12 The Canadian Statesniar.. owTTiaflvilef, Jurie ., PI84f The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards. Editor Mr. and Mrs. Arebie Wa- ron and son Larrv of Water- clown spent the weekend wi .h Mr. and Mes. Alex Watson, Mr. and Mes. Gordon Lea- mnen of Scarboeough spent Sunday with Mr. Wrn. Lea- mnen. Me. and Mes. Carlos Tamb- lyn and Mrs. Gordon Power were weekend guests of Mr. and Mes, Borden Kramp. Kit- chener. Mr. and Mes. Grant Moffa:, and childeen of Oakvîlte vis ý- ed on Sunday with his par- ents, Me. and Mes. Wm. NMot- fat. Mr. and Mrs. Archie L linr. weee overnight guests of Mrs. Fred Winslow, Mr. and MrE. Lawrence W i n si1 a w, Mill- brook, last Wednesdav. Me. and Mrs. Francis Hlal of Agincourt witb Me. and Mes. Wm. Robinson and Mr. and Mes. Cecil Robinson and attended the funeral of their, cousin, the late Mr. Ambrose Robinson of Port Hope, on Wednesday. Mes. Fred Tamnbli u ith Mr. and Mes. Percv Tamblvný of Newcastle spent Feida *v! with Me. and Mes. Arthur' Tamblyn, Cambray, and celle- brated the bîrthdays of Mes. P. Tamblyn and Mr. A. Tamb- lyn. Mrs. Walter Ferguson of Enniskil]en is visiting herî Tu rn Sod for New Retarded Training Centre sis*er. M-F. Reg. Stitton and. Mr. S-,itton 1'nîs %wck. Visitor.; wîvth Mrs D . a Hoopcr uwnrc Rev. and Mrs. T. Wý F. G. AndrewF of Tor- onto, Mr and Mrs. RaYmond' Clapp of Tvrone. On Tuesdav, the Orono U. C. W. Uni*s 1. 2, 4 and 6 were held in the Christian Educa- tion Building: Unit 3 at the home of Mrs. A. A. Drurn- mond and Unit 7 at the homne 0, Mrs. Reg. Sutton in he afternoon: Unit 5 a, the home oft Mrs. L. Bowins in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton attended Nestieton Anniver- sarv Service on Sunday and were guests of Me. and Mes. Geo. Bowers. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Middle- ton \'isited Mrs. Steve Nichol- son, Cohourg, on Sunday. Mrs. D. N. M vles recentlv spent ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Hcnrv Smith and sons, Gravenhurst. Conc!ratulations to A 1l a n Paul Rutherford who with the 44 gýraduates in medicine re- eeived their degrees at the Qucens University Convoca- tion in Kingston on Mav 301. Paul iýý ihe son of Me. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford of Kirbv. .Mr. R. E. Logan was moved to the Oshawa Hospital last wcc k. Present Awards to Orono Jr. Gardeners The Orono Junior Garden- and sbowed the -plans for aur ers' Club held its Spring Ceutennrîal Garden. If finan- Flower Show on Thursday[ ces permit, it is planned ta evening, May 28th. There were;, plant the sbeubs in the fal 48 entries in the four classes. so that thcv will have attain-, Mrs. F. Tamblvn et Orono cd1- favourable gî'owth and, wças the iudge and fouind 1"t conteol bv 1967. Meanwbilc' difficult ta decide on the! the J.G.C.*'s flower bcd is prize-winners due to the c x- being eeadied for the planting cellent work on the entries.'of pink and white petunias; Mrs. Tamblyn, a long time the tulips have heen lifted forý horticulturist of merit and a storage and ripening, and t.he, Past President of the local plot tidied. Hortieultural Society, statrd Plans for an auturoin bus "I arn most happy to sec the tour of the Ganaraska HuIs, keen interest the young arc were ma~de. The next meeting! taking ta ereate beautv at will be a wiener roast supper.1 home and in the communît.v. Mr.- Les. Aslett sbowcd They are preparing tbem- som-e exciting slides of lus! selves for a happy future." trip t England witb deligbt- She also congeatiîlated the' fuI scenes of the Miniature Ieaders on their efforts. Village wbere the landscap-i Prize-winners were as fol- ing, roads, trees, buildings,1 low: Class 1 - Dinîng Table ,sbips and docks. animals and Centrepiece, Anette Jorgeni- people are built to scale, even sen, Bill Caldwell, Julie a race teack and the colourfulý Schmid; Ciass 2 - Dish Ar- Qijeens coach and four. rangement, D a 1 e Challice, The flowee show prizes Julie Schmid, Chris Aslett. were awarded and Carol Ann Ciass 3 - Cup and Saucer Caldwell read the Junior Arrangement. Julie Schmoid , Gardeners' Prayer. The meei- Donna Challice, Dennîs Cob- ing closed with "God Save bledick; Class 4 - Geraniuin-!tb(, Qieen." Those assistingr grown from fa)) cuttin-si were Mr. and Mrs. O. Chai. Bonnie Barlow, Dennis Cob- 1ice, Me. and Mrs. L. Aslett bledick, Daretta Challice. and M1vrs. H. Scbmid. The regular meeting openceld- - - with the Junior Gardeners; Creed read by Susan Asicît. Mrs. Fairbrother, Direclor, conducted agarden discussion LJ. Skaife C. A. Chartered Accountaiit Whitby P.O. Box 208 Phone Ororio 138 Whitby 668-8197 We Pushed a and heard the mos that ever ca S TE By ROi ALL TRANSISTOR STEI and the best that <'.ýn po'.sîhlv, Civen to RCA Viktnr's top ecii etarted with thf hest. New sti New speakerb. New cabinetry. a button. W'e expeeted the so mot as astonishingly nev as i *7% tilt, ighte *9 Push Buttai Stereo-Phono, Multiplex Ster Personal Earp Extension Spe *Stores over 7. *DramaticallyJ or Natural Wi SEE IT TC MYLES T! PHONEi 3 SILVER S'%> EBENEZER Ehenezer U.C.IV. "'AIl that mankînd bas donc., tbougbt. gained or been, it is A brief but iropressive cerernony on Fridav, Mav a sctitics i]liiess in Januai'y foi-ced him to forcgo public lying as in magie preservation '22, 1ui,(Oshawa, marked the start cf a new Oshaxva ftunctions. The Rctarded Association's President C.ý in he age c boks"queedand District Training Centre for Rctarded Children. Rîdicv, Mî's. Il. Schuerrnan, Regienal Director cf the' from Thomas Carlyle was stat- ced by Mes. M. Buttars, libear- The land on Wellington St., South, Oshawa, was do- Ont. Assni.cf' Retarded Children; W. E. Roth, Presi-, ian et tbc Oshawa Publie nated b ' Nirs. A. Shorten, shown here turning the dient of Oshawa Buildcrs' Assn., Rex'. A. Woolcock,' Library, who was guest speak- îsod. Thée cerernony was in charge cf Vice President Presîdent cf' the Oshawa Ministcrial Association and, e 't Ebenezer United Church ,Stuart Carson, Jane St., Bowmanville. Bowmanx'illc's i,,lonsignior Paul Dxvver, aise particîpated in the sod W19 ns6eein, ay2, Reeve Sidney Little represented the town at the funec- turining. Oliier photos show bidren and teachers from MVrs. Buttais, said tbat tien. 1lu1s Worship Mayor Lyman Gifford cf Oshawa flic Gienholme sehool and Workshop who xviii be ac- librarians try vcry bard te was aiso pi-esent, the first evenit hc bas attcndcd since comtnodatcd ini the lieu centre. raise the standards of reading-. She told us whcn and how ien Telbs' anga~Cm odn a oi o libraries were foemed, tha'inTh irivsmigolCr Bdeiw oefi thex' had a legislation te, I readîn' mnaterial te the weekend with bis paroe. ,LOG SU L lew ~ ~ ~ ~~~~l bauecthi ,ne~aîpeo io niauur tii iso- Mr. and Mes.Vincent jacks<i G S A tien Nvith the Board of Educa-laethvm\h and on Vvedncsda ' ve:ic l' T -h oosli basebaîl tcam ) CIlub 50 laciles xviimcla She- closuci hx a i that fu rtber t ramingI ai Cae l.o l li, don schoot hallAbbclhomne of MeS. Ilazel Part- eveex homnexi i a iigh s(bool town N.B. te:îni Ini Tyroli e park Thursdav net'. 'luesdaY even ing, Jîîîîe 9. studeni should havxe a Bibie,, Charmai ne loga i s a 1),,- aft, i<o aiil woni bY a score M.aidMî ae m D Ia dîci ioiiarv, a local and ai tient il) Civie iHospital, Peie- (Il I5t1t. 1Kî(ep uP the good aMdFamilv, AsýJa.wie Sun- BUtton .. Toronto ii(xv. papî',r. arnd at'beroiigh. '.'ol 1. day guests ot Me. anîd Mes. A.' !toast onîe gooîcl magazinîe, pre- WiliarnSheîi cas iiin gý- XIrgi120 Nli ipi1 v aiitîcd J. 'Mc Laggaiî lt astonish ing sound terablY Mac lea n prcseied onîfor t xxo daixs lai i 5 Darloi poxe i ildxlarty tr. Joliî Rut h i. 'oroiiîo, lMes. George A.Xipu aid dattended teouinl'iSi'raa tcioi a ~ ~ a wrhpservice services for- Miîîistees wsa coitvit(e fhi imeoutof n iîspein xxesîiîîa ii Ne.Tedf clui'eh and laniily. Laggaîî: ising the hvnins'ea Lord DeacriesSes ficld alSx Oiu -f) xa Mcanîd Mils. F. E .,N .ai Ir. lLg and Father il Ma ikiiir)'and haro St. Uîî ted Cliii i. A i1r.a and. Boxxîîaiî f'itIcIxva- R" g v Noxx' the du' i lO x o f' the M rs. ta p alm er li i î e "0 I, S onda i i t o r of I . R o b ert ga n v i d M e . \ ex t L - gaxomwir tangdtai softue .for a nionth'l i:liii\ u ix a h n.gail, Tioronto. onuThI'liili-ix. A Victor thai onp il iNliiihum xi i. xxiwiiherici dMlleauig i."(111,5 brmn a boxx ,iits ad aning.,u i SOUW S.. aaic Sr I iii MilIc -esixaa lof0 Hymns xith ori nr i- Reo'Bretiel , ai Bollie Pla :1*.x aili(a dirîrgos Cih5h u N iîld i l e'aY, tur( bx Mizabc hiBoîî:ail. Sask. M i . il Mi Dax id1Cea g. ers. EicCouetice and lier Me. aîîîî N'rs. Firanîk Wlerle aro( i'ott prse daugiiter Chalu rIiiplav'd za Trenitonî, xxurec giiutxis Xi OB UkiIL± Mis.A. M il son ipeic the rousiiîg pianio diLi. anid Me: tIares Rx or v hn Me5s. CharjIlo Foiiiicli itrio- xxckeiid . M '(~N )RON a i'riuni 'Wuo aveiniitss duced ii i i ýpea lwr anîd Miss Ma ega le' îx o. , .Mes. Sait vina oilxpressed xx%\as ordained :îsI. aiiuFiollh owiu a îî kiioss of n. 'Me. iloie1iiî' i eue- ltik- .o f ilie Unîiced Chlirelu ati Kn,,-wxxii etOi h o(.iL cereod uit lca i\hist . \ c- M ud Ih\Su I i Mau o ii aon îîi x D Iix Lox.lodgc, Wbithy, ou11o an i ii iiitiaii ilb ak Nation.- A uc i ii l inciiîiu- loi' iebei O' xas a lii!I Jiiiui ( oiiiw Aniii n. 1lie Niui ttikt I ul-(Ion Schol shiip. Se.ulu il , is. WVS- ()if Beihans p)Lil i lita. xx ýIls ii.,s &th eurîmotion xa. ail liii) l lied lev Doxx-n. latir attendiiig Petu.churouî , W h a xc a haN,' sal. .Oie1-Preie i,, i. aktd foi' ihbSehool 'and 'Aei li' ) ofiiiiil(ile ieJ'anki ,Mis. Saxxdoi i Mrle ls. vol' uitefi 10il) rpare and Coîlege. Silo taiight ai Faile- d wi Iatli Aori nii ed- .Vîixkxiiuxolc serve ftr . aiiior Bbeviwadat e Ilci uruî(<Ixaon carîaai uijs and Sa îîîî'î on tlie ou- Biblen x 1o1 shoiewad n îooL,, oîî xx W.iiia riec iniiPort Iluiroui, asîonioft lier t511i Wcliiuig VaaOiLIDlnî coa n eSeoougAelo cEci in ilH. A truck di'iv'Anixsa. r.Mlso Il xa lnwiim<ciIlltuai1)vcitering MuMastcr Uiivrs' i îr\îdor.un 'eird 5 sccc i tîîihCiicri orancd -gaduaiaed CrMr neroni 11.5s ' heui tuIielCeltridilia oxci REO ...Womçxxicl viih lu ci i i .\Albort w~ i it ce 13.A crir t lcii~c lIaniîn InWhit hy b7I Nî~cc- hf made! 'rhau il h iaetCourI l :c2(. i '20-23, Dîuig iiîrnnc asii- li a aiini19,26 M r N ,gu riciSnx 1 913 xx'a s e'îîpîox-cclix the tî h t Ili , - nl n Ibe if N Il'IM li r\ Aiidox R se gineer% and desieuiers. Sa (bey Mu ,, D iit' c(, cd i lî Chuecb as a Dirctlor of (Or-SiHI. .nglia i Cîreli and a x"r, -C rearaunlleei gpaper, eren thinking. New turntable. a poei CoriR l P i M\v Hend" lan Youitb Caravý,aniTra im'1formr iimh eof til Lrîsai 'Cauîarianiiflie WXorld of Agri-' 236 days later w~e pushed uising il as a: pravirr tuai gave Silo then entered tihe tc)Oranige Lodige. culture", steessiiîg the point. Dund to he ne%ý. But frankly, the idecals îifltOc tleMrez R. Cîiurch Training Sebool andcîMr. Ander onits suev,,ived bx' hai a 'Farnier" is more thaîu it i. R.GaC ibis vear geaduateclftrorn lus xx'îtethe lormer Winnifredju a Fre" Coxvenantm Celiege. Toronto. Walker: foui' daugbters, Mes. WcaI. o lad a ..kill-testîiig ed contrai panel On Sundav mning. .Miss R Blaîler i Mary) of Kitchen- quiz pertainiuig toIllhe Victoria BETHANY oes aswcoe 10Ocior.Ms. R. Balsori (Darienet oia. The meieting was ns select; pulpît et ier home chiirch ai of Wmniriiipeg, Mes. M. Misztak closed'with hIlvnîn 48)8, ~Corme, '1' acdîùe li)!S', Paui's An- Betbariv bx ithe Pcv WL";lian: i(Juan)i of Oshawa and Mes. Lemt ls Sîg if a Weniderfl AM and FM Radio Ziicaîî Chi'iirchli ieîd a succcss- Piercv. Readinîg txxo portion.ý K.'luionison (Diane)i ef \hit- Love(," re1ai ful Garden Pi!-: . on Saturdax' of scipture from Deuterono- bv. anîd sex'en saris. Fred of Coiîgriilîis lu Ni'. aîî ýreo adionîglît,. xx-.i* iî.îiîxaileidin .g nîv 6: 1-9 and Cellossiarî 3: Florida, Staiiiex' of Detroit, Mes,,. Corne Phare (oui' mai]- phlone Sound fronî, ou: :,ýde ci 12-2.5. Miss Lowes spoki- lin James of Box'iiianvîllc, Harvey mai) on their !-(cent ruiaeriage. Me sý ncd TI:.eisîfliceGospel cf loxve alléd C'lie: -of Toronto, Frank cf Oshawa, eakers anîd fam9: e: 'xl ýoi' h Mo . iaîî famils' ixing. George ot Buieketon anîd John _______________ are v::icx iI',anud Mis. She also îhanked the c(ol- et Whitb- 5 records Donald Los':-c ýgeegatien foe thele interest n ~N U~i Thonuas Ju e:.,: her'\&erk tbrougb the veal'-. Also -urviviig arc three 9 D y Modern, in Satin ecd aak.-ýi. godecv' pax'ing tribute te fermer1 Suin'- sistees. Mers. C. Leekîng (Pearli !alnut eneers.fo"ûxv:ng ,2e: nC',i c da- coo n public scbo of Orîllia. Mes. E. WTiting 1~ falnut Veners. ' ' , feiovshipo.cfanic0(Exai of St. Thomas and Mrs. 10 1 ~DAYAT aee and NI"- Cuebto wocn' orgnizties, he loss of Kansas Clity, Missouri: - '-mcAT n .eand Davi~d chair, and f'riends -,%hoe1 ad gandcbîldeen aîd «29 great- u rne aeid Lviicia o:P:ctoiî xx're influenced ber decisioî~ta o - inIidie gu:xvh \I"..anid Nlr ýRi cornie a Deaeoiîess The fuiral service \vas held Y R D O Car for :.x-, e'-end i At the conclusion: of 'ýi- ai the W. C. Town Funeral: esS i iHer mal:':,. frie:,d; aie wish- service. Rev. Me. P ere x- Home, Wbitby' at 2 p.nî., A 62-48 ng a spedx- eeeox'erx' te Mrs. pressedi the congratulation's Wednesday, May' 27. Inter- AtsCrM re I )42Fred xi.o' ilx n a na- and continued good xxishes of ment was un Graveside Ceme rtsCa are BOWMANVILLE tin iC..lnr:a ee-tccngrecýatias AlnBc cy rain e' .Am 194 & 196 Church St., bor'i1mnr-senethe 'c gft of as lirsi-roî. recine of Ail Saints' Bowmianville, Ont. ______________________ La.e C' ,' . l~~,'i.bref as ad Aie W:leAîlilaii Cbuî'ch, conducted! TRADE-INS NEEDED ,h-o bas becm. itationed al. peesenued a sheat of ced roses. the services. MAPLE GROVE caldo r. daMLuh lin, Blackstock. Mr, and Mrs. S. S. Morton, Way\ne Housam, in Civic lias- Mr. and Mrs. Garth Olesen accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. pital, Peterborough, on Sun- and familv. Trenton, Mr. Wm. Munroe, Baltimore. at- day. Carneron Olesen, Oshawa, Mr. tended the reunion dinner on Miss Leann Hoar, Newcastle, Erik Olesen Brockville, visit- Saturdav he]d in the Physical spent the weekend with her cd their mother, Mrs. M. Ole- Education Building at the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. L. seno udv Agrieultural College, Guelph. Collacutt. M. oandars.Ke aen spent Saturday night as guests Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow Mr and Mrs. Ken Rcmon- of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Miller, visited hier mother. Mrs. Fred z'e nd fam is ichond o ,Gait. and on Sunday were Ashton. Red Wing Nursing: Mr and rs.J oe n dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Home, Toronto. and also called'%ra. dMs JJoe an S. Smith of Middle Port. on hier sister and brother 'vMr fnily,. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mr. and «Mrs. Cecil Milis and Mrs. Jack Ashton and ir. e. r Aaclldo r !andfamlv ereSundy cll-andMrs. W. A. Densemi, ail ofaid Mrs. Jones while visiting cers on the former's sister, Toronto. ihteDgrfaly husband and famil '.v Mr. and M,. and Mrs. W. H. Brown The' Thornpson famil 'y had a Mrs. Roy Hope. Prince Albert. returned home by 'plane on., miîsCelianeois shower on Sat- 1Miss D)iana Hoar, Newcastle, Monday night front a v-erv urdav eventing at Mrs. A. was a Friday visitor with Miss enjcyable three weekS spent Thomipsonis in honor of Miss Bonnie Beech. in Scotland and England, Gail Thomipson, a bride-to-be. Mr. H. G. Freeman attenided whcrc they visited relatives. Mýrs. Osmond and Mrs. E. the Bay of Quinte Conference Beautiful wveather prevailed Thompson and Cindv, Bo\%-- at Kingston last week. Mrs. L. while there, mnanville, wvere Friday callers C. Snowdcn and Mrs. H. G. On Sunday evening, IvIr. and at Mrs. Thompson*s. Sunday Freeman visited the former's Mrs. Len Groom and Mr. and callers were Grant and Ava daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otis;Mrs. Gordon Lake, Toronto, Thomnpson, East Beach, Bow- Pritehard and boys. Manotiek. were callers at Mr. and Mrs. manvill. The family of Mr. Harold C. P. Sxwallow's.7 Cooney held a hirthday part\' Mr. and Mrs. Morley Burg- MIr. John Potts spent thie for him on Friday evening last. ess were caliers on Riev. and eknd ihbifacrMr Misses Janice and Bonnie Mes. George Mundy of Brook- John0 Potis. Collingwood. Beech visited their cousin, Mrs. lin on Sunda. THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS HAYDONCOU NCIL Praclice Sunda\ morniin" at netti (Graham. There a Iso a 10:1,5 o'clock. Church servi" ýa contesi bv Mrs. Joncs, on a iwill becxithdrawn on accouintTrip to the Grocery Store, of Salem Sundav' Sehool An)- ýand a reading hv Mes. Cowvt- niversary Services. :ng. Meeting closed and lunchi: Home and Sebool meeting evd was held on Wednesday ev- U.C.W. meeting will he held ening. Some business was at the home of M's. Walicrý d cait with. Mrs. Cowling had ILoveridge on Thursday een- the following peogram: Sing- ing. June I lth: Mrs. Love- ing by the school ebldren,' ride in charge of meeting.i reading bv Mrs. J. Potts, talk iMrs. Olesen will show Pic- bv Mer. Boshan on the two turcs of her trip to Denmark years he bas taught. here. Pic-.Cnrtltost i. n turcs were sliown by Ken- Ber 'vi Read on graduating' fromn Peterboroug-h Civie Hos-j pitl)Sehool of Nursing qn, OBITUARYWednesday, June 3. Mrs. A. Read attended the Mother andi JAMES KENNETII VALLEAU ýDau'tbter Tea at the Nurses' Residence last Wednesdav af-1 The death of an Oshawa resi-., ternoon held in honor of the dent for manyv years, Jamoes mothers of the geraduating Kenneth Valleau. oecuered at class. She also attended the the Oshawa General Hospital- Baccalaureate Service in St. Wednesday, May 27. 1964. The:Andeew- s United Cburch. Pet- deeeased, who resided at 498 erborougbh, on Sunday. Mr. A. Simene Str'eet North, had been Read attended the Father and in poor healtb for some Daugbter banquet in Petcer-1 months. le was in his 7îthbboeugh on Saturdasv in bonoi' year. of the fathers. He was the son of the laie Mrs. M. Olesen received a Mr. and Mes. Dorwin Vallearitlga ai odvsyn and was boro at Amelîasbuirg,l boerambrothernCarstepher ie- Prince Edwaed Coutt. He' e rteCrsohrOe mareied the former Mvrtle sen, Denmark, bad been killed Evelina Egglcton who prede- ini a car accident. Mrs. OIc- ceased him in 19:34. Me. Val - sen spent the winter months 'leauî later marrîed the former wîth ber brother and other Carnie Stinson. The deceased had lix cd in Oshawa for 36 years and bad also lived for sonne lime in Bowmanville. For many yeaes he was an emplo.vee of thei Electeolux Company. The de-ý ceased was a memlber of Sîm- coe Street Un,,ted Chuecb. Me. Valleau is survived by, 1bis wife and two daughtees: Mes. Ralpb Wallace (Marie) ef Oshawa and Mes. Ivan Wallacc! (Ila) of Burlington. He also1 leaves a sister, Mes. I. Nightin- gale (Dora) and two beothers,, 'tRov and Arnold, ail 0f Belle- ville. Seven -randchildr'en and' ![ive great-geandehildeen also su cvi v e. The remnains rcstcd ai the Armstrong Funeral Home for, teMemorial service in the ,ebapel Satueday, May 30), at. 2" p.m. Rev. J. k. Moffat. min- ister of Simeoe Street United ,Church, conductc.d the service. Inteement was in Mount Lawný iCemetery. Your Ni patbv is extendcd te Mes. Oie,- isen in the passing of ber bro- Mr. and Mî's. Charlie Dow- neY and girls, Sbaw's, werc Sunda.v supper gucsts of Mr. and Mes. D. Cameron. Mes. Albert Lock, Mes. Lock Sr'., Port Hope, Me. and Mes. David Wilson. Burt, N.Y., U.S.A., were Sundax' callers, at Me. and Mrs. Leslie Gea- h a ni '. Me. and Mes. David Adamis and Eddie. Oshawa, visilcd Me. and Mes, J. Potts andý tamil.y and Mes. W. Martin. Me. and Mes. Domninic Minca and .oy Toronto, spent tbe weekend aI Mes. J. Aikenhead's cottage. Mr'. and Mes. Bert Asbtoný and Lea. Toronto, at their cottagce on Sundav. Me. and Mes. Ross Ashton. Barbara and Allan attended Bueketon Annîvcrsarv Sec- ew Compact Home W. i. HE':HRI.unx,TGoN, F.C.A. ci] for the Province of Ontarin an1nounwes the elertion of the fol. lowing ofliers and mcm bers: Mesdn..lr. W I. Hethezinglton, T'(.. lorontîo, Nice-President, Mr. G1. A.MaIogi, F.C.A. London. 'Scîreta r v. Me1 . J. C. Yoiinkie. ('A.. TIloronto, Treasur- A î:sl'ast IPîcsident , I\Ir. 1). A. Anîplefoidl.1,'.('.A., Toronto; Meîiber of Exchiive, M\r. E. D. .affert 'v, 1'.('.A., Ottawa. NIe'.'o '. P.Fazaekerley, A. . '., Wiln d Sor, J . i lcidinîiîîg, 1-.('.A., Toronto, WV. G. I eia i F.('.A., Kingston, W. J.. DnadF.C.A., lotonito, L -NlMoorhloiisc, C.A., St. Cathaiiirines, l1. A.- 0cr, F.('.A., Tornto, -M. ],. Sheppard, C.A., Toronto, W. A. Stanlvy, A.P.A., cairborouiîl and H. P. WVright, C?.A., Hailînjton. .UI i)ersons urbo practise Ess plihlie avccotînta ni s in Ontario ilnust he li ewwose d 0(er l'bc Publie, X 'ehiiyAct a ndynt' s f, oserve t ho ('ode ofc-f essiîdnal Clilfi d (ow~n 1w otîncil. Any nforma tion reg'm'ding t heqe mat- cîsaý ými t le plîcniîies for non- l~iaOOof the Act and regîl- at ionii:iM\- 1woltained fromINI r. C.ouiht v. Registrar, The Pubic, i ('ouifiants C(ourncil for thet Proi'Xn(ceof Onîtario, Suite 32, 2 Bloioor Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario. ( I T i ( w w w w'w 'w'w'w'ww w'w 4 4 4 Priced for Pre - Season Sales m $13,300 IN BAKED CLAY BRICK AND STONE AS SHOWN Down Payment as Iow as $9501 You carn ,wn this couiplitoy new home with i% iuiiy àiaparoted sleeping and liing quorlers caretuiiu' biended for harmonious quiet camiort every day for .v.ry member of the famiy. Wc wilI build this horne for you ini beautiful Westvîew Hcights - 13 miiles cast of Osh- awa off Highway Na. 401 - 20 minute% drive f ram downtawn Oshawa - completely serviecd and ready for occupancy. Watch for Wcstview Heights sign on north side of 401 ait Newcastle. Severai ,î,her models and styles to select tram custom buiît ta individual specificatians. This price inctudes the preparation of youT NHA, or con- vealionai. mortgaqe ot no extra criai. Under NHA lon ya.ir monthiy payment willieb.a& iow as 381.85 . . .in cludinq principal and inierest. PHONE- NEWCASTLE - BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA (evenings) 987-4245 623-5257 728-2102 ODLHOME OPEN FOR INSPECTION 4 4 4 ~1f 4 e. 4 -4 4 jj~ 4 4 4 4 'Our New Home WiII Contaîn:- 1I. Toim and custam but kîtchen cabinets lan mahogany 2 Hardwaad iloors thraughout 3. C',ramnic 1used bathroam wsth recessed fixtures 4. b00.anîp. ebectrical service 5. Piaatered walls and desiqned ceiings 6. Vinyl tled kitchen and bathraom 7. Landscapinq S. Cernent waik and qrravelled driveway 9. Double Gbazed windaws 10. Litchen exhaust fan Instalied *Your New Home WilI Be (ompletely Finished Ready l'or Occupancy * ALWOOD Development & (onst. Ltd, SMAIN STREET NEWCASTLE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE M'A i