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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1963, p. 15

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;ýThe Orono id i Iýr. end Mus. Phil Lonîg anc s oi, Tocid Michael of Oslhaxw P weue Sunday guests of Rev end Mus. Basîl E. Lonig. Mi% and Mus. W. Normnai- Porter w-eue diniier guests o! Murs. Wm. Moiton or Nor Wood ast Thtursdax - M. and Mus. Bob Kîoy. bave rctumned home fron, tbem- Bre Ranch at Nîpawimî Sask. Coiiî-ratiatioiis I Mis Howaud Walsfi who relebiated hei- birtbclay last xeek. .Mrs J. B. iMacDonialcd. .\li aîîd Mu5. aures Carneton 0, Toroîno cn Sunda wil Mnli. Catheruine Seul. Maîîi Street South. Mus. F~. E. Rhodce, pc iast weekend xx lb br Suli Major J. K. Rhodes, Mus. Rhodes and famils ai Foit. hi]]. Mis. Ev-et Coi viei ha- beeîî a patient il i leouis.I H-osoital. Bowmianville. .Mus. Gro. Crowlii er Clhar- les anîd Janie on M-w r.l Mis. Cha-. Wood. \,i>îted Mi. *îîd Mî-s. Harolcul Miiph v aril farnily. Long Sauli. on Suni- day. Mu. Harold and son Donald of Toronto, Mn. and Mus. Guey Zavit-i of London, Msr. Arthur Zavitz of Peter- bor-ough, Mu. and Mus. Frank Werry of Tyrone. 'Mi-. anai Mus. Dean Hodgsoîî of Ajax, MuI. and Mus. Ken Chamber- lain of Oshawa, visited Mis. D. G. Hooper and Mis. T. MeRoberts. Mi'F. hhu~ PîIkard. Mu. jqnd Mus. Roy Bai-nps and dlaughiterNanc.N of Don Milîs. v"td Mus. Hector oeno n- id ay,. Mu. and Mi s.IHaroi ldIîomnp son, Mu. and Mus. Eau] Ar- gue of Manvcrs visîteci Mr. Anîd Mus. W. Normnan Porter. Mu5 HFem-b. Rundle of H-amio foli and Mu,. Albert Ritndcle o; Os.hawa visited Mrs. Chas. W'ood, Thursday afteuiioon, ELIZABETH VILLE \I.sPatsy Jones vîsited ner brother Mnr. Geo Jones, Nl-s. Joncs and family.Bo- mami1le. Thursdav and Fui- duy ni last week. Mnlr and Mus. iiM.ddle ,onî xisîted Mu1. and Mus. Judd Wagau of Oshawa on Sunday. Congr-atulations to Mur. Lu- :hei- Barrabal wbo icIe- nuates bis G84th biîthday tibm îîoming weekend. News M.. Albert Mitchell injuî-eci h rootal a work last wcek. Orýono Amateur Atbletic Aà- souation advises ail boy-s Isîî~ 0o paý hockey ii 01,o11o th Ls season Imus ncg- .stem- alt the municipal buildingt tmns Fuîday. Nov., froni 8 - 10) p.m. Teams wilt be fonmed in the Atoi. Pee Wce. Bantani. Midget and Juvenile -rnLlp.. Brîng your fee and ,our bîrýth ceî-ificate. Orono United Church Women Il The OronoUniîted CIiri iiWomeiî beld tlheilu Octobe. mîeetinîg ini a veux \«a tUactix, diecoi-atcd auditoium peu- -talmîmug To tire theune o >. Thanksgiviiîg: air arr-angeý nientî of goi-geous roes en hani-ed tire settiiîg. 'l'lie Piesrdeiit. Muis.Loiît i ommrenced the ineetiiîng bý i eadiiig anl appm*opuîate u juiii Pna vr'- folloxviî iii a hYn[iii xas' ýsuîrg Day Is1-D. ng 11Illet- Wnsi' 0 sN. Bair-stxxgave .titi( dcx otmoial basiiig heu-mark on Ilie thtene of Ta ngiving- and conrneîîced by csîuging a hymn "Bringing in 1the Sheaves". Mis. Vagg mePad the suirîp ilire selecu-ted fuomn Mattbexx .13: ver-ses 1 -18. Muls. Bairstoxx in ber neditatioir made spc- 'a1i referýi-ence to the beaut~ w~e have ai-rund is duî-ing Ibis Autimin season anîd stated only God c-an cause a seed te groiv and blossorn. we se the hand of God at wom-k in na- Turc. suu-elv ce do lice ini a xxondei-ful land. Suie renîai-ked xve bave tni- iacial discnimirî atuon. nîo earthiquakes to cope xvith like the ' vbave in othet- coumîti îes. bu, sti-essed w\vu- Shouid be chai acter building, set h ng exaunples foi, oui oîîtl andi xividly expi-essed the ini poi-tance oi Christian Eduica- tiou. Pu'IîS. Bai stoxx î-ised thesc- berieticial 1ucuîau-kS 'vît] puayci- and slnging of a byru-:t -WVe plough the f tields, and scattrn the good seed on the n1V1_1Lf aLini ir audîtoîinî -l ne mrportanice of Chji-istianý f - vand~l panrd statcd i ici r -conirîlts a pont ont-e saidi - -Ulv îîIothe xvuid tht' beLi ou ljavea nid the- best wii11 vuni-- bai-k In x uu'--Do no: be dec-civedc. Godis îlot nmock -d oi,.1r xhatt-vra manî sows. n îut nie xvi lami î1eap ,Gala- Ni: )riîî'nnrid istiibut- (-Ci pami htls l eI uxOro > 1 -u elit rkceepllig rlle 1e rn m ai -iiig of Christiani Stcwardship -puoilininini oui minds. Mus. ýi NIcLar e n. a repîesentative tronithie Christian Educatiori Departnientiriiqiied foi- as- v instants îîeeded ini the x a-ions or-ganiza 11011- quîi ring lead- e ers i p. A.\ delig-Iîrfilx uC-aI SOlo sWatkeci Todlax' WhVice Jesus 'Walked' xxas ueuidci-ed iniiA i pleasýiing miniiin-bv Miss Sad- -eru of' Bownîanville, aucoin- tiaiici bv xIrs A. Cole a: i ilie pianlo. Aius. iNI. Staples in- 1"7odu-ed the guesi speakei of tume evening 'Ors. R. Stevensý o f Bonianvîlleic-Mi-s Stevens-- took is onau ;inagnînarv tntrp ito thle Conigo wbere heu dau - glîter Muii icIs workiug as a onle vas cicpl,\.intcuesled ti; Tîent'iarny altivît îes anxd kiid acts acinîl îîî'terec bx- thu-' girl toIllenienianY peuple ini rt-cii. A sili)t-b piano diii': w us piayed iniaau efficie-t, (Inendd ou asiwekî and-,iil it t lie kexv board. Mt\- third prîze. Mis. Kilo.\. Ms. Wa1in Ms Long uonruced 1tîîl, N. Cote aud Mis. K Billet- Mi. and Mis!. Cilffoî-d Wr Mus. Tut-w. Mis. Fi.IWhite, ictcssai\ businesýs. tmînlulecýs îu Boxiîanviile. Ms.CohI > OuI xxceepi-esent ai the Ct-isi MuLs. Morris. MsMeAliste; - ee ead by Mu.Carsoni ýdve a shorn hIugi-aphx w( e ning 0 f' their granddaugbtr, ând Mus. Tbickson attendec. and appuoved. "Fuail,, -bieir coinposc;' ulhie- Anni, on Sîinday. Octobc the United Church WouneiVs Mm- Long expuessed appic.- of ieeleclon tty d2711u. and afttcnwauds we Rally beld ai Wc-3evv~ile on atioiî tri tht- U.C.W. for theîiocnI0oplay ceiiîitled'R os enterlainced aithieli- iaugi Wýedniesdav. The morning xvas ýsilvcr disli prescnted to fier nîond Ove-tie. ier's home, Mu. anti Mus. Wri taken uip xxith Bible study anti Re\,. Long on the ocra- Mn r înî oi, beialf or Kolenko Of Oshawa. hints and lcarnîng a ne'.x sion of their receni twenty- Orono U.C.WV. expuessed oîîr Mr. antiMus .Arthur- Bai-i carol, "Genîle Mai-y '. A de- flithi weddîng anvrsn.gratitude and appueciation to t-s and Guace vîsited Mi-, anl Inconwas senvî-d The President mentioned the oun Boxvnanvihle guests loi' à1irs. A. C. Wcir, Peteuboi fi by the Wesieyviile ladies. Iii tîlm strips and films being iiie excellent talent dslx-oih on Sunclay. t-~ the afternoon we had as gîîest presen t e d iii \Vestmount eci that ceveijiig. and tri anv We wene sorr 'y tolaliia speaker. Du. Pior froin Ni- Chui -fi. Oshîawa. o c:Iotn u-xxo asii1\x1t1t-. us1. C Zxvarien asagan geria. She gave us a \evv j- ai 7:30) p.m. She feit it advis- nî-ngrnîî. Tht' riting , - Ctihospitalized. teresting talk. able fou someone to attenid bioughit to a close by sinigiinn Two car loads of ladies a:- as. they could be uset ai fu- uf a hyiîn -Jcsus Shahl Reigu tended the Gardenx Hill 604Lh t urc meetings. Arrangements sund repeatiiîg tht- Beliediction-H Y O anniversarv of their Institute are being made to sponsor a Refreshmerîts xvce ser-ved nt Campbellcroft Hall. The.y lurkev dinner seuvvd uiii theand a social tune eu.îove.d Not E the change iri tinr e had representatîves from van- S cii h.Srool andl cmnrri ious Institute branches. A E TA L V-u ts Sînda.v Scboon]i daînty lunch was sei-vcd. MoS- D * -- A N IY p.mi. anIdc]iurch servicea of the ladies that weît Io [).Il" diuuiiig the- xvnt - ,Vesleyviile were home Ili (Intended fou lasixeek) Du. Norninar Loxvcs, Osnaxx aiionthns, Stamting on1 tis Sîîî 71fime to partake in part of the Pte. John Jacksonî, Camp AIrs. Donotby Fisher and tami dav - Noveinher 3ncI. ,,.ý,ýet-together. Borden, was homne for- the ily of Peterboroungh \veue Sun- A Hallowe'erî uasquenac ,On Saturday evening the weekcnd with his parents, Mn. day giiesis xiih Mu. and Mus. xxas ht-Id ai the cbîucb 'r - commonitv gathercd at Camp- and Mus. Vintcnt Jackson. Donald Loxvcs. Saturdav evening îîndcu tih belîcroft Hall to present one Mu-s. Carl Smith and Mut Mr-. and Ms George Wake. au.spices offftit- U.C.W.. xit of our recent brida] couples. Mervin Smith, -tcachei-s a, Si. Catharines. Mr. and Mu-s a vcuy nîce crowd. Prograii Mr. and Mus. Bill Trebenche Bethany Public School, at- I-lits- McM\alboni. Peterbor- :ncluded two Hallowe'en soIt (nee Marie Meucer), with a tended the Teacher's Conveni- oîîgh, spent the xvekcnd witn by Esther Crydernian of Ma coffee table, two end tables tion held ai Belleville on Fui- Ms Ina Palimer. pie Grox-e. a piano solo b, eud a bookcase. Miss Sharon day. Mns. Ross Hall, Miss Lyuîda Clcryl Ashtoni, a readuig bý Tuew read the adduess. Lunch Miss Muriel Neals, who xvo-i Hall. Mus. Olive Richar-dson. Alice Joncs, and a spellîný was served. Provincial honous iin the Beth- Wbhitbyý. vcre Suîîday guests contest There were many cos Mu. Jackson Peacock was any 4-H club. was guest speak- vtli Mi- and Mus. Carl Smith.:nu-mes to judge. Judges weui able 10 leave the- hospital (111-r at tbc meeting of Newton- [United Chureh Anniversary Mr. J, Cry-derunan and Mu: Satuuday, but before lie was1 ville Womens Institute a: Tht- Rex-. Basi] Long of Or - Jîrn Woocfley. Those receivinj uelcased, word canie fuoni week, telling of ber trip o oiio xa5 the giiest speaker ar prizes xvene Doreen and Don Kaptuskasiîîg ilat AndueW New 'York and meetings of the nouning service with hii.- ald Trcxx'lin, Mus. Roy Graham- Jackson xvas in tht- bospital The United Nations. 'apic *'The Clîurch, the Centre Miss Rena Graham,. Beli ' .happcndicitis. M- Pea-- - - of Coiîînîîuîîutv-, Lite.' Mu. Teýd Ashîtoin. Gît-n Ashtoni. Ali2- cnt-k and hieu sister. Mu-s Rex\îîolds of Peter-boroughi xas Jones, Tom Joncs, Biilie Pott Walkei-. with thet- wins inni- BROWN'S *Ir--gliest ~oIos.si0 n Susan Tîlley. Mai-ganti Mar. meditelywenthome driinpBacli*fs Be Thoi But Nea.- lene and Peter- Cuaig. a']ndiabeîv xvitentdhomreadni%,ine- inîti"Lord Grutiof Ahrabaiîî -Mu-.Roy'u-e McCuaczen anc Tht-e ldesof 0O.sha-wa Mr.ianded fr si reekî Eitalir oaby Douglas. Coboîu-. wer, anti Mu. and Murs. Whitbrd- usFred Sneed. The cvenuîîg Service xvas ;ii Saturuday vîsutors ai Mu-. and Oshawa, were at Sinnvside Messrs. David and Sani Me- bai-ge of Rt-v.1J. B. Spencel' Mus. J. Pott. over the- weekend. Rt-tlis motored to Hendenson. nof SI lames Clureb, Peler, Mu. and Ms.Loyd .Iacl, Mur. and MuIs. lR Pnox-ost N.C.. Thanksgivingxe ekerîd, inoi-nnigb, x-rththîni eunln ol), Souith Momagliaivisiter Belleville, were ai lieu pa- to visit îxith bis molt-r.Mui run- 'la IDo J s .\ M i .anti Mus.Charlie Ganrarci eois' home. Mu, and Mus-pa0- Fred Snieed and Mu. and M:-.-, c. ak:ing riý text fri Mu1\,r and Mus. Jim We-oi Mercer, over the weekeid, Ben Bal Mu. Sneed*s 5Year Corilithiîrs (6 12,."Ali] Ihing5- and Ch enyt , Bowimauiviîle, Mu. aud Mus. J. Fait andi old d augbter returneti xvîtîs a-re iaxful uînto nie, but ai-1 weue rt-cen t x-sitors ai M:. family. Pontvpool, spent Sun- tbem amnd xill be staYngm ing n-eotcpdii. aiMu.DCacons day with Mu. and Mus. E, Canada. Mc- H-inln Puaskev of Pr-',- Mr and Mu>- Eaul Thomri- Baty, Toronto. Soruv 10 :eporît ilie(-llnest cubonouigli xvus ;oloist, si-igîie s On. Bownanville, xxere Sat Mus. Sttenigîoîî GaîvSt-t.of Mu-s. Geor-ge Stephiensn -Dx.ru5 1 \Wiii Sing Nev rdav calcurs at Mus. W terington, John Taylor- antiw-ho la0tc c eoi'Soi- i iuit~ ni Ihaut.- Tîoinîpon-js. Garvs fiend of Baltimnore Hospital. Boxx-nanvilie. ui- esPHr*;Bautilî ILpouî thlie Mi's.-J Ai keniai a. NI: visited in the village Sundu'- lasi xxeek andtis Io indi-go \1011 a:r5. fiiausDuia. Toronto. I and Mu. Tom Wood and Mu'- lire w-et-k k-Aitiîem-' ix h\iie lin-a! ~Mu-s Ross A sbtor antd fanli,% Knox took iii the tour inthe , Bioxxui5 Buisi-Be- e tTP' .ntelb%- Mus S L. Scelle! ocre SLinciai dîîîne: gilesîs oý States over tht- Thauîksguing tueliborne of Mus. Wîlda Siiî - euc' t-r Lord uîand Faltiei- Ml- aud M!rs Lloyd'Ashto'! weekend and report arl cx- sýOu on Tuîesdav, October-1l. 1 Botin- i a-ci -1 Huaxenl, Ronald sari]Rax. Mu. ancid cellent time -- xveîn the ladies tinisbed unL '-' ov-e Abidinng î GletIe). Nlus, R. Onnîiistoni. Eiiiiski.- quilt fou- tht Cowîard fani us Narine Reilant of Pc:- t-eni. ir- Walitei-Mii-xTor.-- Nexi meeting at tht- homie uor e: bouýonjh xxa ganis: fon!uilo, xxei-e tes res ILA Miss JIeanî Peu-unr on No-e-r- boi >ese ' ' ..Mu-. Cizwtrin Rt-acf sud bos -z J. ~~kaîte C. sorl-x- 1 beau-of te iliness o xm iavbseso o~u-liM n u uh: bt-r rb. ht- :1nî 0.-u5xxc: Tue ii:u- x. o mrt iPter1- an-ou is. ATînuird Chartered Accountant Mus. 'Mary Lonuicunanni, Boux- dahlias ail feu-n5. Rt-ad.NMr. Clayion Read wan inanville. wbo iF a rnenîbe. , Thîîs marks Ileýerx--nighî ouest of bus parents, anti wish foi- heu a cen, annriiveusar'. of f8w put-st-uvMu'I. ant irs A. Rea'd whitby speedy rccoveuv. (c-tîrurch bîîicfiîilg Ins1rt-gt-' MuantiMu-s. T. Smit.h vuSu - Mu. aud Mrs. Robert imrn- - abie thiaï tht- oldes ut-coud- edMu Gordon Taben. Stooff- P. 0. Box 209 son spentthie wcekenr! visi - 0f thEelchîuîuniu îx bt-e, bs vilýe. iue frit-nds ai SLidbtiiu' - anrd fithai t not knoxvwher »%Muand MNI: 1_Tillex-, John Phone Mn. and Mrs. Davui Rtl-ie Tht- trusr ehuct iMethodis' n andi Susan ,i.,-ted Mu andi Burarnpion, were home fourttex -aunalxbrurtr.Tht- fir-S:I rs. W Sanon andi familv, Orono 138 veekend, and Lvii xis ted relirgionis S:eiv1res iithe di-- Toronto. ou Snînda',. xx-inh heu-niother iii bbe ho.-- t rer xvere anPie5tbxteuia- AMr aind Mus.' Backburn. W&hitby 668-8197 pua l : nd and %weu-bt-Id NerI, Daite andi Douglas, and Mastr Dniie Mrili i in:ulJo5iair Wilson's bari. The Airs. Cowlin- were tea gue-'ts __________________________Toronto visiîinc fuls g-anti- rrmnters oft cacli deuîlonlinu-Of an sdMu F. Blackbuir!i. - _____ -mother. anti Tomnmv is stayiing lion -ane nu: alteunate Sun- Sailem. on Sunda.x. andi attend- 0 ih 'bis guanipaî-cnîs. Mr. da\x no corîduc, the xvorshm eti Thankoffeuing -'ervice, ai és Gron Martmr, of ,he eauxl setrlers Thein a Mrand Mrs. Walter Love the isin hehoszpîral. ,a Cornere5. \ekei iIiMr ndMý Hf1Q /RLES The- presentalron an thP x-cs! of tht-%x rtazce. Tht- Bible David Mouuow, DonMiî school Satuuday ni-h-, for tlreuseti n te hxu. -h rodaY beau-' Mu andt Ms.Ross Asliro-î WOD#XKZS YOU W/LL Cowiard famnil xxas a Sîuc-tt' : nscnipr.oî Peenoci ý nifrivan u niM F/4O,~Pn< R cf Ct-5 i- Robert Hicks actetiGra ni e sH;: Chanel a- a Lloxd Ashtomn \visled Mr-. as MC. fou ',le evening anti New Yý ear gît- bb\ Jamnes Lin- Etina McLauightin, Catsarea, Nt 4lAiffYALw Y Mu. James of Tht- Canadia-i 'rcEsq 1860«« Belowv lb:s . - on Sonda,-, ~ Sansnnrr-xa< ouescill: :jalarothe-., r' -.n To Be"r:- MusCowlIig tzspetIdrnz a C//Y M/NO tuke picur.c MAr- ant i Mu-an\ hîi..Dcernibe: 7.few tda,.-; x'rIli ht-' in- us Coxxlard wetr-e Oesetner! w::: Wri Th. :!,d:catPS thal, tii'M. Eltouti, Pont Per-ux a receîpr in fuit, fou- tht- block- f ist Aie:'îodi',: Cunl Miss Lynne Rt-ad spent th' foi. ,lie fouii-daiion fou nbc'nr B1ethiarîx .V:Mýage xvas ii:.weekend' xx- r.Muand Mus. r.ex but. alavlvthîre- r ',r o Iti( aunrr ae. Soir? Clayion Rt-ad and boys. Peler- v iet-e beduonrin suitc, spinz , dtr resî;dei mis ax rn;il borouighli iatus.piIow-s and bt-cm- T'lie torner cliuucni ws5ira: Musý Tabh. Luilyanrd Shui- spieci. .coffee able an i r îc b i.r iia- xxe sep To- I> alleti on Mu John Tabb lanip. as xx' Has oran\x miý--cia,,h xI a < a vîalerxbrt-on Sundav cellaneonus shio-en g- I hat !r-ame stiîî-:nmnc. on t- s a!ii Congratulations a n d bc.t ýw;il be uisefu! ;n Iheir ne'. a.b Iu" - o tne 't-twisbes 10 Mu'. Henn-x Ashiori boiýire.Mr. anîd Mus. Co\-iauuî 1-' 1900. dnr:r.ctrenint-.vo ieebuaied bis 86th binth- bobh tirankedth Ie pren te-ftRr - T iculrs :s.xnr - xida,. 0onTuesia'-. Oct. 29111. BIfNESERVICE -rc £550'Iddali' te:, Cath\-anti Mu5 î- s. erc: vt aï::e'--lt-tiSa*e;ii Tnanikoffer-:nrg _____________________and NMus Saîlows e- a- i'Hi --S*,:! lo. g s en'ice on-iSunday and w-eue. t ertained musically. Bethany Uxuted Church' and tea guests of Mrs. Olesen. Mrs. James E Richards, Edîtor M:. and Mrs. Pei-cy Dewell spent, the weekend al Mis. St O . Cruîckshank, Peterborougbi. Surîda y evenîng guests at, Mi.alici lus. Percy lJeweli rewceMr. and Mus. Bill Nich- Sol. Peteuborougbi. Mrs. Ben KiIleiîs' father, Wr ii M. Foster of Welliîngton, nd sv;siting heu and the family )Pthîs week. il" ln lif il- in a- re g -n, th ze r- i r e -I jS TYRONE 1ir 'lyro PaperlDrive \vil! 'bc lield thîs Saturday. Nov. Please havp papers tied and si oadside for prompt pick-- WilI Tyrone frîends ýpicasp note that our sister church at 1-laydon wi Il bec(*omnenci ug Ilheir wintu houir of wvorship, as of Sunday, Nov. :ard, until furiher notice. Visiting at the manse re- cntly Nveî e Mr. and Musý Grant Carnegie and childreni, Lynda and Ricky fromn Tor- onto. On Saturday supper guests încluded Mr. and Mus, Jacli Morrison of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John McDon- aId, Carrne and Carneron of Stratford. Weekend house guests were Mus. William Cul- ]en and son Mr. Jim Culien of Walter's Falls and Mrs. Norman Willson of Toronto Mir. and Mrs. K. Clark vis-ý ited his father. Mr. Fred Clark in Oshawva General Hos- pital. Little Susan Clark re- turned home froni hospital iast Friday. Mu. and MnIr. Lloyd McCoy and children, Scarborough: 1Mr. and Mrs N. Cox, Stouff- ville, xisited their mother, .Mrs. Percy McCoy. Janîre ,ýTaylor spcni. ilîç 'weekend with Mr and Mrs% Don Real. Greenhank. Congratulations to Mr. Anr. MsGerald Taylor nee Bar- bara Phillips, who were rnar- ried at her home Frîday night. Oct. 25. Sorrx-Io rcport Murs. W. Milleeu s uînder thfe Doçtor's caî-c. Wr hope shie*ll soon h,~ feeling better. esda Puiblic Sc!iuol teacher. >pent the w-ekcnd at ihc- home at Warkwouth. 11u. and Mus. Jamnes Hegan of Bangor, Northern lreland. -pent 2 weeks with his sister. lrs. Edith N'ui-pli\ and re- Îativcs uetuurning home lasi .vee k. Mr- Alfred Knowiton re- furrned home last Thursdav fromi the Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp vis- lied Mu. and Mus. Gordonk ilapp and farnily, Belleville, ThcY alsn called a. the Grant ruineral Home Io pav their- espect tn the fate Mrs. Ever- ett Bowers. Mr. Jack Stewart. Wendt- bhee. Washington State, Mu. Charles Brown, Peterborough, vere Wednesday guests of Mus. Florence Scott and Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowmanville Congratulations tb Muand 'lis. Stanley Hall. who will -elebuate their lSth xvedding nniversar-,. Thursday, Oct. 3. On Sunday, a surprise arty was held at the home f MIr. and Mus. H. Hall when )ver 40 relatives attended. Mus. N. C Wotten. Solina, vas Monday v vsitor of Mus. IV Rahrn. Mr. and Mus. Geouge AI[- iread wveue recent visitons of [r. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs G. Alldread veue Sunday visitors of Mu. ind Mus. David Alldreadi ow ma nville. Mr. and Mus .LýA Rose- euattended Walkerton Fair -l TtîurAtduv ai cd sta'-ed.r .~ifflgî \k1htlnnn so1 ii -Air M and NMrs; Làru Zosevear. Theý aiso called on, riends at Owen Sound. I MI 1 ,! cared for b-v à Cemeter' ýoad o Trstés.HAMPTON Mother and Daughter Banquet A Buownie*s Mother ai-d The Sunday' mouning ser- Daughter Banquet wua held in vice was at the regular time S*. Pauls Parish Hall on Fui- with Reverend Percy Page dav night. The best ail-round leading the scipture lesson. Brownie, Marlene Smith was Mrs. Pearl Prior spoke of ber asked to ceut lhe birthdav cake expériences overseas w,%ith Ularking *the Anniversarv undeunourished children. iof the First Bethan-v Brownie The Hampton Little Fumends Pack. Messengers meet every Wed- Addiuional awvauds iric.luded:'rnesday at 2:45 p.m. and the Fnst Yean Service Stars *:o Sunieam Messengers on Wed- J.idv LYni Siss-on. Catheritif nesdays at 4:00 p.m. Speller. Mai-lene Smith. Juiiw Unless changes are made. Nlastcr.,Jill Wood. Maux- Pa tins w-ut be the regulax- bour 1Br-adley, NancY Br-adley. Mar - fou cbuch: 10:4,5 arn.: Sunday i:ie Lachapelle and Ann White School 12:00 noon. Dut to the Golden Bars were also pI-e- Harvest Home Service next sented to Marlene Smith. June week at 2:30 pr.. the Sunday \lasters. MarY Pat Bradley. School will be at 10:30 ar. Nanes- Bradle *v, JîlI Wood and Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Caver- Mamnie Lachapelle. Iv and children, Oshawa. were Aftc- atoat toTheQuc:^ aturday visitors at Mu. and and to The Churchies of Beth- 'vîI-sKenCvry anv. a filmn %as shown ealled -en'ave'« the Guide Log". Mu. and Mis. Allait Lund- Tliuee amusink plaYs we:-e ia in, Toron to, and Mr. and oerfoi-rned bv tire Brownies Murs.- Elmeu Hawes. Whitby. rnndei- the guiidance or Brow-n Nvheue Saturday evening visit- 0\-t Mus. R. C. Rose aund ors at Mu. and Mus. Ron Tawnx- 0w] Mrs. Wallv Reid.-LUkes. Brown Owl announced a Mis. Cheryl Gibsomi. OsIv forthcomuîîg eni-olînient for awa. xvas a Sunday caller at Debbie Marrichenko. R ti t h bei- sisteis, Mus. Ronald Luke. Palmer anîd Veuonica Peuuy ,, Mrs. C. Fouind, Cour-tice.' xxhui ai-e 11(w'Queeniies". 'A-. E-aîvcy Balson, Beveuly Anong il'( gue-sts at bbc and Betts -, Oshawa. wene ue- licani table \ei-e Re,\,. R. Cý cenit isitors of Mis. S. Bal- Rose. Jles Ro)se, Ann Roze ,ou. alnrf Wall,,- N . it s. flax moud ciFarIou, ai- The Buowynie Mortiel-s peer: ciîded the- Diamiond Anni- ed Io discontiraue rga-:VersarY celebration of Mu mnonthl 'v meetings but to leind!and Mî-s. Chas. Grills, Comum- a hand whenever Brown 0w! lbus, a w*eek ago Sunday. ýends out a cal] for~ help, Mr.ý M. and Mus. Raymiond Fat- Lloyvd Aigue agi-eed to assisf Xvii ontacting Mothens bv i o and family were Stinday eeiponle wheni necessarv and evening suppeu guests of Mus 'NIr. D\,i Maý;tvj (0nM. Ross, Brookliri. Mus.Davd Maters wil cf- Mx'. and Mrs. Bill Hatuso and Kinm, Port Perry. weue j Sunday guesis of Mr. and BASE LINE Mrs. Gilber-t Adcock. Oshawa, xveue Satuuday guests Mr. Ai thuri- Gibsonl is irýai of Mu. and Mus. A. Caruîck. '119g weeks bolidlays an3ld:Mr- and Mis. Beverage and 1we and Mirs. Gibson aue \isit- îamiy, Toronto, were Sun- irig their daîîghteu Mi., anId a guýta he o f Mus. Atui- BuIshel 1 a:ndda gess ttehoe f amuI, Niagara Falls. _Mu. and Mus. Alex Caricks., Mu5. Clifford Wilson. n/ - Mr. Gord Stevens. Ennis- K. C Hlopkinîs and Mr,. À,killen, Mu. and Mis. Elmer Bauners atieîîded tIhe Tea andi Boyd. Piuckering, wcre r- Bazda- il) St. John's Pansu; cent guesîs of Mu. and Mus.' fiaI] o1, Satuday atteuuooîn. Bert Stevens. Mr Jack Woodward enteu- Mu ,and Mis. RuýisiYoung rd bis Pinto in a race ai i-ai- and Murs. Robert Younîg. Osh- ltoi duing tis past veek.- awa were Sunda-Y visitous at elid and, vas the wiune:- of Mr. and Mis. Earl Luke's. A WING ROASTS s ROUND OR Roasts I 7çi Tender Delicious, Easy to Carve, Full Cut Rump Roasts 77llb CUSTOM CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER RED BRAND, HIND QUARTERS AM BEEF- * Deep Cut Specials * T Gt.69 ,,k-69 * Fresh Produce Specials* FLORIDA GROWN - SIZE 96 No. 1 MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 8 for55, FIRM, GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 400 7 ONTARIO GROWN - JUMBO - CRISP CELERY 2 Ige bunches 3 FOR CAR OWNERS GENUINE PRESTONE ANTIFREEZE GAL. 2.,35 effective in Bowmanville until closing time, Saturday, November 2nd, 1963, 6 p.m. I / I a 24. oz. Tini 49C 64 oz. Tin $1.09 - --------,--. - - -. - I STEER 18c OFF - DETERGEN TID1E HILLTOP BLACK Pkg. Tea B f9s 5 9c Tomato jTin Tomto uice £ CLARK'S BRAND TOMATO SOUp Only at Dominion - DOMINO LUQUID DETERGENT 12 oz. Tin 4for $1 .00 32oz. Tini 59C DOLE BRAND 15 ozTi p 0 Crushed or dh it Puneapp xe2 WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE PINK- YELLOW.- AQUA - WHITE 22 roll pkgs. 47C Free Parking Ail merchandise sold et your Dominion Store .imited is uncondition. lly guaranteed tb give III)% csatisfaction. C ' FREE RD &C% 9f ày 7*"& YOU kýd irlà%MINION 1 1 SUPER GOVERNMENT INSPE(TED AND GRADED BEEF Dominion Steaks are trrnmed so they corne to the table tender and delicious with waste fat and OR SIRLOIN T. -BONE

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