-'t r he Cariadlan Stateciyiai4 eowmanvlfl, Jan. 22, 1984 SPORTropc D 1y Frank Mohun 623-7234;,, HOW TO BE (UN)POPULAR From the time the Statesman reached the news-stands Wednesday night, this reporter has been unable ta avoid try as we might) a sudden rush of popularity. Well - we'd like te cal] it that, but truth is8 we were getting quite a few blasts. Lack of space pushed most of aur sports news out the wmndow, but it couldn't have happened at a worse time - because we had ail the basketball averages, coroplete men'a major bowling averages and ail league standings set up.ý Just try getting people to do extra work and then don't use it - and you're in trouble. But if our readers were disappointed - don't forget, we had written ail the stories - you just had ta do the reading., t LOCAL BOWLERS MISSING OUT Oshaw~a bowlers have been quick te take advantage of the mîxed team tournament that got underway at Liberty Bowl a couple of weeks back. But lt's hard ta figure out why local pin-spillers havent been taklng advantage of the op- portunity to win 25 bucks. Harold B3ennett, onie of the few who did, came up with an 857 triple to qualify for the bowl-off this Sunday night at '7:30 P.M. Ron Schwartz led the motor city contingent, rack- Ing up a huge 903 mark, with the ladies being represented, by Janet Peel --. 822 and Lou Himies - 786. So corne on you Bowmanville bowlers -- ail you liave toi do is bowl three games, anytime between 7 o'clock Sundayi evening and closing tinie the fllowing Saturday, and there1 is no entry fee. The top two mon and two ladies %vill qualify each week. The finalists draw for partnerz and bo'.\ Il off withîrnW w'eeks zifter tho qîialifyin g round. Higli score In each frame counts when partners are bowling -- the winners windingý up with the big $25.00 prize. The final is a three gaine total pin affair. t ' 1 ORR STILL NINE BA CK Bobby Orr sc'red hi- 2LIthi, 2't and 22rd goais oft 1tne season thiiý w ec4k but dîscovered that hie still has a long way to g4) t catch iip to Jacques Laperriere's Jr. "A" record. Up 'till now we fiaid thought the mark was 25 goals, but Jr.1 Canadiens publiritv director Albert Trottier Jnforins us thatý Laperricre fired 29 goals in the 1961-62 season, eclipsing the' former record ld by New V7 ork Rangers' llarry Howell. HowvelI is an üstab)ili~ed dcfenicrneýri, Lapperiere certainly. appears to us to bc a future ail-star - and wvhat about OIT? H-e'- the best We cati rememnber seeing since Tirr, Hortoni toiled for St. Mike's --- and if you cati mention his tiane, alongside the tîr three at the age of 16, Bobb- shoïdi Uc a good une. Speaking of th( rrîorI.Iughr'r now but stili wîthin reach,' Orr mxght have hiad a couple mnore Tuesday niight, but un- selfishly passed ta a team-mate.f QIJITE A NIGFUT: That was- quite a night they had in the N.H.L., Saturday. Who would believe, Boston cuuld beat Toronto 11-0? Eddiel Shack broke the glass and Terry Sawchuck set the ahl-turne shutout record In Montreal. It was Leafs' wnrst pasting i our meinory. but th~e record IF, stili 15-0 for Detroit over New York on Jaruary 23rd,ý 19144 Hovvever, it's doubtful if a defending Stanley Cup champion haý: evor absorberl such a lop-sided det.For, the record, '-Rocket" Richard broke the glass once beore and an excellent picture of this hangs in the Gardes. 'Jerry blocked M6 shots to make it 74 or 75 (sorry _- we forgot which> in hîs l2th season in the loop. 'rhose Mortreal timers seem to have such a hard job cop- lng with delayed penalties, that we were thinking locali time-keeper Arnold Etcher, should tell thein how it is done. Now we just hope we' haven't put the hex on Arnold, * Evert aznouncer Danny Gallivan got into the act on this rîght which won't be soon forgotten. Darniel had one of the players *centing rit in front." J- t ANOTHER MIDGET DOUBLE-BILL This Saturday night another big midget double header Is alated for the Memorial Arena, with Bownianville meeting -Trenton art 6:30 and Cobourg playing Ajax at 8:30. Last week the locals handed Cobourg its first defeat, while Trenton defeated Ajax. This should be another good one - hast sveek, *the boys had a fair turn-out but didn't make enough ta clearl expenses -su let's cive Uip the T.V. gaine for once and give' thein a litîle ,;uppor',, GENEPtALS 11O11E FOR THREE The big one was last night as Oshawa Generals met H{am- M lon Red Wings - a win sending the Generals Into a big Il point bulVe. but defeat trimmlng their margin ta seven, %v itlî Ilaîiilton having a gaine in hand. Last turne the two cluhs mî--t here Red Wings won, but Oshawa %vent righit back to tlîfe:îl tîer, igtt in Hamilton.1 Sunhniht Pet ýrborough Petes wiil be visitors et Ale- nurial Arinia. then it is Niagara Falls next Tuesday. asl Gerierals have titreà successive home gaines. "rlree winsi w~uiild luok mighty iiice. n h (i i - Young Canada Night Highlights Continîîing their enthusiastie financial support of minor hockey here, the Jlockey Mothiers xvcre out ini full force on Monday night, selling homemade ban- ners, lapel buttons anul othc ,' rsupplies trit-aise money. Part of the funds they have accumnulit,(] x e-pent on thîs Ipre!,unL-tion i o pads they made tit the start f the evenin- (o tii:' Liile MIL and tlue RcreationI)ept. Little MIIL, President [ft, ai-id Rc -éîuDii ocet' Doit gRi,,,-, eceived the gifts lt-rn .Mrs. Ron Aider lefi. aînd WX. IR. Sinmpson. A Iluukv îJraw' foi- four pi i.'&s w-as made hv BRussell C. TIloney', NU IIL11esidoîîiEd Rt:ndle catii1Sr'cretar \ Dot ;G lhooly 1i~ Mrs,. Johpn m':horr:. IHampton. xvhoirt on a i)a'.'anîd Nite Til t Mirr' ileQiteot [en idiSn le';:AJIL Cooksetî, Bemw-~i, inuier of a Bank of \loiî îeal Irc.': ltîh SIcDanaI d, Columbus, Ohio, a)'-eiati Mrs. Emnwt Crougli xvlî had l-ft. for homîe but, left instructions gift froni(ataua tnira lkofCaomimer-ce be rettîrned tIhfe assoeciationh; ;îid i ermStan-arau w: iimnur of .$5 gift certîfcae fi Big 20. Leaf !oziie Dort Siinmuns and defenceman Tim Homtoîî pt- graphie-I stiik to i lit, (Iltsl anding playe~rs in the tht-ce games. Re for the Pi, Veî <i Ji iAtdels.() -,eft, an-d Tom Sumnp, ,P., with Little Wiiîners were Loose 9 -6 r Generals Bi eii Lead Over COF BOWLING For the fîrst time this sea- Ron Brock 5 4 sont no one team swept 7 l-iar-->v Snowden 5 4 points. Ray Westlake remnain- Bob Marshalli..... 4 5 ed lii front by taking 5 framl1Glenn Prout .... 3 6 Betiy %viiilew 1~Jack GenIennis 3 6 Mantie, Glenn Prout atid Bob Jack M,ýaii*le ..2 -4 ea ml ant> ri ook î Top 10 Ladies poiits. The leagite rc',ertcd Sandra Goodinurphy -- bacs: to count ing b!nws ~ aiamallev there were pleni%. w'th *GetDn scoreýý under 100, Gwen Den- SirI Broci ....... nis. BiH ll Hawkins, S:ell a P t M rshali .... Haw:kins, Dennis Gibon, en orc Snow ...e.. aDeviti. The high trýplc was e;hk recorded br Don Bischon w'h\1,i, K.::; 681 (2-11, 216, 244). while the1 VeIna Luke .......... hîhi-isingle gane .vent to Joan Gibson ..... Harrv Sniowden with 3 07. Tp1 e IOther gond games, GlennTp1 e Prout 224. Pait Marshall «)nB90o Marion Mallev' 230 a'id 38. H roçk .....in. Rai- Westlako 2-'21. Ev King, Bon.........k 'Il~3 ind 228.GuwCn Denrv Rai 'Wetlk lo, owM 6 ml 2, erl î~Snowden.......... 1i2351. iashiý 28 7eý!Everett King............ M cirl crcs Ra'. Team Standing r'.Prot't M a i'o a ,Vestl.ike 8 !9 Bnb NMarAhall For a while Sunday after- as Ron Ellis bea'i Gibson on ai noon It appeared that Oshawa breakaway. Little checked: Lit e instîrance Generals had taken up where Ray Winterstein, roared in the parent Boston Bruins left alone and beat Srnith, the! against iincer off Saturday nlght in their goal again coming within 15 poie e 11-0 pasting over Toi-onto., secoiîc,. Wiilî Pwilc Lauiret sould e, fr Displaying beautiful pass pat-' off for -h ,idiîîg, Sinitli led a terris Oshawa built up a 6-1 three man nuŽh. iresultir.g n if voi shiilé lead wlth three and a 'half'Buchanan',3 narker at 11:45. ~ vol* have etio minutes ta go In the firstl Buchanan stick -han dle dCaI period. beautifully at the corner of Ce-l However, unlike their par-ý the net ta set Little up per-,. . ent club, Toronto Marîborosi fecilv at 16:30. Then the roofBNE ca[1 b ;' 1r. n f s 1.-d . ,,1 ,() .13 ' . .îc *-. leadie1-s 'o h it --6at the emd C: ritûr -o n .., î,o . of the second and win tne cîrivo ù'o e far corzi-.t I;hi' . junior "A" tilt 9-6. s-econd Period SNLF SUAC O For the Generals' cause the. Mike Walton potted Ray SU IEA URNECM openîng session nîght easily Dupont's rebound at 1:07 rank as their best 20 miinutesý Peter Stemnkowski's h i g hKI~1 of the season, particularl' the dr-ive to the shot t ide, fono( play of Bill Little with twO Gibson, 96 seconds later. O-'- BitiN, goal s and two assists and Ron failed to'clear and Brit Selbv Buchanan svho scored once fed Grant Moore right ilu i SPECIAL and two others. Bohby Orr front to make it 6-5 ot 14:36. collec'ted his 2lst and C'nd Generals were guilUr of slop- goas efoe hegaine was py defence play as Rod Seilin- seven minutes nid. nettedi the equalizer at, 15:31. '" Ray Reeson took over for Smnith and Andre Cham- n"'FRI., JiO Dennis Gibson, injured while pagne were banished for making a sensotional save on fighting by referee Jelry Jim McKenny's bullet-drive, 9hinski, then Gib.son was in.- KUN SM EN SUP with three minutes left in the jured aIl in the next minute. second and the score 6-6, Tie final three minutes were'B Flrst Period played after the interrnission. 1Selby left Orr anchored, Bill Srnith took Littie's pass went in alone- and beat Re- - j/at the and fired a rising shot past wo asn oonoi rn goalie Gary Sinith at the 3:33 ai. 19:18. Oshaw,.a scored at m' PETERBOROUGH MEMC mnark. Orr stole the puck the bell, but the blue iight zi frorn a Matlie defender tso 9~ edcftepeic make it 2-0, only 15 secondsiand no a. later. Orr hit again as LittleTidPro VRI and "Bucky" hit Orr cruisingi Stemnkowski high - sticked In on left wing at 6:54. Reeson at 4:07 "0 start a 1964 Ford Deluxe Sedan or S2,01 Mariboros got on the score- rotighing bee, resulting in al Lo Garne, S2,000 Big Snowball( shetexcty 0 scodslae'double ninor to the Saura Snowball (54 nos.) Plus $600r --------___ night Lez-f and a mnror for special gameç. lb ~In is o agi Wne-ot forget to buy the ec.ononi emk oski'sgdie dfleted 'AN' FEEand sVALU AB avien f ein's dump-pass at 8:0ý3.ansae on noff Chris Robert's skate to NAYFEE NDV UBL Mor L e nd thie iigh-sc'irir,ara- It N ,01' cionaieci ov e_ $10gef of rad aThe seconîd sehedule go', iveof -U. ad way to a flying start withi that her. $10 Russ "Wigger"' Oke settingi minor hockey the pace in the overages. Russa rom flickabv'S1 had a 785 triple for a 262ý overag.c. Larry Piper followedý teeae- with 780, Art Rowe î69, Karl Piper 754l, Ron May-i nord 727, Hap Paumner 722,ý and at seheduies top bowlerý Jack Bond 710. Hart-v Akey had the high single score 331, Elion Brock 327, Jack Bond 324, Si Trewln 311 and Ron Maynard 308. Don Bagneil at-d Garf Clarke tîed at 444 for the low e triple while George Piper' walked off with low single' garne 107. L. MacDougal had 110 and Garf Clarke 112. hou McFeeters has takeni Ted Hailman's place on the. Selby Grant teani Lou was aý member of the Major League, a few years bock and should, be a great asset. The Dykstra's food tearn, captained by Harold Bennett bas token the ieod in the teain, standing with 3 wins an-d no, defeats. Liberty Bowl .vinners of the fit-st schedu1e are ini 7th place. Jiack Bond !iam a real gond, chance ta win the Nels Os-, esentd auO- 1borne Inurance trophy. This is cceving them Ithe fit-st year this trophy hasl ,son, Bowmari- made its appearance and the: *winner will be the besi,, coin- -______ - ?lled aver - ageh ce;-ý L.J....Â.IP"of nteestc and keept Night awk. t-s on their taes alil Te in Standing Ta tnl MS. ,t 1.uniali 6Teami G. .-. .. .....t... 6i Dý- stra's Fmý ,i N MI. 11)t-on 4' Kn's Men's W'ear IM. Se b- In .. ...... 4!Hooper's Jesvellery J '~i .- 3 Frank's Varietv G. fiin 1 epsiCola2 High 1Triple NI, Wiseman 718'Larîder 'Hardware High Siiigle M. Wiseman 2d4' Liberty Boxvl 1 1'irdg~ Jury & Loveli M. Wi.3en-an -.25ý Selby Grant Heat'g1 -*A. C ol-we .. ......... 2113 Nes O o 'n Tu G, a n ........ 211 Olympia Restaur'"i B. A bu ....YiII199'Beaver Lumbher 0 'W eiNeil--------------17C) Averages ......... . ...... 175 Naine .1. Wondilock-------------...175 Russ Oke ...... ýM. Code ................172 hart-y Pîper. ... MY.Sc-dman---...-----------h171 At tRowe .... \kitî t île beit n-i sticks fo)r oîitatanding play M N. fodgsemi .......... ....... 170 Karl Piper ..... vî e, iit. .\ ni~ \'itilvand Johin Taylor, l3ow- . T.enn .-.... 6 o anr ,JSI, ur ......... 169 Hap Palmer n1a nv]- F. Àl!cn----- ..--- ---168 Jack Bond 'C. Rluer .................... 168, Da'e NlcKnigtt.. M.Crgo...-. ..... 166 Bert F.ngley . .. L. flîrgess .-....-...........163 Mel Burgess.... M. Fo-ter............. 163: Si Trewin.... J. MNairs ...........162,Elton Brok .. S oobs ................ [61! Clarence 0ke R, RobcMrt<n..... ....... 160 ilart-y Akev . tL.\Voîlcock------------.. 152 Cecil Mutton .. E Coonhes-------------.....148 Bob Willians .... O. Ma ffatt....... ........147 Russ Hallman . . F. Paî(rron ................. 146 Dr. H.Rundle ... M.Fith ......... ......145 Bud Henning.... J.Gbe .. ............. 143'ýGeorge Bebee. A, Perf,'tut .........- 1311 Harold Bennett-. V ate........ ....... 29Al Smeis..... K. Roîston--------------..127, Frank Blint . MI. NcLaughlin ...«......... 126 G1e, 1fod-,ûr -- M. Neil ......... 123 Lau rence Iearnan A. Loruisso--------------..123 Jack Gat,. J. Mutton..... ........... 121 Mik- :Mirph * y ...... M. Mitchell .... 118 Pat Leddy 200 Garnes Bob Glanvile .. M, Wiýt2nian 2,8, 264, A.'Jac'k Lande"....... j ~~Colwell 22-é, 23î, G. Scott 216,;AI Osborne ... 221. J. Shearer 220, 214, J. Stan M cMurter. ... Mairs 212, 206, L. Burgess Bud Barter.......... 201. 204, J. W'odtoc'k 254, B.-Bill Shotter i!tiers(f Atoin 1ick,,«-we-o Douci('tibson, Pe- W'.r242. W' NrNeil 217, Loni MeFeeter. - î 1I. Wirght 212, E. Coombes George Joncs terbiîrough. left, and ace goalie Robert Willoughby, 2110, M., Coyle 210, D. Foster Murra\ Larmer 3 Bowmanvilie. ý 204. J. Lunn 203. 1 Norm H-eninng....a rea'. a ivt the bowl- seoson. V. L. Pis.' 21 2 212 2 1 2 2 1 2 12 12 I 2 1 2 1 I 2 1 263 231> 230 229 22 2425 232 221 ?21 220 1229 219 222 218 28 213 210 210 208 208 207 206 20 20 204 207 202 200 200 -e is sure protection ,rtainty, becatise it yont- fainily if v'ou r for vmnîr aid aga Id live. Make sureo otighli fie insurance. Ft ASSANT eBowminville PANY OP CANADA ,(, THIS .ý PRICE PASS to -th r-E s &N. 24th )ER CAR O-0 z )RIAL CENTRE PRIZES ineluding ,00 Cash. $1,000 Hi- (57 nos.) $1700 SmaIl regular games. $450 niy pack for value ley. LE DOOR PRIZESI N Buy "Goodwill" Used Cars Now At January Clearance Prices! 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-DR. V-8, autoniatie, custoin radio, white wall tires, wheel discs, wind. shield wasbers. Locally owned sinre new. Attractively prlced! 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 8 cyl., autoinatic, custoni radio, white walI tires, wheel discs, other extras, Iow mileage. Local, one owner car ini showroom condition! 1962 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Beautiful Nassau Blue miith Black roof, "'327" V-8 engine with llurst converted standard tranîsmission, power hrakes and steering. custom radio. Exceptionally good condition. 1962 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., automatic, custorn radio, rither extras. L~ocal, one owner, a beautiful green. Ilere is a renl bu-%! 1961 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP Autoinatic, custom radio, white waII tires, wheel discs. Locally owned since new. Priced right' 1961 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., standard tranlsmission, beatitiful brown. A real buy for Jan- uary Clearance! 1960 METEOR 4-DR. 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Thunderbird V-8 engine, dtal range automatie, power brakes and steering, custoîn radio. Ex cep tionally good condition. This car must he seni to be appreciated. I'rcvious ciwner's naine on rcquest! 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., automatic. uaitoin radio. One owner car. coofd cean cal, inside and ont! 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. STATION WAGON Custom radio, wvhite walI tires. 1'înished ini Azure Aqua and Ermine 1~bt.Real sharp. Lorally owned since new! Excellent Choire of Colotir and Trini iii 1964 VAUXHALLS This is the first lime we have been able to offer you a choire of three nnw in stock' Contact one of our sales staff and test drive one of these "Goodwill" Used Cars: Don Armstrong, Sales 'Manager '*Hap" Philp Stev Prestoni Ray Lathangué 200 195 182 179 178 172 172 166' 157 MEMORIAL ARENA iiMXA NVILLIE PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY. JAN. 24th Aduh% 50e Children - 35e Sunday, Jan. 2.6th HOCKEY PETERBOROUGH PETES OSHAWA GENERALS 7:30) P.M. HOCKEY NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS VS. OSHAWA GENERALS Tuesdlay, Jan. I8th 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION Sides -$1.50 Sadn -$.5 Ends .$1.25 Students sud Children, seats or standing 715e