n Te Canadian Statesynan, Bowrnanville, June S. 19641J !unior Men-s Softbal SPORTropic S,' iv f rank NMohuil*21-24 T'AIVT EASY They tried to tel) us v'e couldn't do it - but darn it al. 1 after puttinIe in a ýýixtr -six hour %vork week, this scribe wxas Cdeterrnined to play golf on the week-end. In faci we ex an refuzed ta bclie,,-et1iat w-e had a broken bone in one of our thium1jý - left hand to be exact. Max he it is fractured after ail - and least xve had to g!>* rp afttr -x;inging practically with one hand for tive holes N ow we konow what that guy had in mind when hie &aid r] înetliing àbcut soimething "sticking out like a sore th urn1) t i TOM AND CRIBBAGE AtfIlast the day wasn't a tota lioss wheri e arieLmpted : g(olf, tîrcatisttoui' on the course John1 Ford carne up with a'f sttor-' lor this ccduii. Straîîgely enough it xý asn't about gol tither. buLt did occur out at Southview. ' While playing cribbage last week, Toi-r Pearsonî really jrlJt-ýl bi oppor.ent Geor-ge "General" Jones v'hen he came, tDn xx'îln a preti,' fair '-'ôband. Althoughi not perfect it's a goorl ir'ý and certainly the best this scribbler eau rememi- ber aîîyrre getting that Nve kno\v personally. 'loni held a rlueen ainti rhree fix es. with the cut turnirig up Ib other, fixer i 4 T MOSPORT GOES STRONG SATURDAY For the fourth straight June the highways willl aie r' packed ivith racing enthusiasî-s heading for the big txvo andi a hall mifle racmig circuit at Mosport, this Saturday, Once: * gamn the Players 200 bias enticed a great internationalil i Veld. Ro bson Staff Members Honored with Awards No 1lungeî 'S.il Surlig iûs,-,be' iri acioi, but he i bc present as manager of a racîng teani. Gone is one of the'~ famed Rodriguaz brothers and Canada's Peter Ry'al, bothý claimed by deatb while involved ini races. MNasten Gregory- \lieîrc fI l l'e sales statf. office a ildiecihariicau i lxe l'un axrinurs. frorn leftt> o riglitRav La- ,who won both the 200 and Grand Prix in 1962 isn'i expectadcl.tPtrPt'tltS ai' Bobson Motors Lirnited. wer-e !uestS fthîîîîpue. Master Salesman Award: Bob G;oiuomUp%. ta be thare. but a guy calleti "A J." jusi rniglt.niake e r -iiIlt aîaee' 'a sp(ciai du iner Lcda t ie [X' [-vr:i.Stet'c' Collins, Ly:ciý- slîop foýemi r 'i orna forget any past Mosport race', Flyit4 Lutclîmantot' lote! last We(dnetsdav. Dti- k î\'l \c:i-'iî,Lut, Serrjdr e, service rnanap-t'i': 0f oure w rnaoA. Fot. innî f te 4trîfiglIe e i-iin~.several a\vardt- weve ' ieselte I le ilNe 1r 9ca lf. Cl <iii' BO1UIix ilo x inircex Indiannapolis 500 only one waak earlier. Foyt. recogîiïze'd. the enîipinytes ini the abov'e plhotograplihv YPi-sident Protiieîîev As'. tri ci: lî'onl C(.«kM. Technîcal Gui1d. anti as a top ail-rouind race-driver xxii] see action In a rear engineWrfe c'eîa aî eeral M(,o'srp-seîia Stu j[>î'elon, whx -ltece'lxed a ~1re Saire-rnan ;Award. Searab ~~ýag. iI E titrým a lu t l i si S fb~i A J vonart thax a fie oddtis i bis faxoui. hoc i g' u- u ak ib ý~Ladies S ib l fixe of the previous six major Mosport events Lotusls Sbrin e prnul) jsupreme lit tact thr'x'hati won the fi' e ilu Sucssion Jfl il.geq1il(l(lia Bàsv'% last y ear's Grand Prix r-hen Pedro Hacrîgues ' t v n I<J,*.,mi *îî Ferrari. fl o.Gicoytx"c u Cîil Jag aeprna i r li rLcî.'îiMc Queen's W aIIop (ourtice 28-14 N1ob. :1-oy fin ('nhotù'Dagh ave lJ-l. ilt(arolof r Lîos IU's lu s i tor tlias béeen said (bat i-hasýe ciii ..uîJ ikr - xeti foi. tîejiî Coî-îeiniîi îatieux-erauilitY are mtade lor' .\ospor'.i t"lorr 'riî'rr2. ri rr:rU. n -1r r -l;t, O r lr . tt rt - bo- hre siile. ru.e 'r.r.n N\o1t ýiuett'ith auli a fill-e recordt. designe-r Coi itîLir nlB ý.rutiCi O" ' Lrpa dr .~r 'r :rr " orgE Chaprro has a nasv Lotus -- the '"30" reaitll o rnit 1' ~Op~r trlojd iý fthe w-ionlers' CUl r"tic' Pc-cW 25-14 'tliatri rrIsir' xh yaie 'trd i îpir of Ihetri n III be on baud at Mosport, )cnr:tria of Týaieties Ce,-itral Sciiool dia:nri-i l!" t rr'ýp rrreç('0C i 'rC vc Clark (-tf Scotlaiid, who iii be undoubtefly installed it s -trrt rlc;. inirt diO i r'O.r~,i:rt 1g u -a- nj,,: rnitr' singl.-ee area, the fa"nurit:e. Bot xxatùèi aut toi- JoliiiSu'tees seatt-d 11iii rk"Clak'.ond lrant-s t< iutrtt'tn r" îirr" '~rS DOOe'-r i - -is l. the 'jihet Lotus 30. England's Surtees i.s ana of the 'old~rTufiîi.t iturl.-tmpî top 'naif-dozen drivers. Another reai tbreat Is the greai-t CiCrriiii.oktd'e Town League Softbail dri1wErDa Gumney drîirg a Lotus 19. ' e' Lecaîdrr- 1h r -rat-e prumirer' a'rlinieti up a top tueid of l !t* n' '5' iP'ri0 o'li ît t 'aî nationaîro îiveirT md vars Althouglirîe'.er haxing reat l'ed ',jf î-'1 pý.' their poteiil ait Nospuit, Jiîn Hall and Roger' PeriThe bh&ve hin iC(ci' le. 'le.d U[j' '-'k fir:i ich o (s' Jo i K en 's 12 -10 ta rate high. Thaîr shomxing lo date on the .5 irluinluBrirî, d'sgaihrerd 'il rear-erigined Cfih ,a lsrr h'~hzm bee n outstandifniz. r I: r F.l iE1lle- - aletiS.-eCs t t- P il < .- r \Ii-r n -oiitenttionwilIl haZexx'Zealaîrd's BruLe Nh -- là, '/rc'- Spu'lai amil twirer Caniaulan star .on Canuiorý )iî a .ît Loi! 1M ti ffitor. ,-, o: nainle GI' [ax'r' Mt-ivtrt.id icw li-tdtia- niiiothei-i ii')-wogrUIrè.ie h [ut tHis ai r il-r x7ondîfir-e ,If I(-' q iroe o r ,, h'di- e-T-s rl led al i iarranîpo!i s (J)l(itji-î ciiaîts î;îci4dç Dan uernîea Pb-t iClir i'ûC ov-rcn ola). Poî Tulle r -11r1Ilu\Vitei utf iEl-a Poi-scle t, cuirG.T.j. Argri- Joe Eluzzeita (Elva Bol-,Juhîison Cohi a G:". and Wavne Burnett (Fatrari 'Testa Rosai). Junior Men's Softbafl Four Runs in Fifth Spark (hartran's 11-9 Win Over Ellis b' Jiîîî Clarke tiotiblt ctai-ti ais M M, s eai 1 o'~ Ellis rIt1 h~b,' coylce ed four runs haine in the fiftb Lae platadth ieir final Irvo ri frarn [ar-I Thursday claiming1in the fifth but 7\,ikelsonv their foîîîth victory, 11-9 fronilin commiand from tlien on E11" Shrîes. Doug Lana aneti. ChartraîV's jumped io ba Briani Siiitli puitched oui ltaon as Daug Laiir- doubletl 1itpu- lîpace ilie rall ffr' pi cet Ellis' Jiiiu Co Itlautr: Cioilrir -xWho 'vre m ttitngoounti. Ellis lied! t'r '77 .3 i (jte.Euian Adamts* triple ini the t 1la ru 'Id Mikelsoir lurlad.tom of the- first. Bath cit rpar-kiitî baIl for the xx itirs xvare scorales lu the sec": Inu rlic-i of Denrîts Sulliv'.an. Clîart-atî'shit-ior- rtîrr 'Harod toi r: îrr -i trii th, third thet' iid !r rtc, tke a 5-I r arici r llin(L-ririx t v.ottxic- \'all'k i) Larî t~d1 timrs ov.'- r th(e rmntdaî i ic ls 'u - b Swi-î'. Cia gFrni' atîi x'rîS lie\ t-io.-M -rCote rrî:idBaîr->r titI ite r-I. BASE UNE F r- Sr.- 0 r Ne 21 1 ti Hi~~~ ~~ r0' : S tses- ' -' - rai rtci erO- Ie"~' ~ ;rrr-rîi ri, 8 ' r tair mon srx<1oi rren eîr 'n 4'vre r r ' 8 d - le r t ' r , r 'tn. ' r c. ",~ ! tF i r us a x s i x i a n d îf o u r m n a r~ In '- .. - . - lr r '-hi: r' <liee -nt - friMt' i erp- i ;:i-d r: i rriC' .1 rJa esanl or a ' i. d ,- o- 2 - K e îr, tu ,n> s i A 1ýrî'lî i'xt i ,ce -' ît"'(R. iJ rt- 'safeî;e. lovai-i e cou.t a nui-- as tiýit in )ý'- rl si b i r cillr>ed wo sn"' n.f,':nI s rte o e iiir t r.. I nv~~~~~~~~~~.~~ u.,t i l.-- i - in n îÏ t.tr~ ~tl i l'u-, t.. t.i-0 Xc )iicas i r'arir- Msc. - Ladies' Softball r-Wl ' ' r a t. D/ t - et. - -r t" -'r opn ht. D 'iti -i're'ut pan arM wIIIaIv il iCrt- l a i the lacj'es rta- - i uretir'it î ak Bo'i-n'îxriie pi:ýa. r tt RI obe-! r. - a 'r1iirrp. . T o wnCL earriS o fta- A B iru--- 'Jl Ldye O1D aru1 \ia. Gi .. Dîr. -- nd -1 waý ép tieSte phen s Was~ ~~: Berr 1-'t ile r r e- u e Cr ýo at'r O Bilat r- lubi ci ir aîr o B r" Ottsur. Cie a a V.freC xxn 1.0i n r-rt.t inî Kr,, - r. -. >110, z J, - Lt.: - T h. - t r -' r'r"' 'xl r r' r. - Nîr -- t; - i i - r, .'. r r> , n - " - - - BOWMANVILLE RECREATION DEPARIMENT SWIMMING This year's Swimming Classes wull be divided into Two Three Week Courses. Thîe first course begins July 6t - July 24th, the second course begins July 27th- August 14tIh. ln Red Cross Beginners, Juniors, Seniors, Intermediates and Royal Life Saving Society classes, the candidate will attend every Tuesday Thursday and Friday morning for three weeks at Creamn of Barley Pool. ln the Learn to Swum Classes the swimmer will attend every Mon- day and Wednesday morning for three weeks at the Boys' Train- ing School Pool. Minimum age for Learn to Swim (7) es of June lst. Fee - $2.00 for Bowmanville residents and $3.00 for non-residents. Transportation supplied to Boys' Training School Pool. OUT OF TOWN RESIDENTS NIAY tJBTAIN REGISTRATION F4>RMS ANT TIIE TOWN OFFICE IN BOWMALNvILLjE. Application forrn must be returned to Recreation office no inter than Junte I7th. 196~1. i-r.cul.ii i .r .1:0 V .1-.t ru a tIr r - - -I~ '-.- - Si 'r,.: 1 '-- rn-:' r. t .7 - - - il- - 'r Le i lIiu.or j r- r,, Sam 's Def eut ' e> Chartran' 1A three-run seventh inning last Saturday by Sam's broke, a lighit 7-6 hall ganie and ilhaocied Chartran's their first defeat, -. "Willy" Willowdale's sev en-; __hit, seven-strikeout effort for dfe: Sroked safeties Pcw he for theseasoni. w uîie:rCîartran's. despite the Ioss, Thioiinuso,;. Laoan.in- .vent dow'nj garneix', rallyin. il... i. hortstop pc)i 1:1011for, foi. a ille con iiithie ,seventîi corne d ;i x't ea nuai'on IHarold lMlichelsuni's free lai, ut ooked capabW! in pas, coupled mrith 8a hit t1w Bob droypp*-ng he e'iiinoin.-Hellani. t hi-Wtc- Tul.,a1 ioxverl mil v Sani's înau led lHarold ich-el xx 1:uc pizsSes, 1lm, vxx he cîson for 10) is. roovirig into 1Cr ii t e~1xtc: ': . ~ sel.ond plate %with Ellis in tht' matez. Stad(i1g> I-aroldi's reord Don T'\IuLe auIls t)(M Srix\ TtdOdSai 3-1 r Char- netý sp:i: kEd tic lose!- at- trai mus ta-k r b a nair r: br:. Si *., bit lte s'orasiiee fil Richard NI(cLei :r)n id fi- lire odfrime.drix'irg :n - tion to a homeu lLi 1 F; ns.Sll 7h r un Bo(b Mlîi rx Pulled aeua, - '..c ~e un x h a it. pi("'adstolt S~'~ POt ~rta r'Ïrrhoitîne. Sarui7s never traiiled il xx . x ~ ~rî Ony to a thlear a dding two r'îîn 'îi mirCtttti ' (madernl il lhci r.a m inhet1 i bu ti ix'î~ 2Ic i1i otari ir'i l4.gîit fuck.th -t lthe sevelith. Chuîtr.î's~traIilioll t ac JUNIOR NIENS SOFTBALL theiir nousi productive effort. in B.NTiNC LE ADERS-' the fifth, as the\, plaiedti rct, rons on tw a bits and a couple B-ased on 14 or1 more At Bats of miscuas. A B- R. H. Atve. Brian Sniiitlt's honier xa L;nri~the Lig clutît ili he licI :foi (C: U , 14 9~ h li lapue îea(lers andi broLghit <'o, 1u <1i1 f)îa ,55 homie Farrow and iTerry Bak- Sicor>',er. Until Smnith w,,alioped hiîý (Fe 8 )~~ t 34 rounidiripper lu the fifth, Char- Ale CNI ant ran's haci nicketi Willowxdale 1SaQ )24 for onb ytwo bih lu inte 'irS' Il. tI c~- -rfout- iiifliigÏ. (Ch:: r- arn -' 4 o 0 (1 ( illBates pY r-ialoi<î ie l:t 'n 2 7 438 t hi thrce-rtoî 4C\ cutI:.1toil Smii il, illn, , ie Parks anîd Buriîî (Ch an> 2 ' .1, 29 catît bIaci safeties. WebStef: Around The Bases i Elle- i 8 421 S' 'evc Doms,. otne ot Sain*~, C i îr ke. mos>. valuable perforniets las> i( -: . t -i 42 seSî, supplii a pair ot b-its. Brui-- Art ru>The two sataties xxare Sfix e's (ýi l<)1 2r 8 400> first oi the season as lha brokuc, DRtezs 85 1 2 f 00 an 0 for 3 siip. Guy~ Parks Pri:arranci CaptaRin Bob McM,\anius <:Sr tur 7 t 375 eacb had a pair of bits for th(' M~-l 'au Fluer Food club. Mc an d i~~~ 3rrI> 4 ~ :57, Chartrafiîs Doîîg Lana t'on- lT' orîp'ohued their duel for t(b' (FI tP!- tit A f, '33 hatting leadarship. Doug (1 Fi' an riar ~.for 2) stayeti ahead of Bob, <Et1o 16ý (2 foi, 4) .6001 to .,963 in the 1ieague Standinpt slug.gtig ràce. Foi Chartran's, Brian Snmith rîtMona- j iis i andi Bob Hallamn provided two; G PIW. LIR. 'R' bits apieca. "Srnitty", off ta Cr"a~ 5 4 1 59 57 a good start this season. upped S a i.s 5 2 45 46 b is average to .429.r E1llis 'r5 3 2' Bob Hellam's two safeties- Frîank-r4 ý 38 were bis first since acquired ln ips 10-7 ga pla\ er trade vi th Frank'ç, e Five playersý in the Junior 1Ioop are stili over the .50(. tnirk and changes are frequjent in b bt i uaderc. Tlic av.erages of tIre.leadiers m-01 rappear elsewlhere in the paper this weck,. Une "F()If Get Your Price For Your Livestock thrç,ugl. C R, > * l THUX EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT LATEX %Vhife anid('olor, -.%I.s<) - Semi-Gloss Enamel High-Gloss Enamel "Th ri p liiless I)aint- No Fiiss \nNlf)Muss WALLPAPER it,00M LOTS *AT BARGAIN PRICES 1-I1AI INE 0F D)1 OR XTIN(; SUP IPLIES Abernethy PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 KING STREET W. I Nez ou 'l -;" -: r'"; r "' i r r r> iligh- I> titj. 1 le Takes Newtonville Pr-"~-T~a-n- x "-t ill tneiaîd a paix-'if singles ~ 'i) -î -i - r- ici 0orxr r Nvare wun b ' - \Cr - " -- ar, th ar netj tcrg n - c r:N31d h r rt --t~ , i-'," 'r atg tie i Dc kJ'tlr % sDef eut Kramp 's ir- r ' t 't i-lrd riiiintg rr .'Y r -- - 'r r rt k r p' "-r 'tm r-'.flx r t : - i 'r't(l a'ra ha- r ' r. toc br"ri c tas S'aprir--, r a six-bit Ici "iO " trIe -orrr, .r - ~rth1 andl xxat~r.t.; i battet'-r. H r rr' Sou-r-de:. 7- -r Irol s-a'. c-a: t- a; enirrr. r ' r "Tht' [i-t?" a11':x-rrrr- r -i-r r' r: 'r - 'r Îrrr-i. .t - " - 'il r.- ,r r r r, - [)n-rrî-ri t - r-i 'rr- t r r r \r'r i- '-'r tarît -- .x r~ ~- r - o' T>. r.r.. r r - Junior Softball Sum's Cleun-up Swatter Helps De feu! Frunk's 8-7 h up tirka ,.'il( de1 r't'I , MNianu rt dJ f4 tlat ' igthrlb rul' A waik o'tel the raext hree men, M>da ,~ - Ie"or.all Don NMc\laje, harper ýs field-r Stata of Sarins 5îl Franks Pâlk.r, '-an .iC~F rrk -' cit-t- .rrd Ricba.dc-doî-nbror-dem -n tiia fgnih, 8-7 --rzt' rrîi.'g. I>~rr.'s 010- gx r~ rnk-1 .i n:egth(' stage -foi' - fin- J1>e-!, - r- u: 'i r dx winntng, ritid adiect -- n nwr- %r W tt1 :t : Fr,- s k c r,ir. arcr - !rmax.n- a bril i an>. sc c1rt. Sin i, rr. Picita i ra,-id Kil"pat r-krs gprouitîlai' to t)ciSra-a an'd F:rirrk-' T11'. niscli'r.--I'r- dd tu .BolM in -loti Thuînp-rn. Ro'n j ,r<--s ,;rins altJs n 2; e i 1 ita daep u- r'rMit.rr~ 'hihaî- firis' 4 r nrr- '11('ne 'ttii ,i, r'O n à rti i irpensa antid i iit1,ir-I 'ibrex, Žx iltt. u ~ri.. - - nr-r - " - JOI r'o Around j the 'Bases: 'ha rnost exriting gaine nof he tt4fin- -5-tf: i'eenied BbMMn~ e" r tu seasoîr-i To11 - u l aiiv e d 'x dBob- r 'r .io- 't t t NI't c.N1iilr-f anu ,' bit -_i -rfder xh'le S'a'- xx nffed Ctlt*r - 7--nn. for Saruî l.s'ndk.-atir- a reta ru edl earliný ,ree tmaslong -bs : ,gger last SCni-rfis '.wrexeekanuî s'isitors-~ id 01..ligie- bx- Do. imcMurter currenîr -trr'inig ai'ru nPFLrs net' srrt'tandi b:, famils-. Mr.lar-ci Joe K'ýnn'-tt. Je;sa 1 iv and Mr.Miltorn Carman . N .a-d-ove ini MeNlurter -r-it wbat' ChutLik-- Dick Statï, r- uýis ,gara Falis, Ont. iooked trtrc thbc e'-eniiual win- 1 first hu rliî.g assîgrneritforI MNis...Ma:oraý.ci Nîrs. Jean iuer. gîx'u-g 1Fran;k> a 7-6 leati.,Sams '.xas bough in thte clt'cd Dickas'. Oshasxa. vote Sati-i-- MuM'vanus led off the sevantht sud now givas thaexinners aý cdav eenîng callertxn'hi r 1fo - -Sarnb with a driva 10 soliti 1-2 tauîch in the hurlingý an .A anPu iI r.1, hr h u Parieut missedr departosarit. ia - iI-- Nir-.C J'rt..nr-Brrr Bn-e- nr-d(r5'0, rtbx.d' -or-adn- - . ce- 'n - 'rns- Ir -' . -' -cring jert-- F.-. .,r-n, ing trip at Tim-agamr, MeNîsilu' s , i'id he' tiaing runiJ Blaine- Pickard and R.ay Ren- N ow it's TRAVEL T1E Quality Used Cars 1964 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN Eý i-sI. automnatie. tustuin radio, white waiis, mashers. Full nevv -rr %%arraut5 1964 BEAUMONT 4-DR. SEDAN V> cy. a utomatic, custom radio, ml(utc ali tires. %vheel dibes4. windshi"-id ii ashai. l'îîulshad ln Ermine W hite xx ith matching trim. Fxecutîx a driîx nt. l~l%"x'evr 6.000 mileN. Net' car w arratt 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN é;vy. autîîinalic icustom radio. over.sit- %%hile w .rIt tireeas%%hee l <k ' nclshild masî.her'.. Only5.000 OI igiiial itilesNe%%i 'n xiarr'inty. 1963 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR. e. iai b î.-x.e .î eýr m arraîît 1960 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP Only 312,000 guaraîxteed originial miles, prev'ious owfler'-, naine on request. Finished ln Ermine White with rustom red truru. IDeep tread w4hite wai tires,. wiheel dises. xindshield washers. This automobile ik mie of the better cars sse hav-e on our lot. 1962 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC "88" 4-DR.* N'.8 h -14iti l iiuii.ir ti iT. ihur.e-r st.-.-' luîg tllful brîakes.r. i tii iii raudio. ix bite to il tri, xxh i ti'ri"n. %% imîdrnhj'd 1o:,lti~ iniî'l id ili I-i-,ouli [hue with înatchinx Iraîn. t30.000 horiginal miles, Prelrioîîs nwner's nine ibn Ce- quesi. 1960 CHEV. BEL-AIR 4-DR. Finislîed ln Robin's Egg Binie sit1h matching tiî. A guaranteed onel.-oun .r car with 43,000 original ,îîjlts. 1959 CHEV. PARKWOOD 4-DR. SAFARI STATION WAGON Guaranteed original milerige 36,000,. See titis immnactilate one <iw.ni-r wacon 10W DOWN PAYMENT WITH EASY PAY DAY TERMS ON OUR GMAC FINANCING PLAN or. . if puu are steadily employed we also offer a no down paynwent pttrchasing plan. BUY FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER 166 ]KING oAPHONE ST. E. 623-3396 ulap Philp Don Armstrong, Sales Manager .Stew Preston Ray Lathangue Colin Cooke i i CLASSES