Leafs Autograph "Timmy's" Book GiveBlood Next Wednesdacy Thcre \\as one very happy spectator at the Young Canada Night on Mon- day. H-e was Elwin Bacon, selected iast vear as the Rotary Club's area "Timmy" for their Easter Scal campaign. 7ferry Biack, one of the Little NHL officiais, brought "Timmv" from the main part of the arena tb have his book autographed by visiting Maple Leaf hockey plavers,_Don Simmons and Tim Horton. Young Canada Night 1100 Spectators on Hand For Young Canada Nîght Locals Win Two of Three A crowd of 1100 spectators, Mik~e Ball notched the event- CharlieC ati run openecd !u rnostlv dads and rnoms and ual wvinner earl' in the third, scoring at 4:0,5 of the first kids,. along with Toronto Ma- before David Ormiston click- period on a plav witb Murr-4* pie Leafs' Tini Horion and cd for the locals' lone ta]ly at Cawker and Murrav OBrien. Don Simrnonsý. boosied Young the five minute mark, assisted Jim Yahemish vil ied 'bc- Canada nirfht ai Momorial bv Gary Carter and -Butch" fore the buzzer sounded. Arena, Mondav night. Stephen. The winners %vent in front Bowmanville dropped theý Game stars. as selected 1)h, 3-I on second period niarkers Atom game to Peterborotigh Tim ilorton, uere Boxvman- b.v Waynlie Pueden, uzsistcd !). 2-1, then came back 10 edge!ville goal-keeper Bob Wiî-' Richard Fuis and Grove Ben- Oshawa 4-3 in the Pee Wee' louglibv and Giboson of thc nett aind Cattran's second tussl»',jynd take the Bantam Pete.s. from Steve Forscý. contesiî3.1 over Whitby. Tom Simpsons goal at103) Scott Wilson connecicd for In QI1t opener, afler a score-io! the final period gave Bow- 'the viEitors, ait 610 and Jinr first perlod. Doug Gibson, manvible the Pee Wee victorv, Andrews put Oshawa on ev-ar SPeterborough in front aI' after Oshawa had corne fromý terms two inifutes later, set- 24 of the middle sessqion behind twice to lie il up. TURN 70 PAGE TWOý Attend LODA Export Conference Arnong tbosc attcnding the recent export conference in Petet-bor-ough spon- sored jointl 'v bx-tire Lake Ontario Developmnent Ass'n., and tbe Deîît. of Econo- mics andi Dcx,-cilomenit, were at leasitbree men from Ibhis area. T. F. Rebider nif Bowmianvilc otnr' is sbown at left in this photo; talking tb Alderman Barbi- ara Aluni of Tweed. J. J. Gr-aham, DepI. of Economnies and De\-elopmcent and John E. Thomias, Lindsav. Otheî-s from here included Robert Stev-ens alid Dotuglas Kemp of Darlinglton Township. Woman in Hospital After Two-Car There was a two car collision on Friday evenin g at 7:15 o'clock on No. 2 Highwav aI Maple Grove. The drivers of bhe vehicies involv'ed xvere Daniel John Jones, 48 Hunt Street. and A. A. **Ton\," Baars, 35 Nelson Street. Mr. Baars' badlv damaged car is pic- tured above. Ilis wife, Mis. Elizabeth Baars, who suf- VOLËU ME 110--- 16 Pages _ 'Clinic Here Durhamn County's Gre at F amily Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1964 10e Per Copy NUMBER 4 RABID SKUNK SHOT IN TOWN! DOGS WILL BE CONFINED MON.l The dogs iii this town happily enjoying outdoor1 freedomn since December lst, wiil noxv find that it is to be again curtailed after 57 days. Ail provisions of the Dog Control By-Law wili go int effect again on next Monday, January 27th. On Monday evening, Bowmanvi]le Town Council received a letter frorn Dr. 1. J. Woolsey, Canada Department of Agriculture, Heaith of Animais Branch, stating that a rabid skunk had been shot within the town limnits recently. H-e advised that in view of the presence of rabies in the vicinity that consideration be given the dcsirabiiity of confin- ing dogs for a considerable period. Councillor G 1 c n h o 1 m e of the town, [rom his posi- Hughes movedi that the pro- tion as a member of the Com- visioni of the Dog Control By-'1mittee of Adjustment was ac-1 Law, ini abeyancc since De- ceptcd with regret by thel cember lst and to so continue!council on a motion by Dep-! until the end of March, which u1Y-Reeve Ross Stevens. lrequires that dogs be flot ai-ý A 1biter Io couneil from tbbc bowed Io run at large. bc, Put oniurî-o Sehool Trustees and' into effect again next Moln- Ratepayers Association en-' day. This was scconded bY'closed a copy of the brie! sub- Couincillor Ken ilooper andmitced hy this organization to carried. Ithe Ontario Committee of tax- His Worship, Mavor Ivan ation. Mayor Hobbs appointed, Hobbs. and Reeve Sidney Lit- a special School Taxationý tlec wcre appoinied the coun- Committce of councillor Paulý cil's delegates Io the annual ýChant, Counciillor GlenholmeE Conference o! the Ontario Hughes and Councillor Carl' ýMayors and Reeves Aý,socia- Leslie to study the brie! andý lion to he hield talter in the fi out the acconîpanyingý \Ycar*.questionnaire. TIe 1e'igoutiono of XVilfried '1\"0reports from bthe On- Carruthers, a former Mavor TIIIRN TO PAGE TWO) Strike Comm ittees For At the mctiing of Bow mair- \ "illc Tourn Council lbeld on Monday cvcning tihe Strikingl iCommittee's reportvu adopi- cd en-, th motion of Rer ve jSidney Little, secooded b 'v _ DcpuiY Reeve Rn.ss Stevens. 1AIl rncnbers of coîtocil ve present ai the meeting. r Standing coînmittees for th', i cormi1-L: veur are as foilov s: iFi re. chu irn-, Counici lor, Wesley Fice, Councillor Paul, Chant and Councîllor Ken 1looper. MVa or Ivan Hobbs7 is an ex-officio rnemnber of al the comnîittees. Finance, cilairman. Deputyý R e eve Stevens, Counicillor! George Stephen, Reeve Sid-li ney Little and Counicillori Glenholme Hughes. Police, chairman, Councillor K e n- Hooper, Councillor Fice. Coun- cillor Carl Leslie. Public Propertv, chaîrînan. Counicillor Georjge Stephen, Reeve Little and Couincîllor Chant. Roads and Streets' chairman. Reeve Sidnev Little. Couincillor George Stcphn and Councillor Hooper. Welfare and Cîvic, chair- man, Counicillor Carl Leslie, Counicillor Chant, and! Councîl- lor Fiee. Board of Vrs chairman, Deputy Reeve Ross Stevens, and aIl members of cou n cil. Industrial C o in m i s s i o n. chairinan. Councillnr Gîco - holme Hîh~,counicîl or' Hoo)per, Councillor Lelc Robert Kei and H.CG. Mac- .TIRN TO rIAC-E T\1Oý OFFICERS ON1IIJ) lu the aeotiiît of the ini- stallation of officers ofl Branch 1'48 of the Royal Canadian L.egion publishccl in last .week's issue of thic Statesman, the narnes cif Fergwson and 2 1u l Vice- l'resident Bill Bates w~ere iîiacvertently omnitted. Crash fered facial laccrations when ber head broke thei windshield, is stili a naient in Memonial Hospital. 1 r.Baars. xwho had io be pried from behind the, sleeLring xvheel, receix-cd treatment for minor injuries in the hospital's outpatient deparîment. Constabie J.ý W. Cartwr-ight, OPP, was tbe învestigating officer.i Liberals Hold Co.mbined Social and Political Meeting A ncw venture in this area, a combined social and shows, from left to right, Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. politicai evening, paid off with a large crowd at the Honey. He is Member of Parliament for Durham and annual meeting of Durham Liberai Association in the Mr. and Mrs. Alian Beer. He was the Liberal provin- Odd Feilotvs Hall, Orono, on Thursday. Foilowing ciai candidate in the election last fali. Many favorable several brief speeches, the gathering split into two comments were heard concerning the meeting and its groups, nie playing cards and one dancing. This photo friendly informai atmosphere. Score 4 in Third Or:L n L 1J- Next Week a Lions Centre 'Generals Post Big Win 9m4 Due t0 ing need the Red C wiil] hold a next Wedr the ever increas- for more blood, Cross Branch here a clinie for donors Insday, Jan. 29th, i11 Yuntirtnnaay Over Hamilton on Tuesday auin theLI alLernliJul and Oshawa GeneraLý canme upi The penalty-filled contest, came up with bis best home V' eveniug, at the Lions Centre, with four unanswered thirdý including three major fights, game of the season and Wayne Beech Avenue. peodnakrferboingi saw Oshawa build up a 3-0 Cashman, Bill Smith and Chec th adertsemnt an earlv :3-0i lead t0 whi'1 margin before six minutes had Danny O'Shea were right in ~ inside for additional details Hamilton Red \Vings 9-4 in, elapsed. Hamilton fought back step. coucerning transportation. an important Jr. "-A battie aV as Generals couldn't gel out Hamilton's besi were Real times and other information. Memorial Arena, last night. of their own end to lie il Lemieux, Bart Crashley, Brianii early in the second. Oshawa Campbell and Jimmy Peters. 'uickly moved back in front Il was a big win for the f on a pair less than a minute Generals, moving them 11! apart, but the Red Wings nar- points in front o! Hamilton1 ÇI3tts acid'f J-,.tece 8rwed the gaD to 5-4 at 7:05 of and the. Wings pick up their 1he period,bfre shagae i hand Thursday, GOOD GUY -- Radio Station CI&EY lias built UiP took over in the third. against Toronto Marîboros.' quite a reputation for ils "Good C uvs xvbio cruise Bill Little set the pace with Oshawa cao increase the mar-il ailove th contr, payig bskebai, eceeng four goals, while stick-hand-! gin Sunday night at home ti al oa ve tsecoy in f hcbsetbaknow ngd ling wizard Ron BuchananlNiagara Falls, while Hamilton: WM. J. *'BILL" BERRY onSaturda collected six points on a goal is at the Gardens. On Tuesday, retired busi- gusLeigh Vogel wiil be iin town a01 and five assists. George Vail FrtPro esma ila ."ll evening for the Junior Men's Sofibail dance at t he Balot It didn't take referce Frank:Berry celcbrated his 90th badminton club. Tickets are available from Frank< s AiSIota long to wag the finger. birthday with a large party at V-rit Store. 43 B lo snailing Wayne Cashman forThe Flying Dutchman. His aey - ~. ~ . -tripping after 37 seconds o! many fricnd will wish hîm WINNR -It as înaly lcet~uîîiiîled For Ele tio of'~ Gorg Val rapedinmny oi-eycas o helth BIG INNR I lis fnal ' I)('1 fo Ele tio f on i7cý'nan' reoun itretirement. Il w-ill be recalled that Mrs. Robert Clanvillc, Orono, w.on a mont bl 'y 3:0)1. Bobbv Orr started hn thiht until bis eyes started giv- television contest over Channel il.,IHamilton. This N w W a d n pba v in bis mn f end. Bibl ing him trouble, Mr. Berry xvas rumored scveral weeks ago, bfl, 11(thifl Offi- N w W r e Littbe sid tIhe pirk und,'r annua]ly took lime off for a Alan Fra-nk from a goab- tnip sorncwhere and always cial biad been received. The prize i; wcII w0l'thî- The Statesman extends mouth <scrambbe at 5.06. Foriy- wrote o! his interesting ex- while. a EL1iopean trip for twn people,. Con,,raltn- thanks to Deputy Reeve six seconds luter, Bu-chainn pe'rie-ne.es in The Statesman.. la tionos!lRoss Stevens of Bowman- picked the corner on an alon', *vill- w~ho 'phoned from the the ice drive, set up hv B'Il e c steH RUBBIN(; IT IN - On Mondav ex-enini,. <îo-irîn 1 nited Counties session Smithî. 10 make it 3-0. w asl' flicYou CaadaNigt, wç)ýàale eaihocc lVednesday noon .ith the Petor Mubovbich îook Bitai .b 9 Yon aaaNgt w aîeLa okY ews fliat Reeve D. Me- Campbell',; perfect pas.,; IN piaycî-s, Tim Hlorton and Don Simmons,wev(re Matrof uray Townhip irace in alone fronm tie hiot ý ews Budget pi-esent. This xvasmoer less theit- first vstt adbeblcedWre. iine and beut Derînis o ilieouivin aras sncetha diastous 1-0defnt 11 told, tliere wvere 43 clearly at the Il:53 mairk.- ie Boston n ara ine harsa . Simpu s Ion dea ballots required to select \Viib Bob Kilger<of f forîin-FailIsto Show bv ostn n Sboda.iVrs.W. . inîso lie- the Couinties top officer for terference Bant Crua.sils s pil sented tlîem with handmnade bannei-s graced witb the year. Balloting began Hamilton right hick in the For some uuexplained a big "B" whichi she explained stood for Bow- Tuesday. game on a beautifub solo ru.,h reason, the Newcastle news niaux ic NOT Boston. That's rubbiitg il ini a bit, Others iu the race iuclud- ut 14:27. NiCk Lîbett and Jînii failed to arrive in time to intied Iteeves R alw Peters picked up assists. Orr be included in this issue. lit i~i~ l...Brighton, G. Dean, South and Real Lemieux went for will appear next weck. tMouaghan; W. Thomas, Co- roughing at 16.02 andl Mahov- Apparcutly, there was a BREAKDOWN- On Monday nigbt, the îlayers bourg; M. WVight, Seymour- 'lich for interference, 20) sec- delay somewhere lu the didn't realize it, but they were skating on natural G. D. Carruthers, H-amilton; onds later. mails, whiùh w-e hope tvill ice, flot artificiai. Both compressors had broken Township. _______-___ TiRN TO PAGE TWOj flot bc repeated. down during the afternoon and Russ Muî-phy of Canadian Ice hadn't been able bo make nessary repairs in fme for the gamecs. flowxvevc(r-, ce Ibing wctit well, with bhe new il-e scraper peeling awa -v the soft top ire and snmmbe cn ach g aine. lIARD WORKER --Orcbîds shottir go tiiorco--, Caxvker of the Little NHL who did a tremendous job of organizing the Young Canada Nighb. He spent many hours arranging many of the details, including a trip 10 Toronto to pick up Don Sim- roons. Hiats off to vou, George' BACK TO WORK- Specialty Papet Pioduets employees reburned bo work Monday morning and evet-ytbing appears on bbe way to an ami- cable setlement. Il is understood there will be a un ion certification hearing before the Ontario La- bor Board on Feb. 5th, to determine if Local 466 of the Printing Speciaibies and Paper Products Union wiil in future represent the empînyces. In- cidentaiiv, xve have been told The Statesman did flot play~ up the dispute with large beadlines bbc %vay o ulside papers did because the Editor has shares in tbe Speciaity Paper company. The Edi- tor would like to be able to buy sorne shares but doesn't have ans'. We also believe in these malters that there is a mruch better chance of a peacef ul settlement and iess bitterness if the newspapers don't aggravate the situation. Kinettes Learn About Beauty Care Bowmanvilie Kinettes featured a program last Wednesday that was receiv- cd mosî enbhusiasticai]y by the members. They were taught the fine points of make-up and other beautifying techniques from Cosmeticians Mrs. Margaret Skuce, lef t, and Mrs. Ella Ormîston, rigbt. The attractive model in the centre is Mrs. Virginia Fairey. Town Coun cil