Young Canada Night Here Nexi Monday tate mai Durham County's Great Family Journal Iii cOflletion with Minor Hockey Week, when 1 parents arc urged to "Tako Thoir Kids to the Arena,1t Don't Send Them", the annual Young Canada Night 1 will hcolhcld here on Monday, Jan. 2th, with thrce1 hockey games, The Atoms will play Peterborough at 7, the Pee Wees play Oshawa at 8 and the Bantams1 Russets Staging Comeback VOLUME 110 16 Pages Lions Dist. Governor Praises Local Club For Achievements Distriet-Governor J. R o s s tLhat the speciai in son of Oliphant, Peterborough, gave Lons Clu ; stihe promot o-i an inspiring address on Lion- of good government and god ism on Monday evening at citizenship, the developmenti the dinner meeting of the of the civic, educational, soc- Bowmaville Lions Club held il, and moral w~elfare of the in the Lions Community Cen- communitv and the nation, tre. President Russell Oke and to help create and foster presîded. a spirit of generous considera- International - Council b r, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Hei'b Goddard introduced the,- --- Distriet-Governor. He said1 that Mr. Oliphant is the pro- !ie as H l prietor of a large garage busi- Lb r s H I nessin Pterbroug, an spoke of his outstanding ser-,A n a e tn vice as a Lion.' n u e tn "He was president of the T Peterborough Club in 1959-60,1h rda ih CZone Chairman in 1960-61, iurua N gh and Deputy District-Governcr Tmro~Tu~a ~ **~~~~~~ ~in 1962-63. He is now District- nn aur 6htea ' Governor for 1963-64," Mr.fuametn fliDr ~~~ ~Goddard said. He also told the hm Cut iea so Smeeting that District - Gov- ciation ili be held in the ernor Oliphant has attendedOd eo'sHl. roo two annual conventions of the, at eigtlok. Her iil International Association ofi be an election of offieers HobbswilldropLions Clubs, has been present' frtecmn er play Whitbx at 9. lis Mvoi ship Mavor Hbswl rpat all Zone meetings since frushe coiC.n e, .P the' opening puck and guests w'ill bo two famnous 1956, and visited all Lions wiRusgielaCsHot eport on Maplo Leafs, Tim llorton and Don Simmons. Somne of'Clubs in the district last year*, parliament. those \vho will take part are includod in this photo, at least once, which meant being present at a total of 105 There wvilI he dancing and Iro lIt ()rnhi, Roll.-,-Simpson, Steven Forsey and cards following the business l'ro let to i,,meetings. Doug Croucgli. __ Th e speaker emphasized, session. Clara Nesbitt's or- ý ICU ioub V v ugiti eti muil Chancies in ADDIe Indus frv Many Articles to HIDQ. E E On Fridax' Mrs. E. Rundle, chairman of the Women's Work Committeo of the Bow- LDuring the Pasf 27 Years 'manvlie anld District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross .sen a lrgebox of articles hand made by local volunteers Defc le by . F Heyand Io the Red Cross hcadquartors Detated y"J.F. H yfan wvrehouse in Toronto. Among the knitwear. eloth- Ail aspects of the apple bu- Senior Active Member. He placed in 15 to 20 -vears. This . ng, and surgical supplies in siness were deait with by also told the club that Mr. is just as well bccause mar- h o ee w hws n Forbes Heyland ibis address Heyland is a membor and a.ket demand for differcot Xinds blue and one sand; one pair at, thc meeting of the Bow- past chairman of the Durham of apples changes to, h ir fpn okedntd ih mnanville Rotar% Club held in County District High School As anl ýxanipÎe of the changé, pairs of blue socks, two years; Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Board. and last vear served'in pbi LSCM.le.ln three pairs of gray socks, 12 on Friday. as finance chairman for this ITURN TO PAGE Oj ers for in core Mr. Heyland ivas introdue- olgani2ation. -setr,1 er;tobu ed b *jes Speers, who said! Stating that it was 27 years sweaters, 12 years; two blue ht 'speaker had been ajago last month since hoe had iA th rsirstoyasonpirf memilbiJli' f'the -local Rotary given his classification taîk to' liiigen ooalsx yas Club for 27 vears and is althe club, Mr. Heyland diseus- ,*tpresident. Mr. Speers said sed the changes in the apple! ILI Mr. Hey~land is now a'industry since that time. Ho! explained bowever, that the: soil is still of great impurt-!ît n Four Directors ance to orchards, and pointed!FMU CT-O wrong site for apple treesll " men and many others w~ eould ho disastrous as a grow- "Big~ , Night" as they cele To Be Elected er could lose bis entiro busi-', Ines wthi afew years.ofarusRbtBrn The speaker said that 25 mark the occasion, Legior Fo o ptl years ago the selection of trees tained entertainer Andre was limited, but now there is .ktoprveaniee The annual meeting of a far larger number. On theseý1ktt rviea nee tin ih b hldnet ed elctd orgrwig ayh ion Ladies Auxiliary wil Meinorial Hospital Corpora- trees the varieties of apples 7Hgi",frthma inesday evening, January grafted. t t 22nd,, ait 8 o'cloek in the Mr. Heyland spoke of the' NIE I h e Town Hall auditorium. Four lwork done by an experimental' N1E I h e directors wil ho elected for station in England some yoars' there was a photo of a lir a two year termn, and eom- ago which bas resulted in a' Theatre. The leLters on1 mittec chairînan, also the variety of dwarf root stock! grsWf a ayB H os pi talI Administrator, being made readily available.,ae'WieIasBb B Bernard Holden, will pre- Although a dwarf apple tree Movies 2 p.m., 7:30 p.rni sent their reports. 'rw fewer fruit than a stan- Dale Carnegie for the show was "The dard sized one it bas somo ad- Over 20 %vcre present on Last year tie annual vantages, ho assorted. on Thursday evening for tihe meeting w~as held in the "Dwarf trees may be setopening "free" night of the PAPER DRIVES Ina hospital cafeteria, and there close togeiher. 300 to 350 to'famous D)ale Carnegie course, issue Boy Scouts and Ci was such a large attendance an acre instead of 35 le 501being conducted ait lTle Fly- approciat ,ion to those whc that the spacious room waN standard trees. Apples prod-ling Dutehman under sponsor - overcroivded. so this year uced oy such trocs are equal!ship of Bowmanville Kiwani s p utting out their oli the Board of Directors de- or better than those grown on Club. There arc twvo more Also, they have announc cided to hold the meeting standard trocs, and handling "free" nights before the ac- drives this year. The fir in the Town Hll auditorium costs are less. tuaI course enrollment takes Fe b. 8 th. to provide greater accommo- The speaker also statedi that'plaee. Anvone interested kisin- dation for ail members of d\warf trees bear fruit carlY. vitvd Io contact a Kiwanian the public le i'o w<voud like to attendl. IVI.ded tlhat they' do not live'or corne to the I)utchmani on tolong, ai-d have to be re- Thursdaiy evenin. Big Night for the Generals It was sweet revenge for Oshawa Generals on Tuesday night as the ' chalkod up a 10-2 'ictorv oo'er Kitchener Rangers. On Sunday, this same team had hoat- en them 73. Photo shows Ron Buchanan, foreground, wvho had a big night and George Vail of the Generals taking part in one of the scramblos around the Kitcthener Inet. , seven cashabias, 30 bandages-, four three piece baby setso bonnet, jacket, and bootees iin white, two three piece bal3 sets in blue; three three piec baby sets in pink; one grecr sweater, six years; one beig( 3sweater, 12 years, donated one red sweater, two years one pair of rose socks, tw( years; 2,170 wipes, and tw( 16 piece layettes. Anyone interested in help. ing the Red Cross carry on il, work, which is a wonderfu' 1help to so many people, coulc assist with knitting, sewing quilting or making surgicW dressings, please telephonE Mrs. Rundle at 623-5430. d ÇPeces Saturday, Jan. 25, Scots- vil have their traditional ebrate the 205th birthday sat the Legion Hall. To nnaire Ab. Mavin bas ob- ew Murdison of Newmar- sting program. The Leg- Il serve dinner, including ias the stomach for it. nfrew Advance last week ýe up outside the O'Brien the marquee read "Man- ýoy. Celebrates with Free n., Sunday." The picture Mating Game." aCard of Thanks in this ýubs of the area express ohelped them raise funds ld papers for collection. ced dates for their paper irst one is scheduled for t NO SMOKE --- Due to the recent report from the U.S.A. tying cigarette smoking in more closely with lung cancer, quite a number of friends are switching to pipes or making a supreme effort to quit the weed altogother. The ones to which we take exception are those who have just quit buy- ing. They apparontly feel they will smoke less if they "hum" fr om o ther people. t CIIILLY - Long Sault correspondent Grace Smith phoned Tuesday morning to advise that therniomoters in that area had dropped to 17 be- low zero during the night. That is cool! ELEPHANTS- Latest-fad is the elephant story, nutv going the rounds of schools, colleges, etc. Some of them are real ',sick". Typical: "Why does an elephant have red eyes?" "So it can bide in cherry trocs." There are dozens of others just about as nutty. How they get started we wouldn't know. Whv,is even more vague. PROBLE31S Specialty Paper Products is ex- perioncing some employee - management diffi- culty which we hope will be settled amicably in the very near future. Details are sketchy at the miiornent. T T t t NO AGREEMNENT- Hope Township and Port H-ope Monday, failed to agree on details of a new f ire protection agreement for the south end of the township. One bone of contention was who was to pay cosi of fighting vehicle fires on highway 401. Another was whether the township or the town wvould pay for replacing foam chemnical. used in fighting fires in the township. The old agree- mont expires at the end cf the month. T T t t PROGRESS- Work is prcceeding on Goodyear 's large rubber reclaim plant, south east of the main plant. A quick bock on Tuesday revealed that most of the exterior work bas been completed and the building is completeby encbosed. Huge tanks are piled cutside the structure, apparently ready to be "ntalled. y s; o BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1964 10c Per Copy NUMBER 3 A nother Lucky T V Winner Mrs. Rota Rodman, (sister of Mrs. Gordon Beech, Maple Grove), 214 Centre St.. Oshawa, appears quite happy in this photo and has good reason to be. She xvas the winnor of the Philips portable television set shown in the photo. Her niame was drawn during the contost held by Harry Locko's TV. Mr. Lock is con- gratulating the winner. 15,000 Sq. Ff. Under Glass At Jackman Florîsfs Here Kîwanîs Club Informed cI~liesrawAiI IJIJv iUetheL mu -11 sic for dancing. There mvl also be several square dan- ces, and an experienced cail- er ilih be present for this. A lunch will be served and ladie s are. asked to -bring cookies, es. cake, or sandwi jeu- Hog Producers Plan Banquet In flrnn Hall o01111 %pu Visu a maUis ; The moticulous care and square feet under glass," Mr. i Top peaerswillho ro-planning that goos into the Jackman statod.r Psent for the second annual produti eon f lowd ossaiid The boat in each glassod-in 'Countess of tsbnqe of Durham C pln ants were utin ed by Rsfiatossgreenhouse is automatically anqo Pucet et hCouny akmni iscasfîaincontrolled by valves, and t Lis [d the Odd Pelloxvs Hall. OronDI talk given al the dinner mcci- are zoned so tbat each recoîves st w l o il Hogofroducers held o' tKiy itt g, next Thursdav, Jan. 23rd, ai ngu teBomavll i-t individual heat require-1 12 oon Thy re im oyn rwanis Club held at the Flying ment, Mr. Jackman pointed ie ton, secrotary of Ontario Hogiclia oorHtl out. He added that they are IS ea k H Producers Assii. and Cla re Monday, January 13th. ah boeated fromn a central houl- S Curtin, Zone 3 Director of tihe, Fred Tippitis introduced Mr. or room. Onîtario Hog Producors mar- .lackin, a past president of "Until a year ago coaI was ketingBoran ietrath clb Te speaker said used for fuel. Last year gas large of the O.H.P.A. Barbaralthat bis grandfather, Sidney (TURN TO PAGE TWO>__ Pollock cf CKLB will also Jamnes Jaekman, and bis fath- -__ spa on the 'Woman's Role o r, Sidney Roy Jackman, start- RECOVER STOLEN CAR in Radio". ied their florist business in Astencrasecved.' The meeting wiil also eler't Bowinanx'ille in 1907, and re- by Constables Ron Parker and township directors. delegat2s marked thatili was the first DnAdro nBwavle . to O.H.P.A. and nominale four, flo rist's greenhouise in thon Anhursaon ight a 1:i " committoomen for the Ontarlo dsrc o'clock. The 1954 Chevrolet Hog Producers' Marketing b I 1948 Ross Jackman went was owned by R. Clarke and' Board for a three year term. i into partnershîp with bis fath- N. Keefer of Suburban Texaco " If eleclions are necossary ieh saîd. In the followîng Service, Base Line, Ajax. they will ho hield Marri- 3rd. yeaîs, extensive renovations When the two constables During the meeting the lb- were carried eut and a num- stopped the car, the driver cal association's aclivities dur-I ber of new- buildings were jumped oui ai-d made bis îng the yoar willho reviewed; edded. There are now 15,000 escape.____ hv President Lewis Wood. ---- Tbis will irîclude a report on o n ni s o e Bat the radio advertising scheme "Piggy Porker Tir-ne" broad- '. m i s o e o t casi each weekdav nmorning *F, over CKLB, ai-d fie buîs triopEW, to the Swine ImprovementC m n e eJ n 6h smeatnldb70 pr -FCou ntess of Lsoe ducers. There will also On~IIl C Monday, January 20. dicusin concerning I ho r H o nDeEss I eeIIIILJ a8:15 p.m. in the Lion'e quality in the hog mar-ketings. Centre, Bowmanville the West from this count.y. Last Yoar, Comimissioner W. Wycliffe son of the Salvation Ar-n.viDurham Canadian Club wl over 33,600 hogs v.ero markrt-.ý Booth, LL.D., Toronto, will be founder, Wm. Booth. Ho will :welcome the Countess cf Lis,. e d from tbis county, repre- the guest speaker ai a United ho accompanied hv bis wife. jtowell who will speak on "Af. senting'a million dollar buisi-' Holiness Meeting t o b eld The public meeting will ho ricans in Communist Lands.* ness to the producors annual- iii the Salvation Army Citadol attendod by SalvationiZts froin! TUç Countess cf Listowel ]y. ' ýere on Tlhursday, January such points as Belleville, Pet-Iwas bo4ri and grow up in pre Al] bog producers and Ihcir l6th. ai 8 p.m. ýerborough and Oshawa, as war Hungary. She became the wîves are urged by the cxc-1 Commissioner Booth is Ter-lwell as the intervening townsifirst woman political writer in cutive bo attend Ibis niosi im-1ritorial Commander of theland cities and the surrounding Hungary, reporting nîl major portant meeting next Thurs-j Salvation Arm,,v for Canada~ local areas. Everyone is wel- events including meetingst day. 'andBermuda, and is a coad-rne to attend. with Hitler and Mussolini. Bathers Scarce at Bowmanville Beach On Tuesday afternoon, our roving photographeri mates where glamorous girls cavcrt in bikinis. This visited Bowmanville Beach to see if there was any photo is rather bleak evidence that few swimmers, if activity. He apparently had been reading the travel j any, are making use these days of the frosty waters Lolders about winter tourist spots in the warmer cli- of Lake Ontario. 1 Ddaà4 rroee %Nà%r»gNr% cdm"À