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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1964, p. 5

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Oshawa Presbyterial United Church Women HoId Executive Meeting Mrs. L, F. Richardson, Sresident of the Oshawa Pres- yteriai United Church Wo- men, conducted an exemutiv,' meeting, beld recc'ntiy at Al- bert Street U'nited Church, Oshawa. She opened the ýn'eeting with a quotation fromn '%,-,B. Phillips wbich was. Because Christians are the nnly witnesses Christ bas in the worid, we are responsibie. before God. for the influence we exert in tbe lives of other people. Everything we do and everything we say. counts Plthtr for or against God and His work. We are the besi. audio-visual aids God bas". Mrs. H. T. Failaise, Whithýv. program secretary , conducted a short devotionai perîod. Mrs. Rey Cornish, trea.urer. reported that the Preshyterial allocation bad been met and that an amount of money %vnuld he sent to the 'over and above" projects. Mrz. Richardson reminded pre.sbyterial cornmittee chair- men to have affluai reports to her 1-'v Januarv 28. Presidents of the 58 churches in the pres- bvterial were asked to send to Mrs. Miles Chapman. Pieker- inz. names of deceased mem- bers of 1963. so the names could he încluded ni the me- moriam list. Thi~sbould reacb Mrs. Chapman before Feb. 5. alon£4 %ith the names of four voting delegates to the annual meeting. which wili be held Februarv 1.3, at St. Mark's United IChurch. Whitbv. The following women wvere namcd as delegates te the Bayý of Quinte Conference. to be held in Mar(ch ai. Kingston: 1Mrs. Ailan Dow-n, Mrs. Carl WIDEMAN'SWLAIS FINAL JANUARY DRESSES $1000 ea. - or - 2 for $1500 Sarong Stretch Strap OF BRASSIERES '0 OF DRESSES DARK COTTONS Reg. $10.98 - Clearitng $7,98 Balance of Winter Hats CLEARING AT - $2.00 1Purses Cîearing at $ 3.00 ea SEAMLESS HOSE JANUARY SPECIAL. PR. 69c - ALL SALES FINAL - South Courtice Home and Scbool Association were priv- leged te have Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Aluin with themr ai. their January meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Allin teck us on a brip from Maiten Airpor, te Winnipeg, where they made their first stop, eut to Van- couver, then te Hawaii. From there thcy flew te New Zea- ]and and Australia. The Allins are muîch interesfed in sbeep and this teck tbem to man 'v ranches in these coun- t ries. The\, noted that in New Zealand sbeep are riased cbiei- lx' icorfood. wooi bcîng bbc secondarY product. In Au- stralia the reverse is truc. wool being the mosb important prîîduct. Tbey noted aise the fact that tbere are ne flics in New Zealand. Frcmn Australia. the Aiiins fiew te Hong Kong and Tokyo and thence homne. This was a ,mosi. beautiful. interesting and informative travelogue and wvc are indeed indebtcd to the Aluins for sbaring it xitb us. The meeting epened wi'cb 0 Canada and bbe Lord's Prayer. with a special wel- corne by Mrs. Archie Camp-1 bell.' 'l'le minutes were read b. Mrs. Allan Tlarnblx'n, and ap-1 proved. The ireasurer's report, read by Mrs. John Collier-, sbcwed a balance cf $61.42, seconded by Mrs. Douglas Poole. Roll cail was taken: tbere were 25 present. Mrs. BiLice Lush's rocm won the banner again for the î'oem cou lit. The foliowing were named bo the nominating îcmmittee: Mrs. Hcerb Mackie. Mrs. G. A. Bakcî, Mrs. Douglas Poole, Mrs. Alian Tambiyn. Mrs. Alvin Metcaif. Mrs. Campbell ciosedi the meeting with the singing cf Gcd Save The Qucen. Mrs. Garnet Goyne and ber committee served lunch._ CLEABANCE Illusion and Walking Hecis 'latui Not Ail Sizes A'vailable CLEARING ATl iyL ,1Zlet,s $9.99 Wom en's Passforts lValking and ('tian fliels Reg. SL2.95 CLEARING AT S A VA-(E RtedlSchîoIl Chiîdren's Shoes B, C'. 1). an;d ïE Wic(lis Re-. 5<V CLEARING $4.99 1NOMEN' DRESS SHOES Illusion anid Stack Heeks Reg. S7.95 To $9.95 CLEARING $4.99 cx-Liberal Candidate Wins Table and Chair Sei 1The, Canadlian Statesman, Bowmanvllle. Jan. 22, 1964 tin from thc A.C.W.W. re- 'arding a song contest. thef m l Pa t Durham Agricultural calen-, dar. a letter from Gerdon Hono s 2 t Ji rîg ofCboNaur Oncr- ,,anization. belated Christmnas A ie s r ,rectings fromi members awA nnie ar qn xvntcr holidays: aiso giv- mng the trcasury report. R at , n. Down, Mrr. P. Romeril. MrO. H. M. Kyte, Mrs. David Du- chemin. and Mrs. K. W. Far- row. It was anneunced that in consideration of the forth- ceming retirement of the Rev. Beverly Oaten from Five Oaks, the board of directors bas set up a fund to which organiza- tions mav contribute. This matter will corne before the annual meeting and it waS suggested that donations be in bhe hands of the Presbyterial treasurer b" April 1. The mnembers of Albert Street United Church Women served refreshments. S. Courtice Home & School Enjoys Trip ,,ompanicO 0V :\irs. T. Jen-,vedding nvcsr :îings and Reeve Lewis Me-' Gill, held ai. Hampton thoL Durîng the happy vecning ')"ore s week and gave in for- the silver anniversarY couple mnation as to what the cern-: vas plrseiled xith sevcral ittce are tr ' ing to do for pieces cf Wmi. Rogers sil\ver- Durham County in respect toware. The couple's grand- the Agriculturai Rebabilitation[ daughtcr, Miss Kimn Fogal, Development Act. Oshawa. made the presenta - lion on behiaîf cf those assen- Mrs. Hector M'roro, ('01V bled and the acddrcss \vas £ýi- \-(,ler cf Home Economnics and, yen 'bv the antnivcorsarx-- bridce5, Hecalth cbaired the program father, Mr. Harry G. Freeman mid read txvo poems "A Boy cf Maple Grovve Needs a Grandimother" andWo '*These Tbîngs I Love". The 1 Mr. and Mýrs. Flintoff's thr-e evening's metto 'Kitcbens, arcidaugbters, Mrs. Larry Fogal as sunnyv as our dispositions"' (Bar'bara), Mrs. Gars' Gordon xvas cxplained by Mrs. Tedi(Marilynrf and Miss Jean Fin- Spencelv. wbo also read twotoff, ail cf Oshawa, and their poemns Good Morning Friend" son Grant, a. homne. wvere an- .ind "A Happy Week's Scbed ong those presenit. Out - cf . ule". Mrs. George Neals gavetewn relatives attended fromn 1r'earting "Saturday Baking"-. St. Catharines, Orono. Oshia- \ -ontest -Things Foîind on a,\\wa and Newcastle. cnt ' as won b.v Mrs. Ross M --- - -- --------1 1 - E. R~. 'Ted" Woodyard cf Orono, a former pro- ' t îiglit., xth. J'rom left ta ight, Sec retarxTe ret xiîcial Liberal candidate, was the lucky winner of a E. Pi. Lox'ekin, Newcastle, Ru.ssell C. Hone. M 'P. and table and four folding chairs ai. the annual Dui-ham Pi-esidenit Glenholme Hughes of Bowrnanx'ille. Liberal Association lasi Thuî'sdav. IHe is shoxvn here Reports from Women fs Institutes Biam-kstom-k Nonen's Institute sîderabie discussion and plans Nitiýt(ýii idic brvwere - made for bbc mîllinerv 5, oiticî laiu~ bnve i if, course, Feb. il-1:3. ratn t, ý d an d su ppei 'v roads, Ms.Frank stia t rou 'lliîîsra ,J ait. th, and at 1leder. ioxv presided. Mixs. teiîded ilite uoenos institutc Dalton Dorrel read the papor. meeting n tlie tCommnty dealîng vth the motto. We7c 1-ait. ai-e sowcrs ail for tbe flelds() f A\s (O Iýtînilark thi' me('bin1g the future - wbich had been opcniîd v :lltgîlthebbcOde. 1prepared bx- Mrs. Roy' TaYloi- TbeC'îlc't . . i'd Ms. 'vo vas unable tî attend. McArthur. Prusident.. M r s. i Mî's. Cecil illi gave. some Smilli, rnd -A Praver for the highiights from the short New Yea r-. ýq ti 11t es and c-ourse on Safetv Begins ni. c-ommunitons) were i-ead bvý Home. whiuh xx ns hld ait the Sct-ietarx . Mi. . Ralob Lar- Nestieton, Wedniesdav\, nmer. "es e Mrs. Russell MoLnI no ai- ier finarîcia stati'nt. Sî'x irat notes anti expr-essions of t hanks for frit rec'ti-ved xlitli'(,ill antd ai. Chrisbins wei t' ived. Pi-esiint rn-ad ti article i'- penîntî ie r rtîisii. (ot- EXTRA SPECIAL! IMANY LUNES 0F SLIPPERS SHOES BOOTS NOT ITEMIZED 10/0 OFF DURING .1A NUA RY CLEARANCE TEEN - AGE FLATS TIES AND SLIP-ONS Reg. $4.9.1 b 88.95 CLEARING AT $2.99- $ 399 WO1E N'S FANCY SLIPPERS Open Toc and Heel Reg. $2.9.3 and ,S:'.95 CLEARING AT $1.00 SAVAGX(I IA'Yi'1,11l'I SNOW BOOTS Reg.Y > CLEARING $7.99 BOYS' OXFORDS - ND SLIP - ONS Reg. S6.95 CLEARING $4.99 IMANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS NOT LISTED IN FAMILY FOOTWEAR ELLIS 49 KING ST. W. SHOE STORE BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Staniland and Mirs. Dalton Dorreill each conctict- c'd anl interesbiiige onbest. Meet'rig closed xx-tli tht' Qieeî. Lunc(h was served bv Ille' groîtp and a social ttnle NF'îNTONVILLE W. I. The Januarx' irel ii,îg oc Nexvtonville 'Wl . ,vas hc Ii Jan. 151h in Mis. Milligan,- com lorta hie ti-w. homle, wit b 15 memibers. two visitors andt one littie girl present. Presi- dont Mi's. T. 1-entierson openl- cd the meceting with att moin- ing in the WA. Ode, Mary Stewart Coi lect and pra ve'r. Sccrebarv - T1reastirer Mrs. Lancaster rend tbe mintites. financial report, also a num- ber cf "thank voti' notes from those wbo bad been re- membered ai. Christmas w'itb cards and gifbs. Theie xva, also a icîter cf tiianks from the Golden Piough Lodge. for, Ille Christmas parcels sent. A card part *v ,ag planiied for Fcbruary ini bbc Com- 1munity Hall, and several members promised 10 donato- prizes. We xxere reminded that W.l. fees xvîll be i'aised 1(1 $1.00 beginnîng Aprîiltst; also. Miss Ethel Chapmnan's bock., "Fromi a Roadside Windnxv" is nov' for salc, thbc tost $2.110. Mis. A. Wadc.liîcalth i-on- venor, began lier programome by calling on Mrs. Miiligan foi' a talk on tbc motte. "Gond Food Makes Gond H-ealb". Tbe roll cat] \vas 'Name a focd. and give its catorie value". Mrs. Wade rcad an interesting article crn bbc sub- jeet cf dietiiîg, Thei meeting vas closed wit!i aul repeatîng 1the benedit-tion and WlI. grace. afteî xvhich bbc hosbess and group servu-d lunch,- and ail enjo ' cd t1lit t iiendl v sot-l hou r'. Til( -ncar.s.bir-tbda,\ prîze xvent to Mrs. A. Wade and the "lut-ky -up" prîze Io Mrý. Riese Wbo îiox octuples M r S\liilipaiî-î former homet. Wui ec th tt'thanks i)f ail i Io 1tiStt andi oî toIp tifýti ii tîapp ,,a fi i-i ioii BEIHANY W. 1. ,%]i-.- Narin \tadde ic!. lro Et'onomisi for fibm district. xx n guest speaker ai hIe Brîhan', Woiien's Inst il t t rne('inQ. held NMondla,\,îigli ilir' home cf Mrs. Ina Palmer. Miss Xaddell ,poke on-Tble Dangers of Hidden Advertis- ing inrelatinîoîî 0 uyîng Foods" tand warned cf thù dangers in eccnom 'v irovolveril te bbc homcmraker wben she react.a 1Iohmgb pressure sales- mTanship and advertising. "We haxe becomne a group cf condîbioned consumers ratbcr than informed (-onsumners" said Miss W'addeli1.'Hg pressure adtx'rtising i « secon and heard everx' daY 'clrougl teievîsion. * radin. press and store ads. Everi cbiidren arc subjected te subte adx-ertiinq, on their programs. Points te be watcbed in economic bu -- ing are the legal requirement, stateci on packages. misbrarîd- îng, statements cf net con- tents. etc. Plain xvrappir'-ý cuts dlown on cests, rather tbar. respc1nding te the cxc appeal cf tbe fancy- wrappeci. When bux'ir.g .watch for short wrb slack fîlI, ndd suzes, tbe terni- New and Improved. thc con- tent of bone or fat in mea, econon. îiremium o ffers of que..ticrnible value. bcCanadian Association cf' Consýumers bave donc mucb rn tbe past iin regard te pack- ain.atto n lite field of staiîdard sizes ili cildrcn's tiotiiiii,,. Vattb for their ap- iltoXai ars In toli'oithe speakeri sad " Xatublite total stale- lmint of valune \k'en compar- ii' pîe.Do ' otr Shoppinig W il i \ ti.t t ('uS ilpen Mrs. llarr v Rxiey, and Mrs. Ralpil Pi-ston vere appoînted as leAders cf the 4-H club for P, ftîî't er term and \\vi Il attend, the Leadcrs Training Course' i n February The imeeting ilcscd with tbe Ins-Iititte members fnr ibecir In-tittite Grace, a fte r whicb support of the 4-- club work Palmer- and ber group and t ommented on Ille ie ec eieda any tnb course beginini no ini bitn v -Sleeping Garmcîîits". Mrs. Thomas Jeninings ex- Mrs. Harry R 'lev ypresidied pressed tbe thanks cf thei for the inleet îng. exerln i emibcis to the hostess, the xxcicomne to alI mnembers antci prograrn corivener, the guesi. visi'ors in the lii strmeeting cf speaker Miss Waddell and to; bble new veu.Thi m l al ail those whc had assisted in ,%a., answered bx "A favoriteý the prograni. dessert".i The next meeting will be at Mrs T'lbomî . enni ad bhe home cf Mrs. Clarence Ille iiruiiites and corresplondJ- Rcwan and wlll feature I-is- ente whiluli-Itded iniilln- torica i Researc-h. MONUMENTS AND MIARKERS 4 t.ol f., this sci. l. y. 1 STAFFORD BROS. LTD. DYfotak Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 de THAT'S RIGHT! THIS WEEK AT IGA GRADE "A," PREDRESSED FRYING OR ROASTING CHICKENS AVE RAGE 2!2 TO 3 LBS. ARE JUST 33c A POUND - WHY NOT BUY TWO AT THIS ECONOMICAL PRICE? I RE'<1f CHICKEN CLI'S Legs or Breasts 5 5'l I 'abhiite SSuc d Rindless SIDE BACON ~65c %N ho!.-sp)iti or fi enchec PORK TENDERLOIN 991b Florida Marsh Seedless 10 96, 69C Extra f ~ It(cei'.'( an extra $6.00 bonus tape with - -, Shirrif's Instant MASHED os kPOTATOES i2 o:. Li quîd MIS Banded 2 DETERGENT Io- Itîceive an extra $1.00 bonus tape wlth- 39C Speciai OMO DETERGENT Wifh Iran H*rshpy Br CbAtPrio.TFrmgtymg TwinklAe. Big "G" Cereals',,,, In bonus tapes total 2 Rpceive an extra $2.00l bonus tape with - 8 Varitieso Sara Lee Cake"P , *. 6 oz. pic'; TableSile ,iiced vacuu-n sealed Cooked Ham Canada No. i qrad. POTATOES G'omod t.îîe r-lourAfd MARGARINE We reserve the rlght to limit quantitierî. IGA Foodliner I - BOWMAN VILLE- 5 *1 BLACK DIAMOND MILD (HEESE 't 47C FRASERVALE FANCY FROZEN PEAS 2Iig 45C APPLE PIE Hiospitality Save 4c ea 45c TEA BISCUITS Dempster - Save '-e pkg 33c ANGEL CAKE WNeston's ea 41c Att LUGGAGE CLEARING AT IOlyo Off K AUFINA N SIIEPTSKIN LINEDl "BANFF" BOOTS BIlackcand<IBrown~ i CLEARING MEN'S SHOES By McHaIe and Dack CLEARING; AT 20cYo OFF 1 ., No. 1 grde ( alifornia Red c EMPEROR GRAPES IbI3c i rum rmsh q S. No. I1gg-îdr Tender BROCCOLI bunch 29c i*c mu(t- and c!trisp 1'.S.No. 1 zr.df, Bunch Carrots 2 bch. 29c S'PAFFORD'S 20 oz. in% Apple PIE FILLER. 29c CLARICS BEANS & PORK 2 20 oz ,nN.39c TURKEY & CHICKEN or IRISH 15 oz. lin CLARK'S STEW ......129c THOMPSONS WHITE BEANS 2 IB. pKG.25 Chicken Noodi. or Tomaclo Veqetabi. pkqs. LIPTON 'S SOUP 35c PABLUM CEREALRe -ý,,doOatm- 2 85 PABLUM I~/~L Mîx~ KAFT 8 BARBEQUE SAUCE 16or'or 33c COLGATE 94c SPECIAL FAMILY SIZE TOOTHPASTE ............- 77c Bowmanvillle . 1 z= SIC, orE N'ýs lý- S EN Plans wvere made to serve lunch at the Bcdf Produicerz :ncctinC to be beld in Bethanv un .Januar.v 20. Mrs. Ralph Preston gav e a i-c port of the A.R.DA. rneetinz, xvbich she had attended, ac- famni]y surprise partsv on Sat- urday ex ening. January I tth. at the home cf r and 'Mrs. MI\ortcv ,-Flintoft (nec LYra Freemnaiit. 96 King St. Wcst. on the occasion cf t beir 251h 'nr 2 1, 04 ) d ( ý 11 t i \ i , Ja il. 3 '! 1 '! 5 01, ' $6.991 $6.99

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