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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1963, p. 9

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YOU JUST PAY 1Driver Escapes with OnIy Minor Injuries Wins First Headdress 1 The Canadien Statemman, Eowmanvfle, Sept il, 19u& ,.8 CITIES homee comfort SERVIC n DOES THE RESTI FREE ANNUAL BURNER-FURNACE CGNDITIGNING FREE MIO-SEASOM CHECK FREE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE THRIFTY REPLACEMENT PARTS INSURANCE AVAILABLE ~ ho CITIES@DSERVIC. PHONE ToOAY..- 623-3771 PYE&GRANT OIL Ltd. L 6 Mill Lane Bowmanville! A Comstock Dailu, driven by Peter Lercli of Mvontreal, edged Denny Coad in the Lotus 19 "Miss Whiz" en Saturday to win the Indian headdress and the praise of the large crowd for his superb driving. He and Coad fought a]l the way, heing trailed most of the way by John Cannon, in a Comstock EXP, who was forceti to drop out before the finish. Lercli is shown here, lef t, sitting on the back of his car, with his mechanie who appears just as pleased as lie is. The Indian Summer Trophy day was sponsored -v IBritish Empire Motor Club and was a combination ofmotorcycle and sports'car races.-- Defeat Sam's 4 games to 3 Ch artran 's Win Jr. Tiffe When Faits Cornes Through With TimeIy Clu! ch Single by fBilNicholson A clutch last inning single by Jerry Falls gave Chart- ran's Men's Wear the come- from-hchind %vin to take the chanipionslhip 4 camnes to 3 mnd 1i ame tied.t looked as if Sam's bad tbe titie vrapped up as they beld a 3-0 lead >until the 5th inning. For the first 5 innings, Cbartran's hitters could flot solve the pitching of "Willy" Willowdale but in the 5th it ail changed as Blob Helam- smacked a borner followed by a double by Doug Lane, then a wrong field home-run by Jerry Falls tied the game at 3-3. Sam's could not score ln their baîf of the sixth inning. Chartran's went aheati on a double by Kennett and a single by Bob Hellam. Tbis set the stage for the 7tb and final lnning and ail Chartran's bad to do wvas re- tire 3 men and they bad the title. the first two men went down in order, but Bob Me- Manus the playing-coach o! Sam's smashed a bard drive to left field which was mis- played by the left fielder anti Bob scampered ail the way home on the error and it was a new bail game. In the bot- tom o! the seventh the first batter for Chartran's ground- ed out. Then Doug Lane slap- ped his second double of the nigbt and that set the stage for Mr. Falls wbo came through with a single to left- field to score Lane and give Chartran's Men's Wear tbe cbampionsbip. Speciai mention should go ta Bob Hellam who came tbrough with the bits when tbey were needed. Harold Mickleson was the winn1ing pitcher as he allowed only 4 hits and struck out 6. It should be mentioned bere that special praise should go to Willy Willowdale the los- ing pitcher as he pitched every game in the series for Sam's and wua a fiery competitor. Chaitran's, by winning the championshïp, won the double as they also captured the league pennant. The whole Chartran's Men's Wear team l'ereby salute a fine bal] club who %vouid never say die in Sam's Finer l'oonds and it eas- ily could have gone the other way. Lane Michl Mur] Kern Chartran'a Averages AB H e .-- 24 12 ileson - 30) 13 ,phy~~ 13 5 nett -- ------ 21 8 Ave. .500 .433 .385 .3811 T//EAASON OUR SEA I VICEIN SU/C# MO8#LEMS# COMMAND THE CITIZENS 0F DURHAM COUNTY CAN SHOW THEIR CONFIDENCE IN Premiier JOHN ROBARTS By Voting ... m c ARRUTHERS WHO MAS SERVED DURHAM WITH ACTION flot PROMISES! Inserted by DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Ivur Lloyd of Scarborough wvaIked away with the big motorcycle race at Mosport on Saturday for the first time. He had wvon almost every other race in ,the country, but this xvas the first genuine Indian headdress that lie had acqulred at Mosport. He is shown here receiving the award from Mrs. Ron White., McQueen's Lead Series By One Gamne Bowmanvllle girls came to life on Monday, Sept. 9th, as G. Hoimes, M. Pickard, P. Haynes and S. Brock came through with il big bits to lead the club to a 9-4 vie- tory. Serles standing is now 3-2 for McQueen's. Shirley Brock put on ber best pitch- ing performance of the series as she held Newcastle to 2 bits both going to Jean Wager. Crowds are getting bigger and better. Hope to see a reai crowd cheer the girls on Wed- nesday night in Newcastle and Friday if necessary here in Bowinanvilie for the last and final gaine of the year. Second Game Resuits Bowmanvilie MeQueen's de- feated Newcastle by the bigi score of Il to 3 in Newcastle, Aug. 3th, to tie the finals one garne apiece. Newcastle w cnt in front at' the end of the lirst inning 3-01 and Shirley Brockç gave up three walks and a double toi Barbara Adams. Bowrnanvilleý rallied in the fou-rth 1,ith four runs off five hils. Karen White and Shirley Brock started off the sixth, inning with back-to-back sing- . les and the bail club went on' to score seven runs in that1 inning. Pickard, White and Brock led the eleven bit attack wîth. three apiece. Third Game On Sept. 4tb. McQueen s won a close one, after trailing, ail the way through until the fifth inning when the big bats camne to life, when H-aynes walkcd, Piper doubled to put runners on bases when Len- ore Fowler, catching her first year in Senior Wornen's Soft- bail, and doing a fine job,, camne through with a big base hlit to score the winning runs. Adamns andi Broelç had a[ real pitching duel going al the way througb. Wright was tbe big spark plug for New- castle when she camne tbrough with 2 hits. Play Under Protest Bowmanville MeQueen's put ia their worst effort of the season last Friday as they al- lowed 9 errors compared to 4 allowed by Newcastle. Gxven Holmes and Peggy Hlaynes led the Bowmanvilie attack with 3 bits apiece count- ing for over bal! the runs. The big spark plugs for Newcastle were Rickard, Gray and Wager as tbey accounted for ail Newcastle bits and runs. The game is under pro- test due to a run that was not. allowed in the sîxth inning that would have made the game 10-10. -_____ Heliam ___ 19 7 Falls - .___ 29 9 Yourth 26 7 Nicholson -. 23 6 Poliard ------ - 15 2 Sam's Finer Foods PicardAB 0 Picard21 il Partis ___ 25 8 McManus . 19 6 Kilpatrick 23 7 Willowdale- 24 7 Kennedy - 25 7 Burns -- 26 7 McKnight - 20 2 Final Series W L T R !i;r~yEjéJ:pJ'/;fl'IàIgIpChartran's 43i 1 111-91P -MI W Sam' Ave. .523 .320 .316 .304 .292 :280 .219 :100 Pts. 60 9 45 7 r V 1 AT MODEL KR 310 30" Kelvinator ELECTRI( RANGE * FULLY AUTOMATIC * OVEN WINDOW SPEIAL$1 89.00 MODEL KR 30 30" Kelvinator ELECTRIC RANGE " FULLY AUTOMATIC " REMOVABLE OVEN DOOR FOR EASY CLEANING " STORAGE DRAWER SPECIAL $1 69.00 Kelvinator Ref rigerators MODEL K 550 11 CU T REFRIGERATOR 2-Door 82-1b. Freezer FulIy automatic2890 NIODEL K 50o Il CU t . REFRIGERATOR 52-Lb. Freezer Sheives in I)oor $ 1 0 CLEARANCE $ 1 ,O Kelvinator Wringer il-LB. TUB 12-YEAR WARRANTY WITH PUMP -__ 221/ cu. ft. FREEZER WARNING LIGHT - 2 BASKETS PORCEL$279.O0E 5 FREEZING SIDES CLEARANCE PRICIE -______ BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED Cowan Equipment COMPANY 134 KING ST. E. --I ae C ELECTRIC LTD. CONTIACTING REPAIRS L16 Termperance St. BOWMANVILLE m F-_ 1

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