Mms Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 9874213 At the close of the meeting Reev to un fr W adenMr. Cunningham ennounoed Reee t Ru fo W adenhis intention to coninel o reeve at the conng eleotion. Clerk Annoyed by LatetBîlIs:z zz Cier An oye by ateBils 1would seek election to office tanand Dickinson announc- Cp1.un cil Sets New Deadlîne ed t th stme te ol Newcastle:- The r e g u 1 a r, Robert Street. Councillors1 water which is coming over1r W altnth i isenS ot Cknown toucilmetin wa hld flCouch and Dickinson and'his property. Mr. Sluce, who:a hstm fhsitnin Monday evening in the coun-ýReeCniga losglscnrcigtenwsbýa hstm fhsitnin cil chambers. Absent from ReeCniganaý u- ~cnrcigtenwsb for election. the meeting was Councillori gested that the foU1owingý division on the Stan Graham Bob Walton. who had been in streets have signs erected, property, had appeared at an hospital. 'Emily and Church, Edward earlier council meeting with : With the minutes or the ]astýChurch, and one sign on'suggestions for getting rid of, meeting being adopted. the James Street and Church. A this water, and council haveHo d business at hand was 'deait motion was made at this timeý since met Mr. Slice on theHo d MV eeting With. Tihe police contract for to amend the by-law on or; rpry ihtemud 1965 had been received, and, before installing these sign1s poperty. th tth m ýN ewate-sh cae it was moved by Councillor ýand before the third and final cf dciltteea ha ie ecteThe Octoer Fred Couch to accept the con-raigatt-enxtcuc] fit he was doingi meeting of Unit 4 wshl tract, an.d for poliing tocr)titig the îeede regular evervthing possible to btishI G t te home of Mirs. Wnm. AI- tinijý, as it was in 1964. throughout the village shou d esîtro s the lo. ck end lin Th 1me mboesed nt. APetition, signed by neigh- be brought to councis atten - an tpth lw ow er Th metn oeed iha this bas flot been done or even poem "Th-ings That Count" hors in the West View Heights'tiOfl. attempted, according t I r. by Mrs. George Allin. Mrs. 'area, was sent to council ask-, Fred Graham was present Graham. Mr, Bonathan ex- Clarence gave a very inter- ng that stop signs be erected at the meeting and spoke ta! plained to Mr. Graham that esting devotional, reading at the corners of Church and council regarding the eXCPS ss ra a ltbe ae "o' udne"Tî a over by the village and there- followed by prayer by Mrs. fore it was only tbrough Mr. Falk. S e i l S r i edone. Mr. Graham then ex- charge o h td S Suciedtht omcuehin oulted b h e s. Wm. A ri wstin 0 f em e bra cehydro have been through, and Contribution to Nation Build- O f R e e m bra ce iasked how it was that the ing. Minutes of last meeting hydro was tbrough if the vil- were read and tre'asurer's re- lage had not yet taken over port given. Offering was tak- H eld S un a y ighthe road. Someone must have en, followed by roll cail. Newcastle:. On Sunday ev- Following the band and par-. Mr. Graham felt that the Homes during the past month.ý ening, November 8th, the citi-lade from the Cenotaph,a someone getting the run Fia arngm ts ee zen i th vllae oind ilarge crowd attended St.j around was him. At this time Fiade arancern nts wor n iGeorges Anglican Church for' Mr Bonathan moved that advison fo wr t ad- âtthe Reemrance ay sevic the Rernembrance Day Ser 9 letter be set to th ue ner. It was decided to give a atth Cnoap. logwith vice. haevng him reportnd to donation to t.he Crippled Chju- the Veterans and Legion; Vets ana Legion members Ree ti ek n e dren's Sohool in Oshawa, 'at niembers of the Bowmanvilic were invited into the Parishý something Dembr etig in Legion. Several wreaths wcre Hall after the service. where Mr. Cunningham spoke forýi.tead of the usua] exchan e PJaced at the Cenotaph inithey were served coffee and' John Rickard lest night, ak -1 of gifts. At the close of the memorv of the loved fines wholdoughnuts bv the ladies 0f! ing council ta consider e1ect- meeting an animal contest had fallen -duiriniz the wars.'the W. A. ing two lights on the Rickard was enjoyed by ail, after' sideroad. Mr. COLIch made which lunch was served. the motion tl-at a letter be -_______ sent ta the hydro commission and have property committe learn the location that, the re- o m n t quPsed lights should be in-Bo l g stalied.Bo ln M. Malkiewiez issurd three Newcastle: The foilowingi building permits in the month, is a list of the high bowlersi of Ortober. one for Allin, be-i for the week ending Novem-' ing buiît by Alwood Con. i ber 6th. iWest View Hieights, and two i es-20adoe ta DeWit, Eileen Doat 297, Alice Hooey 0 ~Mr. Pidgeon. town clerk, 256, Helen Couroux 255, Dor- 2 ~~~~fullv disgused wit h tyMre 5,Jnc moany bis whirh are slipped Quantrili 244, Teresa Lang- rA D Nunder his door at the last day, staff 235, Eleanor Perrin 228,1 just hours away from the Jean Allun 224, Yvonne Peel UARA TEEDthe council table for the mem- Mary Low 204, Lii Farrow. GUA ANT ED ersto ee an exresed is204, Evelyn Meadows 203, feelings concerning people Dolo&es White 201 and Diana who couldi not seemn to get the Langstaff 2(),. TRU T ER IF CA ESidea that bis shouâd appear Men's Leeae 200 ad 1~RUST CERTIFICATES before the clerk in time for vr-G32,n t.was bis wish that a motion 2 owe 282, George Kimbail p( îsued in arnounts from $100 he made, not just a suggestion 267, Lloyd Taylor 262, Mer- upwads fr 3,4 or5 at other Limes. that a dead- nu' Henry 255, Ken Neal 2,51, u p adeo , o arr s .l n e b e s e t, w it b a y b i ls 2 4 9, ull 2 , 2 , d i 3 8 -ear 1.' interest, payable hall- coming in after that time held Pearce24,Bl ai 38 year]y by cheque. over until another meeting. Fran Quantrili 233, Lowell Manyof he ill wee dt- ighfield 231, George Glan- e authorized investment for ail PMany oft30h, biandweredat- yville 227, Ken Whitney 225. Canadian Insurance Companies reachedi his hands. Mr. Cun- JunXiors - 200 and over and trust funds. ninghamn noted that the top Ron Good 252, Bruce Mercer bil], dated November Oth, was 227, Darlene Bowen 213, Gais-y sent in from the Hall Board, Forget 212, Gord Allun 208, and counicil felt they could Sdiaron AIldread 202 and Judy have had their bil] presented, PoWetll 200. YHE earlier. Friday Mixed Lfagut - 200 Councillor Bonathan moved' and over - Ruth Couch 262, that ail bills received beforel Ted Hoar 254, George Kim- STER IN G R U TS or on the first Tuesday of bal] 240, Ken Dean 239, Wal- CORPORATION each month be item ized and lace Couch 239, Nuline Storks brought to cotincil for auth- 234, Rev. E. C. Woodland 233, orization of paymnent Bis Albert Pea'rce 227, Tracy Ern- received following that time bley 225, Glen Rowe 225, Wil- would not be deait with un- da Johnson 218, Murray Pat- 172 Bey St., 35 Dunlop t, 73 Misaissaga 1, 'tii the next meeting. terson 215, Janet MeCracken - . - -. .. . .211. John Cunningrhm 206, *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* 1i:' At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. -Sot. m'il SFACIAL TISSUES 200's SPECIAL KLEENEX 16~ SJ. & J. BABY POWDER..---- gg---s--98 83 C C ORICDIN TABLETS ---------25'3 sugg. list 1.29 1.13 ml '~GILLETTE -____Stainless Steel Biades 6's 89C 7 7c 4 NEW DAWN Haïr (olor -- sugg. lit 2.25 1991 INFANTOL Liquid ------- 16-oz., sugg. list 3,50 2.8 9 >NESILE SPRAZE --------- ioz., sugg. list 1.39 84 c BROMO SELTIER --.------- ---------sgg. Iist 1.09 89C< >l" TAM PA X - -------------- - ----- io's sugg. lust Sic 4 7 c ~KOTEX Feminine Napkins - 's sugg. list Sic 3 9c4 WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK < BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE JACKSON'S DEUG STORE JGHNSGN"S DEUG STORE wLEXEcCEEGOE, DEUGS OBONO4 JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHRAEMAàCY 4 c5octal1 and Mr. and Mirs. Alex Hendry, attemtded the Commencementý Exercises at Stirling Hlig h, Schaol, Stirling, Ontario, on! Friday evening last. Mr-. Da-' vid Mur-ray, son) of Dr. a nd' Ms-s. R. B. Murr-ay, was vale- dictes-ian. Ms-s. Murray was fos-merly Edîth Hendry of! INewcastle, and well known ta' many in the village, In addi-1 tien ta being valedictorian. David received the Board Scholarshîp, the J. R. Cooke Scholarship ansd the J. L. I Good Trophy. David is at-1 tending the Tri-Ses-vices Coi-1 lege at Royal Roads, B.C., asi an air force cadet. In addition ta David's honours. others in, the fambîx' praved theirý achievements, with JanPt win- niniz the grade twelve Engis prize, John the grade tený athematics prize and Suz-j a.nne the grade nine rnathe- matics prize. Mm-. and Ms-s. A. M. ViSner . TSonto, were Sunday visitot-s' cof Ms-s. H. R.* Pearce and Mr ' and Ms-s. Albes-t Pearce andý family . Mr-. Kenneth Pearcej Orangeville, visited bis ma-1 ther, Mm-s. H. R. Pearce, on' Mcnday. Our Newcastle fmiends amtdl neighbors in the Bawmanville, Hospital this week are:Mm. Stella Anderson, Master Las-- s-y Bean, Mms: Anne Bierste-1 ker, Mm-. John Davis. Mr. Tom i Lennard, Ms-. Ernest Rinch' and Councillor Robert Wal- ton-, from R.R. Na. 2 is Mr. Ciaresce Hale.i Stedmans' Executives Company President S. P. Woolever With a large expansion sale in progm-ess at Stedman Bowmanvi]le store tbis week, Statcsntan readers will bi interested in the people bebind the scenes at the executivi level of tbis progressive company. The careers af three a these men are deta led belaw: S. P. (Sam) Woolever, president, of Stedmans sinci 1962 brings ta his present position oiver 33 years' experiencg in ail phases of the firm's business. His capacity lor~ leadership w-as always qumckly demon strated in the many positions lie lias held bii the company Just prior ta bis appointment ta the presidency. hE had been Managing Director of the Canada wide chair fram 1959 until 1962. Sam Woolever was born in Wallaccburg, Ont. wherE be started bis retail career working for Mirwin*s store whicl at, that lime was a Stedman Associate Store. Mm-. Woolever started with Stedmans in 19.31, and mani aged Company stores in Huntsville and Orîllia, Ont. Hf was soan promated to Associate Store Superintendent hr charge af al] Ontario Associate Stores. His executive ability and boundlcss cmîrgies have beer devoted ta practically every phase of the Company's de- velopment over the years, when he served in the capaciti of Hardware Buyer, Real Estate and Construction Man. ager, General Superintendent of stores then Managing Di- rectar and now Presideýnt. With his wide knowledge of merchandising, Mr. Wool- ever is right ai home in any of the chain's 140 stores and he travels extensively throughout Canada, mnakbng periodi- cal visits ta the stores across the country. He is an active menthes-af the Rotary CIlub of Toronto, Sam Woolevem- and bis cham-ming wbfp Beatrice, along with their two daughters, Joan and Frances, ]ive in Wil- lowdale, a suburb of Toronto where they are members of the St. John Anglican Church. For recreatian Sam laves to get out to bis smîimmer cottage an Georgian Bay where he practices bis boating prawess and marinal navigation. I The Canai!an Statemman, BowmaiivfleT'. 11, 1064 - 1 ManIt Was a Real Blast" Says Newcastle Editor Describîng Under 21 Dance Newcastle.- On invitation of but neot the fun. beoau,-s- they oves- big in village. He Mr.Gos-don Gais-s-d Jr., dance attended the dance with every then turned the mnike over to chaimanof he Nwoatlethought of heving a great the man mesponsible for the Recreation Committee, your editos- attended the fis-st of time, and that's just what dance. every teenager*s bud- -what is hoped te be many, o f they had. Having spoken ta dy, Gord Garrod, and with his the dances offered to the the many adults there ta question of did t.hey enjay "Under 21". To desenibe the çliapei'one the dance, they en- themselves, they ail whistled entire evenin.g. "Mian, it was .ioyed the evening better than and applauded Mr. G'arred. a bdast". any evening in a long time. His announcenient to the Taking charge of the dane True, there were two uni-laudience, was that the store- and keeping evem-yone enthi fos-med O.P.P. officers at the keepers and business people feet, was Lee Vogel, a C .K.- door, Constable Murrsay Joynt cf the village were respon- and Bruce Tilison, and chap- sible for the expense of the E.Y.Goo Gu. A UiLes~nterones inside, Mr. and Mmrs. evening dance. and with the times th'roughout the evemng, B. Rickas-d, Mr-. and Mrs. F. nboney made that evening at several spot dances were held Hoas- Mr. and Mm-s. R Cob- tihe door, if they se wanted it, a'nd axnong the lucky winners bledick, Mor. and Mrs. E. ros- the dances would be a month- were: Judy Alldresd and Den- ter, Me. and Ms-s S Powell, lIv ane, and fs-cm now on a nis Wanncn, Joyce Campbell Mm-s. G Garrod Jr., Ms-s. Wrn. band would be him-ed. This and Rick Pearce, F'rances ole n r.H une. lortdapasadcr Hoair and Gord Allin, CeleVa] r.H.Qiny lortd plue n e- Adams and Dennis Rudmnan, Those at te dance knew tainly front the good tinte Sandy Ferren and Brian Pick- that the police and chapes-cnes eveTyone had, thev and ottes ering, Linda 'Whitney and were net there ta spoil their with themn wil] 6e watching Rick Levesque, Mary Dean fun, but rather te keep out the papes- for notices of the and Gamie Lycett, George "none not interested in keep- next big night. Rickaird and Mlana Morrison ing thms dance going onal Besides Mr. Gars-a and Mr., Candy Storks and Jim ýSouch: level plain. Several tintes Breretomi, otihers cf the re. Leslie Stephenson and Ken before wihen teens tried ta creation committee were Mr§. Veitch. Anteng the prizes Vut on such a dtance, the few Mbrg.'ton and Ms-s. Eve- were hit records, theatre pas- eut of hands teens, and quite lyn Northrup. They were al ses, and trays with auto- often aduits, tried orashing in present at the dance, and graphed pictures of the Beat- where they were neither pleaised tee with theji- efforts. les. wanted or needed, but it was ~ ~ Amnong the <tances were nlot so with this one. Thtis was great changes in tempo, jump- weli run, and evem-y girl aimd GtCs o ing fs-em a quiet two step te boy attending was a lady or, GlCs oa ~a loud twist, the swim anid gentlemen. oftevn-Fr 1 the fmug. Aftes- watching the Neas- the close of he1015Fo Od ppliancu jkids go through these num- ing, Mr-. Sami Brereton, chais- bers, the polka and bunny- man of the recreation corn-, tbrough hop, whieh nor-malljy finds me mittee, spoke briefly te the out of breath, seemed as tame cs-owd, askîng them if they S TA TE SMA N is as a waltz. If the adults have had enjoyed themselves, and C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 ýe found the dances have chang. thanking tItem for their sup- Poe6330 ,e ed, certainly the kids haven't, pert and co-operation in prav- Poe6330 f thte steps and tempe maybe, ing tih-at teen dancemi oould go1 e e a1 e e ~1 ~'! r I General Superintendent J. D. Vanderburgh Stedmans General Superintendent, J. D . (Jack) Vander- burgh stasted wos-king for Stedmans as a part turne was-e- bouse entployee in the summer of 1935. He liked the busi- ness so well that he decided ta make a career aut af it, and in 1940 he started as a Stedman store trainee in the Company's retail store at Perth, Ont.j It 1941 (Van) as his close assurm-ates cal! hirin, graduat- ed to the inanagership of the Gerrard and Woodbine. Tom- onto store. Betweeri 1943 anmd 194.5 he uas a gumi armer inm the R.C.A.F. Following the war, Jack resumed bis career with Sted- mans and wvas appointed manager of the Jane St. Toronto store in 1946, mn 1947 he managed the Perthm, Omît, store. In 1948 his executive ability was further demnomstrated when he was promoted to District Manager in the Toronto aid Niagara districts mn Ontar-io. During 1951 Jack was appainted bîmvem- for miitns wéar and hosiery i0 the Toronto hante office, in 1948 bic; buving responsibilities miere expanded when he was apno'nte d marchandise manages- in charge of several merchancfise de- pamtments. In 1959 and through to 1961 in addition in mprchandisp manager hp assumned the additional respansîhilities as Company Real Esiate Manager. Dus-ing 1961 Jack's leadership and executive'abîlities were further roagnized xvhen he mwas pronmîed to the position which he novi holds as "General Supemîintenident" in charge of ail Stedman retail stores acrnss Canari2 Jack and bis charmingwie Helen, make the,ý home in the Toronto suburb of Etobicoke. Construction Superintendent W. A. Howard W. A. (Bill) Ilouard, Construction Superiniendent for Stedmans since 1956, staried with the firm in 1949. From 1949 tntil 1956 he was a Construction -Field Supervisas-' for the Compamtv. supervising ail construction cf the Compan 'v "on the spot." When not n Head Offmce mn Toronto due to thewde spmead activities of the Company, one week Bill might be in Nova Scotia and the next \week may se in in Briish Columbia. In addition 10 superv lsing the constructioni of Companyv buildings amtd maintenance of exsting buildings, Bill is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of store fixtures in ail CompanY stores. Bihla ves gamdening and prides hmmself oit the "Big" tomatoes and beaiitiful roses be m-ar.s nt hms home in suburban Torontc.. Cooking is also one af his avmd hobbies. Bill and bis devoted wvife Margam-ci and their two boys Bruce and Billy, reside ini Clarkson, Ont. Fresh KiP.d, Gude A, R..ciy bo Cook BOIUNG(4to"6l) FOWL m "fl ER ftgwnEtl tJplhw FwtffEW I kpIa w bm GRADE " OVEN READY, VAC PAC., TURKEYS,, Ir 5to lO-Pb average BONUUSS $cm MUAT PORK LOIN ROASI END 6 CONTRE7 CUS h 9 1CUTS lb 79c mWOWE IGHER" «Nom N1GMtRp A&P Fancy Qvdty Rte. Pvêoe 2 "n 37e-SAVI i12e PEAS 60xin99 C Ctark's Reg. Prioe 2 tine 27c-BSAVE 36c VEGETABLE »0 -99C soup z, C Fancy Quali ty LIBBY'S PUMPKIN w 23C Pu,-êtan 14e. Prioat tS*e-BSAVE lte BEEF _ 2,4~79 Jeaii. 141. fri~ ee .aoh 1cSV PUMPKIN PIE________ Jane Park.,' Rg. Pn s ee»--h % -s à%vE bc ENGLISH 3 FRUIT CAKE"33 0 .n m & ~ T ~ ~ ~ fresh ris£ eeoe LETTUCE Large Fù=R ead each 19C 0%"eGrS-ew,.Cadd Storag*, Fa#"y Grgâ. McINTOSH APPLES oe3 9c Cakforîa. Mow Crop, Lafgo Original Bunch« BROCCOLI bunch 29C AM Prie I. This Ad Gwarant.ef Thro,,A Saturdoy, November 14th, 1964 là i