I i T'he Canadian Stategmnan, towmanv11Ie, .?uly 10, 196à ýKathy Lovekin and Pat Rlu-, ad Randy and Mrs. M. Brown, D E i ar yWorth, Kenneth and Philip, 1 MRS. DAVMT .VLEr eresAgfa hrh - - ,,delI, Lenora H4arper and Carol Toronto, spent à day wit < a k "'" -bath o1 Bowmanville, and 24 .1Harte-Maxwell. Eleanor Smith Mr. and Mr@. A. L. Blanchard . B la kbu n Iard grandchildren. Following à r1 ngdl1 saa and Cathy Anger; Sack Race- The ladies of the service, Also survlving are two bro- ness the death ocre t Peeesdb ~ha UI K athy Lovekin, Pat Rudeli, club went on a bus trip ona a thers and four sisters, Frank Falrview L o d ge hty ~i n14,Ms aIal Karen Harte-Maxwell, Patý Mr. and Mrs. Keefe and iy M e s f rMrS. Mary Armstrong, Hoit-iTusaJul 416 uvvdb agtr a I-udeil, Charlotte Drinkle; baby Bruce spent Sunday with A whisll,. Northumberl1 a n d, Mru. David A. Val1 .J .Stwr Mr ) On Friday. June 28,thWod Intermediate Gil-High Jump-Pat Rudel], Kathy Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrick.ý A g LLa EIg, omLein, onto pupils of Shaw's School held Pet Rudell, Intermnedlate Boys Lovekin. ae Harte-Max-, Wayne and Wendy Keefe aref ,.Mill,1, Bîsydon-on-Tyne, Eng. By !SabruhII a verv mucc"assfil snd enjov- Eric Patterson: Senior Girls well; Standing Broed Jump- spending the sumnmer wîtn'4 t n u i P c i Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Wol- mas and Annie Gbote ..àbIe Ield Dy withthe fo- Pt Rdeli. ethy Lvekintheir grandiparents, Mr. and The 40th Blackburn-Hardy son and Mary Pearce, Boys silehamn, jDurham, Eng. Mrs. deceaaed was br nNwRcadG fWlb.As a GlendeninglGlovernPonelandcastleeOnt., sndioecChaedotte surviving are two sisterg, M.s lown-'iuîîsemegîg a -Mrgret Wery; Senorherott Dinke; uningMr. Carrick. annual pienic was held on' Race (10 yeurs and under), Mrs Stlla eroneln, ecatlOntherand hapln:Boys--Brian Jones. In thè Broad Jump - Pat RudeiI,. vheGaE. M.t ude:JWy1,193,utof Port- BllBl Hope ndDoniand.St 1----Carol Love. Senior Division competition 1Charlotte Drinkle, Kathv Love- h adnPryude uy1 93 tSoîaCm 11Bak Iurn and Donnie NewcatIn ter "∈ Junior Boys -Douglas waSBvery close with the run-ikmn. the auspices of the Women's:munity Hl n colTopo;GrsRc 1 sl-nTnEg She was marieatew rsE.TAnodFrtrc ners up. Muriel Lune and Earl, Intermiediate Boys: Dah- Institute and held at the homne!grounds with 97 attending. yeàrs and under), Kathy heC funeral service was castle in 1932 to DvdA a-Pr onal nln n Cobbledick heing just oneiEric Patterson, Wayne Tavylor of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrlck' The Executive for 1984 is Blackburn and Mary Pearcehl from the Chapel of the leau who for manyerwafvegnchdr. 'point each behZn the champ- 'John Lune; Three-Iegged Iiacý lest Wednesdey afternoon wâs as follows: Pest Presidents, BOYS Rac@ (14 yearà and un" Northcutt & Smith Funerel an smployee o!fh ae n h uea evc a ions.-Eri Paterso andJohna real pleasant event with! M.end Mrs. Carl on Hon. der), Jim AllUn and Gary Çor. Homne, Bowmanville, on -ri service departmntsa e-hltteMltu-nI vent s EricnnerteMr.nDonn;JHhr. ýday July 5, and was conduet- Evnt adWines Lune, Chris Newell and Wayne over 100 In attendance. ýPresidents, Mr. and Mrs. na.iah; Mena Race, Gary Ldiwes' by Rev. D. R. Dewdney of! eral Motors. Taylor, Walter Friedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Allun Par- vey Hardy, and Mr. and Mrs. and Bob Blackburn- &ded . FJunior Girls: Dash - Carol Roy Anger: Wheelborrow Race ker, Toronto, vlsited MissiFarewell Blackburn; Presi- Spot Race, Mies Stelia Black- Neowcatle Cmetery. ent waf O M s h aa fo h nemn nRvrieCre - Smveith; Thu ree-legge d yso in ntilerCmetrwas!int oMrs. aeuwes ei audy uy6 olwd :~ ~ LvekinLinda rock, ladysWlter Friedrich and Roy ,Loti ise Goodman. dents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred AI- burn; Boys Wheel - Barrow Plears eeMes!;r-,itime of her mrae utltrNpne e.A ol Broc an Caol iflflAgerEric Patterson andMs -eryApeon ht lin; lst Vice Pres., Mr. and Race Ken Hawkgwell und F. W. T. Lewins, CeceiiKarpg, 1955 hen sauh t t ieccrco !S.Mt n k. Gladys Smit and LovekinJohn Lune, Chris Newell and by, spent lest week with Mr. 1Mrs. Mark Cornish; 2nd Vice Gary Corniuh, Brian Down H. Bersm R. D.Whlnswiherdutr n htb.gcaCuccoucdte Snr a[Wayne Taylor: Sack Race- and Ms sM Mrs.rs. Artharland.BRunacbuM.n; adS. Erwinman. MaDnl.Sewsam beterson; Wheelbarrow race- John Lune, Jamie Robinson, Mr. and M Ralph Ballard Knigiit; 3rd Vice Pres., Mr. NOvelty acM.RoldWfanJ. aDnl.Shwaamebro tsrve.___ Gladys Smith and weny alter Friedrich; Bail Throlw .Ms -1jadMs eiyDw;Sc ad;Lde heKc, hi-Ayre, Linda flrock an d Carol vsldwt r n r.E.adMs elyDw' ec adýLde'Sn ik Lovkin Sak aceCarlEric Petterson. Wayne TAy- vstdwt r n retary, Mrs. Arthur Thomp- Anne 'Blackburn; Men'a Ball Lovein;Sac Rae-CrollorChrs Nwel; Hgh uMpson; Ass't Secretary, Mrs. Roy Kick, Roy SlAck and Fare- LoeiGadsSih LîndaloChi;ewl;HihJ m se ik pltni[Iý- raueyMs awl * ~ pot e Brock; Glad] th, -ldy Eric Pattersonn. Wayne Tay- MseBik pltn' lek raueMs eaw lBackburn; Horse-Shoe Smith, Carol Lovekin, Sandra'.or Walter Friedritth; Stand-; spending a week with Mr. and' Knight. Pitching, Ronald Hardy and; 3MPatterson: High JuBrod-JumpEricFatter-ers.BlaphkBburrd 'son. John Lane, Wayne Taylor;: Recent visitons at the home'Wne o hesot vnS F a1lackbumn.det ldy oateksn : L i d r ck d a R unning B road J -p E ic o! M r'. and M rs. R . F arrow S a d n r n B o s a d G r s R c (4 y r b n; O e g tl m n t - atensCon Standing Brad Patterson, Wayne Taylor, John werj Mrs. B. De Hart, Mrs os nder, Gairls Rnae (4 n-year un'd etgenlemnMr-. *If your insurance program up-aolLvki, :ldsLune. Sonley, Miss Carol Crawford udrDviDonadonteing MrWesley Allin; Smith, Lînda Brock; Running Senior Girls:- Dash--Mar- and 'Mis Lynde Hodson ina Slack; Girls Race (7 years Youngest attending, Lori Anne' d oesn*t adcqiîatciy coser y'o1 Broad Jump-Sandra Patter-gae YS * aaîstmaorpo~ lîties of son, Lnda Brock, Carol Love- ae WerryN, Muriel Lane,'Brooklin; Donald and Mur and under), Karen Slack, Deb- Allin, daughter o! Mr. and -N eantmjrpsii kmn Mary Galleilo; Three-legged ray Ailin, Woodville. beHryedMr ons;Mrs. Paul Allin; Person comn- Ioss, you may wake up one Race-Muriel Lane and Mar- Mi and Mrs. Lawrence Far- .8oys Race (7 years and under> ing the farthest, Mr. Harry Junir Bys-Das---ouggaet err, Mry alilloDon aid Thompson and Jnniie Earle, Grimsby, Ont.; Lucky day to find yourself in serious lsJno os Ds og1ae ery ayGlel row and femily, Starkville; Harrdy: Girls Race (10 yeursDawMrIsaHrd;Fo- " lWood, Roger Burley, Frank and Brenda Di-înkle, Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cornish andunMe.),sDaclHnrdyhoFp-w- financial trouble. I s xîser Io '!Lombardo; Th ree - egged -Drinkie and Anne Marie and Çamil' BuffeîoDMn and -______ erDraw, Mrs. Russel Eerle _ jet us check your insurance !Billie vanDorp and Frank;Downey; Wheelbarrowx Race--Mrs. P. Nýimigon and famîly, auj~o nd Mrs. Ronald Hardy. LubadoJohn Rudell and Margaret Werry and Muriel 1BowmnvlBuseinesoses DiraeTii bincte itoPcnc ýed o-oryu oeRoy Drinkle, Douglas WoodILane, Anne Marie Downey cn 'str wt r n n Miss Lela Knight gave a re< - -,efmi rbsns eland Stanley Laune; Wheelbar-iand Mary Gailello, BrendaR. Farrow. sm fweetepeis siéyoua propt fak prow race-Bimle variDorp andIDrinkie and Sharon Drinicle: -, yR'Frowa A cc o un i a n c y IH YREAN T ALF R HEB BCU adFrank Galleilo, John Rudell'ga îet Werry, Brenda Drinkle;ýaiyvstdM.adMs RAY J DILLING dents were for the past 41 H Y EA A U A - ai cator obligation. 'an1 o rnl;Sc ae alTrw-Mre ae Clarence Allun, Woodville. Chertered Accountant ýyea'-s. Relatives were present Fnk alloStne aeiagrtWryAneMreadMs VitrFrw! 93 Church Street ýfrom New Toronto, Grimsby, aII4AL EETDV L EC EI' Galelo Sane Lne Mrgrt eryAneMaiean Ms Vito Fr iw 623-3861 ýToronto, Peterborough, Ida, PCA L SE CTDV John Rudeli; BaIl TIhrow-1flowney; High Jump-Marger- Starkville. _____i_____ Roger Burley, Douglas Wood,'et Werry and Brenda Drinkie Mr. and Mrs. R. Farrow and 'ýLEONARD JAMËSBROOKSlBowmanville and sunnound- Roy Drinkie; HighJup (tied), Muriel Lane; Standing1femity attended the Nance- i Chartered Accountant leg ds tricts.Aer anhenroy- -iFrank Lombardo; Standing Mar ga r et Werry, BrendaiRidge Park on Sunday. 1 Trustee In Bankruptcy departed for home, hoping toiÇ Doula Wod SeneyLaeBradJup ar Gllll, ivei Bndpin20a5Pne Acout2ts- udtosonb e da othern exrouT E A K S Rib or W n73 :STUART R ~ ~ !Broad Jump-Douglas Wood,'Drinkie; Running Broardgjurnp, On the holiday week<end SuIteh \WSopng79953iseLr n nte gî etl 'Roger Bur.leuyy, oyDrinkle: i-Muniel Lune, M arg a r etMr. and Mrs. Burrows acc - saa hpigCentre Ida1wt FechFie M as na if JAMES ~Running Broad Jurnp-Doug-'Wery, Brenda Drinkle. panied by Mrs. Chas. Bur- W.~ .CO IN les Wood, Stanley SeeJo n i or Boys: Dash-Birian rwslrog mvsie Chartered Accountant JAMES .tLineudeJohn:Jones, Earl Cobbledick, David'friends in Picton and Kings-' Second Floor UBI J.UAIS MINSURANCE REAL ESTATEI Intermiediate Girls: Dsh- Robinson; Three-ieggedBrato.NwLbny uidg Pet RudelI, Kathy Loveki.n, Jones and Eanl Cobbledic. ss ntaPilp, :ot Cor. King & Temperance Sts OLIVER HUBBARDf S t a > l St. E. Bowmianville Charlotte Drinkle; helpj Charles Friedrich and Lewisshwsspnngaee Phone 623-3612 -- Tedat !OivrHb 'igged-Kathy L Threend-l.qateron David Robinson and with her aunt Mrs. Burrowq. - h et fOie u- Offic ResdencRudeI, Cndy ou Are adil'nny Harte-Maxwell; Wheel- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Makel, TYALE, FRIEDLANDER bard, 531 Nipigon Street, Osha-: Maple Leaf - Rindiess Breu pca! MpeLa ,a-eiKaren Harte-Maxwell, Lenonabarrow Race-Earl Cobbledick Welcome, spent Wednesday' & COMPANY wa, occurred et the Oshawa 623-5493 HapradCro at.a rn ne ons an ate- with Mn. and Mrs. H. Coutts. Chartered Accountants General Hospital on Thursdy t PI f <'SNLS wl;Wheelbarrow Race iMaxwoll and David Robinson, Mn. and Mns 1-arny Ashtonicne Trustee in BankruptcyJune 27, 93 Ted CEsýà A Leielltrsnan -alePickering Beach, visited Mn,; id ften a sudden illness and lON69 b IAMfn kw ! Friedrich; Sack Race-Charles !and Mrs. H. Coutts. '64 King St. E. 728-7371 wes in his 75th yean.i ýFriedrich. David Robînson,ý Mr. John Wallace Johnston,: Oshawa, Ontario Mr. Hubbard was bonn in 1 L* - -an Harte-Maxwell; Bell Queensville, spent Sunday, --NTEITH -Darlington Township to the' BOWMANVILLE Throw-Earl Cobbledîck, Bnian with Mn. and Mrs. Coutts. 1 IH,&CCAHSVR YoSae6! Wg BOWMAVILLE Jones, Lewis Pattenson; High Messrs. Robt. and John RIH O Hubband. He was R fermer in' RYL623-5589 Jump - Brien Joncs, Eerl'Coutts, Toronto, visited onj 3 Simce St. N., Oshawa Whitby Townshi for most o!ff A A frff~ 4o Cobbledick, Lewis Pattenson;, Satunday with Mn. and Mrs. 7287527 'w an h et1 eas U U F W A Standing Broad Jump-Eanl'H. Coutts. Parfo he pis survive b bs.wi!e . WBERRY ~ a H oldirig ver! Cobbedcrso;Rien Bo ades, , Mr alMso issB telli Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. the former Amelia Bates cfý CASH SAVER! - Yin Save 20c! - Lîb, ac uly-4 zTn Thi Thrs.at7:3 an Sa. t 7- 915 Jurp -- Brian Jones, lEarl Coutts home. A. B. Montelth, B. Coin., C.A. Oshawa. Mn. Hubbard alsoF Cobledick, David Robinson. Master Henhie Tink, Solina,lG. . chi, C.A.rusAeee) duher n. .R T t I T ______________a (Licensed Trustee) Hall (Marlon), o! Brooklin. ,I U~ E ~ Acadeniy Award-winning setawe'shldyst G. E.TrteyCA TosiesM.TomsBn *WU UM - - - - --- - -- ithe home of Mn. and Mrs. Per- E R. . ihtfoot.C.A. ____ nit Rs, s.ToasWhi-t O M OJU lb. most beloved Puiftzer Prize book n,, on dm -scrwon! « HAMPTON cy Dewell and family. Mas- R. -. BURRtfoWS.. ntonhi(anos,Idf Walms. CASH AVER!- bouSave 19c! 2oz - - -------Mr. and Mrq. Thomas Gi-av the weekend with the Pencyl Chartered Accountants ley, o! Oshawa, and thnee i1-lemlton, visited Mrs. T. S: Dewells. Il14 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. brothers, Benjamin of Burke K 1Mountjoy recentîy. 1Mn. and 'Mrs. Bert Hoskin Partners:' ton and George and Cccil o! A un h o 'fMn. and Mns. John Carri- and famnily have moved to' Ronald F'. D. WilsonC.A. Pont Perny, also survive. Theneý gan visited on Sunday with 1GEdodBrosC..WlmanRbetHlfMillbrook. They will be great- G.EmndBnow *CA are :Iso two grandchildnen: CASH SAVER! - bou Save 8c! tF. .,Mr. and Mrs. Generd Begin î!y mi'scd in theî community - Phone 728-7554Ïila n Rbn alo Tinykin "Lady and the Tramp" Figurines i k.o 1 0 Toronto, and with Mn. and chuîrch and school. 1 ______ .Boki.a Mr. e. cilina. Mrs. Pearl Richardson, 'ruc- ra C AMýr.Hubbard t sied nt thel leo ýrs e.Mcilvay oArzn;M.RyHa-iC h r o P Anmstnong Funenal Homeo h r P rkr!E B G 7 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henni- Torno ndMrs. Myarrir - ishw, for a memoriel serv- M okilla, Study vnigcl erc roh net-,Ohaa, erMna y r G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. !ce in the Chapel en Mondayl o__ ear er i ine getswihMr ndý Chiroprector JI 1.The fficitin lerg AH SAVER! -You Save 16c! - hic OPC k- ahSi GREGORaPECKMrs. Martin Rn Ch a eel.1 li tCo.0 osyS. hamminpa trmenrt wBa' K GRG R EKnick, Port Penny, recently vis- Master Johnny Lyoni spent Phone 623-5509 tSt pash tr !Firt Ba 'IIE ited Ms uhrAnad oeek wmity ha.cousin -eOfieHours: By Appointment et Pine Grove Cemetery, LU T ILET JV M Recommended adut entértainmient eiy olt famil' sea a._____________ Prince Albert.CAHS ER - u2lEcnm BFr F On the holiday weekenditer Randy Pooler, Oshawa, D nt iThe pelîbeamers were Thos. CASH AY - ens.1.rozenyBa ýM.and Mirs on. kely, spent the eekend with' De a Demille, Gordon Wilson, Jack! Sun., Mon. & Tues., (July 14 - 16) 7:30 irhmnadJon m n~Jehnny Lyons. W .RDL,~~~MnCifr liHwr Mrs Rrichard JonMr.an, M. ndMrs. Ken Pooler DR. W._.__ U PREM E French Fries 49cln, Hward Sc v gInn c n sTrt, id Mr.L thn o:and family, Oshawa, wérÉ 75 Kin St. E. Bowrnanville Okean el Su, Aoonliin d Mly. Lte Sunday visitors with Mr. and O)fficeours; U R M r n On the holiday weekend thei Mrs. Sid Kemsey. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily MS ONMGL 96th Cub Scouts o! St. Clcm- Wt are pleased te know thal, Closed Saturday and Sunday ISJONMGL Starrlng Anthony Quinn and VYoko Tani. ent's Church, Riverdale, ac- Master Robbie Luke, son of Officè Phone - 623-5790 Following an Ilne six AMOSfHIQ IT ftcellent color feature depicting the strange compenied by thein leaders Mr. and Mrs. Ron Luke ig do- House Phone - Newcastle 3551 years, the deeth of Mrs. John A O S C eutos ndmoal o te olr ukmos. and thein Ministen, spent the ing fine fellowing surgery in DR. E. W. SISSON McGill occurred et Mamnwood eustoiweedkmndlecampingolain Mrses.Toronto, und wili be home L.D.S., D.D.S. Nursing Home, Bowmanville, (Aduit entertainment) Luther Allin's woods by tht: the end of the week. Office in his home on I'niday, June 14, 1963. She crcek, and had thein Sunday Mrs. John Balson is spend- 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville was in her 88th year. -' Starte 'Wed., 7:30 (July 17 to July 20) eveniinr chumch service as an ing a few days with hem Phone 623-5604 1 Thp former Adelaide Fowler B____ _N__ ________________________________________openai service. 'daughter, Mrs. Keith Billett, Office Heurs: wes born in Menvens Town- On Seturday evenîng visit- Sttectaee esra ..t m al ship and in 1905 maried John Itcoldbethe moat terrlfylng motion picturg r ttePect oewm Sympethy is extended te Closed Wednesdiay -Sna cilwopeeesdhm SIhave ever mode" -ALRED mÎTeCHClmMn. and Mrs. Herbent Pres- 'Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Crawford, R C .fATA, 1.D6. Sh re had resided in Enniskil- * e*. ...... ................. cott, Ro eIr and!EiM.adR.R. No. 1, Hampton, onte Office len and the surmounding area Mns. and PresotaddehoihsfteM.Rch,5K 1t .Bomnil o 5yer n eoeta point. 1Kn S.W.-Bw avleai 1 vra V 1 Mrend Mrs. Gordon Leask, Phgones: Office 623-588SV De - haej12o. TanovstdM.adMs eiec 2-53Cheerios 1O'/2-oz., Twinkleis or M.and Mrs. Evcrett Ciy- Barristens. Solicitors, ithe eteath of George Lewlns, Big (i J LfI demnBales ecnl NtrisPblc__ue itOhaaGBea eras2 for 61c *I fl ,4 D4 visited Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Wil-. 14 FrankSt. Bowrnenville Hospital on Tuesday, July 2 ANDMnu. adMr.Tm 1y E. RICHARD LOVEKIN- 1963. He was in his 59th yean. SAVE De! - 2e Off Pack 8AFln3eOfPr - k ~aau pentSatuday ftemnon wth BA., L.B.Son o! Mriq. Mary Lewins Coloured . Alisweet 1-lb. Cartons Mapl e -r ks - i iii u u E l . Mn an Mr. Jcksn Way, Bemmiater. Solicitoi and the late William Lewins, 'JI~~D 11111F WLU ~ ~ ~ iMt and Mre~s.R Jacso WyIKng St.E. - Newcastl: the deceesed wes bornait Ton-M rarn2fo49 (Ie eSce 2fr5c aegfothsOsh awa. -M Phone 2246 tobie, Englend, and attended M raie 2fr4c c an boyrs, anter RekheMr.Oah- married the former Rose, Theenir fail wIl ealaler Sudey vnng sh' M r ia ges Fenton who survives. SAVE Oc! IN SERVgR JAR Th ntr fmlywllralygofr hs w, ee uda veigAs a young man, the de- FRSBAE.e.39 HTDG-SWTGEN x isiters with Mn. and Mrs. ýA I A IT N- _ô ceased lftNewasle E C esoa ream . .GLEN RAwE WHie andG10 A plWay.tsrpiepet' Phone 1 r 16 tllnre aada Bwandllle hfor ORTCAKE Rse3Re5sC esoa Aet p*Sraveris na1sa4T ni Wprs ryFra.SADI HMILTOaeFN - OrONO îandfoewcastlefr Eng-rSuba -Fos N ev Whipped Cem.GENRE HPPN as held at the home o! Mi. Feics -omtag uns 3 12-oAttez.m f i and Mrs. Charlie Warren toip Busines - erms a 4 emththe sasue ti enodieWso r ubam -Fot NSr CREAM makes &Il desserts teiste better. 3 honour them on the occasion Bsies rpetes daththe Bwa a supeminndenras 2 o 9 o! thein 25t1î wedding anni- Mortgege Loans whene he hied been employed 'lave De! FiEHDIY v- ~versary. They were pesented Prompt, courteous service for 26 years. Supreme Sweet Mixed 16-or. JarsWetnoSnemPk.f bv the 500 Club with fouir HAROLD C. PEDWELL The late Mn. Lewins was ea~HMBT'a Ordersome rom our mlk saesmantodayor jkmnguize Foldaway Handi- Rea Estate and mmero S.John's An l'i L L-~ o Y rWE~t B ~ 2 with large serving treys. An Newcastle Phone 356wasalza member o! L.O.B.A. enjoyable time wes spent 129 and o! L.O.L. 2384. _____________________________________________ delicious lunch wam servedS ied e id is yLw!e inciuding wedding cake. KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. 1 so! Winlaton Miil, lyo-1Pie efctv a heisdRdi - 1. I DA ~Conrtulations are extend- 0ptometrist on-Tyne, England, are four ete Mm. end Mna. Warren 141 King St. E.-Bowmahivilledmughters and three sons5, M ~~GOE£AVTM i G LEN RA E D A IRYfrom their many Hampton Office Heurs: By appointmentl Mrm. C. Icarp (Stela), Bow- MAPL IfEMKEI 98 King st. W. Bowmanvllle Mniss Sharon Bell, Don Mills.Mn u hr. - ri. ý Joan. ; manvjeYlle;Mr. O SS MARKEt 4 is spending e couple %,.eekis 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. E. Kirby (Marie), Toronto, ~ I NI H À&À &L&holîdays with ber grnndpar- Thursday evenings Mns. H. Bergima (Dorothy> Oon enta, Mr. and Mrs. Fowlem. Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 Eowmanville; Frank of Wa.rk-1 O