18 The Canadfan Stateqinnn, Iownville, Oct. M, 1993 Jetter to the &/ -tor 142 Ontario St., driveway approach on Ontario Bowmanville, Ont., St. would be fixed. The rea-, October 28, 1963. son they were flot done while. Dear Sirs: repaving the street, was be- At te lst eetng f Cun-cause the large roller had been cil. toe lCimtinghadfreaon-rented, and thev wanted to cilsomecitien hd resonfinish with it as soon as pos- Io make a few remarks about sible. Approximately three my diriveway. 1 shaîl set him weeks after this conversation,, and the record stuaight. 1 again contacted Mr. Stewartr About two years ago thiswh todm tto ory drveaywa aphalted out <bey would be duwn to fix the to and -evel with Ontario ' St., at my own expense. Theapoah Town of Bowmanville ths, ApproximatelY three weeks year decided to repave Ontario! jater, the Wouks Dept. xveri St.. with the resuit niy drive- working on the East side of way is six to eight inches Ontario St.. layin.g a cold mix ]ower <han the road. Approx-!sidewalk. .1 again phooed Mr. imately two weeks after the Stewart re mn 'v approach. He, lepaving job, 1 asked court- said he would corne right' rillor Hooper when the Works, down and look it over. Dept. were going to fix the j Two days later, the Works. approach to my driv- he Dept. xvouked un tlie appuoach did not know-and advised me < o my dri ve. 1 <lien called' to phone Mu. Stewart. Councillor Nicliols to come 1 contacted Mu. Stewart, iand see the job, as I arn nut who assured me that every!satisfied. Councillor Nichols aid Mr. 'Stewart came <o niy place one 0" ýSunday afterîîoon. Before he el left, M'r. Stewart had autlior- ization froni Councillor Nich- o ls to do the job over. This -is where the inatter stands 623- 3303 as o! ow fer In conclusion, IT wuuld sav fer tbat when the Town does re- Paving, theY are responsible! S y Ctaxpayer <o. As for citizen SERVICE !Knapp, let hîrn look after lis ýjunk yard. That is bis busi- ne.Ss This drivexv is ni'. business, and I shal1lo after it. rRespectfLI VLy yous, _____A. C.Paynîe. Me mbers of Hole-In-One Club Tliese Ilire tiiembe-rs ofthie most ex<clusiv'e club ini the world, the golfing 'Ho<~-n-Oe"Club, wn'îe honiored at thle elusi ng banquet anîd danîce at South- \'iew Countrx' Clu!b on Sat ui'da v. Each lîad scored one of tie r'aî'ities since the club begani sex'eril v ars a.go anîd thev, receix'ed small trophIes to mark thie feat. Thev a!re, frorn left lu rit: Bill Clark Sr., Helen Gilhoolv arnd AI Rundle. Two ther mnembeus of <hie club, Lois C atir-an and Bill Clarke Jrt. wet'e fot preserît w'heri photo was laken. ENNISKILLEN .4o BE ON THE TEAM TO SAVE A LIFE DONOIRS URGENTLY NEEDED Please plan to attend Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 1.30 t> 4:30 and 6:30 to 9:00 LIONS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE For free transportation cali 6233-583 or 62:1-9010 on the day of clinic IVIceda'ven ii, October 2 21 st. wva s th e oica siîoîi \vwlîeii two younlg ladies wcee hou- onud 1' tieîîds, ipi0ighboi-s and relatives. wl-no gatlicucd ut Ille Communjîx- Hall. miss Pli ,vîlis I iowells a bnide- (fectn of this munit h anîd Mn-s. Joluîî Bel le ( nîeMary vG nîîfîî in) în was necently marriecl weno the guests-of-lioîourui' Mu. E. 'Wright was thie capable MC. aod hati nany xvittv aiiuc- Idotes in ii lus iaii'oianii's ro' rnarks. "lic prograni i ncludedt txvoiurnorous neadliii nis h1- MVesdamnes R. Sharp aid 1". ghi-It. Miss SheivI Ashîtuiiî sang a delightfu I solo auconî- panied hy Mr. Rav Ashîtonî. Misses ShirleY Aeu' and MVacieell MeNair pla ved lix, pianon duets. Sonie pleasitiu, iarnioii'v and t'onîedYvxvas pro- x'ided ini a xocal duel bi Miss,- es Katlîuxn Sleinoiî aid Mairv Yen, Viti] Miss, MairveI(M:- ,Nain' as pianist. MViss Maur-' eeîî McNa n aad Mr. Wa vie Beckett escouted Miss h ho'.'.' elîs aîîd Mn. G. Bernient 10 the' stage anîd piinîed on a cor- sage andt boutonînîere. Miss Shirle , vAvei'y ead a couigrat- ulatouv addn'ess cleVe'l y coiun- pose'J in verse and Miss Clîcuvi Roxvan presented Miss Hov -- cIls and lier fianîce wxitli a liest of silx'ern' 'Mounîig Rose" patteni. Mr. and Mus. Belle receiveti a floor lamtî anid mirmon'. Follow iîîg xxoul- of appreciation bh"v lie lion- c,uuod-( guests al joînîed ini tle faimiliair "For "lie ' Are Jollv Gond Flov" A delilu')is lunch vvas served i iciudiig ai-n Pxtra treat b ,v hie parnts of the special guests. The annual special su'uvii'e of Dedication to Mnssion was part of the segulan' Siirda niornniîg chud-n serxvice. '11li Jon' youriger mid-week gunuipo. of the congregation desenibecd somne of the hightights of <hein missnon study pujeuts and presented <hein gr'oups' con- VISIT OUR AQUARIUM DEPARTMENT WI "Fish of the Moth" BRICK RED SWORDTAILS SPECIAL A complete assortment of FISH FOODS AND SUPPLIES JUST ARRIVED! NEW BRASS FURI1ITURE MAGAZINE RACKS --- - FLOWER STANDS END TABLES ------$j1.8 s $3.89 RE CORDII HOLDERS TELEPH ON E STANDS. WALL SHELVES $398 -$3.85 -$4-10 TULIP and IS oOFF DFOI A good assortment to choose from STEDMAN STORES BOWMANVILLE r u1ib"tions 10f<lie M. & M. loî'd i nthli pu Ipit xxas a ne- puos.-En tati ixo fion ccli giunup vi,': foi'.PUMiss Kathu-yii Si(eiiieii; C.G .11'., Miss Shinlex' .Axci'v; B oYs' (;Crou p.,iMn'. Chaius Ashîton: Messonigen-s. Miss Sanîdra Wcn'u-iv. 'Ilieo un t lieso Youig people led ini I lira Inivocation Prayen', n'es- pniîsible r-ead inîg of Psa liii a ni -Bible lessuii. 'l'lie scneta uy of' ech I gouIp, wl-o arýe.Miss~ Laîi-a G(uifiIjn.WMiss BetI', .Janc euu Mi'. Waîîe Bck- (At anîd-Miss Linîda Avxeux'. c"iplaiiied tlie pai-t lcuuîîvd ri thym' ulmission id.N t'on, <bu pasit'on Tlhevtni'suircufin ni vocli giîi.p. IMi%'.David Staiii- t on, Miss Susan Wcari1 M i. Gu'ou<ýo - ouLe bealei', M astet'î C le a i Ashton i pescu ted flhc g if Ioi M. & 'M. tvs oMin.. 1KeifiiNîCl Chaiinîcn nf C. . Coîiîmmin it te e. in'Ross Ashtonii anid M i. Cr-ax on-d closed <lit' cenenionnv xvith a chti ical iiii pn uuve-i'Thie con- giega musoftiîîg was ne- c-iivt'd bv Mu.% Laxvueiice Winnghit aiid Mu-. Robent Sle- Ilioii. 'l'ie' four- guoups anîd t heu' leaclou-s occupîed t<lie Irnoni t pvîvs. lVii's. Wn-iglit anîd Su'1ogiis Mn's, M. Stain- toit led the Su-. Choir ini a pleasiîîg antiieni "'Fait-est Lond Jesîns". Mu. Crýawford's son'- itir xas cuti! led "'l'he Girace of' Gi\iiîg". Fie cxplained oui-* giftS inluLdcd suibs;tnce, time antd talent. 'Fnbe acceptablei by ,Cvod iliese gifs sl-ould be accompaiiied withî love. VJith sceonal iitestit)g stoî'ios, Mu. Cu-axfoid u lat-ifiedti <nhis yoiiig anîd older- audience ton, t hi' nýigliattitude ini giviio. xvhiclî Gîîd desines. Remeniber-<lie UNICEF col- lectioîîcoi l1alloxve'eiî îiglî t. We hope to inake this year's gi bettet- thanever. Th'le IIallowe*ern part'v xvill be in the chinrh basen-nen t, folloxi',- ing <lie canxass of <lie homes. Mus. D.,J. Napici'. Toronto. a was a xveekeoîd guest nf Mu. aiid Mis. O. C. Ashton.1 Muis. Victor Hoeiicit, Mn'. annd Mus. Aîîd v Drozdoxvsk i. Vancouvo' ver-, lest week1 guiests of Mi-. anid iV[n's W, Hiuwells. Muý. and lMus. Ardulie Kemp, Carr-y andc Melody. King~ston; Mu.%maid Mis. Nor-d rlan Moon'e, Tlui-eton, weue vecend guesis nif<lie -o w- 'Il's. These folks aIl attend- l 'd the Bemeiit-Huiwells xved- ý] dinîg at Oslîaw,\a on Satuutda.y C Soruy <o irepIor-t Mu.- V. L loielîs is onîder tl-e doctouýs -a ne. wc xvish hi ni a speedY lu.TVItu Jlii Cav. 'iioio; IMi', j Peter' Gos. Oslexa: Mu. anti "- /lus. Auigus Kiiîg. Little Bn-- g tii., xcn eSuuidav cal luî's et .t C.AxeirYs. Mr. anîd Mrs. Ross Sliono anîd I uîiils w-e c-Soudax xisut- uns a t .Vlý. mid .\ls. Il. SIciii- nous. 'rne. Ir. and \lus IlH.,J."ýI:C.iLl M~. u. ;îud lvii. Raipli \irîtic and AJd v, were Suuîdav diii- ne,' guesi or1 Mu. ailMus. .Ic)e MuGil. Cuîoksx'i île, an(! a 1,,,o alîed oui Mr. and Mus. Harold MucGil 1, Toronto. MnI. anîd Mus. F. A. Weuu v, Ber't coulBetty ..Jane. naid Mus. Granit Wenîi 'v, Scsan arnd Suctt. EniniskilIcc: Dr. and Mus. Clark Wcr, nv d Johnî, Willuîwdale, vere u' in d a s' guestzniof Mr. aid Mis. Allen, Xerry. IV r. a id \(IiMs. Me aurw o od lieilu'd. li, anid Mus. Edg2au Wnigiit Mus. Fi-aitk Spi- 'v' t tenided a laru-ecl gýthî- i" a, flan'iîoli vUliîecdii mll(Il hon- Rex. and Mis.lJoh lîî ts- kmn of Toronito, xxviii> ane i axing foru Newv Zoaiaud as M siona rues. Mur. and li-u. DoujaIld La mb anîd <amiuiv. Ha il ibchot, xere vîilors ai Mu. anud lMus. I,. Lanîb's, Stua- If anivone xx its UNICEF boxes please contact Mus ---. Alan Werv on' Mis. K. Mc- GilI. Mr. nad lt/ts. Iboi'niauillaass, Ronii%- anît Nancy'. veue Sun- day guests ou IK. McGull's. Mu. anîd Ms AiiauiMartin anid faniîil, Mu. and Mî's. Cari PBrînt and farnils' Boxx'ran- xiilu rxeSîia vstors ai ur nBrunt<s. Mr.Fuaink Spu i. Boulivs-1 tcr. N.Y., is vi5itiiig vwith Mr. an~d IMus. E. Wuiglit. Mu. and AMus. Hlauold Ash- ton and Douglas, sperît Sun- dax' with Mu. and Mus. W. J. Buagg. proxidence. MI'. and Mirs. A. L. Weauîi aid SUsan xwere tea guests of iMu. and Mis. E. Ilaruis. AI- mouds. and id tn.ilded annii- versarv seri'VCes. MVr. anîd M's~ Artullr'T'ain- bli vin. Cambrab*av, w'ere receit visiton's at R. J. OumistoniS. Mus. W. C. Muura v, Tor- onito, is speiiding a few days xvitlî R. J. Ormistoi's. Mu. anîd Mus. Leonard Stain- toit and Cail.xveue Suiiday N'îsît) OfniM r, anid Mus. R. 1-liipe. Princue Albert. MI'r. anîd Mus. Joe Duowv, 1laniiptn, wxxui-cSatuurda,\, eic- iiîgý callers an. S. Lanib's. .VIu. and Mis. Wallace Grif- fin, I bathlieuand Dale, weîe SUuida 'v <ca gnests of Mus. N. CoI(l ltt, Bowm-nanîvil le. Mr'. aînd Mus. Jeffe Dernara, Mu. aid Mis. Adam Sharup wei'e couvirs at Mu. aîîd Muýs. A. Bruîtt 's. Mi-S.1F. spi'v, Roclioster. N.Y., Mu. aid Mus. E. Wright anîd Betty were Sundav tea giiests of Mu. aîîd Mis. Jii Mul lei', Oslîaxxa. Mu. anîd Mus. -John Belle. Oshaw'.a, xweeSnîdav tea guitS at R. Gluiffinis. Mr. aîîd lVts. Authur Stain- ton, Mus. Ross Lee, Mu. anîd MuIs. Allait Werr ' attenîded weddîîîgicelebuation in Tor'- onito of Mir. and Mus. Janies Gladxx cl. Mu. anîd I\Is. Arthur' Jack- sou aind Staniley, Marklian, tvoi'e Siînday 'YLieStS of R. J. Drmîstuîî. Miss Reta Dicke ' yand bru- ther Allait of IHampton were guests of Mu. anîd Mu-S. Loune Lamiib. Mu. aîîd Mus. Jamies Rob- i nsiso, lizabetlivil le: Mu-S. Russell Robinison, Pont Hope. weru' with Mu. and Mus. A. Brunt. Mu. anîd Mus. Pat Tuesise, Oshaw~a, \vvue Suiida «v calleus at N. E. Wright's. Mi-S. T. Ex'anîs. London, Englaid: Mus. Authur' Stain- oti, Mis Ross Lee, xveue re- cenît alternon tea guests of VIns. Allait Wen'u. M s. W. C. Mur'îa -v. Toronito; M"l. iîîîd Mus. R. ,J. Ouniiston, W'î'u' Smîida.v tua guests of VMn. aîid IVîs. L. Ashtonî, Hay- M.'r. anîd Mis. Ed. Cox. Is- inîgtoîî: Mus. Lil1v Brown- rid.go, Toronîto, weue Suindav houner gues-;ts of E. Tnewin's, M.dî aiid l\luý.Fred Tuexvin, Lloydlaîîd Faule, Blackstock, WCre SUnda 'v supprn' "uests nf Mr. aîîd Mus. Eaul Tut win. Mi'. aîîd Mus. Norman Scott, Jimis'aîd Tommy, Newtonî- ville. xvcre Suiidav dinnier nijesiý of i- . and Mus. o. ?J.Robot. Octzel. Ainliost. )lîio, Mrn. C. Buuduc, Nouwa 1k. )ilio. and Mr. B. Mueusuli- 'eideu. Fishîî"x'lle. Onît., xveut' i.Siions x\i tiiMu. aund Mus. A. t'ai boîtir laut xvî'k. NI'.Eu îl'lT'xoiî, Drii . nid Doniald. Mus. Fuocn"uis nid Mus. Lloyd Selmoîî at- endei t he fortiet h wedd iii-s nnîvî'usau.v paî'ty torMr. nd Mus. Loi-ne Dtîff, Port Mr's E. Driîklc. Nir.lb' îiil Oshaxwa. xvere Suni- lax ' v isitors of Mr. anîd Mus. Lcadbeatvr and boys. Credit Union Looking for New Members 'Tle Oronio D istictun Cred it Uniion fieldti teir nîmuuuhl v iocctuu-ng 'iuesda.v, Oulobeu 22, xvth èagond a ecuice nf of- ficeus eand directini preseiit. Aler geneual busîiies. xx'us completed h. le uni iidiscu.-- sio cein.ued auouiîd xvays of iîcreasinîg rmenibersiuip b ' somne foi-ni of advennising, vampaigul. Holding a banque', fou- <hoanniual mîeeting in- slead of a pot luck supper aiso is being consideucd. The Publicit y anîd EdLica- lion Committee xxill uieet <hi.s week 'o consider Cuouliiuiujn2 nhecepun.jecîý. Monmbersh;p >taiad.;;aIi 45 Fiinds fou boans readi1v avail- a b.1e. TELIZABETH VILLE Our annual Fali Annix c'- sary Services weue held ves- terday. In the morning thle guest soloist was Mr. Lar;- N Hall along with oUr 0oxx n choir. Rev. Wright helped Iwith the services. but Rev. E, Udeil of Niagara Falls w as our guest speaker, ln the morning he spoke on thjý ýChristian Cure for V.orruv. Mur. Hall sana *The Good Slie'- herd" and "Bless This Houise. The floral contributions %we,-e beautiful, two baskets ini mernory of the late Mu. Mar>h whose funeral xvas at Canton recentl *v, and local fioweu. In the evening Rex'. Ude!l spoke on *'The Taste Tes"', two excellent sermons. The Plainville choir gave uis sev- eral fine antherrs. A fine crowd attended. Mu. and Mrs. Quantuili and familv visited %vith MrI~. and: Mrs. Holden, Guelph, recettlv Mrs. Geo. McGahiev is not, so well. She is still in Pete,'- borough Hospital. Mu. Cia:'- stop.doa. enre Ilarkwell. Manitoba. Ix, spepding a few davs visiting with friends and a-iso visited Mrs. ýMcGahev. He hias been iii since arriv-ing. We hope iîe1 is soon better. Mrs. Sarm Moore and bab., Donna. Toronto, are spendin'g a week with hieu parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thickson. Miss Bervi Thickson, Oshawa, brougât lieu down,,, on Saturdav. Mrs. Violet Walters. spent a9 wveek visiting friends in Oshi-1 awa Mr. Ernie and Ron Yarrow.ý Oshawa, were at Fowler's Little Ravmnond Fowier lias the nicasies. Mu. and Mus. Milford White aztended a weddiîîg dovw.r near1 Cobourg on Saturdax'. Mu. and Mrs. K. 'Longx'ear were charivarjed on SatuÎrdax,', nigcht. A wild affair so 1 hear.1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, M,-s.' Elliott and Miss White. Osh-t awa, with Mr. and Mus. Qulan- tril, Sunda v. Mu. Jackson Peacock weitc home Saturdax'. and Mus Walker and Dax'e returned honie fuoni Kapuskasing. Shop.a STARKVILLrL Mr. and Mrs. George Mor- ton, Orono, at Mr. Arthur Mc- Kayv s. MrT. AUf Grahani. Toronto, visited at Mr. Llew Hallo- well's. Mu. and Mrs. Carl Todd in Newvcastle, Sundav and attend- cd the Anniversarv Service t Mrlieue.Godo alo M. an MouFst, oudo.i Halo- lvll Maont ors<,a r.M m r Lloyd arroenlC'soni.W el us.awarrt en arnd isiiWek Mus. Burton MacNcill anîd 5so. For ilie Mu. and Mrs. Clifford Reid '21-27 iniclus, and famiiv, Bowmanville. at Mu. Hierb Reid's. Adnmissions Somne from <lus vicinîity at- Births, 4 ma tended the Anniveusauz* v5cr- Dîschauges vice at Kendal, SundaV. Major' opera! Miss Norma Hallowell Tor- Mli,,o, opera onto, spent the wveekend at niuenx heu homneEirec Starkville ladies held a Visitiig I lurday recning. If %vas wefl attended and the iadiqsk were greatly plcased with tie sue- cess of their efforts. M r. Earn WalkEv. Newtonville, d re xv the tickets for the many ar- ticles. Lunch xas served ilv the ladies. Mr. and Mus-. Stan FaJ Larry and Lorraine. Tre' were SundaY guests with., r and Mrs. Orme Falls. penny sale at <lie sclionl San.- aid 7 e. .~LKE ai HosF SRepori xv eek aIe, 6 femal( rations ...... trcatmonts hours 3 - 4 p. o! C pital tt )ctober 89 .... 2 SOCKS BOYS' SWEATERS and w'nnl socks, beige High hulk orlon cardigans and 3-button neck polo ghirt 6 to 9.puilovers. Sizes 28 to 34 in green, beige, blue or black DUHING End-of-month THURS. OCT. 31 TO SAT. NOV. 2 ve..at m.~- J i i 'N D , OniC 'l Plsesey .I DJe g e I. R ed fo 10) tu) 18. A eularS59Ze fo i at S8. ' 0 ( b T O ci lIAS Regujln 8.u 'VISCOS ,i dsgninnOS<'N ÎOLttElrARn--- ied heck dand nd4 9"i ' o (!LE,, 29 Dinne ades $ 4 n-R29 eonnd beige si tu.uR $13.ia~, origineght, OPP, investigated. Ct4UIe I LIIAS ton, a brother of th dece colti tionSlif or, evcry. rium in Toronto. Mr. Ma~ G;reil P l'id d"i3. 'l'O's Mapp's car, Larry Davis, day w ar. 0riginally ed back in the accident. To ai, and was discharged fo B rolk en S I e t a i Si '9 an dn< f br c jEW 111R inan ineuding rrilS5 ir Boxed e welerY ~an rieg setS, ,arrifl set".,ncIC po8d arld C ver Set o i iro1nd "ovboard andece Silcon ~ l.59.cseiner owner of Brookdale- a purcaserman J. Scott, now of Vb ,foHe and an ex-Oshawa gui have purchased a long-- in Blanket ri in <Toronto and lan~, Woo 6 VICOe Of .1;1n @iid fig a ~ ~ ~ ~'rot.aranteedanudco .a COI 0'b e nd ,,brînk h. Min Cg1aiflSî d tin. k eSistant. P rie s xgr. and 45 t' d-aIn.a % VC 88 $3 Dourle bed Ir Grou»'$-8Id$. TocLe.AR aî $ 0 Esg. 8 pr t lef ablectoths TB0 C, A i)1 )entablecloî< n-o JU~S'S n. in apU i, ie V ] li kd ohi .(, $1.9 'n Îd Seaiu ro ia r <'jk rg fli cou, IZAU DEIX'EMliii Il jpX! lut CHILDREN'S Famous "Cherub" make cotton or grev wnthststnipsp digtnp. si;.98 Formenrly .59. '0 'l'O C It J39C1 '.uL,,IAL iRip.umlaly >'! $3-99 INFANTS' ANKLETS BOYS' POLO SHIRTS 50170 kroy wool and 50%ý nylon for extra 1wear, colors B.a,àon 3-button neck polo shirts wzth short sleeve. of maize, turquoise. red, pink, or bine, in Solid colors In %mali, mediumniand large.CA sizes 4 «i 61'.. i)rmt-rlN- 49)0(-, l'O Ait J 3 C Origmnaliy $3.98. TO (I EAR $ .4 I t pays to shop at 5 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE j- p ~ a a 1 M M 29C