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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1964, p. 5

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la job. Council brieflv discuss- ed other subjects, parks, roads. new equipment, but due to the Iateness of the hour further decisions were deferred to a The members of the Cart-,ed and approved for payments later date. Correspondence wright Municpjal Cou.ncil arid a- fallowýs: Roads for S2.398.90 was moved rec'd and the meet- the newly estabishid Board and General Account for ing adjourned until next reg- of Education met jointlv on S16,205.34 for a total of ular meeting date of Tuesday, Januarv 7th in the Town:hîn ,)S 13. 604.«2 i. February 4th, 1964 at 1 p.rn. Hall, Bilackstock. rnemhcrr ail Couiicîl %ere advised that - present as follo,,mýs Reove-- taxes in arrears for 1963 k Albert Gibson: DepufvRex< totalled approximatelv S23,500 F rn i e -Merrili Van Camp: Co)Unc- w ý,hiie bans outstanding at theF r N w lors-John R. Hamiltor.. Km- bank amounted ta $5 '000 plus est R. Swain and Wrn. R. intereýt. plus an approved Ferguson: Members of Board capital boan of $3.400 which 964. Le gu Walter WVrighi'. H a r -V --' Co--ui nov: reabized the bene- A total of 25 repre-sentatives Grkham. David Wilson. Don. fits of having a warking re- jnterested in basebail attend- al~ Frew and Neil oIlom sr- f a pp roax imately ed a meeting in the Senior with Sec,-Trea-ý. Mr .Fiaini l Bv-aw Na. 1102 Citizens' Centre in Cobaurg, Romeril and Rev. Romemîli and ,Itil,,mizing any neccssary bar- recently, to form the Easterný Clark V. Malcolm in attend- mass îng up ta a maximum Of Ontario Basebail Association.; ance. .360,000î( was gis en third, read- The meeting was chaired by; Rev. Romemîl led a short ing and passed. 'Jack Carson. worship period and Rceve Ms-~rs. McLaughlin a n d: The association will emn- Gibson welcomed and (ongcrat- Toombs representing Frank'brace ail baseball teams in ail ulated ail members nopon th< Jr Coxvan Ca and Toambs Insur- categories in the area between: return ta office. (The ance espectivelY discusscd'Ajax on the west, Kingston Board af Educatian -- mad v %. tii council the pepayed in- on the east and Bancroft in up of former memb(,rs of the urance palicies ta the credtt the north. Secondary ana Elemncntarv of the Corporation and were! Representation was on handý Boards of Education i. He as- îganted the privilege of rc- from Cabaurg, Port Hope, sured the member. 0' the <v i vîin g the new policies Oshawa. Newcastle, Newton-, Board of Education <of Colin- v.-nen and as rewritten, for ville, Webcame. Peterboroughl cil's co-apematian ard assist- Emerson lnsurance Ca. Believille and Cannifton. A1-i ance as equired and hoped 'l'le 1964 municipal appoint- Sa inl attendance was Speroi for a close liaison hetweec-n t menis were appraved by mo- Annis of Peterborough, secre-ý two municipal departments. tion. iia o16 nna[ýaYo h nai aeat Greetilg n es he i cases but with certain in-J Association. and Arnold Wade,! were- extended and inter- clusons as follows: Relief Ad- OBA. executive rn e nb er changied between the individ -'.i %asatr îh i cnesm!ni-ýtrator-- Reeve Albert from Newtonville. completed their Declaration. Gubs.-on: Cartwright represent- Jack Carson was electcd ta of office, then ad,îoumned 1as ative ta Port Perry Hlospital. the office af president. Ar-, aBoard--Meruili Van Camp; ta: noid Wade is the first vice- body for dinner at the Bon-th CatrgtCmuiypedn whPtrbog's Fire-Bar-B-Q as 9guestitS O the CatrgtC mniypednt ihPtebrgh Township.Reeceational Board - Albeî-t Bihl Rowlison as second vice-' Twsp.Gubson and Merribl Van Camp;» presiden t and Part Hape's' Members of Councîl et urn- Rink Committee-John Ham- JirmY Gilmer as third vice-! ed after dinner ta the business ilton and Ernest Swain; Cerne- president. Spera Annis wil of municipal administration. terics Cornmittee - William, act as secretay-treasurer. The minutes of the last mcet- FergLuson and Ernest Swain; i The association will divide' ings were read and adopted Representatîve ta the Fire Dc- the area into zones for seh1e-ý and subjects introduced there- parti-nent-John Harniltan; ta dule pumposes and have thern: from discussed biefly. A the Fedemation of Agriculture, plaY off against each other for, motion appmovîng the rink Wila Ferguson. the championship of the whale caretaker having akv10te Mm. Earl Dormell was renarn-ditctntevaau ct- i-ecreation centre Io keep tab cd Assessor, School Attendi-:garies, with the right ta [ýO on the water suppl *v n theancc otficer, Dog TJag Officer,; inta O.B.A. playdowns if the., reservoir there svas carried. and Tule Drainage Inspector. so wish. Bis and Accounits -thc final and Mr. Frank Gibson of.ý The executive wîll consist I "ONLY THE FRESH TASTE BEST" ORANGES O.P.P. Constable Hurt in Crash With V.I.P. Customner Service si ze 138"s DOZ. FLORIDA U.S. NO. 1 GRADE junibo FLORIDA VINE RIPENED U.S. NO. 1 GRADE CELERY m -sals2C B.C. DELICIOUS % FO To (matoes 12c 4 APPLIO - R SPECIAL, THIS WEEK BOWMANVILLE IGA REG. PRICE LOAF 22c 'WHITE BREAD 224 ozLoaves39C KLEENEX MAN SIZE 4 pkgs $1,00 TURKEY - BEEF OR CHICKEN YORK FROZEN PIES 4 PHILADELPIA 8-oz. pkg. HOSPITALITY KRAFT- CREAM CHEESE 33c RAISIN PIE .Dr. Ballards Dog Food 2c <off BEEF, CHICKEN - LIVER i LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE SAVE Ilc 48oz. tinN 8oz pies 89CI m m ea 45c [.o.tins 10 for 99( î~ 2 for 59c D e n lp te r * S a v r 'r n k g . D e m p ste r '% a vp i -g G A C t u p i o . 2 f o 5 Onion Roils 21c Mocha RoIls 4A5asuc z.2fo 5 Lasalle ('hocohite Pkgr. nf 3f Angcllo WVhite or coloured 1-l 3~ FINGERS - 35c Marshmallows 39c Libby's Beans 2'0 35c Time for a Change? TRY OUR MEAT YOU'RE IN FOR A TREAT' THIS WEEK EXTRA A TOTAL 0F s34oo IN BONUS TAPES ASK THE CASHIER FOR YOUR FREE GIFT CATALOGUE on the death of her sister-in-,The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan. 29, 1964 5 law, Mrs. Walter Murphy, Ty- rone. last Tuesday. 1 Glad ta report Mrs. ArthurB i Leighton able ta corne frorn ow m anville W .I. haspital to the home of bc'r TpTnirv'tnrnf ,, yhP.-,.. -fP (Mo" . mn .A Tho . riri i. U jJCIIU meeting C i ine J. ute uLM'C anJU IJU .L or .JIJ.U fdaughter. Mrs. Frank Bailev. 'Bowmanville W.I. was held Prayer. i Miss Margaret Carter, Ma-ý on the 23rd in the Salvation Te sceay ra h ,.iple Grave. and Miss Joan'Armv Youth Centre with a minutes, treasurer's report ~<~Bradburn, Oshawa, spent the! good' attendance. President and correspondence. It was Uweken wth r. ndMrs.' Mrs. Wiseman opened the mentioned that Miss Marioin FJaeeBrdburn, Mrlo and meeting by the singing of "() Waddell, Home Economist, Rov.Canada", repeating the Insti- would speak at the February Miss Betts- McArthur, Tor- meetin n the 27th and it is onto, spent the weekend, and, Vice Walter Wright. 2nd Vice hoped ail meînbers will at- ý4 'ÀMr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart.'Glenn L.armer; Sec'y. - Treas. tend. The book entîtled Peterborough, spent Sunday! ta be appointed. "From a Roadside Window" afternoon with Dr. J. A. andý Mrs. Joe Nesbitt. Gienarm, by Ethel Chaprnan may be Mrs. McArthur, v isited Mr. and Mrs. i'ercy obtained by gettin g in touch Mm. and Mrs. Frank Cook Van Camp and called on other with Secretary Mrs. Parks. and Valerie Hatwick, Beaver- friends. Fiday' . Several of aur members vol- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr emn Coalter, Toi. unteered ta help at the Blaod Archer and Mr. Dever on onto. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Donors' Clinic ta be held at Wednesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Pearce and son frorn the Jack the Lions Centre on Wednes- Vincent Archer. Bowmanville, Frazer Farrns at Streetsville day. Jan 9t. Thrado eau, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ar-!were Saturdav visitors, and Smtigar rnrohr cher and farnily, Whitbv,, Mm. and Mrs. Bil Cox, Bow-Ithought a luxury. w a s spent Sunday with them, in:mnile cîîddrigte!answered by ail. 75hnortai M. WietAce week. with Mm. and Mrs. Orri The Motta, '"Deeds of today 75t bithdy.Venning. will greet yau tomarrow, Mr. Larrv Hoskin. Hamil- Dr. and Mrs. John Wery,1 was very niceby taken by Mrs. ton, was home oxvem the week- Bowmanville. visited Mr. and, Patfield. Tickets for aur Kop- end. Mrs. Rupt. Werrv and Roy, per Kamnivai ta be held in Mrs. Cecil Hill speiît thhe Sunday. March mna% be obtained frîn weeend an M. ad Ms. Mm. AndY Hoîrnes. Bow-,anv af the members. Those Stn ha sen Snayai mnvllfn Mr. Alvin Mc- havîng gits foi- the gift table StrnoonihRsev. anda Mrsa.-Guil Lindsay, cailed an M rs. are asked ta bring samieta the C. H. Fergusan. Dond Mis. Aima Fowlem, Saturday. February meeting. T he nnalAgrcutual Mm. and Mrs. Jirn Bryans, As the meeting %-as on Cati- SoT e tinnua gr i eld aMm. and Mrs. Gea. Bryans,adn Mm. nd îs.ArtEssry, ad nIndustries, aur Conven- the Cornmunitv Hall, Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mormison, or Mrs. MundaN. had as hier U:: day, with a fait, attendance.1all ai Courtice, visited Mr. ýspeaker Mr. C. L. Clifton of The committees were appoint-'and Mms. Bob Br-vans and teR.M Hblns1 a a o ~.s . ed for the Faim. Aug. 21 and; farnilv. Sundav. Last week ai Canaa.e440H eoaidqiiote 22. Secretarv Mm. Percy VanIthe Bob Brvans farnily visited "hr r 401 epeen The badly damaged Ontario Provincial Police cruiser pictured above was a Camp asked ta be relieved of' Mr. and Mrs. Fairey and Bob- pclyed h ak ng of m-l victim of a two car collision last Wednesday afternoon at the Salem Corner of Ihis job and a cammittee was'bi Anne, Caumtice. iclas an aot tof trnilio: the Manvers Road. The driver of the cruiser, Constable Peter Bailantyne, OPPappainted ta try ta secure !Vr or cha id sdl Hers wot aius ofte susaind frctuedlef lg i th acidntbu fotuatey ecaed 'sorneone else. A committee Vemv Dold tc har nOL -kida used e asotl rs of te susaind afraturd lft eg n te acidntbutforunaelyescpedmore seri- , was appainted ta make plans and Donpal.BmWn are itOh-y aus injumy. He is a patient in Memorial Hospital. The driver of the other car !for the Centennial in 1965,1will soon be recavered. piosives, detergents, cleaners involved was Douglas Carew, 91 Arlington Avenue, Oshawa. Mr. Carew received and aohrtoanr a-AthesvienS.Jhswr fs poudadte lade etc. for this year. Ail inIChurch Sunday rnorning theweefrtpdue an th treatment for abrasions at Memorial Hospital, and was discharged on Friday. A lall a vemY intemes'ing meetJ Sacrament of Baptismwsad company producing them. passenger in the Carew car, Miss Marilyn Prout, 71 High Street, is 5till a pa- ing was helcI. The financial rninistered ta PatriciaAne The meeting closed bv the tient at the haspital. She also sustained abrasions and suffered from shock. statement showed a healthvI chosen daughter of Mr. and' singing of "The Queen"'. A balance. Officers for 1964 are, Mms. Chas. Fee, by Canon) dainity lunch xvas served by President Harvey Graham, lst Ashrnore. iMrs. Munday and hem group. DLM&L&31 I JL& voucher for 1963 xsas inspect- Prince Albert w-as again made ai one representative fram- - -- - -________ j______________ Dol- oCntrol Offîcer. Mr . Ken-i eaeh zone with the elected of- Mms. HamoldI Kste was hos-;wlh a poem on "New Yeas. Mrs. Carl Wright: high cent- 110 1ý neth Samelîs was reappointed,ý ficers, who wibl set up the, îess for the fimst meeting cf Hyrna 148 was sung and the! Mrs. Harrv Van Camp (pla.y' uilMm.Geogan e e o ns an e thse frth ta genal ette aîaeUit TedyLodsPae rpae.Treiga enilwld, r. A 1A LAAL Buildinge a nWes aginpiet bsic rincipalgesad bring naeUi n usaýod' r.e epae.Tein sagn);lwldMr &NA L stock Inspectar under the ing ta be called in the nat taa aiatemnoon. Januamy 21. Eleven seripture passage was read Wilbert Archer; low gent, Mr.1 WabeFby Contrai Act, and distant future. members and thmce chidreni by Mrs. Ross Duff, and Mrs. Harmy McLaughlin; door prize, Wni Far der as Livestockl The meeting on Mondav gathered at 1 p.m. an d ej y urrav Bycvrs gave the com- Mr. Carl Wright. O __e dessert.F TheO nors- M 0Fý bYE _______ I A Valuet Under the Cattle, produced the narne af Thec esr.Tewmhp t ment and prayer. Mrs. Lamne, TOe Tawn and Countryý Sheep and Poultry Protection Eastern Ontario Basebabl As-'the theme -Beginning Again.":Thornpsan gave sorne thoughtsý Club met in the C. E. Centreý WIT#H PR/CES IIr c.FneVeeswJUS7ýoito.Teojciv ) a ae vtelaer r.o h e erfo TeWdedyeeigwt Act FeceViecm wee e- ocitin. heobjctve i ws ake bthele der, M prs. oth e e er mornbTe Wdns da eein2 it4. A i i1N OU#CD r rHç a\ Ba svers , i. e., ry oyter anody spe rpe e , he gaon e s iscusseionobAl6e jiedad-hreisoe ie tendncLrerof reidReipe I ND W A L LAE U~Q ODE0F EH/ y name s, last yery, . M r-, hanbdy is taetaemprave as Romeiscus iblen tud Uppem Roo n Eeen m oembies atend ace a 2. re sid ent MAKES TAXIS A McLaughlln, David Johns, Gea. ao basebal. ta arganize andj chapter. Folbawîing offîcers, member. Following offîcersi for a Happy New Year." The Johnstouî and Chas. Fee. promate leagues in aîî cîassi-î were appointcd: Secmetamy, were cleeted: Sccretary, Mrs.I treasurer gave a nmost grati- NATIONALLY ADVERTISD U E Pound - keepers are 1 v a n ficatians, ta prateet and pro- Mms. Blake Gunter; Trcasumem,l Jean McLaughlin; Treasurerlîying repart. A donation was1 0 M Mouint.Iny and Victor Malcolm mate the mutual interests ai Mms. Harry Van Camp; Litera-i Mrs. Lamne Thompson: Social voted ta be given ta Rev. and oHisHasmîs &n Walidacde, og V arn:t Ce rs amp: n M emShip a n uit ens hi,Mrs. RDfM.OY J ea n oune condutd aosadhen needed s . ariand tmmrs and a gvem nlt urcsDtion DuMelrS.H ya-CnvenrsJs.Mr oss Duf-frs. ivOaten hore reigtdO/ F oHrsH roriitrs &T. Harris adcontroi e agues Van Cia mpFnciosMm.Hars and Munt rns s. M ow: Com- nfror n tveOaks. Bructeda: 0 ?d o5 S *- Port Pemmv.. TOc executive wibb also look Recmuiting, Mrs. Marwaod Mc-'Taylor: Litexature, Mrs. Rus-1womk shop - Putting new rub-' 1_>Wcbfame was discussed and mbt the establishment of ter-! Kee: Visiting. Mrs. RaIpOý sel Mountjov. During the bers on the chair legs. Ve-Yý employmenî through tOc Na-1 ritarial rights. membership,ý Larmer. Aiter considcrabbel business periad Mrs. Thamp-' intemesting sîides ai scenes 'n BUY NOW AND SAVE I tional Empboyment. Insurance1 fees, certificate tax. guaran-ý business had been dealt with1 son and Mms. Skclding offered Indore, India, and summaund- commission r e g i s t r a tion. 1 tee depasits, plus classifica- the meeting - osed uithi ta eut blocks for a quilt. Next ing territary, which Doreen P I T Reeve Gibson xvas commended tions. ag-es, conveners. um- prayer. meeting ta be at Mms. Sarnells. Van Camp biad sent home,ý for his efforts in keepîng wel-J pires, officers, constitution Mrs. Carl Wright vas hos- ýMeeting ebcosed with Mizpah were then shown. Brmuc e ~~~~~[r townsindoigerve ri-tthh By A . Recafiltommn- tcEssfrthe Uirt mtsa i- ed ndasciati i- neh aspet jv!otoonpma ftrwih A b e rn e th ysW L PER latosi n its bos' l ve n- t tise bylaws nd afiltommn-thesfrthe Uit meting aiendiaciati Lnc wsperv outoy cpodcte a hort: nUNRSR IC ents criticized for theiridations wilb be brought forth teînoon, Jan. 2lst. Twelveý Prize winncrs at the L.O.!a delicious lunch was en-, 33 KING ST. W. PO E6353 ÀMýýR31%eakness in permîtting cmi-liat tOe next gieneral meeting ladies and anec cOud attended. B.A. cuchre Wednesday night; joyed. pablsta attain relief with for discussion and subsequent TOc new leader. Mrs. Kenneth ,werc: Higch lady (aiter a drawý Sympathv, is exte:nded Mms.ý ess effort t'Oan it took ta findiappraval. -Guide. Sarnelîs. opened thc meeting with Mrs. Mervin Graham), Roy' McLaughiin and farnily, 1I-IM I - I. Il' I: Il BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST SANDING - SHORT CUT PRIME RIB ROAST 5 lb - 4 -c9 MM- 691b CROSS CUT RIB ROAST 5S#5b BONELESS SHOULDER ROASI Lean Boneless STE WING BEEF Freshly Ground MINCED BEEF Burns No. 1 Cello pkg. WIENERS 5c51b 5c91b Burns Pure Pork No. 1 Tray Pack * - lb43c Small Link SAUSAGE lb 49c Burns Shamrock Rindless No. 1 flat pkg. - lb45c SLICED SIDE BACON lb 65c ABOWMANVILLE IGA PORK BUTT ROASTS 491b Pork Shoulder ROASTS 45'lb PORK BUTT CHOPS PORK HOCKS- HEAD CHEESE- LEAN MEATY FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS BURNS MILD CURED 1/2 Cryovac S.P. COTTAGE ROLLS- Bonus Booster Selection - - - lbb59c - - lb2.9c - - b39c - -1bb59C - - lb59C iii m Free $2.00 B. B. Tape 1 Cartwright Council L0WS 10W 1PRICES WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET MORE THAN YOU EXPECT Bowmanville IGA BOWMANVILLE Foodliner .Start Saving TABLERITE VAC. SEALED SL. COOKED MEATS For Summer Mac.& Cheese Chicken Loaf Articles Now! Pickle& Pimento - Dutch Loaf 'R!Y % F.W, FRUIT COCKTAIL- - 4,ý,,o, $100 CAKE MIXES -vi 29C q' 3 1 00 0 SHORTEMING 2 ýý 55ç - -L - ý. .-'. . ý . 1

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