The Orono News Mrs. James E -Mr Robf.rt CoopEýr of La'- Angees, Califor-n.a, wi.o ;;- tended a conference in Ot- tawa la.ýt week. -pnl tle Weekencl wit1)h I: aritnU. a1. nd Mxs. F.O Cooper Ni'. and IMxs. Ken Mcui- rie. Ian a.nd Eiieerî rF Rox inanville Were Sundav' 'Lp!flO:' guests of Mr. and Mis Lur. 3Pý'J and famili .\Tr. Harold A%-,erie fT 't OnftO, Mr. and XI:r- Deian Ho0dgson of A a.Mi. and -Mrs. Franik Werrv, Mrs. Don- aD Iavev and MIrs, Ruissel ueof-Tvrone k Lited MXI Winter 1 and5b WOMEN'tS VJN'L 101# - 14" Cossack Boots Prepared for %vintcr %wî-tb an acrylin pile ining. Black - Bro%% n Red $6.95 ta $14.95 WOMEN'S VINYI, and LEATHER STACKED HEELS 10"- 14" Black and Browni $9.95 to $12.95 RUBBER BOOTS $2.99 RUBBER BOOTS $3.99 Richards, Editor D (flooper Mrs. john M.%offati, of Fra Mrand Isr> ~ne 's'.B ' pri-se is a o)a:ent - I'r Men o: Glen Miller. icar Trenton. I{ospitaL. Bowmianvri'e v:srted her aunt. Mrs. Fred Mr. Bruce Chapniar cfri Tamnblyn. ail Sunda ' v onro speni the weekerid %k Mi. Gar,, Hancock *ýýjjû rro . iand Mi'> rs îe Cl r'rrrplovcd wtt h Lobtaws ai terton and tamkl Cabo Li ig. .NMr.arndi Mrý. .rr aý (aîîî d~îrri~f > 10 XI: ivrtr and soi) Bryan i r Robe r. AlUn wo elebrated'weekend i n talntr -ler 801htiîhrthdas [last week ani Mrý. GrantTarhsr aci wittr her daiughter i- Mr. Ar and Mrsl'n> M Il 'McGowvaran f Scarborough&of Peterborough .peill Sif Cprî ie weekend in King-~ ihh. rnrota' ýton fk th ber other daughte?-ýrn, mMitchell Ur, Gar net Gn-by. r. ColigratuIauuîic ta Xi Gr and aird inj Mrs. HlaIstead Coattran r, recent t v celebi'atrci thvon1 \'edding .nnîver-saiý Mrc. Enima LLirirlr 11r- ~~~Aau~~rn patient mriBellevrlelîi, t Mr anrd Xli \v p, il( Fuuiw tiar reurl f oil (ilrmu ' atter spen'ing the ta>t kVP ikates grazs and >on1 Davi, Roc-r iChildren's Strappers Red. W'hite, Brown i$3.95 SKATES by SAMSON H-OCKEY SKATES $10.95 to $29.95 tBOYS' $8.95 to $14.95 WVONEN'S FIGURE SKATES $10.95 to $14.95 $9.95 'l radle inon neiw kates MENS INSLJLATLDBOOTS $10.95 to $1395 Fligh on the F'ashio-n li %V OM EN, 'S Stacked and Illusion Heels Iil Waterproof Brushed Nylon Vinyli and Leather Boots. $9.95 ta $16.95 Lloyd Ells Shoes Phone 62:1-5941 49 King St. W. Rowinanville '-I:' ai-ici 'Is Siarr Sct l of Tor'onto vs iiied l Mi Seymuour ni, Saicrurir MiSS NMerlr Pîrsf r: Ný I.lazel Power arrd XN'it , powvei' of (Jr-naViaîr I ',i erine Power af Toronto \o Sundav drnîuer giiests crf and Mrs. Gordont P4rf5tn Mrntiý - Jrtitb TIaroi'l,,i tiro veekerri virtttj r i .a onta Mrs. t) N 'i tr -r' week witb tMr.and IMrs Lic Myles and daugbîers .Wbitl Mr. and Mrs. tannr- Qt ton arrd familv ioi Bîwriiér ville have prirchaber tire hoi of the latte Mr. anîd r-S Berrv on Centre Stret ian the Vair Gi-oiid. Miss Sandr'a in 'e' a ýMiss Suzanne Niajia rrr in-tI-aining at. the- rorpita! i rSick Chnîdreni. Tarai ta. '-pr the weekerid at, icît le rrf tîve homes Mi. ancd tIr, li PrieMslev ,vere Smiicdav'ri, ner guesr.s of Mi ajii1 Orvithe Cnafteitorr Atifi iii fIs, Mis .1 I) roicîfNi tî 1<-r.,es Xl t1 Tanablyisi Fred Tamblyn, Mi-allt i :FI F', M 11soli MIr-. Xi i] Brovso Mi n'.c-ttr 13'<r': Mn and Xrî' Clatn is T1< n b s n- s Jamnes '-iî ' . ' daughtou- Mariýls'nr ct rri the i'elatives w55 iff t-i ti i tht' 401-h 1rrddiîî1' . 'Vîîn n sar'> of i. ancd ir: Utr iR. Ashtoîn of If>diifî us'dayv ?Vlrs. 'Iomit )rtcRcibe'ltUa t i r ed the Kleii'r NieuIhuir-("rf: berlaîrî Vedding tai t>' on Saturdav MIranti Xl:.-. R 'yjs;,. with Mr and \I- Ger ro if-,!' of Nestietoir ,,pptli- v"eekernd i-irMli aliii'i rLonnie Chaprnarr and ftri What's your stand on registering life insurance policies to dlaim certain income tax deductions? If if's possible, I'm ail for it! Interview~er__ Youi be leasd nnowy-ou Ma y register any NMutual Life policy', except Term, uider the Incomne Tax Act. Subject to certain limitations, the savings portion of your premium can then be deducted fromn your tax- able income each year. M r. C arnmpbell-1î t â - - - ' it seems to me that everybody should know about this! Mr. Campbell Look, I'd like to checkinto this before 1 file my 1964 re- turn. Where can 1 get complete information? Interviewer___ Just caU your nearest Mutual Lufe representati,ýe. la: M. 101r s NE WTON VILLE - epr ' , rreetîng af Bowilanvrlle, also attended t r' tIr ra r atonhid Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto. 1%,< -i r a * g, oaie sor- spent FrdaY with her daugh- î< r. ,'."'tf mntion of ter, Mrs. MacDonald and fam-' l: fil- ' pa r rapiro- ily. The Hall Committee held, ' -, Mi- Vn r Nichais aiother card partx- Frîday adr o'u'-' r r'cr M*c- rnight %wiien ceven tables vere c I' ' i Ot 'cluded a mripia>ý The \\ inners being' - pr ~"r 'r IrNàîirrri High Lady - XsG. Staple- k ' pr rir 'Pas ne, tori.; High Gentt - Fred Hien- r r"<~Mr t Nr ! c'1hols der'son. Luckv Dî'aws - Betty r Ffîirai of the late B. Lun- 'r ' ý, <j ciigar, vas lheld i mBownian- Xi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lý i: . -r i~vt atWednesda\x follow - rît ' r r f-~~ (nr irv Fio w ers in the 1h trt I 1 h i'.il ue . Sui"das .%cre \% i r. r ii Xi lrr d hae ic ri nrrroi x'i at; rfrifl ~ pe-'ttu or 'VII. and ,%I Ji t,'liltl, M.-.BijlIKinbai. of Cobourg, ~~ri T(,1' p;i ilcw' i'i irH 'VSdr lId nm ire (',oinniuiiity Cri'r r' r rrîrrra f,"l Iailt Satilîdas c'vening. The 'r 'r r 'r r wa'ir , \"-ir ir- gUc-',,t, athonorri Sfere the re- t' ii,, Mr ~ tr- W -Xl- croio f a plattarîri rocker, 1Pif' h [r ' rt'rt. at aild pat il' iamps. iollowiirg' t, ri'> ," ' . ai, k aur rrg of daruîîng and t' f r <r r 'r t tair i~i rii> Visiting i r .rrf~s r r',',~ ' f~ a'. ir r~li i. "ini trrn I i 'V îi - <'i ' r,, f . r; r rr'i r 'I . ' n~ n ~f <r' r r, ' ' n . . r r i r' a a ' ' ' r' r Ci,.,, - r'rr. '1,f (.r. ' ' r i 's r r ' i r 't V <-~n (r, - t r 'j. r' - - i-l~l ksinor r.f)r'.. rn' s ' i ' k ~n L .-ii t Interviewer ___ You're right! Particularly people wbo are building a pension for themselves. Even people now Lf contributîng to a company The Mutual Lf pension plan may qualify for ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA further tax relief. M e in.,C RWA1'RAL0', . DUSHEO eeý' Rtepresentative: DONALD C. WELSH 23 Stinqet Tenrace, Bownnanville, Ontatnt Phone 623-5641 i r' C( r1 r'; - : '1 ; r ,'irr'lii ni l. ai Xl 'Vaurlmc But- n- rt d r" . 'r r !c' tJ,Il Portl" fairic feie Satur- (iik r' --n r r - tr <'it lCir-, Iî gil i ri ' of Miît and ('C' tU f" a r. i i r "'iir'i '- Bill \ ade, .tr-.r 'S t'.14'rJr,' f Ill 'i tec ,Vppjr Brrîu'mîo n'rpl r l t ' i un r 5k r n rrl t rrM i ar- i 5 "k b lieiîîg C i r lui' r rrIr< rril \î \Il B itl Stilir \ i- s ; j (r 'r- r r r lr.ri t rrtifrg. foi a feW> uaýz-. vr t i . n Xt Mi <U il Xl" >rl\1ii. Wair-ryn nof'Tor- i rfliti jwSJ'r ail uveînîghi guesti 'n « 's il t iiiMs's B Thoînpson, Srînday, <-t ' * r r. r'r - r "r Ifff aing tire latteî r homle ssith Brrr'r rri 'r t'itr5i' aher fai' a fc-w days' -st r('l " r' r il <n1'la, c 'V1i' alird Vmi- Staîîr] f'l\Veç lit.J: ai ý ClC pieasanîlv surprised, 'r ' 'nr drriMn-faiîyMr andi IVrs, Neil 0O- t O a'r P ' 'rr'rr 1 '\ilolgCoiieli and childi-en, C"obourg, rf Thr-errr r'r s rl ir ý;lMi- ad Mrs. 1'red Rowe and r>dJI Mn. r t Pii ii IIlamîrl'-. Port IlIpe Mr. aird Mn-~ 1l 'r'ri\ \l. Doiîg Rawe and girls, Mir Nl r r <'irt l ijfu cartI, anîd Mi- and Mrs. 'rîr un "r~ '1< "'t' a;cIEt Rowe'. gat[îcredi ai the laI ~ Xl' tr r ' 'ir ' ,iiri ter'. barrie, to cclebrate with ~~~*) ~ ~ ~ I lt 1 rrir 'I rrci tb<-îcir ir J 5t11Weddîîrg An- S". n . titia 011(.Eagalîif avouuable u'ea, 1 ' ("r"ie N,. 1;rr r A' r !V r i ur pi cv il [ or t eAiu l r 'r i , , r'r 'rr ' r t- Rtîîîic orbrýairi' Da .r services: ut- ~r"'i '.i - ' 'Vi Wr> brr.Sulinnav iitteî'îorî, gath-, S.: : ' r r ' r.. t'if<f"- (lii-) al i tt- ciîîi-c-l at :. : 'r t 'rr r ni <-h (tr rtci'l'ir o ir-f pros id'd Iwo fini('- Prî rn!,r "t c <i it' atl relis "I W ill LUI l.pý irNdtiion.' 'Vt the tnilî lrr of ithe, 'kOibip rCIVcConducteci hyý 1) £tNARe,,'VA XV.lHarding, Bowman - Cf1r ' -n- 'r 'ît v liii(1 14 cr thie absenace of. t-rI r t '~r r'hi -n 1wR"'. i C Whitc, through IlI-, tirr rr '. r.rrr Xi. - ~<' heflc-Port Hope Legion a 'r r' r k r. tii r.r Bauri lad ii'r arr'bh o the 'r ' ' W't r' krr l 'Cfatctli fllo ed xr Legioný rVii.i itlitner-hrî th(-, rr'nîoster' nd (r il îrvr, 'ni- àr brre[cc-rernany " rr' t r ' i rrlrrrri ~hîa 1 PiaI1 (lut ît 'i t te cn r r' . i - ir' rrli< fr1 t ti" i li ( R o 5ll i t al i - v otn- I \r irr'r r 1f f ii f'ilr' iîî~î îre 'ernt . lelirr l'lie <r.'r-rri rrr k'1 î r"iL avulrg <f wreatbs crnme iext. 'i ~ff sil tU'> erî Elliattesc-oit I 1k ' r- rr~ rt<'< ~<ttthn Lregin Pr(s 1I G Airs- V~ 'lrr'i n "r irraiar ,~fii. Ilir f-ai'rof the Cre foi-, 'A, Cr j r Ii' rls 'I'i'u t ile r s iM I.tA E, 0'oil. F a ti i k rr,'i " iirir ff i iei , -'Iokvnship Couliiril., I_ Peaiati. lIscli l iiN'w, r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1Iý 1r'. ' ' rrt'r~î~l IIinderîson, Escort. L.: I il 'r ' Sr 'alîtiilrr>i. NWtaa'îlr United' r' trrr. r n 't 'rp.t..uic~.C. R l'airios, s -l~Cct,l k fo', -il -.I vittpost swas sý-uliitedj. toi - or-iý' l of r:h À', r ' 'l'irînîrIlît', iakVtdi iik'Revrîlle. Pies. U1 , : irijr' fi r- \-rrrrî' l Pnîrsin i'oad itiresoileniri words: trrt i i r S' i 'ttir 'ltC\ -"'bc'r tait i'owv iot aid. as arr r r a rr~ r r.. i 't to~ ilta ir'le lefi gi'okf '-)ICI 't.rr'.ir FrI hr Nnirrr o'-rhalulIvearv theni. inom arattht' vf'dtr- andenro, tir <- I rrtnr r irr Ai iie oin dclwn o o! r-rjfl Wr rîrrrrr>'andi ln th--, mor*nig. h î'c-tlirenembertei 'dl PIIIr t,'rr iirrr., 'l r repan-c- b> ail, falloir- Nr - irli Ir ' 'r" Unr, 'nlr CrI ci ci hk t ie Benedîc'troiri, and ltre 'rtr ['Vi ,, tr ' r. j'. iriirr"til stligiîra - of the National 'Ail- M a 't 'r r r-r o tîtiheoL led l.'y tie choir. îIosed rir lI'w Crîrilim irity Hall' IitIî 1F ii t r t 'r ~rrr irrrt ,(( uti takiJirg the "alklte - in ll.tî. r'1r " ' Sr'tr, 'r ~r r"Yr , 'r atirali-cir par-l,'1mbers of Ilr.r Itig r etî'er-hrneiits ta tire vurit- Xk tuf i r i r rot'-. andci koids of appreciation <-h i t r~î i'rrrri<; s~' if c'plesrrdt a Sf11thor-e tirri r - ' rr' <l'frtip r'rf' tad tîelpri nake the ac- a 1;,r1 I- t Arrd NMis (oi'doîîl ia- Ml crii . irr i À i rn lî'cli of mXiit Ioi-- were r i k trJi: ti "i'ii. t lr i M i, aria Xi ~ ~ ).? 1f r r r iri 'd Ni --îrStpeor Suinllav tir f1r r' r' îruif al't'rr, uit, kvrtwirl tire latter' >.r r ' . kirr r td atiXMi Doi t ,apieton*z r' ' r rrr irr1rrp '\î11 imci MrXr lr an s vadr tIV ar r r1 D (I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~J t%\lrit',,rfrir fî V 'IXlr and 10i1- (C Brown'. r"~';'r"lr'ici 1it, <n ilit . Baweii rta-yed ovrer tar a r' rr rîr r rrrr (r'v, 'a,>, \tint I "t r.' ."; 1 <iiri M î' i- îî 11111 re i r r i r r <-<-r r aîijfrt fni i ' poir t Hope. siere 'r r rirlifk ' t. Srîîrdar r-rpjhîr glîestis aI Mrn. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c (ir tiF r ir 1 i'i . J"' l'hen eisoi'S Sr'r if "i'.."rr' r'. t XliReid W'oodms Sriiiîday nu Xi ' ti r i > rr.'glinis înclîic-l Lii and Mr- t r' .r .r 'i't',rr r <-<r ' Ge'rrgr-Felit.and fan'ils'of u 'ricrd r tirîraidia iMr, anîd tMrti. Vit-, I Ill '1' _wr ' i ir 'r11 VF1Ilr 1-t' Gtlair1aintîl t r .' ' r Inn MIi,JIIrcl rra-i r' f î'-it rird m u Snda'y I F 'n r' a' "'rra ftr, 'yn r i viil"r 1trl' lM isse-s 'i~ 1' ' . r air, M!-if' lir. amri M is, IDoîn sidptle A 1 r- r f ir mrrr'pîclr OI' i N'flri' i-lire Donl-