ROWE - ALLDREAD On Friday evening, August 30, 1963, at 7 o'clock, St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, was the setting for the marriage of Gladys Marie Id in s 4QAlldread, daugliter cf Mr. and Mrs. John Alldread, New- castle, and Mr. Brian Allin Rowe, son cf Mr. and Mes. Allin Rowe, also cf New-, castie. For the occasion the' church was tastefully decor-î ated with bouquets cf pink' * gladioli and white 'mumis. 1 SRev. D. R. Dewdney of fie-i iated and thc wedding music, cfwas played by Mrs. D. Gar- ,EAVER ILillian Leaver, deughter o rod. dorned St. Mr. and Mrs. Edward George The bride, who was given hurchi, Bow- Leaver Sr., R.R. 1, Bowimen- in marriage by bier father,i Gereldine vilie, and Mr. Eric Thomas wore a street-lcngth gown cf Cornish were united in mar- white lace and orgenza over rig nSatr afternoon, taffeta with fitted bodice and' *~The bridegrooem is the son cf circuler necklinc was fash-ý i'> .Mr. and Mrs. John Wilfrcd ioncd with a lace yoke, and Cornish cf Oshawa. . the bride worc a crystal neck-, i Rev. K. J. Frampton was lace. Her waist lcngth veil the officiating clergyman and xvas caught te a small crown the wcdding music ovsply f pearîs, and she carried a, * I cd by organist Mr. K. Evans csaebuutc c oe * . and wvhite carnations. io f Bowmanville. Mrs. Marilyn MisJcqlne Adra !'Porter, Wbitby, was the solo- MisJculn lde ý * ist wes lber sister's attendent in a street-lengtb pink chiffon' Given in marriage by hier: frock with a sweep cf un- des father the bride wore a full pressed pleats giving fullness' Slengtb gown cf white peau de te the bouffant skirt. She soie, with embroidered ap- wore a matcbmng pink feather- Y ~ jpliques of Alencen lace adorn- cd whimsy beaddress with ing the scoop neckline. Sim- veiling and carried a nosegay! iler lace appliques highligbted cf white and yellow 'mumis.' the fully bouffant skirt and Mr. Verne Rowe xvas best ft the long lily-pointed sleeves. man for bis brother, and M. VA Her veil cf tulle illusion -%vas Glenn Rowc, another brother: bheid by a crown cf seed pearls cf tbe groom, wes usher. and petals, and she carried a: A reception fellowed et flie cascade bouquet cf red car-, Elmliurst Hotel, Newcastle, nations and stephenotis, cen- wbereteroms mohr CI tred with a white orchid. -reie the goos moearg igoid Miss Lynne Raîston cf a pastel blue taffeta dress Toronto, a cousin cf the bride,, with box pleated skirt, pink LJ .95 i was maid cf lionor and flic accessories and corsage of' 7bridesmeids were Miss Karlyn1 pink roscbuds. I McDonald, Miss Helen Allun,' Before lcaving for tbeiri Iboth cf Bowmanville, and Mrs. honcymoon in Niagara Falîs,ý Robert Tbompson cf Wbitby., the bride donned a gold,1 Tliey were in identical frocks: double knit suit witb white' .of ced peau ce soie fashioned'accessories and corsage cf yel-, with scoop necklines, and the low and white 'munis. Their street length bell-shapcd skirts. home will be on Sunset Blvd., -were gatbered et the waist Newcastle. with a bow. Their wedding The bride is employed et 'ban headreses wre cf Cucv Ply, Orono, and attend- matching red peau de soie, cd Newcastle Schools. Anr edtheir cascade bouquets employee cf Gencral Metors,' r ~were cf white shasta daisies. Oshawa, the groom nttended Mr Allen Bryens cf sa'ectl and Bowmanvilleý Iwv was best man, and tli' sehools oesweehl j ushers were the bride's eldest. Sevee bwr eehl brother, Mr. Edward Leaver cf in honor cf the bride prier *-Bowmanville, Mr. G er alid te lier marriage. A commun- Huckstep and Mr. Gordon'itv sbower was held at New- STcmpkins, a cousin of the castie Community Hall and bride, botb cf Torante. was given by Diane Peerce,: t.J t 1fh,. O ±l J± W Teardrop case g!eams wItlte Te ptin ashaelet ipsn.aira ac on golden colors of a rainbow%. An ex. ITe ee teun an eda u Msn quisite example of the high-fasiîion te Flying IuinuaMtor A miscellaneous shower: "Suniburt" lioo ... at a low price! ýHotel xvbere tlic guests werc wes held by Denise Annenît 17 lewels. $495 reeeived by the brides nitb- Greta Selîs and Annie De White, white, white is the color this e wbo wore a beige crepe Block at the home cf Denise Iummer .. . and what sets it afire is the shal rsmthn t- Annienet. Orono. Thebrd lulova Sunburst's summer sympluony of ered lint, beige gloves, dnrk and gro om were p rcsented %olds. hmmrn elusive bise, pink, bruwn shoes and a corsage cf thaocsinlhirfm gn, -Yellow tones as soit as the sum- gold roses. She xvas nssisted the family et a presentation « mer breeze. Its the important accensory by the groom's mnother whopryhl ttehm fMs At work and at play. A must for the Tdress witb dustyNrosesflat batan corsage cf white car-,itamoe gftro bs Cornein od se natonshockey club and friends. Our complete selection As the happy couple Icft on Of Bulova .Sunburst watches. their wedding trip te, Westerný points, the bride wearing a BEMENT - HOWELLS , S navy blue boucle suit witb navy satin trim on the jacket, Standards of red and whîteý M A R R Y rosberr feateredhatnavycarnations formed aný JEWELLERY & GIFT Snop accessories and wvhite occhiditive setting in Albert St. Uni',-" corsages. They will be cesidiýed Church, Oshawa, an Satur- King St. W. et the Regency TowersIdyatmon coe 6h ______________ __________ f '1963, et 4 o'clock, for the mer-: _____Osbaa - age of Phyllis Lucille How-! eils, dnughter cf Mr. and Mes. i W. C. Howells, RR. 2, Bueke-ý ton, and Me. George Charlcsý Gardon Bernent. The bride- LAST 3 DAYS!groom is the son cf Mes. Rose LAS 3 DA SIBernent, VancouverBC. n f rRev. A. Leeke officiated,an wedding music, Given in merriage by hec father, the bride wore a white, 0floor-iength gown. The fitted bodice w-as cf lace over satin C D ~ ,the bell-sbaped, velvet skirt S P EC IA LS ~ was designcd with a bref,' sntin-lined chapel train. Her FAMOUS KROEHLER .f ingertip tulle x'eil feil fram aa mother-of-peeri tiare, and she'. TW O PIE-Eficarried a bascade bouquet of *VWW ~ ~ h ed roses. ITE j Mss Betty Stevenson, Tac- enta, was meid cf bonor and LIVIN ROO SUIE iýthe bri*dcsmaids were Misses iSue Robertson, Heather Bis- Designed te keep its fresh beauty for years. , sonette and Donna Maybee, a Famos Koeher uaîty onsrucionin Very !cousin cf the bride, al cf. deanouWidrehoice cf dyconatruconorsinlongToronte. They were in street-1 detal. ide hoie o decratr clorsin ong length, rcd velvet witb scoop' n wearing fabrics. Kroehler comfort is superb with 'necklines nnd below-the-elbow FK soft foamn cushions, and * sleeves. Small satin bows ne- C reversible, cf course. cented the bell skrts. and S KREHE SE$A 6007i7their shoes wvere of matching- KROELER PECAL ------ 2 9 cd satin. Thcy wore caronents of peau de soie and net in t Ofs Also available in two and four cushion models. C." I You wiiI receive this beautifulga Ofly 20-piece set cf ti<' DURABLE MELMAC cet 9~for oniy 99e with the purchase of jc SKroehier furniture over $99.00. bri f 9i set per customer. t 7 J .Ho OTHER KROEHLER FURNITUREI AT SPECIAL PRICES ISIC Fo.A. KRAMP FURNITURE Ltd. 3 FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITLTRE 37 7-41 King St. E. Bowmanville i........ qit andeiooru u*( Ij ,ý -A Setting was St. John's Anglican Church , MASON - CHESTER [The Canadi The Pcesbyterian Cburcb, Besking Ridge, New Jersey, lwas the sctting, Snturday, Sr.c- tober 5, 1963, for the marriage cf Miss Patricia Athens Cbest- i l ,an Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Oct. 30, 1983 'itizens Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheppard house; 1 want It renioved." and family wvere Sunday cal!-i w. . ~~~~~~~ers at the W. Pascoe home. Seif Itogtyumn Mrs. B. Blackburn, Ux-' Mr. and Mrs. Erie Thomas Cornish, shoxvn above, were caught ini a bigws 1udydinritr tc aeofteda hpyps ythe photographer followifig their marriage in St. John's Anglican getwt r n r.C . happlpos1byBowman and Roland. Church, Bowrnanville, on Saturday afLernoon, October 5, 1963, at 3 o'clock. ' r rc dmMs l Rev. Jones: "'We do. But Formerlr Geraldine Lillian Leaver. .he bride is the daughter of Mr. anmd Mrs.. anne Hailman, Bowmanvillers wgeintuhwhte Edward'George Leaver, Sr., R.R. i, Bow~manville, and the groom is the son of iMiss Bey Sutton were Sundayjisegtintuhwt h Mr. and Mrs. John Wilfred Cornish of Oshawa. dinneî' gucsts with Mr. and'relatives." Mrs. Les Cochrane and farniiy.!E.Lsi I ~.......Mr. and r.W hie M arie i M pl G ov UitedLJr and femilv were Sunday ev-l CLOTHES CR IT M arid in M pe ~ uv nîeu U urh ening dinner guests with Mr. There is nothlng cheaper thanth o fhaig ou ily. 'drycleaner who wvill give them original freshness at a fraction Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and Donald were recpnt guestsofterrinacst 1with Mr. and Mrs. Radbourne, Toronto. RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC Mrs. Rus.sel Best and Mrs. Lions Centre Wednesday, Nov. 6th George Carson, Orono, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman. 1 The Young People's Cless 6-N05W. A. s and their teacher, Mrs. R. B. .o *Simpson, attended a yuh *rally o World Missions Sun-- day evening at Northminster *Church, Oshawe. A film en- *titled "The Uncommitted" was' E U T L shown, compairing the dedi F R H BRS cated youth of other countries who are committed te a cause' 47 King St. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 iwith the supposedly dedxcated FE OEDLVR Christians on this continent.' ___________________________ The guest speaker was Rev. I Dr. Kenneth Prior, an agri- E K N SE I culturel missionery who w îth W E E D SE IL his wife Dr. P. Prior, a medi- LEAN, FRESH, SWEET ~ ~ * cal missionary, spent 30 years f n Africa. Dr. Prior spoke of POBK C Pork But f5 c the necd for dedicated Chris- BU T 1IC PSb tians who are wîlling te give B TSi CH P 7 i itheir lives te this challenging vocation. A qucstion-answer Lean, Fresh Lan, Store Sliced period revealed the interest of IE ekfs Ithe young people, manxr of c whom we hope will accept the PORKAC Nb gi te tbem by Dr. Prier. Sliced or by Piece ~t' The final eccount for eur bazear is in and wc are pleas- Kgcf'mAlICrtigBoosl ed te have a total of $280.00.: Standing Prime White 'EfD Great credit gees te all cf theSlcd M .a1 U.C.W. members. RIB 2-z Mrs. R. Davis and Pat, S- J.00jLove lina, accompanied Mr~. and R A T 5 Mrs. R. B. Simpson and fam- > Oshawa, on Sunday, afterHOE RE ERS CAL which aIl enjoycd lunch at Swift's Tendered Beef the Davis' home._____ FRONTS SIDES HINDS ~~~~ ~~Use MECCA for . . 3 ~4 ~5P Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Norris, shown in the above photo, were Cntan Wappd re riarried on Saturday afternoon, Octob.-r 5, 1963, at 3 o'clock. Formerly Sharon IFCIN '______________________ 1 izabeth Gimblett, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. M1ccà a av Uri e taml Ximblett, NLaple Grove, and the bridegroorn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack *3Mintcienît fr over 60 Years SIE0F P R Norris cf Oshawa.____ ~~~-Photo by Brine puicly beas niinnr woulds.6 0 l. a e a e -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ m-e shade of red. The mnaid du ones deono rarrie snl cý: La te Summer W edding 'ucuîr. BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED matons, rdtse br wie- uy Mecca '71 * ON ALI, FREEZER ORDERS )aids' bouquets were nose- Don't Forget to Pick Up Your ys of red and white cerna-' )115.ANMn z FREE RADIO BINGO CARD Mr. Andy Drozdowski, Van-' uver, B.C., brothier--in-law, er.ia Curhtry tf Mr oNAMt.:~ N Airy road, and John Vernon Mason. Mr. Mason is the son The first Senior Citizen of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arth- meetig of the 1963-64 season ur Mason of Oshawa, Ontario, xvas held at the Lions Centre formerly of Bowmanville. on Tuesday evening, October 8th, with over seventy mem-ý The ceremony was perform. bers present. ced by Rex-. William N. Fel. j meth anid a reception foilowed Mrs. Nancy Masters, Past at the Raritan Valley Country Presiderit of Club 15 (the Club in Somerville. sponsoring group for Senior Give inmariageby erCitizens) opened the meet- Give inmariageby iering, and introduced Mrs. Bar- father the bride had as her bara Passn-ore, the newly bridesmaids ber sister, Miss elected President of Club 15. Sally Chester of Basking Ridge, Mrs. Passmore then took over ,Miss Ingrid Nielson of Plain- a iteso eeois n field, Miss Nancy Current oftas Mit re.ofCavmiets, n ChahamandMis Dantiaand the Bowmanville High Cushman of Palisades Park, Sho adt h uine * Caiforia.Thie band, looking extrcmely Richard Laube of Buffalo, smart in their red and whitei N.Y. served as best man ai-d uniforms delighted everyone1 ushers included James Hawley present with four lively selec- Chester of Basking Ridge, Har- tions. including U.S. Air 'old Reese of Syosett, N.Y.; Force March, Canadian Sun-g Douglas Dewdney, Newcastle, set, Syncopated Clock with1 Ont., and Kenneth Brooks, Ted Bate as soloist on thei Bowmanville, Ont. drums, and finally Five Foot Mrs. Mason, a' graduate of Two, Eyes of Blue. Following Bernards Higli School and St. the mnusic Miss Pat Gi pre- Lawrence University w a s sented each member of the formerly employed by Proctor band to the audience, ending and Gamble in Cincinnati,' an extremely well performed Ohio. Mr. Masoxi is a grad- and thoroughly enjoyable pro- uate of Bowmanville High gramme. School and St. Lawrence Uni- Following _the_ entertain-1 v'ersity. LHe is associated with General Motors of Canada. The couple will make theirj) home in Oshawa. I r~Jy (Jen ENFIELD Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Ebene-, e.Jns Seif hrl zer, was a Sunday guest at the a dcad Jackass in front cf my the groom, wvas best man d the ushers were the ide's brother, LAC Mostyn; owel]s, Zweibrcken, G er-ý any. Mr. Gary AngrovEý, ngstnn, and -Mr. Bryan! ow-ells, Burketon, another ather cf the bride. The reception xvas bcld eit le Memariel Park Club ouse, Bowmnnvillc, where, ýe guests wcrc receivcd by ýe bride's mother wbo wore a ik .1led ti tî ïatching nk boucle cont, brown ae-' ýssries and corsage of p!nk, ses. The groam's mother sisted wearing n three-piecQe Id suit, brown eccessaries id corsage cf yellow roses. As the couple ]eft on their; dding trip, the bride was' 2aring a bâue veivetl, A-line' ess. bluc-Àwhile fox cae,! .ite aceessories and corsage pink rases. They will re-1 le et 615 Wilson Crescent, te Il. Saskatoon, Sask. A registcred nurse, the, ide graduated from Toronto, esteen Hospital in Scpte-.i' rcf this year. Sfic attend- Union Public School and >wmenville High S c h o e 1. îegroom. wbo ettended' tannin Seconda-v Sebool,' icouver. and St. Paul's Col- i yate, Winnipeg. is wvith the va! Canadietn Air Force. Gucsts ettended from Gem- inv, New Brunswick, Vean- ver. Kingstôn. Trenioei. ronto. Bowrnanv*IUe, Burb- %,Enniskillen, Port Credit, dOshawa. MeIr and Mes. Brian Allun Rowe are shown signing the register following their marriage in St. George's AXnglican Church, Newcastle, on Friday evcning, August 30, 1963, at 7 o'c!ock. Formerlv Gladys Marie Alldread, the bride is the daughter cf ',%I. and Mrs. John Alldread, and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mwrs. AMin Rowe, ail of Newcastle. GIRLS' AND LADIES' DRESSES BLOUSES m BLOUSES We are clearing our entire stock of Ladies' Dresses... Wool - Silk - Jersey - Arnel - Mohair - Double Knits AIl Price Drastically Reduced 0 a 0 Ail Styles, Colors and Sizes FULL LINE 0F LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR MULDERS 23 KING ST. E. DOWMANVILLE CORNISH - LI Shasta daises ai John's Anglican Ch- Manville, w h e n BULOI Fashionec ln EuIova Sun SUNBURST H j:1 "lu mmmmi mnent a short business mneet* ing was held. Mrs. D. Armis. tead presented the Secretary's report of summer activities, stating that fiftY-five memberu attended the Cobourg Zone Picn je. Bowmanvjlle Senior Citizens held their annual pic- flic on July 24th at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hendry on King Street. Mrs. Armistead also stated that the recreation centre set up at the Bowman- ville Museum by the Kinsmen Club for use by local Senior Citizens had been well used and greatly appreciated dur- ing the summer. A financial report xvas read by Mr. R. Gilbert, followed by an enjoyable reading en- titled "Our Childhood Home". Mr. M. W. Crook, Senior Citizens President announced that the East Central Zone would be holding a convention at Clarke High School on Nov- ember 211d, and that two or three delegates from the exec- utive would attend. The rernainder of the even- ing wvas spent with card gam- es, and a reading group con- ducted by Mrs. M. E. Leask reading selections from the "Life of Dr. Tom Dooley". Lunch followed and the monthly door prize was won -by- Mr.. Harvey Hardy. c/z ý.ucUe