<7/M l/ewcc44. 9rrLwrfr Mm Bruce Tilison, Editor Sýchool Addition Opened With Impressive A Bridge". IThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. April 22. 19#4 Mrs. F. Falk Jed in prayer.; LI C 1W1 A ernbers 1-ear' and Mrs. Allun called on the, a aeo h acrBt h shore who gave a very inter- and volunteers were asked for. al] enjoyed a social time, with esting talk on the Cripple5 The meeting was loedwith-I Unit 2 serving lunch and te». inte esti g D e ailsChildren's Centre in Oshawa, Phne987-4213 In e e tn D e a l where she bas been a teacher TE N V EL TR N S 0f Children's Centre sifor. r.Gr the hP New(ast e: The regula r'Call to Worship, which was children at work and play 1 HN Cerernony meeting of -he UC.W, was!on Christian Fellowzhip. from tinie toUnead h-PHN ScholRon ie unaythat 1 May Speak" wa% theri lv ScooIv and i nteresting vnga M. rs. C.Cowan pl.ved ý,Gtakeng. r mwel as entertaining. Mrs. U LT SEVC mweîe a hiebtheg mers iSct. uke's el. ltakehap- Cowan thanked Mrs. Gart- ;ter, "How to obtain Eternal shore on behaif of the unit in RADIO -- TV - STEREO - IFI Brw pened the meetinX, lite" and "The Good Samari-1 charge, and the ladies present. wiha ery Varm welcome to tn Ms .Au aea M.Bonîo h hi Clip this advertisement worth a!,hen e'ad a ooem 'House .-alk CHhrlitiae fr arýMs Bon to the ar$.0on next sriecl tlanngFor Gnd. The h Ilvl akon 'The itilfrtebsns ato h AsCornesthe Breath ofý In Action." She clos;ed herl meeting and deait with many Sig- was surgnd Mrs talk with the poem '-Buildingc items of interest. Mention Bon tuned themeeting,ý ove O the U it n icharge. M U, eorge Aln read the Break in Over Last Weekend Newcastle:- Sometrnt over the weekend. the office of Dr. L. S. Mikios. King Street East. was entered ind a number of articles were taken. T h t break- r was discovered i-arl,, Monîda"',morniniz hv Mrs. A. Garroul. O.PP. are investi- ga t ing. Ai Newcastle's Public Scho(]l ast \X'ediesda\v e\en- lu-. clistinguished guesis were preseiti for itE nffîcial flpcflino reremonies of the neu\ addeltoi. Irtelucler in i hose al. ng part in the pî-ogram were. frrrrn left to iipghi, Rev-. E. C. Woodland. AI(,.('ai tuthers, 'M.P.P.. Clearing Up the Qui 'Iet e tas b c onsideiabie rdis- rîssion in the village the past couple of weksoxr a motion macle 1w Colit- c-llor Roberi \-Va Iflthat wumt Iri tave rcsî rici erl members rtf ouncil i' nom rnakîing e>.pendituIreS. oit behlf of te village. nofnx'er $100(. %withot'the 1-riuîr spe i fi c conse nit of coticil. it an effort tuo clear tho ait, attd pro'. tie -sort i ghitonuthNe miTter, tue fiiscussed t he situation wtt b R(e\ec, Cuir- nîngham and the viilage clerk, ?l.Piri- go.a nd fou nd that thClee s 1noîbiilg îînuiiial about the pi-cient s ' 'lm In fart, t bas, been the pracltece fuir a tieat mna n v v\,at-s. EarIv i n the v.eau-, once rutnîmit Ces fit-rp ehenîtappoitteri, budgets ai-e i-aw\-n ti porf t'. rk Io be cdone and p iî-liases marie duîring the \ car. Fi-om t heu <rît, cornrittee chaîrmeri have fat- 1more atti- Itîri- eas 10 liow andriwheir tbe monitev 1011 he spentî than îs cus'triat i nlai- r îlac('S, SU('b as J3nwranv-t]le. lIte' pî r- iaitvheb-inul tbis metbnd of oup- Pra1-oo is haseul oithie facit t at utnte 2ig, u onmurtît ies. thei-e are mîi(h Slretpermanent staffs to tSSLIe pcr- (-base ordet-i or autîorize wvork tri be dne. Thete is a worl-s departmett bar e'. bose fuIl! lime is spe'itt rpratitig bis Over 100 Members minimum, wi wo k toirmal Tbis slvsi sus-. di t tat ut fit mcd of' or otf pu relu are teoidet-er lent is born ate field resr titres. The m( i'boic is itotl- anrdMtirtealc litg as tbe a cerledl If ail [lal îounillo grurd xplanï ne imates. large expeni itatute hc eni for bhân<a icasýoit Iosur, ntait'. m-emb( belote appt-o put bis expe pecI cd. Hor tîcultural Soci Planning Now for N rcra 't." iT e ixecu lit e nitie r: psl ý a ir: - x ias membus f îh Ner-atie tt u '.xiSîair 0 ums ThOse llo-ic-mim:a Sirc me tl rrrplautmtîuig I o (for 11w 'mîtocueI the rounri ilroont on 'uresula'.- vou [idhave ,îhpu adnmssion ex -timg xx ilb tiite exer-itiic 'utr-rdumtritheitlinket.Plarus, r.rtbei- r e-ert rie' rusor teillig n1ahc- nI-at e a plant-s mi tade toi piani- boilh sui-t .t fuir ttle sale ni îri - tire ntr tît finît'.e irn ihe-ut. a nt-s fto s ati ioom x i e de- 'î: Nii -iittr tt hrie <idelmio n aid 'irIs. Ru-rt i-ong- (afn iiFoi ir u' kirtîp anunciinueul thi e l oniîug n),\iavlî i - iniims i i -rîrtt a'.'. te aclsigtt xxoul he paitît- I N vato -tt -eît ehi rîl ruereut lthis t ar for andtul r te fliwrt' -r aý_ nlctir.r l ivîîri'.t, ntrct x - rue în-rnts sela-\' ii uand ici ,,uý iE 1Ilt ilu nea lo- :r ~ b rîtri ru w 4-cr(i ('! - i pxume o fr h .:NI.te\tli n- RootO n-ru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?t Cari--t î ars x h o mu i in ttr iti tt. i fi-t im ' liir ia- 'e-xel -t- T-ru cri t iu gn ir tf;I' cxi -r arig -e m ur titI Photogn i t -s1 r iii r ;-ri-rrt r- tt1t ;):i-tei e rc 1 S2lii iti r as eut ru iti t titexM ! it,,t t' h'lk ir ti, -tnt' - r t, p ci triht,1t.. Iltci lW .i (r- it - rt, - : r - I .1' r' , -. T iý, 'S , no ,-i Cp . 14- Pt . n, -r- .' ij. n 'hn a ternda etat H - i ci rt t'- ':' r - - r-rt -i i'-, 1 l .tt e h ut- sn n a -tir a r c e - -it ~ i - r xi - tilt- tti' ir' t'On- t' tri' - trrtf'tf SOrt' ' ate: ' rr1Ered 'tM el rte ' i , - eh C. ' iolt -rPtno rrtrrr '.1. tir1'rrr nr-t ' School Inspector C. A. Holmes, Guest Speaker, W. C'. Vanderburgh, Ass't. Supt. Elementairv Educat ion,. Brid Chairmai) John Rickaid, Vice Cktairman Mi.s. Patiîte Stor-ks. Reeve Douglas Cunningham andi Piii-ilial R. the roomns for ~trsto andary George Chard, hoaqrd mcmrr atnd su on. I n Npwcastle, and for hu e rte-; enses, staffs are kepi al a speeeh. ith counicillors who are also Mr. Rirkarrut expia roei RPx teacis doîng much of the D. R: Dewcltncs hvîue.a liv ha ndled by hired staff. In w of the fart tha i i ýwas unabie to attend as pýair cmr cet-tainlyv has weaknes- oned, Rev. E. C. Woodlaud tvaý ail cou ncil loirs ray flot be cailed on (o perforro both ý specifie work being done Dedication andl the Pt a. et ases made, tintil the bis Before begiînîng ,hîS uLule- Mu. Woodland br-ottg-ht grect' itri be pairi. But, the sys- ings from tte Uru'ed i Chll!- h of necessit ' and the couO- !and his ownvi periage --oed ceitainlv accounit and ings. ('origrattilai ing i' oaru ponsible for their expendi- tlhe staff. the taxpa.vert.s. a the chiidi'en who %&-lt hp ethori has xvorked welI a nd i ing the rooms. !tive efficiency in the past. 'Presentatiîrrofrtf ii - -ing underkianded about it the Princripal, R. K. M\trr: danger in il. apparently, so 'was made hb, u (a: i :ue onnual budgets are flot ex- Mr. Muirro tvas thri re et id wherit evare, individ- cd lt(,keY 10til ie er<,f-u thev W. C. Hr w ofrila 'x u!s MUStL, of course, have Cotrut'LCtioli CI" anions for- cxceeding their The principal utn:ru. teachets, Mrs. FH. VI tmu-- Id alsou>bplieve Ihat should Mrs . H N E <ht , I:- X jitUITs of an emergency M 'Ia M Keiti.X. M a.ti.11- icuintervd by any council- sav, Mr. L..Mi-Vtahior, aqss- committee. there is everV ianIt tachers. Virs. F:.jo-ef alil Ppose he would contact as ,Mus. G. Staptetorr. Xrs. S..p- Pi-s of council as possible Arthur Co tuat everrrr:g i ving an item that mnight er, and L. Gaite-. x toaij 'nditumrps higher than ex- Mr. Rickar d titan keu Xvitr, Murra ' vPattersoll or f ,r& - Sons U mited. fortire k: nul donation of ail ftle ia. -- fee, SUPa r, î-uok ies a rut u chorotate miik stipphi i',)r, the tsI-rs. oat-se ir glee club. Thattks o 'r-e ,: - e ty to Crystal Dairv aiî.d (Utc, e tyand crean: the Board rpl t bers or their o:vsfou ire oufancy homne-made s q ta r os: August aydort MeDoualul. for roap0r cups and .servi ettes in R A OiE coL1rteývof XMr R. BR deni plant. shrub, evergieen Rickard for the hr ajit :i tuee our hedge. Ontario scene', flowers, anu lto 1liret-o g ('il frontt entra oce to home show -i striet ion for , etr ilt '. in- Christmas lighting, On- At the close ýf Ir),e e vin r4. tarino-'i n tpr scene, These cao, exervone was ut t i tu-h t1o rut bc erriereul b'.-antindividUat ýthe schooi. nmccl the itesehers. uenter of any I-oiticulturaliand mnt grade egr.rfei Socreti - buit the followingý ments tver-e srvu. ji-s muist ho entered b - the Soc- ýGaur-ou anuld ls .\ R vur iet%, arrentrt of four sIides,' porîreul ea attln -fe. ia t1Ihtstî-atrng a receot Projeci î'esscs and tsher..oe -~ doue bv. the mernbers. Thetan' bx f irle rri pi-lut-e shouid show (i1) be-ý c'iass. It uxas a tC r t for-c the projeci begins. 121 abIe eveninrg for, aV. miembers at work on puoject.- (3) Progi-css Of Project, and (4) tite rorpleted puoject. o m nt .-Ut photos must be taken dur- in, 1964, aod submnitted on or befuîrc Janirar'.-3.1tsi. 196s. Bo ln With lime enotgh vet to plan o11i tha t * vpe of slide lte Nxv-.to op iu" . r Sort' r its inditriduat weck etrimugpr 2i memibeus mav wish 10 take Ladieslarr-r tt 'r anul etîer. it tg hopeu l tat over> - au-e 'ot-! ' Ii tr Severa! \.vi take part in ibis Ard 256.Eîeaîît com petil1 on Ma rge Wmt 11 .t , tr AtH t5rrscrimpicteul, toe H00u- 246, Hitt î'. Yt tî wtî ias adjo>urnecd 1.1 Fartui 2.)r:iiX.- A ddîtion - n-é-'. tc suntc ii t I'.. le cnîheios n building char- ar et t; o h o u t.girl. burt tre nrto L .arnt do n10ilalone Wp nreulpuior-il'%.-.'lit said. wb P ' e recl 10know what thc-rc îtriou!îies arc.* *,." mat r,, drus aschoril do" rut't.~ ie :tr r: xr" ~'tr. a idrh.uighsaid he hop- i '.- r'i tti il ed h a'ina t he endl of a chiluls i)rî- -..î t r r:r g t r, Ru'e'.e -c-hor 1: fe. xx e tvoîld be abhie C e .-ge, rrfielr-eh li.s cntý- to a'.'This achool has heip- 2:1: ,r ,ru i. aa'e-r oeh rcate otu fchîlul A.,\I 'r~ ~ ~ ~~~~~hý r,.f-r x irrt-tititr'lttepaid tribute to -t B., : 'I.,- t:e ' lrandultire teaî-tîei-.- anul theiir influ- - na rr-e it- . rr.ebtdge't entre frun their leadership, mi ~ ~ ~ hi!C -,n- T"huree c- a- r Fît!rue Of 011u School,'J Al x a- a tri('e frorn a remiut pa- 2 t'Nre- 'I P P àa'Io r -ttok e- ' -eaul Otehafofr h,' t uinri 'nrîileo.urr.tcs ia"' n sehool, wili, toc ,A;idncvrr ti.i 'tue auldi- ;rit 'hle fut nu-e 1w working atý 'ioi,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~vh .',-r'!5i::'r:u te iirrot xisîing Ioda'.' Whati rf 't lrar t2tti t!iitlre'ni huri'- t mean' Rot'. tan wc of N as,.He'toiutra-piepau-c' Educaton s thel cd i -n1cr-rt.t c arnr; ticants of preoaring. We can-S Srlt ý'o iril'noT ýt1 2. - 1'i nit îon much edrîrationl" 'r.-. M-' V'amîderburuh. xxitb hi-r .2 :"k;iwicdge and xit, kept ad S .~: ' - i-t fF, tena-'- V" captive audience. Cer-V 'r"-'r- r' red b" taryi:'.',bis me.s;sage must haveJ t,~,-',left evecyone thinking. At F tr hr. iecse o! bis speech, on he- Il a! Ir"'O'Uof thc Ministeu of Edur- 1 Mu:e i La.ia:.or.. In nýý ccation. lie offidalli opened F ce, 2,26 , .î MricfIi X uie Ta .ru ,13, Xillt', t '- t Maux C;ill'oh ir ti Quuanmtt:!21 T lii î saoi 200 arrlnd : ' Frndai' Mi'ceulle" anul ox'u'u iKen Nra Trac'.- mblhev 3: f 5.5,bal iiia: Prx u'av Pat1t e' .,o i, ~, a tr a Hoogkar-np 2'-S-i a 227. Ken Dca 24.Sa lin 222, Parrnr ta Pâuke' .Meuctili Hlerur'. 2tj5. Na' 2c Pia' teuton *211, ItIberIt Ppa'ner-r Mvrtte Pe>ar-e ,207 avec) - Geo0ru u G !,'à i tuf Albert Pa-- îî l- Hlenrv 250, DotPt i 4 George K imha.' r Neai 23.5. Uî2:X - r >t, Garx atîbaul i tnnilnr Ileag r o)vel*t - Roi Gou>it'7:,"VTe! Wa iou 2-4:1 i, t - J' n! r e '.1trij .Joan '1:. ttr i( Jt..ack(':tatni2: - ! R rewat .20-_ Thursulax I.rht',. (200 artul Iver , R - tr- ,dam 2198. Rij (r r, r; Hazet Whîînîe'.2:R .. !ehl 232. Hanria F--et:t Shirley Black 2: U a Couten 202. Con guat a e ciav Mîxi-ed àj a- f Winners. the ta tvarr iga Jets, anul the ltc- u:ar Patters.,oi.T,-ar c\ F"n h e Ruth Rotanhn ': X-,-neeý:. Naur(iR Hoogkatnp and, S:ýa:r powcILl Scouts HoId Apple Days Due front Utilitie.- and Newr-atie.- An apple 2 dayv!ther Municipal Enterprises:ý kreps the doctor awa 'y. Well.ý Water- Supply System neI Sc-onIlS ar-ciltable Io keep Defo OtrFud li n app!es everv day. hultîDefotOte u 'hE'v\à,?-ll rtc on King Street!Deficits or Extraoî'dinaî'y F.xpensess h;s FriclaY evening. Sa.tur-! Capitaliz.ed dia v otorîng. uni formed Cub!z andu Scouts wti he going from dontl tO dom to seli apple.sý Letis do our good ttirn, andl hi iy Fan appie when they corne ,ii the door. Your donation tias heen appreciated in the pasi. and it wilt heagain: FINANCIAL STATEMENT The Village of Newcastle CANTAL AND> LOAN FLUND fALANC% MMEET flerember il, 1963 Debenture Debt lssued and Unmatured S ~~60.00 General Capitalized Deficits t~540360Schools: Publie and Continuation Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterpi'isee: General Fixed'l (s per schedutocî Due tram schools (for Debenturesi Public and Continuation Collegiate and High- Paper Drive Planned by Hi-C Croup 'Cash in Bank -_____ Accorntt ceiahl Sundrv Due from Province of Ontarto- - N c r a t e - T h t oer .. f , u etYr i r iw unic l pi t.e. - nhe Hi-C gr>up met in tht-Due fram Schools Swi-tav Sehool Room of the! Uniteul Church on SundaviDue fi'om Other Local 1Roard3 Pvelltt:tt A palper dr-ive ',san Commissions: Piartricu for- Monda'., May 4th. Water Supply Systernt___ andu the people of the village' are urmîttueul ta have theirjTaxes Rectivabie ps pers uead 'v. Pirkup begins - Lesi AlloWRnCe for tincollectabie at 5:301pm. Atîyone not hav-ý taxes ttg paper picked uJPin theý past. phtone Rirk Pearce atýPrope-t:v Acqiuired for T'axes 987-45931. 'VAr'. Nrghi. was aiSO Total Asiýýctz plattned. featuring ;iuch tat-ý cutis as 'The Countrv Four".ý Viss Tinra Kozub with accor- ultan solns, gymnastics, and naYmore. Tickets ar'e being! b i- th e fi-C m m e s A\ loti (-feffortî bv tht teen- agei-,s of the village has ,xotiREVENITIF rtto titis evening andl vour- attertuanre will be appreciat-.Totai Revenuetr an' -Taxatien eh. Long-Term Debt Charges Recoverable Contributions. Grants aind Subsid ies - N ewc stle Governmente: Personals Children's Protection M- .fowe has received Direct Relief . - - WO' lm h fan ly in Eng- HighwaY Improvernent - lauîd. îetlirrg heu of 'the death Paymnents in lieu or taxegý tf ireriother Virs.Aii e Police anud Firt Pa'er--o: Vt PttesonhaI Share of Liquor , -mtled New(-asî]le aod mdý License Fees 'taliv friends ddurrug he u ma GîaiU nc ndtio al Pe u Capita She mas ib tetm-rua.gain utext Gr - r a ht p o ie o h e v l O th e r R ec re atio n'> ltge extenul their sýývmpathx- :o Mr Ro\o-e and lier familv thrM \.r mInus 1rce VMrs George O - oTVttîicpa i tics Smith on Sirrdav. were Mu. Northiumberland armul Mus. Lumther Dat-'. Cold- and Durham -p:îs.and Mu. aund Mus. C. Maxi.m tf Markham. Government Enterprisex: Mtir a-rutMus. J. Bill ngs.v ion tarie - arnd Wrnrhv% of Peterbouough. Ont. Hydro-Electrir Com. xx e x ekirrund essof Mr ..irl ls Gtert .nhnsion arîd 1ou Xl' -!S Rhi rtgsiv ctituneul Liceuises andi Peimitg l'" ri:onte Onte xeau older, (include dog taxI :()i trher hrii-hdaî ýon the lntertst. Tax Pnlis saîri!rda\x etc. Tituî-e n e'ieovra i Hoýspi - a!Rotw'niarttmleth week, Othr Revenue.- a--Mus. -Joan Shearer, Sur- Fine.- I- f -tvut rMuJohn Cameron. Servire Charges- Mill StrpeI.Mt-s. Constance De tntg eaver Street, MIrm. Reta Gtanvîlle. Mill Street, Guoss Total Revinîuit xi! uiim-nior Lakiig. M. (a t :r-r i- ju N deit - front R.R. iM e XiG eorg- KO/rn b, Mi. - .lnu k tk ins Wilda Mtd IS - Fn-ni Bel] i. rk .- r mi.tm Stnmda%-: also ihex t rte .\u!tnrBell and fam- St. George's W A 4-997.14 53.n4 913.90 827.85 20)4.0A 1 00. M Deficit for thp Vear Total Revenue ,Sectioli S 9S,000.00 ~7,403.fi0 128,512,79 Due Io Othei' Muinicipalities (for Debenture Assumedi Other Long Term Debt: il000 Ont. Water Resources Commission -lnvestment in Capital Asset3 REVENUE VEND BALANCE 8BEET fleceuiber 31st.1983 8,444.87 ,144-57 Ternporary Loans 739.39 1 6.682.70 7393 coubntrs Paydable pons T 3.1e.1 ntres ad Cupn 94904 Due 'n test uiiplt 1.7.4DuetetaSchools Due ta Other Lcal Boa rd.i and Commnissions,: b.09-39 irary -r - dx 5.092.9 DuetagOterustFun Other Liabilities- Surplus Aceauni:- Balance January tst. 1963 Lesm Deficit for year Total Liabilities end Surplus 9,720.23 41.762.00 21.000.00 10,300.90 1(000.00 Total S1 29,500.0 67.403.60 liR,512.W f14,600.On 3f0015,3 21,M0.»0 .28~000.0, 2.791.1$ 1.020.00 1,020.90 - 83.30 240.03 4.38338 4383-38 f6,342.25 1.493.M> 4,848.65 41,112.00 8TATEMENT ov REVENtiP AND EXPENDIT[iUPl Arha *&d@.&EXPENlit. 196 nl,520.02 100.578.71) General Government: Executive and Legisiative ,20non 12.475.19 12.473.18 Administrative -4,453.97 Other 26 50 Protection to Persons, omci Froperty: F ir e . Z 4 2 3 Police - 2 7 6 6 Law Enfoncemnent 24.00 Street Lighting - 3.374.89 Publie Wnrks - Roacis Highways. andt Streets etc. Sanitation arnd Wastt Removal Conservation of Health: Social Welfare 1629.3 tg46-n Relief Assistance 5,925.34 16.29 1 tS4260f> Institutional Care 1,586.50 Welfare Administration -- 21 .75 Education, ineluding debt charges - 2.0à7.03 1.359-36 Recreation andt Community Services Debt Charges: Long-term debt charges 2ý4.g66.21 Lese own share or 2-43 g.00 chool debt charges .9,71A.0 Snort-term interesi 861.73 773.00 and other chargem .2667 1,999,7n 1.30.00 Institutional andt Publie Utility: Deficits Provideul - Water Supply Systen, Discount for Taxes S Taxes written off 3n4 ." 19nAn C apital E xpenditures out of Revenue: Joint or Special Expenditures: 135.632.32 133.471.24 County Rates 12,77A.5,3 Conservation Authority 200 011 493M~ Provision for Deferred - Revenue Grass Total Expenditure Surplus for the Year 1titi592 1. 3.4i 1. 24 Total Expendituî-e Sectiorr Artual Budget 9,319.04 5,02à.00 81538.42 4,137.00 11.575-62 4.33.00 10,700.00 475.01 47.838.97 5.ý146.07 1 7,471.97 10t.664. 18 260J03 111.89 12,978.83 13,274.58 t37.125.92 132$918.87 552.37 137.132 13412 41,190.33 3.25573 16.498.18 t o.100.oo 225.00 AUDITOR'S REPORT Westan. Ontario. Netxa-rîe 'h~ Evenîng To the Ratepayers. Reeve and Couinci Ru-anebh of St. Geot-ges W. A mt* )thr Parrsb Hll foi' a of the Village rtf Newcastle rezgutarnineetinrg on Wednes- diat. April i 5th. I have audited the books andt accoutteofthe Village nt X'-- ) R. Dewulie'.'openedNewcastle for the year endecl December 31, 1963 and hand 'ýe tte:rgwrth Pravers, and you the statementi, schedules etc. as set out on tht preceding t rtc tnnilt ites of the lasi meet- pg yrpr nteei sfles g xee reaul andl adopted.paeMytouantsesasflot The~resuneugave a detaiied Capital and Lean Funi: General debenture debt han ;n epr ttiudmog a :ecenibeeîî reduced by $1,000.00 ditring the year and $2,912.55 was uanquet. Other offmrers ut- paid on the debt ta the Ontario Water Resources Comnmission. po)rt , were nead. anul a card t-t-eh f!-om V\rsArline Revenue Fund Balance Sheet: Surplus as aI Decemnber S'eoneîisor t.\a z rpad, 11. 1963 amnouied to $4,848.65 compared with $6.342.25 at T!r Rati-it x s arkdo December 31, 1962. 1 would again recamnmend that an amaunt n.r. 'h t 'te Cartcer Druie should be levied in 1964 ta establish a reserve for worki.ng ADr 27ýh. funds as the surplus is not adequate to enabe the village to A -nrra ntelîig '. ,,,cl.-operate without excessive borrowing. Ba k bans at the end ruh fît \p I 29î1t of the year Iess cash on deposit amnounted to $21,555.33. This M:- - 1Dr, .'hn r a,:oîrre excetets tht arnount allowed undter Section 329 o! the Muni- 'nat 'ne bLiSfroî1n Rowman- icipal Act by $10,935.28 uinless approval has been obtained v'lcxvi rk Lr ip decgates from the Municipal Board and. in my opinion, il will be im- -rDcatici\- a, : 910a.n-r. ,n poss ible ta comply with the .Act unless a reserve is set up. 't', 9hA gond ,tuîrurouît 15 Statemnent of Revenue and Expenditure: The year's; op- .tr'e -urm mur Branch. erations resulted iin a deficit of $1,493.60 compared with à ïbt omne of the memnbersbudgeted surplus of $552.37. Expenditures in excescf bud- xxokdon packing the bale. geted arnounts for General Government, Public Works, Pro. ni he'ý plannertl a possible teetion to personal property andt Water Supply Systemn deficit r.atPrrrt.z lob fnu the future.,were principally responsible for the difference. Foi," i- auloois of good r ted col'ho~ comoleted the Water Seutr xyutem,: Altiiough à twrplu,% for the year nt SI.268.31 is reported for this utility the coat to the village, in excess of frontage rates, amoeunted to $4,582.58. Revue from sales nf water increaseet by $1.309.98 over 1962 end P)penatinjz expensen exclusive nf debt retiremntsnt and prsis- ion for reserves. were slightly below those ef lait yea. fieneral: 1 arn pleased bn report that the villaae'.-anct the recreation comrnîsssion have begun ta use serially nmi- bereet duplicate rec'eipts ai; auggested in last year's report, but there has not been aiy change mde in tht asmment roll. Subjecît tr the above report 1 hereby rertîty thal li mY opinion:t (1 The financial transactions tliat have c(orné, under my notice have been within the powers of the municipality... (?) The audit ha& heeo conducteul un arcordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. <3 îThe finaruu-ual >taiernots preâent fairly the fînamcial position of the municipa]ity au at Devmm'ber 31, 1983 a M4: tb. results of iti operations for the year ended on that date. -1. T. FMEGUSOt4, Chaî'tered Accauntant, Licence Nurnber 2329. Many Vîsîtors Attend Openîng of New xx t 't':. Car' utc OF Accounts Payable »Viti la r)llp: 384.77 1 1 n 7 e b 7,433,39 91M5.00