The coaia sa tataoeaE, ewamvmel, Nov. 11, 1084f #3SPO7RTOpICS By Frank Moh!un 0 623-7234 IBANTAMS PLAY SATURDAY Bowmanvifle Bantams, alter coming up with an impres- ilve win over Kingston a couple of weeks ago, will facei tough competition this Saturday when Oshawa will providei the opposition for a six o'clock exhibition encounter at the! Memnorial Arena. Coach Alex Wiseman and manager Terry! ]Black hope to have several top Toronto district teams here'- for future Saturday tilts. v t t + 1GeneraIs Defeat N LA 1 LTUS KNOW' " lva v 0 b No doubt, there are several sporting activities going on i nUcSat teA e a n spoert s pagl, e. Ta he ot eitor o ml'0 at o the SAea, Li port s pget. Th otsae't be or - Lge co lmn tf yrou ieall ulu kno yw. a houht ajor Le be ladn to pov ieal pl puliiyw e antrogj i v *t f Standing End of Elghth Week Down Montreal 3-2 Generals Take Over m Li 0mj ýlJ WORLD SERIES AT NIGHT Firot Scnedule It has been rumoured that the big league owners might iTeafln W L Pis. Oshawa Generals came up, rnake a huge change in world series plans, with the first 'Dykstra's xih i - itr xe gamne golng on Saturday and week games slated for play Fod.. 7'262i/ Montrea.i Canadliens, Sunday une telih.Jury & Loveil 17 7 17 nigiit at the Montreai Forum When you stop to think about it. iiigiit gaines are almost RmQuens t16keoerto8so 16th a certainty to come, with television and the sponsors provid- Nels Osborne Jr A" league standings. Ing 5o much money in their bids to cover the sports scene. Insurance 1312 101/ 131/ Niagara Fails Fiyers, upset in Liberty BowI. 12 12. 12 lthe aîternoon by Kitchener, And we think it's a great idea. It sure would be nîce Beaver dropped into a second place to be able to sec the series, without having to sneak off from! Lumber ---- 12 12 121 tic with Toronto Marîboros, work and listen to sonebody's transistor for a few mninutes."Pepsi Cola il 13 il two çuoints off the pace. But what about these guys xvho take their holidays at xvorld 'Lander TeCndes Hardware .. 10 14 Io much liarder than in Satur- séries time? The T.V. xatchers we mnean, 'Bout tirne they~ Bowmanville day's game, were thxvarted gave those who can't get off, a break.T .A 0 [ time and time again by the Ken'soutstanding goal-keeping of GENERAS TAK OVERLEAD e's ea 9Dennis Gîbson, particularly After watching Hamilton Red Wings hold Usliaw,,a Gen- Olympaurn 5 oiLag eB se erals to a 2-2 stand-off here last Tuesday night, wc werelFrank's ___________________ pessimistic about their chances later In the weck. with three; Variety .. 7 17 71 games coming up in four nights. A verage$ Howcver, the Gencrals came on to down Hamilton Namte Games Ave. o o Thursday night and capture a pair of wcckend encountersiAi Osborne .. 24 248 Cr n t" from Montreal Jr. Canadiens to take over first place in the Djr. H. B. Rundie .- 24 245M to. drAp standFiys.Antoa ecod atcae fi w'itheoronto cQ u eer2 24 Rangers who pulleci off a 3-0 upset -%in over Niagara Falls Ernie Perfect - 24 238 iRuss Oke ------ 24 235 MQe t Marbors, wo oins of te pceDave McKnight 18 234! Te leader t pin tofe the victes a obyOrwoHarold Bennett -24 2341 In Town Leagie Bqasket!'oal Theleaerin hos treevicoileswasBoby rr hoGeorge Bebee 24 231cionls eiisa ih fired five goals and picked up four- assists, while turnirug in Si Trewîn ------- 24 230 atio th ednschlayinnigh agreat défensive effort. Bobby, on the ce for at least 45 Ed Leslie ... 24 228 sium McQueen's Motors and nuiute i eah gme rnresedhispont rodcton ~ Russ Halîman . 24 227 Stephen Fuels battled to aý mintesin ac gae, ncrasd hs pintprducionto 3,Viiice Vanstone . 24 227 36-3,6 tie, whiie Coronatuonl' enly one point behind Capt. Bret Selbey of Marîboros.' Larry Piper ..-_ 24 224 Cafe camne on strongly to de- While Orr was stealing the spot-light. the other star in Jack Bonîd -------- 18 223 feat 1{ooper's Jewellers 47-31.1 Generais' drive to thle top has been goal-keeper Dennis Gib- Hatn roMches 24 229 son who has been outstanding in early season play. ilOre2 i the ouener until 4he finalý Ron Buchananu, expected to be out for at least fuve George Piper---- 24 217 qatrwe h ul u- weeks, was given the greenîî liît <o play, after missingHoward Bromeli 214 ,1scored themn 16-12 to earn theV four games by Boston docf ors, following last week's trip to D o e - --2-- "1 o nLa u ok the home of the parnt Bruins. "Bucky,", wearing a special G oe Gav 2l 4 26TWnLaueH c rcstricting haruiess, desigîîed to prevenu fvrther injuny, res-IAIf Sanielîs ----- - 2 4 2151 ponded by firing the winnîng marker in his return to action IHank Janzen ?~ 4 2111I at Kingston, Saturday night, -Ben t Eley . q2 213 O l m p a Along with Captain Danny OShtea, the retuii, af Bifly Hap Palmer -- 1 212! yp a White who was out wlth a broken hand has given Genenals Jack Parker'....24 2111I three of the top pivots ini the loup. Fortunately, White's' Maunice Richards._ 24 211 return came just after Daryl Leach had sustained a broken1 Roîî May-nard.----- 24 209 R b o nase in last Monday's practice. The way Daryl hiad been Don Bagnell .. 24 208; pcrforxning, certainly warrants giving hlm the chance for a ,Bob Glanville Il.- 4 208 àsnIvoGsdeet u forward berth, when he gets back. , 'Frank Blurnt ~23 208CRoson Moorv 3-1fr a fei Jini Booth, the highly regarded rooie, car-ne on with Stan McMurter 18 207 Corhst aigÈt3-1 forthier Kari Piper 18 204 outstagtvtrywhe a pair of goals, in Sunday's 3-2 '."in, his first in Jr. "A"!Ab Saman .. 24 202 Olympia Restaurant c~ a M el competition. Confidence appeareçl to be the main thing Booth lJack Lanider. 24 201 seP xvuth thfrt xin f es vias iacking, and raw he lias broken the !ee, coachu jilniClarenh'e Oke 24 201 seampong gaffer tree dSforts,1 Milke . - 6h 2 201 10-4, in Town League hockey,l Leach and White for the third line centre berth.Bo ilas. 2 20 last Thursday night at the Follewing Tuesday's gaine lucre against St. Catiarines, Mm1auaArn1 Generals jaurney to Peterborough1 Thursday uiight, vîsit BwigNw ji h pne.DnPot Kitchener Sunday and tiien return for xvhat could be a first Haroùlc Bennîett won tu îgh ai-d Bob Sheridan each turned1 triple this week, having games in hat-trick performainces ta place battie with Niagarp Falls at, the f.emrouiai Arena next edOypa to hel- of 296-213-337 for 846. Dr. ied vcOlypis Rilî b- Tuesday night. Rurîdie and Dutch Hailmansdd itr. 'voî"RihI -___ ____" athhit 807. Dr. Rundle had ards contrihuted a single goal gaines of 312-275-220, while and four assistis, while Alex1 ialan had 312-220-275. Bill Wisemuan scored once and setý 'Orme corne into his own with Mixd M jorLeaue1786 (315), AI Osborne 761 B.T.S. Bowling On Monday, Nov. 2nd, Doris S.Bikl 254, 208; G. Bebee1 (314), Alf Samelîs 755 (268),' jol1 carne up with the high 2.53. 231, 218; J. Webb 246, H.lBert Engley 756 (311), Bud g ingle of 368 and a 277, 2401Simnick 243, H. Dunn 230, O. Henning 753 (267-294), George Teamt Standin for the hîgh triple of 885. ii Patfield 206, L. Connors 205,1Piper 742 (277), Russ Oke 730 No. 3 (J. Paterson) . 27 the Mixed Major Bowlirngl200: B. Colwell 205. (277), Harold Michelson 727 No. 2 (Bill Bagnell) ...26ý League. Good bowling, Doris, High Average.6" (260), Ron Maynard 719 with No. 4 (H. Handson) ......20! keep 'cm falling. Hal Baliem ý . Ballei ___..... _286 343 to win the high single No. 1 (J. Bain) ... .. - 111 had 339, 260, 216 for a triple ID. Joli...............----- -----246lprize. LryPpr78(9)l Lde'Ht ige of 851. Morris Annaert kept E.Iret"4Gog Glanville 705 (287). GuLadys Bain 2115 rigt n ter wih 28.25.1 . nuier .. ~230ý Jack Lander, a member of Pat COtt-s......... 213 236 for a triple of 851, P. Uobbins 229 the Landen Hardware team,IT. Wisemian ..:.0 8 600 and Over Triples G. Bebee 227 had a loxv single score of 101. Ladies' High Triples G. Eliott 713, G. Bebee i02,-B. Buday......- 24 Karl -Bickell bowled 109. Bob PaI COtts 4 M. Murphy 667, J. Murphy G. Elliott 224 Copeland from Medicine Hat Gladvs Bain 5501 665, E. Perfect 660, P, Dobbins i R. Wrighit -.----.--- 221 1, h owtil pie o Bernice Carter 545 658, A. Saman 655, S. Bickell i1 1 Ballentiîue 219 had 429.1 Ladies High Average 1 653, R. Wright 651, B. Buday 1B. Holroyd. 214! The Bowmauîviile I. G.A.1 Bernice Carter 187 645, H. Dunn 621. H. Ballen- M. Murphy . -.-- - 210 team lîad a nice 1400 game Gladys Bain -.----172e tine 615. Team Standings whîle Dykstra's Food had a T. Wisenan -._ 161t 20,0 and Over Gamnes Buday------2500 j 19 3682 triple. Men's Hligh Singles 1( G. Eiliott 284, 230, P, Dob- Patfielc1 --- 23996 19 There still is only ý2 poin-tiDoug. Carter...... ..... 2691; bins 272, 206; R. Wright 263.'JOlI.....- 24138 il ýseparating thue top two teamns. AI Waiker .... .... 2601 202; E. Perfect 2160, 248; J., BickelI ------......-23379 9 Dykstira's Food is Ieading with Jack Bain 254 Murphy 255, 246;'M. Murphy Dunri ...........__22895 817 ponswieJr & - ' HgTils 255, 215; A. Saman 255, 211; ýEtchet' - ------ .2233,0 6 1712epis 1wh in's Hgh Tiple Thbe race for high average H. Fandsor 647! us very close with AI Osborne Doug. Ca'rter' 634ý hitting 248 for 24 gaines. Dr. Men's High Average .~ M EO R A L Rundle înoved ino the run- Bill Bagnell. 220ý M EMR I L neir-up spot averaging 245. Doug. Carter...... ..... 2 Bud Heîniîg dropped to thirdlIHarry Handson ............ 200 ~rLAposition with .244. '1 Bauin ... 2001 ,Wild Third Period Gens HoId on to Down H î Osluaxxa Genenais sa,xv a 5-1 and Keelen eaci. wcuc asses-,i lead eut ta a single goal, be- sed major sentenees. t fou'e holdinîg aonta eariî a 6-4 'flue Wings, firidju g the' decision over Hlant-ilton Redimride open ice l.aues ta tileirý. ýWings, Thui'sday niglit at the liking closed the gap to 5-411 Hamilton Fnrum. The xxin, as over 1500 fans roareci their! teuuîpouarul * lified Generals!appraval. Gory Doak cickEd int.a a fii'St place tue with on a nifty pass play with Jim Niagara Falls Flyers inu thePeters and Peter' NlahovlCi Jr. "A" 0.H.A. loop. ar, 6:08 ta start the caniebackc After a scoreless finst per- bid. ' lad. Oshawa took a 3-1 seconîd Nick Libbett closed thc gap i1 period lead anîd upped it ta 35 seconds laier on a break-' 5-1 witii a pair of early third awav and Bart Crashley click- j pe:icxl goals, before a riotoUs cd oui Real Lemieux' pass at' braxv.l broke tlings up ai-d 8:16 as Hamilton eauight Gen- 1 thie W:ngs tallied three b ýerals in the Red Wings zone, 4 txminutes and euglit sec-,ou bath plays. Ir onds. 1 Bill Wlîite t4oox a Babbya Fred Speck ignifed the wild Orr pass ta race in alone butt mdcc xvwhcn lie ciargcd Paul'missed the net. Then it xvas t Reid into thue boards and then 1 back ta round three as Bobr proceeded to have a go atKilger and John De Diana1 1 everyone in a red unîfo.nm.l were banished for fighting a it Chnis Haves and .10e Keeler 13:57.1 gat into the aet too, but the After d.oing everytliing but Ig real fray developed between, putting the puck into thel I i Speck anîd Clinis Roberts.ý cage, Hamilton got a greatc These txvo econtinuied ta battle a pportunitv xvhen Armuand, un thue penalty box, with a1Giroux %vent for interference:t ,Hamilton nalicemnan, sitting:xxith !txvo minutes left. Osh-!i between the two, a-bsoirbing ,axxa kcpt play in the centre most of the punches and las- area until Jlm Mai d rexv ai ing lus bat as well. Wings' penalty at 19:18 andI i Referee Brian Lewis lhand- Dannv O'Shca banged in f ed Speck a minor, rmajor, mis- 1 Wayne's pass -uut, conduct and garne niscoiiduct.,Inine seconds latter ta pu*, the ' Rôberýts drxew a major and~ gante on ice. game maisconduct and Hayes Wh ite opened thue scoring f "Night.hawki Bowling November 2, 1964 Team Standing i i 'I i u t *lu 4080M. Sedman ...26 S. Coombes ............ .22 M. Hodgson .............. 1712! Sin the second period, when lived when Drolet got his-J. Shearer ...............14 rOshaawa were out-shot 14-7. second goal, 20 seconds later, J. Woodlock................il1 i Jim Booth came up with his on a three-way effort with G. Scott ................ 1' ibest effort in a Generals uni- Jacques Lemaire and Norm High Triple- S. Coombes 581 form, as the big rookie broke Ferguson. 1 High Single- S. Coombes 246 through with his first Jr. "A" Orr's fifth marker in thei igoal on a pass froin Bobby last three garnes wasn't aý Averages Orr at 10:30 of the opening masterpiece, b u t il w as - . Coombes..............I193 session. The tally wiped out enough to send General nt'K C1bel.......8 Montreal's first nuarker, scor- first place. Bobby banked ai- Mý. odgson................. 184 ed less than two minutes drive froni the corner in off- J. Shearer................... 1831 'e.arlier by Rene Drolet. a Montreal defendex'. afler .J. Woodlock.................I7M .Booth didn.'t wasfe any tim-e taking a pass from Bill Ban- F. Land.... -......... -... 172f 1clicking again, sending Osh- nerman at 3:20 of the third L. Woodcock...........17_0ý awa in front at 81 ftepro.M. Sedînan «..........1l69ý Esecond on an unassisted ef- Three stars were: Gibson, I. Wright....... ........ -**«'166 7fort. The lead was short- Drolet and Orr. B. Wiîbur ............... .. .164i G. Scott ................_...1641i balJ. Luno ........_........ ...161 j witball ~F. Allen _ ....... .......... 1581 J. Harnew ..s...... ........17 im J. Mairs . ................... 156,j S M. Firth................. .... 154! M.nCDowns..H...per............... 154ý on Downs Hooper W. ~McNeil...«................53 ý' CSargunson...... ........118 M i' & S t h e 's T i L. Buress ................ 38ý J.Gibner ....... ........ 137, i s St phen Ti K.Raîston..............13 A. Perfect ...................1l36, B. Beers-.................... 133! [dPadlock. Doug Woodlock Led erase a six point deficit, V. Bartlett .................1]29] Sail scorers with a 22 point Frank Sobil led the way for A. Lorusso ................... 127 .outhursi. with Lyn r.owery the Cafe crew, potting 20 M. Neil .... ..... ... ..... 127 adding qix and Don Martin points, while Danny Seto was E. Cooi-nbes .......... .... 126 fixe. ýright ini step with 15 and V. Sarginson ......... ..... P6 Bill Hay garnered 14 points Frank Swinburne hooped five., O. Moffatt.................. 11, for the Motors, John Lunn John Fowler was; the big gun 1. Turnbull. ........113ý 1nine and Norm Buwald-a five. with 14 points for the Jewel- IM. MeNeil-.._........... .... 108 In the nightcap, Coronation lers. Hans Stirkwerda, Tom D3. Deweil............. 105 ipoured in 2f) points in the Pearson and Jim Doucette!H.liulder ............... 9q fourth quarter while holdingi each clicked for haîf a dozen R. Williarris ....9 ýHoopPr'sto a rneagre fouir, f0 iii the loc.sing cause. ___ .. 200 GaMes - -S.Coornbes 246, Y, Land ey 1243, M. Hodgson 221. 1. Wright, 218, K. Camnpbell 21»1, M Firth 217. G. Scurri '12. J. Sheayer 209, C. Sarginson 2100. sPost Fîrs! Win - GOODYEAR Take 4 Straîght BOWLING 1 Hoýse 7,. Banb-jry 0l: Ccrnels ýup three otners and John Os onds eminng10g veun1, Labouratorv 0; Brf'idersF 7. bofrne and Ron Stewart each defeated R-obson'e -their fouLirth1 Machine 0: Combines -4.0f- tallied once. Stewart also straight win in the nightcap. fice 0: Belts .5, Leari Press 2;1 picked up a pair of asssis. i Brian Forsey scored thel Tigeus 4, Fai Belîr 3 "Archiie' Cose blinked other Mofors' goal, %with 1v Irx iHgu u -le . lieard the red ligrit twic:e for Mc- GUi finding the rAnge for i.122, R. Perfc'ý-i 314, 1). Oke Nulty's, singles going to Gary Crystal Dairy. 31.G. icunso 0, F McCulloughi and Don Masters. Team Standings , Wright 30f). S. Hocivsoii 298.i Brian Hughes broke up a MI. L. Pts. 111gb T'friplebs R Perfect hard fought 1-1 deadlock aiRooson Mlotoî's 4 0) 8!847. G. Ruenardçmi 7-78. F' 17:14 of the final period andiCry7stal Daliry 2 2 1-VVrigh-, 752, J. Luxiou 73-;, BilI Osborne triggered the in- Olymnpia Reîst'r'nt 1 3 '2'B. 1iolrrivJ . .1Hriic i 7 surance marker with 16 sec-IMcNulty's Sports 1 3 2i:B. Shotici- 706. ______________________________________________Teain Standings Ladies' Major Bowling League I Briers . Cornets ............. .. 1Beauprie jolted Patfield 3-0 Marion Slaght 243-233, Helen Bedts ....._.......... and Bickell took Haynes 3-0 Dunn 241, June Baker 238- Lead Press ............ ... in the only shutouts in Lad- 223, Karen White 237-212,ý Fan Beits ........... les ' Major League scheduled Lola Wright 235, Joyce Ten-1 Combines --....... games, last Monday night a! niant 233-229-216, Bernice Ter-j Machine Shop ....... Liberty Bowl. Baker edged ry 233, Dasy H.aynes 231,iLaboratory, Tennant. Diinn d o wn e Connie 226. Olive Office Wright, E,. Etcher wvon over Patfield 221, Mary Haivev Highb Averageç Joil 2-I and Brooks bowed to 218, Enid Tennant 216-20Ï, R. Perfect O. Etcher ail by 2-1 scoresý. Marily-nCole 216. Donna Pres- B. Henning ............... Joyce Tennant came up ton 214-207, Eva Whitehead A. Lobh - with a 678 triple to If-ad the 213, Stella Brown 212, One! D*Okr ..........«*... way, followed by Doris Joli Etcher 210, Dot Brooks 28'R Flately ................. 665, Ma.rion Slaght 659, June 202. Thelma Forrestex' 208,1 J. Bond ............. Baker 645, Karen White 624 Shirley Davis 205, Fleanor J. Murphy'V ........... and Ena Etcher e12. Dadson 205, Dot Bond 2051,1. Luxtonl 1Evelyn Williams took bigh Barb Buttonshaw 201. R. Wright single hionours with a 309 Top 12 Averages gamne, other big games going Doris Joli ............. ..... 28 I to Ena Etcher 274, Audrey Dot Brooks............... 204 Osmnond 269, Doris Joli 263, Ena Etcher ........ 20i Shirley Biekeil 264 and Linda June Baker.........03! Baker 256. Shirley Bickell ..-........... 198 Y AU! 200 Games Onie Etcher .......1961 f A E'.elyn Williamns 309, EnalConnie Wisemnan . 1 .. 93 Eteher 274. Audrev OsmnondiEnid Tennant .........9 Baker 256, Shiirley BiekelilLola ..righ ..............1l89. 264, Linda Crossey 254, Cecilei Olive Patfield.............. 1881 Bowers 253, Sbhirle-x Bickle Peggý 1Iaynes 188, 250, Denise Anneart 41, Team Standings Mary Harrison 246, Helen!Onie Etcher 16 217 1964 BUICK 2-Dl Piper 245, Kay Beauprie 244,! Shirley Biekeil U.F1)08powe ~~Lola Wright 14 21407r Helen Durn... 14 2t)09 ful local, onle Doris J2....i 32:376, Dût Brooks 1 P, 20906ý 1963 MERCURY Ka , Beauprie I. 19998 6;-cyl. engine O1ive Patfield 1 21408 Ena Etelier .. 12 20847 16 O TA imilton 6-4 Joycee ;nnnt 1 2137() 96POTAS ýafter tak ïng a perfect On- set Pe B ae 7 10912 late ndiio up at 3:56 of the second stan- aecniot za. With White off for high 160bkI1A sikigLmexfinall ut! 96 UP NIACI F Ithe puek in after goal-keeperj Cvr DowIl - ngn ýDennis Gibson hed made sev-1 bae n eraî dazzling saves. rksadi Orr sent Oshawa ahead, Team Standings agairn at the 8:24 mnark as he' Roni Br>ck ................. 40 cashed in his own rebound Don~ Bishiop .............. .32, Our selection o from a blazirîg drive off ithe:Bob Cook ................. .321 atfrte16 boards. O'ShFa worked i ' wHar-x fnoden.........3 fronito t)j(hk tiie c-orner. giv'- Bettyr Westlake ............ 241 please contact one nii General;s a 3-1 leitd I, Vera King............21 lwmlaecr tri the third. Orr hlasted a'Ray Westlake ) lo mlegcasc okie-line drive past Jean Ruet ilit Dakin . 20. off a Hamnilton defenide-r on a! M1enis High Single - Earl' BUY FRi plav engineereci bv Jin Blair and O'Shea at 1:55. Txxo min-'Ros-ý 291; Men's High Triple- utps later, Bill Bannerman Don BiJiop 771. tipped in Orr's drive fromn theý Ladies' High Siiigle - Faye' point after O'Shea diig the Allenl 271, Ladies' Higil Tri- puck from the corner, as Lib- ple - Vera King 31 bef t ý,at out a charging cal].A Gibson turned in a great .A1erage%- goal-tending effort. partieu ~ lariv tin the second period to Ror BroLk. ............. 224 earri the game&s fû- ' star.ý Don Bishop ................. 220 r. xh played practucally- Jack Marutle ..............207 the entire ziame, and xvasn't Ea1rl Rois,.................. 204' f1teie h î.ird scor- Jack McN ai)........... .203, ed twice and earned three as- BýOb Mlàlsiia11.........202' M66KING sists. Captain O'Shea pickediL.adieýs: up a pair of goals and asýsists1 Vera "King ........... 8 for a four point evening. , Faye Allen.......178 Peters. Lernieux and Nfa- Betty West1ake .........177 HpPi t hovlich (ivhen lie gù*:the Pàt %Iarshali .. ......H.p.Philp6S ~'.c urtied in big games VeIma Luke...............160 .fc*r the losers, ' Carol Roberts ..........159 46 42 42 - 34- 2 q9 27 26 24i 2:1 230 226: 2231 217 213 213: 212 1k Jr Canadiens 4-2 Oshawa Qenieral- regained pair in the second. ikith corn- a share of first place, for the! vng earlv in the period. Jim second tirne ini three nights. Blair îired a sereened drive defeating Nlontreal Jr. Cana- thai Vachon didn*t see uîni-] diens 4-2. before 21680 fans at it xwas too late on a play with the Kingston Arena. Saturd1ay', Roi-)Ki'g-(r and Wayne Cash- nigh, Canadien,,,had lnsi nmariut i1:30. Bihanan pick. three strRigiý tbi one goal cd the ixboin ((ifcne 33 sec- he-ading mbt Saturdav%. ac- onds later' froi Bill Banner. tion and were playin'g their niuun' rel.ound. Nick Bever- second g1aine in as mnanx' le ' started the play. niights. Foir Oshawa il was Orr bagg1ced bis second at thei.r third in five dav z. 4:101 of the third on a drive Ron Buchanan returnecd fo th ,i' Vachori couldn't handle. the line-up, aflter missing thel This tim-e the power play las# four games dite to a worked for Oshawa, withl shoulder separation. Although'Cashmani and Danny' O'Sýw hampered by the harness he workinz to get the puck biý. 110Wx 1nui1 1Wearl. " Bu c kv to Bobbr. came through xvith the event-'; Mike 1-yndinai took Dick ual winning goal. Leisrner's pass Io end the Goal-keeper Dennis Gibson 'seoring seven minutes froin con-tinuing to display trerrnen-" the-end.- douts puek-stopping, turn edc asude 32 of 34 shots directed' bis xx aî. Generals had 11w_ saie numiber of enianceeso(n~ ,Rogcr Vachon, w-ho also camne uP xxith a big garnie in the Moritre-al cage. Orr l ook Bill Little's relax'! rugl i it front. w re n beat Vachon for thle openinz . talît at 7:47 of Oirsi perýiocl. A penalty to Brian O'Bvrne hýackfired on the Geineral'S as À Buchanan. the onîr mani back en cidn't ..iop a "tx o mali, break, vatl~ Serge Savard sei-j ting Craig Patrilck in !Iie' cali a i ue10:38ima rk. Tlhe Winners struck tor, a !W . Hately.. ... 1... B. shotterI'..........1 J . Gold..........09 A. Randle......20 F. Wrightl.... .......... 209 fi. Bi'omelli............... .. 207Î RNE ASN J. Carter . .................. 207 ANR4ASN F. Sm-ithi . ....... ........ 206 623-3258 L. Coniiors............ 205 14 Rehder Ave, r. Broxvv, 205 Bowmanville S. Carsou M. Murpli....... ..203 Su(),qAsrac J. Honey-man.......203l Sn eAsuac G. Dadsnn)I R. lac ....... 20 Company of Canada K. -Pilier 2100__________________ réMAPLE L'e A GARDEN5 NOV. 22m27 b54 b C YU rt e, S l lltsi n TGifrne, i AIl th-e c« gcumpetifionB 'ruiii -II e- cis (rf 10E Coigo r -,ýcbi c(-,! ropirug, ,teei Yresulrip, wýd c. w m.rBrahmo 4 Oemonstrations By the Famed CANADIAN CUTTINO MORSES Wcdncsdoy, November 25 is "Country Night" featuring TV personclity Gordie Topp. T'mew et 0*'torfmanes.: Nov. 22, 2:00 p.m. gnd 5:30 p.m. Nov, 23, 24 und 2S, 3ý00 p.M. Nov. 26, 9:00 P.M. Nov, 27, 5:30 P.»i. und 9:00 P.0". Ticket pric.i: $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 und $450Q TIC KETS NOW ON SALE!1 AKUIR BO WMAN VILLE ~ Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, NOV. l3th 8 p.m. SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 ADMISSION Aauna - - bucUhiuren M-NONDAY, NOVEMNBER l6th TOTS' SKATING - 3 to 5:20 p.m. Children and Accornpanying Aduit -- 25e each O.H.A. JR. "A" HOCKEY TUESDAY, NOV. l7th 8:00 p.m. NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS OSHAWA GENERALS AD31ISSION Ends - $1.50 Sides - $1.75 standing -$1.50 Students and Children, Seats and Standing $1.00 RHARDTOP equipped. Kimberly blue with matching trim. A, beauti- eowner car stili undler new car wvarranty. 4-DR. SEDAN Swith standard transmnission. This car is in A-1 condition. STRATO CHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN Bwith automnatic transmission. custoin radio. inmacu- 1, a recent trade on 1965 model. PARISIENNE 4-DR. HARDTOP witb autona tic transmission, cIIstoin radio plus mî<.ier steering. Lorallv owned since new. of Quality Used Cars is low at the present tinie, as wve nodels. If we haven't anything on our lot to suit Yu, of our salesmien as we have several top qtialitý local lming in! on (rades in the ncar future' OM VOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER tew Preston Ray Lathangue Colin Cooke 1! 1 itew Preston Ray Lathangue Cm%#%dn m'ou% Ir 11 Fr colin Cooke