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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1963, p. 16

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4 18 Th Cnaia Statesman, Bowmanville, JulY 17, 19831 1 Playground Repoi Ontario Street Flett Street Duri ng the past week, we' Monday at Flett SI bae spent our time preparing1 the date o! our Sp rthe Circus, which is ta be! witb buble biowing tield on July 15. 'tin can cricket, bean :On Wednesday afternoon, on Tuesday morning aupark participatcd in the: a Treasure Hunt as >-Can Cricket tournamenti neighbaurs for varic at Central School. 'Our senior1 les. Tuesday and W boys, M. Donaghue and R.! we made our Indian IDonaghue, and aur junior 1 turnes. Thursdayi ~irls, S. Marsbal and D. Hay-i everyone headed for ~es took the iead. although the water wi I Y cold. Thursday eve .O eesdy eveflîngthmanpto!F aeveryone participatedin ath a n Prearngoforti Iocavenger hunt. Ail received seF ra was aforIù, )prizes. rdywsaoIn Mrs. Henning sent anotherwhen the children di Ïwaerreloian Friday af ter- ! the costumes they m 'waterelofi1 had a parade. The ma pcoon and the children thor- inext week will be tih ilughly enjoyed xl. Franklin Park 1In Vteent Masofse This week on piayground i nteciio cool and windy air wi We have ail been busY prepar- games in thc marnii tjng for the circus. On Friday pain tedI in tbc aftcî Iafternoon wc held a pet show. ,The children ail brought win- 1thirna Te had more1 wanerfl ets .wîrdus t an nthe pape and wnefu es these i- day brought coider 'cluded: fisb, dogs, cats, bards, il sa, to kecp warm,i 'turtles, rabbits and snails. ~Pries ereawared . d active gamcs mosi different categories. Susan Da- day. In the aftrnac *vey had the best cat, Kathy Tee werhad a ta Jioopcr had the finest fishg re ere two tear :.Allan Abernethy had the livil' re em n h ,,!est turtie, and Jo-Anme Mars- Each tcam had 101 den took first prize for the and a captain. The best dog. captain was Kim Ba, and the winners, thi For next wcck we have a had Randy Blake. Th 'backward day pianncd, which wcrc miniature O'Hen .1had tai be cancelled because olate bars. We playeg «)f the tin can cricket tourna- games and had Ar =~ent, and a puppet show. Crafts, Wednesdayr * In the afternaon Murr ker and David Ormisi the Junior Champion. us in a Tin Cari Crick~ YOUR nament. Thursday wa YO RDay atVicn aS dy Blake had the sa cycle; Steve and Briar 7DECOIRATING burg and BbySa the safcst tricycles. races David Ormistoi HEADQUARTERS won es. In the questions gamne Naný Full Lne ofVieki Cowlc and Deci: Fuil Lne cfLorlie Osmond were c nr.It was a very gi 1INTERI10R ian Ihope the childrc: and cd something fromn it. and afternoon we piayed b gms, and a bubble-1 EXTERIOR cntsto hcVi Nancy Cowle, An'q PAlNTSLoriie Osmnond and J blowcrs. We finishcd ternoon with Arts and E NAMELS A week from Manda VARNSHEShike and in the evE VARNISHES wiener raast, and sii with aur parents. Doi BRTJSHES - PUTTY, ETC. miss bhc fun an July2 Memorial Park Due ta cold wcath first hall of the wcel Cholce of more than active games were 300 SmplesTucsday aftcrnoon was 300 Smpleswards day. The childre ail their ciothes bac: W ALLP PE Tuesday night aur ground will be open fo * . *wbo wish ta came. V day afternoon the e who were able ta play AULKLIHYcricket rcasonably wcl ABERN THY isent up ta Central Scii 1 thc tournament. Th PAINT & WALLPAPER mornjng aur animais parts of the caterpili; Phone 623-5431 the hootus arrived and 33 KigS.WBwnn i gan te work an them. KIn St W, DWflanlII iof the childrcn put1 ~ helping hand and bcE this we arc getting fairiy wcil with aur featuring N.H.Le Att. SOFTBALL YS. TOWN JUI ALLmSTA GAME TIME 6:00 P.P SILVER COLLECTION MEMORIAL P LIBERTY ST. S. - BOW] Saturday, Ju FUN FOR THE ENTIR RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES FISH POND GAME -NOVE ES 0F CHAN SPECIAL DR, Woods 17 cu. ft. DEEPFREEZE including the Kinsmen YORKSHIRE PIG TICKETS 25e Each - 5 for $1.0 Umi ci 25c E t 4reet was )orts Day contest, bags, etc. gwe had king the Dus artie- 'ednesday Day cos- afternoon the lake ras slight- ning and iday was he circus. tian Day ressed ini nade and ain event le circus. Moanday's e played ing and rnoon. I paint on r. Tues- air with we play- ;t o! the n, how- ure hunt. ms, the cd team. rnembers Sgrcen's ckstrom, le Red's he prizes .ry choc- ýd active ts and morning. ,ay Caw- ;ton won kship for et tour- ts Safety ýy. Ran- fcest. bi- n Stone- tntz had In the )n, Ki-n pi ker alt safety - icy and p ma and ur win- t pod day l _l Win s Best Camper Award' Hîawatha, (Ileane Rahme) was in charge of the Day Camp Parents' Night program on Friday evening when one of her pleasant duties was the presenta- tion of the "Best__Camper" award to Chief Gregg Corden. projects. On Friday, as xvell as coln- tinuing wath thc circus ani- School Promotions n-T ea- mas we playea badminton NEWTONVILLE PUBLIC i Sandra Payne, Linda Staplc- Friday and tin can cricket. SCHOOL ton. A baseball, Lions PlaygroundSeirRo From Grade 6 to Grade 7: blowng he holewee wa takn Peas Senor oomDennis Burley, John Camp- for thc îahetwnote correctionsenover bell (hon.), Denise Elliott, kiadpwihpreparation frte1ls week report. James Eyden (hnn.), Randy romann, circus. Our project was -ai; From Grade 8 to Grade 9: Green, Bill Henderson, Peter ~ ulie Fa- "Gook", a four legged, long-'Suzanne Eyden (hon.), Bill Henderson (hon.), Gary Hug- bubble- necked, horri faced, blue- Gilmer, Judy Gorton (hon.), gins (ree.), Debbie Mile s the af- green, yellow, red and orange, Garry Green, Donna Hather- (ho.n.), Frances Stacey, Neil iCrafts. [obeis' 'Tbing". Wben con"- l1 Robert Henderson (hon.), Stapleton, Gri aLno ay, July pleted Brenda Linton, Linda Gri aLno aildayMeFetes, ob ackan ndJanie Stacey, Gary Stapleton. (hon.). ,ening a FlromHGraden 7atouGrade i8: From Grade 4 to Grade 5: ingn a Floy Horlnmn everd it Bruce Green (rec.), Patsy Cathy Elliott (hon.), M a r k 't ng-ongFriay ftrnon w ha aHatherly, Bruce MacDona1dl Green B r en da Henderson i n't You pet show in wbich all species(hn)JaeNioshn)(o.)WyeJnsVer . 22! of animais were entcred. Dar- (lon),WaneJoes___ei la Slaght's dog, Pug, won for Joncs Judy Stacey, Lois Sta- . thethecuries tal. ren Ret-ing we got underway with pîcton, Suzanne Worrl(o) er,th muller won with hier kitten1 some games and arts and Principal: Mrs. Elliott. kmany for the smallest. Leslie Cox crafts. In the afternoon we Jno om1 played. ývnapiefrtebaks had our pots and pans par-JuirR m a back- cat. Carolyn Rigg with her ade to let everyone know our From Grade 3 to 4: Nanrv n wore do Cum won a prize for payground was open. Leav- Adair (hon.), Jimmie Clarke kwards. thefriket pet. Spot Kent ing Vincent Massey, we par- (hion)., D a vid Henderson play- won a prize for the dog with aded up Church St. to Brown. (hon.), Bill MacDonald (hon.), . Dr hos te lngst ai, Fr he es Then we marched across Jimmie Stacey, Gary Gorton, Wednes- swimmer, Brenda Moffat's Brown to Wellington. From Bobb MacLean (rec.), Henry chilrenfishwonfirt prze.Louthere we marched down Lib- VanLondon (rec.). tin cari Mountjoy's turtie won first erty St. to the stoplights. From Grade 2 to 3: James Il were prize for the most unusual. Turning loft at the stoplights Atchison (hon), Judith Brown àoil for With the pet show over we we paraded back to the sehool. (hion.), Linda Cox (hon.), hursday had a clean up derby witý The children, dressed up with Mary Gilmer (hon.), Bonni? ;, hesueerrewrd, crepe paper bows and bats Green (hon.), Russel Green, ar thand rreads making crazy noises witb tin David Oudshoarn (hon.), Glen we bc- 1 Vincent Massey !plates and rulers, were lied by1 Wood, Philp Jones, Sheila Sta- iMany Tucsday morning our play- Gloria Stapleton, who rode cey. forth a ground opened with a good hex decorated bicycle. They i From Grade 1 to) 2: Peter 265C ause of attendance and much to ourlail enjoyed Our littie jaunt.1 Campbell (hion.), Cindy El- B along sorrow il rained in the after- Thursday morning We set-1 litt (hion.), Carol Henderson circusinoon, but Wednesday morn- tled down to games time and, (hon.), D o u g l a s Henderson __story telling. The afternoon (hion.), Ross Huggins (hon.), was spent drawing pictures Brian Joc. Dwight Searle of their favorite nursery, (hon.), Gerald Veleke (hon.). ~ rhymes and playing their fav-1 Teacher: Mrs. Woodland, orite games.__________ KINS EN iWinding up the week, we spent the morning on the T T'D monkey bars. Wc have quite J.J. J.Uti.L a few good acrobats. Since' the weather was windy the Robert Wilford Jackson afternoon was spent cbasing. our paper hats ail over the Following a stroke on Juneý playground. 23, 1963, the dcath of Robert Next Thursday ue'e Wilford Jackson occurred on, having safety day witha Wednesday, June 26th, at Port bicycle rodeo and a big sur-' erry Cmuiy Mmra ..prise. Hospital. The deceased was born iný Kiwanis Park 'Cartwright Township Marchl Last week at Kiwanis Park, 1lth, 1900, living al bis life we wcnt swimming, madc ' as a farmer on the farm of :>. puppets, played games, and bhis grandfather. He was thel' CU( ing parade was Wednesday and Alice Job. On July 27th, E afternoon at two o'clock. We, 1927, he married the former iS T àt R S were with Franklin Park for Grace Gordon of Nestleton. "U some of our parade. It was Mr. Jackson was a member veyexciting andloisy. of Nestleton United Church. Friday afternoon wc bad a secretary of tbe cemetcry Kool-Aid Party. We had races] board and caretaker of the and gave prizes out. We had cemetery. TEA M aSaagrhn hr neetdi omnt *parents who werc willing to wright school board at the send drinks or lunches witb tirne the new central public 4 10 ~ R t we are geîting school was built, and lyc ready for our circus and par-,number of years. R 4S ~ade of July 15, and makingi A member of the Canadian 'o ~1. HARPcostumes. We hope everyone Order of Foresters, he bclong- ,M. SHARPwill come to soec our parade i cd to Court Nestieton No. 1031 and later go 10 our circus of and was in Forestry for 41 EVERYONE WELCOME wierd and wonderful tbings. years, winning aIl the honors Memorial Park 1 of the Court. At the time of A R KTuesday niorning the play- his death he was Past District )A RK ground opcned with registra- Deputy High Chief Ranger of MAN VILLE tions. Due to ramn in tbe af- the Kawartha District. The ternoon there was no play- C.OF. service, under the lea- ground programme., dership of Fraternai Super- Wednesday morning thelvisors Wm. Hawkshaw of Kit- children made paper bag faces chener and Keith Clarke of ily 2 0 1rHfor their initiation parade in Oshawa, xvas heid at the Me- IIOHthe afternoon. During thearts Dermott-P:nabaker Chapel o E FAM LY !that the cbiidren couid gel i ducted the funeral service on tE F M ILYfor the parade. Bicycles and Saturday, June 29th. Inter- wagons were decorated with ment w as in Nestieton Ceme- BIGOstreamers and anything the terv. BN Ochildren couid think of. The palîbearers were mem-~ ELTY BOOTHS The parade marched up bers of Court Nestieton No.IS Duke treetand aound1031, Kenncth Mirishail, Oli- K ICE the neighbourhood a w ver Rohrer, Victor Malcolm, p.m. Thursday was a regular Earl Bowers, Maurioe Nesbt., day witb games. both active Roy Werry. I W and quiet, arts and craftsAon i mn lrîr-ISE OUR A v stoiessongs and free play. lbutes were those from Theý KINETTE DRAIV The children went to Bruce's Court Nesticton No. 1031,1 T Creek at one p.m. where thcy Court Manvers No. 553, Court; M1 for could swim, cat lunch and Lindsay No. 125, and Nestle- T 'uplay for a while. They did ton Cemetery Bad b reuua, Table and clay sculpture from the clay Surviving are his wife, four' bank at the creek. When the sons, Gera]d, Harlcy, Alan o!f * h aise Loungesculpture was dry the creations Nestieton, Clifford o! Toronto, M Im haise Loungewere painted. A good part of~ and a daughter, Marilyn of! I I TICETSthe week consisted o! organ- Oshawa; also two sistr, TIKT izing our forthcoming summer Vera (Mrs. H. Sheffield, Osh- FINA Each - 5 for $1.00 activities wvbich will include!awa), and'Mabel (Mrs. A. G. our annuai circus and later, Moffatt, Welland); and six, i Penny Fair.1 grandchildren. (ut WhiIe You Wait IRIFTY PAYMENT PLANll;ý MUM AMOUNT LNCED m $15.00 ADD-ON CONTRACTI AS LOW AS $ 8.001 t. 25C

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