UW4& Yn&eme.0ed 7%@-C---dia" S*a*-s--a. Row----" ct. 30, 1 98 1 1 GoronAgnwEdiorPh The Bowmanville Kinette in Geneva as was UNICEF a OJr tw rig g no Gordn AgewEditr P oe987-4482 Club's Past Presidents' Night and CARE, Mrs. Jennings!, dinner meeting at the Flying said. In emergencies the Ca- Dutchman Motor Hotel last nadian Save the Children Field DaEe u t rad i td c hWednesday evening was a Fund moves in when the1 , U rCr ' •most enjoyable funiction. Pre- countries concerned request' -- Kå$QÔÛfRasp erres sident Em Stutt presided and its help. The CSCF establish- Boys Events Rald Gry;Intemda:D-Flsa:Inreit:Crl the others ait the head table es orphanages. hospitals, food!Hg Jm- Junior; RonvdWten Lly TrwRamDneFesaNne were the Charter President and clothing stations, and the Martyn, Bob Kyte, Donald David Balmgl;Sno:BintaindSeorLuelMc e m ra n ce ervice ere ~ n October 'Hele.n Dunn, and other Past people here give what help Gray; Intermedi a te: Don Gray, BrinSaiad ly i, oneMutoSli R m m r n e S r i e H r Presidents, Eleanor Larmer they can in return," the Bon aidWteJ eyeLarn. Newcastle:- Mrs. J. A. Sm ith 1957-58, Lillian Hooper 1958- speaker stated. Prosser; Senior: Paul Rahm, 220 YardRn-Jno.Sadn ra u MS ~ ~~~~~reports, when she was at her 59, Ulva Lathangue 1960-61, "The CSCF's first move in Brian Gray, Joe Reitsma. Bob KyteRnMryD-Jui:BeieMapn a son oe' fam nrthof en-Jean Williams 1961-62. Kin- to feed and clothe the child-. Hop, Step and Jump--Jun-,ald Gray:Inemda:RihgurtCletMryA- O n S n . Mr in , Nv. 3 d alo atra sews u-ette Helen Brown, who was ren. Clothing of all kinds is lor: Ron Martyn, Bob Kyte, r eLsaDnorwnymsdntredia - ao dalon atrda sh ws sr-president in 1959-60 was un- badly needed by the organi- DoaldGra: ntemdaeLodTei:DeornlydByh acySaiad Bren. prised to see raspberries hang- avoidably absent. Mrs. Peggy zation. The next step is tg DavidWten DoBrwKerinGaranSn-dMlcm- eir:Lua Newcastle:- The annual Re- the local Bov Scouts, Cubs. for dismissal. ing from the bushes so late Jennings, Toronto, a director set up medical stations and'Ray Mountjoy; Senior: Paul iland.Mci ayFe lc miembrance Service will be Girl Guides and Brownies and This being the first outdoor in the season and decided to oMh aainSv h optl.Mtesar ri-RhBinGaJeRi-4 ard u- uir:RnTalr held mn the village on Sunday will be led bv the Pipe Band Remembrance Service to be.. Children Fund, was also a'ed to help in clinics. They are sma. MrayrBbKtDnl Ex-rnve merom twh the 78, Bowm anvil, na aegis expateewlare numraf ibeauties. TeTatt h atPe ie ntut'ni eeal Rnrtn ob yt, on- Reitsma, DvdWteDvd1 sHlnSan hr lage will attend Divine Ser- to the United Church for the local residents will be present After getting some berry sidents was proposed by lst health rules. Food is sent ald Gray; Intermediate: Don Ballil;SeorFlyKt'10Yaddas vice at the United Church eleven o'clock service. to pay tribute to the men of boxes, Mrs. Smith began to Vice-President Evelyn Werry., from Canada whenever posj- Brown, Bruce Beacock, David Jol etsaaranSai-ntd.Ba-Inemd with a Memorial Service and Following the service all the village and district who pick the off-season berriesCharter President Helen Dunn Jsible, or obtained in the coun- Wotten; Senior: Brian Gray, lad.S8rz0 anY brnNai laying of wreaths at the Ceno- units will re-form outside the gave their lives for their and filled six boxes beforeresponded. Each Past Presi-1tries concerned when it is Paul Rahm, Carl Gilbank. 88Mard u uio:Rnjo:Ban aian;Sn taph following the service. church and parade to the country in past wars. finishing. Mrs. Smith says dent was presented with a!available there. Pole Vault- Junior: Ron MrarynBbKeDndMakoie ut.yLre AI] ex-servicemen from the Cenotaph where a brief Mem- The'local Veterans will be she did not pick the bushes lovely corsage of flowers in Mrs. Jennings advised theiMartyn, Bob Kyte, Donald GreiaItreit:Rcad,"anc alr village and district are urged orial Service will be held in- making their annual visit to clean by any means and there the Kinette colors of mauve local Kinettes about what1 Gray; Intermed i a t e: Dý1on etm, e eou:Sno: a t K-Jnos to fall in at the Commumity cludingr the laying of wreaths the homes of the village next were lplenty on the bushes and yellow. ýcould be done to help the lit- Brown, Joe Prosser, DavidFly Kte Jo RismSa a1 enHln Park t 10:0 a.m on Snday t thecenotph. ad theunitsSaturay, Nvembe 9thsell-aftersheihdepicedBthbsixainettnBarbraiConellen-bt y boyeheyhhveeadpted n Balingal; Senor: Crl Gi-SBrinoGra. medates:N diaSams:Inter where thev will be joined oy1will parade back to the park'ing poppies as usual. boxes. troduced the guest speaker. Bombay, India. She agreedlbank, Brian Staniland, Floyd MCamions-Jnos o BabrDns a She told of the work Mrs. that it is really a matter of|Kyte. atyen; nemdae ai omSn S 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~Jennings had done through1 also helping the lad's parents Discus- Junior: Ron Mar-WotnSeir:BanGy.LuesMcke nc Sportsmen the Canadian Save the Child- as well as his brothers and tyn, David Mackie, Bob Kyte; GrsEet ade IO D S U O O Ter TO ln ~ren Fund in Hungary at the sisters. "Adopting a child Intermediate: Doug Metcalf, High Jum-Jno:Ma-Dsu -Jnir Hen L o s C u o E t r a ntime of the uprisinig there really means the adoption of Ron Minshall, David Ballin- lyn Adams uil ecok wi.MxieMKeJa Clean Up at ~ ~~~~~~against the Russians in 1956. a family in many cases," she'gall; Senior: Brian Gray, Brian Bernice MIn:ItreVt otn nemdae ln Mk da Oat Mrs. Connell also spoke ofdeclared. Stamland, Joe Reitsma. es: MargritBnkaCrlaMcedDaneFsed eW enT S O 9 Uefa eri~~~~ another trip taken by Mrs.ý President Em Stutt thanked, Shot Put- Junior: RonMar-RamMronBdbn:S-Cro Rahm: eno:Maue TUrkey S oot a l w n Ms u r d r Jennings to seven European the speaker for her excellent tyni, David Mackie, Donald iors: 'Laure ake oneMciJnc alrBni counitries where she saw ataddress and for the important'Gray; Intermediate: David, Mountjoy yvaLwec.Muto i waste>or th eventgod lubewiasle:againhe entralin-rear eveing foutrickthe oors for a couple of hours of comnplished by the Canadianithe need for every kind of Renouf; Senior: Brian Gray, iors: MarynAasSroFlted ShlaTmihi Icrowtrneou t et WaltoonaingCthe cildrg e oftertvil aTreat" and fr They kwould'tfun and, in addition to the'Save the Children Fund. Mrs. assistance for the sufferingiBrian Staniland, Don Swain. Felstead,BetBrdunI-Bric Map;Itrm- Pronatur dayut afternoniong thu rsday feveig Hal- w antdto. Heerwiththpoiilt yfwnigapieC'onnell told the Kinettes that1children all over the world.- Football Kick- Junior: Ron 1termediate:CrlRahmiteLahMKDaneF- for te anual ionsClubloween, t th Comunitypart in he hll cmmenine or teir ostuesnthachid-ionaddtiontoehr gratawrk Fnal lansaerepadenor Mrtyn JimCarnghanrDa-Nanc Stanland Diane Fl- sead.DenieNMacolm Ser fpor ted TnukeyShot. Haubllwerate cost mes i beaty:0inm thegives thmecn hiosues he h- for the CSCF Mrs. Jennings'the Kinette dance held at the vid Mackie; Intermediate: Ken sta;Sno:Lueakelr rc edmSli Duringshed aternSoont.Hereljud e n riest res w et 7en3n0po tuity toekno l- renthave the opportunity to is the National Immigration Lions Community Centre las-ti Rohrer, David Ballingall, Joe Bonnie MoutoSei a-LwecMr ry er sixten hotirng on teststothe winpers nd al chid- at anfw oPors the.vt no et et hetreats given out to ail and Citizenship ConvenorfoSaudyenigItwsc- Prosser; Senior: Brian Gray, rence. Capos uir:Mr with thxeelucky marksn ren ttening w ad il be iven a e oos he oin-,;'te e idren at the part.v. the LO.D.E. vndb ietsLilianBin tnlnJmBes unn ra up-geieCeet nemd ginhomhe lwith arvelvtu-renat y embers of th genubA graphic film was present-!Ho>oper, Freda Kramp and 100 Yard Dash - Jumior: Junior: MrurtICeetVaes.ao ah;Snos key al dreed thand readyturforaThe Hallowne'enPaty for. Eed by Mrs. Jennmngs, and itlUlva Lathangue. Ron Martyn, Bob Kyte, Don- Betty Brabr ShrronLueMck. hyaiSunday sdnnd er. forThe hlren aone f eod- O V I Lshowed pathetic,, starving and Plans were also completed hvfanibersyof tecomm tteeet plroets oefthe lha- M homeless waifs in Korea liv-!for the Bowmavll inette adfml iie r n tl uWbter fe was stilteig estpoencon thned aubhally-ti Is.George Carlisle of 17 members went out to pro- mmrmhn omut nteCu' azaarto e heL n rs FSAeretyMaila befors e rk ad te spots- inc ete colu wa charll trling and Mrs. Gerald Rus- vide the music m Kendal. streets, and finding shelter at November. Kinettes Jean Wil- o udy men re re andytforsfurther somceseteeheu as agartds ett and children of Wellmans' where Rev,. .J. Porter of Osh,- night in ruins and public liams and Evelyn Werry arel Fifteen Merry Milkmaids onto, wasaSudyvstr M.nd r.J.DeOh contw estbtalasfothe turs a meas of keepinas go salCorners, were recent visitors awa Westminster, wsguest buildings. It also depicted the the convenors of this event. iwere present for their sixth with Miss PtDvs wwr udyvstr wnee all goneands they had childreansoff te streetsmin vid fMr. and Mrs. Bill Stacey speaker with Rev. R. C. White work of rescue for these tot3' Kinette Barbara Masters was etn nSln omnt Mr. andMr.HveYe-wtM.anMs.ReP- nothe igenfr prie. h ese idrk ofallhevens an and amily. assisting. The anthem "Bless performed by the Canadian the wmnner of the draw. ThereHall on Saturday afternoon. lowlees an faiyvstdcendamy Fromallreprtsit ws aat he ame imeallwin Mr. Arnold Wade attend- The Lord, O My Soul" was Save the Children Fund. was a 95 per cent attendanceMss aro Wdel, ur r.nd r.E.LmrM J mos aisuceflproect wisa ththeo avs her umae d h IsuaceUnerrt-redre bwteful hir .Throaee0,00,0 sar- tth mein. intesEv-Hoe cooisOwsourBacsoc, nSuda. se anNst Bw evonscesaving an enjoyable gerntov their reaa. er's Convention a week ago, while Mrs. James Caswell's ing children in the world to- lyn Werry and Barbara Con- guest and gave helpful hints The C.G.IT ilme nrslM.Wl1Aeadr afternon a a n n few get Ofcs the members of ai the Royal York Hotel, Tor- solo was the ever appropriate day, Mrs. Jennings told the nell were in charge of the en- regarding the present pro- Saturday atron Nvm MblPwl w1adMs dollrswerendraise orethe Ofcubreae that een o nto. -Bless This House". At the' Kmettes. She said that al. ýtertainment. ýject. The girls answered the ber 2, at2o'lc.eMradVrsN tvi- Lonlas CubWefrefud. prtrwl!ntstoehechldfitleCid Elittws n lseofth rccuoebf hug te oio pctr rllcalwih uperdih M M O n ..an Lios CubWelar fud. parY wllnotstp te h osp- itl e n iht las ied-the hospitable Kendlal ladies dealt with Korea it was also they had made during the Mr. and r..an n nesdiay for berv aton ad servedi a much appreciated cup typical of conditions for mis- SA EMweek· Lois Ashton prepard falmily, Petroog;Ms necsafry bsticesvasthenre- of tea and lunch to the visit- erably poor voungsters in .A E lemon , chiffon; Arlene and Lloyd Presoan chlr, // / sult of saryfall off the grer os.many other lands. "Fix Your Heart To Givý, Joan Westlake made a whip- Bowmanvill:M.ad rs OWCOSÊ G ~~She was able to return to Rev. R. C. White was in The aaa ae the was the title of the challeng,,- ped skim milk powder toppingRoLagmiweeSnyMr.ayEteMor-ln school this week.chrg of the morning spr- Children Fund was charteredimg sermon by Rev. C. Dugan fori;Jen-acokegs o r.anMi. ar Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ag vice in Orono United Church. - at our Harvest Home service Blanc Mange. These wee een- e agadadfml. Ms avEhlMoe have bought the former Fox Mr. and Mrs. Don Elliott TV trays. Brenda received als una.Teyhi antoe frln hlewta M.an-rs R rae adwio obD.Eret lino property at Crooked Creek, and daughters and Cath.v El-,dainty necklet, and Brian ai"Lord of the Harvest." A cookies, provided by h ed ob iie A ibr o neepse wya S OCli aGid fi rsorna where they will be taking up liott spent Sunday :n Toronto. large plastic train. Greta Mc- quartet composed of Misses er. Mrs. Millson gave the TapaMs Tapp atEetrnSnGarelCmmntyHs residence. Mrs. W. H. Jones and Mrs.! Laggan presented Doreen with Margaret Shackleton and Mar- subject matter on milk in over the weedadas iaSnGbil aiona Warden Earl Walkev -was C. MV. Jones went to Wark- a cup and saucer from Clublion Buttery, Messrs. Jimidesserts. The next meetingMr. and Mr.Saloga\coer2 93 nhr8r Her friends will be sorrv to Mr. Verne Rowe of Scar- in Ottawa Most of last we worth on Sunday. .50. Bill and Doreen thanked Coombes and Eric Shackleton will be held on November 9,!Port Credityer lean hatMr. eit F Akenboouh sen te wekndattndngCoutis'Couci .Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samn- everyone and invited us t ag"hnsb to God. The at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Bruc alretr r.Alnwl e i s apatentinSt.Micaels ithhisparnt. M. ad Ms.Convention. is attended Elizabethville An- their new. home near Newton 'chur"ch was suitably decorated! The Hi-C group met Thurs- tame eealsho rinsmsed bvasagecr- Hsapit in Trot.o a wi Ali reandfmil Mr. and Mrs.Wilman niversary services, Sunday ville. with flowers, fruit, vegetables day night. Ron Baker led the of Lawrencesa at nfinsadc oinwih s i wshng her allMrowand r elev ! ail.r oig rmterand had dinner with Mrs. Gordon Baker with his vio- and leaves. wrhpsrie The group his 7th birtdy ihwomseretoe speedy recovery.hng hr a 'L ad Mrs. L i iinnehm o h bc]tre. Prouse and Charlie. lin, a ndciMrs. Davvo h Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allin,ithen discussed the Anglican Mr. and Ms rc ot a adfutu Mrpent H.a few aso lat we ou wtt -Vof.Woodstock were cllersand famnily.Oshawa, were tunes while the tea brewed Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton. ed the previous Sunday. A were Sundac e usso h oe' oit fCr- vsieting ewthMrand Mrs. • Vot with Miss Lily Work man. re- Sunday visitors at Mr. B. F. Evervone enjoyed a hearty Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryder- bowling party will be enjoy- Mr. andMr.BueTyo anSvie fth Frt Geortige Alin nMhn Mr. and Mrs .JmsSercn!. Elliott's. . lunch and cheerful conversa- man, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn'ed on November 9.anfmiyothocsonfMeodsCurhfLsA GergW. F. ican r ndo Toronto were Saturday ihs mn'ol upr Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wat- tion brought the evening to Mountjoy, Hampton, with Mr.' The W.L. bazaar held on'Pauline's 2nbrtdv le MsAlrr- Edr. and Mrs.dMartin. Miss Harold Couch and famil.v. castle, Kendal and Wesley- R. Bruce's Monday,' having Hallowe'en Party is Thurs- Mr. and Mrsi. Webster, Tor ýin the hall was quite a suc- ton; Mrs. FrakWslk rwsSnGbilVlv Te n rewin and Mr. George M r. and Mrs. Car] Todd, ville, to mention the nearest, moved their household effects dav, Oct. 31. onto, with Mrs. Roland Shack-!cess. were SundagussoMrritLde:fr anvr Trwno oront vsteDoian AneadMstwahadto seetwhc rom Ansonville. Their home Club 50 leton and Mr. Gordon Shack-' wit fiedsm heviage onDorin od AofeStanill wre onto atdtedoeer b in oot i unshd lb50hl!herOtbe eo.The-Explorers met on Sat- and rs. ec etaean mnPe ccmlsmns aturda.v.le.Sundav dinner guests of Mrs. aillreports, they wr alCongratulations to Mr's. meeting at the home of Ms .aMrsrs. larece elludyte roithr 21eirlsM.am.newoeandietdmn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McEach- Henry Bowen and Darlene. splendid, and the attendance Thomas Jones who will be 83 A. Millson with 13 memnberadfanl, r. oad lo esdent.ledMrheBrs iser-doMr.Lindsales a-r goue y o ehds rkand Mary Frances, of Professor and Mrs. Bruce good. years young on Oct. 31. present. President Mrs. Don e .'t Miss Susanne Schwartz vice. Games were conducted Mrs. Frank eslkJradteGceCuhWon' Makam were Saturday visi- MacLeani of Toronto visited Two quilts were put up on iDavey opened our meeting, wit Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. by Karen Yellowlees, Carol'family.Cu fLsAglsadhl tors with Mr. and Mrs. Georg? with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. frames in the church bas- with hymn 502, "What a Mr. and IMrs. Wilbur Black- Hills and Peggy•Darch. Lunch M tatofie or15yer Allin. Allin on Saturdiav. ment last Tuesday n Wd LONG SAULT friend we have in Jesus,"burn and family, Mrs K.'wsejoe.Maiy nox Ms .Mthl r.G Mr.andMrs Gorg Kiby Mr. and Mrs. Albert PacM.adM.Ca.Pensnadbthwr fni- hncodcedtenees r CwigMis.Sland Black-Fre oeve aie or e'e bemst uton Ms.R.Lad.Mr.Mr.Rlln' ailtyas- and Mrs. Chester Reynolds of . earceed ready for binding. The r nMs hs. Pe- business. burn with-Mr. andervMrs. Fare- , . R. CoBwavle0ede fwmnwsrcg P-ovience R.L hav retrn- Waynn anndElizbetha spethwil besoldeithr noweor owaren ad chldre wer Mrs Dave rea a wll- ellnlackburn homemadeHallwe e mas. 'Ms. C SmihwFletwod; nzed hrouhoutCaliorni ed tothceirR.homehafer visit- te weeken with Mr. and the Bazaar. Saturdav evening guests Of written card of thanks from Mr. and Mrs. Herb Craig ChrhsvienxSu-M.J.OndOhaadteMtoitCuc. ing wther. oyd utle Iisý rs. Orval Stinson and familv Visitors at the manse includi- Mr. and Mrs. C*. Brown. Mr. Pinky HubbardBur toaand family, Janetville, Mr. day will be at 9:30 o'clock. It and Mrs. FrakWslk r.Hrlt ubnD.Aln and r. Hnla Paer an d Mesl e nd calle ond M r. ed: fMr. an Mr. anct eH.Roberts oand r. .Pan ee aetohl o arec qui it r adwllb cmiedsricWsenoe abwin atyr-wa ofone o h Dna VIr an Ms JhnSte IMs. enethPercean Vaco ofRosnethMr ant cRoers, owanvllSMs.Christmas party on Dec. 14thIr. .Cai.trugh- Ethe summemntths. ce.Tly iBwavleScolathUierty f ofUri adge vsitedhnwitmp family in Orangeville- Mrs. George White, Mr. and M/ary, White, Pickering, were at the hall in Tyrone. Mr' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman Mr.. Tiksethe r.To Wstae ndSuenClfri. and rs Jhn outton ues.Mr. nd rs. owad Go- Ms. Jmes livr, Drri andSunav vsitos o Mr.andDave thnItunedahedeet-andfamiy, rookin, ithMr. eekndMwth r. ad Mr. Kvin.Petrborughnspet Let t moun hr pasin ady, lst onVut nTe- don of Port Hope and Mr. and Stephen, all of Bobcaygeon Mrs. Wm. Brown-.n vrt hepormcm and Mrs. Bob Craig. 0. Cruickshank at Peterbor- several daysls ekwt r w os onvK or dals.Mrs. Vance Cooper of Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stae Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson mite1r.A ilo n Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- Ough. Mr. and Mr.WsHlsadoSpigedOindLe were Annmversary di i n n e r and family went to Stirling were in Toronto on Saturday Mrs. Mary Topple. Jeton, Mr. and Mrs. Les Welsh Mrs. Bruce Tink visited family. . oreofSn abilCai uests with Mr. and Mrs. Thursday, where they visitedi to attend the funeral of the Mrs. Partnier read "Ideas for!attended the Durham Medical her mother, Mrs. W. A. Orm- Mr.SdHcaaM.anfoi.adtwgadhire Re . rif h eogeKibal n unay hr arnt, r.-m Ms late Mr. Jack Collinson who a Treasury"; Mrs. W. Vaneyk Co-Op banquet at Coldsprings iston, Brooklin. Mrs. ErnestHcaa t Cteie n WlimMoe The Rev. E. C. Woodland George Carlisle, also Mr. and was the victim in the four- read "The Split Level Trap": last Tuesda.v night. Mr. and Mrs. Linton Herron tended afaellpryi Hrfurasrvcswr was preaching at Salem (Em- Mrs. Gerald Russett and w ay transport crash at Mark- and Mrs. Millson read " A number of our young and Kim, Oshawa, were Sun- Harmonv Cuc o e-hl tteDBi uea r aches at il.v) on Sunday exchanging family at Wellman'sCorners.namand Kennedy Roads on Should Have Bit My Tongue " people attended the rally a a iioswt isGay rn akHsiwoi oei a are n n wit thh Re.hJeE.Grifit OnSatrdy teyitteded40 onnhurdytoringdMr. Tppleha twtcotesseortminterCohu rc hlas Yelowee an Mr. J Ye- lavig son orAuclan, trmet ws a Roe Hll A wh waspreahingat te An theCarlsle McMllenwed-Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson that kept us guessig ora Sundav to hear Rev. and Mrs. lowlees. New ZealandMmoalPrintefm /-nniversary miversary services here. dmngim St. Paul's United vsited his mother, Mrs. G. while. Kenneth Prior, who are mis- Miss Donna McLachlin, Tor- Mr. and Ms o alrpo Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- Church, Stirling, al. which Bnly otPrv nSt Closed the meeting with soaiso uluh -_ -___----_--_- Necatl: Te nii dto f ewonilean M.little Evelyn Stacevý was urday evening, and visited hymnn 577, "Comne, ye thank- - p..,whaten- The RevnJ.i.teed inner est with andMr. d h MsoeSprtmn' r.d M-tr.LenrhedatehoefMs.Bb Rctvstrswh M. torl carg -wa1 th. gust - -- -----.- - ' cluded Fcred -Hendrso.Cln eeed ih Mr. and M: . ad r. .Pewadn o--er-r.ad-rs-obr 7- _.ile ,^mm°, ENO S Fruits Saltr- and99c Help Wanted B gtonIothowh rtoan urbred sale hospillamt Anol j ___ atd Lid Mîinev 2-. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade Antique Ca rs. Miss Ak2d were a package- of steers ontor retFeras e a Ae ln re 0 oe 1 a pent the weeken inO.Lon.rve heracenied38Cdillac; nd bv Te McDowell On v s te takig teatmns for R ESDA N 19 Necslemainenancues of 3,Aice Coc R4.MarilynCouth "Londies'ght- at the Hotel mother. There wvere 28 cars $32.75 per cwt., with plainer Mrs. Fred Irvine and family > anldequint, egu anc fit'or 245, ohn7Tenarln C26. D on oSverl fo Frd ear, the oldest a 1911 kinds considerably less. of Riverside are visiting her -SC--O R-E8 workneumrgurnit t.is24 08.oh GenRowe 200D out Svea Sh I m nere wereFord. Cars and drivers ap- Several Yelvertonians at- mother Mrs. AI Ellis and Apply in writling rntlater, riv i x .Ged Loeu- 200 u tSioh on Saturday peared on Channel 9 on their tended Anniversary Services family. tan Nov.i2 stting nquala- a ov eNada Hogkamp(20 evening to the Penny Sale. way through Toronto. After in the neighboring* charge Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bullock 4 18 tioandv.2saryexpefcd, ndtov23W e Flnt ff 278 mpOwg t endal Annivers- a lengthv parade to Brighton, Janetville on Sunday. ad failyfomryfTr- KEX - vcnsansa eryeeatC o 23 ne nn o27Hr - Z 5 g00 arhu r d ra n ndevsek ld n the i h p raandfaa eraonRobinson onto have aken up raeden N V A REM 11 nce Partnier 226, Mar roPater- ally Servce coricdu-ien h y ed ma g ommentarIvtand heRalph Malco asveÉarbor-drews Presbyterian CtlurA ,WATCH FOR THIEDEA H W E T end e s W an e Bn lo kr npBob . M Haz e o M.Jneoe o s . ahe rinted en pictures taken in Halibur- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- BowmanvillMrs.RussedBry. TEDR wl e ee ved20.S.rkr2,5B Mrraz edo th o sricews ow- ton. These included unique colm are on another "junket" and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, :BW AV L fTE pERation f e rbooth PatS, arerso 205, da Johnson choir numer diT!e hfhawaterfalls, trees dressed in --thru' the Carolinas of U.S.A. of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. BW AVLE ECSL concessionrathethe NewcastleK24,b rr 1lHenrv 204, George erc eh e m too"anurcautu h andscne.fomand rlasdwrsundav visi- BurketonWestn thandNe'n COWLING'S DRUC STORE JH SNSD U TR Hrea.origh and'6soeequip- Congaulatios0goto e nb rc o ' rv e ssput When I Laugh," a humor- tors at the Robert V7ivians and Lorne Lee families visit- ent supplied. Apply in %writ- Whitner wvith 384 and Ron termnediate Bovs w tor vs Nca-n was rad byr igJaetvleAnvs M. and r. Hwr e kA E cRGR R G RN r.netSatrer ta onvair to ood vithe1-q') P zearc,1,ver,,r e dbdonc.arhastorv Mrs.aberdCameron readisar Se ceBewalda of Linid- aTheClif rof theconstructionIl: JURY & LOVELL SU TSPA M C Newcastle Recreation Comn- to the bowler who rols 3,50 hiis usual capablemne.ad Mu.e a ressandfMr.v.liaello waNoralitekwithncrewsamovesdouths eekpy mittee. 42-3 or more in any single game. In the evening thmannoirof ere presentearr anda saiet lizbesth.fthe Art Rowa s.kn to see1 ig hwside7Ar hppe, Kinettes Heur Details Save the Children Fund