NESTIETON Friends will be pleased to 164 was then sung. Mrs. Nor-1 know that Mrs. Carl Finlay isj man Mairs conducted thei xnaking fine progress follow-1worship period, the scripturel ing surgery in Community1reading being Eph. 4: versesi Hospital, Port Ferry. Wendy' 1-16 and 30-32, and the themel and Debbie are staying wi:h'of the devotional, "One Lord,l the Donald Thornpsons arid'so many churches." This was Michael and Steven with the,'closed with prayer. Mrs. Ar- Larm Hylands. Ithur Hyland and Mrs. Wilfrid Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hv-t Vine took charge of the Bible ]and visited Mr. and M.' 1studv- which xvas taken from Fred Willan of Bowrnanvi!le1 the first Psalm. and Mrs. Fred Toms of Ennis-, Miss Dianne Mairs then killen. ýfavored with several piano 4q Jerry Bowers has beei selections which were greatiy f>,,*spending a holiday with hi!. enjoyed bv ail. A short busi- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George, nes period followed. The min- ]Bowers. He left Monday to. utes were read and approved join his O.P.P. Detachment at and correspondence read. Ail Kenora. members were reminded of Local folk who attended thelthe Worid's Day of Prayer Brownie and Girl Guide Mo-1 which is te be held on Feb. ther and Daughter Banquet in!14 in North Nestleton Church. Blackstock Armouries on Sat-I Rev. Romeril was present urday evening report exc,ýj- and gave an address on "The lent food served bv the gen-l Mission Studv for 1964" in tiemen, fine summaries of th2 which he spoke of life in In- past year's accomp1ishmen~s dia. Mrs. Mair, on behaîf of and a most interesting speak.Àýthe U.C.W., thanked Mr. Ro- an r. meril for bis very interesting Eli Mairs te celebrate the&r 2,52, "In Christ there is no niother's birthiday were: Mr.i East or West, was sung and and Mrs. Ivan Mairs, ErindalelRev. Romeril ciosed the meet- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairsar i ng -,i prayer. faniily, Cannington, «Mýr. aid A dainty lunch was then Mt%. Bud Virtue and famliv' served bY the unit in charge and Mr. and Mrs. George Sel- and a social half hour spient. ler an failyof Bomn-Mrs. Rairoh Sadler moved a ville and Norman Mairs. vote of thanks to ahl for the U.C.W. iMeetinig very enjoyable afternoon. Nestieton U.C.W. heid their Mrs. Norman Mairs kindlyl first meeting of the new yoarI invited the members to ber at the home of Mrs. Ma!colm home for the February'meet- Emerson on Thursday after-,ing. noon, Jan. l6th, with 15 mcm- _________ bers wrt trm o th The president opened te1The osstra nth meeting with a reading, "Thie!Groat Lakes, in 1913, wrecked New Year," foliowed by the, 24 ships and drowned 300 sea- Lord' Frayer in unison. Hyn mon. Sausage Peaccherino Serves 5 Easy and Ecenomirai 1 lb. sausage meat 1%/ tablespoons minced onion 2 cups soft bread c rumb s 1teaspoon sait 1 teaspoon poultry seasoniflg dash of pepper 1 egg, beaten 10 canned Canadian freestone peacli halves, drained whole cloves 1/ cup peacb syrup C/c One of the Sunday Sohool teachers was explaining to his class the significance cf the Coldiû'ýhlte. «Whlte," ho explained, ilsfor joy. That ls ivhy a bde wears white when's she's marriod. 11cr wedding day is the most Joyous occasion of ber life." "Thon, why," asked the lit- tie boy, "do the mon aIl wear black?" Combine sausage, on- ion, hread crumbs, egg and seasonings. Ferm inte ten balis. Bake in shallow pan in meder- ate oven (350'F.) 25 minutes. Remeve from oven. Drain off fat. Drain pcach halves and stud with 4 -6 cloves. Place a sausage bail on top of each peach haîf. Add syrup and return te oven for 20 minutes, bastinge with syrup. CnicW Ed. Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINT: Stains from beverages wiil damage garmonts quiekly. Take them te your local drycîcaner for expert professional atten- tion. RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wed., Jan. 29th - Lions Centre h. i 100 SAMPLES- 125 ROOh WALLPAPER-2O'1yota SPOOL BORDERS 1. ROLL BOF Regular 40c - - -----I- 0 Regular 10c oDUNKIT BRUSH CLEANER 1 DUNKli Regular $1.95 (t. $1.6 5 Regular $2.7. CLEARING AT - ---- CLEARING Buy Scarfes "THIX" the dri at Reduced Prices until Jan.: "THIX" HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL Reg. $3.48 qt.-- "THIX" LATEX PAINT Reg. $2.81 qt. "THIX"" SEMI - GLOSS PAINT Reg. $3.07 qt. OVERSTOCKED! 4výith 31'" and 4" PPLINT BRUSHES Prices $2.35 to S16.00 Reduced 30% PUTTSBUR< DISCONTI LATEX FLAT Reg. $2.85 qt. - CLEj' SATINHIDE ENAM Reg. $3.65 qt. - CLEA SALE CONTINUES UNTIL STOCK IS TERMS CASH ABERNETHY'S 33 King St. W. Married in St. Joseph's Church TE . 4 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Alton Wilson, shown in the above photo, were mar- ried in St. Joseph's Roman Catholie Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday morn- ing, December 28, 1963, at il o'clock. Formerly Johanna Maria Van Dyk, the bride is the dau 'glter of Mr. andci Mrs. John Van Dyk of Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wilson, also of Bowmanvillo. Photo by Rehder. Camnpaign in February Research Importance Stressed by Speaker ut Heurt Foundation Meeting, The vital importance of re-ihistory of the orgranization~ For instance, while one ex-, search was emphiasizcd by Mr. Barron said that 10 years1periment is going on now in. A. E. Barron, Toronto, in his ago heart specialists in Tor-I Chicago, it is also being pro-' address at the dinner meetiu-t outo, who were concernied be-iceeded with bere." The speak-, of the Bowmanville Chap<er cause of the lack of heart re- er pointed out that in this of the Ontario Heert Foundai carch in Canada, conceivediway valuable ideas will not tion bold in the Sunday Schio1 Ithe idea of establishing the! be missod. Room of St. Andrcws Prcsb *v- f oundation. ZWhen the research pro-i terian Church iast Wednesdayý "The objectives of the On- gram is establîshed, the net1 evening. tario Heart Foundation ara: obj ective is set. A share is set Len Lucas, Chairman of the i1. Rescarchi; 2. The training for each province te raise dur-ý Bowmnvile ounatin, ro- oyung doctors to become ing the February compaign1 sided, and others et the head, specialists; 3. Communication for funds. This money xii b table in addition to Mr. Bar- cf the knowledge gain'ed spent during the year whichý ran were Grant C. M_ýacDon- througch research; 4. Co-ordi- starts from the following: aid, Chairman of the Port! nation of Ontario research July. It is not deficit financ-1 Ferry Chantcr, Mrs. Elcanar with research in other pro- ing. Research cannot be' E. Hunter, Kingston, the Field' vinces and different countri2s. clocked. The objective for this; Co-ordinator for Eastern On-ý The speaker explained that year's campaign is $600,000.l tario, Mrs. L. W. Dippeîl, 2ndi the Ontario Heart Founda- The scope of the work was' vico-presîdent, James A. Be'il. ýtien's achievements are in the discussed by Mr. Barron. Ho treasurer, and Rev. Fred:field with research oniy, and told of four projects now un-1 Swa nn.i stressed the fart that it is net derway at the Toronto Gen-., Miss Esther M. Richards,1 a charity. "That is why il. eral Hospital, and added that Toronto, Director of Publie, cannot bc part cf the wonder- the Cardiovascular Unit there Relations for the Ontario,'fui United Appeal. Resoarch xvas establi.shod by the foun-, Heart Foundation, and h" and chairity do net mix. A dotice, as have been similarý assistant, Miss Arlcne Rosen-i combination of the two has units in other citios in this thal, Toronto, wore also pro-ibeen tried in the past. Con- province. "We put up ail the sent. 'flicts developed and rosearcli capital for the units, 'and nowi The guest speaker was in- suffercd, Mr. Barron pointed the operating costs are shared~ trodueed by Mr. Lucas who out. 50-50 by us and the hospitali told the meeting that Mr. Bar- "Initialvy the money re- concerned." he said.1 ron, an outstandinqly success-1quired bv this foundation \vas M.Bronise the fourý fui business mon, is the Vire-iraised privotely. As the work% current research projeots cf! President cf the Ontario He art. exponded more money became the University cf Toronto Foundotion. necessory and the Ontaric which include the study and In a brief outlineecf thei Goveriiment came te its assis- investigation cf clinicai car-: -tance. Dr. Matthew Dymond diovascular diseose, aspects cf cf Port Perry xvas an ear1l' cardiac surgery, a studv cf! supporter. The provincial gev- chemical processos on hoart, ornmrrent at first gave the On- muscle, one cf high bloodý tarie Heart Foundotion $100,- pressure in the arteries te the" 00d a year, and hast year rais-ý lungs, and mechanical assis-ý ed th e amount te $150,000. tance te the heart in "cori-' The Governiment cf Ontorih cary hckioiue has left heart research entire Ho alse told cf the projeets iy te this foundation. under way in the Banting In- Mr. Barron declared that stitute, the Best Institute, St.ý public support is os. -ential tc Michaei's Hospital, Toronto,ý the founidation te enable it tc-' Toronto Western Hospital,: achieve its greot objectives, Ontario Vetorinary Coileg, He said that the organizotinr Guelph, Hospital for Sirk' hceld its first public campaito MChildreri, Toronto, Queee's' for funds in 19.53, and sPOkýE University, Unive rs i t y f cf the generous responsf Western Ontario, University' given. cf Ottawva, and other renown-ý O N TIN U ES "Everv vear the Ontarict ed institutions. This shows M LOTS lIbart Foundation continues to~ that the fouedation is ottain-; O~ bui'd a bý,ttcr organization ing its first txvo primary ob-: ~ ~Ô1~and te spreord the burdon îîf joctives, ho asserted. 5 00 o F hoart rescarch over a widar Regarding the third objec- airca. We are happy that ne, ý tive, the communication cf. MDERS Chapters have been formed in[knowledge gained through re- -12½1 yd 5 Boxvmanville and Port Ferry,isearch te the medical profes- r ind that onother is to bE sien, the speaker said that aý T PIN PELE sartod in Port Hope tor great effort is put forth. The T AN ELRrow. ýMedicol Committee cf the 5 qt. $2.1 -T h e Heart Foundation.ý;' foundation publishes an an- AT ------- which have been organizoc, nuai report, and information in other provinces are autono- is aise made availoble bv pub- mouLs, but are co-ordinateÉd lications on research resuits ipless point through the Conodian Hear jon the projects carried out by: Founclation." Mr. Barron ex. universities and other institu-1 31 st plainci. "The Hon. Louis St» tiens. A sorios cf lectures are' 9 Laurent i3 the pist prosident aise given in Toronto every $ o6 f Ille Canadien Heort Feun-1vear for mombers cf the med- $2. 19 datý'on. and the prcsident isý ical profession from ail parts ccxv Douglas Ambridg-e, whu c f Ontario. - ------ - $2.39 is alzc president cf the Anti-ý Concerning the fourth ob- bi Power and Paper Com-! jective of the foundotion,th 3H PA NT pan.' :cc-ordination cf research, Mr. Mr. Borron said that it is Barron revîewed the sym- NUED LINES the practice in universitiesiposi;um held in Toronto txvo for doctors interested in re- years ago on anticoagulants,ý $1.98 earch teo pplv directly te theý whicb was attended by dec- EL Foundation prier te Octocor North America. Papers pro- .3lst each year. "The applica- sentcd there bave now been LRING - 'ions are screened and th-~ published in a number cf total reduced te betwoen 60 languages and are new in ;CLEARED and "40 cf menit. The final de-, medi;cal librories throughout cis;ons on the selection cf the world, ho informed the ALL SALES FINAL tiiose te receive grants is'meeting. ý A Bmýaým Ab made bv the choirman cf the The speaker aise re-ferr!od research, eight cents cf te C f _______________ dolarreeivd I s entO!TS B a d F r dollar on campaige expenses, . -Do r o TeCnda ttonaBwavle a.~,16 and seven cents for adminis- Piannir., Mrs. Lloyd Cour-1 care of tbcough curront funds. tration costs. * ar n to tire, Mc. Herbert Markîe, mr.ý Regolar meetings for the "Tbis is the lowest figureri g Robent Craig. year wili be beld in the even- i îng every second Monday cf in terms cf administration and In igig~ The Board plans te add twoleach month. Consult the Sec- publishing expenses. L as t Has Inaugur~a l reoms te the present rotai-v as te place of meeting year we bad 50,000 centribu- South Courtice School during should vou have some busi- tors in Ontario. Ail menrey '1The Board cf the T.S.A. cf'the present yeoc and bas oni'-- ness te discuss ivith the must be accounted for and alJcsn Bad Sertv-tosur receipt is given te eacb donor. !South Danlingcton held its in- gýaged the firm ofJakoBrd Sertr-trsur The firm of Clarkson and! augurai meeting for the cal- !Ypes and Assoriates. Willow-! and Administrater is M. J. dole, os architeets. The finan- Hobbs. office phono 263-2401, Godn r crauior.leeda ea,194 a ouhrigfer pavrnent of the cost residenre p h o n e 263-2608, memeriam giving new reaches Courtice Sehool. The persoli- cf -these noo,is will be taken. Hampton excha-nge.______ abeut $5,000 a montb in On- col cf the Board, witb cor ____________________________ tarie, change in memnbership fcom Mr. Barron told his listen- the past year, is Mc. Harr ors that ho is proud te be a, Oyler eierted Chairma,,n, . & Foundation. Ho said it is do-! pest chaîrman appointed Vice- F R T RS ing great work, and ho re-j Chairman by 31r. HarrN, Oyier, 47 Kig St. E. QUALITY 31EATS 623-5081 commended theoerganization Mr. Herbert Mackie, 'Mr. Ro- FE O EDLVR to ail cesidents cf the province bort Craig and Mrs. Lloyd FE O~EDLVR for their support in beth Courtice.$EC L$A NG money and time. Standing committees for the SIV ISTEN EREDBEE A coloced movie entitled year appointed by the Chair- S IT EDRDBE "Guard Your Heart" was mon are: Finance, Mr. Sydnoy LEAN, TASTY ONLY sbown, grapbically presentingi Wordec, Mr. Robert Craig; information on the function Property, Mr. Herbert Macki-,1. BLADE OR f of the heart and what hap- Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, Mc. Svd - 4lb pens te, it wben diseases take ney Worden, Teachers, Itr. SH RTRI9Rl'T ovor. Robert Craig, .Mr s. Llovd Courtice, Mr. Herbert Mackie; CROSS CUTI KING 0F 'EM ALL! 1 - 1 ____________M____________- - I _. - _M___- MAPLE GROVE B onnie Beerh were ecjoyed.ý The evening closed witb a, On January lGth the Maple loveiy lunch served by Unit 2' Grove U.C.W. met in the; ladies. chucch basoment with a goodl Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jarvie,I number cf ladies present. The Oshawa, wece Sunday visitors meeting was opened by Fresi- with bis mother, Mrs. Robt.ý dent Mrs. J. MarNeil, andiJarvie. hyme 16 was sccg. The wor-I Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Swailow ship service was in charge cfivisited relatives and friends Unit i with Mrs. H. Brodle,'in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. H. Stevens and Mrs. Jr Mc. and Mrs. Ceeul Milis.! Hurrie takieg part. The 1964 Miss Jovre Milis ad Mn. budget wos pnesented by Mrs. Leccnard'Daiey, Oshawa, vist-, H. Brooks and accepted by ed Mr. Harry Millxvard in the greup. The ladies werorB rontferd Hospital. T bOy, ceminded cf the Pro shyterial1 were aise suppor gcests withl Annual MeetingZ on Feb. l3thrMr. and Mcs. Jim Gibson,' and anyoce able te go is OAtn contact Mns. Roc Brooks. It Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech xvas decided te invite Mrs.weeunyvstrswbho Ross Stevens te show pictuces i. t Mc. aed Mctos. Wihr taken during their recent trip sistor,Mran s.W . te Africa and also te send a Bragg, Providence. $25.00 donation te Miss Mur- Mc. and Mrs. Harold Coocey, ici Stevens in Afrira. The Misses Sandra and Linda program wos a ponel discusý- Cooney, and Master Ronney Sien cf quesliens and answers Cooney, visited the formon*s on "What the United Chorches mother, Mrs. Blanche Cooney,' Tearbes," taken from the Ob- at the Panda Villa Nursing servec's spocial c e fe rce n c e Home, Trenton. bond book. Mcs. W. H. Brown, Misses Janice and BonInie, Mrs. Wm. Laird, Miss Sosie Beecb wece Sunday visitons. Laird and Mrs. C. Jeffery took with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald part. Two piano solos by Miss Mooklil, Roseneath. BOWMANVILLE m CONTINUES ALL STOCK ON SALE 2 0 cy ONE RACK! DRESSES Reg. to $25.00 -- -- - iro5 0 >OOFF $5000 DOUBLE KNITS and WOOLS DRSSs300/oOff OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF- - SLUMS - SKIRTS ~l, F BLOUSES -SWEATERS 3,Y F CLEARING COMPLETE LUNE 0F WINTERcOATS FUR TRIMMED AND PLAIN REGULAR PRICE BRESLIN'S LADIES' WEAR BOWMAN VILLE RIB - I 1 Standing Frime ru c ROASI lb71b IRib Roast l b LEAN, FRESH CHCK ROAST OR STEW ... 5 ROUND CC BEEF lb CUK.j5l STORE SLICED Christie's Brookside Breakf ast C 9 C BREAD Bacon --j lb 5 Loaves $1.00 HOME FREEZER SPECIALS SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF FRONTS SIDES HINDS 39b 47'b 55' SIDES 0F PORKc 60 - 70 lb. average 3 1 Ail Freezer Orders Cut and Wrapped Free Budget Terms May Be Arranged We Also Specialize in CUSTOM CUTTING and WRAPPING to Suit Your Requirements ,ýùry DRESS CLEARANCE Choose your style from the niany offerings of Breslin's Great January 00 Clearance Sale . . . Shirtmakers, Sheath, Jacket Dresses, Wool ONE RACK ONLY ... LIMITED QUANTITY - ALL ONE PRICE 1 1