2The Carnadian State-sman. Bowmanville. Nov. 2M.fl. 'c Top Flyers FROM PAG[ ONE, asentence ta Buchanan ruicd gef of the manpower adv'antage m' minute labert TcTd Snell andPalDiii be~iuy' by for their waltz routine late in the neriod. The GenralN wîthstood sc CessIve minorq to George Vail and 0'Stien. and thriî nvarly.; wrapped it up wben Davc 'Woodlev wa, banislied for hookîng., The Flyers dîd ccy thîng but tic it up As theY Ihem- mcd Oshmva in thrir own e'nd for miost of the~ lasi two min- uitcs-. The Grncrals out-shot Nia- gara Falls 34-30. Gibson was outstanding in bis retumn ta tie goai-tcnding cbores. Bob Kilgzer %vas a top operator. par-, litiuli'rly in bis penalty-killing chores. Marotte exhibited some !ust-, body-checking ta kerp the 'Gens on thoir tocs. Montrcal Jr. Canadiens will bc here next TTuesday nigi, 8 p.rn. AIR TRAVEL &AG bas fitfed 'Tuckaway Kit inside. Black, lNovy. Beige or Red 20.00 glue Grass Flower Mist, Dustng Po-der, Hand Lotion and Hand SOOP-scented accessories ta the bath. $8.00 Blue Grass Dsting Powder and Hrand Soaps. Aso avoulable in june Geranium fragrance. $5.25 Blue Grass Fiower Mist witls Special Atamizer, and Hand Lotion for pampered honds. $4.50 glue Grass Fower Mist (i oz.), Bath Cubes and miniature Hand Soaps for a voriety ofperfumed cielights. $250 JURY & LOVELL Phone 623-3361 2 King St. E. Boivmanvillc Memorial Hospital NNeely RportLast wcck. the newlv forrned Chapter of the For the week of November Ontario Hriart Foundation hceld their first meeting at 11-17 inclusive: 'Bowrnanville Hligh School Io discuss plans for their Admissions .57 Birtlis, 5 maie, 3 female 8 Iactivities. ilcire, some of the information available Discbarges p, ifrom bcadquarters is inspected by the group, includ- iMajor operations ,..121.ng, from lcfb to right, 2dVc himniis .W V.nor operattions .8 Emergencv treabments .x ob. oodmuîi-pbc.%, Bowmnai- Visiting hours .1- 4 p.atrdv m.nigvinllCeur ic and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mi-. and Mrs, Steve Dole fgues it ih Mr. and Mrs. Jack MAPLE GROVE Weise, Toronto. "FiiI]i am Congratulations to Mr. Vie-' Enîiikilleii, werc Sundav (, H I 'FI loi- E. Cookson on winning 1s 'ing diiimer guiesîs wibh th?' place in a class af 58 en tries.j formneris iccc and niephcv.', The C ourItic:e Girl Guides the best mare in bbc Percher- Mr. and Mr.Cheste1 Mili.3. and Brownies lheid thieir an-r on rlass, Jcîsbamere Stylish 0.hawa. nul y-Up and presentation Stella; stallion or filly foaled 'Mi. Sani Snowdem and two ceremonies ai the Courtire 1963. Pusty Ladt owned b"v sons, Oslla\xa .Mr s..'ti':îm. Hgh School on Tbursday ev- J. H. Cookson and Son, 2fld qnowd,,icr and Mr. Jim Snow-, cing, Noveînber 14. 19)63. place: Mare foaied previo don xcere Frida v and Sabcirdav " Canada" was sung 10 ,o Jani. Ist 1960, uree, visit ors xith Mis. Snowden:s open the prograni, foilowed by1 Siylisb Stella, Ist place; Tbreclau,,ghicr. Mr. and Mrs. How- prayer by Rev. J. P. Romeril.ý femnales any age, 3rd piale; ard Hiieaedorn and famiiyl îbitComsinrE-l ArheHaas Memorial Tro- piattsville. ciiHwewloe h oby, beavy draught horses Percheron 2 horse beam. , place: 4 horse team, 3rd place.:A ~f ~Rpr Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr l acL.uff OttIawa Rpr Bob Snowden were Sunday, xisitors witb Mr. and Mr.1. Sam Castie and boys, Peter-ý wih her Pfhfrkd o r Mr. and Mrs. Gaordon Bcech1 t h o k d t r ter-in-law in PeterborouAh.; Mr. Gordon Beech visited bisi OTTAWA - 'Ple man wlîolias moved code. Onlv on brother Everett who is quite! front and centre on the parliamentary statutes, nani ill in Peterborough Hospital.1 stage is mild mannered and soft spoken lions witb paý Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tanne, Marysville, were Saturday,, Allan MacEachen, Minister of Labour utes whilc th visitors witb the former's ss-in flic Pearson minnritv (Jovcrniment. power, Mr. Ki ter and brother-in-law, Mr.j In recent \veeks lie has undergone 'The LaboL and Mrs. Ron Brooks and, a baptismn of fire far beyond any con- the M.P.'sle family. Mr.an Mr. . P Saiixvcentration of headline makin- head- fromn both sici visited the latter's motber,l aches 1(1 confront his pi-edecessors in intcî'est in a Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto,, the tough portfolio. Aimost overnight agrecd it shoiu wbo is in the Red Wing ours- hebcm n f b etkonm b-eueae ingc home, Broadview. 1 ebamonoftebs nw mm-nu rtdb Mr. and Mrs. Allan Crossý bers of the Liberal Goverrnment, pitch- they were als( and son Glen, Rutland, B.C.,i forkcd in prominence on the front ciple ingredier were callers on Monday ev-1 pages of the nation' s newspapers and Mr. Maci coingý on Mr. and Mrs. Morlev: on the national television scecens bv flic both inside an Buress Mc an Mr. Cossrecent. lon-shoi-cmen's strike and' the is now generî are adbercnts of the church gl wbere Mr. and Mrs. Burges.s'. sbowdown with tbc Seafarcr's Interna- of the top rarl son-in-law, Rcv. Arthur Mun- tional Union. eral administr ýday. is bbc minister. ledlvrdteudrttmn f fei o T7he many friends of Mcs. c'clvre teuneitaeen of is coL Morley Burgess and Mr. Eiu- the year in the House of Commons roc- .cr fae gene Dobbs are pleased 1to entlv when bis estimates were under cuit job a wea j nwthey have sufficientlyl consideration in î-cplying bo questionis Of bhree sori recovercd ta be able ta return about the introduction of newv labour miner. fic gra jhome and are daing nicely. . .Xve nv Mrs. Harry Larmer, Missi eîito. cta hr Shirley Larmer, South Mona- Mr. MacEachen said that lie iniight ctaThr gban, Mc. Wayne Howson, mention that in tbc past several montbs mies and hoa Peterborough, were Saturday Social Science visitors with Mr. and Mî-s.te energies and activities of the De- e'dgr i ýGodonBeehMises ani,ýpartment of Labour hiad been almost and Bannie Beecb. entirclv absorbed in problems of Indus- the Universit'v Mc1 n r. i ah trial Relations. In fact, the DepartmentFîacs ai and famiiy were Sunday visi- oîf Labour has iii recent wceks carried Relations anc tors wîbh bei' parents. Mr. aond,\'ersitx' of Ch.( iMrs. Charles Greenhani, and the heaviest burdens in this field that sister Miss Carol Greenhani. it bas ever been callcd tîpon to assume The ncw Mc. and Mrs. Cecil Milis since bbc war\'cars. 10 enter politic were Sunday callers on ber ing two ye>ars sister, Mc. and Mrs. Rov The Labour Minister tindet' ques- d rcat tbc Goode, Port Perry, and Mi'o. tioning in the Commons pî-omised that dge Goron bun wh isin orta national Labouîr Code would be intî'o- Tcnliv Percy Hospital. dtîccd hx' the preetLb"!a Govein- riding of mxv Mrs. Alian Snowden and Mc.lVI,- i(a an as a Libei Jim Snowden were Sunda' ment. pi)ssibly at the next 5sessi0on Ofinibe Tory sv dinner guests witb the for.- Parlianient. expected to get uinder way lic sta\'cd. on mcer's daug"hter, Mr. and Mr.s. afteî' tie New Year 1-il GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES through STATESMA N CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 623-3303 Wcare vom'kmng ac'iivclv onibis malter at the pm'sent time," ho dis- closeci. "I should like te> bo able bo as- suie btie House. but 1 am nt ini a posi- tion to do se>, iliat. iis pceblcm xvnuld bc dealt xith ai once.' But lie said the quest ion of a Na- tional Labour Code was îlot. ei ne- glected. It is uiîder comsicuration not mi'bx' the Labour Depaî'tmemiî but b 'v the Govemmiment as a whole at tlie prcs- ont time, hie Ministem' declared. Duigibe de cînsidecatiomi of' the la- bour estimates the Liberal minority (,ox'ecnmcnt. was callcd upon ta intm-o- duce a labour code and thcrcby carry out the promise lb made to the people of Canadta. The Liberal Party is on rec- ord in this respect as declaring that a new Liberal Government would iro- duce a national labour code for indus- tries under Federal jurisdiction and work donc under Fedet-al Government contiacîs. "This would establish a minîimum wage. maximum warking week, pay focrxvacations and statutorv bolidays and national standards for hiealtb and safetv and other working conditions," il wvas sel out in bhe Liberal Party's liberature befoîe the lasI two cloctions. Stanley Knowles, New Democratie Miember of Parliament for Winnipeg North Centre, argued in the House that tbere sbould be a National Labour Code set up as soon as possible. Ho said it sbould include aI loast five tbings: (1) Legisiabion îcspecting mini- mum xvages. (2) Legislation governing maximum boucs of work. (3) Logis- lation on a maximum work week. (4) Vacations witb pay. (5) Statutory bhl- days it h pav. Theso f jvc points wero t he minimum elements of a national sistari to i te MVr'. Pearsoni.1 ru.les and pro( somne of'.Mr~. F lie rami againi Mr. Pearson of soeccingl some cons ider chen imtu the entlv i thie spelled oultvw bis responsibil lie said t] lîad bbe cespo tbe Commons and source ai bad a primar' with other g: ment, adaptati lion of manpo tive measures ute to the pi and ta the pri un employment In additio and bis departi ta Ibis reduct. couraging shai emplayment ol ly were respoý labour depart However, pramate long rested witb the Several major ta help stimulý of the country cussed in the( Tbis tben taken on the1 bis S.IU. His p depend upont perate struggl future af the1 Government. Dippeil. Easter'n Ontario Field Coordinator Mcs. E. E. HunIer, Chapter Chairman L. Lucas, Treasurer J. Bell, Co-publieity Director the .Rev. F. R. Swann, IsI Vice Chairman J. Munday and Co-publieit 'v Director D. Austin. Fcbruary is Heart Montb when a campaign foi- esearch funds wilI be held there .,. Guides, Brown les y Up n c parents and friends and ex- prse her pleasure at the splendid progress the Guides and Brownies had made in the past. ycar. The Guides forrned their Horseshoe and repeated thp Guide Law and Promise and the Brownics made their FairY ýRing and repcated their Law and Promise. )minence )e is nmi oi)1theFederal neiy legisiation foi- vaca- y. Il was put on bbc stat- ,e Conserx'atives were in .nowles pointed out. Du Minister said he sbai'ed entbusiasm - expcessed les nf' bbc chamber - and national labour code. H4e uld caver mosi <of tbe it.'mi-s jx' Mc. Knowles. lie said oý in lus mmnd as bbc prin- enîs for such a code. Eachcn is bilgblv î'gacded ind oulside the House. H4e rall y comîcedcd la be one nking rnembers of the Lib- ration. rnparativelyvoug.aI 42 but ho brings ta bis diffi- flth of training. H4e is one sOf a Cape Breton coal raduated from St. Francis ,rsity, Antigonisli, Nova ýho later taugbt Ecomia- ýaded the Deparîment of -s after reciviiig a Mas- i Political Economny from Y of' Toronîto. While at St. ci' ho sludicd Industrial d Ecomiornics al.thebcUni- ic arfo Labour Ministet' dccided es xvtemi he xvas complet- nio stud v for a Doctorale Massachusetts Institute of le m'turned Io bis home~ vemîîcss - Ricbmond and cral. lie won. But iii 1958 3vccp he losi by 16 xvotes. iii Ottawa as Special As- then Opposition Leader. Hec studicd parliamcntary' )cedures and bclped wite cearson's speeches. In 1962 and was re-electcd. nducing bbc difficult job a Cabinet decided aftcc ratin t put Mr. MacEa- Irickv labour siot. Bec- Huise Mr. MacEachmi 'bat hoe onsidered ta be ilit ies. bhat the Labour M,'Vitiistem' nsibilit 'v of reporting to s0)the lovel, character funcmployment. H4e also -y rcsponsibility, workin1g croups, for the develop- ion and efficient utîliza- wer resources and ef fec- ;of tbis kind can cantrib- womotian ai employment revention or reduction of II. mn lie said thù Minister ment can belp contribute ion or prevention by eii- rt run measures ta create )pportunities. These clear- nsibilities falling on bbe rient. primary i'esponsibilitv bo berm economic groxvtbs ýe Government as a woe w Government measures late the ecanomie grawth yhave been alreadv dis- Ca mmo ns. ,is the man. wbo bas powerful Hal Banks and )alitical career could well tbe oulcame of that des- e, as indeed might the present Liberal minority eremony Golden Bars wei'e presen bcd by Brown Owl Jcmne James tb bbc following rmembers of Ilie Ist Cour-tiePark: Sandra Atkinson, Barbara Morden, Blythe Bc'rthmii.cmiandi Cabil Firsi 'cvar Sc'rvmcc ýStars for ]si Cocirtice Pack were pre- sented ta: Barbara Mordien, Cathy Allen, Blybhe Beer- thuizeu, Sandra Aikinson. Dcb- bic Ruckstmii and Carol Liv-i igston. Second ' ear Servivce Stars, wcnt 10: Eleanni- Wilso., Shir- lcy Irwin, Susan Abkinson, Sandra Bishop. Bcv'erlev ,Sta-' cv.Lorraine Ellinit, Donna Kirtlev. Gavle Bebee, Jenni fer .Tamcs. Donna Jorhnisnnd 1r New Heart Foundation Chapter Discusses Plans JacqluelinIe Lacroix. communication i n f o r m ec Flouse Orderiy Badges . werc council that 365 feet of thi, presented 10: Donna .iohnson,ý road will be on Goodyear pro- Gavie Bebee and Sandra perty and 100 feet on property Bishop. belongaing to the CNR. Brow OwlAudrv Mchee Councillor Hooper, secondeè Bro\n OI AdrevMuGieeby Councillor Hughes, moveé macle the presentations for the that council. concur in this re- 2ntd Courtice Pack as folows: qet n hemto a Thrift Badge t0 Bonnie! carr led. A letter from Ment Wigs;and enBdv McGhee: ci'riai Hos;pital regarding plan WiggnsandWen%, cGhe-'for a new sign was received Colh'eý(tor's Badges to Cheryl and filed on a motion by Fultoji and Wendy McGbee Coun:cillor Hughes, seconded and Tny* makcr's Badge 10 by Councillor Hcuiper. Gloria-Jo Pullen. On behalf of District No.5 First va evc Stars to of the Association of Assessing Linda Curran, LOU Ann Reyn- Officers; of Ontario, the Sec- olds. Barbara Endicott, Anin retary Treasurer, C. S. Bird, Kirtiev,, Patricia Jrwin and wrote to thank council for the Barbara White. way in which the organiza- Secnnd yc'ar, Serv-ice Stars to tion's fall meeting held here Bonnie McGhee. Margaret in Septemiber was madea Fraser. WendY McGhce, Ann succcss. Appreciation was ex- Wig-ans. Mary Ruskay, Glor- pressed for the welcome to ja-Jo Pullen. 'Cheryi Fulton, the town accorded the dele- Bonnie Bishop and Vieki Revii- ates and the tour of the nIds. Good "vear plant whîch was ar- Frcmr the Ist Courtice Pack, ranged. Donna Johnson, Gayle Bebee, -I wou]d like to add a per- Susan Aikinson and Eeanor sonal observation about your Wilson donned their wings, Assessor. Clarence Oke is bade farew,ýel 1 the Brownies very well thought of in our and flew up ici Guide Land,. association and the Town oi while Bvrc Stace \ and Bowmanviile is mast fortun- Donna Kirtlex' walked uip. F.te in having such a compe- Those from bthec 2nd Cnurtier, tent man." Mr. Bird wrote Pack fly ing cîp imb Guides Councilior Hooper, seconded were: Ann Wiggans. Margaret bv, Councillor Oke. moved ["raý-er. Mar ' ,-Rcsk-ay. Gloria- that Ibis letter be received Jo Pullen. Bonnie McGhee and and filed, and a copy gîven zil Joyeaux Noci! Krolyk Kerstefeest! Frohlich Weinaeten! Wesdlych Swiant! Buona Natale! Vesley Swayt! Merry Christmas! The Mass Survcys held ln our United Counties in 1962 and during the past mionths were made possible by your purchase of CHRISTMAS SEALS Christmas Seals are being mailed ouI to most homes in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham this week. Your purchase of these Seals will help TB patients and your year round programme of case- finding, hcalth education. social service and rehabili- tation. If you did not reccive your Scals, please write to the NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS AND HEALTH ASSOCIATION Box 300 Cobourg, Ontario à and we wlvI be happy to send them out to you. ÀAWS AV E A RUGS LAMPS TA IBLES CHAIRS MU111 HR1 S DI T M A SPI CTURES IIASSOCKS BRIDGE SETS CEDAR CHESTS CHESTERFIELDS RELAXER CHAIRS c DOLLARS $ BABYLAND IT BEDROOMN SUITES 4p BEDROOM SUITES SANNOUNCEMENT: Free Gifts for Ail! at our CHRISIMAS TREE PARTY "~ COMING ON THURS., FR1., SAT. - NOV. 28-29-30 Shiop throughout the store! Shop three floors! Choose gifts for everyone on your list! Then go tu the If.huge C'hristmas Tree on our main floor and pick up a greetlng card from the hundreds wlth which It i k decorated! Inside you'II find a Special Christmas Tree Party Discount of 10% to 100%! Whatever I I discount your card shows, you get that discount on any purchase. In no case wlll your discount be legs it l'than 10«1c! In most cases it wilI be 15%, 20%, 25%,50% and even up to 100%! But hurry! The party laits I 3 davs only - Thursday, Frlday and Saturday. Nov. 28 - 29- 30. Open Friday night 'tii 9 o'ciock. FileA* 37 KING ST. E. KRAMP LTD. Cheryl Fulton. to Mr. Oke. This was earried. sald that the applicati iwas District Commissioner Eve-'f A letter from the Depart- vague. 'ý have been a vised lyn Hawke presented Brown ment of Highways stated that that he left is eaîP1qyment 0wl June James and Brown' it is preparin.g t .he budget for in the Department of .Work OwI Audrey McGhee withlwork on Highway Connecting and is working elsewh re, their Second Year Service Links for the next fiscal year sec no provision that) woul Stars and Captain Evelyn Bi-, starting in April. It asked allow a leave of abse r ce toaa shop and Lieutenant Ingelthat if tbis municipality were former employee wor ing on Ormstrup with their First planning any re-construction another job," he sa.id. Year Service Stars, on the Connecbing Links, or Cuclo opr eod Captain Evelyn Bishop en- wanted anv work donc, that 2 cd bv Councillor Wesley" Fice, rolled a new Girl Guide,. general description Of 11w moved that Mr. Laprade&s ict- Laurie Iliffe, and prescnted work and an approximate eý e ercie and fileý andî the foilowing: timate af the cost be sent to no action be taken. Counrl. Servce Sarsthe Department of Higzhwavs lor Hughes askcd if Mr. La- First Year Sevc tr oofice by Navember 20h. prade had given any reasons Linda Laturski, Karen Hawke, Lorilci Beerthuizen, Susan Reeve Sidney Little, sec- whv h le lbad left biscm p\oy- Ca rpenter, Gail Bartîcît, Rose- onded bv Councillor Okc. ment witb the to)wn, a ti mary Becrtbuizen, and Mar- movcd that an extension of was qaid that none have l4een garet Goyne. Margaret Goyne lime be asked for in whichi received. The motion }was also received hier Second ta submit the requireci infor- carried. Councillor Fice bta- ýCasBadge. mati.on as the letter was onlv cd that he believes thaf in conlssSrvc S r eceived at the council mec! - cases of this kind a report Ela irle* ng two davs prior 10 the should be given advising First Aid Proficiency Bad- deadline. This was carried. council w'bat bad happenied. ges to: Vicki Ormstrup, Gai! Burley Bus Lines infarmed A letter f rom R. W. Stocker Walters, Judy Branton, Janice cauncil by leter that there is regarding the Dog Cantrol Johnson, Pamela Johnson andi ta be a hcaring on November By-Law was referred ta the Sherryl Brantan, 26ti before the Ontario Board of Works on a motloa'i The Guides and Brownies, Transport Board and the ap- by Councillor Hughes, sec- formed a large circle around plication of Burley Bus Lines onded by Reeve Sidney Little. an improvised Camp Fire and. for a license ta operate buses An application from Clifford gaily sang several of their from BoYwmanvjlle ta the Ca- Pet.hick, Enniskillcn, in writ- favaurite sangs. nadian National Exhibition is ing was received. It asked for A very amusing choral read- being o'pposed bY the Colonial a permit and license to bold ing was presented by five Girl Coach Lines. an auction sale at the reri- Guides entitled -Little Rabbit: The communication stat2rl dence of the late Miss Nina Faon". that it would be appreciated' Neads. Councillor Hooper, The Guides and Brownics if the rounicil would pass ai seconded bv Councillar Oke, sang their closing prayer andi resolution requesting the Or- rnoved that Mr. Pctbick be Taps and the singing of "God tario Transport Board ta issue mrantcd ibis permit and that Save the Qucen" brougbt the~'a license t0 Buriey Bus Lines th-e fee for out-of-town resi- program bt a close, for the transportation of pas-idtsfi bse$1.Ti Tea and cookies were served sengers 10 the Canadian Na-j was carricd. Ib was pointed bo the guests by four Brownies tional Exhibition. Councillor Out b%, Councilior Hooper thal. ai-d four Guides. under the Hooper moved that counicit dIbisalui e. onyfothon convcnership of Mrs. Glenn concur in this requesi. idasae Reynalds. was seconded bv Councillor' Two representatives of bhe - Hughes, and carried. Domest.ic 011 Company ap- The orthmberand rd Ipeared before cauncil and ask- Turea Noth uelnt ande}ed if the By-Law giving an Tuha ow nhUitwrt amendment ta, the Zoning By- To w n counicil that it found on No- Law ta permit tbe firm to vember 'lth that a bakeshop place an oil storage tank un- Counc 1 bad been establisbed in the degon inaltnth basement of a bouse at 45 dcrgros ud i aotn t e FROMPAG ONE Scuog Sree. ýsent ta the Ontario Municipal the letter be referrd ta îth, In view of the tact that itf Board for aproval. E.MO. Committee of tbe 1964 contravenes the Zoning By- Mayor Ivan Ho4ybs stabed coucil Ths ws crrid. Law and the tact that t' that this bad not been done Monis hen as re rom peissare not considered and cnun<cil is waiting ta do council 10 request that the suitable for sucb a business. so until an agreement hà boulevard in front of the Hob- the Health Unit asked counicil been signcd between Mr. bv Centre on Ontario Street ta take immediate steps ta Scbleiss and the ail company'. be pavcd 10 facilitate ber get- have the bakeshop discontin- The representative assurer! ing in and out of cars fromi ued. Councillor Hughes, sec-, His Worship that he would be weecbir helete l-onded by Councîllor Oke, gel the agreement signed soon formwe cunil Thahe eteriv moved that the council ac- and would ask Mr. Scbleiss willing to pay for bhc paving. cept the advice of bbe United tb appear with tbem at the Coune-illor Hughes movei Counties Healtb Unit, and that next meeting af counicil whiell that the request be granted a letter be sent the baker a, will be lieid on Tuesday even- bv council and that the Works 45 Scugog Stre et stating that ing, December 3rd. S uperintendent, T. K. Sbew- operating a bakeshop there is art, be empowered t0 art on! a contravention of the Zoning GlY u mi Tiswa ecndd vBy-Law and must bc diseon-, e o r rice Counrillor Oke and carried. tinued. This was carried. 1 1A letter was received froni j Paul Laprade sent a letter For OId Appliances H. G. MarNeili, manager of tocounicil in wbieb he ap-! bbc Bowmanvillc plant af th, plied for a six months leavei ithrougl. Goodycar Tire and Rubber of absence wibhout pa:y and' S T A T E S NtI A N Company, Limited, requesbinc without loss of accumulatcdj C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 that the" îown assume tille ýf senioriiy starting on Novem- Phone 623-3303 bhc road o bbc new plan. The ber 6th. Councillor Haopcr i ANNUAL BLINDCRAFT SALE wiIl be heîd this vear in the Former I.G.A. Store 23 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Immcdiatcly west of Hlydro Office on FRIDAY, NOV. 29th 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY,, NOV#. 3Oth 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Be generous ... help those who try to help themselves . .. ail work donc by bands with no eyes to guide them!