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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1964, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Staternian, Eownianvtlle, Nov. 11, 1964f MAPLE GROVE Thirty - seven cubs. with Laird, and Miss Susan Laird.' . lheir leaders, held a IKalloween Mr. Ken Brooks spent the. à Party on Thursday evening in weekend at North Bay attend-ý the church basement. The ing the Ontario District Quar-, eVcning was spent in playing tet competition. The quartet' games. Those winning prizes consisted of Ken Buttery, Pe-J were: Grant Snowden. Biltie terborough,.Elmer Down, Ebe-1 Precce, Glen Foskett. Mike nezer, Len CleetOhaa Bannister, Ricky Marchant. To and Ken Brooks, Maple Grove. finish off the' cvýen ing's en- They aIt belong to the Barberý ioyment, a lunch was seeved Shoppers of Oshawa Chapter. of doughnuts, root beer. by the Te o hr aei drive-in restaurant. c.-mpetition with 12 quartets., October meeting of the Congratulations. M-omne and School was held on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castie Oct. ]4th at 8:00 p.m. in and Roger Castle, Peterbor- Maple Grove West School ough, were Saturday evening, With two ladies from Oshawa visitors with Mrs. L. C. Snow-1 district councîl, namely Mrs. den, and Mr. Bob Snowden i Lutella and Mrs. Creamer, Mr. Morley Burgess has r-e-1 wvho conducted the election and turncd home after spendingý installation of the new officers tast week at Twin Lakes in which are -as follows: Peesi- company of three others who dent, Mrs. E. Stephenson, Vice were deer hunting. They got: President. Mes. J. MeKeen, three deer between them. Trecasurer. Mrs. G. Gavel. Glad to report that Mr. and Mrs Luela ad Ms.Ceem-Mrs. H. A. Thomas are both, cr, also peesented the prog- -mrvig Thme mn rcdso e Mr. John Loy-, Scotland. who Thrdn e a re gldtof know sa sailor, visited is cousin, that he has sufficientl *v re-ev- rs..CMaNion oda rovered bo be able to retuenevci. home and is doing as well as Sympathy of this communitv can be expected. 's extended to Mrs. MacNeit in Miss Carole Geeenham, '[or-.-the passing of her uncle, Me. ~nto spnt he eeknd ithCharles Lowv, Scotland, receni- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Charles Greenham. Miss Nancv Rogers enter- lained 10 suhool fiends on KENDAT Saturday for Ner 9th birthdav. The friends of Mrs. Mcl Mes. A. Low, Mrs. RgEl-~ H-olmes are pleased to know ýliott and MisK e Seart bh as returned homne from'attended the Area Convention' the hospital. Her daughter,!of the' W. Institutes at the Mrs. Bruce Davis. and two Royal York on Tihursday and, rdaughters. Toronto. are vîst- enjoYed the banquet at noon.f ng her. Ross Jackson was home froml MIrs, Stephen Doyle was a'Pembroke for the weekend. rletegate to the Womcen's In-1 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowesi stitute convention last Wed-land Joan, Peterborough, wereý nesday. Thursday and Fridayýjinee guests Sunday evening, h-eld at the Royal York Hotel,îwîth- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie, Toronto. Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, Couroux. Mlrs. Charles Geeenham, Mrs.ý Reg Elliott. Neil Elliott and' Howard Cryderman, and MsiBili Winn are deer hunting ini F. R. Stevens attended thethe Powassan area. Two gangs' convention last Thursday. Ithat were hunting locally, had'~ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping good luck, the seven m-an gang- ,- and boys, Toronto. were Sun-j got four dccc with the eight day supper guests with heri man gang also getting four. Itý parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R.!was open hunting here on. Stevens. Mr. Frank Olliffe,1Monday, Tuesday and Wed- '4 Stouffville, spent Monday with-nesday of Iast week.- .Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Stevens. ,A stag party was held at Ned From lefi to right, C. Lloyd Clift.on <llllîgsliead), Laurence Mr. and M rs. W m. Laird, Fosters Satueday evenin g for D .(Goddard (Li n r s) o 'l o rs ( i e P -s o a y .I i MIr. Bob and Mr. Alex LairdIthe groom-to-be, John Qa-LosPe.,Dnl ors(ieP-s oa-) u Miss Susan Laird. weee guestsÎtrili, when he was given ?acof- Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs. Legion Pt-es. E. V. Shechan and lcan- aqt the Pearson - Freeburn'fee table, two stack tables and ing ove-, Special Events Chairmani, Bill Baies, guesi speaker- John wedding at Lakef ield on Sat- a pair of table lamps and some - - urday, the groom being a cash. e loees got baek 10 work Moîîday n-ephew of Mr. and Mrs. Wm The General MotorseP0 the 2nd. of November and c us u s -were called to Oshawa, Sun- S o t, C b , c day, November 8th, to take a May e su gestthat strike vote, which careîed. Ifî May e sugestthat theyare out for another month: it will mean pretty slim pie-k- you hop ow fr a ings for Christmas. yo sopNo fr Jim Little hadi his t-ar- bad- !]y damaged in a collision near s wîde electon ,fthe Spur Station on the Taun-, wideseletionof itonroad. Jim n0w works i' Oshawa and was lucky in thatý distictive - ~ bh was not injurcd. distinctive giftsDue to the illness of Rv , C. White, Rev. A. W. Harding __________________ Fie Chnaof Bowmanville took charge of~ Fine hina the service at Kendal, Sun-! and day. He spoke from the text,~ and 'For He shahl give His angels ________ S prklig Crsta charge over thee to keep theer - ~ all thy days,' and illusteatcd how the rock, lion, snake, andi * GLEMINGdragon mentioned in the Bibleý BR S n represents dangers in our- Christian lives. The choir sang! COPPR PICES'Stand Up Foi, Jesus' with Mrs.' COPPR PICESFonk playing the organ. The,1 * CA ADIA POTERYandclothing for the Fred Victor! " CA ADIN PO TER andMision s t bcleft with Mrs.ý H. Foster this week. It was - good to sec so0 many youngI. WOODENWAREfolks out for Sunday schoot, Mer. and Mrs. Garland Cath-,- * LM R U C N LSadcart and Arthur Thompson, " GLMORO S CA DLESand vîsited Sunday with Mr. andý FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Mrs. Harvey Robertson ai Sut- _______ * * - then wrap your gift n COUTTS HALLMARK gift wrap - ALL AWAITING YOU AT -- R,@ckobYFs LTD. 27 King St. 1-V. Bowmanville The Rev. A. W. llardîig'SîOî Weiedy vening. was a dinner gucst Surnday!Due to ii, the UC.W meeting with Me. and Mes. H-ai-lai Mes. R. Elliott's, was post- cher Foster. Mr. and MVrs Jackiponed ror a xveek. lintil Nov. 'Fonk and sons, Mr. and Mes.'11- Jerry Byers and Diane, and Mi. aîîd N p~ au]Mci c- Me. and Mes. Bob Caruthers,ýGîîelph, spent a few diavs lasi and sons, vîsited their parents, week with hee fatNer. Me, Fî-ed Sunday. 'Warren. Thursday evening, a îu m- ber of Kendal ladies attended Kendal frecnds of Mes. Frat-, a demnonstration at the homelces Jackson of Fairview Lodgc, -0f Mrs. Eddie Couroux. 'Whitby, take great pleasuire in r Ms. H. Foster and Mes. M congratutating her on lier 1Oth E. Foster visited with fheir.birthday on Saturday. Nov. 7. .feiends, MeI. and Mes. Bamsev.pIMrs. Jac-ksonî and ber husbaîîd. Campbelleoft, Johmn Jackson. lived for some Some fotks from here at- years in the house îom, occu,- tended the Turkey suppeî- a, pied bý' Hatce Fosiers. ELIZABETH VILLE Cîmurcliseri(c e w-cieldt here. Rex. Cratîdaîl, Port, I Hope, w-as thc speaker. Oui, rie1w mînîster îs at Montre-at aîîcl willNe Noce next Sunday Mi- and Mes. Bucîter of Co- bour,,, wec ie rgin-st soloists. -Sunicla t SchIoî,l xxNl u-Id ' Usuill- Oi Fridatiutiiing 2,a 10 laiicou Sho iw-aS hl-d -it Me, anîd Mes, Teebetît-liv's home i Port I tope loi Donn îa Scont ii o w-ill Ne ta eeied (o Joh ulQua I tti-ili 01i11V tut- 21i Gai-es candi coi)te-sts wtt-opla 'v- ed and hitI-N wila crx-eci w-cee Mes. H Quaxiftril ani Gloria, Mrn- Waltcr, M-Me O Mereet -Ruth anid Donnia'anir i'd es.. Tiiie-kýni-.Sitznpan nsd 01u TLr-'da t alli clloî Nu -. MVcAlitse--rý gI0otîphad thé- woin,'i<tis-tiut e- Ileting at Ne-r home. The- inuLte-s xxecî eead anud i provntedtlanidtllie ladies planu 10 hav--il Nake .ýalce iii Port t lpi-. Ne ut-t- also havin- a quilting thNe- I7111 and I8t1i of Noventil in iithNe bas-- mciii Me5 M et ce andiNMe., Thîckson arc lu attend the leadershiip trainiîng clas > al Oroîmo the i2tiî and 1"'1th of Novembei - Aftee the boisines5ý session Mes, McAllîster. Mes. Quanteîlt and Me-i. K. Tee-w droxe lihe ladie< to Bownîan- Ville b xiSit the nIIIScuIm. afîe w-Nieh-N luCI w as 'cexri at Mî-s Mc-Allistfi-'s Que U.C.W. meeting i10 he on Wedncsda.\-ai Mes. M r aid Mi s- V. Pt-aiock Nad tea with Me. anmd Mes. E. Lec, Peterborough, last wcek. Mes Quanîrîli and Gloria were in Toronto, Saturday, I I SAVE THOSE MASQUERADE* COSTUMES ln ordcr to save nmoncy on rcnted costumes for the annual Santa Claus Parade. wvc ask ali those who had beautiful nmasquerade costumes . .. to wear theni ini this year's parade . . . or let soineone cisc ivear themn. Phone: 623-5533 Mrs. Byvron Vanstone PARADE ALSO REQUIRES: 4 TRAINEDANIMALS <Pets) that can be led, harnessed or controlled TRAINEDin the. Santa Claus Parade CONAC: RS.H.B.RUNDLE - PHONE 623-2681 Many War Veterans Parade to Remembrance Day Bain, Legion Chaplain John Liv-ing. Thnia i1ùhi (Bowmanville lFoundry), H. G. Maecoll (Good.ycar.), aidDh-Hii n tKnsj Pres). %udes and Brownies at Service Service ELIZÂBETHVILLE ' ck addine wthMr an Mrs.Edwi Wilon ; a rden Mrs. Knox and Mrs. H.Hill, 0on sunda.v. Thickson spent Thursdav i ',\M. Howard Quanti-ill at. Toronto at the Royal York at- eîc h eeaino ~1 ten în th ' .I Are C n- culture C onvention ai thi- vent ion. Royal York on Monda \an Several attended thec Shil Tuesdax- of last wo ek. fow! supper on Wedncesdav Mr. and Mârs. Garlanci Catti. issDalneTicsn n cart. Mr. Arthur Thonipsorî M.ssoward etats ontond Kendal and Mrs, Srnith. Cali' iMr.Howrd taas, orotoformia. witli Mr. and Mrs .v' spent the 'veckend at home. Peacoc-k last TIîesdav xn Mrs. DeKoker. Whitby, was Mrs. Ilelle Meneur. Kolen: home tor avvhile on Sundav. jitdn Elizzibellhville. Sua. The local hutnters, \%,il0 o y hunted locallv,_ failed to ba-g d.andMy.ifodWi« any deer this year. Mr. Kel- and faîîd Ms. Mîtloda\Vhffi Vini Beebe shot one on Wed- ar nd MlyspenDoula 'wîthy nesday i ust about 4 o'clocl: .* a rntoMn.Doul . lare when lie v-cnt back to the nerTetni-eerînjîî bounda rv to se if lie could Katlherinv's folUrîh hbrtl sec anyv. The hunters that went north of Apsley failed to get any either. Mr. and Mes. C. Beatty hlave been fixing up their apari - ments in Port Hope the past 623 -3303 w e k. o Mr-. and Mes. Provost, Bclle-,fo ville. spent the weekcnd with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer and WAN 1n iMr. and Mrs. Jim Fajt, Pont- SEVC Mr. aîid Mes. Hector NM(_ Lcod. Peterborough, called on Mr. and Mes, Mercer on Sun- daY cvcning and att went back and spcnt tlheevening uitii 1~ IFOR DETAILS-SEE YOUR JEWELLER LISTED BELOW rJS ARRIVED! The Latest PLU9 $500 for expenses ýLonigines - Wittna uer jWATCHES HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Bowmiaiivill. H 0 Y0( FOR CHRISITMAS! 'iScIcc t y-oir lh i \\iîaucr ' loday - m cil hold it unltil l you rc ready. *1 keslust a small deposît on eue caý Iayi- Iy plan! j a,'- One-stop banking In a Ièw minutes they'l] bc eut agaîn. Àjth ail their bankîng done, Righi nom îhe-yan te cash a cheq1ue, gel somiethini! out of' their sarletv deposit box, liave th *ir sav les accounit boîok Macle up. NexI limje 2 Henav ho 'in about a lean, he le buy a money erder l'or lier a un î\ hi rthdav. Ail ,hie, ebliging stalr leeks dl t'licii; and should iîhcy necd hclp on -ýome financial problem, the manager 11% there, - a good man to talk th.sngs ov'er ,v-th. (empletc e srmcc. 1 rained peoplc. Con'ven- ciit. otie-..op hankîntg ai youi charicred harnk. TUE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMJNITY Through 5,650 branches, a/i across Canada, the chariered bank.ç bring fui/-range banking wihini/tde reach of et'ert,*onr Head Table Guesis at Legion Armistice Dinner BOWMANVILLEi Santa Claus< Parade Sat., Nov. 28th WANTED HORSES - PONIES WITH RIDERS Io take part in thîs ycar's Santa Claus Parade Costumies %vill be supplied If intercsted contact Mr. Kcnnetb Flint a Phone. 623-2186 (evenings) ýb

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