smdlev and k!.sgrabbed me aroundýu Present Restrictions teeg and hung on, Why do Can4dians drink so er. 1 have been building a 1 gat the excper t bdek, bxib- mnuch? Euch year. the black picnic table. ;ed hlm with coid drinks aU idp fi line on the baozing chart inclh- The Old Batticaxe lias been lie tinished it. There are abouti o Me e eshge, n eae odtenigigabu n oracul i13i ~ls n ol- ad'ces1 o borrityung tact that every of years. AIl through FcbJ10 it, but it stands taîl, a i man, wornan andi child in this ruary and March she kept see-lînonument ta shex' ngenuity. Montebelia, Que. T h e, to eharge rates appî'opriate toi rate of the chertergd - 3 country puits away 16 gallons ing themn advertised at low,: Got rny daughter ta paintl chartered bani<s, in âeekiig, the nature o! the risks assuni- wcre at six per vent, which i-3 of hooch and 84 gallons of low prices. i wasn't interest-lit at 50 cents an heur. Lum-;changea in the Bank Act, be- cd, have been able t(> place in turn the maximum lendi.ng been, or some such. eci. Fxrst, 1 wasn't ini the moodibel', hardware, beer for thel lieve that the iaw "should not1 more of thei' assets in higher rate permitted under the Baiilç Now 1 know tiîat wlîile you fox' picnic tables while 1 was'ibLnglers, gin and tonic foi' the unneceaaarily cuirb andi con-I yielding investmnents a n dý Act. 1may drink that mnucli, Aunt shovelling sxxow in cvery day-. expert, stain and varnishi and fine one set of institutionsý have, therefore, been in a po-' "-As a practical bmnker-, I. Mabel, 1 don't and miy kids light houx' to spare. Secondly,;Wages for the painter, anîd a while 1le a v i n g competitors' sition ta pay more foi- the de-, think 1 can gay without tear, cion't and 1 doubt whethei-the tables were ail of te tv e1dioctor's bill for a basheci foot free," it was stated here ta -'posit funds Iliat form i te of contr'adiction that the re-, their grandinotiier does, sa tlîat you have ta put togeiherlbrought the total to about $43. day by R. D. Mulholland, pre- basis of their business. inoval o! the leriding rate. somebody is i'ealiy knocking yourself, and 1 had had enoughý aident of The Canadian Bank-ý "The banks believe that the ceiling and the empowering' back the stuff. of that caper. icrs' Association.i power ta take conventionial of the banlça ta lend arn mort-' Who lis the cuiprit? 'C'he In niy tinie 1 have put ta- STAtl.KVILL]r. The main point in the case1 mortgage secLrity w o u 1 d gage security would be doubly' vîllian la net the Canadian gether everything front baby'. o hebns M.M1hlad broaden theix' area of useful- beneticial in, on the onie han#-,' temperament, but the Canadian cota thnaugb pretab cupboards Mr'. and Mrs. Percy Faraow told the annual meeting of the ness ta the Canadian barrow- extending the anca of usefii-: weather. arnd , unpainted bookeasea te werc rec'ent guesta with Mr$, Association, "is ta be trecd îng community. The lifting, ness of the bank anaid, on the. For eight muiiths ofthie backyard swiun pools. Inevit-c. Snmith, Newcastle. from the restrictions that o! the present six per' cent other hand, in affording the. yemr we axe adjured at every ably, the baby's cota have, eln olo ore cabnsmr cp o lx- turn ta have a nip ta keep out turiued out Ioakint llke book- Mr'. and M'r$. C. Plum and limit Our îbility te serve the' eln oio ore eabnamr cp o lx- thecod. uîng heothr ase ad te wîmin ~ Mrs. Ida Plum, Taranto, visit-; tînanélal needs o! the Cana- necessary accompaniment te bility ini respect of intereiFt. four nionths, we siosh il dawn like baby'. cota. e Mr. Arthur McKay.' dian people. We made thatsuhacntciv tpR-pidndpal. Ibytheb'ket ta beat the heat.1 Scx'ews neyer fit. Boardsi Mr'. and Mrs. Stauî Falls, recommendation (te the Royal moval of the ceilîng would "Competition, nat axtly' IbTrotoheitd buM. Commission on Banking and aise permit the banks ta re- among banks but betwe9it' !Like riglît now. At this very are warped. The plans whlch ToîtvitdaMrOrme Finance) because we 'know spond more fully and more banks and other institutions;.. moament, at 5 o'ciock on a tell you with a aneer txat any!F ails.i that each limitation imposed flexibly to broad monetary would create an effective co=- Juiy day, the meî'cury past 90,1half-wit can put this thing ta-i fMîs. L. Tlodd visited Mr. on the chartered banks means influences initiated by the trol over bmnk leruding rattp. il is horrifyîng ta speculate on gether, are invariably put ta-' and Mrs. Don Stapleton, New- a reduction in the financial central bank and designed ta and, under the wideapread. the number o! Canadians who getlier by haif-wits. tonvîlle. services that a bmnk oan cx. affect the generai level of in- branch systern that C4I'iada are lolling iii their back yards,' Result: 1 go into a deep,l Mr.,muid Mis. E. Shier, Tor- tend ta the Canadian peopie terest 'ratesla.. o wl vr10 or at a cottage, -oi on a beach, fiaming, unadulterated fury., onto, apent the weckend ait and a reduction in the sources "Removal of the interest yeana, this would apply to or in an air-cooled bar, cix.tch-iMy wxfe dances ginigerly, Mr. Lloyd Hallawell's. af tinancing available ta the rate ceilîng would aiso be every sectiont of tha oouatry. 'ing a cold beveu'age. Andlaround, just out o!fu'each. The r.Bonee oat;Cnainpol. conducive ta a wider spread "The tundamental iMse tht getting teadily hottex'. .kids quietiy go into another M.adMs .RgrOh h akAt the basic or destribution o! lending must bc nesolwd lu not what: part a! the house and turn the andMs .RgrOh h akAt f lxd l ifiul l ~uit- 'aioo flIvoumwa , visited Mrs, M. Shutka legislation negulating the rates as between prime anid will be best for the. baniks or 1 find 'andimisauMr.tM.-Shutkaiwho chio on fbll volume.or less than prime rates. The what will be best for the, cize theni. i've just beeni nuse r .Suk h hree ak, u o limitations the ceilin.g rate lancar-bmrrks. The fundamntal" Ithrpugh anc of the worst ignorung the debacies o! the l a patient at Memorial Hos- parliamentary nevi3ion in 1904 this latter respect were vivid- issue is what la best li the' weeks ini my life, i the nîuddlepast, 1 decided ta humox 'The' piai. and thîs was anc of the rea. ly llustrate ttelm !pbi neotado o! the warst heat wave o! the 1-ee. by hx inc M~ n îs .G'nrd asfretbiligteRy- tight money in 1962 when bath basis I have every confýi4çci aummer, and I feel nothing'table, and wrcstie it together.~ St. Cloud, Mi., visited Mr. ai Commission on Banlcing the banlc rate o! thc Bank o! that the right decisions l but sympathy foi- tiose whoiBut suddenly, we found, all Arthur McKay duririg their and Finance, ecpected ta re- turîî ta drink in the hot weath- 'those hot bargains had van- holiday in Canada. port ta the Canîdian govern_ Canada and the prime lending be made." jMrs. John Stark was hos. ment this year citer publie tess for a Stanxley demonstra- hcarings iin ail parts o! the iein uecently. country. A n a a g ad «B o k ' In the D îrM i Mr'. and Mrs. C. Allen and In a short review of econo- A n a a g ad-B o k family, Woodville, were re- mue conditions, Mr. Mulhol- cent guests with her mother,1I a.nd slnesscd the recovery -3' ed t C o ae nd~~ Mrs. Victor Farrow. md ce thc dollar criais ofP nc Hel t ( s a e and ayearagoadding "I do net The annuai summex gel- foliows: Pait Prosidust-KeltI TTTI'PT119 gay we arecompletely Out O! together of the Langmnaxd McGil1; President-John Auh' E-» -il B1thie wood-there la stili much Brooks Clan wvas heid on June1tý,i Vice-President - Wesley, L tLUJLL LL431' IURTIJ,,L ta be donc-but the inîprove- 23 aI the Carlwrighl Com- Yellowlees; Secretary-Geitle, ment in aur balance O! pay- munity Park, Caesarca. Mountjay; Treasurer-Cha.rle l'rom The Stateaman Files MI*.mnd Mra, O. Rpbertsoi ments has been cdear ad con- Abu 0prasstdw Langmaid; Sportis Committw' and Carol recenlly visitcd îinuous for some time and the diotnn eranhesumtudousw M.adM,. onlaai with Mrs. G. Osborne, Ham-* infîow of capital, Particularlvy~1elldntbe t131..ýM.adMs m nwo; 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO ilIon. l ong-term capital, has been a The lae t iables t 1:0 p.m Mr. mndMrs.W -Mr. nd- (July 14, 1938) (July 16, 1914) Miss Norma Davcy, Tyroxie,:reversai o! what was happen- setting beautiful and altogelli- Mrs. Ron Brooks, Mr.. cent at weekenct wilh Miss ing a year ago andi an indi- . gehBrok ere Miss Shirley Ilarnier o! Miss Clara Robbîxîs adBrraBrownx. i on of a restoration a!cnfi - aBaaalvlgttgt-'rot earce og and±ianbara- 4 Ir-I ,- ... -- -- er. ,Committe-Bra.n Chaubauqua, N.Y., thia week. r_".' ""' rquinem-ts---gover:entaî Mu. Waru'en Pinch and Mr.: Ebenezer Explorera helti eurmnsogvrmnal Mn. andi Mn.. W. Pi'owei'W. W. Down enjoyed a mnotor-,Itheir ciosing meeting la the inspection, liquidity and be-1 'McMurbry andi two childu'en, cyl n aOkoo 'cn-fr ! ohî a a g n subjeet ta the monetaryi Chicago, Ill., have been visit-cyltrpi awo eetIrm faMth ndDu - ing his parents, Mn. andi Mns. ter supper. Counsellons Mae'-cotoo!U anko!Cad W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Lk cuty.Ma da~ ng ah ion Muir andi Betty Goynxe hadti hrough statutory' reaorve pro- Miss Yvonne Tigie, who isi~dayini with aParty trom! planneti a very taoty moul andivsos .mtterudiu'g the Summer SchooljOwen Sound ai. Lake View' gay Place canda werc nmade 'The Association did not dei T e ~ a * s~ u ' e ' Course at the Toronto Normal Hotel, Grimsby Beach, Ont. incc oie n e a~ha;w eivdtoa T he 2 n I st im n .School, spent the wveekendl Mrs. Howard EcnI aand ,nlgh te. Margaret Down piuyed s1111 believe, Ibhat subject ho, îwith ber parents. ýNewby andi Edward, Toronto, "The QueeiV' tollowe4 bv proper regulations ta mate- iCouncillor anti Murs John;are visitiuîg ber moiher. Mrs.'Grace sung by ail. The Ex- guard the public interest. the 0F Guna. daughtex Helen, andi James Gale, Queen St. piorers showed how well they fieldti t serve the financial r-- 'Mis Doobh Jons hve ust1Mn. A.N. Mtchll nticoulti set and clean the table quirements of the~ Canadien' eburneti tram a ninc-day trip'daughten Behhy, and Misse' s eretemtos wor.pesoiibe stnm -E through Gaspe Peninsula, Que-.oohyadMainTiiylinteresting films were showxu possible, widc open to banks, 16T E bec nti ontera ntano. orotand arc oiayng ibb jespecially some tboughbs ta andi near-banuts alike, having Mn. John Cowling, Hamp- Mrs. (Di -) W. E. Tilley e r e mc em b ei' about safty regard ta the disbinguishing 1 U N AAL ton: Mn. Pcncy Cowling, Mr. Bowmnanvilie-on-thc-Lake, mtth rough the summer andi how ciaracteristics of oach type o!; A. W. Piekarti and Mr, S. R.1 ite Bnic anl' catching a cheerful &mile can business. We believe aiso that! Jams cn o afihig ittl fnie ant gpoector be. The Stan ceremonuy was the firuancial mechan'im, JU Y lIth, 1 6 ta Norlanti aven the weckend. "ie a osnt n us odceib he Counisellons.soude rdotalnnc- Mn. and Mrs. Robert "'cTiday bys oepsnwo Tusd Margaret Down andl Wendy ary rigidities, imei ments, Cleod. Woodâbock, are vit a y bbîng a o wo aBrown each rcev t heir antirstiton rinst the! 'hon mother, Mn.. Donald Mc.- agnudge againat the sodate gauton cr«ict, "",ulpa.o om cnpt- D 1 S C 0 U N T S Donald. old wabchdog. The culpnut pins anti their laat Gold stbr tive forces." iMiss Mary Cannons. H-amil-' shoulti receive the utmost limit iand will enter C.G.I.T. in bbh' n unging competitive fîcxi-' 1% discount will be allowed en t,i visiting ber sister, Ms !pi'ihiet fail. Penny Bicutie. Paula Wor- bility between banks and'tiîstiet Anin Connors.I Misa Dorathy Ruc'hards, o! tien, Karen McKnlght, Lyla rear-banka, Mn. Muihollanci3r nsamet , Mr. Jimmy Cox. Tornnto, O'oflo, i. visiting Miss Cath. Osbonne, Canol Dowxi receuv- uad: 2% discount wiIl be allowed en 'ad Mr. Jack Atidineîl, lon- erine Warnuca. cd their iîecond E3lue sar. Di. "The rate o! ga'owth of de-1 t nsamn don, visited their aura. Mrs.' Loweu School exams flai" macMenton. Karn Covenil', posits la many institutions 4hisamn Ou$ llounsill. entrance int Normal Schoal laurel Metcalt neceived thour that art competibîve with th,?,oe U4 lt.t Saleuui: Little Miss Mîry AIl-ad Facuities o! Education; a conti Redi star. A vete of banks bau besa much grember il paid on or bfr o M '4reîd, tewn. la bolîdaying with successtuî candidates frami thanka wau expresseti by Mrs. In the paut 10 years than uný bher surit arxd uncle, Mn. anti Bowmanvillc High Schol C.,M. Bickie on behal! o! the thc chartereti banks. The' J L. REID, q' q.-'-a. T4.14n. ýni t 'xrtîP&..-R Lnuwt. su.cthrra te the lotaders ton the chie! neason is that these ini-,- llmydon: Mfss Veî'na 'rrewîn Hardy, C:attierine M Wannica, turne anid emn-e pue fiuco cne! 'sTumià,,i by remmon o! thii cler1t has accepteti a position in Harold J. Jcffeny and Lloydi preparatuon for Explorer work ability tai hake mortgage sec- 'Oshawa. IR. Rice. ail year andth te final meeting. Iurity, and tilt.he same tin.e 1) I t » i. s I I