'iOBITUAII ~-~~J.L4 JJ i.~U U' -yeas taithfuI coînpartionship; ,!j WILL L. LONi NJ*i).LX G. JNNETT 0of Rtipert Gladstone Hamlyn -1 Pho e 6 3-3 03exalted in Sylvan Chapter No.1 The et of Mrm. Will L. Foilowing an îflness of four __________________________________________________188, New York. June 22nd, Long, orinerly of droflo, oc- months the'death of Benjamin _________________________________________1914,' curred et* Vos Angeles, Calîf., George Bennett, R.R. 4, Bow- Joh Maee von$50in hewises Mi an Mxs.r. . Robert Shired, aged 76,1 on Mond*y, June 29th, 1964. m#nViUle, aged 74 years, oc- Jothndîa f wo $5thte wK m o raneMst-Bd K tE.v-oLîb)erty Street, returîîed recent- Mr,.-Long was the former curred et Memorial Hospital, 12hda or teKn In e :adger. King S ast, - lxIv rom a visit wîth his broth- Fenny Hcney and W118 born BowrnanviUle, on Tuesday, ment Cllub recently. celebrated their 441h -weddinge1r.M.SmSrdoSut On.Shwa4 uge Je23,19. MVrs. A. R. Vii gin. lToroiit, anniversaîy on Suînday, dune Ceer. Mr. a ho!is7ofutheaI Orono . exas d ugJherneSonofrte, la1964.ia sptafwdv atveý28th. vwith their daughter Cek, anddh r 3o!tels~M. n z.J HnrySondof thelat enWnelia P~Qafex~ days la~t xxeek .Iyeaîs old. Mr. Robert Shred Honey. HnyadMtlyBnet H.Maonso-iIa, clv nd Blefl Enaland at the age of 17 She la survived by ýL dau- hç'was boin on the Waddel] Mr arnd Mis. Ted Faire-, Maius, and grandatr,! êtgCndaad hser', r.NelDerc hae etredhoeaferv- onie Lee Mýaîî-..te corni end nd hsgtr Ms elDrrc of homestead, east of Ororia. He haveretuned omeafte Bjni vas his fist trip back home. Chawchilla, Calif., * sister, attended Antioch S ch oo], cationing foi a xxeek atiTxelxe iGerlcir iSH a comaidb tî i.ElnG. atro outh élarke Township, and Shaxv's Mile Lake. Haliburton. Cor[e..l athme Caiadian Con- eîciesi son. daughtei-in-law Pasadena, Calif., and a bro- Schol, Daîlington Townshio. Mr. and Ms Hugi. : 01.r. sulaýte Geîrer'aý. New Yoikand small gîaîtdson, Mi. and 'ther, Fred G. Honey of Palmn A fariner, he had re-sided Torota vsitd Mi. Nid'sCit y. Spent s evenai al atM~hit~Sa' iafr5 Tootor. Ms.ed ncr1s ith -eekwit h d aYxtts tMi-. trRobert Shîed Jr. andIjDesert, Cal!!. i h hwsae o"5 mothr. Ms. DncanSmi a, wdekMi. C G Tpe r Monni,Pr of Coîbaîne. Until his Memorial services w e re yeais and before that in the Lovers'Lane. on Suno * Mý,- ad'rs. Rd. Whi lerrihe!retiremenit Mi. Shnred farmed held at Santa' Monica, Calif., Orono district. He îetired Mr. ont Golert~' ' xa s eRd.speake i he localnoith of Tyrone. He bas six 0on Wednesday*, July lat, wfth 4about 10 years aga. Wi.n ty ofa reeiît C P 1aR 1 4: ý Clu kîiîncîr thestleeaiîtgsons and five daughteîs, '25 Guardian Chapter, Order cf - Mi Bennett is surivxed it; Legion àù-5L0 niax'- ili [i uml~ îny gadhlinad 5get h astenSao Sut his eidèst brother, William J. of $4,688. Congratulations! îs tr aMUît grandcitildîen, all of xvhomn Gate paiticipating Intermenit efirett of New Toronto. .Nis at cia cGLiielive wvithin 50 miles of Bow- was et Exeter, rCà.1loirnia. Ttfnrisrie w. 'Mrs Wifred Kison tidToroto;Nlis Ditie tik, ranville. His wife died thre hîueg evce ______ Audrey have rctuiîted tram a 1Sauina: Miss Pauline Elupent, i yeaîs age. reld fo the Morris Funeral holidlay in Washii'gton vtr eh:Miss Sharon Henlderson, . MRS. HANN&B ÇÏARDINER ChÈ erom nifeonn- they touî'ed iait Peiit cf Uxbridgc': Miss Patricia îqas-1 A fexvclose tnieitds gather- -*l day, Buni2, nd was onr- interat. Si. Cot Sping~ nti Mss 'd ai the home of Mis. John The funeral service for Mis. d c ucte yge2W6,o.s Mis. Geoige Pipel. 10-i ou- Ruth Ka%, Peffeîlaxx, ai,,st,,-IKilleeii, Third St., iast week Hannah Marthèt'iGardiner was lander ai Tiiy United taiaSt, asth Icktviier1 dent nîurses at Oshawa Gereral hen she and Mis. James Far- held from bher late residence, Chureli, Bowmanville. Inter- fBanh1.RoaCaaanHsta.rcnyvieiM rex-'xxvere hostesses ta honor R.-R 1 Bethàny,' on Monday ment was in Bowmanville Legien, June 50-50 draxv. i Linda Gibbs. towii. Ms ereSedn h fenowt h ~.Gr emettey. thesui f $iO M-.andMi. o~ ireei.recently rnaved ta Chxppawa. aId Graham o! Grace ?resby-. Amang the laveiy floral tri- the sri atiof s.0 . 'Mr. anliid Mt.. eni ) eetîn- Mis. Killeen reati an humorous terian Church. Millbilook, af- butes, evidence of the esteem ~1rs eit Clwellanti rwin d lie faîtily traifamîi accounit o! seme of Mis. Skeld- îîciating. nwrhtedcsdws wre r c. lsiv.,el ndxv .ith l evr. iasepsei t a. faluded iîtg's daings over the yeais, M-s* Gardiner, aged 72hed asoef-mSa' antiMî5.eetvS Cclxx cil, Sus ý ar' . sepeen ielddand Mis. Farrow presented the yeais, died suddenly at her Il' ws nefClb ha' an-d 2Trs. E.. Cc Xl Ssýli V.'.andi Mis. Hanrey Aiken, guest of Itoîor with a lovely home' nFiay ue2t m chool Cub. andtgratulatioit5 ti i antt Barbara, Mill-ioek; leather handbag as a token af! Barn at Bethany, the dau- Palîbeareis were Mesars. J. Coiratuilions'h o pae i en i Mrs. Orvîlle Challice. Dale, tlic estecîn ii wltich she w;as 1 ltro h aeM.at i H. Bennett, E. A. Benntt. Dnn~t, orraaîd eis f ild. Even tirougît Mis.Skeld- i'fhoinasOBin h i ur it] the' Jux eil&' \letis higt Cî-o, and XMr. and fMis. Keitit ing xvas taken cempletely b e b SoneBro her Haur-Louts Bennett W. E.Bnnett. .jimp a the jic .ie rr"ack Tregrînna and Nnc'of Ket- surpise she thaîtked ah her 1and by oniserother Hiry L ouits.Bnet ad Brî Meet held in Osliïîix a oni Wect- '*ci'. fiiends and saiti she vauld ese sitrheMssCut. nesayJul IS ar(! rs.GariciB. fte thnk f tre anygod Bes, Mary and Mariait nesay.Jul I.t \t~ aid is.Gaiîc £3ofîn hiîk a te mny ooO'Brian, al af Bethiany . Her Mlr. and - I.. Ln i adretui îîed last .i.eeik tintes she liad enjoyeti. After husband, the late Ira Gandin-, GEO. HIENRY ARMotL fi spent the weekcnri uthtue ticîti atteidn- the aiiual several games, 'Mis. Tîndy epeeeald hrsm iritC's si.,tei anrd brother-hii. nieetirmg cf the Caiarî Seeti Salloxxs led the gî-oup i a' r rdcae e ce Following a lengt.hy ilirtess,l ;axv.I. alid \Ii-. .il. E. Kerr Groxx',ei-' Associationt, xxhich îcusing singsong. Later, she yeaî-s ago. Pal lbearers were Carl the death of George Henryi of Oshawa. xx'ho are xacaficît- v aseid it Saskatcoon. Sask.lai-id Mis. Kileei sang two Snlth Brue-13 ino tt ltîhîiim't, IÇeei. Oni'Mr. EHiakaîtli immediate pastidueis. A dainty luntch was Davis iyey, Morton Armour ccurret at fils resi- Davis, ~~~~~Lewis Mcll mr ecinHmtnoTi,.s- \l:. attiXl e..~' ~.piesidemît of the association., ser-ved wxith Mrs. Dolly Jexîk- eii mr ec nHmtno h~s tcatiBci i. ato u îmtxadtpxa t origtafenasî'Smîith and Ralphh Rowvan. day, July 2nd, 1964. lie tvas! Sharon Ashton, Toîoîîto. -ili-ladiitl by boat froint tie Lake- seix ice. As the fîiends left uilxa n Mlb-o nhs81 en ed Mi. andi Mis. H. J. Ba'ucmck îeadt t Port AIeINicollorhtetevalsdMs. Presbyterien Cemeter. Bi tCutcme. o.n Saturda: ,arid tI tliem oîa.xit( . ii l Sedn mrthppiness in ceaied w sasna he laiel ettendeti thice îui CLnce ir ar Ml' -lxxaî Pickaîti lhir nexvhome.JoehadElnAmu. pi-nic 9f Tlhe\ x.Ccxc Rlomu cstBeach. wvere ,Recenit guests ai Mis. C. Zion (Hope Township) Jas %e th e ai-ier .enrrni;r Conn-umatirt h Xl..XVl-Mr. nir ici r. Earnest Raini Dunn, Tltii-t St.. weie herc The Zion U.C.W.me Wooi, survives. ý0jt (Di'oiiýMr.and- Lrs-.bri'theî- and sister-in-laxv, Mr. day evening, June 18' et th~e 'The laie Mr. Arima ,r lixcd: ,aîspîckaniî Stve'l'-c i P nd -,,Is oai isn fhm o rM. Iwn e retired fo-., vvn's1 g~an a: \liîdi utui' ~~ î Mîi rXli ,îd .ls. tnitad iei olte were nine members andti îvoHampton, anîd prier te mov'iîg 1wvas i thtv:inrr 'A ei ni nE iti i i l Pii lZattidA MiRx Donald Wilsonî, wlto is guests present> The meeting ta Hampton had îesided at, Yarî.Ofire,.ti. eet.i îf'un.c ishm Im eca ecetary of the apeneti with Hm No. 386, Mont.lIe w-as a nember or Brvlrîceenn jùiiiitcuitc' Pýc:acd r-cnained foi- a vace- Student Christian Maventent. "0 Lord af love and life an-d Hamptan United Cliunch and. Nl~.Eitm ~u oil xxittt t-ir iinle anti alnx ['The latter xvas sentt ta Chile, Po,veî." This ivas follaxved was an hanoraîy eider c-f Ihat h iii XMr. 11i J;[ r11 s - ,Dr.-tA li- (. C. Aýlioii,'Scaîli ATnerica, for a thice- %with prayer.Chc. j '. ~ i - -Ip: 1 ei mnSrda ei',ttiar dIis Mis. C. li-win, gave the De-, Sunx'iving besidesh5'-f cf Ecie-t. Wshrmiiz ý v'îm i rMi ld1Il.-JH. Bah- crutciil scene a rnost valuiable votional andi was assisteti by ae tc duhe-, Nli ha'~- eta med iaiv ftcmmi h Thv x Ce emrojle imr~itouto to Latin-Amren-- Mis. R. Geraw-, ho read the1 (Mrs. Sidney Coinish) cfT-j visiirt -..'itm M etrrspcmiduig their '-acptionri ait tudeitt life -with an inter- Scrîptuie. rone and Berthea o Hamptern. Claienct:Eimcish 'cxx i il iie Maritimes, OinSui-:-unational teachiîtg staff. It Ml neswr ra y i.Teeare three gîandchild-1 Dommîni aym-tmî- mi:xxiiafiernociui, ;irîîat draw-s its students from al E:. Caswell. Trees. repart IVRE ren, Geiry, Mary and Wendyf Mi' ani M' 1. B'Clil:T ill; Mi. and Mis Bahck clciet Spanist speakiî-g Latin- gixen by Mis. E. Ruthven. Cornish. Alsa surviving are a Mr.anç M., -. . B ClrkL i calei on lrs. lviii Alliia. Aiinerica. Rex.'. ilson was1 Several items ai business sister, Irene (Mis. Samn Vin-! er~S.Nii.aceM m a n liaihat tf a n ith 5.CM". seci-et-iy ait he Uni-1 were brouqht before the meet-'o)o saa n r- tri cl":îd, mîtiAm.n Ni'i \l \xatîr. a!Overct o Aber-ta for tirree 1gfor- theîr appiaval. AIl bils iOsaxa nt i~ Ba, is Mr zlct M:,G b1[ýillter', Nor'man ai Tornrto. Sapencer Mi.ailgâr,,- ii cf ,ti7.i ear' ani -.as the first staff Pîee e eepii eat The fulierai service vuxasî %vai'ds) cf Buîlinmoigtî, Ô£ ii 0îi'n mc ienbîm av er c net w h ascgien Cm'ee-held from the Marris Furmeral! JM Cîîc ~~ '1l be iiterested ino1 nt ictCctuti1hyt1 n a rvh1wsi'apel, Bawmanville, cf Sat-ý of.orntC Ne ý , i. - eS t îr va~ guWhileinCil, e lmariedihe charge o! the pîogiem 'andi urdey, July 4th, anti tiasCari-! ofxx s isîîmtSt rN.axC.-,mriieml" iîe 'I. In' Elsa Riverla anti they chose "Indue" asber topic. A ducted by Rev. Walteîrak ~< 5.511al~.i ilion'- ir- nixstaicteini: Geneva, Greeting Card iýontest er'ang- ham of Oshawa. lnterrnen a, Mi. tîrd Nir'-. 3iRin tm i ~ vuz-lrd \7uehldy d -bY Mrs. E. Caswell proved was i11 Oshawa tnouCre patimin itria in p t<o i . e -,gîmgie heei in.. a Canada. Rev. Wilson ex- quite arnusmng antiDuzzling. teri-. TI'iii'sdrivi-aler mt Xi rmn' ilttc n'p't01nufIe ne South Arnerica Mis. R. Morton invited tuie. Pelîbear-ers, all îîeptiexvs., Icx:lcs.h Irun W arcindbtd ~ (ii'a ictu î ec- oun i ladies te ber' home foi- thelwere Messr-s. Gordrin Vinsoni M liss .imimi i Pit i'-duixi' 'lfm."n Iix-isimn ninl in Sxitzerlaîtd. Jtuly eveniixg meeting.' Bob Gilioy, Stan Caverly, AI-1 tc-rOi M'. lid isýiCiiii)( ;JA happy social hall boui bert Rxndle, [.oruîe Hoskin: ti fl liiiit liis.(lt ii I t oic oiditîg thiis iîtforîtî-- - t- was enSoyed at the close' of and Dick Wood. Pu r, s spcniuig. xxcxxru li' uit iii On ann Aît eîr Le,, Xl Carl Set-ami rImgî te nieeting, asý a d'ainty luiî- eistp Caip. akCarol -m M morii mlSpI 1 iteon prepared by Mis. S., rhin. astheclaoen rpreenr- M". ncf A. Se,-Dickeîîson was served by te riveîof as liali iii tr f1i.anl Mi .. uc-We ekly Repot Commn. andi Hostess. th. MARK rd. MN SuhuolPron: Om cînimcte, e Brulns- i Mrs. Elsworth Caswell andi Folowing ait illness afi îîitej Mis-1ý a1 1 - Ni; -1uDî-ai. ický. xx-ie ttch speun a woînd- Paf'r the veek of June 29 to Elaine, Mi. S. Dickensan,, ai- weeks, the death of Mis.! Tnonto spemît t u wîeeke td e 1 c ighit daX s xith lier -,ous- i J nîy 5 inclusixe: itendec the "Work Shop" helti Mark M. Munday accurreti at v-I- biprtMian il,, ,Mrs, Latrd Wiltoni. Carol 1 Admnissionis ..... 7 ai Canton îecently for Sunday Memorial Hospial, Bowmai-ý Hugh Mtc-Dona1d. r-'.n ît aveled ta Nevi- Bruiis,.viek Births. 6 maie, 6 femnale 12 School teachçîs.vil onTeayJre30h Lat x'i.Xl 1î. vi xa airpiane hy Iterse ...M.s..D..c.a.ges69 This is in cannection with v1964:onShe wsayin er 8th, Doal vsiedMi. l.Ma \ilton and ber son Kex-ii re- Major operatianis ... 12 the new curriculum about t o Dnl iiei M Mr uii uet home wtth lher te speni Mnt oeains----18 be adopteti by aIl the Unitediyei lisn amd i ~itixli~ ~- 0 erainder of the su miner j1 rnergency treairnents .. 51 Church Sund;y School this i.htrothlteacb Walls. il f Weilîîd îxitn lier' parnîts, Mr, and Mis. j Visiting bois 3-8 p.m. deily. IaN. 1,,,elnStevens, the fan-, Mi1. antI î5,George 7Cr.Willham Steenu af Pic-ton, Onît, -- -Ms amnBilat osxirAbraBeatrice Stevens ù! AtipcrM. tl, Xli-rnir M,.andtiMis. W. P. Leach, ~ ?ÎT> Ida, visiteti Mis. M. Irwin lait vis bain et Bowmanville anti -ubs fMr ýd Ms.AthryThurstiey, *attendeti Maple Grove School. Ma'erî-isuiî FIent Street. OrFeiS0ic- ossfi L fA1 n'August 24, 1898, site mar-, Suiitax NI: ,,îl 'v- E1,Ier-fati; irmîWon Sundaýv i re Mak .Mudywo and a li id MIS.â-. Xnîrit-on liiter' fil M.Xlid Mi net1 XVuil Ia Palmer lias return- - it akM udywo v,ý1ite'dDi. ad Mi. GeralJac-kso cmù' Sm'pli'.Ecg-Icilhaote train a nontb's va-1 URKETON ipredeceased ber in 1960. Gaîtuitc' cfwîu11,111dim. xviii>ar-e visitiîîg M.a catinturing whmcn she xisît-r The late Mis. Munday itad - N-s LIeach foi, twoivmeweks. c d xx itit ber daughter anti son- hi. andi Mis. Herb Cauglîil î, esided at 12 Wellington s xlinia Xi Ni. tlmi.î. i.ncngtîmmi ateinii xerp, iiî-Iaw, Mn. andi Mis. Rov Mis. E. Cernochan, Niagera-on- Town, for 17 years. For mailv~ .Nn iaN:!.0 t-ut itXl-ai Nirs-.'led S aset id BretireIl ai, Belle Pleins, Sask. the-Lake; Mis. John Malay, years Mi. and' Mis. Munda.yl f1dMrmS.l A Il lîl"11.1m,- anîtilY-CulîoLiig: Mi.aind -Mis, Mi.muid N-hs. Iai-ny Ryley St. Catharines; Mr. Fred lived et RR. 3, Bowmanville.1 doîi in, t ,dr.'hi \ilii 1A-tii-Miten Jibb ant inotu;, àIr. amîtiiheir daîginters Marlene Caughill, Marylandi, New York The deccaseti was a nibeci rmanrt.i W-tiiammi.m-i-nth~ad ittIrMs. Muni-av Leac i~ andtiand Susait were on holidays weî'e Tuestiay ¶uesis"a! Mis. o! Maple Grave Unitedi Chîîcch Tim' cs ttMrs, 5Arihuxrn i mt! Baltinore, andt lasi sîek ai-d visiied with Florence CeugbilI and families. andi, as long as her healthý Waiimîmmmkmîi i i a patncitt li'. tandt Mn', Ciiff Leacli oi Mi, an-d M Fr-ank White ai Mi. andi Mis. Lînidsay Coul- peimitted, took an actix'e in-ý tr Xenicrmal Flu,ýtital. Picton Eila Trenitoni. ter, Bagotville, Que., svere Ferst in the woi-k of thel 1: ~iil l.. Xi 'Ni-U. Reeir xLiirusxxmîî~Xl. ad . atmmd Mis. Ross Hall, Wednesdey guests ai Mr. anti church andi the wornen 'i or- citi ii ga.mt-îmmtiiiCîtd' li: (. aiîluixxîeMiMiss Ly itta Hall and Mis. Mrs. A. E. Ribey. ganizatioxis of the chucrh. 'Mi.mind Nîts. Howar-d Scott, iworship et 11:45 *.m. A cjtil ~VNSAU r-ID L ILindsax. vene Suitdav gètsiviai s extentietita aIl. 1'ie et fIvi .Al REFORA4ED ~uv:t.'Mr andMis. Water Mi. anti s. George St#ley' redaho ri ln RE O M D CH ReNak,. ;nti femily, Gîeenwood,* we'rce ged 75 yeers, accurr-edti a N Sret, ow anvll M-. anrd Mrý,. Beri Freerm*n S unday guests of Mr. and â4s. Mernorial Hospital, Bowmnan- Scgo .amid "aril",Toronto, speni re Lee.#nd lamiyville, ai-iTuesday, June 301h, SStrtiax-with ft!rs. Walter*Mi.;idTfr.JhnOiyi 96.lIfailing health for ap-I n-ev Jolii C. Verbrugge, B.A., BUD. Mînsîser ý Rowland. BramptonÇ were Sunday guëssproximately two years, lie hati & Mr- -imd Mis. Charles ReY- of 'Mr. and'M4iu. R. J: CauOing oeen hospitalizei fo r t wz 'Veîphon 6235023~ uolis spent the weekcnd "et at anil.mouiths. SGlencairîî visîting with Mi. 1M1i."pnd Ms. IHenry DeMilI; Son o! the late Thornias anti andi Nîs. Sidney Stev'ens. at mily, Mis.ý D. Bryan, Ellen Allun (nee Middîeton),' WORSIIIP SERVICES . Nixbers cf Betîran" L.. Mis.G . Wtherup, Miss Susiti he wxrs bain in Clarke Town- ý11022 andtihie Ladies' Good Wethrup, Miss Hiltip H a- sian t Vi ttenPubiewScestl 9:00 arn. - Dutch Luck -tioge attendeti divine Mi. antiMis. W. Hopps, OshaÈ niWib ulcSbos 9:00 a.m. - Dngih service in the Unitedi Chuich We, end Mis. Armstrong, Wes- anti Newcastle High SchooI.ý tl:0 a.. -Engishon Sunday evening. Rev. WfI- ton, weîe Sunday guesis of Mr. On March U2, 1913, he marnieti 7:0 .n.-6nlih iam Percy w-as ni charge o! ;nà IMis. B. Hubb*id. 'te former Olive Rhckand xxho' 7:30 pm. - Eglis i l te service. Patrick Bruno o!f i. #nd Mirs. E. H. Co;tes, survives. Consl f odTornto was guest 4oioist, ac- Myrtît, were Suntiay guet A farxner, the dec-easeti nad Prociasrning the Who1e CuslofGd §companied at the orgn by af Mis. A. Vartçi. ie3itied et RER. 2, New'castle % j Mis Jean Pieicy. Miss Pet 94plee, Hampton, silce 1937. Folloxviîg Itis mai - -Boivmanviîle Pipe Ba~nd led wes Sunday #u#f ! lse Pet !age ini 1913 lie liveti in the1 th aaetoa nd' from the ùatchel. ecatle aiea until 1927 -- chwit Bailiebara and Miss Kaihy .&bbott, Bow- W én enb moveti ta R.R. I. Ida,' "'~" o G fur"~ d ~ Fallis Une Fife pnd Drum nfnville, li wt ne#r Peterborough, returning1 .IJUUfl. o Gd ou" roacasi Band i aso in attenderice. Mi. end Mrs. 'W. UbMatitçl and ta the Newecattle tiistrict ini Members c! other lad g;s iimiîy. 1937. CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, Julv t2th. at 9:15 P.M1. tram Pon:-ooal. Janetville,i Mr. B. Dean, Saikamoomi Tht iAi:xa MilbîokFraeixile *n dS;k. ; sLndn&a iew days j rember a! Newcastle Unitet B#iU#. ctu wu lificate read.lng au follow.1 "Grand Chapter o!flte State o! New- York, Royal Arch Masons -rCertifieate of fiftvi LISTERINE i4-o'z. atgg. list 9883c PEPTO - BESMAL- îz-ez. sugg. îÎst 1.6s 1.49 LADY PATRICIA Hair Spray 99e vaue79c1 NOXZEMASkÎn Cream 14-oz. stigg. liIs 1,99 1.69 HALO SHAMPOO _.. __ 9c vaue49c BUFFERIN - --_'a)i,ets 100's« sugi. iisL 1.89 1.67 ODO-RO-NO Roll-On or (ream Deodorant 1.09 value 88C DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 7>c For Backache, Tired feeling due to Urinary Irritation and Bladder7 Discomfort You can Depend on Dodd's, per box, sugg. list 79c 12's - compare ait 51c Feminine Napki*ns 44e SOFI au STRONG * DS'POSABLE KLEENEX 20s2for 33 c CONF DETS 48"s- 1.86 value The Sanitary Napkin New Fragrant sugg. Ifist 1,39 FLYTOX Insect Bomb 1.19 Kilts Filies, Maths, MosquitoeE,, Wasps, Ants, Spiders Chior- Tripolon 7 9 c Rapid Relief of Seasonal Allergies Hay Foyer sugg list 1.00 Calamine Lotion LUA.. Brand 8-oz. 50c Stomach Powder I.D.A. Brand 98C EPSOM SALT . I.1J.A. Branid îi-oz. 29c PAPER NAPKINS .. .D.A. Branid 7O's 19C MINERAL O I wi Brand 16-oz, 69c TOOTH BRUSH 1.1).A Brand 35c PRESCRIPTIONS I. D. A. REMEDiES ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623 -5792 a h ~Chapel Bwnnv:e on Fr!- *rhe Cariadian Statesrnan, Bowvmanville. July 8. 1964 17 day. Juiv 3rd. an d was con- lE SofNacil' ZONhome afier spending several Sirviig. besidýs x-'e. u Prxrn' ieCerne-,TeCietr okdba- are nine Lhhd rein Sadie (M'-s*ter\ Mis P. J. Roberts is hetifue Th ete e ouea- IH. McBa'n>. Ida. 0Ont.. Stan-" Pa!lneirL1., randsons ;Ifl O shwaGeneral 10Iso tiful ath fli o ecorionr ley. Williani and \'oîîev all] ere Doitald McBain. iamesipîîaî. In Sudy fo eorto cf Newxcastle. Betty of Ptr MBlrBarry Pedwei, Net] SuMar. isnitrs etWes Cxn.fD horotigh, Roberz uf Ne, cast e, Alliin. Davicd Gedies. .,-dieron's xvere Mrs. Evelvn Flin- M.ar i..înAnrs D oris M r~ . ýto ffGe d d ed ro n , M r.na n d M ,% rsa nd fîtm ily h a v e ï, x~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ - _111o~h Ms Aîî enaf',11 LoralMý .andd Mis. S!anile\- CoverPv MIr. A. J. Stainiton ~a niéts' Mýaurice Pedýv eL'). Neýv rast:e. tokens. ex ideic Of 'jne e- -and Karen, Ebenezer, Mr-. and ter of cereilnonies ati the Der. i and John,, of Oshauxa. !eein :nxvhichl thc deceased i, I -Etni Cochrane. Courtice. oiation Day service atid Rwz- A1s vxu g a: t - S;, A el. v, leitose rvonýI r. an d Mis. Jim Stainton,selHe MP.w tî ,,ers aiicionIe brother, Edra Cai ows iSnol Aiea Dave ai-d Douiglas ivent toispeakÈr. (M~Noi*ma-a Down). Osh- Boarriî. Nex-,ýcastle UnIlit e d!Orillha o' udy i.aî i i tî;o NewcýtljChurch Choir, Ri*:e-%va.v Jewx-: Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil eiîner- Brcwninig Islandc. veIr v tek- aw.H wr Ne i ea5 lervDi.P e-orLai,. ieilirsnsad aihtriedgestToîîî Sobis. san6 Elta Ms, Sidncv Yen.!elr cn. e on n agtr O us a ton), Bùowmpýivi]jlie ý,às and Progrnamnîg Section cf.and their fami]ies and Mi'. and,ý Mr. and Mrs. N. Potier, 'lor- predeeasedbv a ,,,IGeiier-ai Motors Of Oshawxa.-Mis. George Hilts to dinner atonto, v-jitcd a Ileni-y Dart's ptdeeaedbya rohe ad itliu f loer. mrnrjlMancliester on Suinday at noonW x.adMs eî Dart and ser.Wlla rr E. coîtîribLition was made by thei and then they ail r-etturnedl Ken visited at Fr.ed Dart's. chldoo Lîiied Chtîrchi Wottten la the to MNirs, Alex iMcMvasteî-'s forWoodiville, oit Suîdayý Doris é T:, V i ;t ,,aslNeÀ,castle United Oh-ch 'liRe-,IsLpper.ïDai't cane l'ortie MWitlh hern j reld .,hrieAMo'rris F'îîie'aJ tnovation FLnd use] Pekn rt-iefîa c of lholidiaYr.. THESE SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTIL JULY llth WI-2