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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1963, p. 3

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j- IVeccitnq GORDnNl - FLINTOFF Ishaped skirt, self flower heac- an eenig wedin ~!dress and matching veil. Her Maple Grove United Church 'mus. Ma riyJonFtoff bil, 963,I Mer. Ronald Masulka, Osh- MarlynJoa Plntof ecame1 awa, was best mian and the the bride of Gary Allan Gar-I ushers were Mr. Grant Flin don. The bride is the daugh-ftoff, Bowmanvile, and Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. MorleY Larry Fogal, Oshawa. ~Flifltoff of Bowmanvile andý A receptian was held at the tebridegroom is the son of bride's parents home, Kin MrFred Gordon of Nestietonistreet west, Bowmanville. The and the late Mrs. Gordon. 1 bride's mother received ina The Reverend John Romeril beige brocade dress with dank Cf Courtice officiated for the brown accessories and a cor. double ring ceremony, and the sage of bronze chrysanthe- organist was Mrs. William mums. The bridegroom's auni, Laird. Standards of white Mrs. George Walker, Oshawa, mumns formed an attractive assisted wearing a mint green setting for the ceremony. boucle dress, black accessories Given in marniage by her and a gold corsage of chrysan- father, the bride wore a themums. street-length dress of white For their wedding trip to satin brocade with longý Montreal and Ottawa, the leeves and a scalloped neck- ibride danned a two-piece suit Une. A single, white rose held of coral shantung, white hat, ber waistlength veil of tulleiblack accessories and a cor- and she carried a prayer boakIsage of white carnations. with a white orchid and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon will streamers entwined w i t h reside at 604 Athol street east, white carnations. Oshawa. Mrs. Larry Fogal was her Guests were present froir aîster's matran of hanon, wean- Toronto, Oshawa, Nestieton, ing royal blue peau de soie, Bowmanville and M a p 1 e wiîth long sleeves and a bell- Grave. ~~hry Cleaners %C/udcie '<Ma," sald the littie boy, %why are the women ln this OOUntrY alwayms o tlred?" "What makes you ask such It question?" "Well, mont every place we 4'o, 1 e a Place marked -ifl etRo. Ed Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINT: Protect Yourself: Always insist that youn retail store guar- antees garments sold ta you ta be dry-cleanable. TRINITY CHURCH FALL FAIR Friday, Nov. 22nd - 2:30 - 5 I e ty M rie D r a A. a.a On a motion by Mrs. Murphy, The Canadian Statesman, Bowi ~eceriyivirrio Uurn m IsecoM vesediby Mrs. lnom Huhs twas agreed to ask Ccrn teddteAas the Holy Name Society to Hachrane teddtoh etur-n er ~~~~cater for the CWL Christmias day.a edigonStr Readng o Sev nfh ant. Muâphy, seconded by Mr. John Walker, Janet- Mrs. Chisholm, moved that 75 ville, visited with Mr. and ie D y A vent st illadditional cups and saucers Mrs. Les Cochrane oni Sunday. and flat silverware be order- Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott Rusel C.HoeyM.. fr mder nw curh ad oled, and the motion was pass- were recent visitors with Mn. ed. Mrs. Goulah moved that and Mrs. Jim Harris and fani- Duseam oney, Mn.t ore o d e chrchad COka haîf dozen kettles with lids ly, South Monaghan. te orhf Coun tly, t e dous e lege,"M.Hnst ated. be purchased. This was sec- Mn. and Mrs. A. Taylor and i thof e secons receintly ovedillthes ev a e noth ay Advenonded by Mrs. Tom Masterson, girls, Bowmanville, visited Mn. tete secon aing a i tts are kfo throuhoui and it was cannied. Mrs. Chis- and Mrs. D. Prescott. resectngtheCandin U th wrldforthir isionary holm, seconded by Mrs. Payne, On hearing that Mr. and ~ion Conference Corporation of work, not-- only ini spneading moved that two coffee urns Mms. Ross Stevens, Bowman- the Seventh Day Adventists. the gospel, but in the practice eprhsdantemoinvlwr olaeonN . The Bill removes the limita- of medicine, the administra- wbe purocaed an1hem tio hilw to ehiave o Nov tion the powers the cor- t'on and construction of hos- wsaocrne.lth ta sped Chiss Murith poration to hold land. It also pitals, and general assistance Stevens, Missionany Nurse in tenlarges and clarifies the to mankind, both spiritual and Angla Aria, urSuda powers of the corporation in temporal. LSc1L I, ngla, Af nica uSunday S the printing and the distribu- "The Seventh Day Adven- Scolvt1uaiosyt S ~~~~tion of works for religious tist Church is a Protestant Many fnom Enfield atted ed th coenso te education, art, and science. Christian denomination. The ed the Commencement Exer- Clause 4 of the Bill makes movement had its beginning ciscs at Courtice High School 0 ~it dlean that the regulan meet- early in the 19th Century, and an Friday night. Marion Stii- eings of the corporation need the church was officially re- son, Beverley Samis and Allan F T It be held anly once in four cognized in 1860. Today, mem- Gr'iffin received thein Inter- F IT years. Thus the general meet- bers cd this church are found mediate Certificate. D a n n a ing may then be held at the everywhene across our na- Samiùs and Ken Beckim ne- 47 King St. E. QUALI same time as the quadriennial tion, and there are 1,250,000 ceived their Grade 12 diplo FE OI church. Mr. Honey told Parlianrient. nen of twa lovely books for "In the Township of Dar- "Generally speaking this the highest mark in Grade 12 lingtan at the westerly ex- bill is designed ta update the Home Economics last year. STEAKS! STE;i tremity of my riding we are legislation, ta bning it mare Mr-n ns rdSmis, Mr an S. rdS -pleased to have many mcm- into conformity with general visited Mn. and Mrs. Gardoný SWIFT'S TENI bers of this chunch, and in the corponate practice as well as VanCamp, Bowmanville. City of Oshawa, only a block with the curnent requirements Mran s.JW.Bw n, SIL N Mr.andMrs Gay AlanGoron re ictredor two west of the westerly of the corporation, if it is to Mn.r and rieJ.W. BomanJ IRLOI Mr nd rs Gay lla Gado ar pctuedliait of my riding, is located function as efficiently as p ar adEic itdn- T - BONE above as they sign the register foilowing their wedd- the administrative offices of sible fon the chunch which it centywt n n r.Jc ing in Maple Grove United Church on Friday, Octo- the Seventh Day Adventist nepresents in Canada," Mn. Ashworth and family, Rich-' WING Per ber11,193. he ffciaingclrgyanRe. JhnChurch in Canada as well as Honey pointed out. mond ilil. Romeril, is alsa shown in the photo. Formerly Marilyn rMcn. yad onrsissJ. W.LEBowaanS Joan Flintoff, the bride is the daughter of Mr. an d IAIL P anc neon or cen . Tlal n, rMis y- LEN FES Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Bowmanville, and the bride-P a s t Tmln ooto n IE lbc groom is the son of Mr. Fred Gardon, Nestieton, and New R Deipe Cook B*, t' Mon. PORK-JSithan the late Mrs. Gordon. MurraypeshaMn. and M. hand ARELT A! MrraCG. oshwa and Mn. an ....The president, Mns. J. E. was decided upon. Mrs. Gou- Mm omn n o- AREAhKLlTeA Rand, presided at the meeting lah was appointed cook book gusand te JSunday dînr FehKle gust a teJ Bwmn CAPONS of he atoli Woens La-convenor, and members of the home. _ _ _ _...uehedre_ _ _ _ _ S. o- W 0 59e guehed ncetl inSt Ja- WLwill each give three Mn. and Mrs. Les Cochrane - 9 lM. ave. Seph's Hall. Mns. Bert Payne, special recipes ta be included and famîly, and Mn. Lloyd ....' the treasunen presented a sat- in the cook book.HO E REZ isfactory financial statement. I a anHOeMhtEh REA PILE wft'REni The secnetary, Mns. J. E. CWL had been asked ta caten wfIsTn Nowlan read cornespondence for the Memonial Park Asso- the M C A n ....on the adoption program ciation Christmas Party, and FCCANwa whih sate talhmtr o optldeay~f Relieve pile pain with antiseptic Mecca Pile infomaton eedd Cnisaaspary. n mtio ofRemedy No. 1 wîth ingredients containîng ial a d i fo maton nee ed Chrst asherbs n for shrinking and healing swollenC coul beobtanedfromtheMrs.SteartChisholm, sec- piles. Sold at ail druggists. ~l ...........5CWIL Regional chairmen. It onded by Mns. W. W. Parry, MECCA% PILE NUEMIDES u i 4n dW * was moved by Mrs. J. T. Scott, these parties, u and alofoqh ecnded byMs Leo Goulah, it was agneed ta cater for bath N o that he adopton year project Lions Christmas Party oDe- ITRA IE be deferred until January, and cember l6th.ETRALPESID 0F P R thi wa crnid.Plans for the CWL's own 60 70 lb. average - Plans for the cook book to annual Chnistmas Party were m be sponsorcd by the CWL discussed, and Mrs. John Mr ... were discussed, and the title phy was appainted entertain-- BUDGET TERMS ON1 -Quck nd Tasty Cooking" ment convenr -fo ne evf h . nmanvfe, Nov. 13, 19, birthday box, a repice eof church, to help her in her work. BRev. Walter Crawford personally passed the collec- 1tion plate during church ser- vice and with more donations during the week brought its contents up to $35.00. Get Cash Today For Old Appliauc .es through 8 TA T E SrdA N L C L A SS1F1E D 8 Phone 623-3à03 BROS.l EDELIVERY AKS! STEAKS! TDERED BEEF rimmed ONLY mfection 7 1 TrEAN. m'tESH STEW 59lc BEEF >7lb Lucýs Brand - 6 lb. box PURE PORK Sausagle .6 Country Style-s ER SPECIALS iered Beef )ES HINDS cP 59CL apedl Free ____39b FREEZER ORDERS Announcin g... TO MY BOWMANVILLE AND SURROUNDING AREA CLIENTELE Mrs. Ruth Saunders formerly of Oshawa NOTED HIGH STYLIST for that very special event, or for the cuassic modern business girl's coiffure, and that ever popular basic hair style. Mrs. Saunders will personally welcame your appaintment at Wanda 's BEAUTY SHOP 71 King st. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-3801 (Out -of-Town Please Dial Collect)H 100111111001 $mIEExquis.- M CLIPER Ruggd as MgoUy carwsd endpieces a&H outdoors-17 jewels. bkld twe shlmmerint Self-windlnt, certifled «mounds, Il jewels, iln waterproo%, shock r.- y.fIow o whte. $49.8& sistant. s49*85, HOLDS IT UNTIL dmi k mUs e W DrSlectons:Ae Couplets 3VLLtflA MARRES Jewellery& Gift Shop ma St~ W. -pIhrndp 6 c uwneDi: ) 23-5463 SPECTACULAR SAVINGS!1 Imperial Oil Photo It's flot the mail that assistant steward-cook Gord Brand is handing over the rail of the Great Lakes tanker "ImperialSimcoe." lt's garbage, of aIl things, packed in one of the new disposable polyethylene bags which Imperial Oil's tankers are now using. The bags and their contents are taken ashore, deposited in large refuse containers which the campany has provided, and subsequently incinerated. It's part of a prograni adoptcd by Irnperial tankers ta, avoid lake pollution. Legion A uxiliary Makes Preparafion For Santa Paraders At the meeting of the Bow- aPlans for the Santa Claus manvifle Ladies Au.xliary ta Prade lunch were dîscussed. the Rayal Canadian Legion, Presîdent Bate stated that held in the Legion Hali ne-ithe Bowaanville Ladies Aux- cently, President Audrey Bate iliary ta the Royal Canadian annaunced that the nomina.- Legion will again be in charge tian andelection oi officers of this lunch, and will be as- for the coming year will be sisted by othen local organiza- held an Monday evening, tions. Deceînben 3nd. The auxiliary agneed ta ca-, The application of Mns. ter for a wedding reception on1 Dick Perfect for mrembersh-ip Deceaber l4th. Coarade An-i in the auxiliary was appnov- 1 ne Dilling was appointed the1 ed, and she will be initîated1 catering convenor for this at the next meeting. Presi-1 reception. A notice of ma- dent Bate and Comrade I tion reganding a sparts pro- Florence Knight, a past pre- igram for auxiliary meabens sîdent, were apppointed ta 1'was tabled. assist 'Brancl 178 of the Roy- Following the busin es s aI Canadian Legion by buy- meeting, card bingo was en- ing the presents for the an- joyed and a delicious lunch nual Children's Christnias was senved by the social con- Party ta be held by the venons, Standard-Bearen Gear- branch. gina Carter and Sergeant-at-I Plans fon the auxiîiary's ca-, Aras Jean Burton. tering for the Legion's Arm-- istice Dinner wene discussed b'y Comrde a gt, woiiInstitute Report fthis event. Accounts wene BOWMANVILLE W. 1. presented by the secnetary, The Woaen's Institute met Comnade Dorothy Richards, at the Salvation Army Youth and Sergeant-at-Arms J c a n Centre on Oct. 31st, with a Burton, seconded by Comnade good attendance. Mns. M. Audrey Fletcher, moved that Wiseman, president, wit h aîl bls be paid. This was wonds of welcome opened theý carried. meeting with the singing of~ President Bate announced IO Canada, the Institute Ode that a joint executive meeting and repeating the Lord's with Bnanch 178 will be held Prayen. at the Legion Hall on Thums-I The secretary nead the day evening of this week at minutes and gave the financial eight o'clock. A satisfactory report, It was decided that we financial statement was pre- have the course on "Desserts" sentcd by the treasurer, Com- on Tucsday, Nov. l2th, place rade Ruby Palmer. ta be mentioned later. Al, Committee reports were those going ta the Convention presented by the following in Toronto are ta be at the chairmen, Camnade Edythe bus terminal at 8 0' clock on' Rundle, Red Cross; President Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Tickets Bate, Beneavement; and lst for oun Christmas dinner arcl Vice-President Rena Bath- ta be on sale at aur November1 - I RANVI $1.00. The roll call, "An ald tume remedy for a common ail- ment" was answened by ahl. The motte "Health is Wealth" was very ably given by Mns. Goodman. Mns. W. Roberts, convenor of Health, led us in some singing. Our president introduced two representa- tives of the Red Cross, Mrs. Spry and Mrs. Rundle, and each spoke of the wonk the local Red Cross is daing. Lit- erature on sanie and articles of work were on display. The meeting closed wîth the singing of "The Qucen". Lunch was served by Mrs. Roberts Lanid ler group. ýLI LXI p 5- LAMPS .:!~j ~ ~jMAKE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Some one of a kind - discontinued styles soiled shades - Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY- lOVo0toSO%0>OFF FOR the BUDGET m MIN DED SHOPPER.a0 KRAMP'S BASEMENT DEPT. 0 0IS WHERE YOU FIND BARGAINS 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD 100% Nylon Caver, Foam Cushions - SALE$1950 2-PC. DAVENPORT AND CHAIR 100% Nylon Cover IKE - CHRISTMAS SALE elDi q 2-PC. DAVENPORT AND CHAIR By Simmons- Lifetimne$45 Construction - SALE --$19--5 ARMLESS DAVENPORTS Nylon Cover PRE - CHRISTMAS SALE___ 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE Double Dresser, Chest 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE Triple Dresser (Curved Fronts) 3-PC. COLONIAL SUITE Acorn Finish, Double Dresser Chest And Plain Bed ----_---- OCCASIONAL TABLES Walnut and Blonde Finishes A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS 89.50 $149-50 3-PC. USED BEDROOM SUITE Double Dresser, Chest And Plain Bed - BARGAIN FREE STORAGE AND DELIVERY 3 7-41 KING ST. E. 3-PC. USED -ITCHENSTA 3 FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE PHONE rl1 leInn, e DO WMAN VILLE enjoy Canada's favourite BRANVIýN SHERRY AND PORT WINE qmý 1 à ITY MEATS 623-5081 Cq rd% r% n ý$9.95 CHAIRS Us bjb. vv.

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