I I. I 12 7he Canadian Statesman, Bowxnanvtfe, Oct. 30, Ion3 Courtice High School Juniors Neari ng End of Football The football season is drawing to a close for both righit: Rick Mayberry, 'led Skinner, Irwin Hlamilton, lunior and senior school teams in this area. This team Paul LaChapelle, Dave Barrabaîl, Kerry Dickens is the junior squad from Courtice High School and Ken MacDonald, Rick Shoreyko, Dennis Ilomeniuk includes team members as follows: front row, lef t to anid Alan Picard; back row: Coach Frank Wootton, Seas on Iston and hear the guest speak- for mnornlng church service as1 and the choir may attend er, Mrs. Prier. It was a beau-, Rev. M. Freeman was con- Zion's anniversary. Sunday iU..W.andwere plcso tohei ducting anniversary service School for thet day %vQ be. thisW ralwere, last oc he ii one of Mr. Cotten's chur- gin at 10 a.m. i st wtr n yhurchatoeofnthe- ches. Marie Austin sang thel Pearl Austin entertained a bourg Pestchr. s n o solo part cf the choir's an-1 small group cf friends at a bourgPresbtery.them. There will be ne ser-1 party at her home on Satur- A wcek ago Mr. and Mrs..ý vice in th is church on October 1 day evening, to, celebrate lier Harold Best tock a weekend 27, se that this congregation birthday. tnp south cf the border. Theyj were accompanied as fan as Wallace, some miles south cf Rochester, by Mr. and Mrs.R Best who visited with the la-t-' ter's cousins in that place.' Wesley spent the weekend with his Uncle Ross Jones and grandfather Stan Joncs H A Q A T R at Zion, and Barrie stayed with Aunt Berniece and Un- FOR BEST RESULTS USE QUALITY cie George. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford, went te Toronto on Sunda.Y afternoon with Gwennie who' was having an exploratory, operation on her heart on Monday in Toronto GeneraL Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nich-, ols cf Port Carling visitedi with Carroll Nichols and fam-, ily on Thursday. They have1 been visiting in the vicinityl before making their annual, trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cas- well cf Zien, Mrs. Jean Bryce, Barry Conroy, IRandy Peel, Wayne Jordan, Greg Margaret, David and Larryl Couch, Don Rogers, Mark Penfound, Bill Wade, Jerry of Port Hope visited with Z. Barrowclough on Sunday af- Reynolds and Coach Jack Nesbitt. ternoon. Therewere iju ta ,,iuiu Sehool, with Mrs. R. Best, reading the scripture, aidý LLEin charge of the school Mrs) irge of the daY's John Groeneveld's prmarv; Delegates were wel- class led in the closing prayer. the local president, Plans xvere made to attendý ,ce Nichols. Most the Sundav Sehool Rally to bc; Iladies wvere busy held at Welcome on Friday morning preparin'glnight, October 25. mo but were able Rev. Cotton of Camborne the afternoon ses- was the visiting minister here to be sent to Miss Muriel Ste- vens, Africa. A most delicious WS E V B LCSO C h1tess. metngof 4tended fr at ee was in h (Intended for last week) on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Rom- helpful explanation of hiTemnly etngoS.Te western rgoa al rga.D Mrs. Ed. Harris was hostessleril made a few commients. chapter fromn The Word andJohlls W. A. was held in the Of the Cobourg Presbyterial comed by tl Ior the Anna Unit on Tuesday then showed a film on -The The Way - "Man Before God."-'Parish Hall Thursday even- Of the United Churcli Women Mrs. Claren a" ,ornoon. Eleven ladies and Beginning of Paul's isso- Foliowing the business per- ing. With President Mrs. Jwsheditiscrc atftelol one child attended. Msds.R. ary Journey." MNrs. H. Vantiod the meeting closed with Hamilton in the chair. the Wednesday, with 117 ladies during thei 'TyoR outo n .Camp displayed an afghan all Benediet ion. A love]y lunch meetingr opened by sigg registering. Mrs. W. C. KEy, the luncheo &Sumelîs gave a fine Thanks-lfinished and readv to he sent of anl cake and ice cream "Now the Day is Over."l Mrs. Port Hope, regional president, to attend tl giving devotional. An inter-ýt0 Hong Kong. Meeting closedi and tea xvas served by Mrs. J. H. McLaugyhlin read an arti- ~~singdisusson f tougtswith prayer by Mrs. Rorneril. Bradburn, Mrs. I. Taylor and cle on Thansi'gas h ïglaaned from the Panel on:The hostess served a delicious the hostess. W. A. Litany and opening C'tizenship at the last gen-1lunch. Six members and four vis!- prayers. Treasurer gave the eral meeting was carried on! Mrs. AIma Fowler wvas hos-1 tors attended the meeting of finaricial report and reminded N0 ivhile the ladies assembled thc tess for the Dorcas Unit ;n the Esther Unit at the home members that the United bVocks they had knitted, into Wednesdav afternoon. Eiclht of Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Wed- Thankoffering must be in this o aýn afghan. Following the clos- ladies and one gent attendcd. nesdav evening. Mrs. Harold montb. Dorcas Secretary basa arg exercises a lovely lunch The meeting opened by Mrs. iMcLaughlin and Mrs. Lee gave received requisition sheets. A was served. Leith Bvers reading the hymn'the Worship on Missions, us-iquilt is fînished, ready for The Candace Unit met atý "NowýA Thank We All Our, ing some excerpts from re- sale. Mrs. McArthur reportedCHVO the home of Mrs. Dalton Dor-',God". Mrs. C. Hill read a'cent letters fromn Miss Doreeni 26 church calendars sold. Mrs. IER A reil on Tuésday evening, withl Thanksgiving Meditation and Van Camp, India. The rest of Ashmore reported on the ilil 12 members present. Mrs. offered prayer. Rev. Rome.-il the evening was spent mak- Deanery meeting at Oshawa, lvil. McKee gave the worship gave a very interesting --and -ing bandages and dressings at which 14 members attend- ed. Final arrangements were made for the chicken pie sup- THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD per. Thirteen members and NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 0F THE PLANNING ACT elosed vithprayer, after _________________________________________________________ which Mrs. W. Van Camp and Mrs. T. Graham served cake.. and ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haines N O TICE .(nee Edna Shemilt) were To Owners of ProDertv nte ltesieadacfe al M Nfrom several of theircon munity friends. Ail wish thern Townof B wman illea happy married life. To nofB wm nileThe ON.O Club held its ',647 CH EVROLET È aOtoe meeting in the formi lfaHallowe'en Party which NOTICE took~ pae at the home of Shir- besand four visitors arrived To Owners of Property in the in a variety of costumes. Jes- sie Gunter received a prizp Town hip f D rlin tonGwen Ballingal for beîng ABUTING ON TE TWN F BO MAN ILL dressed as an Hawaiian girl. ABUTINGON T E TWN O BO MANVLLEPresident conducted the busi- nesas follows: A wedding on Nov. 9 will be the first TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bown project, and final plans were ananville has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions made for the Federation of of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 1888 !Agriculture dinner Nov. 30. passedl on the 'lth day of October, 1963, the full tcxt of which is given hereunder.. The club will entertain their Any person lnterested may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, husbands on Nov. 23. A spe- file with the Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville notice of his objection to approval cial prize will again be award- of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. ed at the Commencement to the highest boy and girl in NEW CJIIEV ELLE:! The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before Grade 9. Final plans were dolng so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the by-law wiil made fer New Year's Eve be considered. dance, with Roy Godfrey's DATED at Toronto this 23rd day of October, 1963. Orchestra of Oshawa. Rol caîl was answered with "The B. VICKERS, Secretary. !meeting I enjoyed mos.l Three new members joincd. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE1 Shirley and hier group served a lovely lunch. 1Miss Betty Postill, Toronto, BY-LA&W Number 1888 and Miss Edith McArthur, A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1587 Minden, wcre Thanksgivingr weekend guests of the Dr.----------- ------- WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed a Zoning McArthur family. ___________ By-Law Number 1587 on the 2nd day of August 1955, which was duly approved Mr. an d Mrs. Chas. Smith by Order of The Ontario Municipal Board. ispent several pleasant days driving in the beautiful wea- AND WHEREAS By-Law 1587 has been amended by By-Laws Numbered ýther and glorious scenerv. 1612 and 1700 passed on the 3rd day of July, 1956, and on the lth day of Septem- From the plowîng match at ber 1959, respectively, which amending by-laws were duly approved by the Ontario Caledon tbey went to Orange- ~ ~ rn Municipal Board; ville, Owen Sound, Port El- 'U4 E Y AND WHEREAS By-Law 1587 was furthcr amended by By-Laws numbered gin, Kîncardine, Riplcy and 1825 and 1835 passed on the 2nd day of October, 1961 and on the 30th day of at hnbakt oln January 1962, respectively, which amending By-Laws were duly approved by the and Head Lake. This Sunday, Ontario Municipal Board; 'Oct. 20, they helped celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lansing's AND WHEREAS it is desirable to further amend the said Zoning By-Law .57th wedding anniversary at 1857; the home of Mr. and Mrs. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowman- Bert Hooey, Peterboroughi. ville pursuant to the Planning Act, Ii.S.O. 1960o, Chapter 296, Section 30, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm amendments thereto, HEREBY ENACTS THAT By-Law No. 1587 as amended be attended the 6th Wedding * further amended as follows: Annivervary cf lher aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1. By adding to Section 7 (F) the followingi paragraph a paragraph (d) Grills, Columbus, Sunday. "A garage or accessory building may be cêrected within 2 feet cf the lot Iiiue provided other acccssory buildings have been erected within 2 feet Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- cf the lot line in any specific municipal block prior te the passing cf the ioy' spent a few days in Tor- *By-law. onto with his sister, Mrs. 2. By adding te Section 1 the following Sub-Section: Heny a ha nd Ms (Z D) 'Frontage" - Shaîl be the lcngth' of that segment of a straight M.adMs tnRh, , ~ niu line contained xithin a lot, such straight line being parallel te a line Paul and Carol spent h 4~ UIM I joining the points of intersection of the sid h' e lot lincs vth the front lot weekend64n Otawa and at line, and being a perpendicular distance from such front lot line equal teendtewdingta cfandaco- te the minimum front yard depth requir.rd for the lot by the provisions sindon Stur wdy. f cu cf this By-Law 1587. sno audy READa frstandsecod tme his7thday f Otobr 163.Mr. Earl Dorreli and Mr. READa frstandsecod tme his7thday f Otobr 163.and Mrs. J. A. Johnston spent READ a third time and finally passed this 7th day cf October 1963. Thursday - Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston and sd "IVAN M. HOBBS" girls, Belleville. Mqyor Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain spent a few days with the sd "JACK L. REID" David Swains, London. Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- CON-TACT *Self-Adheslve *Vinyl Surface For Counter Tops, Vanities, Etc. WALL-TEX " Cotton Base " Washable For Bathroomn and Kitche Walls We Carry Full Line of ... PAINTS - ENAMELS REZ -VARNISHES BRUSHES - THINNERS - CLEANERS - ETC. ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. Bowmanville M5DIFFERENT KINDS 0F LETS F0R MORE CHOICE THE ALL-NEW LINE, CHEVELLE! BT CIIEVROLET - It's a good foot shorter than big cars - yet Chevelle lias surprising interior room and luggage spaoe. Ling includes Malibu Super Sports, Malibu Sport Coupe, Sedan, Convertible, Wagons and Chevelle 300 Series. Choioe of 120-hp Six, 195-hp VS or extra- cost 155-hp Six and 220-hp V8. New size, new style, new com- fort - a new experience NEW REFINEMENTS IHNGRTH AMERICA'S ONLY TRUE SPORTS CAR, CORVETTE STING RAY - New one-pieoe rear window and im- proved interior ventil ation on Sport Coupe. New smoothe ride and improved sounci insulation on Coupe and Co:. vertible. Four great V8s. THERES 5 IN @ISVOM -* oEMyatt- CHuT B CMHASU *-CCVMU WAT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTRE A GHNILL MOTons VALuE WALLPAPERS Canadian - English - Americau and Imported -SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS- the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel, and time. DY W. NICHOLS CX-264C BOWMANVILLE - Phono 623-3353 ------------- -