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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1964, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesmnan. Bowmanville. April 29. 19641T Mrs. J. L. Halpenny Guest Speaker ai Friendship Club The month]y meeting off the, a bountifful meai. The inn Friendshîp Club off Trinity, course was prox'ided by thel United Church took the forrn members; Units 12 and 1 of, of a pot luck supper. On Fri- the U.C.W. provided the de-ý day, April 24th. about 67; liejous dessertF and served the, members gathered in the, food. Our thanks to these church hall and sat down to unitsz was cxpressed 'oy M .1 Corporation of The Township of Darlington NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the proposed closing of the original Road Allowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the 9th Concession of the Township of Darlington and providing for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council meeting to be held on Thursday the 7tb day of May, 1964 at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hamp- ton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereaftcr will con- sider passing a by-lawv to stop up and close that l part of the original Road Allowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the 9th Concession of the Town- ship of Darlington. NOTICE 15 ALSO HEREBY GIVEN That tbe Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington proposes at the same meeting hy the aforèsaid by-law to authorize the sale of the saîd stopped up part of the original Road AI- lowance to the abutting owners. The proposcd by-law and plan showing the lands affected may bc seen in my offices in the Township Hall. The Councîl will hear in person, or by bis or ber counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that bis or ber lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to be heard- DATED TrHIS 7TH DAY 0F' APRIL. 1964 Walter E. Rundle, Clerk. Corporation of The Township of Darlington NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the proposed closing of a Forced Road 40 feet in widtb in Lot 15 in the 5th Concession and part of the original Road Allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in tbe 5tb Concession of tbe Town- ship of Darlington and providing for the sale tbereof to the abutting own- ers. NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of tbe Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council meeting to be held on Tbursday the 7tb day of May, 1964 at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime tbereafter wil consider passing a by-law to stop up and close that part of tbe Forced Road 40 feet in width in Lot 15 in tbe tb Concession and part of tbe original Road Allowance between Lots 14 and 15 ini the 5th Concession of tbe Townsbip of Dar- lington running from County Road No. 57 nortb- erly througb the property of one J. J. Van Her- werden (formerly tbe property of Nelson Levi Robbins) for a distance of approximately 1509 feet to tbe original Road Allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the 5tb Concession of the said Town- ship of Darlington more particularly described as follows: PREMISING THE EASTERLY LIMIT 0F SAID Lot 15 to have a bearing of North 17 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West and relating ail bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at the intersection of the easterly limit of a forced road running through said lot 15 with the easterly limit of said lot 15, said intersection being distant 4343.86 feet northerly alnng said easterly linilt from the south-east angle of Lot 15; THENCE South 7 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds West along the easterly limit of said forccd road a distance of 285.0 feet to an angle therein; THENCE South il degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds East and continuing along said limit a distance of 827.93 feet to an angle therein; THENCE South 13 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds east and continuing along said limit a distance of 396.80 feet more or less to the northerly limit of the Diversion of County Road numbcr 57 running through said Lot 15; THENCE north-westerly along said northerly limit a distance of 61.30 feet more or lcss to a fence marking the westcrly limit of the aforementioned forced road; THENCE North 13 degrces 06 minutes 40 seconds %vest along said westerly limit a distance of 350.78 feet io an angle therein; THENCE North Il degrees 54 minuites 10 seconds west and continuing along said westerly limit a distance of 835.07 feet to an angle thercin; THENCE North 7 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East and continuing along said westerly limit a distance of 285.11 feet more or less to a fence running easterly; THENCE North 72 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds east along said fence a distance of 44.18 feet to the easterly limît of said forced road. THENCE South 7 degrees 10> minutes 51) seconds %vest along said easterly limit a distance of 12.57 feet to the Point of Commencement. The hereinbefore described lands being part of a forccd Road 40 feet wide as intended to be described by reg- lstered instrument nuniber 3008 and part of the original Road Allowance bctween lots 14 and 15, concession 5. NOTICE 15 ALSO HEREBY GIVEN tbat the Council of the Corporation of the Townsbip of Darlington proposes at the same meeting by the aforesaid b,,%,law to authorize tbe sale of tbe said stopped up part of the Forced Road and Road Allowance to tbe abutting owncrs. The proposed by-law and plan showing the lands affected may he seen in iny offices in the Township Hall. The Council will hear in person, or by his or her cotlnsel, agent or solicitor, any person who daims that bis or ber lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and wbo applies to be hearci. DATED THIS 7TH DAY 0F APRIL, 1964 Walter E. Rundle, Clerk. Blackstock Guides Rec eive GoId Cords On Saturday evening. April l8th. a Lt ',t n ' ttte(împanv. The foui' girls pie- îng of Guides. parents and intct'osted frtetid> '.': ' ' ,, 1.. ;!' 1 U; IlI l' icght Janite B.'crs. Joanl present in the Christian Education Room tBuc 1 c-. of' l r Ixidi xî ,LJnted Church ho xitness tht' piesen-i ii îî. ' highest Gutding axxaîd h ';idCiîd',li.p . hiGttit \Pon i c tar I'Jcil 'Iuttii. i *A bni 'h D ui by Mrs. Kerr Suncr liidi h Mrs. A. Cole ai the Ptanu The voi-hip sùrt.ce -e ', ~il\~uu nF: charge ot Mn> Luther Cons- man, asssted bv Mrs. M. Bell.:,"'"'\and followcd a >pfiîg-:nk 'Ui theme, -God iii Natl-u e n)' T'y ('tI' Lessons from a Gardeti." Mr*. chut -ch 'e'r Lloyd Avre sang, a beautifuil ing. 'Pie,: n solo, *'In the Gardon." The foi .r ;~u'î manv bouquets decorat iîg ti'c ,i <(ii v room with snapdraguons. a nations, daffodils andi 'n]i u m, ýwere evidence of the beaii:: Soff this season. and a promis(, for the wccks ahead. iMrs. Claude Ives. hrau of the commitler of onîr Sen- ior Adult Group, thon took I charge of the prograni.A double quartette off sciiio, membens sang lng-ethen b.o the finst, lime, -Let the Lnwxer Lights bc Buroing" and "Stral Awav." In the group we'cr' IMesdames J. Morgn, A. A G Brooks. A. H-arding anîdF, Bradley, anîd M(,sis. FY. Brad- ley, M. Crook, S. Leggott and T. Hircoek. Mr. W. Ber gave, as a reading, one off Robert Scr- vice's pocms 'Sa lxation Bill" displayîng a nemankable nie- morv and senŽýe off humour. Mvrs. Ives innoduced the speaker off the ex'enhng, Mrn. J. L. Halpennx. who is Specîal 'Assistant in Senior Adul:, iWork in fice United Chuneh. Mrs. Halpeuin% spoke ou the new îhings bcing attcnpîed on behaif of olden people n Canada. The Scnatc commi- tee is gathering a wealth off informationonriheliccondition off aging people. The programi of the United Chui'ch of Can- ada ini regard to olden peoplce iwas one off the' brifs present- * ed to them. These efforts in- clude home-maker service. "meals ou wheel-ý", assisting elderlY people 10 maintain their independieite and a lit- lIe homne for thenu-elvre> iThere is hope for legt>ilal ton arising- out off the rnany brici. prescetd Mis. Halpenii c t oichcd n tCe need for efficient nursinig- homes al a price people cr' pay: also the nced fori' r'îea- lion centres for olden peoiple She lold whai lias alrcadx been done in Windsor nr thas' regard. 1From the long-arnxx îig off John Weslev. Mrs, lialpen'- tiv quoted excerpîs s'till.- fUI 10 eldcnlY people Eat plain fond but cal wi'îh clieer- fulness. . , an. nes * nexlto0Godlii)îe» Walk- ing is the best. exer-ilse. bu' nex-er continue tilt couire t93ý tired, and cool off bc de- grec, .But the grrei t hese is Irwieitiîc." T'Fc pi aker <e '>uid titi necd for gond t-heer at ienîca limnes, and i'nmpanY whencxe!t possible 51w ihen ex plarrie iin more detaîl lite -nîats oný \vheel> serv'ice wxch i< cestabîsýhed iii Englind Thtýiý thedxe, u of a iiu n'.- nId people xcho ean no Itnn. cook a boti mca Ifor b- scîx-s Ilt > donc hb' unlut: teer ,.erv'ice and needs a o: sornîng-roup. lu Bnantford -î is sponsored bv ýiîe I. QD conked in the Red Cr. s ':' chens bv vx'ntnec:' ,vorkcrý and delîx'ered in troc Rt, 'Cross station-wagon bv peopl- who realîx- take an interest s. the aged' :o whorn ithev d., * liver ibe nieals. Tbie 'e ineal are balanced, a. :a. a ni delîvered hot. Ban'ford à pioncerl' l tht erv. more are about 'o tn'o'lx said evervone ha> -omnr,._ SE[ 1THE POPý ho contribuile Quecof- problems off-'he srem ' anizcd agc v. hIalbc. "W".a* 't: people goinlg 'o do w o:,h tho.ý leisure tm' Perbanst: Senior Adulis whn arc rie',. engagId ini sol,,îng- that proýD lem cati prox'ude a f. uar.-- ,.ers. Be-,*, of aý!. xce sn show xe have a fant" a carnies us tbnouh. -'Hua fa; ' n is sufficient for me" Oui -reatest contribution t1o bc lx ing Cbrt:*::,anz. un'i ju. uL~ aIrîîng Ch: sans. oJl 'c',:t!,, fçttîius British rnotoring journalist, M - 1">i r 1Kmp. put a Canadian-bUit Rambier L î !ui OLoil a -ýttff "Farnily Test." Read what ii- r' :. Il eported about the Rambler C n 4 t ho- London Daily Sketch, FebrUary ~ t o ,ttilhu it slairje, pow.erfi Iand 1) t i ' hone-upý-tnianislîp front tip to tai. 'l ()0n is more than 100 m.phi. -cruising i îu o. h mplete fi eedomi frorn wind noise, i ~ ru ~' ph..~A soft. tvpically American 1 P J- , ýji iutn roadholding. Hard I ~ ~ ~ ýi . ,t . if tttClsi or 50 miles and ,ni ajot ouf a licr,;oiial "score-card." Her marks, thr. attenidanc-e of 3Q, 1 ,-I A..C m..rusic supervisor. .and rs. Owa. e ree Sun- II H lJIJ The junior grades sang andgirs, shwawer Su-,fîrst, followed by two-part dayv guests off Mrs. E. BranI ~ j songs, some xith descant by The C.GIT. girls are busyjiIIIe'.Concerit 'he senlior grades. can%'assing for the Cancer The Danlingti) on onshio Well over a hundned child- Society'. hall ah Hampton was filied 10t'01en iook part from Baker's, Me. and Mns. A. 1Trick,.,capacit.v iih parents and:Beadley's. Burketon. Ennîs- Lindsav. Mi-. Douglas Tayvlor; friends last Wednesdav ex'en-: killen, Enfield and Haydon and Donald,,' henth N rDalin-1,sehoot. Mes. Beatnice Taylor and Mr. ton -;chool.s preented thei r M. James Crvderman. lea- Stanley Ta ' lor, Mr. and Mrs. annual concert under the dir-Icher ai Bradlev's. the ac. Bert Branson and Dallas,;" ton of Mns Stanlev Payn"ý companist Tor'onto, were weekend guesis' W " off Me. and Mrs. Leslie TaY- I ion and famîlv. Mi'. and Mers. Hoxvard F'al. Oshawa. xvere Sunda.v guestsr off Mn. and Mes. AnthonY AR I Smith and famil.v. Me. and Mes, Norman Mc Keene and family, HamptotI- weee SundaY guests off Mn. and Mr '. P. G. Gatchell an MNMN fam i lvy Me. and Mî's. Willaî'd Spen-i cOffhMn.,O. J. Hylnd, SALE cue. ofhaMr. 0were Sund. SL Mn. and Mes. Kenneth Lar- mer. Peterborough, Mr. and' Mes. Altan Larmer, Toronto,.' Mn. and Mes. Edward Mc-! Mi'.n ad Me. amld Lamr. 2 5- F Maoknwrandfaiy gusBlack-5 /o O F stockd ersunHrd aresof Mr. and Mes. Clifford Peth-' ick. Eniiiskillen, weee Sunda.yi YOUR CHOICE OF OVER 100 tea gue:sîs off Mes. PearlI A veex.. MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY Don't foi-gel otîr Train Ser-, vice between Bunkelon and! Peter'borough. Glad to report that Mis. A.' E. Rîbev is progressîng fav-' orably afîe her recent opera-' tion: also Mi'. C. Van Dam is ý dninîg nicelc. he expeets ho bel: home in a few davs. : Holv Communion will be nbservcd on Sundav. Mav! 241h, aI 11:4.5 ar. Plans hav'e beeîî made 10 hold nue Sundav Sehool An-, niveesaev Services at 2:30 and' 7:30 p.m., with special musicî and a guest speaker, on Sun-ý dat., May' 3lst. t (un 'I I l Iles \t" e' n - ii1- i el, spte peut the, li ret ti ait'iavi('s :ni M; 1 .î , Joi Il, tRx eili il , , RolIit l. ;îît tI'e Axîee k - - 'r tntix e n peter-, 'Plu l oc\; ii i ? t. hO j ) 'il out of ten, were: "Looks, 8; Comfort, 9; Gimn- micks, V'" Her comments: 66Effortless motor- ing. Interior trim's fluorescent colouring is su- perb-a lesson to some British firmns.99 From an engineering neighbour, Kemp obtained this opinion: &6AIusty, work-Ioving car.99 In sumrnary, Kemp wrote: 44 highly tempting car in ils price range. . .9 Coming from the traditionally reserîved British, praise like that means a lot. Why don't you dis- cover for yourself why Michael Kemp was so impressed with the Rambler Classic? Visit your nearby Rambler Dealerand puta Rambler Classic 6 or V8 through its paces. lt's a jolly good car. ULA i' ù/-.J OR Va -THE ECONOMi CAL AMER ICAN 6 -THE LUX URIQUS AM BASSADOR V8-AT VOUR DEALER'S NOV MAcQUEEN MOTOR SALES LT. 2'19 KING STREET, EAST PHONE 623-3356 Guaranteed in Writing SPERSONAL SERVICE TELEPHONE 885-5216 4 SRUTTER GRANITE Co. 75I ~ ONTARIO STIMITED POTHE You hear a lot about thÊe quality of British Cars, Read what a British expert sabout the quality ofa Canadian car economy you'Il enjoy BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT \IVINE LÀd&Àd&lýý v --RBMBM 1

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