Five Local Graduates from Calvin College, Michigan Mrs. Charlie Garrard fit à were Mondav raflers at Mrs. The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvflle, June 17, 1964 i patient in Memoria Hospital. 1Thompson's. M .%r. and Mrs. B. We wish her a speedv recov-j!McDonald. Bowmianville, were ery.ý rcentcalers.Mr.and rs.and also accompanied them to er. i uaadRv.eCencar l leros. Mrand CynthiaENFIELD the Decoration Service in Muanr. eua aecnd Ruer v'EarlTomSu n ad Cr îha rHampton. guets f Ms.M. Olesen. Thompson's. Mrs. Thompson Mr. esle ra ncotd aid Haliprto n-thKeown, Garry and Arlene, cott, Susan and Cindy, St. enr.venda motoLtnplto Ban- iWhitby, were Sunday everiing Catharines, w e re Sunday iaM.adMs o r- theni. di nner guests, and Mr. and guests at the E. and D. Pres- ham and familv, Mrs. H., Mrs. Glen Cochrane and Al- cotts. Crossman. Mr. Jim Graham.ý Mr. and MIrs. Fred Ashton, len, Whitbv, were tea guests Mr. and Mrs. C. Sargent lGordon and Garfield, Bow-, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashton and of MNr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and family, Ida, were Sunday imanville, attended the Gra- familv. Belleville, Mr. and and family. guests at the Pascoe home. hamn reunion at Orillia Park!Mr.s. Bert Ashton, Lea and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cochrane Everyone would like ta wish on Sundav. 'Barbara Roand spent Sunday were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. WV. Pascoe a speedy re- Mr. and Mrr J. Abbott ai their cottages. Mrs. Les Cochrane and Ralphicovery- from hermishap ITS Tif fÀA! IN THE ÀMIIAIT TufA T (OUINTS i Allan Groen Gerald Hogeterp Richard Strikwerda Five young men of the Rehoboth Christian Reforrned Church received their B.A. degrees from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on June 5th. They are, left to right, Allan Groen, son of Mrs. F. Groen, Bcowmanx'ýille; Gerald Hogeterp, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hogeterp of R.R. 1, Hampton; Richard Strikwerda, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Strikwr'rda. Boxvmanville; Jim Van Dyk, son of Mr. anj Mrs. 'N. Van Dyk, R.R. 4, Bowmanville; and Verlyn Verbrugge, monl of the Rex'. andci Mrs. J. C. Verbrugge,_Bowmanville. Richard Jim Van Dyk Verlyn Verbrugge Strikwerda and Jim Van Dyk have accepted teaching positions fo the coming sehool term. Allan Groen, Gerald Hogeterp and Verlyl Verbrugge plan to enter Calvin Theological Serninary in Gran( Rapids, Michigan, to prepare for the ministry. Calvin College is denominational college of the Christian Reformed Church, with ar enroilment of upward of 2500 students. 0f these, between 901.,'anc 951j corne from the Christian Reforrned Church. It is recognized a. one of the best small-colleges in the United States. Ike /Vewcadle Yft4eftde4 Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor , /lewcast/e Scal and1 £Persqona/ Unit 3, U.C.W. Hears Reports id in id Ifý )n, 15, Ls Phone 98 423 The monthly meeting oi IUnit 3 of the U.C.W. was he]è ..............I in the Sunday Sehool room or homeon Sndaywere Mr.Wednesday evening, June 8t1 and Mrs. Ernest Tonkin, Osh 'Atrwloigtemm mxva, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Laver: bers, Mrs. Kay Powell conduci. ty ad Dnna aeOshawa ed a short business meeting yn and s Donna Rae-- Rail call was taken with 1, md.and Mrsn . DnGlvrbeing present. The minutes cf .nd arlne.tue îast meeting were read, Mr. and Mrs. L. Todd and collection taken, reports giver, M~r. and Mrs. Robinson were and special announcements visitors of Mrs. G. Smith lastlimade. tisti Chrh wVcomminene iurdy The units 1 and 3 met for1 activities on Sur.cav, June' Sundav vîsîtors with Mrs. L.A.W. Beverley Gîlkes, R.' On Sunday, Mrs. Smith and the Devotional, after singing, 2lstwith Monîng Bbbe arie Gartshore were Mrs. C.A.F. Station, 'Goose Bey, MNrs. 1. Farrow attended thethhmnSprtoGdDs- School et 9:50 a.rn., and "c~Emma 'Marsden and Mr. Labrador, is home on three Shiloh Anniversary, folloiwing cend Upon My Heart"', Mrs. Worshîp Service ai 11 arn.1 George Kempthorn, Bowmen- weeks' leave and visiting her the service, Mrs. Smith return- Marjorie Patterson read the services are [an 0Z- ville. Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake parents. cd to the Farrow home as sripture. The meditation wvas reach of the Bowmnanville: Shoce, and Mrs. Edna Selby. hecsl aoi their guest. given by Mrs. Mildred Wood-ý B3aptîst Chuich. TheH CNeni hsre ewere te Mgue h Or-land after which Mrs. Patter-ý Incag fii ok mMs'H .*ensla e- e eete usso h son led in prayer. This portion In haîie0. 1,1rîiced ta the village after en-ý Newcastle United Churhal cur village W;11i hea -- l'odwthth ini f h Jrsha, c e Mnn X-oy n g a week's holiday visi-' the il a.m. servic nSun cosed" wi t hetning f th Irihmn'Mr Dsmo ic elties ndfrens daiy. The membersmeti:d Pee W ees Beat!hm OMse e eWl Curry, a s**ndcril ai Torontio P etivesoug, Lndsfrîands ioh Thee."' Baptist Senn:'inrr-PeeroauhLndax n dJ lined up et the town hall and A social hour ivasçnod next few weeks 'Mr ICn' Lit ie Britain. rnrhdt h cuc r Os rono 5-5 by the groups, Linder the lead-1 will be clliing at homes in 'Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hareied in eprons and regalia notcd ership of Mrs. Annabelle Rie-! the vil:aee and hope.1 'o -et were in Trenton for a day lest!of the masons.Neasl-LtThsdkrd acuied\ih h enl swek rradMs.Ahc'Pac eveninl- Newcastle Pee Wees At the close of the meeting,[ he mces '.hem ýn th'echoe Mcr. and Mcs. Bruce Til1son, and Mr. and Mrs. David GraY v edO-n tOoo nýuc a ev Due to the kinciw- of M andi Stevvact were in Burling- atnddth.0,1 '-dijl" bea t them 25-15. Thev plaiaY -Mace. 11w ,B:bl1e Sc; wr oiadHmlonîs veannîversary of their auint andi Wor.ship Serv cc wx .be held vi.oîînig relatives. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bullbed~,aenTîsadn 6h 1epcnl nte nt cedso t.Gr a ir Toronto, lest Saturdav even- town, tbis game mav prove a N yen Nitr,ýiii2 Home, niý' nocth son of Mr. and Mrs. AIbert a'a:nittKe ndtias wh hvntST E O îng. brs ,,iil e hev pavnt of401 on livnv onSidvI th _1. Scýet Navlor, will be sorry t er Cler nSna Ie s aeti esn hs: e.R .Hrio fC and entrance Ic i theseî'v:coe. that lie has had ta go baek toj home of Mrs. H. R. Peacce ani l !agaebiisasn.Thse Re RB arsoSLniaf cal- wili bc bv the nncili looc, :n Sîînnvbrook Hospital, Toronto . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearcc iw o ems offer an interesting nnlnwsa udycle and emiy wre rs.F0- gamie. et the Elmer Nesbitt home. order tha: île patient, are Mcs. Ken Wallon, Agin- adfml eeMs l not disturbeci. court. and daugliter Helen, ence Pearce, Mr. and Mcs. D. Next Tuesdav, agaîn iný Mrs. Jas. Ferrier of Perth Thesc evce r in- v4iecivkied Mcs. H. C. Dennis last Pearce and Ann, Willowdalo. to\%n. Ne\vc'astle plav, Black- cpn eeal days visitin lhec, for the wlîoie fanîl' %, ii(in \v ec. n r dMs . P~oc, stocký. If yoiî haven't seen af mother, Mrs. N. C. Marlou. clude a nîicserv and a't Mr. anîd Mcs. Ernest Gilkes Solina. 2ame vYet, corne on ont. Re-1 Recent visitors wilh Mrs. class. It is lhopel batiitch rctucrned last Wednesday after In Bowmanville Hospital memb(iner. anv team, on any Hermen Semelîs at the homeý Uili he accompli:heu c-:-r flac spending a week in Jersey this week are: Mrs. Carol vn sport. will Iplav hetter know- of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilsoni con-,!in1x V eIw Sunrlav Ci' x . N.J.. with Mr. and Mis Alldreed, Mrs. Ross Allun. ing their fans are with thern were, Mr. Scott Hutchinsotu nirigHarhv-H--ok George St., John Camiecon, ___; and son Ronald, Toronto, Mis-' rnocung ecvue: Hcc~'Hammck.MiIi South, Sharon Pruncir, ses Ethel and Alice Dodd.s, Baby Janet Greham, King St., Port Perry, Mc. Hacry San- Sade ypod.Kin Sret,IYM essengers derson and Mr. and Mr. V L A E O NE C S L Brenda RosseaLn. North St- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist Irvine AIlin, Arlene Cîîr"ý,Fia M etn of Peterborough visite-IMn. 'William Ling, and Mrs. Adel e .. and Mrs. R. Davison. THE FIRST INSTALMENT 0F THE Parker, all of R.R. No. 2Fr i- UntIMr.lKew and Mrs. Wiley Me- will be sorry to leaco that she New'castle -- The regular xith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, 1964 TA X ES 'is in the Oshawa Hospiel. Meeting of the Messengers met Heaslip. Readers are remincled Ibison Monday, June l5th in the' Mrs. John Watson of Poit Friday, June 191h, is the lasvuC una coo o h Hone is visiting her sister,: 0 W DU Eday for regisîering children fmaimeeigun ti shol feru. Mrs. Joseph Forder. Big the ed Coss wirniog' 'n'e ehiidren made «'Spice~0 oot eea hi e- classes, from 7:30 ta 9 p.m. in Pomnand(ers" out of orangesoand Tonoeror the.i ea eek Thenuuîcua. otîc xii h oenonth the Lions Roomn of the Hall. ad .Mrs. E. Powell is now sta'V-covs Frinds are wishing impcov- 1901, 23î-d,2601. 29th and 3th dune to .ing with hier daughtec, Mcs. Then thcy repeated their ed heelth ta local folk in bos-1 Cliff Flintoff, and on Siinday , me.ssenger Hvmn, the motta' pital: Dr. J. A. MeArîbiur, i eccive payment. supper guests celebrating Mis. and prayver. The collection and;Bet Gibson, Johnny Rey-ý Powell's birthday were. Mc.!mite boxes were received and nolds, Mrs. Herbert llooey,' adMrs. Stan Powell and dedicated. i Miss Ethel Thompson andý Frank B. Pidgeon, famnily, Mrs. Peul Shetler and! Mrs. G. Gray finished thel Miss Eva Parr. femily, Oshawa, Mrs. W. H.,Sttîdy Book of the 'Buffala: Mrs. Cecil Wilson was lios- C7lerk-Tî-easurer. 'Hockin, and Capt. Joe Hockin, and -the Bell." ! tess for the dune meeting of Oakvlle.Mca. S. Powell showed thethe Preshyterian Ladies Aid. _____________________________________________ Other visitors to the Flintoff books, that are to be sent ta' Mrs. Charles Gist cf Peter- - -- ---- ---.= -..~- . ,Irdia. aiso the teck board that hocough was a welcome visi- 4111 M Don Lake kindlv made up tor. ~mi for the Messengers ta be used Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sow- il ithe vaîious groups of the, den of Port Hope visited Mc. ru -- b i and Mrs. Clarke Williams. _ _ _ K I t>'1 elidren en.ioyed a The Doîîg Fallas fami!v e)f SP ECIA L L W P RLCEpociof cgaines aftec xvhich 1Bowi'nanville visited the *A-~ cceived a treat, and nold and Clarke WiiIam h A Y o r L cal rug ists - hur . -Fn. Sa. ieir copy cf Wor]d Fnîends. familles. *ON NATIONAL BRANDS * 'i liii 200's j FACIAL TISSUES1 Aî Aka - Seltzer for upsct stomiach, headache, sugg. Iist 78c 66c JOLD SPICE After Shave Lotion sugg. Iist 1.50 1 .1 9 liii WILKINSON Staitiless Steel Blades I',q for 1.29 4111 jITRIG Mlns Roll-On Deodorant sugg. ist 1.25 1.e09 i: OLD SPICE - Super Smooth Shave 2.00 value 1.09 1111- OLD SPICE Shaving Mug sugg. list 1.50 1.3 9 -I ~NOXIEMA Tan and Guard stcgg. list 1.25 1.07 ' Ili, KODACHROME il 35 min 20 exp. 3e.9 9 jIP KOTEX Feminine Napkins 12's. sugg. list 51C 45 C i IleWATCH FOR THlS AD EACH WEEK i BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE jiCOWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE m I'ALEX McGREGOR. DRUGS ORONO i ~W"' - !dfV'iLL STUT"mr nuARMACY 'I - èLA& AL Grade 2 Pupils; HAYDON Practice on Sundav morning G ive once t at10:1,5 o'clock. Chîîrch se:- vice at 1:30 p.rm. Rex. R. IL For Parents in£!the service. Teannual GradualcJon Ex- Ncx cstl:-On Wednesday ercises of the Ontario Mental aftec-inon, dune 101h, on in-Hospital, Whitbv, %wece beld vitation from their Grade 2 on lJune 12th. Mc. and Mca., son or daughter, parents et: J. Poîts, Mary end Bill, Mcs. tended a verv lovelv concert,. W-. Merlin attended the gcad-1 put on b%, all Grade 2 child-1 uatian in honor cf Miss Lvnda cen, under the leadership of Pts who received hec R.N. theïr teacher. Mrs. H. Nesbiti d iplomna. and ccopaned e th pirxcdiplome. Congratul a t n a, b' Mlr. Arthur Collison. i yna Grade;n1.-3and teahere ai ias held et lthe home cf Mi Grae; . an 4 ec aIeW. Loveridge cn Thuirsda': presen' evenin..Presidet Mu j. A.. the .*,"sat along tbe' Poîts opened the meetin,, stage, each one strained their Mrs. Christensen gave the de- necks and e 'ves in seacch forj vatioael ased on the parabîn- bis ou- ber parent, and on find- of the Fig Tree. 'Mrs. L. Ash- .ng, sanie. broke out iin e big ton and Mrs. Ivan Sharp s-an2' broad smile, and v;bispersý a duet, accompanied .y Cher\v, coulcl V bheard, saving there*ai Ashton. Mrs. Olecsen Iloxv ' ci mv mon .i films af her trip 10 Denrnark. Sevecal wleuos x e r el Meeting closed and lunch was plax ed b'. the rb *vthrn ban d,I served. and plaxed zr) expertlv thàt, Mrs. M. Olesen, Mcar . w. credit t', the cblidren and'Merlin, Mc. and Mrs. J. Po-tsý. hbe;rteachers were'n in Mary and Bill visited Mc. andi thle'lieactv.ý appleuse after each, Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson ,a:L Four n1umber. Mile Lake an Saturdev. Ga. %v5 ere sung and DMr. and Mrs. WV. Blackbucn,j ver' ý.s ecied nd cte ou. ale, Neil, eand Mrs. Cowling It 'xas quito in enjoyable ar atîended a Pienie beld et the' ter:,ooii. eand x eer trie par- Blcbrno'. anMs'.F nZ.:w teechers, or pBlcbun alem, onSundax'. c'Ildcen were the most proud, was anx'one's guess. Gel Your Price At the end cf the concert, M-vaster Jiimmvý Wallace, Grade FrY u ieîc 3 pup:., on behalf of the mo- FrY u ietc thora and fathers. the teech- throngb e-~ acn nuojil invited. tbeank- TAT E S M A N eiXîn- Neo.r-hýnd M-1Co.1- 8CLASSFTD uso ed hechldenwho had ~ Phone 623-3303 taken part. ý I J CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEFI ROASTS CROSS RIB lb 49c FRESN FRUIT ecch 8 9C dozen 49C e.ich 3 9< «ach 15C lb43c lb 39C Super-Right, Ail Meat, Pure Maple Leaf, Rindiess, Vue Pue PORK SAUSAGE lb 59C SIDE BACON /.-Ibpkg47C Choice Quality, Siiced, Skinless Burns Mock BEEF LIVER lb 39c CHICKEN LOAF lb53, Schneiders Meaty WIENERS RED HOIS lb57c PORK HOCKS o.25< WHOLE (ANNED (HICKEN 3-1b, SALAMI (HUIS chub M9c Spanish Valencia, Full of Juice, Sze i176's Grown in tihe Bahamas, Tropical Beauties, Good Size Leamington, New Crop, Fresh, Green, Large Size, No. 1 Grade Leamington Grown, Hot Hous., Greenn Sucera CUCUMBERS NO. 1 GRADE 2 for29c PLENTIFUL SUPPLIES 0F NATIVE GROWN STRAWBERRIES ARRIVINQ IN OUR STORES FRESH DAILY SA LMO N PARAMOUNT PINK 7-oz tin 3 3C E. D. Smith's Strawberry or Raspberry PURE JAMS Red Rose, Orange Pekoe Jeii.0 Dessert Topping DREAM WHIP 2oz pkg 27C 9-fI-oz jar 3 7( pkg of 60 79C French'a Prepared MUSTARD 24-0i-02 jar 27C BEEF Student To Be' In Charge of Baptist Work Newcastle:- The local Ban,- BLADE ROAST SHOULDER Blade Bone Removed Round Bone, Pot Roust JANE PARKER____ BLUEBERRY LARGE5 Reg. Price tach fige- SAVE 16o Jane Parker, Large Reg. Price each 59o>-SAVE 14o ANGEL CAKE ieach 45 c Jane Parker, Sliced Reg. Price loaf 23,-SAVE go B RE &D Cracked Wheat2 24 oz loaves 3 7c Kraft Miniature (Plain or Fruit Flavoured) Reg. Price pkg 290-8SAVE 4e MARSHMALLOWS 10V2 oz pkg 259c Detergent (10c Off Deal) Reg. Price btl 59c-SAVE AN EXTRA 10o GRAND LIQUID 321oz bt49C FLORIDA, CHARLESTON GRAYS, RED CUTTING WATERMELONS ORANGES PINEAPPLES CABBAGE Ontari- Grnwn, Cold Storage, For Eating or Cooking S PY APPLES FANCY GRADE 4 qt bask 79< California, Finest for Eatirng, Piump and KMeaty BING CHERRIES NO 1 GRADE 16 45c SATLJRDAY, JUNE 2Oth, 1964 SPECIAL THIS WEEK! A&P INSTANT jumbo f lO-oz jar Reg. Prie $1.59- SAVE 10@ -11 L- I Nectar Reg. Prie. pku SOo-SAVE 10e A&P TEA BACS pkoogof979c Shirriff Mashod Reg. Prie* pkg 59o-SAVE se INSTANT POTATOES 12-oz pkg 53C (40e Off Deal) Reg. Prie. box $1.15.-AVE AN EXTRA 16a SURF DETERGENT kingiz box 99C Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil Reg. Prie* pkg OI.-8SAVE Se REYNOLDS WRAP 18" wide roll45 9c Chocolate Fudg. or Coccanut Croama MReg. pkgSMe-SAVE %e DARE BISCUITS 116 pkg49C 5 Flavours CASE OF 24 TINS $1.89 Cott's BEVERAGES 16 îo--zns49c Anitiseptie Reg. Prie bti Olo-SAVE Oc LISTERINE 7-II-oz btl 59C Popular Brands Reg. Price arton *3.16.-AVE 7o CIGARETTES carton of 200 309