The Canadian S5 stesmnan, Bowmanvtle, April 29, 1964 DEADLINE k I. ~.FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 peme BRYANS-Gordie anid Patti wish ta announce the arrivai of their new baby brother, Steven James. H1e weighed 9 lbs. 1 az., and was hornmon Saturday, April 25, 1964, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Proud parents are Bob and Nancy (nee Brown) Bryans. Many thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and staff at the bospital. 18-1f CARRIGAN-John and Ruth (nee Prescott) are happy ta annaunce the birth of a son Douglas James, in Me marial Hospital, Bowmanville, on April 2th. Thanks to Dr. Sylvester and nurses. 18-if GREENHAM-Elgin and Shir- ley (nee White) are pleased ta annaunce the birth of a daugh- ter, Shirley Lynn, an Wedn- day, April 22nd, 1964, at Me-: marial Hospital, Bowmanville.ý A sister for Russell and Stan- ley. Special thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and nurses. 18-i* KIRKTON-Mike and Mary (nee Munday) are pleased ta annaunice the birth af a son, Robert William, on April 1, 1964, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. 18-i* REKKER-Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard S. Rekker (nec Malda) are very happy ta announce the birth of their daughter Renita Lynn, 7 lbs. 13 ozs., on Wednesday, April 22, 1964, at Memanial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 18-i STAINTON - Clarence and Shirley (nee Bothwell) are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Brenda Lee, 7 lbs. 15î2'ý ozs., on Sunday,, April 19, 1964, at Memorial' H{ospital, Bowmanville. A baby sister for Beverley. 18-1 Deaths SHRUBB-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, April 23, 1964, Alfred Shrubb, aged 85 years, hus- band of the late Ada Brown; dear father of Dr. J. Roy Fhrubb, Toronto; Norah (Mrs. Lamne Allin), Boxvnanville; Nancy (MIrs. Arthur Baker), San Diego, Calif.; dear grand- father of Erie Shrubb and Julia Allun. Service was held In the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, April 25th at 3:30 p.rn,. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 18-1 TERRY-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, April 23, 1964, beloved infant son of Charles and Margaret (Davidson) Terry, 487 Rager St., Oshawa, and dear brother of Laurie. Rest- cd at the Morris Funeral Chap- el, Bowmanville. Interment Hampton Cemetery an Friday, April 24th. 18-i ileceptîon Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine will be "'at home" ta their friends in Cartwright Recreation Centre, Blackstock, Saturday May 2nd from 8:30 p.m. an, the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. 18-1 * Photography- PHýOTOGRAPHY Change of Address - 161 King St. E., Bowmanvillej Portraits -Passports Weddings -Anniversaries a Specialty ASTOR STUDIO Phone 623-2502 20-2 Flowers FLOWER SHOP CARNATION 55 King St. W. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS WEDDING BOUQUETS BROWN-In laving memary of Mn. and Mrs. Matthew Brown who passed away Apnil 23, 1960, and May 8, 1947, ne- spectively. Love's greatest gift, nemembrance. -Lovingly remembered by son Tom and family. 18-1 BURNS-In laving memory of a dean husband and fathen, Marteil H. Burns wha passed away April 28th, 1963. We littie knew when we wake that monn, The sarrow the day wauhd bring, The cali was sudden, the shock severe, Ta part with one we laved s0 dear. -Sadly missed by his wife Norma and children, Shanon and Eric. 18-1 GRIFFIN-In loving memary of a dear husband, father and gandfather, Richard Bennett Giffin wha passed away April 29, 1957. God took him home, it was His wl Within aur heants, he liveth, still. -Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 18-1* McCOY-In loving memory of Percy McCoy wha died May 5, 1960. -Even remembered by his wife Eva and family. 18-1* SANDERCOCK - In loving meinary of a dean husband and father, Edwin Aubrey Sand- ercock wha passed away Apnil 21, 1963. Your life was lave and labour, Your lave for yaun family truc, You gave youn best for ail of us, And xvhat more could a husband do. -Always remembered by wife Elsie, son Larry, daughters1 Joyce, Ruth and father: Oswald. 18-î* SHRED-In Ioving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Emily Jane, who pass- cd away Apnil 27, 1961. A silent thought, a secret tean, Keeps hem memory ever. dean. Time takes away the edge af grief But memory tunns back every leaf. -Lovingly remembered by « daughter Harriett, son-in-law Donald and grandchildren. 18-1 STEVENS -In memory of Muriel Stevens who passed away April 28th, 1961. There is a link death cannat sever, Lave and nemembrance last forever. -Ever nemembered by daugh- ter Luella, son-in-law and family. 18-1* STEVENS-In memory af Mns. Howard Stevens who passed away Apnil 28th, 1961. We do nat need a special day To bring you ta aur mind. For the days we da not think of you Are very bard ta find. If ail this wanid were ours ta give Wc'd give it, yes, and mare,1 To see the face cf Mther dean Corne smiling through the door. -Sadly missed by husband and son. 18-1* WERRY-In laving memary of a dean wif e, mathen and grandmother, Myrtle, wha passed away April 29, 1963. Those we love we neyer lase For always they wiil be Laved, remembered, treasuned Always in aur memory. -Lovingly remembered by husband Ed and family. 18-1 WILKINS-In laving memany mother Rhea Rebecca, who passed away May 4, 1963. In aur hearts your memory lingers, ------152 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa SOUTH Haven Nursing Homne 7310 Accommodation for private 723102 72-627 a nd semi-pnîvate patients, Office Evenlngs lounge TV. Fully licensed, 26-tf inew building, modern. Visitons welcome. Reasonable rates. Notice to Creditors Free ambulance service. Phone AND OTHERS ,Newcastle_987-4141. 41-tf bteEtt fGOG 'THE Lodge" Nursing Homne GORDON AGNEW, Deceased. en H-igliwav 2. Licenscd. Ac- A il persans having dlaims commodation available. Kîndlagainst the estate of George came. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitons jGardon Agnew, late of the welcome. Phone Mrs. Wm. Village of Newcastle, in thel Westover, Newcastle 987-4252.' Caunty of Durham, wha died ---, - -44tf. on an about the 2nd day of March, 1964, are hereby nati- Surnmer Resorts ficd ta send particulans of same ta the undemsigned an on be- THE OLD MILL fore thelo0th day of May, 1964. COTTAGE RESORT;be distributed, having regard R.R. 2, Minden, Ont. the undersigned shall then have notice, and the under- Housckeeoîng cottages on signred will nat be hiable ta 600' of safe, sandy beach on a ny persan af whase dlaimi he the shores of Twelve Mile shahl not then have notice. Lake. Fullv equippecl with Dated at Part Hope this lth all electric kitchens. bathnooms day of April, 1964. wîth flush toilets arid bot and Arnold Wade, Executon, cold running water. beddîng, by his solicitor, china, silverware, etc. Organ- ERDMAN FRIESEN, Q.C., ized entertainmrent nightll'. 31 Walton Street, Phone 623-3254.. 14-t1 Port Hope, Ontario. 16-3 I wauld like ta express My sincere thanks ta my many friends for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts I received while I was in Uxbridge Hos- pital and Glencedar Rest Home. Mrs. Mabel Darcy. 18-1 The Bowmanville Kiwanis Club wishes to thank the people of Bowmanville and surrounding area for theirý donations to the club's recent rummage sale. James T. Colliss, Presiden Kiwanis Club. 18-1 Trimble-Mrs. A. E. Webb (Gwen). I wish to thank relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their kindness and beautiful floral tributes receiv- ed in the sad loss of my dear father. A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fice. I would like to convey my sincere thanks ta relatives,ý friends and neighbours, for flowers, gifts and cards which I received while in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Special thanks to Dr. Rundle, nurses and staff on Medical Floor. Mrs. Frank Rundle. 18-1* I would like to express my appreciation ta my neighboursi and friends for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts I re- ceived while in Memorial Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr.ý Rundle and Dr. Richmond and the nurses and staff, and also to those that helped out at home and visited me. Anne Porter. 18-1w' I wish to thank ahl my friends and relatives who so kindly visited me while I was in hospital and for flowers and get-well cards. A special thanks to Drs. McKenzie and RnlNurses Yates and Cohane, and staff of Me- morial Hospital for kindness given me which was very much appreciated. Pat Bernard. 18-1 We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours, for their expressions of sympathy and beautiful flowers during aur recent bereaveme. Special thanks to Dr. Mvc- Kenzie and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville; also our thanks to Rev. B. Long and the Barlow Funeral Home. Mrs. L. Barrabail and I would like ta express My sincere thanks to Drs. Sproule, Mikios, Siemon and the O.R.1 nurses and staff af Surgicali Floor for their care and kind-1 ness while I was in Memorial Hospital. Also, to my friends and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts, flowers and visits and a special thank you to thase who, in any way, helped out at home. Dorothy Stark. 18-1* N'otice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF LILIAN ELIZABETH DAVIDSON, de- ceased. ALL persons having cl against the estate of the Lilian Elizabeth Davidson, of the Town of Bowman in the County of Durham, tired Schoolteacher, deceî who died on or about the day of May, 1963, are requ ta file proof of the same, the undersigned solicitors the Executars of the & of the said deceased on ar fore the 2th day of May,1 after which date the Executors wilI proceed tc tribute the said estate, ha regard only to the daim which they shahl then1 notice. DATED at Oshawa this day of April, 1964. CREIGHTON, DRYNAD MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for Helen McGregor and John B McGregor, Executors of said Estate. Wanted to Buý USED baby carrnage in1 condition. Phone 263-271 TWO unit DeLaval or Si milking machine. Telepl 263-2767. LIVE poultry, old fea ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1,E any. Phone 7 r 13 callec PIANO wanted. Will picl and pay cash. Write Ad tiser 491, c/o Canadian Siý man, P.O. Box 190, Bowr ville.1 EDISON, Columbia, P and Graphophone cylf phonagraphs and records; Regina and Polyphon ri boxes. Write Advertiser c/o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville. CASH FOR OLD BOOI Also Documents, Stai Pamphlets. Write briefly tail llst not necessary) sa how mnany and what ti Older the better and avold tion, please. We pay shlpping costs. Rot. Bani Montreal or any ibrary. OLD AUTHORS FARI Morrisburg Ori laims Ssaid ilate iRe- ased, 1 Sth uired with -s for Estite )r be- 1964, said dis- aving TWO kitchen sinks, $5 each.; SPY apples. W. T. Cox, tele- 1 Phone 623-5056. 18-1* phone 623-2267. 18-11 SIX metal flower boxes, $2.75 ea. Phone 623-3083. 18-i BOY'S bicycle, excellent con- dition. Phone 623-2857. 18-1 WATER for sale ana caelivemed.1. Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131 32tf QUANTITY af aat straw, large bales, 30e at barn. Telephone 263-2075. 18-1 ALFALFA seed for sale, pow- er cleaned. Phone 725-3710 after 4:30. 18-1 TV, 17", Westinghouse, just e- conditioned, $50. 145 Liberty St. N., 623-3083. 18-1 GREY baby carniage, good condition, $20. Phone New- castle 987-4753. 18-1 REGISTERED Russell Oats for sced, highest producinc.' Phone 623-3090. 18-1 COBBLER and SebagIo potatoes from certificd sccd last spring. Call Orono 219. 17-2 35 BUSHELS Radney aats, cleaned and trcated, $1.35 bushel. 623-2292. 18-i DRINKING water for sale, and delivered, 24-hour service. Phone_623-5756. 15-tf APARTMENT size elcctric stove, good condition, reasan- able. Phone 623-5284. 18-i* iCEDAR post-s-,al sizes, also cedar trees for hedges, etc. Phone Newtonvilhe 2283. 14-tf GRAVEL, laam and sand, de- livercd in 4 yard lots. Phione 30 r 5, Orono. Andy Sutch. 16-4* USED Washer Parts, ahI makes; 1/4 h. p. motars. Paddy'sl Market, Hampton, 263-2241.« 11-52 CHESTERFIELD, two chairs, bird cage, roller skates, com- bination storm door. 623-3421. 18-1 ý: ALSCO Aluminum Windows, Doors. Awnings, Siding. LornL Aluin, Bowmanville, 623-3871. 17-2 KEYS cut automaticaliy. while you wait,'at MeMullen Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 3-tfl CHOREMASTER one - wb)eel garden tractor, good condition, plough, c ul1ti va t or, $70, 623-5545. 18-1': QUAKER space heater, large size, automnatie thiermostat, fan and burner. Like ncw. Phone_623-2845. 18-l' 16' LARSON Fiberglass boat with contrals and trailer; 45 hanse electric start Mercury outboard. 987-41594. 18-1 KITCHEN cuphoards, modemn corner unit withi large lazy susan, white witbi Arbonite top, $35. Phone 623-5029. 18- 1 WATER delivered; no delivery charge on first laad ta each custamer. Telephane George Feddcma,_263-2270.____17-tf BUYING or selling furnitune or appliances, cali Elmen, Hampton: business 263-2294 - residence 263-2695. 6-tf ALUMINUM Doons and Win- dows. Contact MeMullen Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone 623-5408. 34-tf jQUANTITY of display shelves and cabinet units, ideal for grocery store. Apply Olympia Restaurant, Bowmanviile. 18-1 STRAWBERRY plants, Cre- mer and Gar'dsman, also New- bang red raspberry canes., Phone Newcastle 987-4404.' BEA-TTYZ Washers, new, asý iow as $99.00. Full lineocf Beatty appliances. P a d dy's Market, Harhpton 263-2241. 11-52 FRESH Eggs delivercd daily ta your door .Aski your deliverv man today or Phone 623-5444. Glen Rae Daimy, Bowmanville. 17-tf LUMBER, 10.000 ft. af 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 and 1". Low prices for cash. Phone 2567J Orono. 18-1 MECCANO set, No. 6, and ac-5 cessories; Hornby train, good condition. Phone Newcastle 987-4635 after 4:30 p.m. 18-1 FURNITURE from model home on sale: 2-pce. chester- field suite, 4-pce. bedroomn suite, 7-pce. dinette set, 5-pce.t kitchen set, carpet and drapes.1 F. A. Kramp Furniture, 37î King St. E., Bowmanville. 18-1 THREE stacking stools. $9.95;1 four drawer chest, $16,95; chrome or bronze-tone kitchen chairs, -4.95; 6 x 9 nylon rugs, $26.00; S ecal e y mattresses, S39.88; dinette suite, complete with buffet. hutch, table, fouri chairs, \valnut finish, $199. Murphy Fumniture, King St. W., Bowmanville, 623-3781. 18-1* A BEAUTIFUL Ziz-Zag Sing- er, including a truly outstand- ing cabinet for oiîly S78.20 rc- posscssed balance (orîginally S309) or take up payments of 3ý8.60 per month. Blind hems, makes button holes, pldus dec- oative stitches, etc., all with- odut attachments. Your oid machine accepted as clown payment. Dealer; write Ad-, vertiser 492, c/o The Canadian 1 Statesman, P.O. Box 1901, Bow-1 manvîlle.1- PILKINGTON FAINTS LIMITED ONE DOLLAR Paint Sale Ail Finishes Ail Colours BUY 1 GALLON 0F PILKINGTON PAINT AT REGI'LAR PRICE AND GETý A SECOND GALLON FOR ONE DOLLAR Buy 1 Quart of Pilkingtou Paint at Regulan Fnice and get a Second Quart for 25e SALE DATE: APRIL 27 ta MUAY 2, 1964 LLOYD E. DALES HARDWARE MAPLE GROVE NWHITE ROSE R.R. 3 Bowmanvilie PIIONE 623-2264 Stocks limîted an this offer 18-1 SeeOurNew GENERAL FREEZERS 15 and 20 Cu. Ft. Atlas Models for 1964 Made in Canada, of rugged construction and first class materiais. Magnetically Seaied Lid 3-Yr. Food Spoilage IVarrauty plus Regular Warranty A TOP QUALITY FREEZER AT A New Low Price Cash and Carry Fnice with Factory Warauty 15 cu. f t - $209.95 20 cu. f t. - $219.95 TERMS ALSO AVAILABLE Camne lu and sec our Floor Dispiay BOW-MANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 ns of ONE air - blast concentrat i0 have sprayer, fully reconditioned; USED TRACTORS-- onc 20-gallon per minute Bean 23rd Royal; telephone Newcastle' International W-4 Tractor;, 987-4423. 18-h Massey "30" Tractor; Allis- ýN & INSULATION, blowing meth- Ch' ir B it utvtr od, with rock 'vool. Work- Farmail Cub with mower and mnhpguaranted. Free esti- cuitivator; Fordson M a i o r mates. Harry L. Wade. Tehe- Tatr Mac phone Ncwtonville 2420. 16-tf WANTED: We need Usedi Bruce if the SPRING plants for your Tractons . . . Now is the! 18-3 gardening-, annuals, perennials, tme to trade for Speciali potted plants, wime hanging Trade-in Bonus Offer! -baskets, cemetcmy pots plant- USED MACHINERY y' ed ta your choice. William s, - 81 Hunt St. 16-t f International 15-run Double good - Dise Drîi; International 13- '10. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash- rua Disc Drill; Massey 15-run 18-i iems, duplicators, chequewmit- Drill on iaov nubbcr wheeis, 2 c rs, camptometers, tbree hund- ýears aid; Massey il-run Drill; :ugemd cwad e.Webuy, Cockshutt Fentilizer Distribu- rhnes ient, service. Hamilton' tor; International 3-furrow 18-1Offce quimen, 17 BockPlow on rubber; Massey 3-fur- !athen South, Whitby. MO 8-5849. rom, Pioi on steel; Massey 2- Beth- 10-tf furow Plow; Fleury 2-furrow et. DRAPES: New patterns in Plow; International No. 45 P. 28-tf1 "Weathen Bar" insulated drap- T.O. Baier; International No. - emy fabnie. By the yard or 46 P.T.0. Baler, recouditioned k up custom macle. Other new and -uaranteed; King Wyse 18 dvem- samples naw being shown or ft. Elevator; Cockshutt 4-wiîeel tates- taken ta your home. Fre,, Spreader on rubber; Interna- ýman- estimates. Goodbmand's, King tional Self-propeiied Combine;, 17-3* St. W., Bowmanvîllc. 7-tf Masscy No. 35 sclf-propeiled 'ath TV n,-~~X71n~ Combine; 0K ane-raiv Potato I J. ' TV VVLaRl Digger, F.T.O.; International ;alsa $50 up Hay Coaditioner. music OSHAWA USED TRUCKS >- 49V4,PP Y LD. 1911international Tandem Cab P8-. T U P Y L D land Chassis; 1960 Chevrolet __1-1361 Gibbon St. Dial 728-8180' Model 70 4-ton Cab and RS in.v .. ii« .,- w.i -- i, i- !I ha 1Qis:1958 Inernatinal A- amps, ,(de- aying ypes. 1d fie- îk of itarlo 18-3 ________40-tf Prevent or treat lîttie pig scours with NIXO'S PELLAGREX FASTE This product is inexpensive and effective. i ,i-oz. tube onîx 3 1.50 Available a LORNE JOHNSON DRUGS NEWIC AS TLE Satisfactory reults or your money back. 18-1 184 with Dump Body-, 1957 International S-180 with dump body; 1957 International S-180 Cab and Chassis, 1957 Chev. 3- ton with dump body; 1956 R- 190 International iith dump body and sno-,% plow, 1956 Fard -li-ton Pickup; 1948 In- ternational '4-ton Fickup. COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. CLOTHES line and hydro1 pales. Raiph Simpson, Phone 263-2852. 18-1* 3CHILD'S tricycle and wagon. .Phone after 1 on Thursday, 1623-7213. 18-C* 7 1 R.R. 2 Tyrone Phone 296 Orono 18-2 Room and&Bocrd Wanted 134 King St. E. Bowmanvlle'O.P.P. SERGEANT desires Phone 623-5689 room and board by May th. 118-1 Phone 623-3384. 18-1 1 STRAWBERRY plants, from certified stock, $2 per hundred. K. Reitsma, Phone Orono 1177. 18-21 ,FINEST RICH BLACK LOAM A Spring tonic for your winter tired garden and lawn, 50c bushel at the farmn. Ask us about delivery of larger quantities. MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone Phone 263-2721 18-1 Propavet Liquid An oral glycol treatment for Acetonemnia in dairy cattie JWOOD 725-8857 10E SNOWDEN 263-2655 Your K. VET. Representatives 18-1 Cars for Sale '53 PONTIAC, good condition. Phone.263-2349. _____18-1* HALF-TON pickup truck. G. Forbcs, Newtonville. 17-2* 1960 MERCURY Monterey sedan. Phone 623-5126. 18-1 1963 CHEV. 409, Iow mileage, Ai condition, must seli. Tele. phone 263-2749 after 6:30 p.m, 17-2 1953 FORD sedan, Ai runnîng condition, with radio, one own- er, $150. Hugh Stapleton, Newtonville. ___ 18-1 Seed Grain for Sale PRIDE Hybrid Seed Corn is again sold out in most varieties. I arn stocking several bushels which have not been sold. Ordcr now and get the varieties and grades you need. Gerald Brown, Bowmanville. 15-6 TOP QUALITY in Rodney, Russel and Garry Qats Herta, York, Brant and Champlain Barley FUNKS G-HYBRID Seed Corn S0W CERTIFIED SEED AND BE SURE! Place Your Order Early CUSTOM Seed Cleaning CERESMORE FARMS R.R. 4 BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-7150 GARNET B. RICKARD 12-tf Livestock For Sale FOUR-year-old Grade Jersey cow, good family cow. Phone Hampton 263-2328. 18-1 WHITE Rock Chicks, mixed or sexed, 5 and 6 week old, vac- cinated and blood-tested, any quantity, $25 per hundred. H. W. Stapleton, Phone Newton- ville 2244. 15-4* Help Wanted FULL or parit tme waitresses wanted. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. 37-tf HANDY man with some know- ledge of machine shop work. Apply L & L Tools, 20 King St. W., Bowmanville. 18-i MARRIED man for dairy farm, middle age, abstainer, experieiiced in haiidling ïnilk- ing machines and tractor. Ref- erences please. Write Adver- tiser 493, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville, -Ont. -,-18-1 Youth Wanted for General Factory lVork Apply in person ýSPECIALTY PAPER PRDUrC T TD. 18 I Pets PUREBRED Beagle p u p s. Phone 623-2491. 18-1* Work Wanted IReal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale GARDENERS - Attention 1FOUR-roomed house geast ot LOTZ. 18-x332 Tlphn Roto-tilling, by the hour. Newcastle; also lots. Phone 2-1 8.1- Reasonable rates. Telephone Newcastle 987-4676. 18-1 623-3935. 17-3Gere Dy vu COTTAGE for sale, Thorah GereBy vn SAXVS, plane irons, wood IIsland, Lake Simicoe, al con- REALTOR chisels work better when prop- veniences, heavy duty wiringPne6-30 erly sharpened. Bring thern 3 bcdrooms, screened ver- hn 6â50 ta: F. Crowe, 102 Elgin, Bow- andah, close ta beach. excel- Bowmanville, on sewcr and manville. 18-4* lent swimiming and fishing. water in good location. two --Easy ferros. Daàle Miller, Can- building lots, 66' x 100'. $1,800 CUSTOM farming, ploughing, ninguton 432-2025. 18-21each. Give us an offer. discing, cultivating, seeding, T-E-ero rm os1 Two bedroomi brick home in manure loadingý, fertilizer TREbdom r os.qui et neighbourhond. Excel- spreading and spraying. Telle- camipletely renovated and lent location for aIder people. phone Percy Davidson & Son, modernized, ail faciliti es in- Priceci at S7.901). 728-1343. 17-4 cluding three-piece bathroom, Three bedroom brick home, _______________________modern kitchen, heavy wirmng, new ail furnace, double gar- J DD~~TT~U garage, 111 miles north west îeolaelt.Aknpic of Newcastle on Third Line. 1 PLU31BING & HEATING Ready for possession June lst. S9.,900t) \vi Sl,î00 cown. Gîve 'Dura Pumps and Softeners" Telephone Russell Osbornelus' an offer. 117-474. 1-1 iMaple Grave - 4 bcdroomn Ph n 63565- home, hot water heatecd, on Div ision St. Bowmanville îI large lot. suitable for F.LA, 1 J. Van N s sigpieS050 REAL ESTATE BROKER Orono - Close ta Tauinton A. B A A R S 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Roaad, ane acre lots. S600 each. Plumbing & Heating Phone 623-3230 1- PHIONE 623-7127 1 Fourth St.- 5 room frame. W. Frank -Real Esýaf e 35Nelson St. Bowmanville Hot water oil heated. Garage. 46-_tf Ask'ing $9,000 with $1,000' LIý1ITED down. 177 Church -t.. 'Iow'nanviIle SEPTIC TANK Newvcastle- 5-room mad- 623-3393 crui trame bungalow. Con- Member Oshawa zind District P M IG1veniences. Asking $ 13,500. Real Estate Board WIIITEWASIIING STABLES 1 Farm - 100 acres, sandy cmav loam, good buildings, 1 1:, Acres with trout slream, BERT TOMPKINS close ta village on paved highi- 6 rooni haire,' :111 con veil; Cl ce5, Phone Newtonville 2552 wvay. Askýing 3 20,000.atchdgr ,lre gardi n. 52-tfi GrocerY withi living quar- il -1n e:îr Enniiskillen. t ers. Volume hast year $44,0oo. SIO.91)0 - 82.500 clownl. ACKERMAN !Priccd i S27,000 with stock Io!) Acrces wIth fast trout extra. Ternis. streani. Goo<l ponid sites. :.5a EXCAVATING - LOADING; ~hv terpaete.acres in weddland. Locilted SAND, GRAVEL and FILLav thrprprte. noriji of Oroio. $9,00 )- Forweldrive Tow TruLc1ç Salesmýan - Ernie Bradley $3.000 clown. with Heavy Winch. Phone 623-3560 115 Acres with large stream. REASONABLE RATES 18-1 Rooni home, bain, pond. Phone 623-5756 For Rent $5,00wcaU4mie.31,0 BOW.MANVILLE 26-tfý LIGHT housekeeping room.,oz; Acres on Lake Ontarie after 6, 623-2486. 18_1 betw,ýcen DowiImanivile antl O0RONO TINSHOP'Caîî Oshawa. 17 Acres ra:pberrîies, F.O. Box 122, Orono THREE-room upstair apart- 7 Room homne with terrifie Sheet 3Ictal Work ment, ail conveniences, 2 miles view',. Bamoi. Ex<celent în- Furac ad Rpais astof ewaste.9-87-47-61.- vestment at $31,000. Ternis. Ventilatin,, Fans and Hoods _______ 18 - 1 195) Acre stock: [amii. Gond Eavestroughing and Flishings FITEEN acres land, fail 8-rooil stone hbouse, harols 30x PHONE 194311 <Colleet) ploughIing completed. H. Harts- ')0, 24x3G. Pond. Located in J. E. (Jack) Garden, Prop. man, Newtonville. Telephione KZeodal HIluis area. $312.000. 46-tf'2539 Newtonville. 18-1 ;12,(00 cl. 120 Acre dairy farm, Brook- UPHOLSTERING HETD4robtaal in area. Good (-roonm brick able M\ay 1 Apply Clharcoal home, large painted dairy Save Dollars! Hlave your chest- Buirgers, 14 Division St.,Bw a eried ndcais e-polt-imanibarn-1 , silo, pond. 40 Hoîsteins erlild nd hair reuphlst-manill. -included Lit $50.000. Terms. ered. Free estimates, samples' SEVENTEEN acres of tobaccol Bowmanville taken ta the home.! growing righits and land with; Sl,000o down bovs; 3 bed- Budget Ternis Arranged iplants. For cash. Phone 30r5 room home on Ontaria Street WIIYTE BROS.1I'PIIOLSTERVI Orona,_Ancly Sutch. 17-2-' with large lot. $11,900 - Full 102 King IV. Phane 623-5252ý 3-fONE - bedroom apartmcent, Prlce. ground floor, separate bath- $13,500 buys stately 3 bcd- IV A Y N E'S room and entrance, suitable roorn brick. Very central, in MAINTENANCE SERVICE fa aduit couple. Heated. Bowmanville. Terrms. Itugs and Upholstery Avaîlable May lst. Write Ad- Bowmanville - Sunset Ter- Shîampooing vertiser 495, c/o Canadian race Suhdivis;on - 3 Bedroom Floor, %I'all and Statesînan, P.O. Box 190, Bow- brick bungalows by Loupan, IVindow Service manville. __ 18-1 $13,900 - S1.200 clown. Balance Industrial - Commercial N.H.A. Ternis. Resdetia W ntd t R nt Oshawva Wood Products IIN RONO 255 edtoRe t Homes built in a new exclus- 3-tf FARMLAND. Phone 728-1343. ive subdivision at reaisonable 17-2 prices. Drap inoa ur office BARNES & BYAM -- __ - ---tor plans and prices. FLUBIG & HETIN _Rooms for Rent Newcastle - Ncx..ï bcd- PLU'iTBIN & HETINGroom bungalow. Thli ia SALES & SERVICE LARGE bright raom, gentle- well constructed home oprA 24-IIOUR man. Phone 623-3186, 205 good lot. $12,500- ,i Ou urerSevie ing East. 17-tf down. -i un r evc Hampton _ 5 Building lots, SEFTIC TAINKS AND Room and Board $5,500 full price. TILE BEDS AVILBEmedatl 1 i Cali 623-3393 PIOEdcrly persans, men preferred. After 9 p.m.: HA31PTON 263-2288 Phone 623-3935. 13-tf Jc iad - - 6335 TYRONE 263-2650 Jack Ricad 623-315 19tf1 MortgagesWanted Fat Yco- - 623-3077 Have Us Check - WANTED AT ONCE oBansi 2202 etnil Your Car f or $10,000 As Second Mortgage18 Summer Don a S m e riving! $60 Thousand Apple Ochard Jon F eW h Eng-ine Tune-up Fanîn. Eighty acres; ten acres Jh .D W t Braes EzhastSysemyauag Raspberries, thirty acres REALTOR Braks Ehaus Sytemorchard. Incarne Ten Thous- Bowmanville - 14 Frank St. Battery - Ignition System and yearly. Will pay up ta Phiane 623-3950 Tires Ten Fer Cent. Ail Work Doue hy Flease write F. O. BOX 35 DAIRY FARMN, 100> acres Licensed Mechanics OSHAWA, ONTARIO with 600 lbs. milk qiuota daily. Farm has ail Implements Good buildings, stable cleaner Lovely Home. etc. in barn. Asking $32,000. 15-4 Ternis. __________________________ 53 Acres land, North-East 85 . I Mortgages Newcastle w i t h eautiful 85King St. W. Baovmanville_________-. __ streanl. As-king $10,000. fermos. Phone 623-3134 <FIRST and Second Mortgages 10 Acres witlî good barn, 18-i purchased and arranged, Dur-, drive shed, bouse. etc. 0111Y _________ Iwin Realty Limited, Box 188,1 15 min. drive taO. aa Price \Vanted I PortHope. A 45-tf' and ferros amoe. FR SCRAP and used furniture with excellent buildings. Close taken away free. Telephon Mortgrage Loan? t owschois, etc. Aý1-liing IVJ.rgwîl ïr .karmcooveoicoces. Double garage. TYRONE Watch Repairing Asking1$115001. hoe an 10 Licence No. 333-C-64 Certified Watchmaker of ac res ocod Whtof ow-1 Iltf CandianJewllers Asn.manville. Onîly $4,0>00 clown. Teners Waned Marr's Jewellery N EWCASTLE, brick huild- __________ ____________39 King St. W. downstairs and modern îapart. TENDER 16-tf ment upstiairs. Estate s: Tenders will be received by ReNgrto EWCAtSTbcLE, 0 r c the undersigned until Friday, R fieand n Heighway.dvisoomsbuit o May th, t 12noo, fo pait- rder. A-i workmaoship; 1,140 ing the exterior woodwoý-k at Appliance Service sq. [t. brick bungalow priced the Counties' Jail and Gov- L31.le dw ernor's Resîdence. Commercial and Domestie $3l0. Reasonable dw Tenders may be obtained Refrigeratlon paymnents. from the Clerk's office. Phone BERT SYER After houms cail:- Lowest or any tender not Days 623-5774 Donald Mountjoy. 623-361J necessarily accepted. Nights- 623-3177 GyLBae - 6331 1[ nîted Counties 5of Lauer îso lsa - 6ron3154 Northumberland aund Durham L n e Hardware doWesa On 14 K. Symons. Clerk. and ELECTRIC Ross Davidson D ethany 30r3 17-2 26-tU 18-1 L 1