Generals Defeat Junior "Habs" in Fast-Moving Game onl Tue Oshawa Generals put on a tremendous team effort here on Tuesday night to take a close 3-2 decision fromn Montreal Junior Canadiens. These two photos tekmost of the story. At left, goalie Gagnon, fiat on his back is surrounded by his Mllow Canadiens with Generals' big Danny O'Shea (7) the hat trick man, standing over him and Oshawa defenceinan Bobby Orr n earby, hoping to gain possession of the puck. Generals were outshot, but the visitors couldn't slip the puck pasi Dennis Gibson who put everytiiing lie haci into the scrap, inchiding his face on one seramble. That's why 1h te phcdoî- shï'r 5 him oeig eco' ted off the ice for repairs. COF BOWLING Here is a list af changes 252. Right beiiimd .tmaade for second schedule: il1ntle with 665 (227, 1. Captain of Team 4 will 184). Jim Smith real] be Jack Mantie. big second game ani 2. Schedule wlll not be ex- 31 1 and wound up m tended. thier big games: Jac] 3. Teams 2 and a-Bob Mar- 223, Ron Brock 243j shall and Ray Westlake -w.ili1 Gwen Denîtiis 220, E; receive 50 pins per gaine 244 and 230, Harry I handicap for the first seven 230, 229, Carl Schmr weeks. At that time it will Ray Westlake 236, 'oe reviewed wbether ta leave Stephens 220. Carer or discontinue. 230' 4. -Method of scorînig wilif aftStnd rermain samne except no bîows.I Big winners the first w.eek werc- Betty Westlalce, Ray Ram.BroCýý. Westlake and Ron Brock Ray Westlakc teams who swept 7 points Bob Betty Westlake- Marshall's team took 5 poinlts. Bob Marshall- In ail 6 games the 50 handi- Harry Sno',;%,dei- cap did flot figure in the %vin Glenn Prout but it did give Bob Marshail'siJacit Mantle . - team the extra point. Top GiLven Dennis bowler for the week war' Top 10 Ladie Sanîdra Goodmurpby iv th 673, with gaines o! 203, 2_18, anà Sai.cira Gooiiurpni, WINTERS 9 0 0. THE TIMI BUILD a, ENLARG RENOVATE MEN & MATERUALS AR AVAILABLE NOW! SUPPORT YOUR WINTI EMPLOYMENT (AMPAI( CALL VOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMEI OFFICE 314 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone 728-4631 A FURTHER D 0q E TEMPERANCE ST., 1 mksday Irnninr'c Çvririncisr Thne Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan. 8, 1964 - - I ' ~ NE ~I I ~ 1% ~ ~~ ~signs that the expansion has present business faces the run its course." the B cfML future with optimismn temper. ays. !ed with some degree O! eau-~ W4i i GC ontinue inl'64 Aillwîugki there aesme tion and the ugetsni uncrtintesprevenitngý de- t be that the current expan- Canada'a current expansion n exports uand nure tenijered velopment of a clear view o! sian will continue Its moderate of business activity can be ex- growth ini other sectors. Fur- longer range prospects, the B rate of growth weIl into the pectd t cotinu wel itoj thermore, there is every imdi of NM review concludes,__"At new year." _________ 1964, accordmng ta tne Bank iCatnta t busiepactîig. of Montreal's Business Review Cadasstlepdng I fr ecmbrjut ssed IRising personal inconRs-ý for ecemerjustissud. were reflected in higlher con-~ Reviewing the nation's econ- sumner spending on goocis and. amny during 1963, the B cf M' service-s, with a kcv acosOK.H A, JUNIOR ""A" notes that growth has heen! being increased exflenditures 11solid, if sunspectacular" and 1 on durables, pa-rticuýlarly auto- says, "It has been a year higi-! mobiles, the bank-,lys, lighted by the largest wheat pji rva'.e Cap.ital o .it ia y s, crop on record, wlth sales ta' wnùue ess than expectnd, areý -, ays for new rnachir.ery and 13ti-, r11 he Sunday icoo1 equiprnentb eing particuiarly i raom "'.rcng. In the first -,e: monthrs. I EN R A At -,t -anzýg cnir...$à ourstr.zs ced a-in- iIC H N R ANGERS special prayer for the schooI; l'a tyer sra -39,000 ref ho- , chilrenentringon mtwj ng units are expected to be, yhlnears wokthe folor i gunde-r construction by Decein- morring, and in his serrnoný ber ii-, continued the stu-dy aof(lod's Inreased Expocu' OSHAW A utNEKALS great plan. Not al te arrniesi V'U! ethe ea;-noi r'e navies, and pariîamr:rnta 0" Jrl,gr has heýoed Carzdian ex- men have hiad ý,uclî arn ports by makicng r rces incre' BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA fluence ov'er mankind as tr.?n-c aethvfor ~. products,: life af Jesus who brought .e the B of M stat2s, "Some ai realization that Go-d's lio e tUîncreases have clearlyr-' people s'aouildSe a, :ght "sulted rom mare aggressî', II the world, not througb' power1 seliim-g policier by Car,,ciiar. TU S f A f b 1 t but suftering, side Cana-1.' 1-30 John and AMsrsha hav-v tý-en ýThe barik 3av'y a arn5 ic-. -îc'Uaa z,'rt of iaur - ' ihe ri i-' act-rr in mrty ever sirce 'They carte, e'oigo< . ,~,'..U ISO ir :s c- e. s-.e'U '! c '-': bur-van1t eccanozr.ic "andiUonz 'S i d tc u.50 Ers& -$1.2.5 Ifal:-fledged 'c j.t jz e:-,sE a fC a-r ia . 2mn :idix 1 I'- - 't-- -m-4 ~ , 9,vstandingrrar$1.2tà .ity recertly an)d tvxel- " trie ',ho;e, asI Sudt âàà~,d Chtidren. .ients or ,4taiiding T- - -i em lovei agai'been a per;oid cot -ready jT r.~~ily. growth and .there are ew' Shirley Brock 1761 AJ M jr L a u Gwen Dennis 71iiixed oo Lu u Vera King ----17 aS :larioîî Mallev 169, 254 und'STelaila awkins Te6mSt. PiZtg S. . JEl O 2 ,t.22 8F', ily hacia 1 Flore~nce Snolwdezi 167-9.2,2~f obs 5 0, ,d rol1edi Carol Roberts 161 3oýI. 2 'McNuilty 23iý, 247, Mý Bur-, vth 6'43 -JOaiG-bson îs eure.......... ess 27V', 210, D. MdvlttoDn 265,1 Nab; ............ebee 26à~, O. Patfieïd2631 k MýcNab Jewi Devitt --- icel.......... .... ~*~ 238, 20C, . Hear1 and 224.: Top 10 M ~ ~e 2 , 2, c 1 ' 14 ari Lu'-e A E.!u$ la-fVt23, 31 0 Siiow:.lPfl î .. . 222' High smgil . N :. U Xe0 d IN 1; t j, t-League 'Sù éd U ! r RüA 'fl rock --- - -- 213 Rig ýTriple Il1;'~ . .~- ~ 1 NMaluice i Jii Silh ---- __---- __A14 L x'Sinigle . OPatfield KilJan 6a 1- 3-. - 5-6 ne lelHarry Snowýden 7-__~1 k vnge a 34 6 . Ra Wt!ake 202 E.ii' 2 3 0> 7 l, e t K 1 - ~ ' N.H.ernng......... ...1'1'22 Ici 17 -fý 1.!, 3-4 3il 0, I 1~n __ Burgessa .... 22 2 e2'1 2 2 1 5ý 1P. Patersoni.............2201 Ma, " '8? 24 1 ~~' " O. Etcher~............ ..29Mr 0 3 ~ ;A1~ B. ileari ....... ......... 21 î 1 IF- 4I o ee . Muto ................ 20e A Pr - 1.4 1-3 6-2 Hl Fockey B.Trimble ............... 20O1 Apr. 1- 1- - - StandingsB High Ganies 'M.ýy4-4 3-5, N. Hennrg 301, 2iU4__S. lMa - i ain i Ajax.S L' 2'14,Mîxed League DOWIlig *Bo.wînanv]lp e 6 ! O 141 Uxbridge S. O3 1 econd schedu..e action go iLb .... stouflville . 6 ? 1 u ndeway in the ?,Ixed Le&a1E 3. 7 West ai.. am72 4 1gue, Friday night, with Pal-rat .... lýes oue 0 4mer and Bennett the big wr'~oi2 Port Perry .... 1 & 1 ners, 7-0 over Bromeli nýtc1e St. John.'s .. 06 1Il Etcher respec-dvely, FJiràt one fourpoint game Afte rk4mo nnstaon ew te eguiar schedile e t-ars'nýw aed Lor.e,5-2, WESLEY VILLF. Jan. lAth, Ajax and Bowxman-iH. BrGck dcftated_ Gr;i1 " rourd of O.M.H.A. payoffi. Wright, imsýtan encid and it er- I a;n1-. 'sa rhi e. r1ýBoth 1 Matt a::-~ce. r thE d self and for' Um -~~~~nev, year oitf in fire :c±-r- ' crs a,:adcn Ea"d' uphgitrpe wor1in erer.o the best but! iowed by Harrisor,217 . I'- ti ey planned to keeca;,.-eehoYý' Welsh 317, Bob MÀ-tchell 24,,i y, As lisuai here ;t was a Deceniber 204h,193 Arnold Sieep 284, Bob Charl1el, famlly day with mýember Re: Provincial Adoption 269, Frank V½rîgli- , aig wavfron.hoe1cm- Sevle ley Etcher 267, Murray Grant 1hikt~ r. esiiis Yu will be inteî-est.ed in 265, Mabel Lewis 21G',, Vi.nCe with the.,: fanilies Prout 261, 2d0, Ken Nichols tle efforts of this Department 256, Bob Glanville 252. nd àMrs. Gwen Coîuchmar wâs, and of the Children's Aid Se- *'Happ Palmer 251, jr. Florida te spend the Chrlst<ý cieties in finding permanent te bitrps 4 mas seas:-n with lier daugh- - adoption homes for chlldren. Oheter.rile ~M r. and Mrs- Ken Ashby lU rhe current year is expected DIck Perfect 724, Lew v \Ve1sh returned from there to be at R'to set a new record in the 717, Bab Mitchell 710, Vince 'home for ChrListmas dînner. number of adoptions complet- Prout 707, Fran.k Wright .6î8,1 ed. There wvill be a minimum Cec Mutton 676, "Hap" Pal- Ta:it , wO14 '- i ~havel of 5,449 placements, an in. mer 667, Bob G1a ll.65s, flotareon freta&retouble, tr crease of 6.6% over 1962. Murray Grant 654, Ken Nich. eae idt rprfta c Many children stlll remain 013 651, Morley Etcher 648, H1 Reeve who spent part of as wards cf the Societies and and Arnold Sleep 642. the hiolidiay in Port Hope are hard te place because they Marion Wiseman lezi the Hos-p t sherdfeln ,aeadr rhv hsclladies in both diviskrî, i ûi Fred-j '.t 'cnty handicaps or a mixed racial lng up a 266 singe n î iC5 orîgn, or have a specific re- triple. trcesnGcked *ard ~dee ýlig'ou bacgrond.A faeur tah"&r ..,'the sudden passing1 ;N ial tenAs evl figam-~ Top Average ,r Mrs John Hfolrmes at the 'ong adopting parents who now Matt Harrison ...... . 253ý home o! Dr, and Mrs D. Hu'o- freqenty acept children Dlck Perfect . ......241 bard ir. Bowînrýanvile jn the descibe as ardta place Lew Welsh............... . M2' dýý afte'. Chrkitmap- Mci andi and uulyexperience every Bb itce, 37 rs. .1 - X-v ee.log satsfaction iii t'neir choice. Vince Prout+... .........23 tîtite stim!'ner resy!entF aV isath increasing population Frn rlh......... 22~Rde beach and other conditions, the Cec MuttOn........... '225 Anothne: îr u- w ~epastj number of children in the "Hap" Palmer ...... 22n, -as severed with the passingî ,care of Children's Aid Socle- Marion Wiseman........ 2,5 of Misç Ma,, 11a horne, thel tics remains at a fairly con- Bob Glanville ... 2. .19 last of lUer notr.e jr the dis-1 stant level. There are now Murray Grant .... 219 tricý. She was, we3 1-nowr. toi 9,733 permanent wards as Ken Nichols 27 al tne aider residents and compared ta 9,715 at the samel Team ndn chose to live, even at ber ad- time last yer Tenmbr aneed age, ini ber aid home, yeal, f orsTe nbe rsj a.on= after the death of lher woudofouree uchBenet............ ....There wce 58 at Prou ,.................chool on the last Sunday of H. Brcck................. - the old year -.vith most teach- Harrison............... " crs ard offlcerç present. Final Perfect............... Iplans were 'm&cle for the party Wright ............. ...... - on !he ïollowing evening. OYver 20 young people played greater if net reduced Ùy a. crokrolc iin the church base- options. mrer., while a much larger This Departnment, czuh nuniber had a good skating its Chîld Welfare B-no at tiog ,eki.iCie-s of 'maintains an Adoption Re- Mr. Moore vwho allowed them soreExchanîge. Informationii the freedrlrn of his farm pýond. fromthe fîfty-five ChildrLn's' It was NI heerd ro A Soietes oveing thethe wind ard a bonfire helped province ib channeileu it ake w, k hl ite thi cetre gîingnotce f1zero weather, Al returned ta wards available for placement, the churc'h t-ir refreshments As a resuit, it is found that a.nd hear the resuits of the we can meet the needs of somnei games, First man's prize went chlldren and provide a suit- ito John Goeneve'd. and first able child for adopting par- !ladies 'a Sharon' anA Linde S I SU E FO Rewspaper classii'ýed a1îid display advertisements of aâ- t %.e-'Oey ýBes! and L"w!is optable children were intra- Tond duced in 1958 anàd since thiatý The first executîve nreeting time It lis estimated that ten o h ...fr16 a ETA I LS milotolr pbic fu;_sheld at the homne of the presi-1 _______________________M_____ 198 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-3388 Rde ROOM KIS x aiua olehl rom'8" i4.8 to c.c m'tîoû . photo îlusîrated bo or 6et8 ith$5.9 b tpmtuc oo o ta 6 xuid reVror ci. " $5M m. '.-~ i1. rea 11FREE 99r A MONTH fteai'ci kiudget Piààn, tlo down payment -. . budget terms as low aun $10 a mnonth. No outside finane- lng. you deal directly with Be.aver. 6 MONTH DEFERRED P AY ME'N-T Nothlng down . . . nothing to pay for 6 months, aMk about thL% plan today. DEPENDABLE 1 SEE NEXT WEEKI -i