Tne anaianStatestmaft, owmarivmle, July 8, 1964 j Magigstrate's Court I HeId in Bowmanville started off the sea-eon by de-t feating Cavan in a real good E N FI game. They lostiun Bailieboro, 1 on Mouday and again at isonme'Mîyfiins ,iica Wednesdax- to tise sanie team. gathcred lti iîeî iii tiit. Wednesday's gamne was a real H lanpton Tnxvnm'bip îLittil ut. thriller, bath teams plaving Saturda;' t,,euing xrexr Sg.ood defensively, but tise Iola-and M'. Luis Stephensoni ! cals were held scoreIess untilk-ere ýresenterl ,xitji a partir.g the last inning. Better luck rift of 1table lnt.nn Oi in thse future. boys. taîp 1lE1 Mr- Smt E P Our' tolirists are a:'rîîir M riîd li r ri o i it[ l June 3th, 1964 l in a collision xith another car. j.,on and Gary Rushoî±, ail -,v Wiesmle i ui Traffic tickets: Clemerîce A fine oi SIO and COSts or five Toronto men, ivere charged bers than risual, xvie do hope i r.eekeîîd tisS t îi T. Inb Sylvester Yesik, May 2th. days was levied by Magistrate .jointly with illegal possession;'thev. enjoy lesmmrsaon Tay lor, sednal60mlsa *uJ. D. Burger. 0 f a car stolen from a Willow- iiereM' t l.t \i'.e. io't oneeding Sareet.miles ai Pour e, rian Georize Fise 17,î daie mani. Al elected trial nyl 'Mu:îid ' i ý. Coli- ru C lin on Kig Street.ateBad man'ed'e Ioe, -t $20ad ossora0nasdCn5cnrgd itspedigonrigrag0tae ndpaaedno Lcl .tzes;xer sri 0 n.Osî'cr 'ii ir1O ru-Lt pe tabe In mit; Jme Roal' Sreet. -,ma vile as iii- guilty. jear of the sudden PaEssng of!Wto i. ii'll-Oli~ r r VonGunten. Junc 9',11. rpeed- ed SIO aînd costs or five days. Cî'oxvî Attoî'iex G i' r. erx'*ii Kinsman loi Ca-;\Ir. riitM' BrCnIi in g70mils n our o, Hih-Constable Jan Smith testified Bonnycastle r le c ommnineîded van. Deceased liî-ed for sev - WhiîhvI ii' l i Ptcn . ii way ,gt70 vemies an hurn Ou. Htigihe hîad folo-wed accused west JS1,000 cash bail or $2,000 prop_ eîral x'ears in Maîwers. attelid-1Pe!er1. Toroi)tî. X\ i l 'ut)". way r, 20 andehc os'r frrnjii.r tret)o ieertv bail of one surety in each foiSle tett h iuîg tise 1arsh Public Scisool,. al i. i. Grifîlui'z5.Pin clays, Constable J. Donaidsoný. overhe4ud bridge at speedsi case. They were remanded inj To this -x'oung rntn*s widow' Nir ;;iW u t lt",a 1mil OPP Jon Mî'ay. Peter-' va ryiî.g from 73 to 65 miles custody to appear July 6thii and childrer. trte exiend ci tMrrr.i .rt .iîdli ' borougis, June 5th. sspeectnngau hoîu -Cobourg. slpah. iîd-. iib 't A i r' , l '70 miles ail hour on -a.~J Frank- \Jlre Nl! Streetl osphP Kli' iia1 Nr-iîd Mi. .J. pa-le~î -i.' lGii.,rli 'I> r and costs. or five dat.'. Cinîs-!1Nex;lcastie. pleacaed no' guiît' oehP ely suia plead-ed uiot guilty to an li- atteflcthte Waiere iCriflli., t irrr-ui-iln oiax'n table J. MacDonald. OPP: Art- 'o a crls rvn hag paired drî"ing charge laid .OrooPrkoStnia.- leitar c tàyF. Strachio. Ju'i e laid Ma' 2th. He was finediJne -t, h care i-!Wis.9lliam Rennie re ' ii i iari.ti:ri seeding 60 miles an hour'0,11t$25 and $7 costs or 10 days mJqne liTh hrg a dslceived ;voî'd receiî'ly tîma, lier iiirritrC'l THighway 2, $10 anîd Ct: onstabiebs ase ia M.' ri five days, Constabir-' K. C -toc h"i-ivetigatiîig officer. Golsaasgow, Sit.op b othr a asd Thia~ ici.rit x.iCdiu rii'ii Lato. OP. Lelie ilin KinstonRou: testified that lhe and Conîstab~' le sgo- . cothe and. Tiîi o xle']0til Lab. PP Lsle iîî, instn oaI P. C. Harte-1Naxwell, OPP, i tas ', iI-"r" Uýl tfl i Frederick H. Kram>;. 136 Elgin E.. Boîxniatîviiie, tbld tse coui! euto nomainrcl-igra Soc optlf ý he mas eastbound at 45 milerresut ifratodeeiv n ead ilothloitacilityrari'xu ut g; c~Siu~u x Street, Boxvmanviile. pleaded' a, adhd inl ed ,d were checking Higlîway 35deeeds hîe iriig-1î'Stu-ti iu't' guilty ta a chage May 23rd0hadr ownaldive- north of 401 for a sauth- lWloîld War 2.'ui r I.(rtrEîiŽil-Pr- lefiytoa turerJau23 l ito lus onhrie- on rc eîgdrmx i i J. rrr iS rldri failing to stop a-tishe iîîtrs c- -. 1o.Xd rckbin rhe tiurnedn, herl'1ýlýSýlalde ;le, tion of Chai-ch and DiVision" ' Aletuielehar an erratic maniner. They sai fls.nîid tl ni New Jtu'n ' o .i thse scr'cecil of brakes and ivas 'iaIwbe<topd telV citsp' P . a flt--~ r Streets. Constable lia Siii t ukfo eid i ad htwe tpedu iht1Bsns ieîr told the court this isad resLited src'clock in the eveîîing accused, îîîg î'ilatÎNc::Lii. i Y a1 NI. 'lace stated thlat Yhe had insisted on Pa blood test. Thisi1Ac\ il.'a-i' \tîW ni'. <'intiiS-o p t o a sgais.foe amr. nwas taken by Dr. Aîîfossi aîîd COUnIanCY auv ucj'if-iC"n h xi n-oî putonhi5sinai. e ami- shoîved 1.3 parts alcohoi perli RAY J. DILLING 'ýce :lui ' !'i-i'Irr 'tei ted that ilu, hani foui- piecesot il 00Clîartered Accounriia L e U?ýCfochrutt itm.i iiiir lu cor inletet lonîg te tf- s01 e,1? A'c ' bd ts 'îit 1 -ehCi îisStreet Ii-1 ic.uai : trt'nN 0f d5 iar. ' had dri-i'eî Iota Elzex'ir 'fr Or 2-l8ii i .rrt 'tr i'rt r 'ttr A i t lubt y.Paeîso. Diar0shiàp earty that inoruiiig ta-LEONARD JAMES BROOKS ttri:rr'r lui.~ 't'- -~r TrainimnSeisool toi' Box" - rheck soi'rritrr ru, 1' tie.t-' pte-an]liiuût guîît.' tca acharge, t Hau Actitil iititoî ), li0ffai, t " hesire.eef cîl heas lirtr- Aciuiai l i l l r laid ýhý16ilo f aila, toPro- psTigtee.U oîdsy rTiistee iin Baîiki'î i' " an t ou'îrf of iîîsuraiice. .Mtiseatj xht ia a uS ,' 15'73u< . iuti~~'in Ti isCrllîr tin ~"ileuceMa ' iknt i a i iiglîbours' s'; iupigCu jýh aii !e l--cele -Igis-1 -aonîse ue t~t' - [Tc .DI) uî'ter rsllisseclhossbutwns ' ery tur~~ ut t i about any,,meals cui.simedi W 3.-.IL.COGGINS-- toc lî>ic -dui'ing the da' . i-i disniissirig Ctiartered Accouniani Coi5ate[u uîiîîSata ie hrg Mstae R. B, Second Flooi r.rt h laid *,ise charge folio;'. - - rvBuilaîi. rieacccieit i nne 'clckBaxier suggested tisai lie driik 'ilLhri, dn'accicenuîrîsiîîg, olockng les- a-id eat more r.ext tinire Coi King & Teirnpeî'ance S iS- 'sOuc monng oloin i tile girl ,,va3 taken he weit tb check bis caille. *____Phone 623-3612- ta Nieniiriat Hospital, Bow Elî'ay Heî'xsy Leadbetteî. 321 YALE, FRIEDLANDLR i L niatîx hie. He said accused Charles Street, Oshaiwa, ilp-. &COPN IiBID YOU WIIIJ shov'nd hiu a caî'd foi' ilisur- 'peai'ed Jaîîuaî'y 141h ciîarged Lhartered Accountanîts aimu x hii iadexpired, buti with drixing -vhile his licence;r Licensed Trustees your utur plas ? li Patterson icha addec hat was uîider suspenision. From n, inf Bankruptcy bu' liatî aie u homne or .Juay tiste present tirne'4Kn St. E. 2-;7 ý l,0 le jtise local OPP officers liar no î Osuiavr ; ulalt I-eipuîg ýou to proteci yoox Chier B. R. Kume t oid t. onpaut .u is uoiduc. ONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS ~Ùtur is nt bsin~s C JLIuI't ia îetifîcateofbrýotîght 1 Hovllever. accusÉCd adîritted &o fuue sou usnss eilliiia etiiat finsurance coîîVictîoî on a simiax'charge! ('ia&'Cî'dAo~ua~r :give you straïghtfor'ward adxîce ai, oo'io'kthsat; aternoon, in Oshawa April H~ hatva Shoppinig Centre on the kinds and arnoxnts ot 161 tOh. Put à. vas ntda-;asfndj5 iî .0sii 735 insuanc '~o îîed fr ~ur d. K. Lx cet. (Mono. deïerîce rse\,'eîîdays foi tise Janitau'y P ll,iE.,' inuac o ne tr onu 'riproduit-rh anilîsurance! 14t h uffence. Hol.. àOllittr1ý ' CZý âoîne y our car yonrt poliC5cl iaed Na.291h ihi Tomas Siuuipsnii.fR R. , A B. MUonteittu. B. Cuir>, CA, hiusines:~. oai your propret. cavereri Patcusousfi frmo12:01 Ncwcastle. charged àMall.' st uGw.RiehIr C.A., . 1I.A cai ut fîtpropi ~a~M.âay 161[.11 o~pîa. with wounding a dog belong- (LcG. e Trustee) &ET TOUR FREI "CIRCLE S" CARD NOM, Câiu Aýpop -ýP. lrw'n iiîi. lassa-ting lte Mis. Ru~thtCrowels, G.E. Trethewey, C.A. ~nwgm iîapa Cd ruant guîlîN a sut pleaded Iltyan was on! R1' Lightfoot, C.A.À eOui l aeo charge June 6th. He tvas re- guilty. Meibruh a receipt 'B.R. Watersý. C.A---i u deç.Wdedr preseîîted by K. Lyceit. Orono. ta court showing that hie had "ILSON & BUIRROIVS , <ra *c ensa Ra iph Eugene Clark, the coin- paid the veterinary fee. Mir. - C iarteredi Accountaint.- ond ai ypur RED &t WHITE STORE Diainaîii who was flot present, Simpson added that there h ad' 1114 King St. East, Oshaw'a, Omit. ~ tld tise police ivhen theylbeein no fuî'theî' trouble xvithPatners 'phoned tisatihe wished the 1 stray dogs in his area. Rnl .D îs ST AR Rcare vîhran.Mr ycet Garimet Gesoux, Oshaw'a, a il G.Emn rw. C he ekdthat it be dismissed lu-ý General iM-otors employec, ad--, EdmonedBuro728ckVor7Cr5e4 stead. mtPhone ie sru 7R2%8-" __ a m N .3 i4i JA1E 1"Tulle unîuris of Ibis lauîd Re. nîited tislie stheuck . . M.__- not acpItelist t h k s t Mae t:ated R.Alireadplanat Èfi-c- C hîr p a c aie o.3 in i RMealS hatiOgtl. arl isîgs HR. l' h kJue t ie H. ti. ope-Circle .5 fe.sut'! -S <ý)(-! 1i.4(t fiei King St, . Bowmanville B. baxts. "- omVtfal was $10 and costs or five days. IG. EDWIN MANN, 0,C, Office Residence %vi pas- a total of $23 <osîs, HoaePttfirvasl. hror;co 5t2 tioc Mi. Lycett, $8 witness Hoac Pto Nxxcatl. CirprctrMi 623-5681 623-5493 te u 3frts or' pleaded guilty ta a carellessiOffiez. [)vi Bî'ow ,Pter Patti- driving charge laid June at.1 îlsb.,nî tIlic"S. (itt r~,iI" .xt ltIr~I - ---- Barlow Conviction brouglis a fine of Pon 623-55oj9 1 . mt $25 and costs or five days. OlfieHo sBy App n)Iitrneit' I Corporal K. Freethy test!-' - lUD A A lL ied that he laid thse charge D $:I PURE JM Real Cool!el neureshiung* folloxving ans accident aitishe - --- ei'~a ~ tite fchti ~t hPh ly 1l intersection of King Street E. DR.' W. LRUDELL, D.D, , and Mearns Avenue. T Se ks-Kin St. EB'îmnil a Taeaiol court was bold tisat Miss, Office floums - B tro IS E M.%argaret Allini, Edsali Avenue, 9a 'rlateur t lk p'f rerehighadl signalled for- a lefi turruî Closed Saturday and Surioay/ and as taringTo akeil.Office Phore - 623-5790 milk break 'when her car was struck fron'l Res. Phonîe Ne.,rcaîtle 987-4261 A TS U S milk break '~~~~~~~behind and thrown mb tiste' ieeàfaue:ie'r ç":1 'soutis ditch over an en'bank- DR. E. WT. SISSON. 'Citcalaue~t i~t often dur- L.D.S., D.D.S. 1Facette RofaideAri±î his ho TI Roîmad Arhie iaut, Pli Liberty St. N., Bo\IUUW1 iie ngxrmAenue, ùshawa. ia chargedL Phonie 623-5604 HOUSEHOLD TO weatber~~~~~~~ ' ~~May litis with 4.200 poundàs Ofc or ri at ia.'î- ,weatber!~~~~~ overload. The penalty ivas a' fieHusCtl ktr!ýa( 2 'r fin~~~~~~ of S25 and cashs ou five 9anWOpu -. -------- ~ dav CasriWeduedat'R EGU LAR KOTEX Gai iWiiu,('- 21 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.s.R IV Que bec Street. Oshalva; liîer rOf~ "' Aflai w'ugfi,'R.. , Bo%,'- E. VS R 1aji t. F3 ninville: Roi' Clarenc 'eiy ti~ lnm 1. __iti - 9r 'r~z- -~ Suaîners a 43 RingStreet El. Oshia'a: 9aa h6piucu"Illtlh DaidBrdeRH 3 Bx" Closed Saturdar'e and Suniday, hreeze when yott manville and Franîk Alfred j. Telephone: Oiffice f6"23-5450g Laroche. 200 in*g Street M. l keep a full supply of Oshawva. iveîe ciîarged I Lnd urvyin - ý30h wthbreaking and etr healthfui miik and out other delicious. easy-fix ing Aniiie's Place. This is tise MRIL.BO proert ofRoy Wilkinis, Kinmg NRII .BOVý dairy foods on hand for ail nienis, picun in~ . a vimlle. Te vPE G. O...I anîd ,.naûks' Cobour'g County Jail. Bus. ansd tt'. eIephone i1 ___ __I6,32 à l il W bote or Haif TENDERI STREN'D [j".1 id "- rd i h1 Idouk mam l Mih. Alial, 1% «1 MR m'ait pOT P O ega11 R OYA L 623-5589 Thurs. to Sat., JuIy 9-I1I %VALT DISNEYS l'rue-Iife ail-color featuire "HNound who thought he was a Racoon" a nd "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm 0 (culor) àlatinee Sat.. 2 panx. Sun. to Wed., July 12-15 one coniplete show starting 7:30 "Kings of the Sun" Color-adventure %w h Viii Brynner, George Chakiri,. also "The Great Van Robbery" Coming - ".Mutiny on the Bounty", July 29 tp 'ýut arar' ge fotrISb ig .4LKicig St. 'W' bix'iaxr Sýree' Faic ariiDanice !0 lin Teictîhije <23-571 heîd lure oui Frid&-. Jt>. 2l- - -M Thiis affain' is shapiing u pti CTE(. BSO .BA,: 'ne 'oggeu' anJ butter iv,' mn Ba ' ister. Sulin-itcr em'em.i.g tNayPubtic. Son W iea' rsa' M~}L--.PLoîics (Dtie 023-5688 bei Gould is iin poor heaitlttis 2-.5 Mr. Nelsonîu McMullen i i pia upord oii.n nhs- Barristers. Solicitors pliai. Notaries Public A large o'tuu f i'lCum0irs 'b ý'arkS B' tsi,' of the LO.BA. xverc presenti- - aItishe Or'ange Hall an Mon- F . RICHARD LU VEKIN day eveuizug mvien th lintiîa- r B.A., LI..B.. tory' degree mwas onferi'ed 'a.r Kritbîirî'ter - Soliciiuu MlbokL.OB.A. Four rail- KlgSt. E, Nev.castl1e didates fi-onuPoi-t3tpool. 1irPuehots'hn~e 98"-4633 tram Bailieboandauoaie f-m -:3)-WdSai.. 9i-1 i Millbrook w Cý'i cininiid bouteausuunKsw~ >c":'î M o r g a g e s bv thse lca odge ai lieor, cluiou of thse mueeting. ';ADIE HAMILTON, ORONO n Mi.and Ms Bill,',ux' Phone 1 i 16 (recenthy wedî of- Toronmto F'*st Morîgage Ft.nd> xisited wili h is parenuts. Mr)l~ Residence - Fru r ard Mrs. Hoxw.ard Broxwntu. Brhesrpi i - weekeud. Oui- congraiu1aziauss Mortgage riioney availabie to tise ycuîmg oupie. for ail purpase>. Recenutains Piame freý'.exed Ui- arm*aluge your, faz.iii :he prninicdsari :t'n-loaîconuung due or a nmcxx' bani.n proveni concdiyioms couslcler-: We cin luardie mortgages of able. We didi't gýet. as rîirtci) every. desctriptionî. as soume nearis r aeas. but bHIAROLD C. PEDNVELL sure w il'e a g:ca.heiu. Broker Anx'one s'scmn oatie.d .Nmrnsîe987-4336 the Cornmeuuior.v.ian cf -n Batlle tof the Bov,1e i Ca- Op f 0rn el y bourg oli Saturýdav\. Julu M . th, ____ __ ina., do so by bu" .LOL. 82 KEITH A4. BILLETT, O.Î. has cnar'tered a bus ta lpave Optonietrist Por.x'pool at 10:30 arn. Sat- 1141 Rinig St. E. - Bowmariville1 urday. Tise local lodges have 1' Hours: By appointment i becis or-turaie enougis ta> se-! Telephone 623-322 cur~e tre farne-d Boxx-uma:m'.'uPe Mons - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. Ro'ai Cîiadiar Legion 9 amn. ta .5 a.ns SBani ',c) plav for thesmi. 1 Thursda:. ereniîîgs he Juxiir SottbaU lTeam 1 Wsd. and àat. 1 vw m ul.umuu mwere Marvinî Prescott and 'man attended Haydon Amni- Tables uere sel up on Fri- L D !-*%IMark Simpson from Priniary versary- and wvere tea guests of daý, chiui -,x'as1id and siix'er ,Dta Juio~r Masw and EficBow- Mî and Mrs Lloyd Ashton poléhed4 Car oiding anly l. and M Don Pi ý;<.** Griffin and .'xlert Sarnis from (Dur U.C.V. lbd% scaîeind ïWe u\po'itu r have iîad thci famiyl v.ere Sunday visiJunior ta IntermediateClassep. lo thle Lions dier ai tJe pensumil m nu4qtîiîaoui' îev, xx'ith Bir. and Iry. Rae Garth anîdEMairne Davev open- Lions Centre. Box nanvilie, minister the Ru. J Cargo anîd h. Ililon. ed tile gaîcs for Uic gradtiates :iast Weck. fanlilv na(t ho su;qcp urPut un Ir. n ufld M Doi. pr-tzcottAssistant Spperintendent \Ir Mr, and Iî~ls, omard Com~i - forscn ii icti î'iis prxeeted lilrnand AMr. and Mrs. Fred Saii:i:conducted the 1 in&, Whby xx ere àMondayythvir tennu, trsoitt xvere recent xisi. prosentation of t arttendancelgufes O f iBk. and Mrs. Elnier pl'et-j nliau. 'hdi'lo- rIijh i,,- r nid Nu Ivj p -'r \hen; Nive Donald Le Lee and farnily. Wy Cr îýi)bci (Ir ,si il onarghaiî pri"bfl'd tW er Ktîîdergarîen àMr. îr'nd Mirs, 1hlux 'dH'i otiiBuli hou . r uîns. >, lienld r olas, \\m t -. emr xx'eataWUEaill diwna faînîlv.Dowxnsx'îem. v;* _ 'ýUc '. . I oni îni vfad nî;if eu Fred Lanc delivered a, Da; Y.Dîianre Prescott and,1Monday lunch guests w ith fMr aiur ztic i i n ir. e! prs excelint iikstrated taIk Kel!. Sunipson and 1-vear pin!and Mrs. Don Lee and Keitx. w re 'c c i iai, anrc lF 'hurciî. SL:nlia. espcciailv '10 unni rescoti:riBrs. Nbîr- M.and N.Wm. M'fiite p r pn, i~i 'în C \ ,'ir. ej_ L-Iîliýl i . ta 111. rescn!Pd 2-yefar tvi'aths to daR clinner guests ni Mr. and uîldnx atigo îbe i 10 'ný at~ kuKri OeDxid BIrs. Elnier Lee and fainiiy. in ki t['tWl (~acuai'nExtrcîŽt'Ž Pre'îutt. Jarlice Prescottr. Mar- hýStrrawberrx 'ia vhd 1kr~ sni o r'li erx'ic 01' tOi îaI1ei nianci- i pue-r o.Abam,,,ii- UtheXYoung Peopes held on a re ,Suikiay. Juiy lic~~~~~~~ ~ 1"u nî exc'dSna dNa4 ipsoa Ils.Satîrdas eino .t NlOi'rM Re- ý rtdLnie dlivve sa" Aýa '- i P5tl mîu 'n Zioîî Uniteil u> G'nilt~ u>rtriî . Bufaixnan. Jnior teaclîc uUccc'sfLi x il h 151 people Ut' Ciîîi'ni u'lL J.1Cargo manîo i. s'n . ~r' pr'Cîî"~ 2- c' î 'reah ' a ,iîg serx'c. Thse Young Peuple iii' re aMpwmmme o ~f officii pi ~ixc îîî5raioîsE'., 'RIîiad Bow- ' xvuld like toathuk evei'yone niinisic m':iiiil i of Mpi- *Jhîîîrril!. . arot Xi iii) ii y m îay lelned male rish t nu ct W î i lill V.i "e Ill'tsCIlIt eun'inn; lii fe Prec'iuit.Atir ; saiîiîtad lte et, Cii)"a silces' it. ~i p1ii.c Io Cli"n ii; !ratSaric nMdîîîe-ear - -'--Snii Sr'iIrîoo! n,1s iil a V rla ii ', îvt _r mi neriiii' w pic trl" .'lîit G iffin ad 11:15 flni 'luniv iru 24 pîrs- (rt ipG ile r l Ms. . BMORRI (,it> îr D. lli une'. stiperîn- YA'ou;par, but 'adf rt, kii. Bo'. ey evSaIn - iivi edauStudpdiliimi i Sefirs Swil- l'i i u -' 't iiisJuiî 'uP iiithe Sutiday Sehionl day lt dif îiîîth old iîrtSevécial heic: te .Xtlan (triffi n ad Donald uîîdeî the auspices or the U.C. \i r - Siî' l PiiI t' tiw f fln'.'r:'qi ,, ' n-r Gdfnnî: si.\ iiontlî piin Judr iWl iv, Was a buss' and suîn'cs. patit' iin "mm-ii i iir'pi ta tai 'Prr" Ica wid4ir ', teîir Le(, -' id fiiree-m-onith pinî to fui day and ait the enid of Jtie r aî 'bim I rW- hm il nillior iîi ontriuioni 1 ti r rr- Nniiii)',,et. A large runi- iday. arouuîd I10p.m., ivien the 'opr'raîiîtiI i i;,i mut. W e ~~ uxi ~bei ' i îheýý uipivcnts bad pu Asi.chair and dish iwere ino Pope t ittUint r'iKYi leI ren e,. ip,, alqn cr' i o <lUsWow aithougri ymplaroJthtred menîbers w W' miir hcII ait Sîiî l St lîu e wlsmiuîd ive~ b~nt mas permiis- -weillsatisfied b" the fiîîarîcal Drpl it'M mm pr:iyrt i iî:Wnci t \lrs. J.W, Irerelurîs. no' tiutldn.hail d nirhnon nii' ici Seîi '~ii. i rReut't ii "r-niahi. guests of Tvi. l AIiu Peters :'epoc! 1ad rirîy I ti"ci'etti iai 'k 0 î' Si.nTt- ir'. -W iliJ. IV Buwman, ther wxx moer 200 ticketsjpearance ni lan, > gaurde<îi i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý e t t p r . r. int'n iiEi'ioesold. î'i>t about thse usuai um- i' ud V(!n'- 'et ai il' icn. t' ih'G'id' ýoii irIrri Ni:' G T i1ls.brfor' ns. Thle srpper w n.-inn l'Phu gardo'ns'iW<hlau rr\ iri "riil' c'li iiBi"'llP i lint.Stoirx'Crcku;coniueind Ax Mu'. Carins Dicîî-viutlt i'ci IoiîgWritîoo an" mlk i r' ai Gr -,,1 ' ii--!r'iiM, -eîuu'uîî.Mis. AliîPes -id triliand ircix Au' iotxci'ntîuWkirý i_ýl i 1 ' tk uii and S itif, 'i rilli tieni ai- M' Ilarold Paýrne of Pour ,ii , 'tic thaintiiý.'scusol har rS r r'iiý:i i ir 1 rS ' h îd'I :b- 'h':iA, iTom îî i'euuinb upe'gax e xalunhieMhîeiiAuii mcii ix' inA miîlhe cmvi' 'lu- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ii î ripiii ~ ~iîiP,'.Newx- kitn'îand te teenage-' olîlj ouii r busw r' lilMii'Iri» i n-t r lit, .,i tir nlliri rii"ttiladies untereri i.uickfx' Io t p Ii,' " irîti rrîu t ici t:' tru itlli ilit i iir iC' Mi1. o ýi N W\'iiiv'nh Boî;ý' satisféîcI'n of the guesîs îWî' Card Against ig Numbers! ILK 7lfor S1 2 for 69c î4 rols 59C 3 for 49c asie 'z [pl, VELS 49c l"'k.îgo'>ùc 39c UNI! NO ' TlaiE NUMBERS TO PLAY 2 8Io1 12 14 120 PRZ221 24 26 32!34 i 36 38 40 4ý2 52 _54 i fo -Î264 66 1I 1-72 74 80 82: 84 86 92 94 1001 ARo )RK lb4 :; i"I l -,. 1. 1). A %g. L.OIN PORTION lb. 55C cli1-1b. tray SAUSAGES 53c- 1-lbpkg 45C IÀ;l t i ~r tîî dc C . , , h oZ. fhîa I is Bacn l"Cooked l _ - HA M _ I"R(ZEN voOr>S S'.% . 4g: - ( N" I \h.i" LEMONADE 6oz. tins 4 for 49c 'h L 2! «-oýboue Sta- flo Liquid Starch 27c 8 aL (IILL> t('IIILL .'tLGLi "lS.% EI20 Cherry HillîmIid35Cîetd,39< oi-147( I .. i k iIMl FRENCH FRIES 2 IL bag 49c SPI 1.10-,t lb. ct'iIo __________________ Supreme Brand Fig Bars 39JcICUT RCS GxOLDEN iLO I '.- A('N f]RflO CLLO EEG. J39c BOTTLL! CHILDREN'S ASPIRINS Golden Hour (andies 39C tiLG. 8.9t! ECONOMI , SUL Baked l'îesti: 'aNt%toai or Sunlbean, Reg. 41'cf Z.B.T. BABY POWDER Angel Food Cake ea. 41< "NSANT9N MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET . PECK'S RED & WHITE Cirele 5 Best Buy' Save 13c1 Frencb or Catalina-Kraft )FA EUC Liquid Dressings 0 8-tuý Bottie 2 R 4 Cirele à Best Buyl ae1e Pink Seal - Fanc PINK SALMON Tati Tins Save 8c! --.-- 9 c h ircle à Best Buy! Save 21ù! PARCHAIENT PACK A FO ce Gem Margarine 0 [-1b. Pack> R 8 J- Clrele 5 Be'>t Buy' '.ave 'e! KELLOGG'S c Corn Flakes-OC J2-oz. Pkgs. .2 R 5 Cie à flb aB-IRuyýt avv14ü! re îweett-ild KOOL-AID Circie 5 Best Boy! 12c off pack - Iiquid GAY DETER Zo0-oz. size 29C 79e 3o's 39c1 p G S4 Sav.e ige' GEN 5CI Juicy Fresh California Oranges 3i 89c Ontario Black Nu. I1tk t(ILhbasket SWEET CHERRIES 1.39 California No. 1 WHITE ONIONS 2 lb. 29c ('alifornia No. 1 SANTA ROSA PLUMS doi. 35c G'arden i resh Onîtario (;rgit n GREEN BEANS . 2 lb. 35c f Maple Grove 0 4 Orono it Newtonville ..Ir LOCAL WINNERS -J Q-.,. - le.-