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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1964, p. 10

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F 1nTe Canauflan statpgqman, nw-aivillp. Jan. 22, 1104 Form C omm îttee Io Ipoonted temporary chaIrmauî and sec ctany, respective!>- of the Rural Dexelopment Com- mittee for Durham Countx-. Study count.v îhih illb tde The Farmer as Scape goal 1 and py ical. reLurcl e hv uîse ikdosvro nîg.I hat .iist in altra(t i cader-siip and (epnt esl Areoucehatehet job-donc on Ontario Canadians are among the best flic onlv pulrpose, aria- ,.r l D e e o rr e it - e eineor a will jetosnaemde fa rmiers in one of our biggest fed people in the world: tuaI thoni - tlîcn dailv papers befoe an prtectk eacte. mropoliîan dailv newspap-,they cojoy luis high standard sliould start exanliing Ihieni- crs - h Toronto Telegrani.,of nutrition by spending a scîves and their rote iii ontr T o M ak e L se o flAmaDkA P lau$500,OO Order Sev srnaler prcntage of thr ir Is i ~bour opinion, Hg T o M a e se o f A R D A P l ncrs \eC otîcerned nuhanlvchere else. At Ille sarne of a dîsease Iituaibas becti For Tobacco about thc toi-n toi scriîd us a lime avcrage net income ofbckiî ont iii Northît Aicri- By Don Welsh itie5 and cmov tcda-lit1Wt i I provirl< a mean> tippitig for a comment. Tit- farniers in Caniada is paîhet- ca in recît «ye-ars. Th(, "Mate led. Farniers. 'Social Stumb-lîcallv low in comparison tb tIi; Nci-lboiir discase. bas rural deelopmen cntill 1 tionl prcý-r)f cir\ clopiir natinngBpr-ck,'d theaparticleBloa*; othiertigrowapsoofr ourusoofiot sobcct l iiosrn prevalvenen ntri th mittee for Durham Countv Wa- nt siît fDibn vnca n oa rgastî\rittco hv Hugli Garner. a Gxeoc îa' aeîsoîîtlîcrîî statos and is beld ini initially started January 8th ibe madIe w îtthe n, n-netie rsiJîicOrr A odrfrHOeIl ori. î\cist, short stor.- wrîtor, d~ part rcspoîviblc for th(, in-ý et a meeting held b>'the Dur- îng ARDA in0 mpr; e ihc ai*tinoon a broad fr-ont; action onf Ontario fiicI-c-Lred bbcoxcîknoxvn Iclevisi on ps n arry stops Io lr. and improve'c hlolappîeningos iii Dî-Ias. Jiam Coutv Fderlio of ounin1 deve<'op naturat resource. valuccd aI Sont.Oo0 ill h' cîtîlHthe lot of farniers. Un fortu- hamCoun,,vFedeatin ofcOut'ý' inrura indivesif'ý sgne shot]\ negulai an for farndîiicrs ontrbnîtîsaetvfof aTheslate ofPre a sîdrc nt Kenîniine.dv Agriculture in Hampton. Re- The \IIDA iXr.:~a rt arto dîvre alf it opt'diortîn ho Mtsui Dliar inthe teramu trnaepstknhv eî>doý si vri htcuda) presentatives of tonrship Bcbuiitation 1i 6 îk;îd6ccn grclueaî opiv (aada t Limîîed 1The arTtrimae apatccam. 0stp aknhvers lted oo Mr..saîd rs at oild a- counicils, ehambrr of c-om- mon, Art) ac1 vapaS r(d Il',- ncaliniustrY, aîid Io lîelp - niifaxour oftifeliJapi Mon- î1îrl\- viciotus attack. Farroersi 1 cheaper food for the con- cpI>0 r. arîîes anî-faîîî J.rural people toward grPî1tI« rOpoly Corporation. wr r sdo .îs bu v Umner ---ot io higher i was eiîibs fîngs f - ir<ýp, crinscraiî îtoî h eoa n rîcî opportunties and satisfaction. The Ontario Doparimenis of eîvîhîi- had. The ranige i-an o h fo pouer ____________ o fo Ih foo prducr. ocictv \wuîo have soughit Io W obil Ilieý programme i - Agriculture and Economics from thýo biggeslt gang of hy- Constructive eritîcism of esrape their own respoosîbili- foicus:ed mriainlv on farîîî and Development aîîd thia pocritical beggars c;er forced, farm pograms is good and iv ho fîndiîîg a simîple son- caîliiol bceoxclus - Onîtario Flîîe-Cured Tohacco'on a tax pa «Niîig public,, 10 necessary and somethiog wC hlon, anl appcaliîig Slogani. or a ivlv agrmcltilidl. RuL r a 1 Growers' Marketing Board ;i.. moSt ecinr socialishould alI welcome. But il's a ccni\'ciiict scapegot.' curioroics are non longer sep- !made the joint aonounicemnit stumhlirng blocks in thv ounbig differcoce bctween that Molders of piublic opinioin .. turn ara'n fi oi tov or urban FridaY at a press cotîfereoco trv,' 10 bcing "the couotrv'and Hugh Garner's kiiid. 11is have a dutv of responsibîitv c-cnnîonies, anîd the programaia Queen*s Park. ýclieapcst exploiter of labor.': soems dcsigned tr i ti l)tlîat s second in none. 'Fli bciî i one of area dcv.elop-ý Representatives of Mitsul Main purpose of the article opublie opinion directlv agaiiîstpowcr of the press ni fort- you.r voodlot îiîcn ceniîbraciiig local centires aîîd Company (Canada)I Lîmit- seoms to hoetoo wbip up puIblic 120,000 farm familles ii On- inp public- opinioni niiîsi bo of popuilationi as w'ell as the:cd, agents for the Japao Mon- opno agiîtîr farm pe- aio e anti fr powieldcd creativrl>. not des- tornisstirrotIndiîîg itemi. opoly Corporation, said hie [pIc. Whv? Ils bard to fathomn. pIe are as fine and rîprigbt lmnIctivelv. InIll he conceptioni of ARDAIslîipment us ouîly a sample, Most people sbould koow 1and progressive as an'Sii- Whîat \ îl avjrgainî 1i, into a profitable~Ihr lte ti las alwavs beon Iliat.oîdcr and hope future pur -Ilie nId story of Canadiaîî ag- licos-_tongopoff-dsioiggond relation-. be- greai rc(lianIce W0vold be plac-Ic.hasc-s will be iîîcreased con-!ricutlitur,. 1It bas been poinied ilies. tweicitv aîîd farnu tucotile? c-r ci ttalintiaiv - h, siderablv, perbaps eigbm (or n mt limer and again but obvi- If sîîch a\iiO attack si-aîi,,ioiNes Ih onigof a limes Itie amount of the ______________________________m i i aainTa-es toi- rb-am. Developirîcett f!samPle order.oriIv1)o adanT(-e-s tht' ARDA programme will cri- The Japan Monopol>' Cor- ForAIierd'atioii. - Each yeor the puip and poper industry buys milions of tai! co-opemative resear-chipiro- poration is the exclusive bu' __v- J~A~Elr-cteciti-cv nIlr x grammcs 10 rc\-eal exactlv iîng agency for toba-c- n F non N ewsiieI5I Ij 5 of iIlleî;Onîtario' Ex-i cards of wood fromn Conodian farmners. Your PIONEER dealer ,v}îerc- the ai-cas of low, pro-; Japao, and imports $35.000,001)ctii S c o l ieaOtîtrto Piitil- bas local details on where, how ond ta whom ta sel!. See rhictivity and iîuco me are. aîîd wortlt of tobac-o each >1-ar, l'le first tnueetiog if ftic \Par dealing wiih (lie extra lcvy liocr 19(64w'-' Presideiti. o0 dcfine thie specifie pmob- maînly from United Stat'es. vas hield ai, heîc orne of ,Mr. talkedi about. beiîîg levîed nIL E. Giltic's, St Cailiarincs. hilm for a demronstrotion of Conado's No. 1 chain sOw lme. icis ii cadi arca. Il roqîlirea This fit-st Sale' s ]caf 10- andi Mrs. Ivani Bal, Bownian-:rmotorist re - ambulance ser - VicPcs.lR Wlon liat flic people of each are,)'bacc-o fromn the 1962 <roi. \'Ille. Mr. Lcvi s Wood, Chiair-vi(ces 10 iliose ombroiledI cl i e- PIO N EER c~~~~~~xai il t0 fînd oui w-bat The order. cooprisiiig 1(11)0,r ion ni.Mitnters vre bv cidcîîis on Onîtario H îgbwýa.,. Oi2riunlam Io Ileland andr other rsu-e îgled of tohacro, w-,il! b"mrs. Entla Cox, seccrctarv, anîd Ambulances now get sir arc capuable of producing. !shîîîped by rail froni Ayîmon- \vcre apîmoved as rec-ommeîîd- 50c a mîile. The Ontarioi Anm- Prtideiit. W. E. Spamks, Siiîî Wcrýtbwbhil de v e lopmenî lýil) SI. John, New Brunswick, :cd. bulance Operators' Associa- cncr:Sc>a- W. Davies. '\ill require plans for lot-ah and filonihy boat to Japan. , AIl corni-nits gav-' repiorts lion would like ho s"- Ibis fee Toîonîtc: Ropres-enhalîves i0 ifIlic O'l"TY oarrl cf Gov-rroi s. SPER COMPACT ilrirics thai can lie siip-1 Il wîill be the first Caiiadian andrhoni Of îhîcs cMe sev- upped to 7,5c a mnilc. pork-d b>- the resoîîr-es of lb1- tobacco ever 10 be exported I0ortal rec-tmmeciations for- ac-- The hcad of thîts Associa- B. B.Dawýsiin, Nortbi York: Aý a.Consîdoratioiînîmust als apl.i oui. One rdealh \vitb ail article tion saic thie rcspoisibiiiysis igtoi;W' egenhtetpeo xc- Mitslii officiaIs said inîcrcas- in the Toronito Telcgramorronsboutd rest on tho niotorist COLI Vn'x\,Cttrla .C iii acilties anti spei i îg obacco c on si S rpi ionî Nov.t, uh.îa:t. ss ittn i htae>n piionis? it Lon,îiii-'noî O 1 .Rd tainin g rcrîuire od 0ealemks*apa o an importanit Huigli G a rmrie r, w-cII knîowni reaci ions are Toit ini Ibis aneafoî, rkliffPa. domplete irlh tuo 16" -hains complele idu 12" att.7chmrnut* i ïnk'noxvlcdge iiocdcd 10 take: Thp $.500,000 initial order. television pcrsonaliv and reg- in Fanm Unionî would like Io $23.00 ks trde.Èi. $16.00 irxs rad in aivanhage of 00w opportuini-1wbîelî wîlI hi- signîed withiii utar coitribiihor 10 the col- kiio\whow otbcr associationîs $ 22.@,leaU-uden. 165OOiest(roe thle ncxt fewdavs, was thie ie- 1Limn iiý awvîias - Dissentit'iun etc. fecl oni1Ibis subjeci. es. uItof a visit in November of', iat. papor. unîrhr the bead- Far-m Union is welcooîing Tt mutst ho rc(mcîîîbred ihat si ~SRD 5 01 esigcd im three Officiais of the Japan:itIV Frmrs Social Slumb- nîl people holin ib eir ranks.i 47 pose plas iip],,,gedIso cm- Monopoloy Corporation. Theiriliîîg Blo-k.' It is openi 10 ibose inicresieW visit xvas sponisored b.' the: We strtinglv e-miitdoputiîîg forwan-d progres-, ni îîîîties buît to bel0 them 1FdeaDpatnîoTrd fair s.-1a al fouward sive legislation for thiose on- hcvlo aîd arr- uI las1 and Commerce. tiîîkîng peoples, ohtain an aged in thiepiroduiction of and! projeets. l'leusfne MO TNSA.W.RUNDLE c f ARDA ho a communihy il, Th, group speuit a wcck rcad lins vicîoîîs îincalled fornoîr most, vital produci FO0D' lcîeîî ou bw whI econi-Jareas of Southicrn Ontario. utto au itîicle fron Toronnto Mmr and Mcs. George Irwin, FARM SUPPLY LTD. GARDEN ENTRE îorîng îuî tuseceogmoxvingaai- \otlicîaJan. dclxcd N,!exiiismeing iIi.oeo 101,5 KinzîSt. E.. Ohawna itvogn,'s1 sete liombounîl>'ARDA provides. visiting a tobacco alîction and ir oihi n i 6,Eîîsiln Bowmanville - Ontario PHONE I(tGanetRukad ad onproc-ssing and manufacturinig lbBoumanvihie, were ap- Iplants. -n n rd a The Ontamî ad edra _____________________ ____have______Irving T hanks for the P acirty ! i ICanaduan flne-cured tobacco By Ed. Ynî,ingman on trucks for delivcrv lc TREW HAVE NI to .apan. es as far away as Ggama. 1t ~ ~ - - - m - IOuiario's former minister or O n ai- Il tii, at 6 hi is douhîful if many of Ibe. CUNSIUNMEN1 SALE Thurs., January 3Oth 1964 - 1:00 pr. To 1) hl tTREWHAVEN FARM LTD. which is orn the SCugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and ½ mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles cast of Port Pcrry via Highwav 7A. 50 IVE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are offering a useful group of Fresh and Springlng Y'oung Cows and 2-year- olds, as welI as a numnber of 1'earlings and Calves for Caîf Club prospects in both senior and junior classes. Don't Miss This Opportunity toPurchase Your Caîf Club Caîf. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTE]r The maJority are rcady for Immediate export. Ail cattie tested or eligible to enter listed or certified area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 27th at 1:00 P.M. Sale Managed by: TREWHAVF.N FARM LTD. Aurtioneer R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont.- ' Phone Blackstock 986-4957 economnies and dcvelopment, oP- ,m> w-île aîîd I wen-elattentive aundience had pre- SRoertMacalay vistedJa-guieSîS ai the annUal banquet ýviousty realized the tremen-e pan in Octohen, 1962 and dis- of the Municipal Emplovees Oif dons amount of planningii cussed the possible sale of O- Darlingtoii Townoship. Il xvas labour aîud cost invoived iii tarlo flue-euned tobacco w'îth 'a d-lic-iOus 1rnast beef dinner . Ihis iîîterestuîîg, and very Premier Ikedo and top gov- with Iriiîuunîs. prepared, and nec-essany phase of reforesta-' eroment officials. serivd b;' the Xomcrus Serv- lion. Among thiose attendiog the i(te Club of Hiampton, in the Mur-doc-h Beeboti aîd Ross' press tonference on Friday vcl(,l appointech Town Hall. ecl ige su iha were Economics and Develcp-,One iindî-ed anrd twciit-fivelt alf ing ged u pn itduea ýment Minister Stanley .1. Ban- or iiimîv bîîugr>'persons en- tupn od in u And Boss ohliged with tbreeý daîl: Agriculture Minister1 joved the excellent moal and mîc ppeite oalsl 1 : William Stewart; Masao Morii, sulusequent enterlaloiment. uhlionste oclsee- president of Mitsîui and Coni- Il was an eyve-oupt-nec tri Some mav wonde- whîv: pan *v (Canada) Limited; andi ennri ow man;' employýees1 Butcb and 1. alcd anr invite. Remi Miggens, vice-chaii-îuinn, are r-qîuired Io aciminister thi, WeII! Il is little odm b and . N Hctbsecretary, complex municipal affairs < oof fe IeCOA of the Ontarîi Flîue-Cured Tlo- Darlingtoo. Epch groiip, suc-h properly up io the Nintb Con- hacern Gîowers' Marketing' as cotîncîhlors, roads, bospitai.csin eha neecl Board. ctci- were inîîited tri take 1i nt table compaoions, and bow and arccpi well nierihech - 'otiîd like Io sav "thanks" jnpplatisc-. On thie hasis of the foc a swell eveoing. r'?~11Tmj T prevaîling genialitY, ilts P YELVE TON ipareni hhah Rcve eBlanchuard f ~ l\.~ I lias a weIl iîîtegrato.d organiza-, BTU1 Symaiy o Iis omun- Wbile tho mcaî "'as io pro- :ity is extended ho Mrs. NonresDog ewlried- .JAMES CLIVE LAMNIB man 'Bowins and family of!â aithb piano and negaled uis - Janî-tville in the sidden acci- ;with a îîice selection of pp James Clive Lamb, fil yeaîs dental deatb of ber busband ulr e."rpenr"md fae fonmenly of 697 Ellis' ,whîle dcawing logs with bis this 'old swcat's"anches ar-be St., Penticton. B.C., passed tandom truck near Callanden-, as 'lere merdteway.a'yi b Peîcon os (near North Bay u. Nonm was niles- heme bac! fo thoged oetaa ntePninHs *panticulai-ly x"elh k n0ow rO cobhle stone ronds Io this-piaonSn>-Jaar 1, tbrougboui the townsbip, hav- ltune, while luggitîg a 'pack". 1964. ing puncbased thie for-mer Bi,,. Son of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. Janetville Preshyterian Cbureb 'IThe guesi speaker was B!]C. J. Lamb, the dec-eased w'as, that be converted loto a lovely the PrinicSuiaTreneNnrseofboro near' Feoclon al -homne just souîb of Janetville , O roi ncw'lîo reeN urafieryOntario, on August 19, 1902.t vilage Heals snwplwe:collection of coloured stides With bis famnily bie mox'ed Ici lbrougbout (lus township one, depictîîîg the mo>y mîivîties, Bowmanville in 19*20 and -winter îecently. f hxusrv ith Sial lived bore for 43 yeans. Mr., A speedy recovocx' Io Mrs.!Of h Nre> îitbeLamb netired from rmixecl Lawrence Staples of Lifford 1ciooimentarand hiclî Io Pen- 'who nippe aodfel! own-gamut f-on-n pi-cparing the soil fcîugaî o'dbPn -wh staipun(ein faim hoe nM-.1 bef-r-va odsedlings. ticIon in November, 1,963. Milton Stephenson of thus poerla-,gd îî odd Besides b is loving \v'if F communrlx suffered a similar, 'Elizabeth, he leaxes to moumo - jaccident i .n a Lindsay dept. of <tie prut.thie Rae Mal- bis toss one son, Koith of1 store,. ieve-coînîs of Janeti le. Penhicton, and one daughten, i Congratulation,;Is eve- A speedY convalescence to Chrustina of Vancouver, B.C. loîî's Arthur Rowan (Manvei-s Mrs. Ernestiuîe Henderson of'ý Also sunviving are a bnoîh- Tow'îîs.ýhnp represeotatuve to Bethanri> ectîxeriiîg iin Peter-, er, Keith of Whith 'y, and two Ie Victoria High Seboot iîborougb Cîxîr Hospital fncîm:sîsters, Audrey Lambh of Loni- Board on being named Chair- a brokeuutulvsUsffered froni <oti Ont., and Lois (Mrs. man of the Board ooc-ompnss- a faîl on theie r. William Lyvee.tI) of R.R. 2. ie some 15 or 16 towvnships, Sv\nipalîy, of Ihîls commni- Ornuo, forment>' of Bciwmanî- "'lI cite eltve f the ate 'vil le. to 0so vlage area. Art is the on]lv Dunhamite Mrs. Alvîin Fcîînd of Cross-i The senviîîg oui thue Victoria huard xcI le fmmr Lilaf roti and Ibis makes bis appoint- W ihIi rIa wa xelIawvu ment tie more auspicions. Hlax- knucwc tiis cist riut, hax'inîg 01 iîug lusd the pîcasune of sug- livrU(l thie curlici part uf ber a idm gesh iug Art as Manx-cns relre- h ife xvi t i le-r tait ilv otint ei A. R. sentative ho the board flo- amjuc st t îfeevruin La ing the resigoation oif Poney Luelhas deatlu brngs up o1 Preston, w-e are parti-îullanly' four the itumber of the pleased Io sec hlmIbîts lion'- - ourrd.r Several i-aiload-n tif Man- t x ousites werpesent annual meeting of Soil and Cron Improvement Association of Durhami Countvbeld i ii Onono on Tbnrsdav. Jan. 9. Despihe the w'cathor, a largo lumnoul was presentIo 0gloanî îîew idcas and infornmation (bat mugbt he appliod 10 Iheir ow't farn enterpnîses. Guesh speaker Dr. Stan Younig nox-- cd to he an able and amusiîîg speaker \with a funid of inîfor- muationu on bis "connv', subjeet aI bus fingertips. Retrihulion set :M in a rather nasIv fornm wben oî nmne was the finst dnawn fon a door prize whicb we wer ne lieigible tri acî-epf becanse we were five ninutes' laIe, hax'ing wasted haîf an boum getliog tîp one of Maîn- vers Twnsbip's n n san de d bu lis It was witb deep regret that wve learned of the passinig of- oîun aunî. Mrs. Leslie Wright of Toronto oif a stroke (cen- ebral) on Thursdax' evening. Aunt Winnie w-as the former Winnie Elliolt and was well known formerlv in the Black- stock anea, baving Iaught school vears ago in wbat xvas then the Egypt public sehool, Mrs. Wright us a sister-in-Lawi Wrihts srna r t heîr lm- modale famlv w-hoc)have passed oui witbun a monilh. e ie funuenal service w'as beld the chapel of the Rose- iFunenal Home, Pentic- cii Tuesday, Jaiantr>14, was ctuuducted b>' Caîîuîî Eagles. Inîternîeuît w-as ukex uew Cemneîerv. achers Seek' Cancellation Mr. Cecit Mornîson o) farîi Street Sehool atte the Annuat Conference cf O~MEI6T'/ALWOR/< Otii PublIc Scbool /S~f6UV T P CA Io from Decemben 26 Ir YOI/IN0 - iOver 200 delegates, repriý T//AT /S W//y Q' ung almost 9,0<10 mate teac wE,érR 4sE 1 nslrrîcîed their executiv sekcancellation of the te 77f(Pt/1/C'O ng -etificales of unel pensoîîs presentl>- vtoachin ~~ithe Publie Sclîool, Lakel Otario. ELECTRIC LT6. f CONTRACTING RIPAIRS OBITUABY"n hohr rb Fiît fToronto: one grand- W innifred (Elliott) W ritht clughter Caroline Pynn and on(, grandson Douglas. Mrs. Leslie Wrîght thic forrn- Fuîneral services wrrcholci cr Wî innifred Elliott. w,-c: 1 n Toronto xvîth tcniporary en. knoxv\n former!>' in the Carm- tonîibient al the Uniioni Cerne- ivi î arna as a school teaeb - t. rn Cadnîîîs. \vih permnenoct crin Seiîh Egvpt school xvcst of iînnnt in the sprîng in the Black-stock around the Pra of Ncs:lon United Church cern- the first \Vorld 'War. passed ctcrv. a\vav sddcnlv froni a tîoke lk'a re - vcrtbrothprs- cerebral . slpping iio Ili n -lau R pov Wrip tand Rae conia on Wednc5day, Jan. h oMaîcoîîîî' son-m- lam- Ralph froni w hich shf, neyer recov- piiii anîd neciý . X' Vctor, cred coliiCislii('55 Har\ cyanîd Ralph NMalcolnm. LCft 10 niOUrn lier tlo-s arp The Wriphts formierlv livedi bei b ubancl LesleiV rnjîril on Beresio(-rd Ave. ni Torontýj' Toronto: one daughter .tlur "i aid eperate a funéture store Pvnî of Wîcrodlier mot b- inpart nerslîîî \vilh a brother, Nr.M S. El ott . ini a Toîronto, Rov, 0on Diiidis St. X\*. KNAPP'S WHITE ROSE Service Station BASE LUNE l'ou <an expert a sharp drop ln Mie temperature any day nomv! RelIer brin,- soîr car in~ for cnrnphct-e heckiip nd Quality White Rose \'/Gas -Oul Lubricants Automatic Car Wash New and Used Parts 24-HOUR FAST TOWING SERVICE TOWING Phone .- 623-5418 OOES SHUR* GAIN FERTILIZER STAY BALANCED THROUGHOUT HANDLING AND SPREADING? Pu t it in a juire shaker- shake it ail you want and you can prove Io yoîurself Iliat everNv granule Of SI-UR-<;AIN Selected-Granulated l-ntîl:-zer sînys nutritionally iialaneed all tbe lime. [>e-ixnlberufre gran ulation, sU-GI'Selo-e-ranuliatecl otfissn granuleîs eachi of whieh contain all the guaranteed plant fond rlemnts. * ime si7pe ndnt m-ight of the granulcs is kept -%ithin certain limits by careful screening. Sep-aration of fertilizer ingredients, cannot take place with SItE-GUNFertili7er- during transportation, handling and spread- ing. \iîh orcinary, blendeil or granular fertili-zers smaller and heavier partii-les wil1 settle to the bottom, while the larger and ligiter Tant icles cornue to the surface. Shaking siit-cAiN in a jce shiake'r ii otne mway nof provinz its qnaizlnîy but a bottr a' is b iîuakeP sure you Iappl)Y HR-;I S-electen-Graruîlateci Iertili-zer on yoiîr crojsia bis sping -our guarantee Ibat ex-ery square inch covered mill bave exactly the analysis yot.i w ant. y-- ýfOn- ýnded1 of lhe M c -i oi - i o2. .'e un' teacli- îg iri efield,' The issuan-e tif a Profession- al Teacher Certificate triIhp' members of the Federatiori who meet the requimed stand-- ards of thein professional groiîp w-as appnox-ed. A re.- port Io the delegates necom- mended inîcneasing leacher training requîinemeois tri a minimum of tbnee vears. This iwold tead Iii univensiîy de- grees for al leachers. !Another report mecommend-' ed that the On tarin Publicý School Men TeacberF' Federa-' 'tion agaîn send a icachen to aisun the Afrucan Tracher Training Program co-orclînat-' I -~ fertilizer 0 1. IIOIARD TREWIN, Blackstock. i , 1 's, 121, Be sure to discuss your spring Fertilizer program with your local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer »VICCOAf ý ýeA. 3-330Y fîOWhIA#VILL!l 1,.", , , - ý - , , . ý , , ýý . . -. ý ý ý . . i;

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