BL.AC~K S Tu C K Ishwa Hospital on7 _in'y Mr. and Glenn Larmer j J~ A M Te O.N.O. Club met et the Sunday guests of MEr. and Mrs. and boys spent a couple of I mJa ., oahome of Mrs. Joan Paisley oni Mervyn Graham. ýd«ys during th~e week with C ourt <7/s IV w cc /. #sc p.n wn~Tuesday, Nov. 1Oth, with 2I1' Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Blighti. relatives at St. Mary*s. members and two visitors at-I Erooklin, caIed on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar- Mas.Sru. Timon Edior I~n.987213 tending. Arrangements werei Mrs. Richard Wall, Sunday. tyn wer-e in Kitchener Satur- Q Q ing prizes at Commnencement. Triontjo this week. Mrs. Martyn's sunit, Mrs. Je-; The aninual FeuBze n~soehgl ftesces ________________________________________,Roll eall, A faveur I appre-I Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Her- cob Kercher Tahl vCutVnue edaoso or omn ciated. 'vas well answere<d. ron, Roger and Kevin, Wyorn- Mr. and Mrs. F'rank ThoxnP-~ (L) No. 1892.C.F.ath&vle()N.64 * ~~~~~~~Eileen Card was given a baby ing, Ontario, spent Saturday son and Miss Merle Thomp- Lions Comnmunit eteo r oe odtegte Instali 0 f ficers 0f f lew castlewe for which she expres: night with Mr. and Mrs. son, Ashburn le > Unda -tudav ftno wslighaheiebenedt 1l w a te;you card froin Jean MeLaugh- John. \Tenning. guests were welcoe yPe'Mnra oeyesao n lin was read. Three wordi Mrls Dalton Dorreil spent Sorry te report M~Ir. Sandv sident Marion Manb1esi ht ei ru ab Eastern Star O rder ?o aIa ij garnes were played. Next, three* days lest week attend-I Moore is in Oshawa Hospital1 Russel C. Il( .M..festl fflae Durham Capter, ES., thnks, an then hnded th Dec. 17. Lunch* ng a Rural Development1 where he underwent surgeryiDurhainCotyinffia] Court fte teiaire held their regular meeting on, gax'el river to Leola evc Workshop at Wallaceburg. !Wednesday. and Mr. Ceci] opcning Illrerisdo Frstr n rntod Tuesday, November lth. ThelPast Matron, and lnstallxng Ths ere ae g oefo ee ett isni fdegigsreytegoi okaemlse1B sae hth osd Tom ronto o ee Te ente' Court Ventureig sugerandegoalsor meeting was held in the Lions Officer. Sis. Leola was assist- Friends and neighbours in Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gray, Osha- te sanc tthveebrence' ýorno ose h Snain Port Perry today (Mon-i________Courtanhoortebentedt Centre, Beech Avenue, Bow- ed by John Muir, P.G.P. who Memorial Hospital, Bowman- wa; Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Mc- jtedanc e teservi W nesdaF! Claus parade Saturday, buti day). We wish a speedv re-opnCutVtresaul mnanville. was In stalling Patron for the ville this week are: Mrs. Stella Malien and Wesley. Ponty- endis gathereci in the Com- most people wetched It on TV.I covera forbot h al tesure dancesBazearand Te, enciwishe Introductions were made bY evening, and Edna Anderson, Anderson, Mr. John Davis,'pool' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mc- ml Hl o srieaiGrade 13 pupils, Mr. end Svrlfo eeetne eeMsî.E asnadtemmescniu sc Conductress, Nora COlwîi. Pmunity Hall foral. aseronKenoanMste rvicelaksoc adtr.Mrs. G. Paisley, Mr, and Mrs. the shower in Velverton Sat-I Lewis Stinson. who lter scored th guets Tev wee asistei inthe East Larry Bean, Mr. James Shortt, and Mrs. Jim Gray, Janetville. 10:30. The Guides and Brow-! hKa n e.adMs urday night for Mr. and Mrs.' A' midniteMrBe lcot. ta the East, assisteci by As- by Past Matrons and Past Mr. Ernest Rinch, Mr. Tom Greetings were read from Mr. niesanthiledredb Romeril went to Peterborough1 Mackie Mai-v Passant). as chairman. invtdheon Mr.JnDeitwsth sociate Conductress Annabelle 'Patronls of Durham Chapter. Lennard. Mr. Reg Wood, Mrs. and Mrs. Robt. Foshay of1 the Color Party of Sharon, rdynîtI e h lywmnsIsiueoe opet Rickard. The officers installed for the'Anne Bierstecker from R.R. 2, Trenon whowere unae to ,ad Sh ar rc onHe r, ons a o i esn" h oebrmeigo~patr.M ra ry er MsDrtyPre Past Grand Mlations aid'year 1964-65 were: Velma Sut-, Clarence Hale and Mrs. Rachiel attend.mrhdtohefotote Mr. and Mrs, WiI F'order Womnen's Institute xvas held read a congratuloredeswsichgefteCad Past Grand Patrons introduc- ton, Wrthv MNatron; Harry Rzesle.hall and pîaced the 1 wgere dinner guests of Mn. endi et the home of Ille president adtecmite peetc ot.i1h ovnco h 41were: Ecina Anderson,Freeman, Worthy Patron; FanRl' elaive of Mr. and Mrs. Canon Ashmore conducted the;rs Benson Dunn, Oshawa, Mrs. Percy Van Camp. Wed-Ithe guests --f hnrwthlIlf~rnsBot a n Agnes Young, Albert, Lowerx' W(Aalke,,. Associate Patron; Eric Foshay of Westvie ,,k sevctadgveaem Thursday. nesday evenling, Nov i lth, sng" room Itdrfltr ee-EsePot esse yM and John Muir. These Past Nr ChîlAscitla- Heights, Newcastle, surpriedý1ubs e sve ciire r e ' ~~Congratulations te Mr. and.with. 21 members p rescrit.I phone berich, eT harad e' Grand Officers were aiso hon-1r* ;AnbilRickard, Con- themwthahoueamig rssvadrss y loc cýMi-s. Bill Mahaffy (Jean Me- 1NMrs. Velva Bailey, vice pre- an occasionalchilohsAen uha ductress: Dorothy Mercer, As- pry Sudavevnin. MdCfiled oautln) neherd rngg sdet, neidd.hamper, set of T als ni orq.ry members of Dra at Sna vnn . .Iaglln)o ter Marysdet peid Cl~pter. sociale Conductress; Beth and M4~rs, Foslhay moveci intoau the reat notp he own aturday Meeting opened in tlle-,,s a trilight lair.BtcovorfteArnBoli Tepl ecetr; ol re- hirloev e'hmea outam ig hee b r M A Ms ithoie pn heulnane ih h d adadLan xresc her wsasit y .Mr Other guests were Past Dis- W e-knd to convenor of thoeeSabeuo' trit eptis, arart c'man, Treasurer; W i lb e r t, a montîh ago hî erhr-ThsCrer 1ive rs rohrj n rs. AGa. Rotierford nd ahe adopteriTerasur ter rdîttemad arr heirsJ~ h K ee er A ne C r g te . e a T ee p le , C ha ç)a îry W ilso n lsen ted vith a firep lace en -C t e r o vn c ofs O t an o e ak n g w a M saB en Moore anc e ta1 PhenPrMavsnce, Nellie Pî. , semhle followevbi' a buffet4, Moo sricndte D aputheGran Or ashal;elie Couroux.supphe. Hlowte ber !a Newcaste-The Newcastle 1wreath wag placed bv Mr-. 'Allen. Russel Mountjoy, whom ail in Blackstock.WetaeesiecbyM.Pa an isrc Dpf Ga;Mr. end Mrs. Wallace Mer- were happy Io see able te be The commrfitte nclrg asal Matrn Roe Mophev andAdah: Mary Wade, Ruth; Mari- sister-in-Iaw, Mrs. Peggy Mc-'Cubs mt A a ckmndeein, lx arthtM...,edlo pntte ekndwt otagi.gaete ianilweeM. ni r.Be lckjue F Pn oneo Pegy Mrph ofhieGrad bn IWiicox. Ethcr: Fay'e Sns'-Malciiandi nieces Miss Shar- iJwih"'iakmetn i h Agiaî b rchwrath Mc aspnt, heMrs ue asipk epdwfhot. Ag ivelyethe ianof wrMn. and Mrs.Ja.GyanwsM.OeFol.Mn Pettr- der, Marthe irer eru -Granhndd isLid h LosMomofteCo-b' of TctaOTrndo. r. Jack Mal andeothAnko hîs bi 1rth oft nMr. and Mrs. KnGa Past Mtrorîsand il. Ware ad a v e Aldrea - _ ttndngwe meeting &cross the hall in thc the National Anthietn sulig,of hHasis.inhecopeib.Di-M.Satz NI'adMrOfheVitvBthSewu Pat atrons vand CaesSnIVrnde lir a dBarPewl. heGekicn.Ago uotwsan ndicto:prOfuce Iller. a Mrs. J re nl cinIleas elfd re the s-th Art Rowant,MneniM asstdb Mr.ColR- and visitons were welcomed, r an is.J- aryadceso a hl ente5t AtRwn aiso the Past Matrons and Past Soloist for the ceremnon:esClub sang the anthem 'Forireported by both packs. The by Caiin iAshrnore. is Lila Hooey, Toronto, andi anniversary, also the De1-cemn- Stewart McQuadrpeet r. deBkr h e Paton, emer an ofîer \as Sister Mau, Alîdreari; God anci Cotunhrv" which I'mi boys pla),ed a couple of gamnes The Explorecr meeting on: Mr end Mrs. Leonard Hocoey, ber meeting. n Cadi-us.Louanie- raitas Sisher Elsie Ail- sure gave everyn1 ne a feelingite ondwhtersx y:usavwsoer yCifBwrlnil, c, ten-oon corumueîroes wîth aAtea cups 'Plie serving table ofDra hpe.I h n edr otysneoff' *p o t i Bobd mut ofthher nxigh ~~~ b ~~~getheý dread. P.-.. of rex'erence andi remiembrance. n, edr o1r Oe Epoe BbSan h x and Mrs. Albert. Wright andIcher w o stands out n y good urnovutetedthabauîu East memt r werco e Gads lmeitl foown th e BE Ln o rooer tests. Many off the nlew- niorer Purpose was repeated, lMr. and Mî-s. Fred Trewîn, rnemor\, and why, was an.s- bors and fiends rmBek f hyate bosar rîn er ad h mn'himmbr ol uday. wered 'by everyone. stock and Oshaa uc us u lfc r n Walkey.Wrth Morthy Matronofte andmolclose nitf Ctheh aveîheem-onîesern.thnîtawdProiserchtdgaveelothen fr U--1to. SaeaeîMncotheMrLaw,. CPromiseih garrangenludenth Their welcomnes xere sîncere ulations were offered and ýRev. Longs address, hie spokest ota hyma e E a ontd J.9 ieand Mrq. Neil Malcolm anci interesting report of the On- tertainmen,. adatatv ml ete that the same support given to sid w te ae f rsaned!th o est dail b eIte Tepant Naiicy Dorreilitoid the sloryý colm of Nestleton attended tion which she ettendedi attended the RylWne is ee alsadM thte b e spotd e to! athieerefnow. h nein l Cbatiii.Teplanoff the second chapter Of the:service in St. Paul's Anglican Toronto last week. the themle Fai- thî. past wek thmb loetne otei ,Ile saîd that war doer, in effect right now, is the studv on Trinidad. -Each Onei"h'nansl .SnraSeeîo -nee tnew o!ficeî's who would soon nteas1rsrain ndta weeken d camp for ail invest- Cooo." Rihrd Gjt r ch, Toro~vhntoJamesuMal-of wa N ationTmust eginel Tbscssg ekM.Knth ero.Teywr 8it betkigchre.U it 3 UCW 'e Cb i ot acs TeWilson wili bechwn i db rs .Hwis hs Ufe h usns th n it 3iU.CW. enplayfapeat intlieeta-e d n t cs TeDale Van Camp and Davidý colm Millett, infant son of Mn. Homes off the People." ~ Cu nu te cî nwoasse had ben dait wth te ~ icticri i27th and 9th heLrmer took part in the wor-1 and Mrs. James Millett, was Mrs. Stanford Van .i evnwr betakmg charge.lm Srip olueh off p ace, wh the ncab asbeern.d sî aiynDf eiatdbpie and were dinner neaci a letter from Miss Dor-Ail uces iths ibonanMr. rs Ja Wtofcrs ntcneoswt aoshy stating the ber.her They will meet et thelthe offering. Meeting closed guasts off the Miletts. Gordie, een Van Camp, Indore, andstletofomtîon tn offices and onve-s- windie ath usquote No greater love hall between 6 and 6:30 p.m with praye.M ivLvec a i eclidslyd svrl uenis n mbof el atvs po r. H ln Aln w s About Indi ci down bis life for hhat of bis will be returneci to the hall; Twcnty-three members at-Ispcnl the d1ay with their she had sent home from Indaded r o Commuik ecsl-Te Nvm fricnd". o udaiferon tended the meeting off Messei- .gi-anrimother, Mrs. A. E. Cook, and Japan. Meeting closeridedMsHwr acl hrec h ui rw y iwateTeNvrl nSna feno.(Eileen> withaceisrrstefrtatwner& .h Bowumeetng of Unit 3 off the U.C Last Fiday evening, Nov. AIl boys intenriing to go, gens on TueFday. An imegin- Brook]in. Mrs. Ida Taylor with the Queen, alter which birthday party nTedylvi uî a c hre sBhelinin the oard13, markeri the annual Coni- were given a list of the items1 arY trip te Brazil end Tnini- spentthe day with the Law- lunich was served andi a social ngta ironhmno-Bok h adkîtdbb îtoomn on Mondey evening,imencement at Clarke High. they should take, plus $3.()o rien wa.s led hy Elizabeth rence Malcolm famil',, Nes- visit enjoveci îng a reai bii-tdyspe e a o yMs cn Newcastle-List ofthte tOP:November 9th with 11îm-Mn people attenderi the for each boys te cover food Tlîompson. Worship service ; tleton. Mn, Stanley Malcolm and ail wîtflout rungayBk. jow1ers for the week ending bers in attendance. graduation,. Additional details expenscs. Transportation %,il] was led by Mrs. Ray Mc- is to leave today (Moudiy) of lier- suspicion hl u r.Joi oet a h tiovember l4th. The meeting opened \witn are publislhed elsewhere. be supplied by leaders and Laughlin. The hymn"eu'lfrEoiaweeh xet YELVERTON shopping, Pre:ent ee"utcneo !tePoi o Tension mounted ail (ver. the singing off the hvmn "Who On behaîf off ail the stu- volunteens, along with the! Loves Little Children" was bo spend the winter. Ida"'MsIaTyo c rw n Mrs. IadaAle fthe Community Bowling Lanies Is On the Lord's Side". A'dents et Clarke, I'd like ho leaders andi their assistants, aht sîng. Woyrk cn ri cap booksl Miss Arne Samnelîs, Mn. and onFia eeig a rsor uies eir floe ws h gauhsmuhbp latte ilGids xiabout Brazazi nd Tninidad ws M'.Buckie>. Orono, calleci Heaitfeit î.ynrnatili Is ex- Slailcy MaicolrteNiwstewne.Ms e TeFd Har oed snike efecsdNlri in whch pe inutole of. inss tenrdsucces mn hirpuinedi cminwiietptahd fte icig emssr ntar MstKnet ene Goitircmult MGouide.Jaes.ekl-Le eslkeloex-atr h stnike, his team and the 0Opp5 the last meeting were reari chosen cereers. tend the camp. Those boys; Sloiendid congregahions af-ISamelîs, Sunday afternooni. to Ms. onetnteW.JMacmstespilckedw. r.G.W lngteas a wel, erecher-andi pproved. The collectionl This Fiday night, No)v 20, who have already paid theirî oeii btncuc e uni] n.iIand M s.enfreyan Wd ten ri Gldenn iofthe dI Munh Bi-av MacmrsDreIL,60SggSretwa but bad luck cut ourinnnaightdiaften -'sinsured against accident. The ,preachierifrein the text. "We Van Camp, and Mrs. Francis montb oni son and brother.'grals le Eileenonbr39hcaebki itespefa tennhsrk.M.HaiThere were four home call' Dne1 etrei a seleaders have again asked thatlI would see Godl." The choir Werry. Fnniskilleri, called onAs obsgadaet, n1Sne ussa acni ih hc a ae cd ene pwth a btifull e oth 8-11: nd32snge35cp,. ndohuplies ar Tethose who have net yeh paid sang the anthern «I will go iIMrs. Nathan Rumney. i- adMrs. Georde r arightA ere M. a ndc]Lou s. id a n oae yMs li score ofup85,ad eauîu one tetale rst ma e aci2sn g le 5, ac-ioups c The their registration tee, tn\'tothe Strength oel the Lord,'jlandSna r.Fn ngt Ara eoadLusofPn rdt ru.__________ si cao! 385, an tries in, hosptal caî ls a Jononlthed ess isardimeod r caseldo so as soon as possible. This In the Anglican cbunch t1e Mi. ai-id Mrs Wilson Hea s-icute little fellow who wîll be the future eeks to get thatlwsappoinheri te purchase te ttti aca i ilb n.te mto e lb u- uio cor owîîî cý,li)Jànetvîlîe, spent St dy'almisseti, perfect game. cweso t TeCcil tByorkre owssCno as1e ît v-ihMnaben u I veig the1 P . ~~articles te be doneted te a iem !the leston e beffore our snitin eTh Cnain oy drtrrigon . no"Th've l b nert1 M-scodanvitsats- evenn b Frlday Nlght Mixed League lette for the hospital, hwsePcrani g rpdyandi covens insurance as wel.i more chose as bis tt.Take'Hprr- vVar' Calnp crilivtto xeddb 200ani oerTedHor 35 isedeidei hatetourChistFxm~ bnstms oysgong te camp must take cane off Pin', and wben I re-ý Mr. and Mrs. Bi-IlWann-n,iMr. end Mrs. Dale Stinson ah. blgh single and 862 high triple,1 mes meeting, each member ______ their $3.00 te their leaders et turu i1 wiil repay thee." fIr. Ross Wannan, Orono. Mi', their presentahion, for ail to! George Kimbaîl 328 bigh would give a dollar te UNICEFFte next stahed meeting se that Mrs. Leonard BradleyBo--, reiEdDeso ncioe Io see them, was accept- single and 844 hîgh triple, Ben insteed off the customrary gifts * lI I supplies cen be bouglit. manville, spent a few daysl Biuce,' Velverton, wene Sua- ednglm.asehortlytefoe I{oog mp262, Mage Patter- to "Sunshine Sisteî's". une At the close efthte meeting. lest week, and Mr, and Mn day 'gtests oet Mn. and Mrs.mdih.Atog h rl son 2b3, Mariiyii Couelh 243, To open the Devotional. M ns W Uft. the boys were reminded f0 go Alex Flett and Mc li 1Mrod McKeecmn cnutewn oni Wallace Couch 234, Bernice M. Rudman gave a poem "My straight homne. Campbell, Fenelon Feus, we.-el Mr. andi Mns. Eriiest Swain asleep end tlle front dean! Partner 229, Ken Dean 226, Purpose", fFoe b P uture -- ----_ - r- ougked. en tr The wa stn J{azel May Munre 222, Tracy singing off hymn 356, "Teke BI C,3.,arriswethrousea idow ent hostsan Embley 221, Josephine Zwier My Lite". Mns. Clara ScbmidByC .HriI Lette r to a i ln a Car retr ooserient unchly e 216, Murray Pattersen 212, reaci the scripture, Matthew Tea Carou tr or-srets, eofeep oun ee Stan Allin 208, Janet Mc-125, and gave the Meditation, îe s tr udao outoainr imONilida sedof nak- sa wt yu e trv ubnte eepy upl Cracken 208. Glen Rewe 204 i efter which Mns. Kay Powell-ls uueudratmtinJmONilîdyîi-edc r ihyu h hi mepceigests. John Cunningham 24,George! led in prayer. Mns. Enla Joselcontinue to multiply. Labor i h Sby haloeor-es faeamsso eedu stir LACKOn 0F FINANCINGg w Zweir 201. 24 he ae areding "Yeur Minister MacEachen recenti nhlSihvFisReodNetfceamsso ewduafehlocleOniednoed eveief Thurudy NIgn Mhxe Leae Tocloe ti 'orintoîri a conference cf industrial Dar Kid-.a 001-19e i a closed casket. the inSitarboreugah wtMaos i De I'm sure kixed d vue it et tPe Rclos h Melprtoon the hymn "0 Jesus I Have relations experts that te spread Io' nwyu nrebti o Iste ue ithat this wasn't tei croog ihMse 257, Beatnice Morgan 242,! n.ElaJs1he pk matien, legisiation may be read this letter, you will know it is you like this. 1 " do hope if, will be the last, ing the Detroit-Maple Leafl ulins Maureen Powell 250, Betty'briefiy on India, their governn- needed te unmit overtime and b o aw u-bhgame et the Gardens - a mosti Tendam 232, George M c- mn nireiin s nrdcpovIelnerane a a mrntalking about. Yusa e Sn ecause the next tîme you m ighexitn gmeanoe njy- mon programmstruhi3.hmyb ea o a Nan 26 Mr MGrgo 1,mtenstanelveriontesing film trie onre tauor hldasda atrno wil wstakigtoabeseJck -smeey' fril nihtei vnymiue !iandodicusth innca nea f or uin. ih Grace Couch 208, Hazel Whît- stnip, entitîed "Goori News and othen torms off leave. group of golfers ini front of Giff's Store net be se Iucky. That road is wide' On Saturday evenîng the ney 204. Frein Indue". This wesfollow- Compareci ho seme others, on the Brockville Road. You were tear- lenough for two cars to pass at the crest Yeiveirton Church Hall wa s Juniors eri bv a Biblicai contest also that is a conservative attitude. nte ihayi tedietono.tehilvu oe oblnl oe, u wl illdfo hepesna 200 and over-Gord Allin - An Alberta professer, foring down iehgwyi h ieto ftehl o oes lnl vrbt thier Mr the s Lrr 25,RnGo 25Saova ce yMs.Js.Lnilisacsggse oaChr ftw.noet one of the cars is smack inl Mackie (nec Mary, Passant)_ 257, Ron G4. om 55,shanon î'tensredb tegru ottetown meeting off political You sped d tr odwthyu h ide fte-od syng <J ETh VELOPMENT BANK. !n John St. Amandi 213, Gary! in charge. scientists that a solution to the defective muffler mkn it sound like Just whom were you t et im- dancing (or listening) te tPeiD Forget 210, Derlene Bowen 205, probien et nany people be- .9 , music off the Miroite Ramb-! Lînda Whitney 200. Bruce ~M ~conîng "ebsoiete for pnoduc- you were going twice as fast as yeu press? i'.i golfer triends. vWeilî,let me lers, a quintette off youtkîfull2 RNiOFCSAFOSCND Mercer 200.EU tien purposes" might be for really were. Se you accomplished part tell you something about golfers, kid, maie rnusicians from Ponty-1 Newtonviile Laies ~ *fl* b.U* the governnent te give every- of your purpose, didr't you? You at- The orily way you can irnpress them is pool district.wbo just recentlyl 0<50 N. 5 nvryAeu .snn:3814 175 ani over-adesnHl nE tnad iig(aw-tatda o fatnto ihaloHfet atreo 40yr oe.Mye jine oeh etim a PuleNoieishrbygvn hta meeting off tie trast to the alrnost uinensai on the other side. probablv more t hart because they came up against a situa- 111Fk Puli Ntie enbygienthtpro111ic-s o01 polilîcal paruies ccpno wudtea LU l" n-sugls 2 MlunicipaI lectors off the that the\-ss iii provide 'fullioepro ol have heen kîh]ed or îiorm that alf the dri-'înl- skill i n the C RICIDIN TAmil VILL GE F NE ICATLE Oipo\met ned s bearg erhribly injured and one of tien .vould -,oIrld couldn't cope with. And a s forI VILLAG E h EWCASTLE 1h does nner]tn earu hae e een that -ir] von had -vour armri our warped, immature fatalistic phi- ~' A A E T Y U 5 . %%îll bc hid in thethat incncased leisure Pas been, around. The seat she was occupyinc, iosophy about getting if when yu A A E T Y U part (if ite beriefits ef thîs is cornrnny' kncvn as the "ýsuicide time's . up. a philosophy flot uncommnon 1 4 COMMUNITY HAL, NEWCASTLE cn tanrs.poveeft it anl sat ecause the person using î i's5,the amoniz adolescents, 1 suggest that if Ldy Iatricua Haîr Spray --...- --su.lt99 78 on be argueri that geod works and! j cre mest likely 'o he killed in the event voi., are noina hi, participate in aduit I 4 UuUw~~~m, N O V . Z7 ~othc aded ree ume. En call1 f ecollision. You. ah least, had the'atiî' -and driving is strictly for iî -~.ue 0' ug it9c4 teraimcî m is aniusstenng hel o potctyeL bt head ui1ts, xou had better pet an adult IF I A I , N O e 27 tSocimn i1 i al u, teilow de o pvonthn ec lace wul statcrngfrsmon ie 194 t oo adthes urof730o'cock pm fr nrna- form.,has heroneie etfthe didn't. aphilosophv <on life - you had I IRI rl .-- uu it 9 6 cr the Board of Education and one niember of the Hydre- pair parental failure te dis-I gîs h ah ef vuha Jte akt o e20 EieettlC Commission for two years, for the Corporation change responsibilihy Pas be-ý board cf your hoh-rod, or cut ho rilîhens mnan abiout the sarictity cf life and get m Homei Permanent 1.4 of thse Village of Newcastle, In conlornmity with pro- corne enothen by the shattered Etlass cf thF-e ,vi nd - yourself straightened eut. kid, before i~41 visions of thse Municipal Laws of thse Province off On- Th is glibly angucd that if wO: shield' Onc 1 sw afc rahdyen kili veuxself. 'our girl friend anid II tarie. If more tIsa the necessary number of Candidates ýwill eccept tPe concept of* gis ahor.Adsbadi oto te epe cikSanesBa e are nomlnated (and a poiliis required) the proceedings total leisure, tPe schools cen be pe a tudashbof edahbrd is a a lIn ort -<itier pepo i will be adJourned until utili7ed ho adapt sociehy te a cfeqip rt.esnInshrt- p wothwhile. wonklesq exist- i uhopr h i l ettva sturcan îy piece shexta n ebdale iî x S AN Dandruff Removr ug.Is .09 c < M O N D A Y , D EC 7 schrool only beceuse thev ar, but when a face hit-s îh 1h docsnr iv anid sonehimes even an embaimer can't M O N D A T, ~ 7 ence Bot cbildren attend j che. h, icetaki!l dnt ahtecao shap , cu uphe et nemalerivn l:v hlo sg.u 5 1964, when à poli w~ill be opened at 9:00 o'clock in tonceci ho, andi idle parents!vr'mc.Te aetkso hJcn:hp p h eut ffoldîîg, After "Od Sice 97cto tIse mornint and continue until 8 o'clock ln the after- lwould be poor dîsciplinanians tours cf that dashboard. Those contours likp \ours. I "w.,,FOR THIS' Doon o the ame da and o longr, ineach PllanghboardeaYheswTulknot nhatmgIt haveprwuittnenur dshbnaFOR e,, 1 kAw wha I hae Kvrtten no-ison of the am idayagd e esloner. i AcPolg Aietehsoudnet wan< migthhevlono c tt mmvoor ar - snihintipesyu n ibt1iBOWMANVILLENWASL i subiv oinion etIs illge Ff wank s.tlde nd thlagte hw ork haroytethe ahots but fa e o' omuhfracsnsmhaveoethin mre ocriebitdbtiJ mald Noiation M te etuing OFcrn . PdeoVilge bhemplod in wPkes adface hav onethun mor te av a dTtiRE Of wk, sh a ll ese rtr Ofie. a n tic e in idsi awrkes Consider yonrself lucky, kid. 10con- stîreiv ývil] irn press ycu. In fact, it wiîiI' A KlilSO E " T R 0f wichailperonsarereqire tetaannoicecity. entis main- sider msl lcythat rmv wife wasn't sock voU rgtbetween the eyes. If on A E EGJU~)A~UU FRANK B. PIDGEON. wonk. To preach. that state-' children at the same time ;,oî were. an accident in which someone wa s kill- JURYV & IAVELL?'P' UIV~ Clerk of thse Corporation cf N'ewcastle. enfonced, stateýpaid leisure u ni deryorsDURA y. oug grlUV oriM U1A ouwoud5av l5U ou eitber possible or beneficial i os ideb6urcl Ick. ooL ir.AdLr nireiyo wul hvel-t:ou a herniful absurdihy.' You're lucky yeu are stili a pretty girl precious littie driver'% license. iiwh