ACCI ýt-!en o! fanm equipment in the and farnu equipment si rY world. 1955," lie said and told oft a- -Contnasting farmers of tu- ferent types of ha * balens, e. day usiog modern methods sO of machines for cutti .k wîth those o! a centurv a-0o corîdi tioning, an d neadying1 ~I usîng the tools then avai1iable,j o aig.Telte youa would find that the pre- pneviouslv nequired three ti sent day crops could not have- tons, a mower, a hay cor Dn beeuî hanvested bv our entireý tioner, and a side deliv M population using century old rake. umethods." Mn. Cowan declar- Set-vice is an important p Sed. o! the farnu equipment bt -During the civil war it took ness and is more demand d19 farmens ta produce enough than the type of service e food and fibre ta take cane of manded for cars. Mr. Cov lone city dweiier. Today each said. He the train' farmer supplies enough for his servicemen receive,2 h hinuseif and is able to suppîv their technical knowledgeà ntiiese essentials to 10 other ability. He also discussed1 Ifamilies in other uines of parts system that keeps le wonk. The great modern fannu stock at top level. *e OLItPUt is the nesuit af the use David Higgon moved a v, f of modern !anm equipment. ai thanks ta Mn. Cowan d mhich is efficient, time and his informative classificat: f labor saving, and multiplies talk. The president, Dr. individuai manpawen. Edwin Mann, also expres. -Mn. Cowan spoke o! conu-'his personai appreciation bines. and said that in the past Mn. Cowan. dit had taken a man with a ________ rcradie and flail 40 houns ta reap and thresh an acre o! BLACKSTOCK -grain. whîle todaY it takes one At a recent luncheon meel Ing of the Bowmanvjlle Rotar Club, Tom Cowan, Interna tional Harvester dealer hen gave a fine classification tai on his business as a farr equipment dealer. He g-ave a interesting account of the hi; tory of farm implements. "Fo centuries the size of a farn was governed by the amour of labor av'ailable. The maii tools were an axe to clear thý land, a hoe and rake for seeý bed pre'paration, and a sickli for harvesting,» Mr. Cowaý pointerd out. 'It was not until the 18tl centur ' that horse drawn farn machines w e r e developed DuringZ the 2th centurv thi hurdens of agriculture* havi been lifted fromn the backs o men and animais and placer on machines with muscles o, steel. Mr. Cowan said his classifi- cation is farm equipmPný sales and service, and addet that he first became a dealer in 195,1. He represents the In. lernatinnal H-arvester Comn ipany, the largest mnanufactur- HAVE YOI BEEN SAVII It is especia [[y tragic lsnexpected acciden Imess wipes out Y'ui acceunt. When this it May postpone Something you've r your heart on, penha home or college e< Cafi us today and how inexpensive it ir< such a tragedy 1 proper health insura STUART R. JAMES 'isSt. E. Office REALi Bol 1 , ! ~(Iotended for last we Mns. Dobsouî and ýMr.F Todd attended Teachens'C vention bn Toronto last w Mn. and Mrs. G. Foun and familY, Coboconk. vis ~ 6? at Mr. Orme Falls' receni C wen ri Neill and son at Mr. Wal :whe anCar-an's. nt ocA- 1Mn. and Mrs. E. Shien,1 ir savings onto, spent the weekend happens, Mn. Lloyd HallowcIl's. forever Mn. John Stone. Ou( ealy set spen, Sunda.v with Mms. ips a new r Mnr. and Mrs. Orme F ducatuon. entertaîuîed fiends at ac party, Saturday evening. .tind out' Mr. aud Mns. Sid Hallov tO avei-t and Nancy in Toronto, vi through ing Mn. Geu'ald Hallowell. nce. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Noc anud daughter. Willowc xisited at Mn. Brian Caswe Misses Normna and Bei HalIowell, Toronto, Mn. ýMns. Maurice HalloweiI SMiehele, Mn. anîd Mis. Wiif Wood at Mn. L'lew Hallowel Mrs. EtweII ii staying w Mrs. Brimcombe, Onono. iMrs. Shutka retunned fr L ESTATE: Memonial Hospital last we iShiloh turkey dinnen >wmanvilie well attended and nearnug imark o! five hundned doll Residence was taken. 623-5493 Mn. a.nd Mns. Rayîinond F row, Hampton, at Mrs. Vic Fa row's. NOTICE Township of Darlington SECOND INSTALMENT 1963 TAXES Us Due on or Before DEC. 2nd, 1963 lnterest at the rate of 12% per annum wil be charged on overdue instalments. W. E. RUNDLE. nLte;. (Intended for last week) roved Two venv fine anniversa ýes of services were held in t the United Chunch on Sundi thev Rev. H. G. Lester, B.A., B.] .dof Ki ngston, wh o is Superi beei tendent of Missions for B mîgof Quinte Conference, w and delivered two excelle sermons. His subject in t monning was "What mean k) by these stones? '"and in tj evening "Widening Horizon Fred At the morning service t] Con-,home choir sang the anthe veek. ýPra-ise the Lord O JerLuS rtain lem.- and Mr. Ken Halleý sited Port PerrY, sang a solo, "TI tly. Earth is the Lond's." At t! MIac- evenine service, Mrs. Ph.vI .nnen Barr, Bowmanville, sang tv, solos, -Mv Task" and "Ju TOI- for Todav." CI at The beautirful potted 'mur in the United Church Sunda ro(,were placed there by Mr. an *F. Mrs. Gilbert Marlow and M and Mrs. Neil Malcolm ail FaIls family in memorvY of the card loved ones. Canon As.hmone delivened ýwell fine sermon in connectio 'iit with Remembrance Dayi St. John's Chunrch, Sunda orris morning. dale,, The Community Hall wi e '; filled Mondav morning for th uli impressive Remembrance Da and service, conduicted bv Rev.1 and Swann, Bowmanvilîe. T h fred Guides. Brownies, Scouts ar el' e Cubs and thein leaders attend vith ed in a bodv. Mrs. J. A. Johr ;ton. a representative of thr nom' Silver Star Mothers. place ,eek. the Township wreatfih and Mý was Alex Carnuthers, Port Hope the the Province of Ontari lars wreath, at the centotaph dur Fa-ing the service there, wher tetwo-minute silence wa <tOr observed. Mr. Bent Gibso read the Honor Roi. Mnise Isabel Henry, o mavle. and Shirley Carter Maple Grove, spent the weelk end with Mrs. Lewis HennY. Mr. and Mns. M e r wi Mountjoyv, Hampton, wer, Sunday* guests of Mr. and Mr- Leith Byers. Mns. Margaret Carley anl Miss Anne, Toronto, spent th( weekend wit-h Mr. and Mns H{arold SWain and familv.' Mr. and Mns. John Pearc( and children, Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pearce and Mrs. Cnawforc Wednesday evening. A good manv ladies en.ioec the bus trip to Toronto Wedi nesda 'v. Some attended th( Women's Institute conven. tion, soille visited and somr shopped. Mn. and Mrs......Abboit Ottawa, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tavila, and girls, Mr. and Mrs. -Rov Tay lor and Mrs. J. Fordel'. Mr. and Mns. Anson Taylor, Scarborough, w er e Sundav evening dinner guests of Mi" and Mîrs. Garnet Murrav anc girls. Cresswell. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor leave the las' -Of this ,nionith -on -ani EdICa' nce di!- ing. job rac- nii ery part de- ,van iing' anid and th e the 7ot e for io! l G. Combines are being impr anîd tested each year. The technical advantag( the latest tractons, and 'divensified wonk that accomplish were outlinc Mn. Cowan. "There bas a major change in farn STARK VILLE 10 Tht Canadian Stafesmavu. nwmanville. Nov. 20. 1PM3 Tom Cowan's Classification TaI-k Amazing Developmenfs in Farm Equipment Industry Detaifed by 1. H. Dealer wais saia tnere are several r. E. L. Ewent, veny smaîl Grade 1, 2, 3 chiîd- ided to support ren who cross each day« and ect which does at that houn, besides the ne- ýviate conditions Ian tnaffic on 115 Highlwa.' Jien in under - and No. .35, thene are Dutch )ntries. jack school buses, also Clarke higii ded by Sam school buses coming from ev- that aIl] bills be en *v angle which would con- was carnied. fuse the best of drivers, leave jof Ross Stev- alone smaîl children. A dele- tedbyhi fl-gation of Mn. Fred Lower, nit 2 of Maple Mn. M. Pedwell. Mrs. Stan AI- Chunch Women lin, Mn. R. Osborne and Mnr. edelicious din- Bill Allun were appoin-ted t'i 1Milîs was the ook into the matten and go nor. to Queen's Park if need bo. on. We nealize most of the child- in the hockey ren from the east ride on the ovember I6th, Du-tch bus but there are days' ind Stan Mc when their holidavs do tnt iber 20th, Jack coincide with. ours. The 41lî Ted Hutton: Line children do not have the 1Ceci] Mutton m; November o'pportunitY fa ride on the bus. cel and Robent We hope something can be done. Wc cannot spane one ch i Id! The executtive s to plan th.- Clarkenext meeting for entetaini- s Clarkement or speaker, and comn- mittees set up for future rlast wet'k) meetings. A banner is to beý ýSchool Club puirchased and wiIl hang ii ool ThursdaY, the noom which has the most ithe meeting parents out at the H. & ç;. p.m. Mn. Low- meetings. A cornmittee of Mrg. ýnt, opencd the R. Carveth, Mr. F. Lower ' 1sang O Cao- and Mn. M. Pedweîl was ap- by the Lond'3 pointed ta purchase materniali and have a platfonm buiit for rea te in the school concerts. 'Zion (Hope Township) nd frs.Caswell ae leartno Tou fusiaand lt crif we couldi have one of the Mrs. Harry McKee. n al g te A tnd sehoolbor e espeen Mrs. Jas. McKee, Mn. and Mrs. Lonence Robîllard, .Ir- a,. at a future date and discuss nold and Barrie, Norwi., H s i al C onvention the topic of Sho rns r Sandaydînnll er guesto! and are we receiving ail that M. and Mrs. ChestFer gon James Stutt; Chairman of Memorial Hospital is one o! is entitled to us, besides find- son, Kincandine. wene week- th oard ai Directors o! more than 230 public general. ing out wha't we are getting. ýmd uess ofMr.and rs.Memonial Hospital, anîd Ber- Red Cross, chronic and con- He asked if parents realized ~ndguets f M. ad Ms.valescent hospitals. plus sev- grants are based on the atten- Wili Forder and Miss JO 'vce, nard Holden. the Hospital Ad- eral other alîied institutions, dance o! each pupil every and called on several other ministrator, attended the 39th wvhich as members (>f the On-d? fniends. ~~Annual Convention o! the On- tario Hospital Association are MnGewo.amnbr Messrs. Bnian and John tanio Hospital Association held %vonking together voluntariiv M.Geewoa e-e Hamilton and Merlin Suggizt!necentlyv in the Royal York througiî their organization t oOf the School Area Board, spent last week at the Sug- Hotel, Toronto. achiev'e the highest standards spoke on what the board iq gitt Cam*p near Burks Falls, Other delegates fnomn Me- of patient cane and treatment. dodng and plans to do in the~ deer hunting. Brian retunned marial Hospital to the con- Among the leading authoni- future, and said they would with a deer. Merlin bas ne- vention were William Walliis, ties who addressed the con- be glad to come to a-meeting tunned this week with anothen the Manager af the House- vention wene John D. Thomp- and tell of the Grant Systemn. grou. kepig DeartentHug Sa-son Diectn oftheProramHe also said nominations for grou . k epi g D part ent Hu h S -, s n, iretor of t e ' rog anithe S hool Board will be Nov. Miss BettY McArthur spent mis, the Chie! Engineen, Den- in Hospital Administration of the weekend with Mn. and nis Pickand, the Laundr.v Yale Universit.v: Dr. R. O.lr5th at Orono, when threci Mrs. Jim Mott, Sudbunv. Manager, John Sienhuis. the' Jones of the Department of members will be elected. Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Gra- Business Manager, Mrs. Wil- Psychiatrv of Dalhousie Uni- It was decided to discon- haacmpne y n n liam Monnison, Director ofvensity: Daniel P. Willis. Pro- tinue the giving of a gift to Mrs., BiIchm p an , Poy rt. P rnud i g r. B v ny B n et D n co f te U ie e l w d n te c m u î rv, spent the weekend in gess, Medical Records. Mrs. States Health Service-, and Dr. as the anea is too lange and Hamiton.James Stutt, Pharmacist. andIB. L. P. Brosseau, Commis- oun funds prettv Iow. Hamilton. Miss Gwendolvn Bu r ma n,lsioner o! Hospîtals, Ontario A familv gathering in honor Dietitian. Hospital Services Commission.- It was dnawn to the atten- of the 35th wedding anniver-___ tion of * oun correspondent o!' sanies*of Mn. and Mrs. Court- an ernor in, îast week's States- ney Graham and Mn. and Mrs.I*L man. 1 wrote Mrs. Osborne WiI.bun Toms, was held at thens H eo ns i-iear was the first president o! our home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. & S. Mns. Fred Bowcn, Graham and family, Nov. 3 rd.p ' now of Orono, was oun finst Guests beside above men- ~~~I .j president and founden of No. tioned were Miss Joyce G-a-R e m e m brance Ta lk.~ I.IIt 9 H. & S. Sorry for the ennoi. ham, Mn. and Mns. HarolId A very lengthY discussirn McLaughlin and famnilv n ýtook place about the ha-zard- andMrs Suar Doo> IBy R ev. R. F. Sw~ann !ous cnossing at Tricky's Cor- fam i >lv, Mn. and Mrs. Keith easathet Ln.I VanCamp and famil.y.neas4tLi. (Intended for last week) A joint meeting' of the U.C.W. of the Welcome charg"- was held Tuesda 'v evenin. Oct. 29th. at Welcome Chunch. There was a good attendance. The four groups each heid a short business period before the program. The devotional1 pro.granu was presented bv tlie Morrish U.C.W. Mns. Kellogg,. Weicome, showed a film ,Î1 India 'Passport to Dehri Dtin* Refreshments wene pnovid"d, bv Weslev\yille and Zion at the close.' Mn. Fred Tufford. John Mc- neille 'v and other member ' ,if the Pantî« \1neturned Thursdrn' evening froni a vcrv qîcces- fui hunt in thle nointh countr,. Mn. 'Harold CasveJl s hold- ing a sale o! his farým 5 c implements and furniture. Mi.' ïS'home conhtort z~ Now! Free buroer and furnace conditioning, a mid- season check, and 24-hour emergency service-for the low cost of Citbes Service Premîum Oil alone! Best of ail, Cîties Service Budget Plan enabies yen ta pay for yacur oil n iow instaliments spread over ten ta tweive rnenths, makes it casier for yen te manage your incarne during the winter months. -- Cities Service custamers are aise entitied te a iow- * cost Replacement Parts Insurance Contract. For h further particulars, phone.. le CITIESrOSERVICE -The meeting closed with tii. lIadies scnving lunch. Corn)e on out rext meeting ard h o! arYou h r sehooland iPY & GRANT OIL Ltd. p mus rr ouut thepoetsand:' 1 tdistrict. Decemben th, at 8ý 6 Mill Lane Bowmanvillie p.nî. sharp. to Ga orpr Ms ee Amstc a a oe-scne yD Skelding and Mrs. Jean Me- thing positive ta say ta us, it the Lions decid Laughlin able ta be home fnom points to the futility o! wa r teCREp Bow'manville hospital, and for ail cancerned, victor andteCR rj Mn. Bill Taylor progressingvanquished alike," Rev R. F. 50 much toalalev favona'bîv in Oshawa hospital, Swann, the speciai speaker at;fan pon childi Mn.EaI Drrilhasgoîethe Armistice dinner meeting developed cou to Oakville ta visit Mn. and o! the Bowmanville Lions Club Birough. secoîî ai'.,Mrs MiliardFalls an to at the Lions CommunitY Cen- Black, moved t the;brMn Milrd J RFis an t tre on Monday, Nov. 4, told paid, and thism YN'es Big an.k, BCRo Fenusonhis fellaw inembens of the The birthday a.ýr t West Bank B.C., t Carit-club. He was introduced by ens was celebral in- relatives. ReA.K. J.Framptn.I low Lions. Ur ix Donna adJaiePargaterten is fGraebeto aeeUnirte PotPenny, spent the ' nuýte acquisition of wealth and nier. Mrs. Cecii : end witGrhami.adMs. er praperty that the greatest catering convenc tnh inGahm values ini life are spiritual. it The winners Ne Mrs. Vine Cain, Toronto, is truc that we fought ta re- dnaw were: N< ,etipet the weckend with Mn ýtain oui homes aîîd ouir land, Don Marsdena the and Mrs. Ed. Harris. but nmore than that we faught Murter: Novemb ,S,, Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred ta retain such spir-itulal values Hoidstack and Ne:Brown, Barbara, Wendy and as peace, fneedom, happiîîess, Novcmber 23rd, 1< Debbie, Courtice, and Debbie and love of our fclaowmen un- anîd Dan Gree ;a- Nornis. Oshawa, Mr. and Mns-.:inhibited by a tyrant," Mn.. 30th, Eric Colw 1-:Clu!f Bat-ber and Laurie, Osl- ' Swann said. He added that Wallis. he awa, were Sunday guests Of the magnitude of the sacrifice rh Mn. and Mrs. Bob Brians and of those h aethi ie lis 0ani shows the value thcy placed Lok vo Mrs. Aima Fowîer is spend- on these spiritual possessions. ok af 11ý ing this week in Oshawa. "Armistice Day reminds LI.S, (ntde fo Mns. MeDougaîd, Miss Sha- as wve think o 1f those wvho Itne fo Oron Knotl, and Miss 'Marion thi*e\w thcmnsclvcs ino battie, The Home& ni Ros t ays eewe-thar. courage and a concenn foi',uIet at the schc r end guests o! Mnr. and Mrs. trutli aîd justice anc certain-lv Nov. 7th,. with r.Glennî Larmer and boys. not dcad in aur- world. Il ]S stanting at 8:0.5 p ~d Mn. and Mrs. Melville Sain- a strange paradox o!fxvar that erNy, [Ne presiden 'un euls and girls, Bowmanviile. whilc bringing out the savage meeting and al] spent Sundav with Mn. and un mari, it also evokes the ada, followed b aons.KnehSmls best. At no other lime do men Prayer. nu M iss es Elaine MouIntjoy, prove thein courage, their un- Mi.efie Ini Kingston, Gertrude Henrv and selfishness, their love o! their utes. ot ffthelstr i." Doris Gi'iffin, Toronto, spent fcllows as wlîen tlîcy are faced ue ftels the weekend at thein nespec- with the danîger o! losing the crai topics for d1 as t!ehoeValues and things thev hold out o! the mînul( te _____________ son wlîo rose tc F. The real purpose o! Armnis- hspo re -iern iis lae W SLEY ILLE tice Day is that o! houoring ta ke nw ho tw id the dead, M. Swann empha- okwwhtI d- Intended ion Iast week) si'zed. "W- are not glorif.ving -ý The nain or Iast wec'k war. Indeed the seasoti o! Re- le bougt a easre o reiefmemrbrance is penlîaps ane o! e~~~~~~~~ broh esn !rlc ur mast tellîing pratests against MI ta parched ground and empty the horriblcness o! war. A pr~o- [-. wells. FallPloughing is much pe uderstandîng o! it and e, easîer now. Sundav afte r- participating in Armistice Day r- 1on hne'epaie h observances will do much to r- nusualy mild weather for avent funther conflicts," the" -e Novmben.speaker asscntcd. as Some o! the huLnters have 'rmsicDypins n 'ný returned with their veuiisonuî A.isieDy onsa and others, inciuding Arnold accusing finger at those in aur and Hanold Austin and Harold ondy h al e a as the ouîly means o! achicviîîg rReeve, went thîs week to di!- their desired end. Each Arm- ferent localities. istice Day us a urnewed plea Mesdames Percy* vSnell, A. ta the living fnom the dead fAustin, H. Reeve, J. Waltcn, not to abandon those values 'E.Barrowciough, R. Best, H. fan which tlîeY fought and Best and Bernuece Bcst al- dicd. tended the bazaan at Zionn , The x'aices of the dead re- dchurch last Wednesday afteircote hlcgngwnso C non.Thi i anannalOP) Colonel John McCrae: 'Take OWOOMM ~potunit « for good shopping, up aur quanrel with the foe! a good cup o! tea and a happ ovnfnmflig"ad.w Sget-tgether foir fiends !rom, throw the torch, be yours to aIl the surounding district. 'lift it high' If you break faitli Last Wednesdav evening the with us wýho die we shah flot 1fisstd anthe "od ,dsîeep, thouglh poppies blow in teWav"' was he.ld altnte Flandens Fields.' d chunch 'Linder~ the leadersiiip -o! Rex'. M. Freemauî. There-cHow wrang for anauune ta C' were abolit 14 pnesent. disparge an observance which - Thne wre 5 at uuîdv uecalls such bravery and cour- ThSehoo with S apenindent ag e.and which gives each anc Murray Pavne presiding. Cia-- o!us taccaifn taoexamie ence Nuchois read the rnornunz oquscliesta ce if anvfo! the Slesson and Linda Thomodyke qli ide wihiî aku frs au h introduced t h e Miss ianarvlihddn itnus pnogram, usinuig an iliulstrated 'rhough xve shudder ta ne- 1map to empha.size hier word;J-. cail the brutality' and honowIs John Tuifford, brother Rac, o! war, though we lonîg for a world in \vhich men wili turn Wesiev anîd Bar Best, Don- tîi wns iîo pog aId Nichais and Nýicki Groeuie-slasndeaute rt! Vveld told the stoi'v o! Walta.î hrs n eanteato audMuiel 'lages work in war uîo more, it would be the a Hn Ku Tepeiang n llciglît a! inrat itude fan uis ta orphanage xvhich hclps tî agttis h i theinpî tremendacus pu'oblem of haine- sbvingl.x s aout. bavlyt -less babies. Roduîev Paviw nn hsaot and Neil Groeuîeveld assise Yes iuîdeed Armiistice Day bx' uIOuuItiuig somne o! the pic- ieeds tu be observed and ouglit t Li l'cs, Carrual i N 'uI s, MIurot to be a banudotîcd as the Sniell anud Mrs. 1Il. Best wiVaisit\'. a Stuideuit perundical ut' the assistant teachers who ne- the uiyeu'sit 'v of Turno,éd placcd regul1ais for the le.,\'ucated ini an editorial.* it son. HogKug a i uglit ta Ne observed so that minds o! the aider people for Nwe ourselves anid Sulc-eediiîg anothen neason this seusoîi o! gelleiatiais iiglit ual Ne ai- Remnembrauîce, fori' i s tic luwed ta forget that there are stili thuse iii the warld wvho iast resting place o'! mauîy xau rea udpa N'ouuîg Cauîadians. varitie lJaia emirud jThe e veniuîg seurvice was "AmsieDvsa mnd also one o! Remembrance and er that the fighting and the L_1 I, Mn. Freeman, whose niemorv tumult ane over and ahead o!, 'o! Wonîd War Il is that o! -a us lies an evcui greater battie, school bo y, used the wonds of that o! achuevung peace and anoter ariforhismesageequIalityV for al people. We ante. anfrhs s. *have Ieanned, and are continuJ-' They were firom the writings iîgtIanho difcta o!Rv.SudatKenned >\ task this is. whose thoughts wci'e those a!f'Bu hstneo îm one who shaired the honr-r Bute bynecliegoforeumte Hlngt and acrfics o!thetrechus calamiie's and curses o! war mn.'a in Woirld War 1. l'he chair 'S and the Courage and bravery f an Cn a nthem \was appr-opni.ate fan' of the fallen in,- if aur heants clîartered ban niox'e tue goods that mean so mruch tn inians is an c.e~-a service of tie nks. Nlanuifactrrns, producers and ship- ngly ise the local hank-not only ta help tint euîîent of goods in and out of the foi- assistanice in overcoming purohlcms rinireuic%, and reguulation. chartered banks are able, throtugh their network of branc-he,; anross Canada and thrir forcign branchles, agenits an(] relîrce',euîtix ns, ta prui.ide trad- ers and trx hn'si.iih the facilitics of one of the %vt onl's largcst international banking systrms. Tlhis wvorld of service isaailariible tr i cistomprs of any hranch n rv town <or <'if. I t iutlc quick businpss conrn- mnrications, sperds dle!,. en of goods, hclps Canadian campanies ta counl)<te iin markets ev'crywhere. rjrl' ('IAB'TERED B\'SESRVING Y(.)I ('MMLSI'I'Y through flu/I-range banking responsive to growing, changing nceds )rt sales?XVe work through our local bank" TREWHAVEN CONSIGNMENT SALE Thurs., November 28th 1963 - 1:00 p.m. To be hl tTREWHAYEN FARM LTD. which is on the Secugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and 1ý mile snuth of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highwav 7A. 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD Wpare offeringr a useful group of Fresh and Springing Youîng Cowg and 2-year- olds, as well as a numnber of Yearlings and Calves for Caif Club prospects la both senior and Junior classes. Don't Miss This Opportunity to Purchase Your1 Caîf Club Caif. 'REDITED VACCINATED - BLOOD TES' TED The niaJority are ready for Immediate exPort. Ail cattie tested or I elitible to enter listed or certlfjed area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 19th AT 1:00 P.M. Sale Ma.naged by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD., Auctioneer: R.R. 1, Burketon. Ont. HWR RWN lcsok Phone Blackstock 986-4957 HWR RWN lcsok in Port Hope, M. and Mrs. Fred Tuffrd moved from Bunker HilI%-mt Thursdav, Oct. 3Ist, to theit new home on Hope Street South. Port Hope. Mrs. Chas. Rab 'v, Zion school teachen and Miss Elaine Caie wcll, teachen at Pine Grovt attended the Teachers' Con- vention in Toronto iast Tues- daY, Nov. 5. ThursdaY evening, Oct. .3l a happv HalIowe*en part v was held b v the Zuon Sundav School. Most of the children, o! tlis vicinit 'v were therF alono wîth their Parents. A £!odnîîmber wcre in costumi and prizes were given for this. Campes were pia 'ved. and ail CiovEd thje luînch and social houn at the close. el 6 2.3) -37 7 1