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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1964, p. 10

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The Canadian ',ttate-rnn, n omanvile. April 2.1.lIPA4 nbel huAit on thp %Muspumn 10grounds. Il, is expected that j the net cost Of the Library -~M etn satter grants will b prxm To iur ie i e M e ig over 20 years $6.000 a er From this it -will be enta any gift toward the Librarv saves twice the amount of ,hý Discuss Timely To pics gift. AnY undertaking to take ilp part of the debenture pay- ments saves Part Of a miii in taxes. "The advocates of PuJtting 1 0f Community Interest pood ptenni pwmrir gooudspatk.,inthe wimmîe I"The president, Dr. G. Edwinmore pav' Dr. Bîllett stated iiipetitor's Pemplovee with behind the Arena presented 'l r ý.Mann, at the luncheon meet- that Rotarians are required to offer of more pay, Mr. Brown good case. Il uwas generallvý :-ing of the Bowmanviiie Rotary practice a high degree of eth- said that bis group felt that gedta ctwvtO Club held at the Fiying Dutch-î icai standards. He reported "]Lire" was flot the word that bring such a park loto being is nan Motor Hotel recently cati- the group at bis meeting had should be used. He added to spend $1.000 or $1.500) oni - ý d on the immediate past agrecd that undue influien(»co hat the meeting believed ait a proper survey, contour ýmaps, ,, president, Dr. Keith Billett, should neyer be uised to is fair in love, war, and bus- aerial photographs, landscap- M~errill Brown, Glenholme acquire another's employee. imess. and that this mnust be ing opinions, and a definit.e X ughes, and vice-president and that Rotary contacts 'and ]ooked ai realistically as il i; plan of the laVOUt Of sulch a r>John Bain. the chairmen of friendships should definitely done ail the trne. AlIso it is a park. Thjs would of course four recent fireside meet- flot bc used for this purpose. natural ambition for a man linclude cost estimates. ings, for their reports. Thei The thîrd question set by the to -want to improve his pos- "This park in the valley is meetings had been arranged Vocational Service Committee ition, but that an employer a lovely dream that can be hy Bob Stevens, chairman of was: "How cati we seil a sales- roust weigh the pros and cons brougbt to earth if it is cap- the Vocational Service Com- man the idea that hie Profits of making such an offer. tured on paper in ail ils mnittee. ms who serves best?" Dr. Or) the question as 10 how vgrandeur and detail. Your Dr. Biltett told the club that Billett said "We felt that hle<onVince a saiesman that lie tboughts on the park in the the first one hadi been hé-Id at should be mainily concerned profits most who serves best,, valtey must be set out so at- Rex Walter's home wvith Presi- .with repeat orders bo build Mwr. Brown said that ail arc. tractively that even politician, dent Mann, Mel Date, Keith his business. and to do so heconvinced that most good wil] fail for them,' Mc. Hughes Jackson, Wilfred MeIMechan sbould selI what 's best for salesmen take service ino stated. and David Higgon attending bis cuIstomner and avoid oveî.- ronsideration and know il John Bain, the chairman or wih imel a caima. ]odîg.Godwllan eic buildsz both respect and repeat the fireside meeting held at The first question discussed are valuable to the salesman. businîess. Bob Stevens' home, gave a was: "Sbould a banker boan' Next, regarding -What arc Coricerning the best incent- witty and brief report. This money for what he considers ýtbe best incentives to increasc ives for increasing productiv- meeting was attended by, poor buy for bis lient?!" Dr. loya]tv a nl d productivit%"' .t ad loyalty. Mr. Brown President Mann, George Vice, Billett said that bis meeting Recognition and appreciation said that money caniiot buy A. H. Strike, Ted Samuel and had considered that a banker- of servic e means more t'la" loyalty. and mucb depends on Don Morris. loes not a]ways have completc- monetary lures. Dr. Billet-, the î;ersonality of the cm-, He said fbat Ibis gatherinla information to bc certain as to said tbe group ai 'lie first lire- p lover. In large concernis eru-ilbad corne to about the same, wheLber or not tbe buy would sîde meeting frît. lie addcd rnustcbenrougsion as the other groupsý be god oe. hatai dclord istacesofployees mconclusionugh be gfld ne.tha ai delord istaces i':eali 'e that theiî work isjas to the duty of a banker t "il was feit that the banker a lack nof communication be-'essorîtial to the organization,1 inform a client of risks involv- should express bis opinion and tween epoer1 n m and they shold be bold of ied in a proposed investruett. advise against tbe purchase pîyvce's. Wýýork'ers sbhould he management problcrrus. he add- Hle reported tbat bis group bearing in mind that the char- bOld the'Y arc Part of a teanu. cd thought one sbouid not ap- Pcter of the client enters into and flot just a cog in a ma- At the meeting he cbaired, proachi a wocker i0 an attempi the picture. If the applicant chine, he said. . Mr. Brown said that sinceIto hire bim îinknown b to th bas enough collateral theý Conccrning the lasi qucstioni grants are availabte for tIbis man's employer. The be,ýi banker does not have sufficient about a possible cntenniai and Town Couincil bas planswy -cnvnesaem1uta -grounds 10 rcfuse tbe lban. proj(ect for the club, Dr. Billett oa iswyt cniC alse hl and he sbould recaîl that tberc'said Ihiat as counicil hias decid- fo entennia] pi-oject, those lie wbo serves hcst profits prescrit felt that il would bel most is to patronîze ontv those are other banks wbere tbised to go aliead with a nevw good for Rotary to proceed -ho gîve good service. bE Joan could bc obtained." Dr. library on tb(,cIMLiuse ilni ioos rut iedeeo-ad Billett said, and he mentîioned! ground s. those altflic ficeside vîgoro sl ubl paibedeeoand egd n netýest - the difference bebween banks 1meetfng agreed -4tbev tvnuldicetiof a publicTparkand cRegloadi nincies to se- and lban companies anxious to:like .o sec the Rotairy Cu rcaiub, ieri on mnyc r odty and in do busness I bigbrates use fo park add-such places aeprivatcly own- 1pînyces'prdcivtr.Bn dne bsns a hrtest. cde uthat ramoîg thrkobiecti-es d in the district. it was said that bis group tboI-gbî 1it Ineet dthtaogohr bjcietliougbit., essential to place confidence iin Tbe next question was: ,Is ýdiscussed for a projeci were Glenholme Hughes, chair- workers, anîd thaI tbey also it fair to lure a competitor'q a monument, and a civie man of the fireside meetingibelieved that profit sharing empoycwib n ffr f1qure1leld at Dr. H. B. Rundle'slwould be an inducnitasi 1Mcccili Brown, who wvas' * ~~chairman of t he fireside meet? our saîd that: "the brains Imeans greater gain for al. I I I Iinghel atbi lius.sai 1t1t rust thiere ronsisted of 10 nog- ý President Mann tharked thie I *it was attendied bv Tom Heli- gins perched on the spiiicj of four fireside meeting cliairmen, ýde, Eic hye. ackBryonTom Cowan, Forbes l-eyland,' for their reports. He also cn adr, Er ithbe ac yo Keîî Hockin, Dr. W. M. Ru1- Lgratulated Dr. Il. B. Ruîîdlc,i I i adingSmthe. s . esiocli, Dr. Rundle, Dr. Keith wlîo eeived a 19 Years Per-' Riegardin the faisb quetuoý lSernon, Jiru Speers. Dr. Alan tect Attendance Piun, anîd Tom OUR SUPPLY 0F 'ice Committce for discussion-. Sletr lWthrpo -wnad r lnB v- McBrown reportcd that there and bis own. vester, who receîved Oine Yeai, *EK LB YB ID EE wa an ageemntamot' We agrecd on the firslPins. qOORN IS GOING FAST ýthose prescrnt that a hankee usinthti hemrl lhada duy topoint out tîîeýduîy of a banker to give ad \ PLIAS CALL TODAY :pitfalls of the invesbment the vilce, sometimes to even spea kJ. %, ourtice client proposed to make. but strongiy agailist the wisdomi ~..H. J. BROOKS tbat he sbould remember tha, o.f borcowiîg Lunder certai thofnte circumrrstances. but the bankeito ecr R..3, Bowmanville. Ont. luis opinion is just thto ibudon euepo ide nlrf s ne s man, and that bankers are in -soidntrfs rvddt collateral and record of th,2 10 RA liei obc cautions. ci~" o p a e R.R 1 Prt op, nt. Rcaring t es e conn d c rutade the lban feasible.!o ______1,_Port__Hope,__ Ont. qestin isb far . "TrheI il compebitor question:!p a e qurstion, is; it fair to Ii iIsi ar t uire a compet-i South Couitice Hionie anid ibois enîployec witb the offer School were pleased 10 have of more pay?' The methods of as their guesb John McGurk, turing wece considered, as was from Maple Grove. lie dircncss of "our need of r John is a student al Bovw- that employee. The word lure manvil le Higb Sebool. lie ha,; was considered 10 have anIrecently won a scbolarslîip fou- inderlîaiîd connotation. Thelpublic speaking andi is a verv Fumrmation: Put yoursclf in the talented pianist. [le lias blis shoes of the employer of tbbc Grade VIII certificate in iu- mari you want. Do to bim asilsic and is trying foi- bis Grade vou thiiuk it reasonable thatiIX. He delighbed us willi a ihe sbould do ta you. 'selection froni Beethovcen and Rcfercing bo the question of one from Mosart. hnw Io convince a satesman Mrs. Fred Wright and Mrs.1 bili ihe profits roost who Archie Camupbell gave reports serves best, Mr. Hughes said rfrom thcir day aI the conve'n- tuait pechaps the most iru-ition. portant wvay of selling a sales- As Ibis was ilie auuiiial mani s by example. "ndai- rmeetiîîg the secretai srpt ...bbiàing witb customers advise of the vear was presented by1 tbem which produet is best for I Mrs. Herb Mack ie. tbem. even if it is not theý The financial statemeuit ~ -most expensive. Give service read by Mrs. Jr. Collier sh- k before and after a sale, andjinga a blance on hanci of put Ibis idea continually bc- .$40.55. M rs, Garnet Goynies TUE D ~ R ~fore vour salesm-en in yoîir social report showcd a balance TH D OR 15 OP Nlalks'and in the training you of $4.60.t give tbem." be explained. r The nominatiîig cnmt AND Mr. Hughes said that at this presented the new slie of of- firesîde meeting the quick ficers wbîch was passed. Tlîev answer Io wbat incentives inare as, follows: Presidient, Mrs. crcase ioyalty and productiv - rArchie Campbell; Ist Vice THE SK S HE LI ITib\' was money. "Then the i Pres. Mr. Fred Wrighît- i Rotay spîittookavecandVice Pres. Mrs. Aller akr not-rynstiryitems oved _ccar, -cs Il Wîht- and 11I subjeet instiecbor 1s -ga'.vi- cè Ibteir findîngs ni eaeb ho f Iic n IRE WHA VEN FARM Ltd. ThY elunti the clisi-ici. fý Beginîiing May 6th, and on the Fîrst Wednesdav of each month ýtion under consideratîouî. as ci distance was a factor uiî the p thereafter ai 7 p.m. Tt-ewhaven Farrn Ltd.. wi1l offer a trernendous numnber taking this course.In deal 10 Farmers wishing to seli Quality Commercial Dairy Caille one acea 36 per cent of guades of ail ages and bieeds. Grade or Purebred. cational course, ainea~ another acea of bbc samne suzL, Note these advantages in selling lhrough these auctions: 60 per cent were taking huis l 1. You gain the satisfaction of top market prices. couse 10 caetonal mbocî 2. No advance notice required for consignments. Cattie accept- At Millbrnook thevh found the ed right up to sale time. averagie, obut fouîîd cro\wded r * 3.Mos imortnt a seler: Cmmisio Rats: nimis ver conditions at the sebool. Gond 3. Mst mporantto elles: ommssio Raes:Animls ver spirit in the sebool %vas evi- breeding age, $10 per head. Dropped calves, $5 per head. dent. 1In Port Hope Hîgb Sehool 4. Settiement for consignments wmil be made immediately after the inspectors espcciallv corn- sold. mended tbe Englisb, science and technical departments M Best Accommodation and Salesrnanship availahie. Two Bowmnanville boys. Johnî Allin and Peter Revnold s We offer a service to those wishing to purchase .%ith confidence bave received Nationual Re-ý as to quality. search Scholarsbios. Bill De- pew. alzo froru Bowmnanvil1e. For furtlier information contact sales mianagemient atr and a grade 12 student. will have bis fees paîd to attend*, BLACKSTOCK 9864957 OR WRITE TO R.R. 1, BURKETON. tbe Lakcfield Science Semi-:3 Sales managed and sotd by Howard Trewin& Associates.i nar. To be cligible a student must ze¶rt .5per crrnt overal and 901 per cent In science. - A MacDuff__Ottawa__Report Canada Gels A Plan Otî.awa:- T:nie wi. decidi wbctlîer P c i mi e Ministe Pearson ai' d 'uis Govern nient have peu-formed an ac of supcrh state'.mansbip o bave beatcu a frigbtene( and iguiomiuuious reti-cat. AI Qcuebcc Ciiv bwo thiiig! were mc nade plini to the pro vînmes inu'Iuduug Quebec Ottaw.aliîad gone as fac a: il could ii ta-, abatemecnt: except as compenîsation !( provînmes ceadv 10 take ou thicfi!l cosi of sbared wel face and other programnmes Nol, o!nlv .vas the Canad, Pension planl final excep inu sninîl debail bîut pro vînruŽs optiîu nulti'ould dc so0 0111% f ie hcv offered i planî of theiib wF'edera Governmnit approved. i'hepi- n îo doubt Iba fear xvas rieŽponsiblc for blit sîubsequeuî uue2ot i a t i o n wîîb Quceb ut l.itwas no a politimal fear of Iosiný Quebec vntes. lb was no reallv a fear of Quebec a' ail. it .vs the fear that bb< ceai of Canada migbt wribE off bbci, rench speakiný Pr'nvi nce. The righl in10 opi" ou 'colca it"'Of jobint pro. jcis '\vbirb flu 'vibluin Pro. vinucia I pi iisrlîcl ion undeî itue British North Ameii Aulis flot tificnsonable îuî priiliile. .lnîvu one ma. Illuiuk of the cm-nuits. Bcît lu Enui.h sooaking C a Il a cila flue Qieher altitude wa5 bein', iîteu'preed nmnre and Inoce as a graduai -optinop Out iofn Coiifudca tinu. 'ibils \,vas the hasis oni cea- souin iîii nOttawa idia t, Que- bec uuîîu ýt hc lep! ii bue faniil v, tbai a Canada Pen- siou plan if il had lot prov- cii. as expecired. ho hc auni- fvugforco aticlast mîustnot dîvidie Il mn, xvell also bave beeuîai of Ib ceas- oniung iii Quebec Citu. rMeaii;hiîle CarI a di i a uif have a pension plan lî hcli ic'nîa lice a greai dent Ilterh '.ili no-ni nore foc flic tixi 15 s ears a t Iea.t Il WIIvi liter fnlslarting. The Gorîoieiilnclt .vil bhe doîn, .vl if il cati gel coui- tiibutins siarhed iuî 1966 aîîd i w fil-st Pensions paid n 1 967, lIn addit ion, scîh- Si ntia i savir gs hv Cauîý - diarns are' invohved whvicli in7.i(, e'vuniport aunthi f C'anada i- n 10meet more 0f o'.vuî il Irerîn Ocut of ils al.lier *,han foceugiî nu iti I a'.t excuse for frot t ceaI inug tlie puisior moit i - billionas a ta\.With ftic Possibie exceptior 0f ii Arnmed Frcsand)RCMP '.vlî - mi P a rc vi -cli'ei i ent.; uuîake il ailmosi impossible to jI1itegra ec v,i 1ilser-vice plais. ever. oule c a ri.lîitIl g îînii hîaîu S601i a vear paYs. 'l'i i.c onîpulsorv featîn-c foc flice ;clf-emplove(-d will briun- sonie grmbling, The farnuer cvii have tb')mont ci- bit? fcot ouilv for luimsel f but 1.5 Per ('liii of anlythiutg oser 5' 600) paid 10 luis bired niar e hce cv i 11hecouue siiuaIl com peunsatior. Fori' fir- imre a Fmcleral Ta x Wiv 1 i e di cd ifmtibIc e f ro m taxable orl(ne. Il is note dif 1ititl ho .1 lisiif'. Ct nec fea iî ces of the rmîr1eat f'rn Qiieber(. 'lue fariii'. llah Icvarrmeal b'. COI]h it)Il fi 0 "i I psmeil ho boniiîs tof 16 anîd 17 \,cear nid stucleilts auud bce mn- peisaieci b'.'Ottawa bas no fînauîî'ial inplicaîioiis.Il sý muerci * va roucessioj to cs'ai -eenis Io manv al rather sillv nlgiditY b1v Itle Qucbec Gos- ccili iieîui oxer pi'ov 1Ii c i a I r-ilîhs. The sanie cati be saîrl nIt lue 51 îicleib Innuis huai 'au ilcv lle adnrubisîered bv ali. provinîce if ili so desircs. Thene nIaY v erîtbe soine advauîiage to ibis. Buti. for tue piiciple pîu r- unSEc Of gailuiîgil aNaîioîîah Pmîuision Plaun, as c'eilFas uelpiiig Prcnmier Le s a g c FINE QUALITv MONUMENTS AND NIARKERS I OF 4~EV STAFFORD BROS. LTD. ,IlU0hor,,ed Deaar, Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 18g Dundan St. E. Whitby Phone %Vhltb.y of the Federal Trcasir v wa obviousI 'v cvaii andse' An interinu î'eport of ouc Commîttce is tîmed for thie end of bbc sear aod a de- finite report as earlv as pos,- ,sible iin 1965. Ait tat stage> furibei' tax abate mi e n t s migbit be iustificd and thece W ould have beeuunom mss Io Q uebee or anv ober pro- vinc. Bct Mcr. Lesage luad a budget speech 10 make aind demanded that bie be put ini thue position whcrc lie coculd give assurance of more re- venues frorn Ottaw.a. For ail blis lue bas modifîed bis o'.vu pension plaun and prom- iscd that if bie "opts ont" oi a sbared eost programme and receives conmpensation in new bax abatements. b wiil carry on Iluat pin gramme tli bbc province for bbe time being. But Lesage bas done (oîl( tbing more wbicb iuuimi- rportance could eceed bath that nf a Nat;ou'.at Penion Plan anud muore a\'uoi" for '.!)('Pro'.ince-. He uns sa id 'liai tuhs mnpu oinîie duýsptavcd !uc t rue luicit Of Coîîfmderatîoînuand bue lias shOcvo lin-l f cviilin&î i la ris-k nssktmiiue r hie Pro- vilice OF Qntcbmmthuernialiel of Coui federni ioîn agaiuur- thie cxti'euue Quebec' uatioualisis svitbiu anîd '.ithou-,lu:: rxn'u Pact *v. If the compronmise fortifies Lesage'O fer tius task. t he benuefit ni thie mon- pronmise '.ill far exc'eed evemu the naiecin I benefits of a iuîiforn liaitional iueu- Sion plan, anîdduc' firsti mpi- hovvards hcriiug Federal and Provirncial iaxlng re- sou rc'es bn hue vih ieir speîudiuug respoîusibilitics. While bbc Lesage denuaid for umore i'evenuies is asso- ciaîed în ibm publie miuîd ssii l tue aspirationus noft!lue niew Qnebec. il is ni fuhty realizcd that wheî-cas ini 1946. Federal spending was Less: surpluis uicluded un cucirot year's huidgci Balance ýAdd: su cpi us focrtIl)(, en r Less. dcrcasýE ini 19602 REIVI:NI E- Total uecicefrnm haxtni Provincial grants Chibdreni's pi-nu cc.i nul 1bligbWay improveneîu Unconidtional - pecr apl Warblc fly Liceiuscs anîd prmis lInterest anud penalties on taxes Fines Deferred î'evenuîe i Mi scella nco cis Gross Icotal ireveuei 1962 suirplcus Iuacd ln redore 196:3cv Almost fbiîiep fîmes Ihaf t ir the provinces and munici- oalitics tagether. toda -v tbe share of spending of the provinuces and nînnicipali- :lssig-hblv exceeds that of .ie Federal Governmenl. al- thou-h the eombîned cx- pendiiuies of ai! threc 1ev- els of Governient repre- sent approxinahclv. the same szhace niofîbc gross national prodcmt i;%dav as tlîeY did ini :946 - narnelv about 32'C. thrbc.iis trend to more Prov. incial a nd Municipal spcndîng nnurelationu to Fcd- cm!ýi srnnduue iý ainîosl cit- la:::, t Incontinue. Capital Hill Capsulesj The Ilouse of Cominons ah EAt T ER asadoteda "hu lcs h n . L Head~ ~ Ofie Bx20, mti iý 1,1 Pr -nvitucial road subsidïv --- ofinie iCar'twright i .eos t CnumeryBoardl tak-en to nil renuucin 1959 1Rn lnîiîe Mîfscurpluîs aI end of yen r EX PEND l'r S Protec'tion o ppersn and prnpert3' 811:1.1111 R 11.1100 Ph) 15 1.71) Pire Street lughting .5 1fi8 6.36 Pu blic wo-ks - concis aîîd ligluways Saitatioîu nd '.astc remnoval .6?)0Social w.elfaî'e - relief 3. --7.17 Edumathiîiînc'iîding debt charges 78. 14 Recreabioiu aud community services 999 Dehî charges 195.8 94 iucluding boan interest Discocunt on taxes Capital expendituires 69 1,16.5 9 out of r'evenue Cotunt'.'rates Liiscstock cdaims Prov.isions foir reserves 2,680.001 -' '2 239.4.9 t;ross total expniditurcs Soirplcus foc thle yeac 'Total cxpeudiiture Section--. - - I 11h15 :ti AUDITOR' 'I'n fle ('ocîicil and fa1 pc' r0f the Township nf Car'twrignt Gecntiemnu : We have <onipldlcd <ur cxaîu mat muof 1t le ic îîancîal stateuueu s of thbe Town'uship of Cartw.cright for-t lir cai i c December 31u, 1963 anid in isuicuoîunec'tion arcm îuaicd 1co su b- ýmit bbc followin' ug fou, vouir cousicicrinu C'apital and Ion n fund balance she.-t .Genciai fixecl assois ycce linc'casu'd lu' 2.529.85 a- umil- Iiiicd inu scbedifle 13. Debî'îutii re debt cc-s dci mai-rd b'.t811.11 4,500.01 on x'o;ii sebol aud Ithe balance o ou .uriportcion g<f the Port Peri y blusuntal. Reventif fund hainincr \hç-rL TaxPq riereiva hie Refer Io sebed(ile 5 foi ainaîîalî'suz of tlus accouuitOuîr examination iiilcîILded voîîatci t 1001, cul ail Ili(ctaxes receivable. Ar rears of taxes inLccused abîproxim-atmlv 1 I t over 196.. Duiig the vear tcvo saçant procimrîes cvcrn indu tercd and removed from taxes 1-crf able. Delails aie oîuh1lîcd iin schedule 6 and i. Debenture bank account .1 l1(1 This represniba the anun n iicleposiltin sourucmcîîtr bank account aithebc ear end. Thre ai-ruuishuiiiecen- bture coupons totalling 1,760.00 and rcîrîmîpal of 1,.000u.00. Due ta Cartw-right Ccmetery Board 55 (1.1i5 Due, ta 'artwright (Cemetery Board Amonruit due to Ceit r ega cdu u mlIi hu u <u bebaîf. The t'0metery boar'd ccilb be urgaîîuzcd in accoîditnr wibb tbc Cemeteries Act ini 1964. Refer to scbedule 8 for dectaiis. La.;:%,car balance of 2.5,- 000.00 was increased by M,00.00 in 1963. 2606 0 lcaF ap- propriatcd for replacement of equipment. NVIU'awk t9-35152 bu, 196;l tuierr was at, opeu'atîng surplus of 9,377.73 wbichh adcudec to lasi vear's surplus of 1,695.34 lcss prior year's Rd- iii.-immobs ni 391.28 leaves the resuitant balance ai surplun nf 10,651.79, The labter should be considered wben prepaî'îng your 1964 budget. Other local hoards tOtir audit prcudres îicl ucied examniation oi the finual- cii sialemeuits ni the foibowing boards: Cartwvright Community Centre Board Boruad of Education Cartwrigbt Public Sehool Area à Cartwright Township Higb Sehool Board li. piie olIuucs s'eure examruired b v lus amini covcî-ago in in effemI as îndîcated on 19 and 20 of Ibis report. Il u'. noted tluat serially îuumbercd duplicate receiptu bnsc hem o rnt umplemcinted unto the systeru nf accounts un 11(3Wc rcommend thal a sYslem 0of this notice be adopted in 1961. 'Ilii' n-uîpe atiniofyoîî r merk -u reasuirer during thte urse nf ir iexamunaton is gcatcfuliy acknowledged. Auditor's Opin ion wr iti cby ipoît that ini aur opiniîon: . r <h,'The funantial transactions which bave c'ocn( under' ocLir n.otice lua'.e been withîn tht powcrs of bhe municipality. ('-» The Audit bas heen c'ondncted in accordarîce with the n-m iruîehîoîîs ni tbc Dcpactmuut of Municipal Affairs. i) The financial statemeut presents faîriy bbc financial pîouî<f the munîepality as ab December 31, 1963 and tht- iescis of ifs operations for tbc year erîded on that date. WalterhIl. Pope, ('hartcced Ameountanit, Licence Nurnber 2412 Georgetown. Onînrin dren's hour" on a trial basîs. lb occurs after bbe regular 10 o'clock adjournment ocn Mondav. Tu esdaY Rami Tbursda.v nights. At that lime aîîv opposition member who feels aggrieved because bbc speaker bas silenced bim ducing the question per- iod or Ihat a Minîsler haq not propcrl *v answered bis question bas seven minuites. 10 state that grievance. The Minister or bis Parliamen- tar *v Secretarv bas tbree minîutes Io repi.v. Only Ibree grievances wvill be beard each night. The idea is ex- cellent and the perform. aiime max' improve. Up to now il bas been something .Selective Service Superior Sires 'BEEF or DAIRY: Bull and Breed of Your Chobce 1,ife Member $25 ' Iear isted in the YELLOW PAGES under WeaeARTIFICIAL INSEMINATIONj STATEMENT Township of Cartwright VOR TH"E VEAR ENI)EI> 1ECEYIBER 31. 190t CAPITALNb AND JOAN FI'ND BALANCE SHEET A~1sE'I'S Du Gen oa ulic Schoni Due faironu pcîblîm ro Hoapital'zd epenes c Casli mn batîk Duc from provinîîe of Oui iaric ce higbway inupravemient Taxes iecetvable Less: aîlowanc'e iicollectabies Propeî'ties amquired for' taxes ,Deferredcdhbarges Debcnbcîre bauîkaccoiint foc- clremu?1) 1i ns Port Percs' 96.10 19 tehm i cenissiierl and ittnniaiu-rd R..5 0i 0u0 Due b inlueî' rnînnicipalilies foic denbiures assumedi 2Y.92 1 0nt) l n iment un capital as5zeb.1 Fîk-;"vsNI;EFIS'D BALAN~SCE: SIJET tTAIMITIE S 2,177 lTciporarsi boanis Acconunts payable ~ 1'2. 1 8. 1 Debeîuîures îuaturcd and unpaid- :15. 96.89Debenture untercst matured i ,îîo.uhî t . and uîupaid 42.34 Diie in Cartwright ('mîuic y r,- Boar-d- ----- 15R.69 Rfescrve fîînds -_------_ il 1 0:33 Sur plus -- R3.S00 0<) 2,924.0n 1,00)0.00 1,7130.00 8.400.00 602.15 550. 15 30100.0() p 1. 13 391 $ 10681.79 1(1,01 .51 11.131.41 45,264.43 1,611.03 725.02 66,753.38 450.00 1,325.51 681.47 22,176.25 154.00 $159,938.8f; 11,073.07 FINANCIAL >ibV'tNI E I-tNt) SUEPLU S A('COUN'T S'IA'MEN'l' 0VIIIVENIE AND) EXPENDITURE S REPORT sp1~ * '4 Total re\ýetilie ýiecliofl $1 -. l'a 11 q3 Siirpltl,% 1 (l'fi;; 1,71

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