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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1964, p. 7

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Photo by Astor. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Anderson Mr. and Mrs. C. V.Iloar, daugbter Barbara aind son Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ander-land Peterborouigh wvere aiso Ontario St., Bowmianville Tom,' Willowdale: Mr. Harold son, 29 Centre Street, wereý present at thle enjoYable Hoar of Toronto, Mr. and Mr. ouored recentlY by receivin- event. Services each Sunday--- 7:30 p.m. H. F. Kerr, Patsy and Gary a coogratulatorv cable fromý Mr. and Mrs. Anderson wr off Oshawva. flot- Majesty, Queen ElizabetIh,, assisted i receiving by their Missionary Colour Film of work amrong .Jungle luis. P." ..(;reeiild. Lib- w lirh e xteuded best w~ishcs tlîe daugbters, Clin (MI-.. Indians in South America. Most intcresting and erty Place, etrncd home lasi th lem on the Diamond An-1 Harrv V. Cryvderman>, Zetta, xveek after a three-w,\cck xisit ivemsarv off their wedding. (Mrs. Ravj. Dilling) andý insprin. T beshon Ja. 2th. 7:0 ~witb her daugbtei- and son-'\. and Mms. Anderson cele- Keitha (Mms. Cecil Alldread)., Photographer and Narrator: - MIr. R. Tremble in-law, Mvr. and Mrs. Hi. C.* brated their 60tb Anniversarv Mrs. Anderson \vore a becom-' Anderson, Doug and Don, oif on Saturda ' , Januarv 4, 1964. ing gown orf filv \woven, Beau Repaire. Que. M rs. E.- Th(, Prime Minister off Cao- biack xvool, andl a corsage off WE WELCOME YC)U AT BETHEL W. Rundie off Toronto spenl aria, Rt. Hon. L. B. Pearson. pink carnations. the weekendwvii lier sîster, Leader off the Opposition Ri. In the afflernoon tbirpe off, __________________________________________Mrs. Greenfiel. lion. John G. Diefenbaker, Mr. andl Mrs. Leslie Ander- Even thiougli tie tbermo- Russell C. Ilone, M.P. for 500o'q sons, Oswald Andprson.r moteî- hbas beon hovering Duirham Coulvy, Ontario Pre- BýA., Peterborough, Ormsbvi S arounel the zero mairk anel mier lion. Jlohn Roharts. andl Andersont, Newmarket, a ild! sometimes dipping l wr w Alex Carruthens, M.P.P. for Denizil Anderson, Port Credit.ý TRINIY UN TED C URCH have ilbéo luckY in t ht \v Durham, ail sent thein cr-ri-'elcomd the guests at Ilite! have 'n't bac the severe snow- arilai nad best wish-rý door. Iu Ile ,ýening hi Minister - Rev-. \m. K. Ilouslandcr, B.A., B.D. stonmswltîcb blankcteel the, In Mr and Mn. Anderson hyotetw snMolnlarl eastcrn provinces off Cantada telegi-rms. Thorulon Anderson. botht off! Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. andl lte astero states os Thev\-a1iso received a baudi- Bowmanvillc, greetee t h el the border over thte weekeîtd. sorte seroil from the Province gPuests at the door. Those ini m_____chearge of te gîîest booki werei Miss Joaît Ormiston off lte Orf Ontario marking the mncml- Mrs. Erira Price, CouIrticeI, in' Oshawa General Hospitai,. orable evenit, antd tbev eev-1eaffternoon, and ib thce, o\- SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th seboot off nursing -,petit a "d a beautifuîl bouquet off ' e- eniîtg Miss Wendvfi Anderson,. coupl off a Us;ttis veek t iowibm antbcmumis and car- ch oe off Iystem ametts Mm ati n frm te da granddaiîgbîer off the Dia-' il am. ornng orshp te hme f lir prens, .\Ai. tatins i-OmtheTow ofmonel Wedding celebrantýs. ilan onn 7rhpand Mms. Raiph Ormislon ', owmanx ic. Tbey were aisu Th'le pefectl\l appoinled tea .lane Street. Mm. ande Mrs. lte( recinients off mauY otheî table was eentred wvith a lbrre "When Ye Pray" Garry Ormîston off Wlitbv 7:love*lv, floral bouqtuets, attrar- t iered wedding cake, aitd was were Sunda ' v isitors xxith bis tixVe giffîs, cards, and messages. îigbîeel b v ta,, xvhite tapers Commnicnt Casparents, Mn. andl Mms. Orrn- Leslie Anderson and tniti u rvstal candelabra. Inthlie 2 p.m. Cm uian-ls iston. for-mer Miss Sarah Bick we'l" afflemnoni Mrs. Blake Slto-t,: lurs. B. Biimk, Mrs. W. Rui-,marriedlit the borne off hem Mrs. Ross Williantson, Peter-I SUNDAY SCHOOL dol], Mrs. E. Rindle-, lMms, RRpareitis, lte late Mr. and Mmc:..b)or-oulgh, aindl lrs. Walton' Spmv andi Mrs. U. Wallis. Ex: G;eorgeýý Bick, in Bobcavgeon ýPascoe ttresided over the tea' J nir, nlemedateant Seior- 945 .m. ecutiveMembers off the 1local on Janiir 4tb, 1904. Rev. A.- rnIlP. aîd in lte evening Mrs.' i nýor, nterniedatBcdndCrossr Bra45 a.. allendide adstone, the local Metbodis1, H. D. Waters and Mrs. Kylo-- Çrimary andi Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m. ýthe annual (ampaigritmeetit"g- tn fiitd he. ii i o at. the Ontario Division Headl- ownlcnl ""rdoperateel a farmý Those wlto assistceelli serv-; Beginners- 11:00) a.m. quarters in Toronto on Fr- noar Bobavgeon for many ig were lu the afterrioon: day. lurs. Rudolil ias boeen cai's. It 1924 tbey novcd 'o0lurs. Thornton Anderson, Mrs. ______________--il__ appointed Campaigît Chairmati, Bowm-ran\,ille and farmed Io- Dentzii Andersont. andl twoi for the March apalfrcaliv îîîttil thev retiremi and grantddaughtcrs off'vMm.are funds.moveel 10 Bowmanville se\- Mrs. Leslie Andersonî, Miss mIe IA Ioral vears ago. Nancy Anderson, Peterbor- DEU(~D~TL-I (~I-1I<IS HAN & Miss Bx.Cowling, a fforntc", Mrr. and Mrs . issAgl îdr IXLII~U III ~'Bowmanville High Scitool stu- ig,ýhlv regardeel ln the di- soit, Ne\vmarket. Iunlte eve:t- Sdent, litas neturnieel IoB.H.S. îr-ict andl have manv frienels. jiîltose sorving were lurs.ý asamember off the leacbîîtg Tbcv are nmebrs off Trinitv Morelanel Andersont andl lwo R EFORM ED CHURCH staff. She began bier duties UnitedClturch. Mrs. Andor. flicces offte6t riiesr 4Scugog Street, Bowmanville Christmas bolidlays. Mi j-1sS'United Cburcb Women. anel and Miss Velma Biek, both off Cowling bas just recentlly re- Mi-. Aitderson is a member off Oshawa. 4 Rev. John C. Verbruggc, B.A., B.D., Minister tumcd from a six moutts lt owavll e'sC 623-023tour off Europe aitd, piior Ioth(-inClb OBITUARYMe'sCai- leaviogr on lte tour, taîîght in Diîning Satîirdav a ffîcrinnti OBîU Ottawa. nel eveiing. Januaimv 4îbMr. SMr. andiMrs Jcoss Clark at, a1 Ps Adrsn elbalc S. t~JAMES M. WRIGHT ýMr, andl Mrs. A. J1. Clarke ne- titeir Diamond wedding aun.-ý- The deatb of Mî's. Arna-: turned home on Sunday from versamv witb a réception atI houa Wright, Newcastle, or-ý WORSHTP SERVICES a ploasant two-week vacation illoi resideîtce, Centre Street.' curreel at Memorial Hospital,: in Flrida.Thev rrivs Worship. Mayvor Ivant Boxvmanville, oit Sunday, Jani 9:00 am. - Dtch jt ainenaft in Tampa on De- Hobbs, andl Mrg. Hobbs, Alex .5th, 1964. Mrs. 1Wright, wto. ' c e m bh e r 2 8 t t a n d l o l f t h e r e h -, ' C a r r u t h r s , M . P . P . , a d m s , va s u t h e mr 6 9 t h " a r , b a dl b o î t 7:30 p.m. - English 12th. Wbile in Floî'ida Mr. 240 ffieîtds anel relatives rail- D îinghit Bell the M. andl Mrs. A. J. Clarke visiteel cd to pensonall.v extend c-în-ndMs ica Br]th Prclimng4thein son andl dauiglitîr-in-law , gratuilations and best wisbes former Annabella Bell was' Prclinigthe Whole Counsel of God §Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clarke, to thte happv couple. born io Glasgow, Scotland.ý §and grandson Gleitat, their; Samuel Bick, brother off wýhere she receive liber ediiîa- home in Bradonton. TheY! Mrs. Anderson. Wilbert Ati-t-ion, lu 1927 site mannied were gticst-,. ton, off Mr. and rlersoit, brother off Mn. Ander-,:James Morton Wright xvhtt 4 Mns. Russell MeLaug.hli, ol sîo. ,ýnhott off Bobcaygeoni, camcý precleceased lier 93 yeams ago. 4 Back To God Hour" Broadcast PlantI City. Florida, m-lto to owntanville for the Dia- For many years the decas- "thern on a motor tour off that moîte Wedding Annivemsar, ed resideelin Hamilton whei'e, 4CKLB Oshawa- Sunday, Jan. l9th at 9:15 p.M. ý'Florîda area. Tîte groîîp aiso land other relatives from Tom- for 22 years, she was a sales- & \paid a visit to lte cas oast.onto. Port Crédit, Newrnarkc, lady with Minette Ladiqs' Soff Flonida, Oshtawa, Lindsay, Bobca.ygeoit.: Wear. Ottawa St.. netîring at ih i 'mue onieir ii iîess ivrs. Wright carne Io Newcastle i11 June, 1963.,î'esiding oit Sun- set Bîvel. She was a rneitber off tîte Roman Catholie Churcit aite xvas also a itmben of lth Sîlver Cross Mothers, toit Bratclt. Sîimvivîîtg are a daughter, Florence (MVrs. Bruce Tillsot: Newvcastle; a soit, Jantes (,f Hlamiltont; and seven gr'and- ultilciroît A sister. Mrs. L.. Morse (Mar v of Burlingtoit also survives, as well as an- other sister antd brother ut Scot laîte. Tite deceaseel îsiee l aith- Nortltcult & Smilh Fiirma' Home. Bowmanvî-lle. thiei aI the Dwyer Fuitenal Home. Harnilton. Requiem Mass was said in St. Mary's Church, Hamiîlton, by Rex. .J. P. Lar- die at 9:.5 arn. on Wedîtes-, day, .lanuamy 8îb. Interment was in Hol.v Sepulebre Cerne. tory, Hamilton. Pallbeareî's wvrp NIes,.,r.;. Leonard Morse, lames Morse. John Morse, Hughie MacLeod, Adamn Murdoch, Herb Seageî' and Lou Cole. Among the lovely floral triutes. exîdeîtce off tue cstcem utn whiih the doceaseel was field, were those frotil Dur'ham Chapter 181, .E S. Bowmanville, aitd the Unitcd Steelwonkers off America. Local 2868, Hamilton. SALEM The anîtual eongmcgainîiî ntcee'.ititgof Salem Chuirch xa hell oit Monda'.. Jant. 13. Rev C. Dugaît openeel the meeting xitlt seipture folloxved b.ý p rave r. Mmir W. Craip, %as apîtointerl ser(reî,arv for ibc meet ing Miîtuies off lest t %car'.;; eit wcrr rcel surd anDrovnd. Fin- aaQàê1 reporté weno gîvena î follows: Stewarrds.Mr. (erald Shackleton; TJC\\ ,Mrs. Les- lie Welsh: Sundav Sehool, NIrs. E. Twist: 'M. & M. Fund. Mvrs. GeraId Shackleton; Young Peopeos, M a r g a r e t Shackleton: Church Impro\,e- ment Committee. Marion But,- terv. AUl reports shiowý.ed a favorable balance. Election of offficers resul*ted as ffolows ý:Merebers off Ses- sýon. Mesrs. Ken Shackleýoîî. Laurence SqUair, SarnBu'.- 1 e rv' W. Craig: Stewardýý, Nlessr<. Gerald Shackleton. F Blackbu rn. R. Craig, L. Rich- ards,. R. Twist. R. Welsh. j. I Coomibce. D. Welsh. R. Black- hum :Trustes. M 1ess,;r s. E Twisýt. Gordion Shacklet on.,IL Welsh. W. Tayvlor, Geratir ShaklconM. MI a r c b a ii t: Usher5s. Don and Larrv We!s!h, Bob Blackburn, Bruce Rich- ardis. *T"ru de Mai c Reglý Organist, Mrs. Sam Buitterv," Assistant. Mrs. K. Shackleton; Music Committe Miss Mar- ion Eutterv, 'Mr. Bob Craig, Mrs. E. Twist, Mrs. K. Shack- le*on: Preparaîton off Ele- ments. Mirs. L. Richards, Mrs. L. Welsh: Chuirch Improve- nien t Coimmittee, G e r aId Shackleton, MIrs. S. Btev Don Welsh. E. Twist, L. Welsh, Jimi Coomibes. B. Craiz. S. Butterv and K . Sackleto.i: Treasurer. Mr. Gerald Shack- leton; Treasuirer MI. &NM. Funid. Mrs. Gerald Shackleton; Atîdi- tors, Bob Crai£g, Doug. Rev- nolds, Marion Butterv. The Doubles Club off Tvr-one Circuit are holdi n g a bonvlin:, pariv on Saîni day eventng. Januarv 18th, and are asked Io be at Jibemtv Bowl\,inc ai- 1ev, bv 8:30. The Salemi Home and Schooli Club meeline was hein on Jn SAVE at I*D.A. ~jMODESS ~a' R EGULAR 12's - reg. 51c SPECIAL................... 3 9 C MINERAL Oit SACCHARIN TABLETS1 LAVORIS MOUTHWASH & GARGLE ýj.2517 ounce large size in new sparkle decanter at no ex- SPECIALO Regularly $1.25 93 For effective relief from pain and from distress of a common cold. CORICIDIN TABLETS 25's - Reg. $1.29 SAVE 42e SPECIAL 86C 'The Canadian Statesmnan, Bovvma nv Ille, Jani. 15, 1964 8th, with Mrs. E. Twvist pre- Mr. Ron Welsh. Kemptville, siding. It wvas decided to bold Mfiss Jovce Hollinger, Kings- a card partv ai the scbool this ton. spent tbe veekend with montb. Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh anid Mr. Webster ý.ave a brief attended the Junior Farmer outline off his reading pro- Coniference at the King Edt- grant. %ward Ilotel, Toronto. on Sat- Steobenci Jefferv ofBO- n rd aY. Others attending frorn man'ile hoed. s;dzzof i.S'this communit.v were Mr. ansi maMleshrdsldsofb s n Jlni Coombes. Messrs. trip to Greece this past surn- mer. where lie attended thte Erie Shackleton. Don Wels~t International Scout Jamtboree, Rd. Stephen, Misses Marion Butîerv and Margaret Shack- Lunch and a social tinte wasetn enjo >ved bv ail. Congratulations t Duirbam Count.v J unior Fariner- Quar- ter. composed off Misses MNar- ion Butterv and Margarot Shackleton, M e s s r s. Er ic Shackleton and Jini Coombes. wbho placed second at the coin- pelitions at Toronto last Sai- j rdav. Mrs. W. Craig- leffI on Mon- dayv bv train for a visit with bier sni-a and dauighter, D r. and M rs. Ken Miller, ScWif Current, and ber grand- daughter. Salem U.C.\\. MI hlm their Jantiary meeting at lte chciih bis Tlitî rsdaN. .Jan. 16. KLEENEX SPECIAL 200Os 14c box SAVE THE 1l.DA. WAY I.I).A. Brandi, 16-oz. size, Recg. 49c SiC 59C Super Value in Soapl VELVETTA Beauty Soap Pleasantly - scentedel Lanolin and cold cream base 3 ounce cake Extra Special Sc cake Macleans Tooth Paste l'or whitcr tccth Economy sîze tube Regularly $1.09 72c M ILK of MAGNESIA - .DA. Brandi, if-oz. size, Reg. , 42c Memorial Hos pifai Bowman ville ANNU AL M E ETIN G IN TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE ON Wednesday, ian. 22nd, 1964 8:00 P.M. TO HEAR REPORTS AND ELECTION 0F DIRECTORS R. J. DILLUNGP Sec'y.-Treas. T 6 -month supply of Super Special 5.96 Value via uw 90 tablets $ rgularl '-v Vita Diet $2.98 each419 Prescriptions -I.DA. Remedies A ALEX McGREGOR eDRUGS. 5 King St. W. -Phon e 623-5792 I.D.A. Brand ',,4 gr. strength 100O's. 89c

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