10 The Canadien Statesmnan. Bawmanville. Nov. 18, 1964 Federation Speaker Dairy Industry Changing From Surplus to Balance May Soon Have a Deficitý Flags Are' Lowerecl for Two Minutes Silence I "The dairy industry has erie-t are measuring the acid were centred around this topic M changed froni a sur-plus to a content of cream. The cream in hope that the varicus aspectsl balance at present. and we producers have spent $10,000 of producing food could be rnay bc entering a deficit" for part of the fiîeld staff to more clearly understood. said Mr Glenn Cole st a re- carry out this work. "Thej The Honaurable Maurice cent meeting of the directors large surplus of butter which Sauve, Minister of Forestry of Durham County Federation existed in past years maý for the Federal Government, ci Agriculture. Mr. Cole is nearly be depleted by spring' addressed the meeting and ichairman of the Onta ro Cream said Mr. Co]e. At the present stressed the importance of Producers Association. time th ere are approximately rural development. General Aspects or th~e creain pro-100000 pouncis of butter projects which had received çiucers at the provincialvl and fat on in stock. The large ARDA assistance were out- were outliined by Mr. Cole. In wha ales ini Western Canada lined. A new agreement be- Western Ontario some crearn- have helped the situation. tween the provincial and fed- Farmers would rather seli eral governiment is being grain than produce milk. But- studied at the present time. ter will be shipped from Que. Toe h tene h / j ~~bec to the Prairies. If Ontario einro DrhmCut needs additionAl butter it will meeg ronDur. am ton - alsocorn fro Queec. Dorrell, Nestleton, Mr. Howard 'Enough cheese is not being Quantrili, Campbellcroft; Mr. prdcdat the presenit to Bill Tomlinson, Orono; Mr. 171((5'O/. 71/NU meet export needs" asserted Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen; Mr. ABOTOLAE:Mr. Cole. Steps must be tak- Don Welsh, Bowmanville. en to fili export commitments. It was announced that Mr. Wà~E ~Foreign marktets wath* n in Don Coyley, Lindsay, will be ut spluswhethey re havail replacing Mr. Grant Wallace subluwe tanuyheaese onl- as fieidman for the O.F.A. abl. ritinbfore hey seîîoit.and will be working in this yea ahadzone. Mr. Wallace is naw Di- Export commitments this year rco fFedSrie o h rnay be 10,000.000 pounds rntariofFederi oAricl eebacethrneh fo ranaiosa eus us a e short. Plans were completed Otri e eainofArcl At the recent Rrebac service infon f tef several ognztosa h aiPs a en for the annual meetingor h ________ Cenotaph. flags were lowered. by standard hearers p]aved. A Durham County Federation of -~Agriculture to be held et Yel- e r.ad r#ScbKese _ _ _ _ _ _ _verton on Nov. 28 BROWN edMr adlAI Iacb. .sle ~<~INIT4W~ IUI~i jf ~ n ir n n andI AmY ai IVr. Peter' IlC Reports of the annual meet- ;t xeek iW a M e m o ie s n splr n g Ke ýser, Woodhridige, and with ing of the Ontario Federation; tlntended for last i'whek) NWUedthe oyalWin- of Agriculture convention were Brown's H. & S. Club heid 1itermlairtonSade d aRyal Wmn- ii010 given. The theme for this their annual Hl* 'e ary, ýbQIQ(iitI ome onuda. Thy: 623323.72ST year's convention was "Part- at the school on Friday even- 1 andion hi, irs j Ai 7SCUGOG esWhjifei hruh ng, Oct. 30th. The judges i'MI lotthe__program_ discussions were Mrs. Lillian Bennett and M îdMs -oknSmt 'iMrs. Mary Lunneman, Bow-,âirirýdte uraofM. manvifle and Mrs. C. Sharpe! The Importance to us todav here oo~nern ful îtoodth unra f r of Brown's. They had a diffi- cf the rnetnoi-, of those %vlco Disciussaiîg whiiat luetj!elî- .Mî. Taylor pointed ouL, lbe_ Joljn Caniphefl on Wednesdayi cult time choosing the best sacrificed their lives ini war ories3 of those who died jn cause peace rloe.s not neces- ai Wlih.inra parlour., O N TA R IO ~ costumes as there were a was emnphsized by 11ev. Glenn World War 1 and Woild War sariiv inean tranquilitv. Jur aîa~ lb i numbrNoTgRIdonespresnt.Ta, loiiii his arldresq on Mon- l Il nmear i s today, Mr. Tay 'Mundi-, irov î'd . toijc (iifnini ea. n dye\ ,ening. NIr, Tavlor was lor reminded bis audience that lhank.s e rifloîfo oi elfin il- ifarin îeu-ei)tlv so]d Teprîzes in the different ........o ...for -iii, I leri re Picoi clseswreavadd sfo-the us speaker a* the din-imeiyiories play ân imnportanrt in terestin p and uiplifting ad. los Fv adudegilner meeting oif the Rowman- part in the futujreý dress, President Laurence God- <)1 i ifCa ýMI. a1100 Mrs. lw:FvanLidrgilville Lions Club. IMemlorie- fcîr~ au ad~loeposdbspr-H S tiirSiîïroora to, Dos; 6-8.girs, afey Frsi Speiial guesis ni thte ions land dedicaluon tw a great cus ma ppreriaflnn Iothe ÊtIest *TocI (liii 1 \i:eriMrs. Verna MVargo Allun; boys, ,ack-in-the-1 Armisti_e [inner Meetiniglare inspiring. aîid thev huoy speaker. Fr' I' :.i'rli o rs ~~~~~box, Tommy Martin- 9_11__ fron Branch 1-48 of the Royal ýpeople up as a life jack et.does Glen Maî a r. a s p e. cOl.l îîllie -i(. e i ii h c been ai. enson; boys, Beatnick, Brad-Ident E. V. (Ted) Sheehan, Ini- explained. Such tnmnol'I.e9 <f the fines bîox cûllected that Efld lo s. ' îue Santa Claus' to Custoroers ini Townships:. ley Wilson; 12-15-girls. Blue mediate Past President James also remind uS thai ,the peace ievening lie ttined over int Ih am ,c, rdlrewt Dress. Patti Young; boys, Woodwvard, ?nd Vice-Presi- enjoyed today ip the resuit of Legiofl Poppy Fun.Ti-~*c iîdiîîî U'Â "Hav~ing Fun". Don Crowells; dent Bill Bates, Sergeant-At- the supremne sacrifice :For their secondnrl hy uselOke. thc, 011 n.Ni ~î Ms Darl.*ngton, Clarke, W hitby 'Comic -Pirate, Henry De-.ArmsE. .1 Rundle. Llewellyn country made hy those ,hil"rniiediate pâsi presîderît. andc Herh Roeft;. Mn'ew mark. CoupIe-Leopards---The 1Burtoni, Poppy Co-Chairman laid dotvn their lîves. lhe de- carrIed. son ai hM: W e. Allun, %,Il. and Dost Girls; best-dressed adult, and a merober of the Execu- clared, 1TebAnd Godso Roertai1Mnr. Ailaliînî. M i an a d E s ht yldTeWdw ueWlo;tive Board: Chaplain John Lix'- Memories aiso give motiva-,Kn.adGro'Cata n n.Cu .! hBw a d E s W ht ygent, A Lady, T. Wetter; best tmg, Bon Johinson. Cub Pack tion. he assertecd. "'vay the iwere cLob.latd C haRi' Mu île i te o'Mrad riwere cion.eleb at C heir himaMr 'Bei.aRionM ad WE IS T IFO M OU TH T LL comic, The Pickle, Hilda Cail; Chairninar: Bill Kilpatcîck, En- memories oif those who cour- BbENans reportedi that -wn.rk ,\ýrjjl rîi?'. o ;coeandi besi. couple, Clown and Lady, ttinret C irnadageousîy died for is- motix'ate l lxjtd o ONTARIO HYDRO EMPLOVEES ARE SU?- PgyBy ndGeiuhs BbHys Xiîe hi-us tiimeet the crisis and Ilt fth ionse cialfltîîv îlM r miani Lesteri Lantgs. P.iwinan- ithargispeilfu. Ù . Favors were handed oui. to lo aglesa Heîad of tor.lâ' Mr. Ta.ylo lor heSataClnsPa'ae.Cî,rî'îî à( Tek ville. ' IS gus t sai.rinor hSnairr a us- pa1id-ý,jrI1(é J PLIED WTITH IOENTIFICATION CARDS AND ail children under five, as well dînner1eeting as bags of candy and apples to R J,ý,. T K. Franiptoji iupr- NMr Tnt lio lke of Wolgavc his report Wr I iiai iSaid Mrs. THAT VOiT SIIOULD FEEI. FREF TO RE. ail children present. Lunchdiîcid the guest speaker'-aîu painters, boih <of honi bad The winner uf the Mpca nrnp \apfle Grove;I rwas served and another suc-telo 'lis î been asked to paint a pîire D' pizIxa bE n. Mis, SIui, Ul;w, iie QUES IDETIFIATIN FR M AN' I'R- cessful Hallowe'en party came Tv vr ho thas eici1 ene uf 1u-: Tue ockey j )rau, w ~ir r rs.l oîuoTrJ to a close. BxIf en l t B, a splied wili d apict ire <of a serene 1wrre. eNov, 18, Don CoIv ili c udN s.Ca'~B d ordlaiuied W 010h ,p t st,ý i r B d SON REPIIESENTING IIIMSELF' AS AN FNit- Mrs. Junîti Sinîipsuii aiidlChiurnhI, carne ta Bownmanville landscape of fields, gently rall- and Jack IIallowell: Nov. 21le Bownî:uiixille: Mrs. Geo.ý baby daughter returned home last August to becoîne the first ig hills, and a placid lake.l.Ai Farroxv and Jack Bonid: i Rahîn. (Greenbank, and Mrs., PLOYEE 0F THIS ORGANIZATION. ion Sunday. ýfulIltimne chaplain at the On- .ohj iis.pitdaîNov. 28, Bon 1-ennings and iJir. lLuhn Bunketon,i We wish a speedy recovery1 tario Training School for Boys picture that showed a rLIshingîpruce Luish; Dec. 5th, Godvn'îlxisited Mr, and Mrs.1 CAL UROFIC I B WM N. for Mns. Dave McReel is who0 - river and waterfall. ThisiSmale and Grant Herron. Eari Luku *PLEASE CL OU OFIEI O IAN s in Western Hospital, Toron- pctt hea re ro C.n iui Moe.tes-, îr. and \i Walter Law-r to fr urhe tearnnîona smnall piece of land om the retaix1 piesented accourits VILLE IF WE CAN ASSIST YOU IN ANY hier legs. brink of the halls, and in thielamountitx g to $327.26. S. R., i ~branches a bird w8 'aaPPilY!James, seconded by Ralph Mc- * M TTE REATE TO VOU HYRO 1 Brown's Busy Beas beld aiiians Intvre. moved Ihat ahi bills be isuccessful card party at the F r Tescn itr a hiad n hswscrid SERVICE. Ischool on Friday night. There Tescn îtm ~stepî n hswscrid were nine tables of euchree played. The high lady's prize 1 was won by Mrs. Wanda Me-infr aî,HAP O W. R. WALTERS, Nei.l; second prize to l'us, Wdl-HM PNr da Simipson. Two men were Mr. and Mrs. Bih] Harrison ýnesday mv. th Mr. aýd Kirs. Sid, Bowmanv'iIIe R.O0A tied for the high gents' prize, II and Kim. Port Perryvivîited Kerse, '2A-.61SO 'lst and 2nd went to Austin b t on Sunday with Mr. and Mn M Ivrs. NlcQuiadeý, O s h a l. a, Telephone !White and Cecil Mallev. The GAcokadHr viied ber niece MrF. Ron or write Box 1060. Bowmanvill. d oor prize v'as won by Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Alhin Clie n iýL ike, Mu.i- Luike and iblidren - -AIma Farrow' Bowmanville. viere Sunidax !on Sunday. Tickets had beu-n sold aïid i vsitors with Mr and Mîi i r and Mrs. Alla 'Macklin i the draw on the quilt was i aen Clemens, and fanilv v isited Mr andi Iwon by Judy Pitt. The second A numbeu <of Hampton re Woolheadi, Agiiicourt. oni ie o r h n s o prize, a pair of pillow cases, dents attended the' football! Sunday. We are so pleased to i ge o r h n swas won by Mrs. Grace Couch, , danceet Newcastle.L kno, v thiat M.Woha s NwateSLunchVILLq enedi I NINAL r.gatnded the. L.4Othed:mr.Overtogn Mouten o ____________ --ard attended the' reception at! MMc. and Mru. Fred Brenion,: _tht' Royal Winter Fair, Sun-IDeain andi Duanc, Mrs. Edith i ~~day afternoon, and in the ev-i Brenton, Selh. -visited Mr. and!r NEST ETON weekend i" 1Nrth EaY vMst-i NESTL TON lingthe Lonnie Chapman iaim. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S-1lM. anxd Mrs. Robert Wright 1ies of Fleetwood and Mr. andj of Janetville were supper Wii. Wrn. McCabe of Lotus ss of Mr. and Mrs. George visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I.Hueaslsîp on the occasion of Hyland. itheir 45th wedding anniver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCall sary. jof Toronto visited Mr. and. Mr,CC C. Stewart of Lînd. iMrs. Howard Lee and family. isay, Mr. Gordon Fleming of !Congratulations to Mr. and Hill Head and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Orvifle Tripp, (Mrs. John Reg Ruskin of Toronto were IDoyle) who were married Iast recent visitors wAith Mr. and week and honeymooned in New George Heaslip. York City. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Mil. Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Gray lard of W%ýhitby were Wednes. and David of Garden Hill. Mrl.1dayv vsitors with Mr. and Mýrs. and Mrs. Normnan Lyons and Grant Thompson. Lori of Uxbridge and Hermaný Mr. and Mrq. Wilfred Hoard Rodmnan of Little Britain. visit- of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. ed with Mrs. Herman Sameils Clifford Hyland of Scarboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wil- were Siirnday dinner and tea soli. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. George Bow-!Hyland. Cs and Mr. and Mrs, Reg,, Sutnof Orono spent__theý r and is. Oliver BRohrer Sutton - - ere in Mitchell this week. soRichmond Hill. v'isited Mr. er niece's husband Wlzliam son, Mr.H ,Bro Vyse of Vienna vas one <of anday Mr.H . arn three workrnen electrocutied Sund tcnraatosare îlien a nmetal conveyor îiied, arnes tongratulatins re for Inading corn onto trieks, extnde toMrs G.Nidcrystruick a high power iie, ýwho on Saturday celebrated: her 9Oth bjrthday. Her niany 1 x and MIvs. J. Tomkinz. ot friends rejoice with this re-' Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs, vered lâdy in that God has ýHibert Cox ot Udora wre re- IhLis spared her to enjoy lier cent x sitors -fith Mrs. C E n'îr. tarnîlton. DON'T GUESS! MAKE FERTILIZATION PAY TAKE A SOIt SAMPLE Soil sample boxes and the loan of so~il snmp. Iing tubes are available from: TIIE EXTENSION BRANCH, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE, BOX 730, 14 FRANK STREET, BOWMANVILLE. WX. iýL Rutherford, P.Mý, Fruit and Vegetable Specialist. Durham, Ontario and Victoria Counties. A. 0. .DalryrIinple, P.A g., Agricultural Rep.,, DurharnCountv. Ob H ~. .~, r(lntended for hast week? This whole community was saddened last week because oh ' athe death of Gardon Clarke, a yourîg man wbo had grown up \ in Port Britain and inany at- tended bis funeral in Port; Hope on Satunday. Flowers in: bhis miemory wvene ini thei church hete on Sunday morn-r Scuseo isrtheon in ten-, uhentonduroaySay Sinchrge nThe meb cf hane taa ew ri farmer chooe th Clancerociety atiàted ineporte a ery cinedterin candeofinsrutinday.theyrin- urde Mesdames H.Reeve. J adtebiH.cane H. ausn,' W. Tufof o, Thndyend laH. serronchuh srie ers. A. Autin and Muhs.mJ. farmerschoo We the Catnd Setyeindba- PIONEE becase 1 aanwoan t e edd aten- ed Chrc WmiTuPord Hond Mnd' reod veisite win. and ins rm ay.Thibsn-l Waltr, . Bet, HBersnic l.TffrAi thordeand MnMns .Asin a hby J weare a for W a eday tr Pars rv Sound andrlcs ,Acthe Frviciit wih r ~umnnand Mît o the mei won go Cled hSrngweek wekan ) Thndyeforvhied wahneri R.R.2, Bwmavill a r Hoe Hi ksof ox' o- lwe al sufcra e duato on terdaniy. 1CDi)UUIJI uIriflg anniversary nof1Mr. ainrbuudpy. M ns. Fred Crome, held al, thce Mrs N,,erviii Ilotjioy rhomne of thein daughter and spent Saturday in Tononto*ta Heservat'13be hsbnd Dr N rs.!seE the Santa Claus Parade., WeseOshawa. :Un Thui'sdav <of lasi xveekl Misses Joan PeIl anî d ith Mr, and Mrs. Gordonl Wakely,' Moo Oshawa, were recent'Mrs. Richard McLean and Deb-i M aple Leafsupper guests wilb Mr. andibic, IMr.AletPrla, ane L a Mrs, A, L. Blanchard.n I.'1 Package ToursA, T. Staintoîu, Peterborough, er -Alnadfriy called oni Mrs. Geo. Ajý mou'ý; On Friday Mi,. andM, andi Miss Bertha Armoun. Chas, Gilkes, Newcastle. n7isit- Mî's. Gea. Armoni' and Miss:ed at the Allun homne. . and.. Group Trave i Bertha AMmour were re%-ent M., to fifr WjhvI Mriic uns~ls Sid Coî'niîsh and family.,MrN u'..Lther Aii n inlY Discounts_______ rone. 1Misu M'ary Petcî.. xis.itî ni Mr- ...amd Ns. harr Ape-Mr.KenehWerryi'y aI - nn. of by, Appie ReWht rs. Ballard's, auna yMrs. 1ene, fUibvle Redy W hitee vi'io',UnIn"an e Adams, St. Catharines, werelvisiteni Mr. and Mrs. Elmie' a nd Blue Fares Iwi thbMn. and Mrs. Ralph Bal1ý Mr. arnd iis. Ceci] Siemnon, ___________________ rlard and daughtens.r were tea guests on Sundav, Mni. and Mrs. Ber. Buirowslwitb Mi'. and Mns. Dan Black, I JX.motored ta Picton an Sunday ;Courtice, and attended Court-1 CreitTrrivInI to visit Mn. and Mrs Rîîsseill ice Church Service wben the, Burro%,s, and were accom-: mortgage on their chunch was Hpanied by Mr. Burrows' mnotb- burned. te er, Mns. Chas. Bunrows afi Mr, and Mrs Edgar Cooper, otiAjaix. Toron to, and Mr. Russell Mn. and Mrs. Alex Carrick Wright. Tyrone, were Satur- ar nn ftour ad Mn . .ay nd ns. Ceci leowihMr Accommodations !,Trond ig for adys. indy eveil vsiton ih n Keefe and famil-, We are' Mn. and Mnr. Bob MeQueen pleased to repart ihat Miss rand Tamnmy, Toronto; Mr. and Wendy Keefe îs starting back'IMî's. John Cook anîd Lori, Cati tir see: to schoo], but in easy stages, Tyrnrie. Mc. anci Mrs. Perey .at-along i]lness. JGaodv. -iin d Nancy, Bow- Jury & Loveil Travel. -I%,r. and Mns. Percy Dewell: manville; Mr. and Mrs. Clif- 2 King St. East, spent the weckend in Peter.: ford Keeher and Jacqueline, horough with Mr. and _Mns. Cabani rg. were S unday visitons Bowmanvit te, Ont. Orme Cnuikshanks, with MrndaîiMv Wilfredî Phone 623-3361 Mr. and Mns. Lawrenice Srnale. Faîrrow and family, Starkville, Mr. and Mns. Reg Tapp, were Satundav evening dinneriMontreal; Mrs. Tedrick, Toron- guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- .ta, visiteni Mr and Mrs. Jas. mond Farrow. Mr Raymond iSmales. Misses Lauxa, Mantha Farrow xisited or Sunday!anni Marie Smahes. Oshawa, with bis mothen. .\Ins Victornspeut Sunday afternoon with, Fa rrow, Starkville. thei' gcandiparerîts. MIr. and Mr. and Mns. Douglas Iiig- Mns. Jas. Sma]es gins were Sunday evening sup- Mlrs. Sam McReelis xîiuied per guests wîtb Mn. and Mrs. la..t xeek with ber aunit Mrs. Bihl Sanderson. Janetvilie, Flomnie Goocall in Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. J. B. Wilcox Saturday afternoon callers and Donald, Cobourg: Mn. and with Mn. and _Mrs. A. W. Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and Mr. iPrescoti. were Miss Dorothy and Mrs. Ray Doble, Picker- Smith, R.N., Londan, and Mr. ing. visited Mns. J D. Hogarth. 'Don Agar. UJniv.ersity' of ir Mrs. Len Player and sons,iGuelph.1 i Bowmanville, spent last Wed- Mr. AyIner L. Prescott vist. 1 size "AS ADVERTISED ON TV~ ýW TIRARS OP PROGIRESS & LEÀ Morton Faro LIMITE[ Phone 623-22791 DEGEMBER STORE NOURS ý.01P -VE RY .U NT IL 9 pu rd* INCLUDING SATURDAYS December lst throu-gh Dec, 23, WATCH FOR THE