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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1964, p. 9

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Afternoor The ladies started curlini gi *gain January 7tb a!ter a hol- day laya!!. The winning skips1 were Mrs. Morris, Mns. Wood- i Curling not able ta be there due toaa slight illness and ber teain was very ably skipped by her Vice, Mrs. Hilda Rundle. loc, Ms. sborne, and wrs Four girls, headed by Mrs. Bell. Thursday's winners were Mildred Bell, went to port Mrs. Woodlock, Mrs. Gay and Perry Thursday the 9th of Mrs. Kramp with the teams of January to take part in the con- Mrs. Burk and Mrs. Falk play- tinuing interclub bonspiels. ing ta a tie. Mrs. Falk was1 They lost one and won one. SALEM fflDETS IN 1Monday, January l3th, the SALEMMIDGES WIN girls gathered at the club for on Tuesday night. SalemI the playoff gaine for second Midget Ds, the "G o 1d e n Place in the first draw. It , Hawks", came through with was taken by Mrs. E. Camp- San impressive win over port bels rink over Mrs. M. Mor- ?Perry 5 toi1. ris' rink, 8 ta 2. Goals were scored by George Leaver 2, Bill Eby 1, Don Senn 1, Tim Prout 1. Ray Mc'-, BETHANY Phail in the nets was out- standing for Salem. Terry Friends are wishing a Walton of Newcastle, playîng speedy recovery ta Mrs. Ern- his fi-st game with the club, estine Henderson who is a gathered two assists. Next patient in Civic Hospital, gaine in Orono on Friday Peterborough. Mrs. Hender- when Walter Rickard will al son fell on sorne ice and suf- to ioin the team to add more fered a fractured pelvis. strength. Mrs. Walter Rowland who has been in Toronto with her RELD O1'ER daughter and son-in-law Mr. Sevra sprt strls hvei and Mrs. Bert Freeman since Sevra sprt strls hvebefore Christmnas, returned been heid over due to Iaek horna on Saturday. ofjpace. At the meeting of the Unit- FOR .... METAL DIES FIXTURES TOULSO LIGHT PRESS WORK W WORK DONE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS '. * * vw FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT JACK LOCKE PHONE 623-5232 20 KING ST., WEST BOWMLANVI LLE ed Church Womnen held in the11 Sunday Scbooi raom on Mon- lJunior La u ok day evening, the Rcv. William 1 eg eH c Piercy of the U'nited Churcli I àspoke on "Beliefs of Ou- Church"' and introduced the rRev. Reginaid Rose of St.M Q u e beliefs o! The AnglicanI tChurch. f Tbey explained the differ o! worship in the two church-I es and expressed the hope that saine day there would be unity the hymns and prayers. Mrs. r amog al. ýGrdonChase assisted with One joint brought out and[Ireading several portions of discussedi was the fact that the' scripture. United Church is composed ai Rev. Win. Piercy hed charge former Metbodist and Presby- o! the installation of the new terians. The original Metho- executive for 1964 with the dists broke away fram tbe President, Mrs. Thomas Jen- Anglican Church and this, nîngs; Vice-President, Mns. they nated, brings the diffi- Carl Porteous; Secretary, Mns. culty o! replacing that first Ralph Prestan; Treasurer, Mrs. Ldivision. Ross Devidson; Pragrami Con- "The prejudice o! past tra- vener. Mrs. Herb Coppins; ditions is bard ta overcome" Leader o! Social Functions, said Mr. Rose, "but if we ap- Mrs. Addison Scott, taklag praacb the subject o! union their vows o! office. with true Christiari faith and Annauncement wes made o! charity, we will perhaps sec the annual cangregatianal union in belief amang ail meeting ta be held on Jenuery God's people". 21 et which the UCW miem- Mr. Piercy suggested that in bers will serve lunch. the past and in some cases in Mns. Henb Cappins express- the present, the two churches cd the thanks o! the members have been an a competitive ta the visiting ministers for basîs il- some comrnmties, their informative tehk. that it might become an Lunch was serx'ed by Mrs. economie necc'sity ta join forc- alW thrtMsVicn es, citing instances in the Jarckson il, Mrs ince wnt wvestern provinces %whcre for- Jacsonddisn cotarnRan mrPresbyteriaîî and Methu- Ms diôîSotadMs dist Churches bad jained forces Wlir arne long before tbc United Church ,came inta being. AD U 1 Mis. Thomnas Jenrîings pre- C D U sîded for the meeting and thanked the outgoing execu- Cadmus U.C.W. held thein tive for their ca-operatian. fi-st meeting o! the New Year Twenty-seven members paid on, Wedncsday evening, Jan. thei- fees. Mrs. Ralph Pi-es- 8th a'. the home of Mrs. Gea. ton read. the minutes O! Johntston. There were 13 previaus meeting, a letter fi-rn members prescrnt and Mrs. Sophia Pariskou, the litthe Milton Gray pi-esided. Greek child adopted by the M'sý Gray read some parish, and "tharik yoiî" notes tîîoughts for the New Year fi-rn Mrs. James Frase'r, 's. and the meeting opened with. Edgar Beer, Mrs. Walter Row- a li ymn. Mrs. Gray led in land and Mrs. Florence Johns- prayer. The devational periodl ton. Announcement was made xvas taken by Mrs. Thora Gray o! the coming Presbytcry from The Word and the WayI meeting ta be held in Peter- wibh Mrs. Doris Robrer nead- borough January 28th and n the scripturps. Prayer by I which several niembers wiîîllgr.Rsei amr attend. Mi ssnr e aimer.Idi Mrs. Ross Davidson gave the Msiniynaigo ni financial report for the past was gîven by Mrs. Rabrer.1 year. Mrs. George Waddeil Rail cali was enswered byý bohd o! sending eight bales o! members paying their duesi used and new clothing foir and some resalutians for thel overseas missions relief, alsa New Year- chothîng sent ta the Sampson Minutes of hast meeting Indian Reserve in Alberta. were read and approved and Mrs. Cari Porteous gave the bbc breasurer's report given. social convener's report: Mrs. Business wvas brie!. Donald Lowes, that of the This part of aur meeting manse committee. Mrs. Gerv- closed wibh the bymn "Jesus in Mullîgan reported on visits is ail tbc worhd ta nie" The and g-ifts ta sick and shut-ins. pi-ain consisted o! severai Mrs. Thomas Jackson h.ad1 readings and a contes'.. Thanks charge cf the worship servicelwas offered Mrs. Johnston and with its themne "Jesus Thela dehicious lunch served by Lizht of the World." lorring1 oti rey e pgnin in chanpe of the ne Canadien Statesman, Bewmanvffle, 3%&. la, 1964 ey J executive consisted of items ____a bout India ta introduce the R -~ stdy th ne Msson Midg ets Uown West Rouge bookfo the year. A bripf, EU ~ *. IJ i~ j N seketch o India"s revealed t ýýBewmanville Midgets wound! Burns and ICerry Dlckeng. ImurJw I acNtata ea'sstdywoi up the regular sehedule on a' Dickens made it 4-1 on a cover a sinaîl portion of isiwinning note here SaturdayWrv psbfr Hardy ~ B ill a rd sof some of its major religions 6-2.Wet ouejWest Rouge ln the final min- and sev'eral ladies had a con-I The locais opened the scor-1ute of the second session., Fd g e B ill a rd stribution about the place of ing after oniy 12 seconds of, McMurter added two mars ______________________dairy animais in India's ecr.- play as Steve Burns rapped ia in the third ta complete his McQueen's Ramblers ex- nomy. The business was con- a pass fi-cm Peter Werry; but hat-trick, as Burns and Werry tended their league lead ta o Y1 V' d ucted by the president dur- the rest of the period wvas picked up their thîrd points. three points on the strength SbLAfRKVILLE îng which reports were heard scoreiess. After Dennis Ho-I Ron Carter made his tinst of a 6-3 win aven NichaIs' of the activities of the argani- meniuk made It 2-0, Holeatt start in goal playing the third Motors and Local 189 edged Miss Marilyn Falls, Peter- zation throughout the year. clicked for the visitors' fi-st period. la place of startel Ron hast place Bill's Billiards 3-2 borough, spent the weekend at It had been decided that the at the 12 minute mark of the Heard. ta tie Nichols for second, in home. U.C.W. would continue ta con- second period. Next game Satundoy night Junior action, Sunday night et Miss Norma Hallowell, of tribute to the support of the Amnt lae DnMc-seSptocioum fr theMemria Anna.Toronto spent the weekend at saine bytrug Ax-e m u eratr c red Don payM tet ailesotpc cl o therst pl ae a tsaei.M' lwHllwl'.te hltnfnda oga the opener, but scoring leader Miss Linda Platz was a ne- he was eligible, and when a Kr spread among seven players- Grant Flintoff fired a pair of cent visitor at Mr. Lawrence change was made the decision i cnnen s PtBenn aeSen goals ta leed McQueen's ta Farrow's. would be taken about the useKic e r En s PtBna, v Se. vtoy Sige eta Bill Mrs. Jim Stark was hostess of that money. He wiîl re- k Nick Stilwell, Bill wy Crossey, Larry Perris, Bob for the meeting of the U.C.W. ceive parcels for 1964. Amon.g F c~ ra Tom Miller, Gary Sabourin McManus and Bob Nemis with o! Shiloh, Wednesday after- th, contributions during theGenerals SUJ a and Gord Kannegiesser. Paul Mutton collecting three noon, last week. Mrs. John year were $385 to Missionarv l u. - on Buchanan, his 3Oth. essists. Stark, the president, was in and Maintenance and Pre y inig IBill Smith and Mike Dubeau Brian Forsey, Murray Brown cporgwtio t e y eint Hpe Hospital. Plan s o .W ïn inr7e 3 scored for Oshawa. and Dave Werry blinked the pFintknb r.Br oeHsia.Paswr red light for Nichais. Trim and Mrs. Jim Stark. A made to rememaber absent Kitchener Rangers may be Late in the gaine Chris Ro. In the nightcap, Bill's pulled pleasant aftennoon was en- friends on Valentine's Day end in hast place, but they 'have berts and Kannegeisser tang. their goal-keeper in fevour o! joyed with 12 ladies in attend- the 23 ladies present were re- only lost once ta, Oshawa lied end soon afterward Randyr an extra attacker in the final ance and Mrs. Stark's kind- mînded of the "bake and take Generals. Sundav afternoon Legge and Ricky Gay staged minute. The tailenders press- ness wes appreciated. it" sale at the next meeting. at Kitchener Auditorium the the second bout - ail four ed bard but couldn't get the Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hello- Th- past, president, Mrs. Clr. aî&r nded Oshawa's un-~ drawîng majors. Gay was equalizer. well attended a party et Mr * ence Nichols was not able ta beaten streak et five, camillg elevated from Whitby Jr. "B" Jan Hancack. Brian Bradley Austin Turner's, Newcastle, be present as stie is teaching up with their highest out-put Dunlops for the game. and Bruce Og 1den sccred the last week.oftesan 189 goals, while A n d Mr. and Mrs. John Scott,inPrGanycoo.fth saontupeth Three stars were: Bill Hway, Matthews and Ray Piekeil hit Newcastle, visited at Mr-. War- The inaugural meeting of sîxth place Generals 7-. Randy Legge and Ron Buch- for the lasers. ren Carson's, last week ' the schooi board was held on Tne winners -goals. werean. Andy Murphy of Bils Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little Wednesday evenîng with thé Billiaî.ds became the first cie- and Laurie, Campbellfard, same meinber as Iast year,M fenemn a in heKe'swere dinner guests at Mr. Harold Austin, George Tuf-, Men' Wea Str ofthe eekBrian Caswell's, Sunday, They ford anid Cari-ail Nichails, and! venWear Sa o heWe with Mn, and Mrs. Caswell Harold Austin as chai-man. _ p y A U IO A Junior Standings ad lml ee spe r n rCrolNc- W L T Pts guests et Mn. Liew Hello- ais and Mrs. E. Barrowclough McQueen Ramblens 4 1 3 il wells. were in Part Hope on FridaY M Nichais' Matons - 3 3 2 8ý Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Trim evening to see "The Enemy o fi ___ Local 189 ------ -- 3 3 2 8 and family and Mr. and Mrs. the People" by the Canadien B'il ilirs 1 Bert Trim were necent guests Players at the high school. HCE ville, ciough visited with Dr. and Mi-. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- Mrs. Hubbard in Bowman- RE R A I N son vîsited in Oshawa. ville, Mr, and Mrs. Gea. Mor:-I I N RE I G ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil;, H M LO:E I G , Robinson in Orono, lest Mon-' REVIEWS WESLEYVILLL day afterrioon.V. There were 54 at Sunday Pes Wee League Frîends bei-e were sory ta School on Sunday morningý 7:00 a.m. Canadiens vs. hear of the death in Toronto with Mrs, E. Websten reading! Rangers hast weekend af Mrs. Charles the scipture. Pcv. M. Free- OS HAW A GENERALS 7 45a m Atos v PrinsQuinr, a long time summer man'~s series of sermons on F,:35 Bears vs. Kawks1 resident here when ber chiid- the plan of God for man as 9.20 a.n. Wings vs. Leafs ren were grawing up. Sym- shown in scipture approaches BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA Bantamn League 1 pa'.hy toc is extended ta Mrs. its conclusion and will be con-I 10:15 a.m. - Flyers vs, Pee iLea Parnell, Port Britain, for cluded next Sunday, appliei1 Wees Ithe' loss o! bier mother, Mrs. ta, our time. The sacrement! h1:00 e.m. Braves vs. Cubs; Walsh, lest weekend. cf the Lord's Supper was ab- 1:0aom Losagu irt'Te UC..firt1m64inwas 'he!inservie olwn h e a' TU ES., JAN . 2 lst 1:0A.m Los s.Pae s The .forst1meetng o! he ' inservieoiwn h eua 12:35 p.m. - Indiens vs. Bisons1the church Sunday schooi Those interested in Sunday 7:30 p.M. Lions Mldget League 1 room on Wednesday, Jan. 8th. Schooi work met in the Sun- 1:30 p.m. - Gens vs. CometslThe meeting was opened by day School noom on Mondayý 2:15 pin. - Bantains vs. B.T.S.1 the Dresiden t, Mrs. Gea, Tuf - evening, Jan. 13, ta naminate' ADMISSION Juvenile League Ifard,- with the reading o! a iteachers and officers for the! Sides - $1.50 Ends - $1.25 3:00 p.m.- Aces vs. Canucks: poem cof inspiration for the 1 comning year. Tiiere were' Scheduie, Monday, Jau. 2thicoming year. The devotiansiother matters discussed for Standing - $1.25 Atom League were led bv Benniece Best as- 1 presentaiion ta the congrega- Students and Children, seats or standing - 75e 5:00 pin. - Giants vs. Bisons' sisted by Mrs. J. Groeneveld'tional meeting the following- 5:45 vin. - Rovels vs. Indians andi Mrs. E. ParrowelouQh. Wensav. l4JANUARY CLEARANCE A£ OUR WIN0TI MER CEJINDi SOCK DEPARTMENT BAN-LON Reg. $1.50 - CLEARANCE - CUSHION FOOT Reg. $1.001 - C'LEARANCE LAMB'S WOOL Reg. $1.50 - CLEARANCE WHITE SPORT SOX Reg. 81.00 - CLEARANCE --------- MEN'S Sport Shirts ASSORTMENT 0FI * TARTANS Reg. * GINGHAMS to $6.00 *STRIPES *PLAINS ETC. i e VIVELLA SHIRTS .---------- 7 8 c ----.--78c - ---------7 C MEN'S FELT Regular $5.95 $4.88 Dress Hats Regular $4.95 $3.88 MEN'S GUARDS.MAN GAB TrOPCOATS REGULAR $24.95 CLEARANCE SALE $1188 BOYS' SPORT COATS - $8.95 e ALL-WOOL REG. $15.00 - CLEARANCE ( mGuALL-WOOL uIP TO TOPCOATS ONCE -A -YEAR Ctisioni Range TAI LORED - TO - MEASUf Reg. 855.009,5 CLEARANCE __--1 Deluxe Range dl ALL SALES FINAL Reg. $35.00 - $39.95I ('CLEARANCE. $24.o95 ýP TAILORS Ltd. Sale09 RE SumUTS Price$6 0 1 0 6 0NO EXCHANGES' bien 'sWeur Tom perance St. N. laBowmanville M - ___________________ $11-88 $2.98

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