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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1964, p. 15

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Thf Sunndav-S c h o o1Anr, x'ersarvw tE bc held on Sur day, June 2] st a, ICI arr. Gue: smmnist2r wxil hi Rev. Chr;st. pher Dugan rfT%.ronp. ar s;Peclal music viill he provide hv the Sunda\ School, -Nuthor of -Hardy Boys" Becomes lHonorary W~olf ('ub The boys of the 2]st B Osh;, waCuh Pack. .w-th twsoC their leadcrs, Mrs. Bruce Mai f Donald and M\iss Sic- App:î lt'n. Lad th(, Ibr1 cf a Idf, lime on Monday evening b lhev wcre thegues-ts cf Mr ipnd Mrs. Leslie .MîFar]an( The visit v.'a plrpl b J the interest of the boys in th Ilardy Bo%"s srics. of wh'c MIr. MvcFarlane is the origir. author, contributing somne 1 to 20 episodes. Seated Cuh-fash io,, n îr ' living-room before a c fir(, the ho-'. hearri Mýr. Fairie tell cf bis epre aa writpçr îIe beglai th( EardY boy -tcries ýhule ,vork' iîîg-'as a news s reporter oni MassachusettU rewvspaper. Il 'wrote the three ,,initial bocký in the tir, t veý,ir t) i naugu ratE i be strie:. 'Ibe i rst thro' st irruate întert-t. but ît aý witb the introduction of th( irrascible Aunt CGertriide ni the fourth book that the sente really caugbt on. Speaking off the'recent <ritî cism of cbldren's books of Ibis type, Mr. McFarlane saîd, "I wouidn't bave written thern if 1 bad fteE thev scere trash". Their continurd popularit, sec ms to prove Ihat tbev fil1 a real necd for books ,%-itf'pleiitv of suspense ho irîternst the be- ginning reader The boy,; v-re ntrebe I Jearn that Mr.M "aln spent somne time duirîg the star years producing films for the [1 TMRANCE STj s g 2nd Moi " Up to pro pei " Terms " No hic " No boi " No bri " You Ca aI any notice Fora rREE brochure on SUP phone or visit the SU PERi THE'REALTY U SUPERIOR 1 ',iniutfltSt. op- la t to 5 'G,0 P n .Sa,,.1,1i Ot- even ,qs rve 27 SUPERIOR offi cr rTco "if her daueh- r Canadian cîe'tno. o 'Esir C.o Fl aills an,! 'heur a film feaurlrg %Lr-.MPB r i Neais reside n.- Greene, cf Bo'.an7a fame. pro- hem %Wr exiendo -r mort Is dîîc2d in hawa'ç Gencrali nrt nPahx ta those xxho 0- Motors plat,.,,1noilr:. idi Born and ratsed W 'he COît, %Vuwc '.s rr cr>'o hCar of d Va Valler . M »MFlarlane has th.e POa 'i'g cfM. Herbert î>ed that smti n2 reptattdv PPm'i r(0 T rc, 'i 1Veteran bis wrrk'.and wil erm, . c'f WnVorî \%Var I1 e hart resid-, ' in a ntsc xork tnttied "T'r cii Pe't(t ) c- 0 nlistmnent.: oat f bei Great PicnIt De r i d had rt ded in Toron- wiI xshî xiifolloxs'the c'colo i~li r vrW xears. 'iýf cftovour.g farm boys ou 'IN1 ici NsI rsClîfford 0Olver t-np 'o the Fairrand theiro eaof uI oot a ir uda î ev Iranticipationncf tht halloo'i lui w.t I, vRobi. Hallo ran. t lîght ,xhiîch is tri be a featur a:c ' of fthe enteraurmer t b niîin tf St-a rhoi ovisihed xithb r. ertlefair is rairtd mint -0 :.RWha rson on Sun- A, and thev etmhark on a ,,,i day Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. Bs' this lime of the %'etar Most People have alreadv made definite plans for their summer holida vs. For T\ilm- bers of Parliament things arc a littie different because there is no way we can telilxvhen we wili bc through wîvth the work than must be done before a summer recess. Last week the government gave the of t eleits sxhîc h fîials' le'ad lr ai ciN'M s, -\rcie W 'if-it -lih il tr- 'he localblnkiitEshp 13'Br KitLI riud av get completed before we can e\en thinketaih it le w,ýhere the%, mccl Sic John ý\ i a', - SIte Pas nes, of a recess, much less start packing and Rural De, ýh MacDonald, 1' happens l'at Tueet aI Seior Bal Teami for a vacation. The îist contains quite federai provris l in Air. .Ie Farlaneýs books it is x-oir tIrcîr ball game at Nestle- a number of fairly routine items, but stirance. 18, luLall ' a bo , xxho is Itle lnýI ft'on iFridaY evening buit , ee hs r ie toog xm ' i c-araCter xx ere less fortunate on Sundav iee hs r ie hruhea- I lfi l' Ili recelit s cats ni t-.i cfrh: eýctling xx be thev wxere de- ination b' the opposition before thev government o iim- ha> beeui dexoted :r)featehd b> 'xhllbrook bY a small are approved. SUPPI>' motiet el'icrîplax x'rttt<for thnîrgî.This xxrihr as ui- ~ Teeaeas jîl îîbro s n a CBC arîn 'x'd on progrîîm pr .-i-ibcf a rn d receîved Tee r. hauteaILI rofies. Inad e scbh as The SeriaI <The Son eIt 1re ve-rbal abti, e' froni bohh major pieces of legisiation on which a incte -a Huidred Kîngsî. and Pîiix- tam TIýth- Pear:cîîî got the %we hope bo make progrmss before a re- must be deali adate. Que off Mr. MîFarlaine Domirîri)r Legior Convention cess. For' instance, there is an arnend- 'In consideîý tplavs is slaheri to appear onin W~i i ig Wî'do k now a s-' NAA~ l,, to-turne of wrî tir :Plasdate on Jurle I tit. l o, i t;1 nk idlýill utdu mentt h AAtthat must e o f C Ili ripît Io a rîuettirn a iotit %\i.?5 ex ii c in a ptOpLi tained so that supplenen ta îv benefits oft h s fIa r d Ii týh,( lire heforncd lus tories. 'I aii iti the Lil îîd îof Itiix'dows and orpîtans rmay be incltid- bîctîe unIt n cFrliî epI îîd tlhat ieaisi i iti ~.ed inu)titrCanada Pension Plaît. lei Yidirt 1for stoie: came frort îrr -rIln-lmet lie pa- - b ilsp)si i~ li courcoes. -If amri dea s a gîol iii- c' Mi. ('criîeli0 (saiics i Ouîr îewx defelice legisiatuon, whiicïlie rione", lie said. 'Lt ,vili. ta 5 !iivxan thtîi it-lt1 A tobacco fias been given first anrd second ceaduing t.e ss.'lieauij 's the back cf vour mirtd Iiriti tarinmer inicthtBurketoiî area i n the flouse, is nowx beingsuleib lt cr i one daY thet'plot failîs ntu deîetrl s'd as xxc'l known iaîîd gsule falmrb -platce. aod is thpin Set clown biix n. epetectt'lierre.1'Fn0 Ile multi-partv ecomnrntt teeart-Iil Iul;sethie downti i Sbriefly, to be wxorked onit fîlýlV 1thoSe xx ho ylctiruirmi e eXtend hoped that it ýwill be brought back Ioc coe'aiî *al a later date". onr sintcre' xtiIti.lile flouse for finalaoal before eacmlse i Soestories learl ii-llv Mnbcr-- tif LOt. 8*1 al- summet'.At- -lites". Ile\\-oet (itT. ecuran tid<erl ('iiirelt Parades'i ttis par appear a,; a short s'torvther lTý\;rone Sitîdax iirmiiiîg and The gos'ertnncnt als<j luopes to niake îeast One Ver1 ias a book, or- a tlxici.ah Bail ieboro iin thfe ex'cnîng. cati y progress with its bill estabiishing iWembers tb hi' show. adio or stage plav. andI Several fron lierre atteled a 1-2 mile fishing lirnit. ftedbts possii hi",tilitho aioxt' be danceanid preseiîtatiott foiorh eae Alter lIncht tvas serx ed. NîrN'Prancd Mis. Iloxcarýd McGîI Other PlîO'rties al tlu-'eeXtenlSion too max'ex McFarlaiîe -was inve'sied as an in. Bthbiic cii o Fridax' evelîing. of farnils' ailowances tii ehildren aged in ftlic, sulit. xil t bonorar ' member orfile~ 'h.îrîetiigratîiatictho thîs 16 and 17 still attending seltool autd the sI ittuentýs -il II B. CIîb Pack, amîd presenhed nVexx tvwerl couîple wxit lbthe Pack nec-kercb ei(f and FiThstc ah teidiuîg th,(Seoirî-t xx-ile' Ai tri IMee'h iîî f Ea fiD\'-* K~~ 'tmissirl ui , m i h; ,, h t'iiihx-t.v 1. ut inBeth-T RN x 1i'c xca aa>. a n Ms'. ans' cii Ttsdax ex'enîîug IearîlPli N1c',ilari'.lii glei fr1' pl'înid îdlt\'s .iMost Tx'noiie Sîîîîda. Schoiil aî'd Boxvmani'le. t i a n il ia ilîar' l" . i" Dto.n t Ex iAslîmore. ComnULIIIIs Picli tc x ii i' ,sn ncotuîdiitg district. Befiiî-i11t h l Itî 1it, I.i F t i i'iatt r oft British beld Satuidax ,Julie 2tlt. t 'vrooc SclIool buis Ilip s n uni t a ntog: aphl i i. i w: o' ' nicîrita. ntr toTrotter ' :Walhoila P a n k., Nexxcasî lt.liîeld separatelv this s tan. Tie ail I lard *'vBit',siîîîîk: ir"; ad il Ps ('îîîii t. ?xlaster. xxaspre- Sximiug 25c: sports aI 5,301 Jî uer bu.,;tri p xx as leldcr i A bruîgh t aloiîg <.'nls a îexx c b> Wo:. p.m.n Suippen 6:301 p.m . Faclt : Jtie 11Ilti.'l'his var tliea Itrit Xl' C ivîîih'ei-sM.L.A., fantils brin- Iheir os'îfood ceIîred )e>Oshauwa xvbce C 'R131-Br. lfivper etf Mîllbrook and dishies. cotntaineri foi h tex saxv tte Fre 1hall, to 'PflItTTPOOLfT diîni tii- ttrtîniiteith iîenthcr,. fresîtie and tea. Beverage for xxeit ho Greenîxvood Park f'or 1 t<ýpkc tînt' ix Liiili w as aI I xxill be proxidied. If traits- Iuimchi At t he park thex' xseut \Vîth he trioii j"ry irl lI)v Behaitx' v O.L. 1122 poutatioîî s uîeedcd, lieaat tue on a Nature Trail. Tue'Setuior R ttdtens iiioii ried al ci Iip concluion ofhe mnîel- chiircli at 5 p.ntbluis trip xas field cii lune Ilie, lead ot file processitciîl(i ngTîtere were 26 ladies pre - I21 The Senior Rooni wxxint 'ttc xx eCrange t-' chî,ilkiMcr. alid sýent alt the lfC.W. meltiing al In Torontto xxhere tbe' axx oniîiiclivOrag eln c itiî 'IrIatxitenud l ' alIii s'vho liasveMrs.Peres' Werrxvs home last "Pioncer Village", filonî tari Tht Bilfeborcti ltiBidTit init-l il(tht tliei r hlie>'- sck Tîte vcorship period lunch lucre. After lIcht Itues suîîolîeri marIaa d ud i lgîîîuîs I rî.Ou i r hest x wessas ta ken bx' Mis . A. Ilirve'x 'lîîrrîed to lte Tororntoluter- mtusic l'or thîî occasionl. 't'î-i- IoL Li. Miss Jeant PlîIip and Mrs. If.: nationial Airporh xslie"e Ihex' tomrs x'c re proscr'it frotît \\'î'it Pvrie o iui ol,.LOB.A. Windsor. 'llie oVes'e'as bale: saw Toronto tram tile air: andr East tDiirhainîand tlicardi a. 31 ield Inlîeî' t gular neti- amnotnted ho 285 lbs .Sevecri thev also toured the ai rport. s'r'fine, me-sage froni Rexv itg ii V"iouareeitg -bnîeper ace to lie Rotât bu,; trips xxere eduos cd BicXV.Picix cut hc-at Etni aplicatuoîîs for member- sent to Miss Muriel Slexetts. and unforgettable. A fll' ericrofs ngshiti xxcriieîsdanîdIllte"' Presîdei-t M rs R. Coombv'n Sou'rv Iho](oSe Mrs". A.,wisien ' vfuth(-eroile ifchot iir til,tsxiI e riit gas'e the' chapter of tâte Studx', MacGregor fi'cn îîur ciin- xxv asl r gis tii > hî'lîtta îi1et ch ti ttith h Book, "OpporttiuntitS in nd a nmunitx' h ismvdt xxitl rural .oFrîrîttirieit's gîve'-t siti-ttIi11Mrs. Bas' Coittt ar rî rra x'ok. emonstrat- Bowi'manville. bax'it'g scld ble asil ' 's-t cie Accrd ve a fli sheet. Mrs. Lorne, fam to Mr. and MiSs. Tom deui't Iohi lir ioiit hi'- jînînlînicri tho Church Unîi. vxchiclh x'he noved in recenthlx. pasîigîîfMv \t' lt'r iîx ai. 'ce ()hra.dt ie' Otte a rdotii MI. and Mî's. Auibrex R'ie' G ves Supero We'< t er Gordot itha in arîd Pats>', Newmarket. s-isit- solo.Mrs. A. Hilîs or)i bclîaî r o urdv ihMr n of ileU.CW.preentd Ms.Mrs. Ir. Windsor and familv. Perform ance Gordon UWean rs en- cs Mc.anMI.AY uil l t i a id , itellb Kilmeu'. xsho Ihaxemnoxed -ard tamîlx' attuided Decor-- I 4'~,in-IdTiita Kcztiîb to Boxx'manx île. each xsiîîî a lion Ser-vice atl1Hamptoîn an'd f exirtî,ai accordioniSt. 'tn îd saucer. The n'ini'txxcre supper griesîs cf Mr. and i rtg a e s erfrnie ina cncer attheclosed ssith benrediction. Mrs. Douglas Flett, Solilia. Kirien l %ýiýii cer atoi itedainty lnhws ev, Mr. and Mrs. ElmerFarrell, Iortoitî preseuîhed by the Mi'. aîîd Mrs. J. C. Ce>ckMn. Russell Hooex', Newv Ton- iiîs cf' Anthcut>'jailiut îsic spent thle ureckepiid xitlî Mr. onto, were visitors of Mu'. anîd 80% of appraised tcwtelmx auîd Mrs. G. WiIIs, In-Iewood"Mn,. Ken Hards'. 't'ilu'n îito s a sliglttlv bulîit altended the Decorahion ser- Mnl. and MrS. Walter Park ýrty value Ycîing ladt. gaxe att ashound- vice ah Boston Mil]îs Ce-incenvr,,. Jr.. Miss Cecile and Dougla" îîtg aîd rsuperb performante iand visited Mrs. ..C. Cook Park. Miss Jean Piggott and sUp to 10 years cif Toccata and Fugue in D. - Sr. at file home of Mn. andi Mn. Ralph Bowers were gucsts .'lnor fis Bac'h, xxhitlt xas Mrs. Ted McBride, Brampton. o f Mn. and Mrs. J. Park. Pet- ddignaichxargtes fou, orgati. - A social evening of cardsý erborough, on Sumidav. den10> chre I i !lLI. al tilî car it arud dancing was field at tht .an d MilvaLlondd HDer- Muses illl\xcd Ocit fic, accordion, Commtnitîs'li]on Saturda tain Serivceat BostDon il- Eliz;alctli Diutgtian iii ber night. xshcn a presentatian co.ftCemeService tcrxBostsnattend Dkee fees Toronto Telegrarn Cclumru a sxivel rocker, foot stool. Cd nteryHamerwaat enon ragextrtt vx'otîldnoct haveland floor lamp was presented, Idtel a Enîndal b nscad an prepay all or part 11-1iugtP.Bach pesl:iheon the'toM"Vr. and Mvrs. Keith G;obie' Congrat ulions aIiMr aîd, itime, without - 'c,,atc atnd F- iii D. 'inor centv Bakre> mrs * Lloyd Harmeî' xs'h c cdc- lefr ix' 1% a i4-s-eoa-cid brahed their 2lst weddiuîg an-' orpealy.rteîrîîîpaed vt h Tyroîte United ClîunI-h xtas niiiersary aise on Sunday. or penlty.vgr siîcse d putsiontoftae:fiiled on Sunday morniîtg for M.and Mrs. Earl Masters rexenene aîî . assioti cf atht L.OL. and LOB.A, s ecI- and clîîldren. Bowmans'ille, niýi:lof' tîrgalîl. t .. ii afragile vice whîcb was one cf tâte visited Sundas' es'ning xxitlt PERIOR marigag es. ,vr f 'ru a-oit ats best. Tbe beautiful fiowers MI. and Mrs. 'E.r.Vite OR ofic neres xxrit, k li tîe' uitula sweîîari se re in Ioxing memonv cf, Mrs. L. Goodman spcuh as y O J .-x x i l o h î t e î r u î î i li e K tl i D a v e x '. li s ' f tl e D a se ' x x 't k s ' t î M r s . IH . S k i n n e r. 31VISION 0F I as ouitc rexised ui tionîcîctof f am i .. Rtc. Chris Dugalî's Mr. and Mrs. Jim l-lodges < tlle po uiihir': ut ofth(, at-mss gave each one somc- and familv, Coîborne. xcenc cord iii. Whiilt s xcIi' Anth- lhing to go home aîîd think ,natpper gue'sts of Mn. and Mi"'. D IS C O U N T 01WJahlîi uted mIele)ri lits about. Visitons attended from MLos d Smith. Fonlvpool, Purple Hill, Blac-k- Mn. auîd Mrs. Cieut Rab îîl Osha%%;: 'tIitht' i i'lia'> I i 'a r-eîld stock,Orono, Kenidal, Wlitb.\, - and citildreui A a. nBai t 65 t1iit I.îr' tix wts pu'tsc'tt m.Walter Ralim xisited !M".- n ion ý. o,,no;J1lr1wct i ci- 'ut-t il iihier cftifIer'- andiMi's. .J E. Gniffimi ah tllt-m i! ntro s i fier mihr Drop af 38 on cotge, MitchellLae r '~Tlue V.ultarim cii NInforcl 1)'i'rat~ii î' si tr ti c i-e al tie met ing or t Pri kl iii crii iitn' ~~~ î i vé dI i txse'ek - licxe'îlthat tlîî"î-Bi'îill îonxxuitniig lihe Eii a xxi e 84 reuipicuits cmi, xx'efarù <rnldle t1Iasson ciii ii iol-i proposai ho pI'i vîcl terecst fr-Cte oatis to Universitv sttude'nt.s The govcrn- ment is anxîous. oif Coîurse, trihave these tWO rneasures in effret in lime for the next sehlool vear. For farn-îers the Iox-rioi)niii iil enact legisiation ho increase the volume of farm credilt and a plan to bring for- ward legislation o1, farmn improvernent i oans. The Qoer'rnnenili,,wAtz i Ms'ay was $3,417.32, but as thte In Mabp!FIlanri -. Toron ten expected recoverues thîcugît n" .1 .. KGrifit, Miss Lauu p pr'ov'uncial andifedenal subsi- Grdtiîî werrMondax'Iiiii dues and charge-backs amnourit ci, ri '%o! M V'.Rahiu toin 93.1 the actiîal c-t in tht' towit will oniy ,.bc $48".47. claeexpenditures d.ur- B RV TlM itg NIa>' xstre' direct mwclfaie  BURKELO $2,279.15:n uursing homes $912. sîîputementanx' aid $120: A. C ti '\(aurter speut 'Mon- miediciites $106.17. Tîte 84 sctl' cia. xx it ilatives iii T1oroiito tare recupîenîs for tht mniluanîd alri Mrs. Carter xxas ne(- t uuteuderi 12 leads cfftanîîlîes i en' gcest tif Mr-.anîd nI xcîtlî27 depetdeîîits. fuve dii- Geor2e Carter ani fantilv >ecrted tcases xxth 17 depeuîd- and Mn. anîd Mrs. Fred Carte:'. tnt ' sIl1patients utn uuunsirig Bowxmauivilîe. hoimes, six sintgle peu sons, anud Our commîmuîniîv xxas shîckc'd six jî'oplt' xsho rectuved OA.A. ad saddened hx' the sucddti andi O.A.S. SLippl(,nieiitar%' aid passiung cf a dearît belox'eci Secent uesx'applicatinus for tnîend anîd iuîeghbocîr Mr, C' mucIlare xx ee fîleel. Etpio - .sari Dan. litesxas e'r-îd' ment scas found for thnee orfrfieîd. Deepest sy'îîpatiîx' s these pensons, and four xxvere extended ho Mrs. van Dam, aucepted. fantîlv. and relativecs. Tht' ilepont tif Butidinîg lui- Nrs. B. Breck netturiiecinti 'sptdtoc- Mei1le Moore fo"liter home in Kingstoti on Fi- ia'shoxxed that 10t building-dax afternoon. per'ih" 's wcre îssued during Nîrs. B. Hubbard, Mu iA R tht miouth, anîd that te hotai Hîibbard vs usted NIr-. E. Sling- i'O>t cf construction %sxaslerland antI Mrs. S C'autfild S73.110. Tht amoîmlrt eîxi\ed - sxho are patient r .ii Oslitaa for- bcîldung penoîts starc 'eocrai Hospital. $'25 Teti pliintinîri, per- Ms Gwxen Stepheiisoii in mn:ts xx cre issirl. aid tht' Ntmorial Hcspital, esta. a mumtt eceîx'ed for them xx'as 'v'ile, 'We wish ber a spcedx' Sl?7 recas-erx' Mn Moore madt' 14t(1hbuild- Nr. ad MsA .Tik ing inspcctions ai-id 'tint' trench Lindsay, callfcd on rriatix'es inspectinm Titere' scer 37 and frinicds un, thf' sillage thîs 1nqilu î es, ai1d 216 ,ns e-tua - xx n- iors 1-1 Dan. cy x îsted îela- DePa il'tle lt oif Forestry eveloprnent, ami îrnprove sîonis oegParding crop in- lu ' lSi iiiicit.'s stiuii _(.) Tîe Post Office Departtîi iý (Irders,. plus tIlle nor'mal wuil participate minelba 'ut adt uttr' routine Ionmark the SOtitaîîîcra cf two cf Cantada'., ii Adutioui. tht gcxvernment famous arnîy t egunteuits. TI)î tîal titi'.fla,, resoution l iluouble Jobtu R. Nui( o1io" 1x ii t' (fîîî'î'Pa i-iiament Postniasten Getucral . tir t sti mmruii rcess. AIt tlle ttounced Iliat spet suil td( glj tîn1 tIlle ielctlt marking the reigin-entîiîî Sl iv eh" îrci - a i e i itia t t î 'i e d ".; ! lýiE' Pliuirni liuslei lias liaxe hîceîî uîen xn i l t l w i! uituist li i uallv Nxx ilI llhtRe I ' 5'ti fi . i i iuutttie"'u~-cod cgîunent aid \iii1 Ligit li fauutrx -. 01 111li'(, itiiag"c u gais. uitpgai;d tt: ) Wt)î«; ilai aut,,jhii- ae lte cuties iil, ii-I i "ra da wl caice!atituî matks lt h li i ag caI da i ilI lte "Pcinuýs Fat 's' xxI iii . ld. pear. 'Plte urnsc'riptionîiooriii t- ul ictîJat' litte lIeot'. s at dues xx iJl iarx tu xxtit s' -tuu nj . 'P.P.'C ".1 . .lubilee 1914-1lOi-l. 1 frit'Th"e. stili be uîstd fu tit calt'euilîtntlte ligi 1u t Iurutil Aîigiust :31. l 1witeula tîtat tlte\v "ie cauicelJitg duesli'. tiallx bolaille ljt)gou.ît î.g lte RovsaI 22id xxiliV ý îuu' taits otf îîîeu r - Roal 22e Regîneuri ii1 1964 5ute Attse aiie h 1) e. x hoII c esed onil p n' ' il] .Mnltreai. Quc i.t . s na itui at eetit ix'. Sheu'bi'ookc. Titieu'Rsr e 'tI -a ci i s.Oms île Gree.r -Jeauî and Ottawxa, NIr.Nucil -d urn Osluaxx'a, ueSui- sotn saud, anîd \xxiii 1 i1tt ix' giie't - of,.c K.E.Br.\ail, friiîî Septeltifter 15 I Dotui ui' li-t > cuolr ir ts mt p tober 15. in Vni a ra itii i-riip. 'Mur. N îu'lonî said î l l ".t Siurla s Schlttî atlt1hi45 a.ili. Post Office xxa> îtitl ' ici Chluîînuiu Xtoc'tti1îah 11:45 rcognize the fittitlh i iý mil "A coridial iliîxiatioiti s xeirsans tif htîte"dishiigiii liti teidcto ail. ueginîents, xiiilasr0xic T[iho, xrushiuu in-lixii'îCanada su faîthtîils'.u it.'r iluiiua mori iuîg xeue itn titte as e-il as in ii x i tbon-- L_ >es mrnorv of the late '. vrn'7" 1 5ttrfe.zmim,. ovtanville, 3une 1",,IflAi -_ Da ni. ______1 Mrs. Greta Ba; ____seuioýiý ing a couple oflda.% arranged forihs b ~ relati 5lit Bosin a Drivers N*uggu unable ta supply lheîr cxx r, Mrs. D. Brvan. S c but thîs service is providcd b.,. Hall, Mrs. G. Wethb 'e,, 1- volunteers svha arc flot al\vas'g -a, were Sunda,\ e% y Cancer Oc gueL;ts of Mr. and 'Mrs readils' availabie. The nmcml- Hubbard. B m l bers do flot p rovide a reculai- M rs. Mae Gohard. Nan, , .ill Fail . i spc dîn a f u E ;t¾aiic iî of the 'everv day service. If y-ou e- wîîh Nirs. F. Cauighii l i. i !i iSocîelv arequrtanpttinad"- inot pravide yurown. conlact fanil . ' i"V>thing Pas-iMrs. Bert Syer 62.1-3177, ti MrS. B. HLibbalvd S spi . - wio ~have'in advance af the dav of voir a few days wtth NIrs . M.\liten.Alo ie:c'Vý Hubbard, Osbawýa. . l îrîs ta appinturent Aso edoc s m il CS. meuh rivers 10 proviac IJis csscii- iai service and M\rs. Svr t' dous appear would be pleased to hcar frnti nizîîrcrsandng.any x'olunteers. Mî1cacc wsvll ou an Lisuially be be paid. ~ BIRTHDAY? KEEP INSURED! When you reach your 19th birthdoy cie no longer covered by your parents' certifirote. tr*.purcftely within thirty days to keep insured. 1, niýiie ie vuiloble at hospitals, banks and Commission CHANGING JOBS? KEEP INSURED! If you change jobs, follow carefully the inilti -tcrs on the bock of the Certificote of Pniy-ncrt, Fr nn 1 ùj1, which your group is required ta give you. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP INSURED! When you marry, the Family prrmium nithe poid to cover husband, wife and eliqîbla, depedcîîs.Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tî<' 1thte Commission. Post Office WiII Hanor Twa Regiments lune k l)airy mnnth across Canada. This___ is the notith when we pay special tribute tii thi's truly Canadian Industry whichA serves the Public day in and day out all year log. At IGA wve have selected 3 of Your favourite dairy foods economically priced for this special occasion. Remeni- ber. in nur Dairy Department, in fact every department. of ynur IGA Store YOU ALAAS GET A LITTLE MORE THAN VOl' EXPECT. "A eouis Dessert" Produce of Mexico No. 1 Cantaloupes -15,S25 e. PlU lS Poduc. of 'U.S.A. I Colifmsniaanada Na. 1 Grade t- Navel Oranges e ~sy z S176doz 59c P INEAPPLES Direc From The Bahamas ah 9 ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO 'I * * YU H SITLINUANECETFIA[ IAO K{raft Cracker Barre! 12-oz. cut MILDc CHEESE 43e IGAc BUTTER 55c I.XRoy~al Goid 1'2-gai. ICEc CREAM 79c TABLERITE duiidd5 sF unest Quaiity Red or Blite Branîd Beef. S H i nmun Sliced Riridless SIDE BACON 1-1).69c ~s%%it Ireiniuni New ~Vacium nl'acksed WIENERS p:ig:45c -l Y '! GVi (ONE FREI-' "S ifi PreimuniInstant Saidss it h Corned Beef 2; 55c FRENCH FRIES Fozen 6pkg. 089c BAKERY FEATURES ri rd c"q H j1 l t-osptithy '- i, t CHERRY PIE ca. 59c OXYDOL 83c Ca259c Dem pilters S50.000 Dian-ond Ring Context pkg. 39c IGA SWIFT SALE SPECIAL FAUESA'rt]n %ia(Topical t FEURE IExtra s26 752FRITSAAD2 Z. 5~ In IGA Bonug Tapes Recelve an Extra $10Tap MIR LIQUID DETERGENT 2 2~ Receive an Extra S6 'l a pi CHASE & ZANBORN Instant Coffee J Receive an Extra $:!'la p ' ST. LAWRENCE CORN OIL CATELLI MACARONI SPAGHETTI pq FARMHOUSE Assaried Varietien FROZEN PIES ,c SLICED TabloeRite Vac. Sealed Cooked Ham Preduce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 qrade Bi-cf m- Irisih 'Iid Bits' I. SWIFT STEW 2 * 'n79c PINEAPPLE 2 t il, Sss ifts K <'I Iuti t BABY MEATS 2 tn 39c Froot Loops 2 ,'kgs89 "ss1(1. ~,.'Meat Bal, > i SPAGHETTI lest t iRasymotnd 2 r vI SHORTENING 2'-" 53c Cheese Twists 2 P 39c Bref or Beef (.rav"' White' Stual lit Pard Dog Food insz 35c IT Shoe Polish 2 fir29c CodïeloCr j - BOWMANVILLE "t ~ 'r * 5' KEDRON Bowmanville IGA 1 Ro.vai Gold First Grade 1-1h. prilit 83c 29c 1 b tin 39c Week End Mix àg. 99C

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